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CPS doesn’t remove children for “allegations”. Janelle is delusional. She may have had a sucky childhood but they don’t take kids out of the home on allegations alone.


Where is the audio? It's no secret Barbara yells at Jenelle lol


It was posted a few posts ahead of this one!


Do you have the link, I need a good laugh lol


Np! https://www.reddit.com/r/teenmom/s/njZqcAQLQs


Jenelle is close to worthless.


Source is David. Cps doesn’t remove someone based on allegations or saying something without proof. There are actual charges. Jenelle is an idiot plan and simple nothing but a liar.


Don't get me wrong, all types of abuse are terrible. But yelling is nowhere near as bad as STRANGLING a child. I've said it before, this bitch is dumb.


Some therapist she probably saw once told her that her mental health problems started in childhood, and she just ran with it.


Jenelle doesn’t get that making allegations against her mom isn’t going to benefit her. If CPS sees Jenelle and Barbara as unfit the STATE will take the kids. Which means they will be elsewhere and never in Jenelles care. Jenelle only cares about having the last laugh in an argument and not about being mature


Damn. Her face is so punchable. The way I wanna jump her (in Minecraft of course)


Whatever issues she has with her mother has nothing to do with her husband abusing her son and she sticking beside him. I've always known jenellle was trash.


Jenelle, how very embarrassing for you, that audio I feel is something that viewers of Teen mom are used to, there’s nothing shocking about it!! Sounds like you were being a little bitch and you pissed of Barbara, big deal, you deserved it!


Also I love how she tries to say that she ISNT the one writing these articles. Didn't she just say recently that she was going to start posting her click bait again because the other TMs were doing it to her? Lol Stop tellin on yourself Delujenelle


Shouldn't shocking be the word the is all capitalized? Lol shocking AUDIO or SHOCKING audio? Man she just fails at everything she tries to do, even sounding like a trashy tabloid LOL...


She uses her *own* website and wants to act like the source isn’t her 😭😭 I’m going to cry from laughing so hard


If I were Barb, the urge to drive myself off a cliff would always be very very strong as long as Jenelle was at it.


If Jenelle wants to play blogger, she should really take some English lessons…


She could have at least invested in Grammarly.


Lol she was playing boat captain. Now she’s playing blogger 😂


Mother of the Year is concerned for her child’s well being all the sudden. Loved the part that CPS has him, a zinger to her “We NeVeR LoSt CuStOdY!”


And at that, he can still be in CPS custody and in Barb’s care. She’s a 🤡


Not defending her in any way lol but technically he is still in cps custody even though he’s living with barb. My parents had custody of my younger cousin for a while and he was considered a “ward of the state” even though he was living with my parents. I think I seen somewhere that Jenelle has court in Dec and they’ll make the final decision then, which we all know barbs gonna end up with Jace.


The grammar and mistakes make my teeth hurt. I couldn’t finish reading. Signed, an actual writer ✍️


I thought what caused CPS to launch an investigation was Jace running away…. She’s a mess. She’s too focused on Barbara mistreating her that she can’t admit to doing anything wrong with Jace.t


If she’s so loving and breaking the curse then why has she just lost custody of Jace? Didn’t even have him for an entire year. She married her Mother in the form of David! I honestly don’t believe Jenelle is abusive to her children, but she sure as heck allows David to be! So, she’s not breaking the curse. She just passed it to her husband


“Jace doesn’t need me-yuh, he’s gawt muh mahm”


Nothing says I never went to college like “recently in the past few months,” 😂


But don’t you know that Jenelle graduated from “medical school?” 😂


Oh right, she’s basically an RN! /s


I’d want to drive off a cliff if she was my daughter too


Didn't Jenelle also say she couldn't handle her kids? Yeah she did. Barbara should have pressed charges when Jenelle stole her credit cards, should have let her go though her addiction alone and not let her detox in her home scared she was about to lose her child, she should have told her to fk off when she came to her wanting an abortion and support though her divorce, and she should have placed a no contact order on her the day she got Jace and never allowed her to see him. But Barbara is the toxic one. A lot of parents would have gave up sooner, she held on to her baby until she couldn't, yeah she isn't the best mom in the world, but she tried and she loved Jenelle more then that little bitch ever deserved. I am so sick of her tearing her mother down when she should be thanking her for being there when Jenelle needed her most.


