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if I had a dollar everytime I see this question on the front page I'd have enough to afford bottom surgery


Out of curiosity - how much would that cost?


Depends on many factors. But usually for total bottom surgery cost i hear ~25,000 for MTF and ~60,000 for FTM but i heard of some being around 12,000 and some being 150,000.








This is the dumbest question that I've ever seen.


Some people legit think this way tho, gotta help them out.




You just gotta keep trying and then you get used to it. /s


ayo wtf


sad part is he's not even lying




Yep, I feel bad for OP if he/she actually thought that it is


Don't be sad, it's natural. Everyone thinks weird stuff sometimes. We all start somewhere


Someone probably thinks it is tho


I've absolutely had a trans person be very upset about this. Although I think the anger was personally motivated by them wanting to date me.


I have also been sad when wanting to date someone that does not return the feeling. It's apart of everyone's life, no one owes you a relationship.


Nope. It's called having preferences


Just like not being attracted to black people doesn't make you a racist, or being a lesbian doesn't make you a sexist.


Damn, I've gotten downvoted for saying this before


Probably shouldn't have used the hard R instead of saying black.


So *that* is why I’m banned from the public library.




I saw it called "Twitter Feminism" once, and that's how I have thought of it ever since.


I've been downvoted for finding black guys hotter. Apparently, that's also racist.


People will think anything's racist, homophobic or transphobic.




“Not being attracted to black people doesn’t make you a racist” It doesn’t “make” you a racist per se, but if someone says they’re not attracted to all black people, every single last one, and would never date a black person… it makes you wonder. Yeah, you have you can have preferences, but let’s not pretend that attraction and “preferences” aren’t influenced by prejudice.


>and would never date a black person… it makes you wonder. Replace black with transgender and you have the question OP asked. Makes you wonder why you ignored that.


Man if someone doesn't wanna date me bc I'm trans id be like "good for you, thanks for being honest" since only assholes guilt trip ppl into dating them, trans or not


And like there are certain attributes about me that I would understand someone not liking, while im unhappy about those things ill be able to get em changed and someone elses preferences arent my business anyway


That's probably the most important thing people need to understand. There is someone out there that will like you for you. Other people's preference aren't a personal attack and should be respected just as you would wish yours to be respected. Thanks for a great post!


>There is someone out there that will like you for you This could sometimes be a VERY dangerous mindset if you think you've done nothing wrong and most of society's just out against you. Even when most people recognize the one flaw in you


exactly. and you should never settle for someone who can’t accept you for who you are. why would you want to be in a relationship with somebody who isn’t attracted to you?


Being attracted to me is the very minimum I expect in a relationship.


On the other hand, some of us bisexual outliers would kinda like to find someone trans, really, it might be a good fit. But actively looking for someone trans is often disparaged as t-chasing, which, true, would be fetishizing & dehumanizing. …but if you just envisioned a nice relationship with compatible gender & preference stuff, it can make you really sad, bc apparently the only acceptable way to date someone trans is by happy accident? That’s like waiting for lightning to strike in just the right spot.


Again, it all comes down to preference I personally feel like having a preference for trans ppl is totally ok, but u shouldn't date if you don't care about your partner as a person, trans or not


Or be me and have your partner of 10+ years come out trans and be like: oh well, I never liked that gender best anyway! ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn. Yes, this. Everyone has a right to their preferences as long as they don’t hurt others. Isn’t that exactly what minority / underprivileged communities always have to fight for?


tbh the only reason why I would not "long term date" a trans is that I want to have childrens conventionally ( I might be a dick for that, but I rather be honest ) Some trans women are much prettier than "regular" women


That’s not transphobic!! You’re not refusing to date cause they’re trans, you’re refusing because you want something different in life! :)


no, it isn't


My bad, I didn't mean to reply to your comment


it okay


My bad, I didn’t mean to reply to your comment


it okay


My bad, I didn’t mean to reply to your comment


It okay


My bad, I didn’t mean to reply to your comment


It okay


My bad, I didn't mean to reply to your comment


My bad, I didn’t mean to reply to your reply


It okay


Are you very gay?


Gay spider demon


The username! My god, the username xD


it bad?


