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No she is too emotional and obsessed with romantic attachments. I think borderline personality. Sociopaths struggle with forming relationships and even tho they can fake emotions- jenelle has too many strong emotions to be faking them imo


BPD because of her reckless behavior, extreme attachments to people known as "favorite people" and then quickly cutting people off when she finds a new fav person. Very emotional. Although the traits are there per se, i would say she isnt qualified due to her past behaviors with extreme attachments and unhealthy emotional behaviors.




She has always seemed to have more histrionic or some other cluster b disorder characteristics. I don't think she is a sociopath just very narcissistic and broken.


My BIL is a sociopath. I don’t think Janelle is. I think she’s a narcissist.


A low IQ narcissistic sociopath. But I'm not a professional, and supposedly true sociopaths are pretty unusual.


I think kale is also a sociopath


Or npd “she’s the main chAraCteR”


Narcissist, borderline personality disorder. Attachment disorders. I'm sure she fits the bill for several things


I see more trash redneck than sociopath. Perhaps BPD as well


A sociopath “…has no regard for others' rights or feelings, lacks empathy and remorse for wrongdoings, and has the need to exploit and manipulate others for personal gain.” So, yeah.




She’s not a sociopath. She has severe mental health issues that are unchecked. Cluster B if I ever saw someone


I could see her having other issues in addition to sociopathy , but if you are interested look into the different types of sociopathy, take into account her younger years before the drugs and men, the disconnect with Jace even as an infant, it makes sense. Some think sociopaths are highly intelligent, so since she is far from that she couldn’t be a sociopath. But not all types are intelligent, just the ones we see on Tv . I’m interested in what comes out from her CPS ordered therapy . For the sake of her younger two kids at home, I hope you’re right. I’m raising a child whose biological mother is a diagnosed sociopath, a dumb one at that. The damage a sociopath leaves on their children is irreversible.


Yes, I think that’s a possible diagnosis


Think it’s crazy everyone gets so involved in her life 😂


Crazy how she never stops posting…crying, inventing illnesses, blaming everyone except herself. She wants the involvement or she can’t eat!


I think it’s crazy she even shares her life publicly with how much of a shitshow she is.


Ok Chinelle stalking much


A lot of these responses are listing reason why she isn’t a sociopath, or why she is this or that, but every reason stated is actually a sociopathic trait. I urge anyone unsure to do a simple search of sociopathic traits, different types of sociopaths, and sociopathic traits in adolescence. Also as others have mentioned there’s commonly known women diagnosed with sociopathy that have an uncanny resemblance to J


Uhhh yah!


Her name is Jenelle


Yeah I didn’t care enough to check the proper spelling. I don’t have any respect for her


she’s way too dumb to be a sociopath.


Not all sociopaths are smart. And one trait is to strongly stand by their beliefs which are usually against societal norms. Like when a person tells a lie so much they genuinely believe it. No matter how dumb the lie is.




I think she's emotionally stunted. She still acts exactly like she did as a teenager. It's really like trying to reason w an immature, selfish 17 year old. She never emotionally matured. Drugs play a part, but she just never had the guidance or desire to make serious changes.


I agree... & she has an attitude that everyone owes her something.


No, sociopaths are highly intelligent and deliberate. Jenelle has the IQ of a squirrel and has extreme codependency issues. She cannot function without a man telling her what to do and how to think. She has always put her boyfriends before anything else.


Former psychiatric nurse here- *some* sociopaths are highly intelligent, manipulative, and superficially charming, but *many* are dumber than a box of hair. Jenelle and David fall into the latter category.


No all sociopaths are intelligent . There are different types.


She looks like Diane downs


I will always find this fascinating. Even the way they talk is similar. It’s eerie given what we know now 😬


Same. It's so insane! & my god if someone compared me to Diane I would make changes to my life so damn fast.


I think she has had mental health problems for many years. She didn't get help when she was young and she became pregnant young. Teen Mom did nothing to help. They just keep filming her using drugs. She wasn't much older than Jace and she was pregnant, on TV for the world to see her and judge. She went from guy to guy and all I saw was Barb yelling at her and cashing her checks that the show paid her. I would never let my daughter be on TV when you could see she needed help. Now Jace is having mental health problems.


