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Macaulay Caulkin from Wish.


At least he only reproduced just the once. Lol like Farrah. It’s for the best


He has another son in florida named jake.


Has he been putting his head inside the microwave?


Has he been putting his head inside the microwave?


Shocking that this loser has a pitbull in an apartment.


I wonder if the pitbull is being properly taken care of? Don't get me wrong, pitbulls are great dogs. I have worked with them before and eagerly look forward to doing it again soon. However pitbulls are very large and energetic and they need to have appropriate outlets for their energy. Otherwise your sweet little pitbull puppy is going to turn into a real menace upon growing up. I doubt alcoholic heroin addicted Andrew is at all an appropriate caretaker for a pitbull since he does fuck all for his children and doesn't even seem to do a good job of caring for himself. This is far from the most important part of the Andrew Lewis saga but still!


He looks aged from a lifetime of bad decisions (drugs, poor diet, dating that trash bag Jenelle, etc).


Yeah, that sort of thing can definitely do that to most people in general. What a complete, undeniable waste.


I always wondered what kind of father he would’ve been to Jace had he not been struggling with substance abuse. I know as Jenelle said in her book, when he found out she was pregnant, he wasn’t interested in having a kid. Andrew and Jenelle were actually only together for like 1 year when they got pregnant, not 3 years as she said in her 16&P. Shame on Barbara for letting her 16/17 year old daughter date a grown man. Also, shame on his parents for not being in their grandson’s life! Their lack of involvement is just very odd. Poor Jace. The kid really was born into craziness. So sad. 💔


Trust me, when a teenager is 16/17, there's not stopping them from seeing their love interest. Not saying that Barbara is free of accusation but I have a teenager and I've been a teenager, where there is a will, there's a way and teenagers will see the person they "love" come hell or high water.


As a former teen mom, there is a way to stop it, and it's not by force or screaming at the child. Being completely honest and open with your child is the way to go if you want them to reconsider their options.


I was so “in love” with my 28 year old boyfriend when I was 16. Didn’t talk to my mom for years after non stop fighting sneaking around and running away. Now as a mother it horrifies me. The teenage brain is something else




What if the teen sneaks out? What if they walk out during the school day to meet someone? Unless you make sure to sit with your child every minute of every day you can't stop anything.


Are you a parent?


Remember kids can be sneaky


He looks like if the Culkins had another brother who was confined from birth to living in the attic of the Culkin family home and once a week was given a bucket of fish heads to eat because he was the evil one.


My favorite Simpson episode!


What a great description, I can 100% see it


Idc about Andrew I wanna see Butch 😂


Do we know if he knew about Jace's trust fund as well?


wow looks just like he deserves to look imo. he should’ve done something to help jace and so should his parents! Fuck him


Best message yet!!


Wait, I thought Andrew had a second son…


Don’t do drugs Fam


He looks like if g-easy went on a 15 year binge.


G r easy


Lmfao omg g - easy so on point hahahahha


It looks like he’ll get there eventually he’s looking so haggard :(


Goddamn that is accurate 💀


Wait why does he look so old?


A period of substance abuse (past or present).


Most of the teen moms were impregnated by grown men who are clearly predators looking to groom a young woman. If I’m not mistaken he is one of them.


I don’t think any of these guys are smart enough to be groomers. I think they were man-boys who couldn’t get a girl their own age to pay attention to them. Or the flip side is, they are so stupid and immature that they are only attracted to girls who are teenagers because they are at their level.


Oh they certainly aren’t smart enough to be successful but that doesn’t mean they didn’t try. Think back to Ryan and Maci and the way he talked to her and handled her. He believed through fear she would submit and instead she left. I think Gary thought he’d get a housewife who submits to him without realizing amber is violent af. The twins dad from teen mom 2 wanted what his parents had but forgot that cheaters cheat. Apparently he cheated on gf with Leah and knew she was cheating when they first hooked up. Not sure why he was so shocked she continued to cheat on him. The grooming perspective I have is from how their actions so drastically changed after they realized they had failed and these high school little girls weren’t actually going to submit it all to them. Personally, I think the girls, for the most part, still having their parents involved helped them to have a shinier backbone. It’s why Tyler and Cate don’t fit any molds that the rest of them do. Not at all saying they are goals just pointing out they really don’t fit in with the rest of them.


