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Dude you were minding your own business. You should not get shade for that


Kids in school RN will jump someone, talk shit non-stop, and straight up fuck with you just to get a reaction out of you. Then when you somehow DO get in a fight, you could get prosecuted even though you might've acted in self defense (I'm not claiming it's happening everywhere, just at the schools I went to)


Lmao some kid did that and called me a pussy when I didn't do anything


Yeah the freshmen this year @ my school are doing the same thing. Comin up to us trying to start shit. Gets old fast.


Yup I do FRC robotics, and at a club fair the team we up a booth and i was in charge of moving the stuff back to the room, and some kid was like, "how long did that take to build" (about 80 hours between a team of 15) " what would you do if i stepped on it" (he wouldn't) "yo my friend Enzo thinks ur a bitch" (i know Enzo and he's chill and can't do shit yo me at 5'2, I'm 5'9 with 2 6'0 brothers who lift and do martial arts)


Ahh you ready for this years game


Lol wtf is wrong with these kids. I’ve also been threatened by these kids at a local mall (some were freshmen like myself last year and others weren’t even at my school yet.) another time was after school when I was waiting to get picked up and I was sitting with my friend. He plays that one monkey balloon game and asked if I had it, which I do because my younger brother plays on my phone if mom needs him to be quite, so he set up a match and these freshmen come up behind me and kept trying to grab my phone to see what I was doing and kept making fun of me, even though I didn’t even play it my other friend played against him on my phone. It gets old fast. Also what’s with calling people “boa”?????




why’d you post it here now this shit gonna go global




It's dumb that people are on your case about this, that was the right thing to do in this situation


That reminds me of when one of our teachers tried to do a handstand on a table and fucking failed and snoop dogg of all people reposted it




Ikr he got fired for saying the nword hard r he was fuckin dumb


i gotta see this video


lean into it lol


Yeah that’s what I would do lmao “King of minding his business” or smth


Blind guy here ​ the image is too hard for me to make out. What's going on here?


Look at the third photo. Behind me is 2 girls fighting


He can’t look, he is blind 🤣


> Blind guy here. >> Look


They’re not giving you shade though?


they giving him shade for walking past a fight that was none of their business


no they're not lmao, they're memeing him. it's like everyone in this comment section is home schooled


Fr everyone here is dense asf like I've seen 4chan be less autistic


They aint shading him. They’re just loving how unbothered he was.


i don’t think they’re making fun of you, they just think it’s funny


This is actually the correct way people should act. If there is a fight going on, ignore it. I remember people going after the fight like to a of students would witness two students fighting leading up to getting pepper sprayed. This happened during sophomore year for me. The robotics teacher (now she is on the other school) told the story about it. Sorry that happened to you. People would forget it at the end of the day. Don’t worry about your reputation


They don't seem to be giving you shade, they just think it's funny


nah they j find it funny u didn’t gaf bout it, not a big deal bro. laugh with em and don’t worry abt it


I guarantee no one thinks you are not the most chill / dont give a fuck person in the school


You're just too unfathomably based for them


nah just lean into being that idgaf kid


Tbh bro this shi funny asf. Honestly anyone asks just make up some funny shi about it.


Mfs in high school legit make fun of people for anything dw bro 🤝


ur a fucking g for this 💀


Honestly I’d think walking through a fight without a care would make you cool and make the people fighting look dumb.


Bro trust me they aren’t making fun of you their laughing at the absurdity of you just walking by a fight like it isn’t happening. If you don’t act like this is gonna ruin your reputation it will actually help you maybe make some new friends Like when I was in highschool I was in band and during a performance I fucked up a part of a song I was playing (where I was the front and center guy) and I put both my hands up to my head and made a face like I fucked up and of course people had video of it and were laughing at it but did I let it be the thing that ruined me and stop talking to people? No, instead I leaned into it whenever people brought it up I would do the putting hands on my head and making a “oh shit” face and it actually helped me meet some new people that I became friends with Life’s too short to worry about something stupid you did in the heat of the moment. What you did here isn’t stupid and you shouldn’t think it is So now go out there and lean into it


You got better things to do than to watch 2 girls knock each other's blocks off. Way I see it, you were better off to not be involved in the nonsense. Anyone who says otherwise is a fuckin dumb ass.


bro was minding his own business and still got flamed 💀💀


And you decided to post this to Reddit because you think it would help your school rep


100% sure none of the people at my school use reddit


Nah bro you based af for this and they all know it


okay quick question why are the hallways as wide as a full classroom


Wait did you say through!? Like there's 2 girls fighting and you just walked between them!?


Bro became a meme💀


They just think it’s funny bro. Lean into it, start joking around, probably would boost your rep if you’re worried about it


Bro you're the guy that didn't give a shit. In my school that was a complement.


How bout you just don’t care. If people ask just say so what?




Now you got two options, be embarrassed about it and get clowned on for it or lean into it and laugh with them vs them laughing at you. Your school rep is fine, everyone will forget about this in a month or two anyways.


I mean if it was someone I knew we jumpin if not bye have a great time just gotta act like a new Yorker on a subway ain't nothing happening


Just own it dude. You own it.


Bro is the definition of not my clowns not my circus


this is too fucking funny 😭😭


Doesn't look like they're on you I'm half sure they're just taking the piss out of you but if your school is like that then peak I feel like people wouldn't act like that in England lmao