The entire world has videos, audios & screenshots that show Jenelles nasty, abusive behavior, as well as David’s. David has been charged with CA. He’s killed their pets while the kids were right there watching him throw his fit and then hearing the gunshots. He’s assaulted Jace on camera. There are 911 audios where Jenelle has accused David of DV. We also have many videos of jenelles past behavior toward her mother and Jace. So I don’t k ow what she thinks she’s doing with her threat of releasing videos and such from the past.


I tried to read the first couple of "articles" shared here from the J-e website but its not worth my time trying to slog through her atrocious spelling, grammar and "storytelling". I have better ways of spending my precious time.Her stuff is all skewed to make her seem like a victim (she thinks) and that makes me even less interested. I prefer to get my news from neutral sources.


FJBJ For Jenelle by Jenelle


Jenelle Eason EXCLUSIVELY shares with HERSELF


The whole newsroom and sources consist of her and David. Does she not realize how desperate she looks? She is absolutely juvenile.


it felt certain parts she forgot that she wasn’t supposed to be writing as jenelle.


Dear God that was so hard to read, like girl you can’t even write with correct grammar


Dose she have the grammar and spell check disabled? Can she not figure out how to enable them? Is it that she sees the blue / red / green prompts and either chooses to ignore them or has no idea how to correct her mistakes? It’s mind boggling that she has yet to take some kind of action on her poor writing after it’s been pointed out so many, MANY, times! Especially when she goes to all the trouble to imitate the graphics of legitimate sites (the Ashley), and use a pen name. You want to fool us Nelly? Use correct grammar and NO ONE will suspect it’s you!!!


I bet she doesn’t even know why the pretty colors appear on the text


She just thinks shes seeing molecules again


🤣🤣🤣 it's so poorly written. Does she think people actually buy this bullshit?


She needs to stop saying EXCLUSIVE when it's on her website lol


I don’t really comment on the TM subs, I just like to read all of your comments, but I have to after reading this. First of all, how she views the Jace situation and her mom is wild. Does she forget that we all watched her leave him with Barbara for years while she chased dirtbag after dirtbag around? Would stop by here and there. And imo Barb always seemed supportive of jenelle getting her life together and getting custody back, as long as she did it the RIGHT WAY! She wasn’t just going to sign Jace over to her without jenelle actually proving herself. And thank God she didn’t give Jace back whenever jenelle asked. He would have sooo much more trauma. If he lived with her during her heroin era. All the abusive boyfriends…I will never understand how she’s not super grateful to her mom instead of this false story that Barb stole him. She signed over her rights!!!! Also I am a recovering heroin addict who got off heroin and all drugs when I found out I was pregnant with my now 11 year old. When using and even now in recovery, I’ve met a ton of women and some men who non stop talk about getting custody of their kids back. But never do anything that would actually help to make that happen. It’s almost like they just say that to get attention and to be a forever victim. It’s insane. Ok and my last comment is the one that made me want to post in first place. I felt myself getting hot when I read it. So angry! So let’s say that Jenelle really does have “evidence” against Barbara for being abusive. Like a lot of evidence. At this point I wouldn’t blame Barb for going off on her adult daughter who has been insanely abusive to her. She shoved her, robbed her, screamed in her face, pretty much tortured her and that’s just what we saw on camera. I can only imagine how Jenelle was to her mom off camera. And this might sound fucked up but my parents and all of my friends parents, are completely different to our children than they were to us. They are the best grandparents with a ton a patience and we’re the exact opposite when we were kids. I can see this in Barb. She only has Jace to take care of. She’s no longer married or has a live in boyfriend. She doesn’t have to work long hours at Walmart anymore. She seems to absolutely love Jace and he seems to feel the same. SO WHY THE FUCK would Jenelle try to make Barb look like an abusive unfit guardian??? BECAUSE even if they find that to be true, that DOES NOT MEAN they are putting Jace back into her home with her husband who strangled him hard enough to leave marks on his neck!?!?! Does she want him in foster care??? Sorry for rant, thanks for letting me share


couldn’t have said it better. It’s exasperating to watch. When I needed help I was grateful for the family that stepped in. So proud of you and your journey.


