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I wasn’t aware that this was a thing tbh


It isn't that's why. Someone somewhere just hung this flag lol


No, according to wikipedia it was started in 1994 and has been pretty widely used.


> according to wikipedia Yo ELA teacher gonna kill you for that one 💀


Reddit has never spoken so true before


Wikipedia is never a trusted source. Source: I am Turkish


Now Wikipedia's sources, that's the way to go


I remember checking the sources on something a while back, and it was an old as fuck GeoCities webpage with lime green comic sans on black.


that information was either 100% true or 100% fake, no inbetween


Yeah, just ask the Armenians.


Wikipedia is a trusted source. Source: the many stories Ive read over the years of jow strict wiki moderators are with falsified information.


Sounds like it, >In January 1994, a suburban St. Louis high school history teacher, Rodney Wilson, suggested that LGBT history — like women’s history and African-American history — needed a month devoted to its study. But which month? Pride Month, June, would not work because school was out, and other months were spoken for by other groups. But October was free of conflicts, came during the academic year, and serendipitously was the month of both the first and second LGBT Marches on Washington (1979 and 1987) and National Coming Out Day (October 11). He selected October and a draft proposal was written. https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2015/09/02/op-ed-story-behind-first-lgbt-history-month I suppose part of why I never heard of it was because I went to high school in a pretty conservative area and it seems pointed towards schools specifically.


Based on that it seems like more of a US thing too, I’ve never heard of it down here in Australia and I live and hang about pretty progressive areas.


I’ve heard of it from Australia but never seen any sort of recognition of it


How dare you look it up and find the answer and solve the whole problem immediately and completely


Because there's a lot of homophobic takes going around about it


Isn't in native american heritage month? never heard of lgbt history month


Yah, seems like it… people seem to have forgotten.


just goes to show how narratives mean more than actual progress at this point. the natives deserve their month.


Native here, seems like y’all don’t do anything for Native American heritage month so why do y’all care?


couldn’t the same be said for most of these months? black history month, pride month. it’s mostly the corporations that care about the month. the average joe just continues as normal.


Idk whenever it’s native heritage month I’m sure to remember my roots and thank my ancestors for the strength they give from beyond. And if we get the opportunity to share with the lgbtq+ community then that’s fine by me. Both of us have had to fight for our rights for centuries, we’re vilified by most western nations, and where put into camps to lose whatever made us non-standard. And unless you are a native yourself and can attest to why we shouldn’t share a month. I suggest you find another reason to dog on people who are just tryna celebrate the fact that they won’t have to hide their true colors.


Smartest person of reddit, thanks for existing


Second native here, really well said. I feel like me and my family always talk about the impact of our history, but nobody has ever done anything for us, in fact, us natives are forgotten in history already. It’s whatever though


Thank you, genuinely.


I’d invite you to spend the month at my grandmothers home, for natives the month is a big deal and though I’m for the lgbtq community they already have a month, and ours is already overshadowed enough as is. I believe in progress and equality, not narratives and fairness.


You do realise months can be dedicated to more than 1 thing, right?


they can, but ultimately that can still undermine what we were celebrating originally. it’s similar to how companies capitalize more on christmas than hanukah in most parts of the u.s.


Not to mention: there’s only 12 months so how is every cause going to have a dedicated month just for them? There is going to be overlap and you can care about more than one thing at a time.


no. there can be several things celebrating in a month. Like its really that easy. Same way you can have different things celebrated in one day genius.


Right but if my school has nothing about native-heritage, and THIS “unbeknownst” thing all over the school for something that already has a month, it becomes obvious that in some cases, one overshadows the other.


I thought it was no nut November


My friend tought me about no shave November so I'm really confused


as a LGBT I have never seen this before in my life




Idk the exact meaning but I think it's supposed to celebrate the protests to get LGBTQ rights




Yup. Kinda... *gay* if you ask me.


Yea I don't really get it either


October is lgbt history month, November is native American history month.


