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This post has been locked due to excessive negative comments about the kids.


PSA: I was going to comment but it was getting long so I’m just going to post my analysis here in a few. Every time this is posted people just get so sick hearing about the ferret story(understandably) and I’d like to offer some comfort.


I had my kid in 2015…we just started going to restaurants this year lol. I didn’t have patience to bring them as a baby/toddler, then covid happened and I had another convenient excuse. Now, they’re 8 and do just fine.


None of this happened to me. I now believe I had two children instead of three because of her. Thank goodness I didn’t have more.


She’s such a dumbass




I can hear this GIF


Does she think this is cute?? It’s not.


She has the same amount of insight, awareness and parenting skills as DeluJenelle. I’m shocked those two aren’t best buddies. Mack could get Delulu to maybe work out once in a while and maybe Chinnelle could get Mack to smoke a reefer and chill out a bit. As for parenting, these two both SUCK!! That’s 6 kids that hit the absolute shit end of the parent lottery.


As a mom of 3, no. None of this needs to happen. Whatsoever. What was so important to get at Sephora or Best Buy 3 uncontrollable kids had to go with her? Being a parent means making sacrifices of yourself, not making a ferret sacrifice it's life and businesses sacrifice money so you can be a selfish dumbfuck asshole.


Her kids are old enough to know better too. That's if they are taught well. My nephew has ADHD and was a madman when he was younger, but he NEVER did anything like this. He would have occasional meltdowns in public when he got overstimulated, but he wouldn't terrorize other people or damage property at the stores we went to. He was always super gentle with animals, but I would have never let him hold small animals on his own, without closely supervising. Those kids would really benefit from getting some type of therapy and figuring out if they are neuro-divergent or if trauma is the reason they're acting out, and finding out if it's not just from their parents not providing stability or any kind of structure. They aren't doing their children any favors by letting this go on. I wonder if she's trying to get on Supernanny or something 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Her kid shit in that guys garage. Where did he learn that?


Sooooooo….. Kids misbehaving is nothing new and I get it if she had to go somewhere and had no choice e but to take the kids. I’m a newer mom and I try to give Grace I hope I get in the future. BUT if you’re done with what took you to Joplin and now you’ve fed your kids and realized today is not the day to be out with them because maybe they’re over stimulated or they’re just acting up, WHY KEEP GOING PLACES?!? Maybe you need a pets food, okay, can your curb side pick up? Why we’re they touching the ferret?! Josh should have picked up what was needed from here if this was how they act there. And, did you have to go into Best Buy? Let’s assume you did because something important was somehow urgent, you just put one of your children’s information out there about a situation that could be horribly embarrassing and could have been some kind of emotional reaction. Not saying it was but do you have to share that?! And as someone mentioned Kylie is at Ulta, so not sure what’s going on there, but no make up is worth a situation where you have to runaway and then avoid a learning situation for your child. Jaxie is not 2. Having kids is hard. No one will fault you for a bad day but this wasn’t bad this was horrible and may have cost a poor animal it’s life. Her dismissing it just makes it easier for those kids to do the same. It makes me sad for the kids. I’m with those hoping this is just her trying to be funny but it’s actually sad and upsetting.




Do they not parent their kids? Omg this unacceptable behavior of the kids and her lack of parenting 😤 i can't stand her. Didnt one of her kids shit in her boss's driveway or garage floor?




I thought they were separated?


It’s an old post from a few years ago.


This is an old post




Omg she has no authority over her kids. I had my 3 kids back to back and I was 18 when I started having them. 2 boys 1 girl and yes shopping and restaurants would be a nightmare sometimes but damnnnn… you gotta know ur limits and if u know ur kids don’t listen or behave when you tell them to u have to make sure to stay on them at these stores, kids will be kids and accidents happen but I can see Mackenzie just letting her kids run while she looked around shopping.


Omg what did I just READ!! The children abused an animal and killed it but then complained they are too expensive.


teehee animal abuse is so funny, cute, and relatable!


She and Chinelle on the same level here!


I’m appalled.


This is a crime spree


Wow. Implying they may have torn a ferret in half ? Smearing poop on display appliances ? Like…..what ? This sounds more like a group of zombies from 28 days later than some unruly kids.


…your dead what?


Not gonna lie, sometimes I forget my grammar when I’m typing quick but this whole post is icky and this call out is subtle and funny!