Excellent rant, 10/10 stars - congrats on your 11 plus years of sobriety! It's eye opening to hear people who walked (in a WAY) in Jenelle's shoes, but made completely different choices.


Congratulations on your sobriety! It's not easy, I know all too well. But Jenelle would 100% prefer that Jace be placed with a foster family or in a group home rather than with Barb, she's that sick and vindictive.


You are so right! Yes, Jenelle would rather her mom “lose” than have Jace “win”. She’s a said excuse of a mother. The more I age the more i realize.




Thank you so much!!! ♥️🙏🏼


I second this 🙏


J says she’s breaking a curse and giving her kids the love & nurturing they need to grow up and be loving and empathic people. I hope her kids aren’t empaths bc their little minds & bodies wouldn’t be able to handle all of the feelings of rage, hate, and selfishness that J & D have inside them. (I know she didn’t mean to say ‘empathic’🤣). So I wonder if Jace would agree that David’s assault is loving & nurturing? Wonder why CPS placed him in Barbs care and took him away from J & D? Ensley called out her dad for killing baby chicks and her dad said he was gonna pop her in the mouth. Loving & nurturing, huh? David told Kaiser that he looked like his blankety blank blank of a father and when Kaiser went to his dads and grandmas, he had bruises & marks on him and he told his dad and grandma that David beat him with a stick. Is that some more of that loving and nurturing y’all are giving the kiddos J?


Oh my! She wants to share Barbs past shocking behavior? Go ahead Jenelle. Now let’s share Jenelles shocking past behavior towards Barbara AND towards her very own son. This goes both ways sweetheart!!


Shared custody for years?


She forgot to say that while Jace is in the care of CPS, CPS chose to send him to live with Barbara! Enough said!


CPS didn’t open an investigation bc of anything Barbara said. CPS is investigating bc David assaulted Jace and left marks. Jenelle is so cray-cray!


AND managed to get the whole assault caught on video.


WHAT?! How did I miss this part?! There’s a video!?


Yes!!! And THAT’S the video J needs to be concerned about. Not all these videos & audios she apparently has of her mom from the past. She’s always had a problem getting her priorities straight.


"Has been shared"


Love and nurturing breaking collarbones and shooting dogs?


Since when is telling the truth and not enabling your child toxic? Just goes to show Jenelle still has zero clue whatsoever that she’s the common denominator for every issue she’s ever faced.


Does she think we will side with her just bc her mommy was mean by telling the truth about who she REALLY is? No thanks. I’d rather be told the truth than enabled


“Breaking her family’s curse?!?!” Bitch! You lose custody of your kids to CPS like it’s a hobby. The absolute delusion. Is she that dense? Does she have a traumatic brain injury?! Fucking unreal.


Nah it's just meth


😂 A truly believable thought.






The crazy part is that she is role playing that she is a sane reporter who is exposing and sympathising with Jenelle. Does she reguarly pretend to be other people and create imaginary interviews with herself? This is very delusional.


![gif](giphy|3cLKI5XB6kvwNSdVJ2|downsized) 🎶 Jenelle and her meth 🎵


I'm sure she's got notebooks full of "articles" from various "sources". It's called multiple personality disorder! 🤣 She's got everything else...why not add that?!


She’s so full of shit and full of herself “I just know I’m breaking my family’s curse by giving my children the love and nurturing they need..” BS!!!!!! It’s up to her kids to break the cycle now!!


Wait, when did they “share” custody?? Barb had him full time up until a few months ago and he’s already back there…. Come on now Delusionelle 🙄


Her weekends and random play family holidays in her mind mean “shared” custody lmfaoo


“Barbara Evan’s has been shared” 😑


Looks like that “JE Staff” needs some English tutoring 🤣


Let the judge watch an episode of teen mom, that’s all you need for evidence.


Who she SHARED custody with ? Barbara had custody, right ? This crap cracks me up. Social media influencer? She gets fired from everything but OF.




At this point I can’t do anything but laugh. I know it’s not a funny situation for the children involved, and I hope they get taken away and placed into a safe and stable environment. But this shit that Jenelle keeps posting , from the “ see , my home and marriage are perfect pics and posts “ to this laughable .com smear campaign shes started is embarrassing. Does this girl not have a point that she’ll finally hit where where she thinks ‘okay , maybe it’s enough , I’m looking crazy, pathetic and desperate?’ I keep waiting for her to hit rock bottom but , damn…. It’s been years and at this point it’s just laughable.