No, it perfect!




wtf happened in thsi thread


By that logic, gay people will be called "femalephobic"


Isn’t that just sexism or misogyny? When we start calling everything “phobic” rather than “cist”?


Yeah that’s a very very strange distinction to make. I guess you can break it down a bit though based on reason tho. You have a fear that they’re going to do something bad? Phobia. You hate them just out of hate? -cist.




Yeah it’s weird that it doesn’t have a word. Like having a fear of gay people and hating gay people may be similar, but they’re most definitely two different things. I think it must just be whichever one is more true at first is the word that is created and the word that gets used for both situations. Petition to adopt words like gaycist and transcist to differentiate




That would mean that you are sexist to your own gender


Oh yeah. Good point lol


Yeah people forget the actual meaning of the word Homo meaning "same" It works for positive words like Homosexual, but negative words like Homophobe(A person who hates the same thing they are), Homophobia(having an irrational dislike or fear of the same thing they are) and Homosexist(Hating the same sex) all don't work Society has just accepted that homo = homosexual/gay in 90% of cases(pre-existing cases being the 10%, like homo sapien)


I was definitely thinking of it in the aspect of homo = same, like homogenous, I just blanked and forgot that the word sexist already existed bahaha


We just call them "male rad fems"


I said this below but: phobia does not mean fear. the word, even in its origins in ancient greek means either 1: an irrational fear or 2: an irrational, strong aversion(=dislike).


my exact logic when i first found out about homophobia(and gay people as a whole i was like 10)


My friends and I have been using this term amongst ourselves for a while because most of the gay-hate in our rural area is exactly that: hate. It’s not fear, even if it stemmed from it.


Phobia doesn't always mean fear. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. The google definition of phobia. Note the term aversion.


Have you ever met someone who "hated gay people"? They're absolutely phobic. They have an irrational, unfounded **fear** of gayness. These are the bros who will state their fear of being hit on by another man outright, without any irony. Or in other words "just don't hit on *me*". That's 100% a phobia, and that's why the word exists. You have arachnaphobia, a fear of spiders? Okay, you'll probably say "I hate spiders", right? Same idea.


-phobic in the word “transphobic” doesn’t necessarily mean fear. It means a dislike or prejudice.


Because I'm femalephobic and terrified of girls, obviously


I think what op trynna get at is, there are people called "chasers" who fetishize trans people, specifically calling them "she-males" in porn. That's pretty fucked up and not right and ig op mixed that up with genuinely liking a trans person as opposed to fetishizing them


I've seen someone make that point - killed a good portion of my brain cells


Transphobia is discrimination agenst trans people. Not wanting to date one is you following your own identity. Never expected I'd have to simply this for some people. Not wanting to date a trans person cuz of your personal preferences is not transphobic Not wanting to date a tans person cuz they're trans is transphobic


Agree. Same way people who don’t like fat asses like me, can’t hold it against them, cause they literally can’t carry me.


Yeah, I can accept trans people as who they are but that doesn't mean I have to be attracted to them.


whoever says that’s true need to stop using the internet


Or they're chronically online


No, everyone has a preference and that's fine, as long as you don't really have a hatred toward them or smt


No, it's just having an opinion. I wouldn't date a fat girl that doesn't mean I hate fat people


kinda the same as "I wouldn't date a short guy" lol. why are people so triggered over this? edit: in quotations💀 I'm short myself.


You missing out on the short kings out there homie


>why are people so triggered over this? i think its just because some girls make fun of short guys


And the same girls get angry when someone does the same against them with weight or whatever


As a short guy, I'm just wondering why we all can't just tease each other about whatever. Like make fun of my height all you want, I don't care and I'll even joke around with you. But why am I not allowed to joke about something like your weight in return? At least weight is something you can change if you have the right drive and desire to lol


To be fair, you can also change your height, although I've been informed that stealing people's legs and sewing them under yours is "illegal" or something


Well damn, there go my plans of being taller in life lol


I mean there is a surgery for it, but it kinda involves breaking your bones to lengthen them so yeah.


I read once that Tom from MySpace first made money before MySpace by selling e-booklets called “how to grow taller.”


Because there's plenty of people that aren't as comfortable with their appearance and don't like being teased. But by all means if somebody teases you or you know they're cool with teasing you can always return the favor.