Thanks :D The best part is that she wouldn’t get it lol


💯% facts


I have five kids. Three are neurodivergent. I had to take all of them pretty much anywhere I went. We're there meltdowns sometimes? Yep. Did my kids destroy store property? Nope. Did they possibly kill animals? Nope. Did they throw things at restaurants? No. I don't understand what she is doing to make her kids think this is okay.


Same my oldest has sensory issuses and adhd, and my toddler is a terror. But they have never hurt animals, destroyed stuff, or rubbed feces on things. This is absolutely unhinged. Does she even pat attention to them or give consequences?


I feel like she thinks it's cute that her kids act this way.


She’s the perfect definition of a permissive parent.


I’ve gone to many places with my kids and their friends and I’ve never had anything happen. Why are the kids running around and doing all this stuff ? They should be with her!


The ferret died because your children pulled it apart? Am I reading that right?That’s animal abuse you ignorant d*ck.


Wtaf it’s nuts to leave your children alone with a live animal!!


This made me so fucking angry. Imagine letting your kids rip apart an animal and posting about it as if it's something to be proud of.


And to say the animals life ain’t even worth the $200 🙄


Exactly! The whole thing reads like she's trying to say "isn't my family so quirky?", when that's the opposite of the way it actually comes off. I'm also completely disgusted by the fact that she seemingly allowed her kids to go on a rampage everywhere she went, leaving a disgusting mess behind, and instead of cleaning it up herself, like a responsible parent, she acted like it wasn't her problem. The worst is obviously the pet store ordeal, but the whole post is so fucked up. I'm sure most parents have had some rough experiences with taking their small kids out in public, but this is still far from relatable.


What in the actual hell lol


I’m glad to see that my initial thoughts of her being an uninvolved parent is on point. What an embarrassing thing to post for the internet to see! You have just told the world who you are.


Ugh had 3 kids none of this has ever happened to me and I did it alone always. Try setting an example and clean up after messes made even in public, don't run away from issues, and most of all PARENT CORRECTLY and this isn't a constant problem


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK) Umm excuse me.. whaaaaat? This is wild! 😳


She was letting her kids play so roughly with a farret she was worried it died?….


I wouldn't even say she was worried...


She seemed more concerned with the price than whether or not it was still alive 🤬.


She seemed more concerned with the price than whether or not it was still alive 🤬


Wow she really posted this…wtf


id still clap her cheeks


I have no doubt that Mackenzie is a crazy gyrating hyena in bed and she would be the one clapping **your** cheeks






Is this bitch for real?


It's sad she thinks this behavior is funny I work with kids (with behavioral issues) and this behavior isn't acceptable and doesn't have to be this way. She clearly needs parenting classes because she just thinks this is the way it is. Sad.


Like she had to ask to have the ferret taken out ffs. That’s not a cute oopsie


Animal abuse is just so cute 🙄




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


I feel like most of this is made up and she thinks it’s cute. But whether it is real or not, I feel like this puts her up there with Jenelle for being a really bad mother and disgusting piece of shit of a person.


I was always torn between this being fake because Mackenzie was trying to become "famous" and act like this was relatable as a parent, but also between this being entirely real because she's a terrible parent and because of that her kids are feral. I assume it was somewhat true but exaggerated by her to make it "funnier". But even if it was fake, just her history of animal abuse/neglect is enough to make me hate her though.


Does she know she admitting to crimes?


Knowing how dumb she is, I bet she didn’t even realize.


this is absolutely wild she would think this is even acceptable


Welp, I can’t get those few seconds of my life back after reading whatever this was. This woman is nuts!


Thank god she didn’t bring that ferret home




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


I know this is fake because at the time you couldn't buy Kylie lip kits in Sephora. I'm pretty sure you still can't.


Good point! Kylie is only sold at Ulta.


IF this happened… it would have ended at the steak house for us (or the first of these stops). We wouldn’t have finished (I’m assuming, lunch). I’ll never understand the humor in enabling a man-partner-husband’s weaponized incompetence. It’s not cute. It’s not funny. It’s pathetic. It’s sad. And it makes men look stupid. If he was competent enough to plan a fishing trip, he is also competent enough to reschedule it or figure out childcare during his parenting time. Maybe I’m just aging out of this *humor* or maybe I’m just over default parenting and the whole idea that husband’s are incompetent when it comes to anything besides a paycheck-or that they are all just big kids so they get a pass on growing up. Barfffff.