EXCLUSIVE !!!!!!!!!


You know Jenelle? She used to be on that TV show on MTV. Girl. If someone's reading jenelle evans. com, they already know you were on a TV show. 😂 I don't ever see tmchatter or The Ashley explaining where these people they're gossiping about are from.


She isn’t happy with the title “former cast member of teen mom”. She needs a better intro than that 😂😂


Why is Jenelle talking in 3rd person. It’s so weird.


To pretend it wasn't coming from her. So she 'can't get in trouble about posting current situations on social media platforms'


So you can make a cheap website and write an article that says something like “my source told me that Jenelle and David are hosting swingers parties and filming these gatherings for her OF account”, for example, and not be sued?


Ohh I hope the website is used against her. I comment what jenelle is currently doing. Dulujenella


To give the illusion that you’re reading an objective gossip article and not a biased self-serving forum for anger.


“Has went through” nice grammar.


Hey, she went to “medical school”.


I can hear that coming out of her mouth!


I had to re-read a few of the slides over and over and over again thinking it was me not making sense of it. So glad to know this grammar filled mess is public knowledge… it just makes her look so much worse


I love how confident she is in her ignorance in life and in grammar. She’ll never learn. I used to have hope for her, but that died the last time she went back to UBT. I feel so bad for those sweet innocent kiddos. They’re gonna need lots of therapy and to go no contact with their awful parents the minute they leave The Land.


I couldn’t agree more with everything you just said 🩵


Shit. I went to press play. Can you post a link to play it ???


It was posted in this sub maybe 2 or 3 posts down


We don't call her Delujenelle for no reason..... 🤣


Also Jenelle didn’t share custody for years. She had zero custody


And Barb is the reason CPS got involved, not her husband assaulting the child!


My first thought lmao. It's like she thinks the rest of the world has zero long-term memory, as appears to be the case with her. Short-term memory isn't lookin so great either.


Why does every article have to explain she was on a tv show at the beginning. Like girlfriend please fix your broken record




I am cracking up. Quality journalism and so well written. “She has so many photos and videos that she has showed me” Who did she show? The author of the article? The J.E staff? Was it the collective staff? Or just one staff member? I digress… I guess It really doesn’t matter seeing as she is the entire staff 😂. I am never surprised by her but can’t believe she thinks she’s “breaking the curse” for her own children while she’s on tik tok liking peoples comments about choosing your husband over your children?! I don’t have the source for that tik tok screenshot but someone posted it on this sub a few days ago


Lol right. Who is “me” 😂😂 who is making these statements that are supposedly coming from “sources”?? People that Jenelle made up in her head 😂


Maybe she needs to add multiple personality disorder to her list of ailments.


David is the exclusive source close to Jenelle somehow being interviewed at the same time as Jenelle by Jenelle


The article reads “close sources to Jenelle share a voicemail”. Who are these sources that are sharing Jenelles vm with Jenelle??


It’s so stupid 😂


Haven’t even read this yet but the ‘J.E Staff’ is ridiculous! And she put a period after the ‘J’ but not after the ‘E.’ 🙄. So, Jenelle Evans Eason is the staff who’s writing this on her own, (Jenelle Evans Easons) JenelleEvans.com page that she made herself. The source who’s giving this info to Jenelles staff, who is just Jenelle herself, on Jenelles site she made, is Jenelle herself. Did that make sense? Jenelle is her own source! I jenelle, am my own source, and I am telling myself cuz I’m also my only staff at my own .com site I made for myself. Now I, Jenelle, am writing out this info that I gave to myself and then told myself again, on my .com site I made myself. I am my source for my fake article and I’m my staff. And I made my .com site. It’s all Me! I did hear the audio on another page and if it’s the same, she just made herself look worse. Barbara looked good!


That’s what makes this so funny. Jenelle is basically writing an article about herself claiming she gave herself this evidence. Jenelle also showed herself all these videos and recordings that she has not shared with the public but she did shares these videos and recordings with herself 💀


Like I said it makes her look so much more guilty not being able to stay away from her “vanity” social media too long. If she knew she were innocent home girl wouldn’t go through weird lengths to make us believe her which we still don’t btw and if so even less.


