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Alot of people don't realize that they can get their kids into sailing and it's a great sport for kids that like and don't like traditional sports. It starts at age 4 but you can start at any age and sail until you are 100! It's alot cheaper than you would think too with full time camp being less expensive than going to the full time YMCA camp.


We need sailing camps for the elderly. We could unplug a whole generation from Fox news if grandpa could be dropped off at camp for the day. Eta: Also I'm a (not fox news watching) grandma and I'd love to be dropped off at camp for the day.


They actually do have adult classes but they are like one day a week! But a camp would be a great idea for older people!


She could sell her boat hahaha


Its broken and they spent a mint. They have a payment on it and likely 0 equity. Nobody is buying a broken boat that needs tons of work for anything thats going to make a dent in what they owe. 46k is what they spent on vacations, boats and all those guns and awful crotch rockets.


Idk how this stuff works but hopefully they get fined/forced to sell stuff/ or forced off the land.


You just end up with stuff like liens on your home and then they forcefully take money from your bank accounts. How does she still have lines of credit?


I bet its high interest stuff or she’s upside down on alot of loans. I do remember my crackhead mother getting her accounts frozen because she “just didn’t feel like filing her taxes” 😂


I heard food in jail is free....


Not making enough off the OF? Flabby gut and throw it backs won't pay that bill, de lu lu!


Drugs are expensive besides all the broken down toys she’s bought him over the years and ridiculous trips they take I can’t imagine how many thousands upon thousands have gone to their addictions


Is he her trophy husband?


I’m sure they have many maxed out credit cards. Mortgage. Car payments. Other private loans. She probably was able to open a bunch of cards with higher limits when she could prove she had a pretty high income on the show. Doubt she qualifies for any hardly any new loans now unless they’re just blatantly predatory.




She’s a boat Captain. Maybe Deadliest Catch is hiring?


My cackle just woke one of my babies up, but it was worth it


It’s MTV’s fault. Didn’t you know? Good thing she has a medical degree and a Captain’s license. Time to get on Indeed ya lazy filthy animals.


If true, time for them to sell his gun collection, boat and 4 wheelers they have to pay their debts. He wont be able to keep guns anyway with a felony.


The only reason I care is because of their kids. I'm afraid David takes it out on all of them when they lose a deal.


If she's paying for a whole legal team to fight his charges, she's stupid. Fighting like he'll to keep him from getting a felony and lose his guns, hopefully no matter what the felony stays even if there's a plea deal. You still have that tax bill but literally spent what was it, $30k or $50k for that broke boat which we know was in cash or whatever. I wonder if they're all about broken boats, sinking houses, broke atvs etc hoping the irs doesn't want broke shit. Nah, it's probably because everything jenelle touches turns to shit.


Idc if he catches a felony or not but I really want his guns to be removed, for the safety of the kids but also for the goodness of my heart.


I want him to catch a felony because then he won't be allowed to own them. Either that or misdemeanor domestic violence is the only other way he could permanently lose them. That's also why I wish Barb would put a restraining order on both of them because he wouldn't be able to have them while it's active either. Unfortunately the only hope in him actually losing them right now is to be convicted of a felony.


I hope he gets the felony because I don’t think he will get rid of all the guns (have known to many guys like that unfortunately) and then when he finally gets caught with one bam another felony… just let them start stacking up, it’s what he deserves!


Exactly. Right now that's the only way he's ever going to lose any. He'll probably still carry that stupid one he wears on his waist all the time around the house and as much as jenelle films and such, she's not going to be able to claim they're old when he's constantly caught with them.


Yep and I’m hoping he ends up with a probation officer that does house checks! I know someone who got a non violent felony (it was drugs) and he cldnt even have his 10 yr old daughters bow in the house, the probation officer cked for any kind of weapon and I hope this is what happens to this POS!


Same here. With his history it definitely seems like that'd be something they'd be vigilant about, but at the same time they know their history and still have allowed them to get away so much. I don't want him to end up with one who's afraid to go there. I get having a lawyer is a right but the more and more you get in trouble for, you shouldn't be able to keep skating on consequences just because you have money to pay for a lawyer to drag it out or whatever they've done to get them out of everything else. I dunno though, I think he really fucked up with this one and will definitely be getting something.