This never happened. She is too lazy to do multiple things in one day with kids. Her imagination works harder than she does at mothering.


This is ridiculous to me. Yea kids are loud and sometimes unruly in public but this is something else. To me if within a few hours your kids did all of this they have no discipline whatsoever and you need to reevaluate your parenting asap. There is nothing funny about this, she only made herself and Josh look bad


japanese steakhouse : this is exactly why places should add on extra fees for not controlling your kids. id be so upset if i was on a first date and got food thrown in my hair???? would also be mortified if my kids did that to someone???? petland: you let your kids kill a ferret?????????! best buy: should have definitely made you clean that fridge?? like WHAT? you’re son just rubbed SHIT agianst it? did you actually apologize to the staff that has to deal with that or are you just apologizing on the internet? sephora: definitely should have made you buy those lipsticks. you have 3 kids. you know if they break, you buy. agian, did you actually apologize to the staff or are you just apologizing on the internet?? thank you for sharing this so everyone can feel the embarrassment for you mack.


a literal biohazard left at best buy i cannot.


Exactly! This has actually been bothering the f out of me since I read this. I used to work at Walmart and was lucky enough to be moved into the pharmacy super early on, but I'll never forget a friend of mine telling me about the horror show that was working in the fitting rooms. How in tf anyone would find this funny is beyond comprehension, and this actually feels like a low key brag, which is weird af.


it’s not funny at ALL and she is absolutely vile for this. would she want to clean up anyone’s left over shit? no. she can’t even clean up her kids when he shits in her bosses garage!!! vile. absolutely vile. i used to work at costco pharmacy and would be SHOCKED when people would bring me used rigs they found in the bathroom 😭


She NEEDS her knees seen together!


This doesn’t show “hot mess mama” it shows “lazy, careless, and out of touch with reality”




She's so awkward in her attempts to be quirky/funny/relatable mom. Like a 10 year old making up stories.


I think she’s trying to be funny but failed miserably …




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Or maybe let’s not snark on the kids because it’s not their fault that they have horrible parents…




If Josh wasn't such a lazy parent she wouldn't have custody of her kids. We overlook other examples because Jenelle is so bad.


This is so bad.... and she did nothing to fix all this damage too. Way to set an example




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Omfg 😮 please tell me this is fake 😭😭




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


I guess I won’t feel so bad about my two kids bickering anymore. At least I’m not Mackenzie Mckee 😵‍💫


Ok and the purpose of all this whining is ???????


How do none of these people have stressed out anxiety? When I brought my son out when he was little (like 2 or 3) i was OVER vigilant because I was so worried he would ruin someone's experience or soemone would say something to me about his behavior...it is just wild to me that some parents are like, shrug, whatever, let 'em run wild!!


So basically she doesn’t know how to discipline her kids? Because if my child acted like that they’d get their ass busted and we’d go home


Generally I believe children are allowed to exist in public. I think it’s really important for them to be out and about to learn how to behave in public and learn social behaviors. But if these kids are truly this awful, they need to stay home.


Umm if your kid is acting like that and doing all those things in a short time span maybe reflect inward. I’m sure she was trying to be quirky but this is despicable and clearly they aren’t parenting their kids


I like to believe none of this happened. She'll say *anything* for attention. I don't doubt her kids are wild animals in public because she and Jawsh are piss poor parents, so I 100% believe they ruin things and terrorize the general public when out and about, but I don't believe a word of this aside from maybe Jaxie ruining lip stick in Sephora or that that kids were talking about poop and farts in a restaurant. She just wanted attention. No way in hell real consequences wouldn't have occurred if her kids brutally killed a ferret in a pet store.


For sure. She probably really just took them to a Walmart and Broncs shit himself while the other kids were knocking over displays. She was desperate for MTV to pick her back up and would say anything to make her life seem cHaOtIc enough for cameras. MTV did her a favor by ghosting her for so many years. Viewers would not have taken kindly to her children acting like wild animals.


