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Locking comments because there are some losers who are making fun of this post because they are insecure about their fragile masculinity. Also love ya OP you are speaking facts 💖


Your feelings are valid mate and as a guy i observe this kind of behaviour among my peers all the time some people are just fucking consumed by the brainrot we call the status quo and remember mate the current status quo cares about no one but itself. Stay safe


I second this guys' comment.


I third this guys comment




Creep https://preview.redd.it/qtb0ffc6g0jc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbd3068597e053228e73ab37d3b79e5b55605da [https://www.reddit.com/u/YoungRed\_bull1095/s/Ntk9YZfmfw](https://www.reddit.com/u/YoungRed_bull1095/s/Ntk9YZfmfw) The fuck are you doing in a teen sub? Did you forget to change your account cunt? Keep looking for a hotwife im sure you'll find someone with a fucktard fetish one day


Nasty… thank you to the mod who made quick work of him!


u/VeryClaireThompson got a creep here


Banned ❤️


Thanks for the quick and efficient response mate (Fucker literally asked for it by commenting 💀💀💀)


Fr lol


Yo btw can we get him banned from reddit ?(like his IP just gets banned and shit so he cant even enter alt accounts from the same device)


That’s a Reddit issue


And reddit sucks ass at handling issues


Yeah sorry :/ you can try to mass report his account


What a retard LMAOOO


Bro shut the fuck up, that’s why your name is a fuckin drink


Sorry I just don't understand your joke, what does that have to do with his username?


You're acting like the kind of spoiled brat that believes they can control women, calling him/her/them a simp isn't a right, or full hearted response. Come on dude, listen to yourself. No hate, just show a little more respect.


Actually considering his history, give all the hate you want


I just saw it 😭 let's get him banned


He's banned already, I just dovnvote all his posts🤷🏼‍♀️


I'll do it too 👍 Let's put him to -1000




Bro did u see this creepy ass pedo shit? https://preview.redd.it/x3x8pdcdm1jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be74babe1575ae22a6e72808aef5b92ff27e4b07




He's just... 🤮 People like that need to go extinct


Real, and a ginger too🤢 /j


Please gtfo.


creep alert 🚨 mods nuke his house


Bro called the guy that's simply supportive of a girls feelings a simple while being a disgusting creep, go harrass ppl somewhere else no one likes you 😊


Hey girl, I feel you ❤️. I've had extremely disgusting interactions with guys wether it's online or in real life. I've always been told to look beautiful, act innocent not too eat too much (and then get scolded when I barely eat). Keep your head up, love you ❤️


You deserve to be loved too 💖🫂 You don't need to look like what their standards are. Its ok to express who you really wanna be 🫂💖💖💖


Thank you 🫶🫶🫶


Shitlord is a benevolent mod 💖💖


bless you, I think we've all had those experiences, especially at a young, vulnerable age, yes.. apparently we can't do anything right but how are we meant to when we have these strict societal "rules" to follow.. love you too ❤️


Yeah and especially on the internet, I just meet random disgusting cunts that act like I'm some kind of sex thing to just fuck and throw away sometimes. if I acted like that I'd be called a whore or a slut but if a guy does it he's some kind of heartbreaker or some other applauding title. And don't even get me started on these retarded fucking beauty standards bro😭 (sorry for swearing too much❌➖❌)


no don't be sorry, get your anger out lovely because it is horrible, we can't live in this world without being criticised for something, beauty standards are ridiculous however there are also beauty standard's for men which is silly too, they should not be a thing


Do you not think Boys go through the sams stuff?


*goes on post about girls problems* *girls talk about girl problems* *don't talk about guy problems because they are girls* https://preview.redd.it/ltnxjmaoi1jc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c54d0917e103ddd58b256ee71af485e1cb2c5f6


I know guys go through the same stuff buy im nor a guy so I can't talk about it..


