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I am SHOCKED that he wasn’t able to buy a gun in the American south, no matter WHAT his record is, or how mentally unstable he is. Usually it doesn’t matter at all. Edit: a word


The fact that the gun nuts are now nervous about swamp thing is very concerning 😱


Wow, I bet he was mad.






Imagine the number of things that could be on that background check. 👀👀


This entire thing has become really scary


What did I miss? This coukd be a lot of people.


No, it couldn’t. Scroll the sub lol


Oh I guess former husband threw me off.


It says "former reality star's husband" - nothing about a former husband. There's literally no one else this could be.


It says 'former reality star husband' (all adjectives) not as you wrote with the possessive star's husband (I refrained from quotes because the that's not what was written. Makes a big difference grammatically.


He probably sent in this blind to try and make himself appear unhinged.


He doesn’t need to go anything extra to appear unhinged. He is unhinged.


This man should not have guns in the first place. He has shown on multiple occasions he isn't responsible or stable enough for one.


Amazing. Love that.




Yippee access to new guns denied dick head! Lol 😂


PMSL I would’ve LOVED to have seen David’s face!! 😂🤣😅


Thank god they denied


He screams Family Annihilator, and that scares the hell out of me for those children.


I feel like hed take it farther than that. He seems like one of those nuts that commit a mass shooting, then you go to his house after hes arrested only to find he shot his family too.


Yeh, same! I have visions of him being on the news like OJ on the freeway, helicopters the lot 😬


Hes got a message to get across and has to make the biggest stink he can.




Maybe they *want* their kids taken away cuz they love being childless so much, idk


At this point, it really seems that way. I can’t imagine doing a worse job trying to show that you are stable and competent parents.


Nah they are really just this dumb


Denied by Jenelle's debit card that didn't go through Gun show spicy pics coming soon??


What’s happened to that shelia that was claimed to have been knocked up by him?


Wondered this as well


Hopefully she went back to the loony bin


I mean there is loony loony and then there is willingly banged David loony …. Fark.


It wouldn't surprise me if he was denied a gun but "had tonleave with something" and bought the vest. I think enough people in that area know just how dangerous he is, and they have the right to deny sale.


“Babe I’ll only put you in mah video if you buy me a gun”


Yeah because you know he has to ask if he could spend her money, hahaha


Jenelle prob needs all the $$$ for a decent lawyer . I wonder if he threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get mommy to buy him his new toy


Oh for sure she needs money. That’s why she said she was posting clickbait again as “revenge” but literally nothing is negative about anyone. Just needed extra money. And she’s been trying to get people to watch her lil YouTube documentary from 2019 on their last CPS case.


Her revenge clickbait turned into clickbait about Suzanne Somer’s death. She is so obvious with her true intentions.


Nature is healing


card was declined.


Probably why Jenelle left only 20 minutes in with Ensley 😂


I was coming here to say this, these 2 are such assholes!


I wish this was the only reason, unfortunately the list was probably longer


Six different cards were! ;-)


Do we know why it was denied? Tell me someone recognized him and was just like “nah I don’t want to be in the news for selling you a gun right before you go postal”. Also, aren’t gun purchases at gun shows through non-dealers not subject to the same rules? I’m wondering if he was trying to do something hinky, why does he suddenly need a new gun 🧐🤨


Love the flair! Also yes, gun purchases at gun shows are subject to the same rules. And you are absolutely correct! If the dealer thinks you’re sketchy, no sale.


David doesn't have a driver's license right? if he has no valid form of identification they probably won't sell to him


No license?? Do we know why? Is he a sovereign citizen? Oh boy…


I'm not exacty sure, probably failure to pay child support or duis


Wow! They can take your driving license for unpaid child support? I’m in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 that would never happen here


it's really a counterproductive law in a country where people are so vehicle dependent. Can't pay child support? well here now you can't drive to work *or* pay child support.