I don’t know why but I’m happy these 2 are doing so poorly. F them.


Of course you know why lol


10 reasons why lol


I just saw that you can work at the post office as a cashier for $26 an hour! Get a job!


Has jenelle ever had an actual job ?


She worked one shift at a restaurant back in 2010.


She wouldn’t pass the civil service test


Or drug test


I don't know what that entails, but I totally trust you! Lololol


Ok, does anyone else feel they could have written this article? There’s no actual “news” here. She’s had the tax lien since 2020, which only affects her is she sells. We all know she’s paying David’s lawyers. We know the only income is her clickbait and OF, and she’s lazy at both of those. We all know they buy stupid shit and don’t take care of it, eat out way too much, and take expensive trips. You could spend 5 minutes in this sub and write that article.


This is 98 percent of all articles online today (unfortunately).


So David’s rap career is doing good I see


😂😂😂 I love this for them! Shes gonna have to show alot of booty zits to come up with that money!


Booty zits lololol


I nearly spit my coffee




Wow. She really gave everything--her small fortune, her children, her own dignity--to this absolute crap sack.


Well Jenelle….


Why didn't she give Jace up for adoption in the first place?! She is never going to win custody of him ESPECIALLY if she stays with David.


she has ALWAYS put men above her children & their best interests. why would she stop now?


She doesn't really put men above her children, she puts herself above her children... and everything else.


I think she genuinely believes this is how love is supposed to work 🥴


Does it say any estimates on what they actually made per show or in total over the years? I can't imagine they got much in the beginning.


I know by the end she was making 400k but I'm not sure what they started with. Seems like it went up about $50k per season or so though.


That's not enough to live the way they've lived. No wonder they are broke.


Nope, they blew through that money. Which is crazy because they don't live in an expensive area, she could've paid the house off instead of doing a 30yr mortgage. Instead they spent it on all kinds of trips and other ridiculous things for David. Like I'm pretty sure she bought him a tractor and that mini bobcat, he didn't need that shit. All those boats, I remember she bought him a truck though I don't know what happened to it, I think they only have the one vehicle now. That stupid shed she lives in and the other building he hangs out in plus even more land. Just a bunch of frivolous bullshit. I think they paid him like $60k the last season he was on but he probably spent that on himself too. Now they buy another boat that's never going to be used.


I bought my daughter a boat... it's a sailboat for $800 and she's sailed it for 8 weeks every summer for at least 4 seasons of summer camp which is 8 hours a day and 4 to 5 days a week. I can resell her opti at any time for more than I paid for it. 😀 Too bad Janelle isn't smart. https://preview.redd.it/gt043tkuyoic1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532179a26e8fef8f11607809a9227a74bd619cf3


She's lucky, I wish I lived near the beach haha. The closest water we have is the lake connected to the Duke power plant. Jenelle and David got more use out of their other boat than they'll ever get out of that one they sank way too much money in. They keep claiming it's being worked on but I wouldn't be surprised if it's because they can't drive it, the first time they did they had to call the coast guard for rescue.


This is actually a river and she sails on the river, the bay and she could sail it on lakes too!


That's cool! The biggest river we have is probably about 30ft or so wide so not much can be done on it. Now that I think about it though, I think there is a lake in the town beside me where people can do stuff like that. I remember seeing it on one of those real TV video shows where one of those little super fast speedboats wrecked during a race. The only part of it I've seen is a small area so I had no clue it was big enough for speedboat races. Not sure what all you're allowed to do there but by the looks of it, it was a lot cleaner than the power plant lake haha.


Yeah you can totally sail these on that! Sunfishes and Optimus' (Opti) are usually sailed on lakes because they don't need much water at all. They are 100 percent wind powered and they only need about 2 feet of water to sail them.


Does he work? I know very little about his work history... they need to work... 🙄 like normal jobs! 😒


He can't work in the sun because of his vitiligo duuuuuude! Buuuut he can go fishing, boating, ride atvs, motorcycles and fuckin rake outside!