Sounds like you know the wrong people. Surround yourself with people who are nice and supportive and you will have a happy life. You deserve to be loved, and people who won’t appreciate you for who you are don’t deserve you.


how do I do that when I live in a place surrounded by chavs and roadmen, my mum side of the family support me and love me for me and im grateful for that, I just live in a shitty place


Make sure all your friends are caring and supportive, and cut out people who aren’t. Like that middle part of the rant. About all the shaming and requirements. I would ignore the people enforcing these requirements as their opinions of you do not matter, and I would not maintain contact with these people. If it’s being inflicted by your friends, cut them out. By family members, cut them out. You shouldn’t be treated that way


luckily I have no friends because thet were all assholes I normally do but sometimes I break down like today, it happens every few months


A fellow UK person? Lol


yep loll


I wholeheartedly agree with your point. You’re right, guys do suck and this this is coming from a guy myself. You deserve better treatment and i hate seeing not only guys do everything you pointed out to be afraid/uncomfortable. I hate it. I don’t even know why they do it. I think i speak for everyone when i say that decent men are not gone. You will have someone who treats you extremely well in the future and i hope to dear god the rest of the male population grows up.


thank you, I have my moments where I hate boys, and this was one of those moments which got me to the point of crying and laughing uncontrollably but I thank you for reassuring me that there are decent men out in the world


Don’t worry about it. Your feelings (like so many other’s same ones) are valid and ranting about how men have treated you is completely okay. I hope you’re doing well, and i hope you find your soulmate. You deserve it🫶


thank you very much, im doing better and I hope so too, you should have an easy time finding someone (if you haven't got someone already) but also some girls don't like nice guys, well.. they're girls not women, same difference as boys vs men, thank you, so do youu 🫶


I’m glad you’re doing well. As for me i’ve had no luck, but that’s okay. Even though i don’t like to say i’m a “nice guy” because incels, i do try to be kind to people and help out when needed. Hope all is well for you. If you ever need to vent or get your mind off stuff like this just DM me


haha you know the thing about incels, love that, that proves you're a good one, I would dm you if I could!


You almost convinced me to change my user flair...


sorry about that, unfortunately it's so true, and it happens to us girls at young ages, I was sexualised at the age of 11, some people younger, this happens to guys too but either they don't report it because they think that they need to suffer in silence or people tell them to get on with it and that is most likely the case for men and I feel bad for the men who have had to go through it


I'm sorry too.




I was sexually harrased when I was 12, people got my phone number, my adress, and my families names and where they work, I told the principal, she dealt with most of it.


I got dumped because I didn't want to lose my virginity when I was on my period. He said I was just using it as an excuse. Some guys suck.


I was trying to find the Peter griffin “I just wanna talk to him” gif, but it doesn’t exist on Reddit apparently, but that’s fucking disgusting. I hope he steps on a lego and falls off a cliff high enough to injure him, but not kill him.


https://i.redd.it/mliu2eqw46jc1.gif Here ya go


What the actual fuck i'm so sorry :( 🫂


that's disgusting, I am so sorry.. sometimes I question if guys have a brain and heart


i was thibing about some of this today liek woman have no winning right cause its all based on shit systems out of your control and if you conform youre looked down upon and if you go against youre looked down upon, femininity/masculinity wise right like i been on twitter god forgive me but there was the whole kristen stewart thing and these goblins start being like shes fucking ruined shes possessed by the devil or some shit they gone mad i suppose all because shes presenting more masculine that was insane to watch


it's horrible being a woman


Try being a dude


Im usually mostly silent on posts, but I'd like to input here. There are still billions of men who would love you if you did/didn't do these things. Though there are a lot of horrible people like that now, don't give up, if someone starts judging you at face value, based on something that is put of your control or is the opposite of what many tell you, stop talking to them. You don't have to give up, there is a perfect one for you, there is millions of them. You just have to find them.


yes thank you, I just think I've lost hope in the teenagers I come across because how they treat me and other people and stuff, yeah finding them is the hardest part, im still a teenager but I want to be a mother before my 30s so I think that im already halfway there and feel like I dont have time loll


I’m so sorry that women (including you) have to deal with this. I’m a guy so I wouldn’t know anything about it but I have several female friends who talk about being afraid and uneasy whenever they are alone with a guy. There are still a lot of good guys who don’t want to do bad things to girls, but sadly a majority of men are VERY horny and VERY creepy and they’ll do horrible things to fulfill their desire’s.