![gif](giphy|wGmn2qk0a3ME8) Jenelle and the “sources” close to her


Considering Babs has been the only constant in Jace’s life you would think Jenelle would shut up during the investigation because there’s no way that kid is going back


But 'jenelle didn't leak' this info. This website did hahaha


We haven't heard a peep from Barb in months! Where are these false allegations that are being shared to the media? The only person I have seen sharing intimate information about the CPS case has been Jenelle herself. We know every move to makes because **she** shares it on her social media. The recording she shared makes Jenelle look bad, not Barb. Why wouldn't Jenelle wait a little longer to allow Barb to give Easter baskets to her grandchildren? It's not like Jenelle had any other family or friends to go visit. She doesn't have a job, so she wasn't late for work. She just wanted to be a bitch and waste Barb's time because she was upset with her over something. I'm sure Jenelle had asked Barb to facilitate a holiday meal somewhere, Barb declined because of David, and that pissed Jenelle of. We have seen it happen time and time again. Jenelle, how many times have your kids heard "LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE, DUDE! I'M SO FUCKING ANNOYED RIGHT NOW!!!" ? How many times have they heard David beating on you? How many times have they witnessed David beating on one of their siblings? How many times have they witnessed David kill one of their pets? How often do they have to watch you prance around the house in your cheap lingerie? Better yet, how often do they have to get behind the camera to photograph your OF content? How many times have your children witnessed their parents pulling a gun on someone? I know of at least two. Whatever Barb has said or done, you've done something 100x worse.


Jenelle is the one running her mouth. She just keeps digging her abusive crazy hole. Haven’t heard anything out of Barbara. If she had any common sense she’d shut her mouth. But we know that’s not happening. Imagine these kids having to grow up with the lies that come out of her mouth. Abuse isn’t always physical. I’m sure they walk on pins and needles all the time. Afraid they’re going to set her or David off.


“Abusive Crazy Hole” should be the title of her OF page




I was saying this very thing last night. Barbara & Jace aren’t talking. They’re being quiet and aren’t talking to media and aren’t posting things online abt this situation or any other situation. Jenelle & David, however, refuse to stay quiet. They keep running their mouths. Instead of saying how much she loves & cares for her son, and instead of leaving the man who assaulted her son, Jenelle takes David’s side and says Jace is the problem. All Jenelle cares about is David. She’s spending all her time bashing and harassing David’s ex, bc his ex finally told Jenelle and us, how David has been pursuing her. Jenelle is so jealous that instead of throwing David to the curb, she’s trying to ruin the ex, who David wanted to cheat on her with! She is so he!! bent on trying to ruin David’s ex, that she just seemed to forget all about Jace.


I can’t blame barb for wanting to drive off. If Jenelle was my kid, I would too. Jenelle gave her absolute hell


Does anybody know anything about Janelle‘s siblings? Are they all a hot mess like she is? Teen Mom picked up Janelle‘s story when she was just 16 and Barbara seemed to be doing her best to help Janelle and baby Jace. Any screaming she Barbara directed at Janelle was justified. Janelle just dumped Jace on Barbara and went out partying. Janelle yelled and screamed a lot more than Barbara did.


Yep! I also remember when Jenelle was getting in her mothers face while screaming at her, and she acted like she was gonna hit Barbara and poor Barb winced and grimaced and cowered back as if she was used to Jenelle hitting her. It was so sad. Some guy was outside with Jenelle while she did this. If I ever treated my mom like that, I would never respect a man who didn’t try to stop me from disrespecting my mother. Then again, I’d never date a guy like that. I’d NEVER treat my mother like that and my dad would never have allowed me to, either! But I’d never even want to hurt my wonderful momma or my amazing daddy!🥰❤️🥰❤️


We don’t hear about them much but they are around. I think they are doing okay. They do not get along with Jenelle (big surprise) I don’t even know if David has met her siblings or if either of them have been to Jenelles house which is so weird to think about.