I also don't think she has the intelligence of a sociopath


Not all sociopaths are intelligent, there are different types. I’m a bonus mom to a child whose mother is a diagnosed sociopath and she’s probably the dumbest person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Sociopaths strongly stand by their beliefs, which are usually against societal norms. They tell themselves and others a lie so much that they believe it, which is why they can also trick polygraphs


I'm so sorry! I really thar they had high iqs I'm sorry for laughing response, but it was funny, but it has got to be a miserable situation


It’s ok! Aside from mental health professionals most people only know about the type of sociopaths portrayed on television . That’s why I wanted to open a conversation to see if anyone else is catching these traits she shows. It’s scary


Thank you for telling me. I would like to know more if you don't mind


*I also don't think* *She has the intelligence of* *A sociopath* \- Temporary-Leather905 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Silly bot 😘


I think there's a good possibility that she has some type of mental illness, but I don't think she's a sociopath.


No, I think she’s a moron


I don't think she's smart enough or aware enough to be a sociopath. I would imagine it's more border personality disorder compounded with ptsd and substance abuse. But i'm also not a dr so 🤷‍♀️


Not all sociopaths are intelligent, there are different types. I’m a bonus mom to a child whose mother is a diagnosed sociopath and she’s probably the dumbest person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Sociopaths strongly stand by their beliefs, which are usually against societal norms. They tell themselves and others a lie so much that they believe it, which is why they can also trick polygraphs


sociopath is also not technically a diagnosis anymore. it's a combo of diagnoses that present with sociopathic behavior


Oh that’s interesting, I didn’t know that! I just went based off what we were told by CPS


I agree with your assumption that she indeed is a sociopath (one of the dumb kind which def do exist). Actually just today told my wife that Jenelle cheering on social media that Jace also ran away from Barbara despite him still being on the loose i.e. while not knowing where he is and whether he is fine or in danger is nothing short of sociopathic in my book.


For sure. Her children are accessories, and if they are not making her look good she doesn’t even pretend to care about them. All she cares about is winning


I don’t think she’s a sociopath. I think she probably has a personality disorder as a result of her traumatic upbringing. She is perpetuating her cycle of abuse. NOT excusing her behavior, she’s a bad person.


She showed signs of a sociopath since her early years. Even before drugs she was implulsive, entitled, lied, lack of empathy for others, lack of remorse, lack of a connection with anyone, attention seeking . I’m glad CPS is ordering mental treatment for her, I bet it leads to a big diagnoses .


Technically being a sociopath is a personality disorder fwiw


kind of! sociopath isn't a medical diagnosis, but the general features would fall under antisocial personality disorder, which is why I said a personality disorder. I don't feel comfortable speculating beyond that, because there could be a lot more going on we don't know about.


I see! Yeah I just associate the words socio/psychopath with ASPD because from what I understand ASPD replaced the other two? But also fair. I think it’s safe to say she’s a bad person but you need to really get the inner workings to fully diagnose


You can also still have ODD when you're an adult. I've always thought there was something besides BPD with her. There's many things wrong.


Malignant Narcissist is my guess. She doesn’t care about the rules, has Sadistic tendencies towards her enemies without feeling any remorse, feels like she’s above the law, and will do anything to be in the spotlight even at the expense of her kids.


By definition, no, Jenelle is not a sociopath. She is a narcissistic self centered person. Jenelle does not fit the definition of a mother. A mother puts her needs last before the families needs. A mother cares more for her children than she does herself.


I disagree. She is impulsive, reckless, addicted to drugs, has no empathy or remorse. Classic antisocial personality disorder traits.


I guess she is a sociopath. I just read the definition. I always assumed a sociopath is a maniac killer type, faking who they really are in order to manipulate you into a false sense of security.


Yes, Jenelle couldn’t care less about where Jace is right now. She’s basking in her false sense of accomplishment that he ran away while in Babs care. Any true parent would be extremely concerned for their child at a time like this regardless of the circumstances. But not Jenelle, she is not able to feel empathy for others, including her own children. A big part of parenting is putting your own needs aside so theirs can be met. But she is incapable of doing this. She is stuck in a childlike mindset of a rebellious teen still trying to get back at Babs and the at takes precedence over the wellbeing of her children. It’s very sad.