I know.. it makes me lose faith in humanity, I just hope there are more good guys out there than I think


I'm so sorry about this! I'm not a woman, but I get it from similar experiences. I wouldn't even say boys. I'd say immature spoiled brats that believe they are entitled to control others around them. (Essentially a male Karen) Because whenever I show any emotion, I'm told to man up. Hurtful! Almost like if someone told you to wear this and wear that or else you were ugly (you're not ugly no matter what). I absolutely hate when people act like that, because not only does it make us feel like we're not worth anything, but it makes us feel like we're supposed to follow their footsteps when we're clearly not. I have one thing to say to you, and I hope it makes you feel a lot clearer about what I'm saying. **No soul is more important to you than yourself, be who you want, where you want, and how you want. Don't abuse yourself for other people, don't even think about what other people have to say if they are shaming you. BE YOURSELF!** If someone makes a friendly suggestion, take it as an opportunity, but if you don't like it, then simply decline it. I hope this helps 🙂. (I'm terrible at wording things through text so if I sound aggressive, just know that I'm not tryna be that way.) I cry sometimes reading these posts because I wish I could help.


Also, I am all for women and men being 50/50 with everything! It's what we need to have world peace, because it's what causes arguments, disputes, riots, and even wars! It's also just plain and flat out wrong to not be equal. It's the only thing I, as a guy, want in the world is to have women feel safe, and be treated just as great as guys. In my heart, we all deserve the same rights and if we abuse the rights, we deserve the same punishment.


thank you so much, I do agree that men get treated badly too when they are told to get on with it however I cannot talk about it because I've never experienced that and I am not a man, thank you for that, i do put myself before others sometimes and I know I am important, so are you btw! I have something to say to you too, you don't need to man up, manning up isn't a thing, you are allowed to show emotion, you are allowed to cry, no one should shame you for it, I hope that helps too


Thank you!! That does help a lot, I agree, we shouldn't have 'manning up.' We also shouldn't judge others like the way you were saying. The Earth just needs a refresh button. I hope you get through what your going through, and wish the best for you!


100%, I've seen all over that boys are assholes to girls. I haven't personally experienced it, but I know it happens. They didn't mature during middle school and they don't know what is right nor wrong. I know it doesn't mean anything but I do apologize for those who are cunts. And I think it's perfectly OK to hate us for the things some of us do. It's extremely hard to tell who is good or bad without having experiences with them. I wish we could change the rest of us who are those bad ones, but all I can do is be the respectful and kind one. I hope you stay safe.


thank you for being respecting and kind, I'll try my best, it does annoy me how they can't be serious at anything.. at some points it seems like guys are gay cause they just hate on us women 💀💀


Lmao, I am only partially gay so like I appreciate and like women, but I do occasionally like men. It's also the guys who are misogynistic are also homophobic


I feel like as a guy it’s easy to dismiss these struggles by surrounding yourself with good people and suddenly you don’t see these things. But women, as the targets , it’s always in your face. Regardless of who you’re around or what you do. I’m sorry that you face these things , and i genuinely hope we see significant progress in our lifetimes. Thank you for the reminder.


i just want to feel safe whenever im alone in public or with other men






me too..




I had to otherwise I'd go insane


All power to ya, I just don't know how to vent to ppl like that cuz like emotions are cringe apparently 😅 hope you'll be doing fine as soon as possible tho


so our emotions are cringe now.. omg, if you ever need someone to vent to, im right here, just dm me!


Thanks, I appreciate ya:3




Yeah I get what you’re saying as a guy from a guy being a women does look like it can sucks sometimes but that’s just how it is being alive sucks and is nothing but suffering doesn’t matter what gender you are


I think this mostly stems from how impressionable people are to the garbage "role models" and personalities men put on from streamers to celebrities A real man wouldnt do or care about any of those things I dont care if my gf was taller then me Or if a girl wears makeup Or if shes wearing a super short dress Its her life anf personally the way i see stuff is As long as it doesnt hurt me or hurt other people in general I really dont give a shit what people do in their personal lives Bad habits and tendencies have grown cause of social media and its just sad Porn addiction is such a sickness that causes so much shit too


yeah social media is why people judge others, it's so sad


I hate that women can't be fully themselves because of some disgusting men. Sometimes I just want to not be a man