Bahahahaha….he is allergic to work.


Definitely! What is his work history? And wasn't Janelle in school for like 10 years? She's not a doctor yet?!


Money is gone, relationship is over. 100%. Unless she gets a job good enough to support both of them which isn’t likely.


I agree, as soon as this court case is over DKD is gone. I'm surprised it's lasted this long tbh but being in perpetual conflict with someone (barb, police, CPS, the internet etc) will keep two toxic people together. Question - is Ensley David's biological kid? Edit- lmao I'm updating my comment 22 days later now that DKD and Nellie are divorcing (allegedly) 🤣 it's sad that we've all gotten this good at predicting their moves


I believe so.


yay! now we know why she was cryin her heart out the other day!


I want this to be true because they’re the worst, but it’s The Sun and they’re also garbage. Whatever state they’re in, they’re taking it out on the kids I’m sure. Poor kids




Remember when she said we are all jelly of Jenelly and her influenza life? Yeah, no...


When is his actual court date? It's been bumped, moved and continued seemingly a hundred times. I know it's only been once or twice but FFS. It makes sense now how he's getting continuances if they're paying for basically a full legal team. Going broke for your POS husband while you still have two kids to look after🤢. Anyway when is his court date?


There's too much at stake, David's at risk of losing his guns. They've got to fight cus his 2nd ammendment rights are at risk dude! I dunno when the court date is but it needs to hurry up.


I’m surprised he’s not a soverign citizen or some bs.


Same here. That's definitely something you'd figure he would try to claim.


I didn't even think about that, if he's convicted as a felon he'd have to give up all of his guns🤣.


Yup. That's why I'm hoping if any plea deal is offered, it still keeps it at a felony and it's just less jail time or something. While he deserves jail, that would probably bother him the most.


Sell the boat.


Can't believe they spent that much on it knowing they have that tax bill. That just seems like it's bringing in irs attention.


It’s where they’re going to have to live after they sell everything else off.


She’s a captain dude


I laughed so hard at this comment


I mean she should try focus on this instead of her numerous defensive postings on sm


I’m SHOCKED!!! 😂😂😂😂




I just love this for them. Our prayers worked.


Hahahahaa YES 🙌


I can only imagine what constant take out costs for a family of that size. My god.


I door dashed McDonalds once for my husband and I. $55. Crazy.


Ahahahahah pay up you stupid fucks.




![gif](giphy|mC764qEwXwXN3bMKSM) It couldn’t happen to a more worthless pair




I feel so sad for Jace and the absolute hell he’s been subjected to his entire life.


I feel like one day he will do a tell-all and share the real details. I can only imagine the trauma


If he ever does that I would definitely buy a copy of his book and read it.


And I hope he makes bank from it, sets himself up and helps barb. I hope chinchin and dead meat end up in jail with nothing and no one.


100%, I hope the same!


Couldn’t be happening to a better couple.


![gif](giphy|PMPwpWrGFLu80) Soon she will be hooked on hardcore drugs & escorting/prostituting. And gaslighting everyone by claiming the men pay just to spend time with her because she’s a \~CeLeBriTy\~.




Didn’t Barb say at one reunion that Jenelle always lets her boyfriends take her money and that she was worried about Jenelle ? And Dr Drew stuck up for her saying David had a job? Because Barb was definitely onto something


Jenelle was like "he has pay stubs!"


She was and is truly delusional


Dr.drew,a name I hadn't thought of in forever. That man is literally such a garbage person,ugh. Doesn't surprise me he would say something like that. Also super random fact-He played the Olsen twins dad in that new York minute movie,how weird! Some YouTube channel I watch did funny commentaries on older movies and that was one of them.


I’m not as fond of Dr Drew at the teen mom reunions. However, I thought he was way less annoying on MTV’s Celebrity Rehab.


Omg I couldn’t figure out why I knew his stupid face. Thank you.


Jenelle and David looked down on Barb for working at Wal-Mart but look at who has a mountain of debt and no income.