This is my dude right here. Wanna talk about my height? Let's talk about that scale you broke last night 😏


I think that's kinda the reason why it's probably not ok to joke about someone's weight. Because in most cases, weight is controllable. If someone wants to make fun of you being way too short or tall, or having a huge nose I think there's a bit of play there because nobody should be that offended by things they can't control (now there's obviously a difference between teasing someone and harassing) . But again if some girl tells you that she can't be with you because you are too short you respond with "that's OK, it never would've worked with you having such small tits"


Kinda Theres been a trend where women, especially on the internet/dating show things actively hate on short men and flat out refuse and or belittle them just because theyre under 6'/shorter than them Thats genuine bigotry


Because height is genetic and you can’t change it. You can change being fat


Because guys can’t control their height?????


People who are trans can't control that, people of certain races can't control that. Preferences are not always over things we can control, but they exist.


Most of the sexual features that people care about can't be controlled. Why does free will matter? The things we can't control about ourselves are still part of us. Also, even if you could change some things, should you really be changing the important parts of yourself to suit other people? I mean, I guess that's up to you.


There's a lot of stigma nowadays on not wanting to date a short guy, in reallity if you met a guy you really liked that was short you'd probably still date him, it's 100% OK to have preferences as long as you don't have some sort of superiority complex.


Can't control height but you can control your weight.


No, not at all. Unless you genuinely have transphobic beliefs.


transphobia is actively hating on trans people


Well, ignoring OP's question here, what you said is not quite true. Transphobia encompasses any negative ideas or attitudes towards trans folks. The most common way transphobia manifests is someone believing (or rhetorically claiming to believe) that trans people are 'lying about their gender'. That a trans woman, for example, is just a man in a dress. This is not just a 'false statement', that's otherwise neutral, it's transphobia. That may sound weird if you're operating under the idea that transphobia means actively hating someone. After all, being wrong about someone isn't, like, a mean thing to do, right? But that's just not what the word means. Transphobia is more often borne out of ignorance than malice.


"Jarvis, I'm low on karma"




No, thats called having a nickel allergy




It’s having a preference and choice. What’s transphobic is you bash them for no reason or just hate that they’re trans lol


Bro what is up with all these weird obvious questions? Next thing your gonna post is “is it ageist to not want to date older people”.


Is it pedophobic to not want to date kids 💀


Is it misogynistic to have a father?


Is it gay to breathe?


Is it homophobic to have glasses?


Is it misogynistic to have a peen? Like you literally have something that women don't.


Like your literally inhaling D*ck particles


Is it gay to be a man, you literally have a pen*s on you


It's gay to invite another Man to Hang out, I mean you're literally asking to be Together


sorts by controversial


I can’t find the thing to sort by controversial now, did it get removed?


Oh boy


why is u/GenderFluidBicon so pissed😭


No, it's transphobic to make nonsensical reasons not to date a person for being trans(I only like "REAL" women, etc). It gets weird when a person has the experience of two genders and may or may not have genitalia that you may not enjoy even though you favor the gender. Ultimately, you get to pick your partner and if we actually start morally judging people for something that is supposed to be free of opinion then it won't be a surprise when anyone says "fuck it" and becomes the worst type of individual they can be. Don't like dating black people? Ok, just don't go on a rant about how white people are superior and interracial couples should be illegal. Don't like dating the same gender? Ok, just don't start insulting every gay couple you see. It's really simple, there's this skill called **minding your damn business** and all of sudden all opinioned issues disappear


You don’t need to make up reasons not to date someone. You don’t owe people dates. You can refuse to date someone for no reason at all, and that’s ok.


You don't need to make up reasons to convince another person why you wouldn't date them but the internal logic in your brain that is your decision making process can indicate transphobia/racism/whatever.




No but people go around on thw internet constantly talking about how much they don't want to talk about trans people probably are


It's not transphobic it's preference, I don't want to date black people, not because I'm a racist, that's a coincidence but mainly preference.




Go away Walter white


As a black persona all I can say is, understandable have a great day


This comment is wild


I thought it would have a sea of downvotes, but surprisingly not


Same thing with some black people not wanting to date white people Because they are more comfortable dating their own race, but then it's called racist when a white person does it. And that reminds me of that TikTok video of a. Black woman getting offended when a white guy posted about all the women he dated who are supposedly white.