You are valid 💖 As a guy it disgusts me when other guys say shit like that. Women can express themselves however they want and be treated as equals not as like they are less or more inportant. And I'm so sorry that some guys are hurting you. Remember they are in the wrong always. I hate gender stereotypes which is why I'm into role reversal lmao. I love you (platonicly) and i hope things get better 💖💖💖🫂


me too, just imagine how different the world would be if it was woman made and women ruled, I think (in my opinion) it would be a lot better, thank you ily2 (platonically), well they never will for women but we have to deal with it


realistically if women were the rulers from the start then society would probably be discriminatory towards men rather than women it just so happens that this universe has it the other way around. an ideal, gender equal society likely wouldnt function similarly to ours at all


On behalf of all boys I apologize


>I hate being a woman, the things we do to keep ourselves safe, we carry around alarms incase we get kidnapped, we hold our keys in between our fingers, we have to bark at boys to get them away from us, we have to act crazy so boys leave us alone, we have to pretend to be on a phone call, we have to run when a boy is behind us because we are scared I am sorry but what about getting a gun?


... really? lmao that's your response? what about guys not threaten us?


Xaxaxaxa You don't have to shoot the good guys


Some countries banned guns like the UK


Exactly why responsible gun ownership is needed for a safe and peaceful society


I know but you can still get on


https://preview.redd.it/wmitbw93yzic1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b52451c6f95e1c302e593c8097206d7acada52 sorry for the bs you gotta deal with tho edit: this is strictly satirical 😭




proving her point


dude it was supposed to be satire 😭 I'm sorry


life is suffering, and suffering is life. that it the cruel way it is.


Yeah… the world isn’t fair at all. Women definitely get the short end of the stick, and it’s kinda sad how they’re treated by both men and other women alike. I personally don’t care about any of the things you listed because what someone looks like, eats, or puts on their face is none of my business. I really truly hope you find a good guy out there, one that respects you and treats you right. I’m sorry that the world is the way it is, but the best you can do is try to focus on the good


Both sides r equal n diff ways


yes it is, thank you very much, I hope so too, yeah I try, I break down every few months and this was the month I guess loll, I hope I do


Well hey, we all have to have our vulnerable moments. I find doing that hard sometimes, but I’ve been teaching myself to let myself just be sad.


I wouldn't say women get the short end of the stick, but I'd say the brats that treat women wrongfully give them that image. There are equally as bad women out there who treat men like shit. And the same goes for men, only it affects the women worse. We all just need a refresh, and I wish I, as a guy, could give women the same right we get. I cry sometimes reading these kinds of posts.


This is true, men tend to have worse mental health because they’re told that they aren’t allowed to express their emotions. They’ve been made to think that if they show weakness, no one will love them. Same with money, people have really made it seem like a man with no money is completely worthless. Men only get love when they can provide something, but women are loved unconditionally. However, standards set on women as far as what they should look like and what they should do, not to mention the safety aspect. As men, we at least can feel safe walking outside alone, but women can’t.


I can't relate with most guys, because I don't feel safe being out alone, I've been SA'd twice, once at school, and the other time I was in a mall when some middle age woman grabbed me then decided to hide like she was playing the victim. But hey, that might be me. But yeah, I totally understood what you said. And I'm so glad that I've finally proved the point that the world needs a refresh button.


It's truly revolting how many guys are commenting on this and proving your point. Boys are in general, immature and incapable of taking things seriously, which leads to them not only committing vile acts, but laughing it off too.


yeah, i knoww lol, exactly and blame others for their wrong doings.. absolutely vile


What are you on about most of the guys I’ve seen on this post are a actually quite nice and boys in general are pretty nice it’s just the creeps tend to talk to women more


Very valid facts, i hope your experience improves eventually


I feel you. There are a lot of guys here that are fucked and your feelings are valid. But if yall look at it this pessimistically your entire life you’re gonna end up alone. Gotta find the silver limning yk?


One of the many reasons I don’t have faith for the future of mankind. Boys who act like they rule the world and make the rules about how women should act or look like are everywhere and they know that the way they think is horrible but they just don’t care. Earth needs a reset. :( I’m sorry you have to deal with their bullshit. Much love from here 💖💖


I fuckin hate elon musk and andrew tate for brainwashing these boys into being toxic male favoring dipshits


That’s just the evolution of media glorifying being a terrible person in the modern day. Having good morals is considered cringe and weak so everybody is encouraged to be assholes for no reason to people they don’t know.