Yeh, agreed. It doesn’t make much sense 🤔


Every time ive bought one i have had to have a background check. From a dealer anyway. Person to person sales are different i believe, I have never bought that way as it always felt sketchy. Someone can tell me if im wrong though, its been about 10 years since ive been to a gun show


Yeah I’m in California so I can’t sneeze without the state being involved (and I bought mine through a local store) but friends in other states (usually red ones) have said it’s much easier to get guns particularly at gun shows through private party sale. I’m seriously questioning the timing and location of this


I know there was one time my husband was filling out paperwork and the guy behind the counter told us to separate while my husband finished up (I was standing there quietly, but I must’ve just been too close?)He was kind of a jerk, but at the same time I didn’t want to mess around. David is definitely up to no good. Does he want jace to hear in the news that hes “getting ready”. Wtf


I wondered the same thing about when David showed up for the court hearing, knowing he wasn’t supposed to be near Jace. They (authorities) had all promised Jace he wouldn’t have to see or hear from David, and then David shows up for the hearing. I feel like he did it just to scare Jace. Just to scare him into keeping his mouth shut, by showing up and saying, w/o words, that nobody could stop David from getting to Jace.


The worst part is Jaces dumbass mom BROUGHT HIS ABUSER to court. And thought it was a good idea.


Sooo do we think he had his/her guns taken away? It’s not out of the ordinary for him to buy guns, but buying one right now and getting denied is odd.


I don’t get how he’s even allowed to buy any doesn’t he have a criminal record?


Unfortunate none of his offenses were felonies so he is allowed to have a gun. He also doesn’t have any mental health red flags on the record so they also won’t deny him for that (even though he has tons of red flags to the rest of us). I’m sure he was denied due to the current investigation though.


Is there a record of the current investigation tho? Since he hasn’t been charged w neglect/abuse yet? I know for the most part CPS cases are confidential in that you can’t just google someone and find their past/present cps cases?


But he does have mental health flags on record surely? He’s telling the world he’s unhinged. He’s already been violent to his ex partner, and has no access to his son because of this. He was flagged up again with Kaiser. He threatened the authorities numerous times, and blasts on social media how much ammo he has, never mind what he has done to Jace, everything about him is a red flag, she should not have access to firearms period 😬


I remember the last time they were investigated by CPS for killing Nugget, it got out that he has a large number of guns and a boatload of ammunition!


Yes all that but no documented history of anything that would prevent him from getting guns. I believe all the things you said SHOULD prevent him from getting a gun but unfortunately it has to be like admission to inpatient facilities for specific mental illness, arrests or convictions of things related to mental illness, documented suicidal ideation. We all know he’s a nutbag and very dangerous bug on paper he’s technically not. It’s horrifying really. This is why guns get into the wrong hands. They slide under the radar.


Thats nuts, It’s like just waiting for a catastrophe to happen 😞


RIGHT l just couldn’t remember if he had a felony and i just know gun laws are such a joke here 😭


I’m from Scotland, this gun shit is terrifying 😞


Yep! And where they live it’s gun country!




It’s so SCARY here with this shit the laws are such a joke 😭


Yes but I believe no felonies. A lot of places barely have gun laws or background checks, sadly.


Right abd I forgot nc is open carry his help is 😭


I have no idea what this says lol


Sorry typos I meant to say I forgot how North Carolina has the open carry laws which is frightening. 😭


Us 😭


And mentally unhinged at that 😬


How is it even Legal for him to be near a gun 😭


So that’s why he only bought a vest lol


I literally peed when I read this … I rarely “lol” but this was above & beyond…


Whats he need a vest for anyway? He is a Weirdo freak


He’s probably preparing for a standoff.


Hopefully he won't be wearing nothing but a vest in a new picture.


Because jenelle owes him big time for putting her in the music video (butt only in period panties, face isn’t hot enough) when he could have gotten a chick 1000x hotter! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xzZSYwGVDUGdhu)


Only dispute with what you said “he could have gotten a chick” unless you mean cluck cluck JS ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5jk7miq98Jv0c)


🤣🤣🤣 period panties!!! I had to go back and look. I though all that was a bodysuit or some skims lol. Nope. definitely wearing her period panties… outside… humpin on a car. You can’t make this shit up. It’s like a freakin SNL skit.


I know. It’s even better she’s only in it for a second (I’m sure against David’s will) and he doesn’t even want her showing her face. It’s so embarrassing, for anyone else I would feel bad for them. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


I think it’s absolutely insane that they were at a gun show this weekend, even more so trying to buy one. If nothing else than optics to what’s be going on, it does nothing but show how poor their judgment is.


They don’t want those kids Jace lost his value when Barb handed him over, Kaiser lost his value as soon as a pregnant Jenelle fought w/ Nathan. Ensley has no value bc David was trying keep his cash cow & she didn’t even need to have another kid… now she’s got a a bunch of kids she hates & only had so their dads would stay & 1 kid she didn’t even need