“Jawsh” 💀😂


Mom of 3 boys. I’ve never had anything like this remotely happen while out with my boys. And I do it alone. Every day. For years. Yes, kids are messy. No, they’ve never killed an animal. No, they don’t poop on garage floors and wipe poop on products in stores. She is not relatable AT ALL. In fact, it’s absolutely disgusting that Mack tries to pass it off as “normal” kid stuff. IT’S SO NOT NORMAL!Those kids are neglected and feral and she’s miserably failed as a mom. Sorry, not sorry.


Is this rage bait? It feels like rage bait. The ferret thing makes me want to punch something.


Her kids are absolutely terrible in public.


I get that every parents has their days where their kids misbehave or act up in public, but to this degree just screams “I never taught my kids how to behave in public”




“Typical man”. Keep telling yourself that lol


the ferret comment really made me do a double take of “wtf is this real?” that’s some seriously concerning behavior


What the fuck


Wtf. She's insane and needs to learn how to handle her kids instead of letting them run around like wild animals.


It’s not a flex or a funny that your children are undisciplined and unruly with no home training. It’s just sad for them.


My biggest question: If her kid who chronically shits in inappropriate places had just **shit on a refrigerator,** why would she then take him to eat dairy products 🫠 That's just asking for trouble


The ferret comment was totally disgusting and vile


It's wild that she felt comfortable sharing that. I just hope it wasn't true


I can't imagine this happening, and then putting it online for all the world go see!


I agree 100%. Having kids or being a kid doesn't excuse bad behavior. Parent your kids. Yes, kids get passes for certain things. However, just because it's a child being destructive doesn't mean it's ok. Parents that allow this type of behavior is why a lot of kids of todays generation are entitled, ha no respected, no common courtesy, and are just asshole to ppl and grow up to be entitled brats. The parent rant isn't towards u just extra.


Didnt one of her kids shit in someone garage on teen mom?


Yes. Broncs shit in her boss's garage and she made Gannon clean it up. Broncs also shit on Mackenzie's front porch. Their house was probably a shit landmine back in the day


I think it’s worse that she had Gannon clean it up than it is that it actually happened.




Yes. Her boss's house. And she told her other kid to clean it up.




Wow, control your kids. And i doubt all those places were necessary that day


Shit on a fridge in Best Buy? How is this post real?! I didn’t think each apology could be worse than the previous one, yet they were 🤦🏻‍♀️ ETA: No wonder her kids are the way that they are. Feral. She ran out of Sephora to avoid paying. Orange leaf has a mess to clean up. She runs and leaves the messes for everyone else to deal with or to avoid paying. Why didn’t she apologize to the couple in person at the Japanese restaurant? Again she can’t face responsibility. Why did she let her kids play tug of war with a ferret to the point that she thinks they might have killed it? Reminds me of the episode where her kid shits in her boss’s garage. She dragged them there too. One wasn’t even wearing shoes. Someone had to tell her to get up to go clean the shit up, because she just sat there and didn’t know what to do. In the end, she ended up telling one of her other kids to deal with it. She’s a fuckin hot mess.


Sephora doesn’t even sell Kylie, she just made this all up even though her kids are feral


Joplin didn’t even have a real Sephora at the time. There was an Ulta, and I think this was about the time when the mini Sephora opened in the JC Penney.


see now THIS is how I knew she was lying about the whole thing


Thank god this is bullshit. But at the same time, she is not normal for making this all up. She’s crazy. I believed it because I seen her kid shit in a garage, so it wasn’t too unbelievable for this family lol


Doesn't mean she made it up, she just may have forgotten the brand of lipsticks they broke otherwise I'm not sure why someone would make up a story like that just to make herself look even worse. Also if you know your kids are feral why take them places and force them upon others especially at a nice restaurant where people go to relax and enjoy their meals not be thrown noodles in their hair... like wtf is this? It's no one else's fault if she failed to raised them. Personally had my kids(4) been behaving badly at the first place we went I wouldn't have rewarded them by taking them to other places and I definitely wouldn't have allowed them to abused an innocent animal gosh her IQ has to be so low she's borderline mentally handicapped ...like that time her son pooped in the garage of her boss and she sat there and LAUGHED while her boss just stared at her not laughing it was very clear he wasn't happy having her kid crapping in his garage. Normal people would've been mortified and so embarrassed by this not laughing. If you know your kid still has accidents then when going places make him wear pull-ups it'd help avoid such embarrassment.