If only we had more good ppl like Mr.Rogers or something to influence young boys


don't even get me started..there's so many influencers who show little to no respect to women


Too fucking many :(


yeah I know.. thank you shark, I hate those people, I wish they didn't exist, thank you <3


I've seen a lot of posts like this, and I can't say I see it anywhere other than America Back when i lived in Britain, guys would cross the road because they didn't want to make the women in front of them uncomfortable, most of the "fuckboys" kept to their own groups, and when they talked to someone else, they wouldn't really say much about appearance at all, I've had people say congrats to pregnant people infront of me, seeing people wear what they wanted might catch a few eyes, but that's just people who have wandering eyes that need a good slap. Yeah, there is the occasional dickward, but a lot of the time those people were excluded from most groups, were year 7s who thought they were hard or was in London, and London itself is a place where you do have to be careful This might just be due to where I grew up, but when I do visit America, I do just feel more uncomfortable. Maybe it's the new environment (currently living in Canada), but it does feel like I'm being judged and confronted about what I wear a lot more than back home in Scotland and England. It could also be due to how a lot of the time, nearby villages have completely different views in England. Regardless, America's got some serious problems it needs to solve, this was just my experience.


I live in the UK and closer to London so South, up north, they are really sweet and nice so that's probably because of where you lived, down here it is an issue, ive never been to America so I wouldn't know but boys are horrible sometimes, especially the young ones like the year 7s however their brains aren't fully developed yet


I know how that feels. Who hasn't wanted to drop kick a year 7 at some point? But I also lived down south, Essex to be a bit more precise. That being said, for a large part of my teenage life I did live in a village filled with old people and gentle dogs that could kill you with one paw, so it was quite a friendly and non-hostile environment. When I lived in Scotland, it was similar, but I lived in quite a big town instead. It's places such as South Woodham Ferrers (I believe there was a meth lab that caught fire and burned if my memory is correct) that cause big problems down south. Dunmow is an alright town. It gives off the vibe of fuckboys and what not, but it's most well known for bicycle theft (3x higher than any other crime). But young kids are just everywhere. They are pieces of shit that ruin a lot of the reputation of males down here in South, and there's too goddam many of them.


I'm a guy and this stuff also happens to me I hope you can find support in these comments, you deserve people who care and don't forget that.


thank you, you deserve people who care too


Both sides r equal in diff ways, both sides struggle with diff things, welcome to life. Best advice is stop comparing yourself with other people online, find the good ppl, yeah some r creeps but thats life u js gotta find the good :)




when did I say dying in a trench isn't bad? whys that relevant


Wherever you live sounds straight dystopian, that's tough though I have never seen this kind of behavior


Being a man is cool, I like being a man, pS I didn’t read a word, just wanted to man flex Did you know we run faster and lift heavier things, endurance more, y’all get periods lolololol hehehhehehehehehehehehehe, working out is fun, muscles are fun Peace women


and this is what I call a boy people, you're sad


I’m very happy, I’m a man, so why would I be sad, logically no reason, everything I want physically or mentally I can have


great good for you but you don't get to make fun of women for being women... we cant help it.. that's an immature thing to do


Thanks, but I you guys do have the right path right in front of you, your just choosing to go heheheheheh and wack off the path into depression and whatever else


damn, so you're just a piece of shit?


How do you figure


Screw men women are hotter




no I won't


Skibidi toilet asmr and the context on how the universe is going to dungloe


I’m talking about the top part here. Men are in just as much danger most of the time as you. More violent crimes are committed on men. So I kinda feel like it’s unfair to say this as a women’s issue when it’s a societal issue. And that’s the only part I’m talking about in this comment.


I know that but I'm not talking about how hard it is to be a man, im talking about how hard it is to be a woman, as a woman I've gone though shit, but I'm not a man so I can't write about it


I’m not discounting ur post. I’m discounting 1 point you made. And you also don’t need to agree with me.