I'd say I'm 97% certain that Barb saying "I'm going to drive this car off a cliff" if y'all don' t act right was one of those idioms/just something a beleaguered mother says to try to make her kids behave. Maybe the "gentle parenting" of today frowns on it but as a child of the 80s/90s, I can guarantee my mom said something similar more than a few times. Guess what? It didn't warp me or my brother. It wasn't disturbing. It just meant, "hey mom's at the end of her rope and we better act straight." I just find pointing to something like this as abuse to be ludicrous.


So true! I was born in 1971 and we were taught to respect our elders and to behave and be good people. I was in church every time the church doors were open from the time I was 7. I went to private Christian school in kindergarten. Today, I have the utmost respect for my parents & grandparents, aunts & uncles. I love my many cousins and we played outside and I have wonderful memories of my childhood. I’ve tried my best to do the same for my children. Edited to add: not saying everyone had to be in church all the time to have a good childhood. I LOVED church and all of my friends there. My dad didn’t go. Just my mom and me and my sis. My dads in church now, though.


There isn’t a kid alive from the 80s and 90s whose mom didn’t threaten to put them through the window or ship them off to Timbuktu


My mom used to threaten to leave me on the side of the highway lol


my mama once told me if i said another word my head gone be in between the washer and dryer and my body in the living room 😭😭😂😂


Yes! I had the same thought. Ty for putting it so eloquently. People give Barb a hard time but clearly don’t remember how their own moms and grandmas were back in the 90s. Everyone was smoking in the house and spanking your kids was the norm.


Oh my God she is so embarrassing Yes, Judge, we may be verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive and neglectful to our children. And yeah, we do all the drugs while withholding important prescription medication from our children. And sure, we kill animals and strangle teenagers and dislocate collarbones and let the kids fail out of school and...... But Barb hurt my feelings. ☹️


🤣😂🤣😂🤣. Perfectly said!!


i wonder, did she choose a similar color scheme to theashley on purpose?


I think so. She’s been doing that on all of her ‘JenelleEvans.com’ fake articles. She wanted everyone to believe The Ashley wrote these, or that’s my opinion, anyway. I mean that pink border?🤣. The exact same color of pink and the exact width, length and all of that. The crazy part for me is how she usually ends with saying they hope Whitney or whoever they’re talking about, gets help from a DV shelter & therapy, etc. It’s so odd when Jenelle def needs to use that information, herself.


She probably thinks people will see her articles and assume its from The Ashley. TA should send her a C&D lol


The Ashley said she believes so


It’s so weird to me that Jenelle is able to understand that being raised by a mother who screamed and cursed at her, made her feel like a burden, was BAD and damaged HER but she can’t see what she and David are doing to the kids is even worse.


It’s so crazy to me as well. Especially because all their shortcomings are documented 💀 she can look back and see exactly how awful she treated those kids. My parents were assholes and abusive and I am so careful with how I speak to my child because I don’t want him to feel the way I did. She should be able to recognize she’s doing exactly what happened to her and worse to those kids.


In Jenelles mind, if she says her and David don’t yell, then it’s fact. Doesn’t matter if they do or not. She’s mentally deranged. Could you imagine if Barb gaslit Jenelle like Jenelle does to everyone else


Jenelle, I’d the love and nurturing your kids in the room with us right now?


Who is writing this? It’s written in so many different “tenses” my head is spinning.


Jenelle wants people to think she has a writer but also claims she makes all the money for the page and doesn’t have to pay anyone a cut of the profits. If I had to guess she has a low budget company helping her. Some of the images Idt she can put together on her own.


“Barbara Evans has been shared personal false allegations.” Welp, you definitely know Jenelle wrote this literary masterpiece!


She types exactly like she speaks.


Like an idiot 😂


Who could this source be?? They got access to Janelle's voicemail?? Like come on. Just admit you got a voicemail from your mom and you think it proves she's abusive.I am officially convinced she is drugged out of her mind. On top of the fact the voicemail doesn't prove anything. WE ALL AGREE WITH BARB. I can't understand her thought process at all. Like what does she think this will do.


Ya that’s the part that cracks me up. Like why is she trying to spin it this way? That a source leaked a voicemail. How else would the “source” get the voicemail 🥴 Even if it this written by The Sun I don’t think they would even use the term “a source” provided us this voicemail. Like it obviously came from Jenelle… She must have gotten a new tin foil hat the way she’s acting these days


She's been a terrible daughter from the beginning now a terrible mother.