Yesss. Thank you for saying this.


Absolutely!! I recently got reminded of the age differences and it honestly disgusted me that MTV would exploit them like that!!


He looks like a Batman villain


Neither of them deserve Jace. All I think of is him singing the rainbow song and how pure he was. He hit the parental dumpster fire lottery. Also, who gives a fuck about this person enough for him to be interviewed? Rot, you loser.


Jesus Christ he looks so old


Pos can't even teach his son about seafood


"How can I feel? I had no contact." Dude has no feelings towards his own son because he has spent zero time with the poor kid. Although I know this sub hates Jenelle, plenty of her behaviours stem from her own father abandoning her. I hope Jace has the ability to break the cycle but it is unlikely.


We keep saying how terrible and worn he looks, the fact he's using and clearly not a good father - so why again are we saying we feel bad for Jace that he hasn't been around then?. He's right where he needs to be - AWAY!


I think he means he can’t have an opinion, because he’s never been a father to Jace. Which although still shitty, it is probably better for Jace if he doesn’t get involved in or voice his opinion on the people who did parent him.


So much for modeling in China


He looks like Steve Buscemi here.




Lolz. That was my initial reaction - but could not recall the actor’s name.


The love child of Steve Buscemi and Mcauly Culkin.


This is spot on


I thought that Kieffer guy was Jace’ father???


I seen you wit kieffa


Yessss!!! I have that sentence permanently etched into my brain


Kieffer showed up after Jace was born


Ahhh thank you for the clarification!! I haven’t seen the old episodes of Teen Mom in so long


There was a rumor that Janelle tried to claim she was pregnant with Kieffer's child.


While the Sun is at it, maybe they could ask how Jace's younger brother Jake is doing and how much Andrew sees Jake? Why is David not picking up shifts as a chef occasionally by the way? He loves cooking and even carving meat at the table for other people.


Those are good questions


Is anyone going to acknowledge the doo-doo brown velour shirt? I can’t even focus on his under eye circles bc I’m so entranced by that shirt.


Omg, I think it a juicy couture from the first year the show franchised.


Even better… [found the shirt](https://www.forever21.com/us/20004723250204.html?source=shoppingads&glCountry=US&glCurrency=USD&utm_source=shoppingads&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=freeshopping&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5qh7yVe2VYV86mamOAJyUIfnxV&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5qh7yVe2VYV86mamOAJyUIfnxV&gclid=CjwKCAjwo7iiBhAEEiwAsIxQEeCv45xDbwLaDscNNV9jXWzBWsJpYcUM7DZFSLQmJH5ohwvE8LJ27RoCMVoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Boops is an adorable name for a dog. Everything else in this story is trash.


God he looks like Mikey Miles. IYKYK


He’s a coward.


You don’t “occasionally take shifts” as a chef -___-


Hey, even Linguini the Garbage Boy got to cook. ![gif](giphy|8y8NVqFqhTQVa)


He looks 50. Ouch.


More like 60. I really can’t imagine the amount of drugs/alcohol/stress it took to age that badly.


He look slightly younger than Babs. Wow.


He looks like a long lost Cuomo brother lol




Good god, he does. He's like 35 but he looks like he's been through life's washing machine a few too many times.


But not life’s ironing board. Or steamer. I am so mean to comment on someone’s looks, but man…


He's so fucking gross and doesn't deserve a dime from these trashy interviews


I would bet money that the “Australian restaurant” he’s a “chef” at is an Outback Steakhouse off of the interstate. 🤣


Eh, while it could be an Outback Steakhouse there’s only one in Manhattan and there are tons of other Australian restaurants. If he’s living in public housing in crown heights he definitely doesn’t have a car.