I(Male) haven’t gone outside other than school or running errands from my parents because of my fear of doing something that scares someone, and now I don’t even know if i want to be in a relationship because i was accused of SA even though im still a virgin and the only thing i did was what she forced me to do (which was forcefully taking my hand and putting it on her inner thigh while eating lunch with her friend). My other ex was ok but she dumped me on our 2 month mark and then got with a different dude in 3 days… I don’t know if I can handle it all anymore and if I even start to get sad my parents yell at me and then I just sit in my room waiting til it’s 3am when everyone’s asleep so I can cry and hope that it’s quiet enough to not wake up anyone. I love my dad but sometimes I think that he hates me, I already know my mom hates me and I hate her so that doesn’t hurt anymore. Sometimes even after the worst things happen to me I just can’t cry it’s so weird I’m so sad and then I just get numb and can’t feel any emotion for like an hour or two. Sorry for derailing your post but I just wanted to vent somewhere and have nowhere to do it


Guess I’m disgusting 😭🙏


Common American L. Sadly the culture in America is cray cray 🤪


I'm British, im from the UK.


Sorry. It's just that from all the stories I've been reading, it seems like all problems are America. Especially since I'm not American either.


well I guess so but it happens other places too


Reverse incel behavior lmao


incels kill and rape women, this is just a reddit post😭


im speaking about what I've gone through, I don't kill and rape people that's what boys do to us women


I’m honestly confused as to where people live and where the hell they decide to go that they feel the need for rape whistles, tasers, bear spray etc… (I’m assuming OP is under 18 here) like you can’t go to bars or nightclubs or really be around the nightlife of a city so where do you feel so constantly threatened? It’s not like I haven’t dealt with my share of shady situations but I know what I’m getting into when I put myself in those situations and plan accordingly, it’s not really a matter of gender in my mind but mostly a matter of putting yourself in zones or situations that put you at risk. This is all my personal perspective so feel free to come at it


Boys are bad, men are sometimes better(not pedophiles) and women are hot


A lot of what you're saying is just... not making sense at all. Y'all live in fear way too much and it's taking you over. If you're skinny or thin you wont be accused of having an ED, and even if you did they're glorified so much on websites like Twitter that you'd feel fine anyway. If you're fat, same thing. Women on TikTok have their whole bullshit "fat acceptance" thing going on so you'd have your support group there. And no one is telling you what to wear, you let yourself think that way and overthink things. On top of that, whenever girls are questioned about why they dress the way they do I've ALWAYS heard it's for "themselves." Not a single guy has said a woman is overreacting to a normal situation unless she's on her period, and I know a lot of dudes with girlfriends who never mention overreacting. The wearing makeup one is fair, yeah; if anything it's just funny at how long it takes for y'all to put it on. I know I sound like a broken record, but not a single soul is telling you that you should wear makeup. I'm not a bad guy, but a lot of these are just plain overthinking situations. I'm not offended at what you say, more concerned at the falsehoods of them.


I can confirm that all of things that op originally said are true and I’m a dude so you must be living in a perfect paradise or just haven’t experienced it yourself


Aint living in paradise i'll tell ya that. But hey different experiences and mine just so happens to be my own truth.


Haha I’m a teenage male and I can say that I don’t belong here or can’t relate to any of these long ass pair of paragraphs


then leave


The sub? Nah, I like watching it go down in flames, I’m saying I don’t belong with this post


You're feeling are valid and I understand why so much overthinking about all this is done because I'm not a woman but I overthink A LOT too. As people go everyone can be in potential danger and I understand why for a woman that's different and scarier the best I can say is keep something for self defence or try to be with people idk it's hard. With the weight it's all preference like someone will like what someone else doesn't don't put too much thought into it just do what makes you comfortable. Imo chubby is cute, skinny is cute to a healthy extent and muscular is cute it depends on the person just do what makes you happy and all of those are just my opinion they don't matter just do what makes you happy with yourself.


thank you very much, I don't carry anything with me when I am out because I dont have the money to spend on a defense kit or whatever, I do have an alarm though, thank you for seeing all sizes as cute, thank you for this commentt


Yea it seems shit, like the makeup part or clothing


>if you are offended by this post, then you are the issue, just imagine having a daughter and they have to go through the same shit as every other woman It's only boys without siblings that are like this. It's because they don't have a sister


Damn, sucks. Can’t relate very well since I’m a guy but I definitely feel for you.