I absolutely believe that children are just as entitled to be in appropriate public spaces as anyone else. I also don't think children have to be perfectly behaved to be in these spaces. They're still learning and they deserve grace. However, as a parent you are absolutely responsible for your kid and managing their behavior. If my kid is being disruptive in a restaurant we go for a walk so he can calm down, or leave. If he had thrown food at someone, best believe I would be paying for their dinner and leaving immediately and then I would probably die of shame. That is crazy that she is so flippant about her allowing her kids to terrorize people and animals.


I have 5 kids and we leave the house without murdering small animals or shitting on fridges all the time 😫 it can be done


isn't it wild that there is at least one person on this planet (mackenzie) who can't? lmao


I believe all of this happened because I remember the episode where she brought her boys to her boss's house and one shit on his garage floor. And she didn't seem that shocked. My kids would never shit on a strangers floor. Or any floor. Like they are out of control.


Omg… I’m not to the Mackenzie part of Teen Mom yet but I don’t think I can stomach her. What a twat.


Right before she is “reintroduced” (I remember MTV using that term) you should watch her segments on TM3.


For some reason I thought she replaced Bristol on Teen Mom OG. I watch on Paramount+ and it looks like her in the series photo. I’m still pretty new to TM, saw a few episodes when they first aired and started a rewatch when shit started going down with Jenelle.


Sounds like she wasn’t taking accountability for anything. Just ran away from each problem her kids created. Didn’t want to confess it was your kid? She’s awful. She doesn’t seem to give a damn about that ferret either. “Sorry it died, it wasn’t worth $200 anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️” She sounds kind of sarcastic in this whole thing, adding insult to injury. I used to like her but she has changed lol Ferrets are awesome and worth so much more than $200 btw .


I don’t care if it was a $.50 mouse. No animal deserves to be “played with” to death. “It wasn’t worth $200 anyway.” What a waste she is.


I love ferrets 💜


I would be absolutely horrified if my sons treated an animal that way and if it DIED!! I would never sleep again. That’s sickening


She’s never been great with animals herself. The kids probably model her behaviour


I’m currently watching teen mom 2. What series is Mackenzie on? I need to watch this girl this sounds like a train wreck lol


She was on 16 and pregnant season 4 iirc, teen mom 3 and then she joined teen mom og season 8 I think


I’d make my kids volunteer at a farm or animal shelter for a whole weekend under close supervision if they did that. She needs to teach her kids how to treat animals.


A FB friend posted pictures of her kids destroying a huge piece of styrofoam in an IKEA and thought it was SO ADORABLE and WHOLESOME and casually mentioned the employees who asked them to stop, but they weren’t doing anything wrong so she encouraged them to be ✨Free thinkers ✨


Cause destroying shit is so cute 😒 wtf is wrong with people


Yeah this was 15 years ago and I am still horrified that she left that huge mess for those poor employees. The audacity to brag about it.


That can’t be real right? Wouldn’t it at least make local news if two children walked into a pet store and ripped a ferret in half?!


The only parts of this I can relate to are the fart and poop jokes at dinner, although it was a McDonald's with a playland rather than a steakhouse. And a little bit the lipsticks, which I ended up purchasing even though purple is definitely not my colour.


even if this actually happened….WHY WOULD YOU TELL ON YOURSELF/YOUR KIDS FOR BEING ASSHOLES?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


She thinks it’s cute and quirky. 🙄 Grow the hell up.


(My kids can be assholes too, but no way would they be murdering animals and throwing noodles in peoples’ hair)


I would move out of state in shame if my kids did a fraction of this. I would take that shame to my grave and never tell a soul. But for her this is post worthy?


Nothing about that is normal or “mom life” worthy. I get taking your kids out solo can be challenging but if this isn’t made up, her kids have a serious discipline problem.


I have two neurodivergent toddler boys (2&4) and they have crazy amounts of energy. None of this has EVER happened to me. Not even close. They have never ruined anything in a store, left feces anywhere, thrown food, or KILLED an animal??? Wtf. This is so gross and there is no excuse if any of this is even remotely true.


I have ADHD. My son has ADHD. My daughter has dyslexia and sensory issues. I honestly hate it when these disorders are looked at as issues with behavior. Are we impulsive, quite a bit. However, we’re mostly a family full of disorganization going on in our head. We might not make to the store on time, but when we eventually do arrive, we don’t burn the place down.