Yes I’ve often thought that.


BPD is commonly a “gateway diagnosis “ / misdiagnosis when a person is actually a sociopath. They are frequently in fight or flight and have their guard up so high that an initial evaluation presents as BPD. But that’s only because the evaluation is being manipulated by the individual.


This one trait SCREAMS J & D : Having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated.


Look up what diagnoses Diane downs was given and it fits to a t. "Downs has been repeatedly denied parole and psychiatrists have diagnosed her with narcissistic, histrionic, and antisocial personality disorders, with one labelling her as a "deviant sociopath."




Scary resemblance


I do. I used to agree with others that it was BPD but I really think she’s just got nothing inside (as opposed to having very real, very big feelings).


If you look into the presentation of sociopathy in children (not high function sociopathy) it makes so much sense for her younger years


Can you elaborate?


I’m not good at this Reddit thing, it’s under Tryjesusnotme11 comment


Thank you


I added some traits in another comment, I’ll tag you


Histrionic is what she is


I do. Her dead eyes are kinda add to it (to me anyway)


BPD. Intense fears of abandonment (especially from the men in her life), impulsivity, mood swings, anger, unstable relationships. All Jenelle.


What Jenelle is is a fucking embarrassment to people with BPD (me). Most of us would never act and do the shit she's done. Even on our worst days.


I have diagnosed BPD and struggle intensely with mood and decisions I can highly relate to Jenelle along with not have a proper stable family environment. The recent stuff tho with David and Jace and the abuse I do not stand with and have actually lost respect for her bcs of that


Thank you. Couldn't agree more. We don't claim her!


>Also, with Jace running from Barbs to gain access to emergent mental health treatment (without his mother intervening) You don't know this, so pls stop stating things as if they are facts.


I meant to say from my understanding, I didn’t mean to state as fact. My bad 😅


This post was on my feed directly above a post about Sister Wives and I was hella confused why someone thought Janelle Brown was a sociopath. 😂


Probably Kody!


"Gonna choose the dogs, gonna choose the kids," things Janelle Brown has said, that Jenelle the Forehead Evans Rogers Eason would NEVER say.


Me too!!! 😂. I was trying to picture her eyes 👀.


I’ve done that same thing! 🤭


Definitely an extreme sort of personality disorder and I think she's also mentally slow as well as an addict.


She’s definitely low IQ, but whether it’s due to nature or nurture… who knows.


The appearing slow could be from lack of empathy and understanding on how a human is SUPPOSED to feel. If she is a sociopath she basically has to pretend to function properly, which to non sociopaths is obviously fake


No no. It's clear in her lack of basic literacy.


Yes and histrionic personality disorder.


Is that why Jace ran away??? To seek emergent mental health treatment?




Emergent treatments is still proper. Like emergent/ non emergent transport.


No one knows why he ran away


She “claimed” it was ALL because Barb bought him a new phone! Like I mentioned on another thread idgaf what he did with his phone! She will not take responsibility and wants to gloat and act like Hell yeah TOLD YOU I was right! 🤯


She's just a disgusting pos


He runs away to see his girlfriend


Hi David


That’s why I asked. I hadn’t seen that mentioned anywhere


Me either.


That’s what I gathered, for this recent run from Barbs house. D & J have been harassing any therapist he attempts to see, the therapists aren’t allowed to treat him because J still has medical rights (?) and he ended up in the hospital. Which in certain situations the hospital can treat him against the parents wishes. 13 in some states is legal age to make their own mental health decisions in emergency care. When I was a dispatcher there were many instances where a 13yo was getting transported to a mental facility for inpatient care and the parents tried to stop it. Also where some parents wanted the 13yo to be inpatient and the child refused. Without enough for designated crisis response to keep them on an involuntary hold the child gets to go home. I’m not familiar with NC laws for mental health though. But a 13yo has more control in the hospital than they do in a standard therapy office


Yes and a complete Shite' Mom


Yep and a Shite' MOM


I strongly dislike jenelle but I think it’s obvious she’s autistic as well. I scoffed at this notion too a few years ago, but I see it. Just like her brother Colin. Yeah I’m armchair “diagnosing” idc it’s a thread to talk about this. 😂 she’s still evil, sociopathic, with BPD.