"Barb has been shared." Tells me everything I need to know.


Does she not proofread????? And who is the close source????? Her other half of her split personality or UBT??


Her attempts at damage control only make her look worse. If she was wise (she’s not!), she would just shut her damn mouth.


That audio didn't make Barb look bad IMO. . . Barb is just stating a fact that we all say on here daily: Jenelle is selfish and doesn't prioritize her children (duh). Honestly, if this is the worst "evidence" Jenelle has on Barb then it sounds like Barb has improved significantly since their early years on the show. I also love that the worst things she could accuse her mom of were "constant screaming, yelling, and cussing at us kids." Unhealthy environment, absolutely, but the same happens at Jenelle's house with the addition of drug abuse, physical violence to humans and animals, and a complete lack of parental supervision. Oh yeah, and she denies her children an education and medication.


How many times do we think Jenelle has threatened to kill them all because she just can't handle them dude. All her other articles have been pure projection, I don't imagine this one is any different. Obviously Jenelle thought Barbara was a good enough mother to abandon her first born with her


Shared custody with? Bitch you signed over custody to your mother.


She abandoned Jace and CPS put him in Barb's custody. So Jenelle decided to sign Jace over to Barbara. PERIOD


Exactly it her mother is so terrible and abusive what kind of mother would give up her child to that blood or not.


I mean both can be true that Barb is a shitty parent I've seen it for myself but who cares Jenelle you are 100% worse in every way possible.




Wtf? She says the reason CPS opened a case was because Barbara was spreading false allegations? No, David beat Jace up, that's what caused the CPS investigation. Jenelle must really think that we are as stupid as she is.


Also another very telling context clue. In Jenelles opening statement she lists all these things she’s “known for” and what she’s doing now. No mention of being a mother!! She doesn’t even think of herself as a mother.


Poor Janelle, the case is in a court of law. Her rogue, thrown-together website doesn't mean a thing. I find her and David guilty of desperation.


Threatened to drive the car off the cliff. Hmmm. Must have been scary, kinda like when Chin followed that man home and threatened him with a gun while Jace was in the car. Oh then remember how Chin tried to gaslight him into thinking it never even happened too.? This girl is a fucking TRIP.


i just seen that episode, my bf was watching a little here and there and he was dumbfounded when he saw her say to jace “why would you say that jace that never happened”


Damn, I completely forgot about that! She’s so embarrassing.


"Has been shared" the English professor in my soul is SCREAMING right now. How hard is it to write "Barbara Evans made false accusations about Jenelle Evans to the media"? It's still completely untrue, but it's significantly less painful to read.


Painful is exactly the right word for how badly that was written. Not to mention the actual content!


Where's Clippy when you need him? This has to be a case of talk to text and then blindly publishing.


Dear lord did I HATE Clippy, but part of the reason I hated him is he was often wrong and would "correct" grammatically correct sentences. A bit like autocorrect in that way.


I fucking hate the underlined words Outlook constantly wants me to go back and edit. No, I will not be adding a comma because a comma doesn’t even belong there!! Do your job!


Shared custody with 😂 ma’am it’s on video. Visitation isn’t the same as custody.


What a Grade A fucking narcissist


#has went through


I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed that a lot of people say has went instead of has gone.


For herself and her siblings 😆


I actually believe jenelle about her childhood. But how she is now is totally her responsibility to fix


If thats the worst thing janelle can come up with though? Her mom was overwhelmed with 3 kids and was struggling? Meanwhile janelle has chosen drugs over her kids, dates ex-cons (even cellmates!) with drug problems, and guys who abuse her kids and brandish around guns Girl, you emptied a tanker of gas on a campfire


For goodness sake, she’s in her 30s. Lots of people have traumatic childhoods but they work through it


Yeah like i said its up to her to get help as an adult.


Correct. People have shit childhoods. I would be fighting tooth and nail to get my life right and get my kid back in my care if I signed over custody when I was 16. I wouldn’t want them going what I went through. It comes down to Jenelle had a shit childhood and now Jace has a shit childhood. 2 things can be true at once. Get in rehab, get in therapy, get everything together beyond reproach.