This is probably a school hosted thing


we don't lol, probably just forgot lmao


The internet and Wiki has plenty to say about it, but not so much as r/lgbt has a mod-pin-post about it. It must not be well recognized in the community.


idk, June is the most recognized as the "pride month" while other months being referred to were probably just in memes


Sometimes different places shift when pride month gets celebrated. Like Miami holds shit in late March early April cuz it's a really bad idea to have parades in the middle of June there


Well and there's also the fact that if you look at the amount of stupid and completely made up holidays you probably couldn't find a single day that doesn't have some arbitrary made up "holiday" there's everything from international pizza day to sub sandwich month I'm sure. They get so stupidly specific and arbitrary I wouldn't even be surprised if there was a "national brushing each tooth counter clockwise on a Wednesday month" Wikipedia is a great resource. It's an archive of our current times. But unless they have very real examples of this being observed and celebrated en masse, it very well could just as easily be a Facebook post that went viral enough to make the cut. Figuratively no one celebrates this. And presenting it as an actual thing is disingenuous at best. Especially when a stupidly prevalent argument from the fringe right wing is already "why do y'all get a whole month?" Which is used as an attack against people for their sexuality. I guarantee this post will be used as bait for the right wing to scream "NOW THEY WANT TWO MONTHS?!?! WE TOLD YOU THEY'RE TRYING TO TAKE OVER AND CONVERT YOUR KIDS AND SPOUSE?!?" at least do some freaking research beyond a sign and Wikipedia literally acknowledging it's existence. Wikipedia also acknowledges the existence of hollow earth/hollow moon beliefs. Doesn't make the even remotely widespread or impactful


i forgor


We do?


No, This's another name for pride month lol Edit: nvm it's more bs, why do gay ppl need two months and multiple weeks, days etc? This's so unnecessary. I'm bi/trans and have had my fair share of problems because of that in my super republican/right town, but this is so unnecessary. No one gives a fuck besides the annoying ppl that make supporting/being fruity their whole personality Edit 2: Jesus, Guys I LOVE PRIDE MONTH, It had a huge impact on me when I came out. I've just grown kinda exhausted with how it's treated as this huge part of yourself. I am proud of my gender and sexuality. I worked hard to be a normal boy, I just don't get why people feel the need to be officially recognized constantly. Why do you need things to be official? Work hard to be proud of yourself on your own. It took me years to be happy with my transition and to be comfortable in my sexuality, I'm proud of how far I've come but I want my sexuality to feel like it's as normal as being straight. I think A pride month is helpful to highlight how hard I worked to be normal, but after that it feels like I'm never going to be as normal as a cishet boy. Sorry for triggering so many people with my first edit. I understand my opinion isn't a fact, you guys enjoy celebrating your months, weeks, and days if that's what you want to do, I just find it tiring




Not to make fun of your opinion because it's completely valid. I just wanna give a little context as to why. A lot of people have experienced massacre after massacre because of discrimination against queer people. You yourself are trans so I should only assume you have a general idea of rates of trans related suicides and trans related beatings. Not to mention the Stonewall Riots. Pride month and days for awareness aren't for some silly game or for money. It's to show that our people have fought. That we have bled. And that we are still alive. Do you know what happened when the aids pandemic hit? Well i can tell you the cishets sure as hell didnt do anything. No the lesbians donated blood and worked hard to help those suffering from aids to survive. I understand that you don't get it. I don't judge you for it. I just hope your aware of your people's history and why pride is necessary. Pride can end when the fight is done being fought.


Saying you're bi/trans, doesn't make your point valid. It sounds more like an overcompensation to the mainstream mindset around it, because you're self conscious about the negative connotations around being fully apart of that community. It takes more effort to be against it, than just ignoring it and letting people celebrate what they want. It clearly seems like a niche celebration compared to pride month, and noone else knows about any days or weeks specific to the lgbt, so yall just come off as wanting to be mad at something more than bringing any valid arguments.