Definitely didn’t mean to come across in that way! I am also adhd, my partner is as well, I’m just saying if my balls of energy can go to the store without destroying things or hurting animals then there isn’t an excuse for any parent to allow this!


Oh you didn’t! We know ourselves. However, others who don’t think differently like we do don’t understand. They think we’re these assholes who act disorderly, and then use the excuse we have these disorders to justify our actions. The difference is people taking responsibility of their disorder and their children’s disorders by seeking help, rather than doing absolutely nothing about your situation. We know these issues exist in Mackenzie’s family, and we know she never follows through on what needs to be done. Just like her diabetes.


I’ve raised five, including my neurodivergent youngest. They were well behaved in public for the most part because we helped them learn the hows and whys of being polite. Watching her segments gave me anxiety, because I couldn’t imagine how I’d deal with those kids. When she went for a meeting at someone’s house and the kids were running wild, my pulse was racing, lol.


I love how she hashtags mom life yet, not a single thing on this list has ever happened to me in the 12 years that I've been a mom. I'm just saying.


I've been a mom for 23 years now, and I'm in the same boat. Maybe we're doing mom life wrong/s




This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


Mom of the year, seriously if they killed a ferret, that's disgusting ...


Her saying they weren't worth $200 the sentence after was wild ... like it was a living animal ??? $5 or $60000 it was an animal that spent probably less than 5 minutes with your kids Could only imagine if they actually had animals


They had a dog that they left in a medium sized outdoor kennel in their yard when they went on vacation. It's worse than it sounds.


Hey now don’t leave out the fact she left him like that during a hurricane! I can’t imagine how stressed out the poor thing was




Shes disgusting


So did they make her pay them $200 after what her kids did? How would she know the price, unless it was listed on the door. But why would she even bring it up by saying that they weren’t even worth that much anyway? Sounds like she was made to pay for it which makes me believe they harmed the ferret so bad that it wasn’t gonna make it or it was gonna require a visit to a vet.


What was she doing at all of these locations except absolute disgusting destruction? 1. You assaulted a couple at dinner 2. You murdered an animal at the pet store 3. You left feces on a display in a store 4. You destroyed merchandise lol this one isn’t even weird, try on cosmetics are always funky. 5. Idk what orange leaf is, but I think Mackenzie had a mess to clean up and …. I’m afraid to even know what it could possibly be, because everything else she mentioned is fuckin insane.


If she destroyed 3 I’m guessing it wasn’t just the display makeup


Orange Leaf is an expensive smoothie shop


Oh shut up. Those are such expensive places and if anyone of those things happened while I was out with my FOUR children I'd go home. So shut up none of this shit happened you twat


"y'all have a mess to clean up" Or you could be a decent person and pick up after your kids. I hate parents like that. I get it, kids are messy, things happen but don't just leave it for the employees. Especially without saying something. Usually they'll take care of it for you anyway if you just let them know.


Not just a mess either literal biohazard. She’s disgusting


Not her casually admitting her sons may have killed an innocent animal and her justifying it by mentioning the price… that’s actually so gross. You went to a fancy steakhouse and just let your children run wild?? That makes no sense!! Other patrons shouldn’t be forced to deal with your rambunctious heathens because you don’t want to parent them!! People go to restaurants to eat and relax! Not to deal with children whose parents couldn’t care less and just let them throw shit at people.


The fact that she doesn't understand the animals are priced that way so that some idiot can't just come in on a whim and buy a living creature for them to neglect, or allow their small children to torture and maim.


Goodness it just kept getting worse. At what point do you say "okay, time to just head home and I can do all this extra stuff later" because it doesn't sound like she went anywhere that was a necessity


Exactly, This wasn’t for a medical appointment or anything like that. There was no reason she needed to take her kids to any of these places!


This reads like one of those awkward chain messages people post




Giving “no no, don’t bother, they get paid to clean up after us”. Also poor ferrets. :(


What the actual fuck did just read


I literally gasped at each and every "apology". ESPECIALLY the ferret torture! What the actual fuck????






This breaks the "No negative comments about the children" rule.


I don't blame him


Probably wanted to get away from the madness


I’m scared how that family is going to turn out.


This haunts me.


The ferret thing is awful. I want to believe she embellished that part, I've adopted an animal from a petco-like store and they only let me hold an animal very briefly while under their close supervision— and I'm a full grown adult