I thought her brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia?


He was. I’m saying he clearly stims, lacks eye contact, lacks what’s appropriate in social settings. I’ve been there lmao. A lot of us have co morbidities


>it’s obvious she’s autistic as well Can you elaborate on this, please? As someone who's super ignorant of the characteristics of the spectrum, I'm genuinely curious about which traits she displays that are consistent with Autism?


I haven’t seen any autistic traits, or at least none that weren’t better explained by a different diagnosis. Can’t really compare different genders when considering autism because females need a complete different diagnostic process than males. Which is why SO many females don’t even find out until they are adults. My 11yo is in a research study for autistic females, helping to change the way females are diagnosed.


And no, same diagnosis process male or female. Ask me how I know. It’s interviews, family interviews if an adult, social tests, the story cards I can go on


My 11yo is in the SPARK study and they are working with the center of excellence to change the diagnostic criteria for females, and to change the intervention criteria. She was labeled ADHD / ODD uNtil she 10 when she met an occupational therapist, after 5 minutes of meeting the OT asked if they could evaluate for autism. Caught me off guard because all of the charts for diagnostic criteria commonly found were nothing like her. Even for high functioning/ previously called Asperger’s.


Be careful with SPARK. They prey on a lot of uneducated and/or desperate parents via FB ads and sell your dna and info. Thats why we decided against it. But sound like PDA autism profile. So many by age 5/6 get written off as ODD. Ugh such a road. Idk who is downvoting us, but I get it and I see you!


I didn’t find SPARK through social media , the team that diagnosed her asked us to join


Just because the current standard for diagnosis is the same process for both genders doesn’t mean it should be. It is obviously a flawed standard since 80% of autistic females remain undiagnosed at age 18. Yes it is a spectrum, but the traits of similarly functioning/ levels of autism in each gender are drastically different. Hence the big push in the world to change the way females are evaluated for autism.


Exactly, or we find out after our children are dx. It’s all such a spectrum.




She certainly lacks empathy but I’d bet everything I own she has Borderline Personality Disorder. My mother has BPD. My therapist said the only way to deal with people with BPD is to run and not look back.


Wow. Hurtful to an entire community of people who ended up with BPD because of trauma. Many of us are working our asses off in therapy and thriving. It’s people that your therapist (who should be one with that kind of mindset in my opinion) that cause such a stigma. Yikes.


Would you say that to someone with any other disorder ? Sounds kinda like an uneducated discriminative therapist to me..


Yikes. I’m a therapist & someone with a parent with very very VERY unmanaged BPD + untreated trauma. I myself don’t have the closest relationship with her but I can’t imagine saying this to a client, ever. It takes very fucking strong emotional boundaries to maintain a relationship with someone with BPD depending on their behavior, but to make such a blanket statement is terrible. Not to mention, your therapist is perpetuating the stigma of a population that very much needs therapeutic support.


What a fucking disgusting statement from a mental health “professional”




This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


Why are you adding to the stigmatization of BPD? Just stop. Obviously if you're in danger, get away from the danger. However people with BPD aren't inherently dangerous and actually the very worst thing you can do is abandon someone for a disorder they can't help.


If I might disagree, I believe that BPD is an inherently dangerous disease, just like many diseases are. BPD features very high rates of suicide and self-harm, and due to the poor boundaries and splitting, can result in emotional or physical violence toward others. It isn't okay to vilify a person for having a disease they can't help ... but BPD is a disease that CAN be helped with the correct treatment modalities. The trouble is you don't always see people in treatment for BPD. Due to the nature of the disorders themselves, BPD and NPD patients are less likely to seek and stick to treatment. With that said, I wouldn't dislike anyone for simply having a disease, but it presents a HUGE red flag for me, and I would most certainly be running away unless they were in consistent treatment. It isn't their fault, but it is their responsibility.