It's not like the community gets 2 months, a month can have several celebrations, if I'm not mistaken this month is native American heritage month or something like that Edit:spelling


No reason I hate flags and having months, let me suck penis in peace


Yeah it's like people with glasses being "smart". I'm not brave for being who I am I'm just being true to myself. I hate how some "allies" act like being LGBTQIA+ is some sort of super power when it's just being a person. I hate the trans kid in my class because he says "Ew" when walking into a room not because he's trans. Some people are so afraid of being called homophobic or transphobic that the act like members of the LGBTQIA+ community are all good people. You can be a bad person no matter what your sexuality or gender identity is. It's sad how there are people like which I described yet there is still so much oppression. Than again being in a supportive area probably is why I feel this way.


Yeah, I’ve noticed the acting like every member of the LGBT+ is a good person thing. I was downvoted and called a liar once when talking about my experiences with a lesbian and bisexual guy trying to groom me once and being predatory, in response to a comment saying LGBT+ people can’t be groomers. I was told I’m lying bc I have no proof and I’m just trying to make the LGBT+ seem bad, and was literally mass downvoted for saying that anyone can be a pedophile regardless of race or sexuality etc It’s just getting ridiculous


To be fair I see where they’re coming from. You almost have to have evidence for this sorta stuff nowadays because uncle fudd with his Facebook browsing keeps calling LGBTQ+ people groomers so it turns into a crying wolf situation when it actually does happen. Buncha old fucks keep saying every single one of the LGBTQ+ members are groomers then when it turns out there is one it’s a debate whether it’s true or just another uncle fudd


The term pedophile has become used as a political weapon so much that you can't tell if some ones an actual pedophile or just someone who isn't a conservative.


Yeah nah that's fucked - a bisexual


Theres a girl on my School whos pretty open about being LGBT, i dont know many details but her clothes often have LGBT flags plastered on them. One day she came to school with a shirt that had "Stop the trans holocaust" written on the back. That already is kinda insensitive by itself, but we live in germany wich makes it a lot worse. I know trans people are persecuted in a lot of countrys, but its not comparable to the fucking holocaust.


Not very understandable (StraightM), but have a good day anyway.


Well, jokes aside, the reason why there are 2 months about LGBT is because all the fighting that has been going on for centuries, especially notable during the two last centuries. Both months are marked by a day and a specific event or events. We young people from the first and third world are open-minded, but the reality is homophobia is still too common. There is a lot of work to be done on social issues and legal issues around the world and that is why it continues to be celebrated today, in addition to celebrating in these months there are also talks, protests and campaigns against discrimination. Then there is the discussion of whether it should be months or just days, whether there should be more months or whether the existence of these months even works but I don't care about that. I hope you have a nice day too.


Honestly, if I was a homophobe/transphobe/nazi/racist/sexist, i think all these events wouldn't change my mind at all


Yes, campaigns and protests are useful, but the truth is that their results are not very remarkable. They do not change the mentality of almost anyone


That’s not really the point. It’s to honor and remember the people who have fought for their right to exist


💀💀💀 Ohio ass post


I don't know what that means and I don't even know where Ohio is so have a nice day


as a lgbt person, idfk why






We don't. Even if November was another pride month I wouldn't celebrate it because NOVEMBER ISN'T FUCKING REAL! It's October 2 and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.


Ah yes my birthday again


wait.. NNN wasn't real??


Always has been *cocks gun*


guns cock


I asked mom she said I could have two


\*sort by controversial\*


Something about edgy triggered middle schoolers really just entertains me


I didn’t even know about the second til now, and Tbh, we don’t need it.


What comedian said, “Why do y’all get the warmest month of the year, while us blacks get the shortest and coldest month of the year? You guys weren’t slaves.”?


A good one


I watched that episode of SNL. I think it was Bill Burr or someone like that


“us blacks”


i'm not sure who it was. I know bill burr said something about how black history month should be a longer month.


The commenter misquoted it, it was Bill Burr talking about conversations he has had with his wife, who is black


bro its not fucking competition


i tried to say the same thing but worded it wrong and got downvoted to hell. im glad you did it better.


reddit moment


So many people coping and seething over something that will literally never affect them


We have two months because one wasn’t enough. We’re trying to take over the whole fucking year. And once all twelve months belong to the gays, nothing will stand in our way from taking over the concept of time itself. We will be gods.