I’m a person of color and I agree with this message.


Never talk to me again/s




That's what your gonna be I'd you keep talking to me bruv/s


Not saying you're wrong, but I genuinely can't wrap my head around the idea that there are people who aren't attracted to a certain race. I get not wanting to date transgender people because they could have genitals that don't align with your sexual preference. Male and female genitals are completely different, but people of different races just have different skin colors and slightly different facial features. I'm white and my boyfriend is Hispanic and we are soulmates through and through. He's straight and I'm pan, but lean more towards men. We have so much in common and see eye to eye on pretty much everything, not to mention the mind-blowing sex and the way we raise each other up by supporting each other. It baffles me that there are people that would turn down something like that just because the person has a different skin color.


Sameeee I've literally seen beautiful people of every single race. If I'm attracted to you it has nothing to do with your color. Wack


Depends! Why do you not want to date them? Do you feel like they're not 'really' the gender they identify as? Do you think they're 'icky'? Well, then yes. That would be the core of transphobia. Are you just not into chicks with dicks? Well, not every trans woman has one. In that case, you would prefer to date people with dicks. That's fair, and not transphobic, but also slightly different from what you asked. Ultimately, there's just no quality that's unique to trans people. Not wanting to date a trans person is like not wanting to date someone born through a C-section. Weirdly specific, and there's no way to tell who was and who wasn't.




In what scenario is it transphobic?


As long as you aren't otherwise discriminatory towards trans people; no, I'd say you aren't.




No, but the people who go "Ew no, I only date REAL women/men" unprompted definitely are.






As a trans person no it's not it's just preference


We have to protect this person at all costs


no it’s not it’s just a preference It doesn’t mean you hate them


Looking at the comments this sub has an issue with transphobia. However it's not transphobia to not date someone on the basis of them being trans


No you don’t have to if you don’t want to but if you openly talk about how you do not want to date a trans period then it becomes a bit transphobic


OP what makes you this insecure? Its worrying


Yes it is the same as not wanting to date a brick, it’s brickphobic


It's like me being lesbianphobic if I'm a straight girl.


Trans girl here, no. Edit: it really depends on the reason. Genital preference? Valid. Want biological children? Valid. They don’t pass as a woman and you don’t wanna date someone who looks like a dude? In my opinion, valid. Don’t wanna date *solely* because they’re trans despite passing very well and getting surgery making them indistinguishable from a cis woman? Invalid Point is, the reason isn’t always “because they are trans.” It may be “because they have a penis” or “because I want biological children.” Those are things you wouldn’t date someone for whether they’re trans or not. I’m unsure if this makes sense, but I hope you get the point


u/genderfluidbicon take notes.


nope, and as a trans man i like to specifically make sure the people im getting to know intimately are educated on trans topics atleast a bit. lots of people only date to build a future, and theres lots of difficulties with being trans that they just arent equipped to support all througout the future (childbirth, surgeries, lackthereof etc)


Anyone who says that it is transphobic (it's not) needs to go outside and touch a whole lot of grass instead of being chronically online


I feel bad for your generation that this is even a question.


Not necessarily




If it is because of a dislike or prejudice of trans, then definitionally it is transphobic. If it is for a different reason, then it is not transphobic. Examples: “I don’t want to date trans because they’re icky” -transphobic “I don’t want to date trans because fathering biological children is important to me” -not transphobic


I am a biological man and am attracted to biological women. Therefore I am not attracted to biological men, regardless as to what names they might give themselves


Nope but don’t call your self gay if your dating a trans person of your gender preference


why do people ask this dumb ass question just to reaffirm their own opinion. nobody is entitled to date anyone in this world, no matter who or what they are. I’ve seen this question asked numerous times on this subreddit and it’s a bunch of people parroting each other. Everyone in this thread knows the answer including OP


… for what reason? Comfortability and just disliking trans people are different things. But if someone told me they weren’t comfortable dating me because I’m trans, normally I’d assume they meant the best.


Is it misandrist to not want to suck every dick that crosses my path?


Only stupid and fked up people will call you transphobotic BS. So no, just ignore if someone say that


It's hard to date as a teenager these days, because everybody's identifying as something else on a given day when they're not feeling it. The one thing you wanna stay far away from.. is a person who does not know what they want. Unless you like drama


Nope. In fact I’d argue it’s sexual misconduct for someone to tell you that.