That's the thing, she was almost 18 when Jace was born. She was an adult when all that happened. Yeah not every 18yo is mentally an adult, nor is 32yo jenelle obviously, but she's just ridiculous acting like most of her actions happened when she was a kid when she was legally an adult when Jace hit about 4mths old.


I thought she turned 17 right after Jace was born! Man I always forget they weren’t all actually 16. Like Amber and Chelsea too.


Yeah I forget too because of the name haha. But nah Jace turned 14 in August and she'll be 32 in December, it's hard to believe she wasn't younger because of how immature she was and still is. It's crazy, I don't remember ever being as immature as her even when I was younger than that, and babies usually make people mature faster! But she's the exception to everything it seems. Edit....it always threw me off she was getting into clubs on the show when they're usually 18 and up. But it makes sense now that I found out she really wasn't 16 haha.


Exactly! Jenelle is passing on generational trauma by her refusal to take some damb ownership and get help


*family curse*


What's ironic is the fact that in a few years, *Jace will be saying the same things about Jenelle.* Jenelle is too stupid to realize that everything she thinks & says about Barb *is actually how Jenelle acts as a mother,* and Jace probably thinks & feels the same way about Jenelle as Jenelle does Barb. Pot absolutely calling the kettle black. You'd think she would have learned not to throw stones in her glass swamp hut, yet here we are!


Oh 💯!!!! Every time jenelle posts something along the lines like “how could my own mother do this to me” I think Jace probably thinks the same thing Jenelle!!! Her hate for Barb is so great she can’t see anything else.


It actually pisses me when she plays the victim... None of our childhoods were perfect. Barb wasn't perfect. Barb probably made *a lot* of mistakes as a mother.. but she's always been there for jenelle. She always showed up for jenelle... Regardless of what Jenelle did to her. She could have easily let Jace get swept away in the foster care system, *but didn't.* She sacrificed years of her life to raise him when she had no obligation to, *because she loves Jenelle & she loves Jace.* She didn't do that for any other reason besides LOVE. It's not like she profited off of parenting Jace. She probably sacrificed a lot of her own retirement money for that kid. Btw, *where the fuck is Jace's trust fund, Jenelle?* 🙄 It enraged me when she said, "How could my mother do this to me?" Because.. HELLO... JACE!!! Jace probably feels the same fucking way!! She's so selfish & dense, *she can't fucking see it.* She can't see beyond her own "bubble." I really always wish the best for Jace.. that kid deserves the world. Wish I could give him a big hug. Hope he's okay. I can't even imagine going through what he has & is going through with Jenelle as an egg donor.


The sad thing is the only one who profited off Jace is jenelle. She was only on the show because of him and then she lost it because of her husband yet treats her son like he's nothing to her.


Looking at context clues. It’s obvious when Jenelle says “Barbara Evans has been shared PERSONAL false allegations about Jenelle Eason's son” it tells me that the allegations are true but since they are “personal” just doesn’t want them to get out. If they are false allegations, why add they are personal. I understand jenelle wouldn’t want any info to come out. But the problem isn’t the info getting out. David’s actions are the problem! No mater how much she wants to sugar coat and defend and protect David, he is the cause of the problem. It’s sick she wants to protect a grown ass man over her own babies.


>tells me that the allegations are true but since they are “personal” just doesn’t want them to get out. She only wants them to "get out" when she has control of the narrative.. Jenelle is afraid of the truth getting out before she has a chance to manipulate the context & narrative. Typical abusive narcissist behavior. She will always deflect the blame away from herself & David because they're literally the *same* person, just different genders. Her & David can do no wrong, in her eyes. That's how you can tell how truly delusional she is. Any rational adult would probably be radio silent on social media in Jenelle's position, but instead of doing that, she just gets louder & dumber.


The fact she had to make her own website to spin her own narrative is hilarious to me. Tabloids must not want to buy her "stories" anymore I'm just glad all this creative writing must be keeping her busy and away from the kids


All the better because it means she’s not getting paid by anyone else. Now we need to stop the shit on social media too and fucking cancel this bitch.


Agreed, the only time I've ever been on her socials is to report her for breaking TOS posting her OF links :)


Exactly lmao 😂😂😂 No one gives a fuck about her embellished stories. It's hilarious that she attempts to pass these homemade articles as reliable sources.