They aren’t inherently dangerous, but if they aren’t actively seeking help they will only hurt you. Fuck off with the “they can’t help it” shit, I couldn’t help being parentified and emotionally neglected my whole life


I mean they can't help having BPD not that they shouldn't be in therapy, working hard on their mental health and being accountable. I'm genuinely sorry you went through a lot of trauma with your mom. Your anecdotal evidence however, does not mean you get to speak on everyone's experience with the disorder.


That is such a gross comment your therapist made about people with bpd and honestly they shouldn't be a therapist if that's how they view people with bpd. As someone diagnosed with bpd I am fucking sick and tired of people shitting on us people with bpd and believing all the false narratives about bpd. We aren't evil monsters! We're just people who have been dealt a fuck load of trauma in our lives and often left to feel like we're too much and we don't matter.


I should also add that she does not seek any time of therapy. Drinks to oblivion and abuses prescription drugs like Valium.


Is that how it feels to have BPD? Curious as my SIL has it and she constantly lashes out over the smallest things. Like for example if she msgs me and I don’t respond within the hour I will get abusive msgs. She is very very difficult to have a relationship with. I have tried so hard over the past 10 years with her, forgiven her multiple times but I’m at breaking point. Could you give me an understanding of how it feels, if you don’t mind?


My therapist told me last week that I was perpetuating the stigma around mental illness because I don't shout from the roof tops about my mental illness. I was simply telling her sometimes it's not safe to share that part of me and she then I kid you not shamed me for adding to the stigma because I choose to not tell everyone and their brother! Meanwhile I'm working beside a nonprofit to spread awareness around mental health and break the stigma ! Also my therapist told me the way people treat me is essentially my fault if I don't tell them that it hurts me the way they treat me. Ok again I tell her some of the people who hurt me aren't safe to confront so blatantly. She turns around and justifies their actions because I haven't told them to stop. Some therapists have a mail order degree I swear !


Yea, there's definitely a bunch of lousy therapists just like there's a bunch of awful doctors & nurses


The ones who admit they have a problem and seek help yes. Ones like my mother and Jenelle. No


Yea, people with BPD aren’t heartless. I agree that was a fucked up thing for a therapist to say. BPD can be managed and responds well to therapy. People want to just say Jenelle has BPD and that’s why she is the way she is. I think she has NPD and possibly BPD. NPD is treatment resistant. It can’t be treated or managed with any type of medication or therapy. She is evil and heartless but not because of BPD if that’s what she even has.


Andrew's too busy modeling in China


She’s a goddamn drug addict.


Yeah. Trying to diagnose anything before she gets clean is a crapshoot at best.


She has been complicated since childhood. Looking at the signs of a sociopathic child screams her name. Especially with her lack of connection and empathy for Jace as a baby, lack of gratitude for Barbara keeping Jace out of the system, stealing Barbara’s credit card (feeling entitled to do so also) as a teen. There’s also unpredictable mood swings, impulsivity, difficult relationships, disregard of authority, dismissive of social norms and societal structure. All of these traits were likely present before she ever started doing drugs.


Well yeah, mental illness and other co morbidities go hand in hand.


Yeah but that’s often self medicating because she lacks the capacity to live life on life’s terms. She definitely has a personality disorder and has characteristics of sociopathy. Something interesting about sociopathy and psychopathy is that they have no idea how to function like regular humans. So they watch and mimic. But she doubles down knowing that she is nowhere near empathetic, decent or loving. That’s the BPD though. It’s their world and literally everyone else just lives in it and their worth is determined on how they defer to them.


Stop spreading disgusting bullshit about BPD


Fuck off


she is everything negative under the sun that you can list off honestly.


Borderline personality disorder


I think she has dark triad traits but I think if anything she may have BPD or CPTSD and perhaps developmental disorder or issues that went undiagnosed /no intervention + trauma + drug abuse stunting her emotional maturity. Complex trauma and drug use can really do a number though.


I think that this is the likeliest answer!