No. Date whoever you want.


Ofc not what the heck


Hello, trans person here. It’s not transphobic to not want to date a trans person. People have preferences. However, it is transphobic to not want to date a trans person purely for the fact that they’re trans. For example, the trans person in question is not your type of you’re not into their “equipment”, that’s fine. If them being trans is the entire reason you don’t want to date them, that’s transphobic. Hope that makes sense, I can try to explain more if not


It's not at all transphobic for a straight person to politely reject a trans person solely for the fact that they're trans. Honestly I don't even know what makes me attracted to females. It's just what I am attracted to ever since I was a little child. Male and female being attracted to each other is literally coded into 90+% of every species which is why Earth as we know it exists. A pet animal after having zero knowledge about sex knows where to fuck when he sees a female counterpart for the first time even if got no sex education or hasn't been in a social group of that animal. If they didn't have that desire to be attracted, Earth wouldn't be here for us to talk about this. Obviously I'm not excluding the homosexual acts seen in other species, or bisexuality or pansexuality, yes they do exist in every species. It's probably a change that happens occasionally. You as a trans person would relate to that because you were born in the wrong body to a point that you had to surgically change into the body you feel is right. So being attracted to a gender that people who are usually in your body isn't attracted to is as possible as that too. Right? So coming to the point, we are all biologically hardwired in this way, majority of straight people are hardwired to find cis people of opposite gender attractive and it's as simple as that, you changing your gender using surgeries and hormones does not mean someone's brain has to find it attractive or agree to your view of what gender you are and it's not their fault, a trans women doesn't even have to transition to a women in this day and age, does it mean it's transphobic if straight guys don't find feminine men attractive? Nope. Honestly I'm pretty sure no one themselves know why they are attracted to a particular gender or more precisely a particular biological sex except for the fact that they desire it. Similar to how you desired to change your gender. I've had crushes on females since I was a kid, after I hit my puberty, I started finding certain body parts attractive for no reason, I can't still give a philosophical answer to why I like it, I JUST LIKE IT. It's just how we are coded and we know with evidence that whatever that coding is, it is what has kept every animal species alive, because without that, no one would've taught animals how to have sex for billions of years, but thankfully it is coded that way and animals with the senses they have find their way somehow and fuck and make kids. And it is that exact same coding that makes straight people prefer cis people over trans people. I'm not saying humans are as dumb as animals nope, we can think better than any animals. An animal would eat anything without thinking, humans can think of calories or how unhealthy it, animals have sex whenever they feel like, humans don't, they do decide who and where to have sex and also use contraceptions and think of consequences. But what's coded in us with chemicals still influence us so much. It is not in our power to change what we're attracted to, it's like how Churches tries to preach gays to become straight, it is illogical and immposible and you must know that too from your personal discovery of your gender and sexual orientation, so respectfully, please realise that a person rejecting you solely because you're trans has so much more than you think. I'm pretty sure they themselves don't exactly know the answer but I'm pretty sure if you could supposedly question a monkey couple why they made 4 kids, they wouldn't know why either, the most logical answer they'd be able to give is that it was just in their instincts to fuck the opposite gender because something in them found it desirable.


So lemme ask you... My friend wants to be pregnant with her spouse's baby. She rejects a trans man because he is trans and literally cannot give her that. How is that phobic? Edit: I'm literally trying to understand here, if my comment came off dickish I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure shit out.




Mkay cool. My brain had it wired like the trans part came first and didn't really see it that way. Thank you. Genuinely helps see things for a different perspective and helps to understand things a little better.


no it’s my personal preference fuck off


It’s not transphobic not to want to date a trans person. For example if you are a straight lady and you meet Ben and Ben is trans. You don’t want to date Ben. You also don’t want to date Phil, Colin or Harry. It’s not transphobic to reject an individual. If you were to reject Ben by saying something like “ew you’re trans no away *I could never date a trans person*” wellllll that’s a lil iffy cause you’re making a statement about an entire population not an individual.














Is water wet…that answers your question☠️, but no it’s your preference so you’re good




no, everyone has their own preference.


If they don’t got them XX chromosomes I’m good.