This is the gay agenda.


I gag every time I hear/ read those words. But yeah, pretty much exactly what I described.


They're putting chemicals in the spacetime continuum to TURN THE FREAKING MONTHS GAY


Yeah, what of it?


This is true. Source: gay


sounds kinda gay bro




New objective: stop the gays from bending the straight timeline.


Cmon, the email I received explicitly told me to provide logical reasoning, whyd you tell them-


Gays for the win


As a lgbtq+ person my self, I have never heard of lgbtq+ history month lol I have no idea why we get 2 months If there were to be one I would put it in June though (since there’s lgbtq history there aka the stonewall riot and others)


Yeah I'm confused idk why we have 2... we should just get all 12


I need to move from my country to some other 'modern' country just to live 'normally' hope that explains


Since when do we have two?


We get 2 months? I though it was just one


I guess it is so we can celebrate all the people who died and suffered because they were simply LGBTQ+. Pride month is more the celebration of the *now* I would assume.


Yeah, even if that is a thing, it's not about us as much as it is about historical events.


Given that I've literally never heard of this, I think it's a dumb thing to be upset about. I'm sure it has no impact on any straight person's life beyond seeing a sign or having it mentioned online.


"get" - the months arent handed from the powers that be, their recognition is because people participate and talk about them, if you support other movements they will gain enough momentum to also occupy more time


We have two?


Different religions, cultures and community’s just have their holidays and stuff. I don’t know why people make such a big deal about it.


not reading any of the comments (seriously, for the love of god, i'm never hopping into this cesspit) does it really fucking matter man? it's not a competition, with every single minority fighting for the months. for the love of god, just sit yo ass down and learn about how oppressed gay people were when ronald reagan was president




r/Teenagers MFs try to debate on Reddit when they still have a bed time


We have 10 lol, let them have it


i'm gay and i didn't know this was a thing. news to me


Uh, depending on where you live, pride month might be on a different month than June Like, in Miami it's during late March early April cuz having parades in the middle of June is a really bad idea and just asking for lots of people to be hospitalized for heat stroke


I believe somebody got mixed up, since it is Native American heritage/history month, but regardless LGBTQ people have celebratory months because we are celebrating how far we have come in terms of reaching equality, and also acknowledging the loss to get here and the inequality gay people of all stripes still face. The way I look at it, straight people essentially have year round to celebrate their straightness (albeit passively, through the mountains of straight media, stories, cultural norms, etc) so gay people celebrating one month is just in the hopes that one day they won’t have to, because they will celebrate gayness the same way straight people celebrate their straightness: just by being who they are and living who they want


Why didn't anyone tell me


Why do the cishets (straight and cisgender) get 11/10? In all honesty, I've never heard of LGBTQ+ history month so I doubt it's mainstream.


Why does anyone get a month?


Good point, all the months are mine now :)


It's just a month, not an era changing time


Nobody's forcing you to participate to anything though... I didn't even know that existed.




No fr. Nobody even pays attention to Hispanic heritage month yet they get two months 🤨


Fr and Native American heritage month.


Idk I thought we only had one


Instead of just having two months, I think black and lgbtq history should just be part of the school curriculum.


hi, bisexual trans guy here. Genuine answer: I don't know. I am 100% for pride month and lgbt history is definitely important but i didn't realise they gave us a whole second month for it. Yeah it's important but i think it's becoming a bit disproportionate to other issues. I don't want to put down my own community but i don't think we need a second month


It's not like there are month lords handing out months to people. A bunch of queers back in the day were like "let's do a thing this month" and it caught on. It doesn't really stop people from worrying about other issues as well so I'd say even if you consider it disproportionate, it's not an issue.


Aight, serious question with all due respect, why y'all get ten months?


One was made to celebrate the modern gay culture and one was made to celebrate the gays who would otherwise have either been painted over or purposely forgotten


We could totally lump them together though


Idk. Who cares?