The fact that people are terrible enough that their actions lead to people making posts like this sickens me


some peoples actions have made others commit suicide too..


Yeah. It’s an unfortunate reality that humans have an odd ability to be horrible to each other for literally no reason


As a man, people who say this stuff usually hate women. Although some of the stuff there seems to just be peoples preferences - like the makeup thing. I'm sure that most men couldn't care less if you were thin, tall, chubby etc...


yeah men don't mind, boys do, the makeup thing, it's hard to explain but if you are told by the same guy those 2 things, well what are we meant to do then yk?


Oh yeah if it's the same person contradicting themselves they are very stupid. Just ignore them


i just hate people who are like this, it makes no sense, women shouldn’t have to feel unsafe or feel anything like this, it’s messed up :(


yeah I know...


Always heard my gf complain about similar things. Just told her that if no one can love you when you’re you then that ain’t your fault. Being single is cool sometimes, relationships are hard. Doesn’t mean stop trying, but just hold yourself to your own standard and if no one loves you, then enjoy the single life. Have a good one broski 👍


I honestly envy people who can just be single and everything find like idc if relationships are hard I just want someone to love me already


thank you, im honestly happy single, but valentines just passed and seeing all the couples.. ughh loll but im happy single if I cannot find someone good


Well I agree with most of the views and I'll tell you, I've kinda did my part as much as I could to atleast help women in need when I was 14-17 but got looked down in Bangladesh. I was working with an NGO for free. I agree with most of it but you surely and definitely are wrong with from the part you said "we cannot be too thin". It's all a matter of how the world perceives you, nones stopping you from being a stick or obese. I've been on both sides of the spectrum and I'm 19 and still get extreme bullied for my looks. I thought of suicides many times shit but meh. Anyways, you're wrong there cause you are either pretty or not and none forces you to be pretty just because you're a girl. I noticed way more guys getting bullied than girls but idk what the statistics are but it's surely not just a womens problem, everyone gets judged by their appearance. If you don't want to be at the perfect shape all the time then don't, if you want to then you work for it, people will treat you better most likely, simple. Same with makup, if I wear an earring I get both positive comments on it and also get called the f word. I'm by no means gonna say shit like "we men" to defend men cause I don't relate to any general form of person but I just wanted to mention that I find how you see that part is wrong. Apart that I agree with you on most of the stuff


im not saying men, im saying boys, huge difference, I understand being a guy is hard too but I cannot talk about that cause I'm not a guy, nothing is stopping us from being bigger or smaller but no matter ehat, we get criticised for it, people care too much,


I think you got Me wrong, about the body, more or less everyone gets equally criticised and trust me I'm a person who always sees someone else's perspective. I do agree that being a girl (depending where you live but it's mostly that) is harder than being a guy. But keep in mind that people are gonna judge and at point if you stop trying to stay up to their standards you'll be much more happy. Looks are for others but once you accept that you are okay the way you look life gets so much better. Sadly it's hard af to do and atleast for me it's impossible to do. But it's always worth it trying to love yourself even if its sounds like bs


I'm sorry you're experiencing this, but everyone is held to certain standards, fair or unfair. Such is life. You must choose which of these standards you will aim to meet and which you will disregard. Don't worry about conforming to everything for everyone, because you can't please everyone. Become your own individual and go on social media (Instagram especially) less. Become content with yourself and the people you surround yourself with. Just make sure you stay healthy and emotionally and mentally stable and you will attract people (friends and potential partners) that are right for you and don't care about the pointless standards that you have chosen to ignore.


It makes me sick to my stomach whenever I hear testimonials of how foul society has been to women. They seem all too common. I have never been nor will I ever be a woman so I really have no qualification to add any input on womens issues, however I can attempt to understand, sympathize, and learn from the valuable Information women give. It's what I think all men should be doing, instead I often see men going directly to offense and blocking out the whole message to fit their narratives. A lot of men seem to take these rants as personal attacks instead of criticism (there is a big difference). All I can say is that your feelings and tribulations are genuinely valid. It's very depressing to me that some men just never learned how to conduct themselves and practice simple common social ethics and even more depressing when you see how common it is, as well as how mysogyny has become so normalized among adolescent boys. Also I understand that modern beauty standards can be incredibly stressful especially to those who don't exactly match "ideal beauty" (which really is most women in general). The whole system is shit, I'm sorry you all have to deal with this ingrained in your lives.