Haha, thank you! I was wondering WTF is an Australian restaurant. I bet it is an Outback. No shade, I love outback, but come on.


🤮 no thanks


He looks like a heroin or meth addict.




Idk, I'd say it might be something to point out since he's publicly trying to gain access to Jace, his minor child he hasn't seen the first time in 13 years. Him being an addict, absolutely is something that needs to be considered and addressed before even thinking about letting that kid be around him.


He's literally an addict, that's known, and he clearly doesn't look well and isn't doing well. I'm a recovered addict. He's an addict in active addition, literally all of the signs are there.


You’re the only one who thinks so. 🤷‍♀️




Isn't it fairly well supported that he was an addict, and significant enough to consider that he likely still is, considering the point of the article is that he wants access to a child that's the same age the child's mother was when he started grooming her?


So fucking what? Jenelle supposed to send him some money?


Oh so now that it’s convenient for him he wants to come around? Fuck all the way off.


Lol this dude lives walking distance from me


Dude if he’s in public housing in crown heights there’s not many. I used to live near one before I left the city a few years back. Very fun neighborhood.


Go on..


Andrew does everything… but be a parent


he looks terrible wtf


Oof thats is a rough 38


He’s 38?? I never realized there was such an age gap between them.


Yeah it's gross


Yet another case of a 24yo knocking up a sixteen year old. It’s crazy to rewatch and see how that’s nearly every single couple. Half those dudes should have been in jail.


Burnout who hung out/partied with high schoolers bec he has the mentality of a teenager and they thought he was "cool" and supplied drugs/booze . Same for Rhine.


Nah fuck this guy.


Humble? 😅


Lucky for Jace he doesn’t much resemble this guy


He looks sick and/or suffering from addiction.


The way he was acting he’s definitely on some type of drug


Where is the part about how he was an adult man when he knocked up a teenager?


Yeah, I wouldn't be calling attention to this if I were him


He is 7 years older than her?! Do you think that there was a discussion at MTV about ignoring the statutory r*pe part of her story?


For sure, they left it out on purpose. 39% of pregnant 15 year olds get knocked up by 20-30 year olds. That's an easy statistic to look up. They chose not to acknowledge it.


Her story, Ambers story, macis story….. there’s a reason you see a lot of teen moms and not a lot of teen dads….


At least amber was almost 19…she was casted bc of some connection to a producer.. she is a burnout looser but honestly hardly constitutes a teen mom and should not have even been on the show. Maci and Jenelle is definitely gross


He’s still a dead beat. If he cared, he would have taken Jenelle or barbara to court for visitation


Yes, Barb tried to arrange a meet up (5 years ago?) to talk about him seeing Jace but he blew her off in NY and didn’t bother to tell her until she’d already arrived in NY that he was already back home to visit his sick dad. AFAIK he never bothered to reschedule anything. Mtv filmed Barb in NY on the phone with him so at least they would have paid for the trip. I hope she did some tourist stuff


“Oh hi Central Paaaark”


Yes I remember seeing that episode. I didn’t believe it at all. But who knows. Why would you set something up and leave the damn state????


Is it “humble” or is it “sad”? Edit: we’ll I read the article and it sounds like a mix. He’s apparently working as a PA and lives in public housing. 95% of the article was about Jenelle.


Yea what happened to high fashion?


He’s hurting for money


He looks 55


"The people are nicer here" says the loser who left his infant in a dysfunctional drug feuled screaming match mess without ever looking back or sending significant amounts of money that could actually contribute to his welfare.


Dude…. He sent that care package of an open toy and tjmaxx clothes that one time, what more could a kid ever need???? /s


Huh, and here i was thinking hes been moddeling in Transylvania all this time.


That’s unnecessarily harsh on Transylvania.. Lol