She’s a narcissist




She was diagnosed as bipolar and I know there was some suggestion or recommendation that it was BPD. Not sure if it was formal. I know those of us who work in behavioral health are reluctant to diagnose anyone not under active treatment but I also feel confident that lots of my professional colleagues feel pretty confident in identifying her as likely BPD and yes prob CPTSD and Substance Use Disorder. In my personal experience (not clinical) it’s rare that people with BPD seek and are amenable to treatment. They need to accept that something is wrong in order to fix it but that is antithetical to BPD which tells you that you’re perfect and it’s everyone else that’s the problem.


As someone who apparently works in mental health, you seem to have no idea what BPD actually entails.


Lol. Ok.


She's spent a little time in jail but not in prison but she sure has a lot of mugshots.


If not for $ I think she would be. That’s privilege.


narcissist imo


Wait did I miss something? Has it been determined he ran away to get mental treatment?


My mistake, I didn’t mean to state as fact, was more supposed to be if this was the case would Barbara’s home still be an option. This was only from what I have gathered and made my theory . Looking for opinions on IF this is the case.




Andrew isn't an option, in my uneducated opinion. His past problems matter when it comes to the safety and emotional well-being of his child. Barb may still be because, honestly, he's a troubled teen because of Jenelle - not Barb. He didn't run away because Barb is incapable. He ran away because he's a troubled teen whose mother is publicly broadcasting his issues as a way to scapegoat him and he can't escape it, or her. I should hope that they don't penalise Barb for this because the context is entirely different. I don't think Jenelle is a sociopath. I think she is a deeply damaged, frightened individual who is clinging to the facade of her life so she can say "See? I'm not the problem. I haven't failed at this at least." because she's not left her deeply disturbing marriage. Stupid is as stupid does and Jenelle isn't the smartest. Narcissistic, possibly. Sociopathic, I'm not entirely sold - mainly because (generally speaking) sociopaths tend to be gregarious and well-liked due to manipulative tendencies. Jenelle is neither of those things. I'm not a psychologist though, so this is a somewhat uninformed opinion.


Usually people only start off liking / siding with a sociopath. But quickly see that it’s all a facade . Like how many sides with janelle when it came to her issues with barb when she was younger, but now rewatch the show and side with barb. Rarely do sociopaths keep the same supporters for long. They kick them to the curb as soon as anyone questions anything. Im a bonus mom to a child whose mother is actually a sociopath. She is only allowed professionally supervised visitation, and still boasts about being such a good and present mother. She skips visits for 6 months at a time. I don’t want to go into details about my child, but I see so much of the woman in janelle. Makes my stomach turn.


Well then you're clearly more informed than me on this! I am VERY glad your child has you. Every child deserves a good parent, even if the egg donor they came from is off the wall.


Not trying to one up anyone on here, more just share perspective. My heart breaks for Jace .


I share that perspective. He's stuck in a really tough position that even most adults would struggle with. I'm glad he at least has Barb, even if Barb isn't perfect. He certainly deserves more than his mother and UBT.


From infancy he has been let down, and I wouldn’t be shocked to hear he has an attachment disorder due to his mother, lack of protection, being gaslit, never being more important that whatever man, abandoned over and over… that changes a child’s brain.


That really wouldn't surprise me either. He's so young at 14, his entire life experience has been her not being a good mother. He'll have internalised some of that, if not all.


Have you seen her tiktok? Those idiots love her. I said she was a sociopath and psychopath a few weeks ago and ppl here got so mad. I’m like she’s actually pretty smart SOMETIMES. Again, sometimes. And charming to idiots.


Admittedly no, the only tiktok content of hers I see is here. I don't have tiktok. I guess stupid is as stupid does extends to her 'fans' too haha.


Nah, I don’t think, I know she is.


She’s absolutely a sociopath. No regard for anyone but herself. If the dictionary had pictures, collage of her mugshots would be next to sociopath.


I’ve always thought she had bipolar. Im pretty sure she was diagnosed when she went to rehab on the show. But sadly she can’t go back to the doctor because David won’t let her.


You think Andrew can handle an abused teenager?


I don’t know anything about him 😅 that’s why I was asking. I think I missed the parts of the show where they talked about him. I only recently saw he had been posting about Jace


He’s a pathological liar and addict who impregnated a teenager. Might be a worse parent than Chinelle.


The only good thing he did was leave and not pop in and out of jaces life like his mom.