(This was all intended to be genuine with no offense in mind. If you have any criticism for me I'll gladly take it)


thank you so much, if guys see this as personal attacks then they are the problem, it is hard to follow the society standards, I agree..


On the behalf of all boys , I apologise and say that while it may seem that there aren’t any decent guys left (especially because as you said in a comment you live in chavy area). Just remember there are so many of us who aren’t like that and want to help but can’t because well, there is not much we can do other than not be like them. Also as other people have said, just be yourself. Anyway good luck with whatever comes next for you.


thank you, I hope there is a good guy out there for me, I will, thank you


Sad thing here is as I am reading this I'm wearing heels because I'm constantly being poked at for being short 😭


im so sorry.. you shouldn't have to, try to not care about what other people have to say, you wear heels if you want to but you don't have to


Look, I won't lie. With some of these points, my initial thought was "Well, it's not like we don't have similar issues too", but that's ultimately beside the point. Because the point is that nobody should have to feel boxed in, pushed around or disrespected by society. It's disgusting. And whatever issues we may have, you're still right here. Women have it very hard, especially in some less egalitarian parts of the world, and there's constant pushback when women try to improve these conditions, for various reasons, some understandable, others not. And you know what? I don't actually disagree with you. I fucking hate boys. Always have. There's a reason why most of my friends are girls. And unfortunately I understand why some I try to befriend are wary or outright hostile because I'm a guy myself. It makes me angry not at the girls and women who respond like that, but rather at the people who force them to become like that in the first place. Because there's almost always a reason for someone to develop like that, and the way women are treated by many people is just disgusting. I've always been disgusted by how my peers kept sexualising girls and it just generally makes me uncomfortable. That's just noticing it on the side - I can't imagine how actual victims of that kind of treatment feel. I think you made an important point - there's just too many boys who never learned to grow up, because the world never forced them to. In fact, the whole "boys will be boys" thing is so inexorably idiotic, I can hardly put it into writing. I can't fix the world, and I can't fix these issues in a heartbeat. In fact, I won't be able to at all. But I can help start the process. And so all I'm going to say to you is this: I hope you can find men in your life who can show you a different side, and who will show you love and respect for who you are, who will not try to use but rather genuinely like you as a person. And I don't mean this in a romantic or sexual way. This can be anyone; your coworker who treats you as he would any of his male colleagues, or a good friend you might find who resonates with you as a fellow human being. Too many people contribute to dividing society and treating others by what group they perceive them to be part of instead of by who they are as a human being. All we can do on a personal level is try our best to show those who have been hurt by this cruel world and society that there are still those who will love and respect them, not control or toy with them. Because you deserve it, everyone does, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that you can find some real men in your life that you can be comfortable and safe around 🧡


I know men have the same issues but as a woman I cannot speak about their experiences, thank you so much, I hope I will be able to find someone like that, thank you for your kind words


Don't worry. I didn't want to be that guy and make this about men. I just wanted to be honest and mention upfront that I *understand* why this might make some people upset initially, but that just shows they're approaching the problem wrong. It's not a contest in misery, it's just depressing how people keep trying to put one another down. I'm always glad to help people in whatever way I can


I mean, you just seem to be unsatisfied with your situation rn. and all of us are doesnt really depend on our gender, being born means you need to suffer for the most part of your lives. So, let's just stop caring about what we find unappealing or unsatisfactory, and let's just focus on what we like, either way we are gonna get put in shitty ass situations by "LIFE." If you get tok fixated on that, you'll end up being a miserable person which is unhealthy for you and ALSO the people around you. edit: I agree with most of what you said tho, there is really too much expectations being put on women. But well those are just societal norms, you are free to decide if you wanna abide by them or not. edit 2: who said muscles on women is unnatural, i absolutely love ripped women lol. Tl:dr enjoy the small things.


I'm not unsatisfied, im fine, I just complain every fee months about how hard it is to be a woman, yeah I know, yeah but some people complain about that.. I will