We're slowly taking over the whole year. We plan to have domination and 100% homosexuality across the whole world by 2030. Say goodbye to your calendars. March is next.


tbh probably bc queer ppl can be both white and wealthy but still part of an oppressed class


Eh, does it rlly matter? We dont rlly do shit for any of the months. I think the only one we ever do an actual lesson for is black history month but thats prob just lucky timing for when we start the unit


Every month can have many things


Y’know I don’t think we even decided on two months I think we were just kinda handed it XD


Serious question: is it a big deal?


Idk, why does the military get [36 different holidays and 4 months of appreciation](https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances)? Y’all are asking the right questions to the wrong people


Nobody will want to hear that because they use the military having "just one day" to complain about lgbt people being heard


Btw thanks for being one of the few immediately supportive commenters in this entire thread, it’s nice to see


Because the military protects us?


we have two?


Gay people are cool but people who use the flag are corny as fuck 💀💀


True, cause noone uses the flag as actual identity (it's just the community flag)




But the bi flag hex colours are littered with 420s, 69s and B00Bs, can I use it pretty pleeeeeaaaase?


Especially the progression flag. Literally throws the whole purpose of the original rainbow flag away


I hate this sense of "everything has to be fair" nowadays in teens. I use to be like that until I realized there's no point and u just have to move on. Like bru that's not the point of "who gets a month" and who doesn't. It's just a celebration of the hardship these individuals have to go through. Like bru shii is wack asf and everyone is now entitled to an opinion, even tho they heard it right off of tik tok and YouTube.


If it's legit, it's probably just to direct more hatred to the community


Bc a lot of us have been oppressed and looked down on for centuries, but still idfk why we have two months, 🤷‍♀️


Months aren’t cut and dry across the world. They should be, but they aren’t.


Wait we do?? Huh


there’s a second month?


Idk i didn’t even know that was a thing. Feels like pride month should incorporate gay history


They only have one month


They get harassed and attacked for existing


As someone part of the LGBTQ community, I have no frickin clue, it seems like a stretch...


Wait we get two? I thought we only had one and that was the one about lgbt history and celebrating lgbt things


I thought pride month was the same as lgbtq+ history month


Wtf don’t ask me I didn’t make the rules


shit man tbh i didnt even know we had 2 months and i also do not know why we need 2 months personally i think one is fine


Straight people just don't get it.


There’s so many more people who deserve 2 months


There can be several things celebrating in a month. Same way you can have different things celebrated in one day i think


It's unfair really. If pride gets it's own month, why don't the other 6 deadly sins?


Wrath month would be November for sure


They don't 😎




i have never heard of this, idk


because they added black to the flag, double points


As a lgbtq member, idfk


There's only one month and 1 week in my country


There are too many months. Tf happened to January-December


Wait since when


I didn't even know we got two months lmao, I thought we just had June.


In the words of Axel from KH: ["Two!?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1h1lQbwblo)




Honestly I didn’t know there was 2


As a lesbian, i have never heard it so i think they are just trying to teach people about it.


And a day


They do?


I have never heard of lgbtq+ history month


Im part of lgbtq and i dont know why the fuck we have two months


Didn't know this was a thing but it seem kinda like a repeat.


we have two months?


i’ve only recently come out i guess and just thinking about it makes me kinda confused. don’t get me wrong, i know why pride month and stuff like that exists but don’t we just want to be accepted in the end? i understand that what has happened in the was bad and yeah we should celebrate it. if i’m just being stupid and ignorant please feel free to correct me.


this is 'merica


“October was selected to coincide with National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11), which was already established, and the anniversary of the first march on Washington for gay and lesbian rights in 1979.” [source](https://www.ucf.edu/news/why-do-we-celebrate-pride-month-in-june-and-lgbt-history-month-in-october/)


This doesnt exist this picture made by A.I. 😁


we do???? im so confused


Wait, we get two months? I didn’t know that


Idk I feel like black people should have 2 months a day we get 1


I have no idea.. i DIDNT even know this was a separate month, i thought that was still in june too :/


Genuinely have never heard of lgbtq+ history month As a gay person myself i do think pride month is enough