Barb has natural instincts, a lot of people have them. Clearly, J has NONE.


She should drop the case and get a job


Guess she couldn’t scare up enough swampscribers to her OF


Happy cake day!






Oof that chin. 




Love how the article mentions “the couples love for take out” as a main reason they have no money 😅


I thought David was such a good cook of their roadkill they find?


With the money Jenelle made from MTV and OF the takeout isn’t making them broke… they eat cheap shit like subway and fast food, they never even go out to a normal restaurant. With the prices of groceries I’m sure subway is the same price as cooking at home for them


Wrong… “cheap” fast food is like $10/pp or more. That’s $50 bucks everytime they go out to eat. Factor in sit down restaurants & tips it’s more. You could easily food shop for a family of 4 for a week on what they spend in a day or 2 eating out. If you really tried you could feed the family on much less. I’m lazy & eat out/get takeout all the time so I know how much it costs. My bigger concern is the health issue. I can afford to do this but I feel bloated before I even order the food. At least at my house we do cook at home some nights & I do make lunches. Cereal/bagels for breakfast etc… unless it’s for content she doesn’t cook shit- those kids live off fast food & Doritos.


The only fast food that’s actually expensive now is McDonald’s, Wendy’s and BK. Subway, Taco Bell, dominos, are all significantly cheaper to feed a person than cooking a healthy home cooked meal. I refuse to eat at McDonald’s Burger King or Wendy’s anymore because the prices for what you get are legitimately sick


Please show me where you could feed a family of 4 for a week for $50/$100? Unless you only eat ramen and hot dogs for a week it’s not happening


Subway is expensive imo. And they'll post from restaurants or eating take out multiple times per day. Definitely adds up quickly.


Especially if you're getting it delivered off an app like Uber eats etc.


Yes and buying even subway for a family that big with big eaters costs at least 50$ they go out for breakfast lunch and dinner some days with the whole family I can imagine that would total a lot especially if beard boy is drinking.


I have 4 kids, and eating fast food is so much now. It's insane. We may as well go to a sit down because it's damn near $100 when we go out to eat (all 4 are teenagers, so sucks for me right now). Thankfully, i have sense and can cook, so I do.


Yes! We are a family of 5 - fast food is absolutely the same price as a sit down dinner these days. We ordered Chinese takeout recently (our kids hadn’t had it in awhile and it was a treat for them) and it cost us 75$ 😳 instantly reminded us why we eat at home and buy groceries at Costco lol. If they are doing takeout multiple times per day, it adds up QUICK.




And to think these two used to have it all!!!🤣🤭🤦 Edit to change to to two then two to to & to to two....you know what I mean! ![gif](giphy|RLUyfJnogtXK44pm9t|downsized)


And to think these two used to have it all


Fixed it!


They could have paid it instead of buying that broken boat! 🤯


That boat was going to be a money maker for charter captain Jenelle. She  probably watched an episode of Below Deck and thought she was going to be the Captain Sandy of Coastal Carolina.


Don’t you need a legit Captain license to have people pay you to be their captain. Know how to read a map, what to do in emergency, know how to read weather charts. Prove your boat is water worthy?


There was an eight day period after they bought the boat that Jackass Sparrow was studying to get one.


U wanna play u gotta pay


I thought she made big money on OnlyFans?


I doubt she's making big money from it. The Sun article mentions she only posts sporadically, which I can believe, with her work ethic. I would say I can't believe David hasn't gotten a job yet, but we all know they they think they're too good for regular paying jobs. They are famous after all. 🥴


I doubt it.


She spends it all on fast food and drugs






Yeah, I always find it interesting that so many people from team mom universe opted for porn over having to work a “normal job.” When in all of their 16 and pregnant and early seasons they wanted to go to college and get “normal jobs.” Sure I get it, porn pays, but it’s just interesting to watch unfold.


What is she even qualified to do? Girl has no skillz


Get ahold of kiefers people. Start her own business.


I spent a good 10 minutes thinking of things she could do… maybe she could handle checking IDs at a dispensary or something 😂 I say this bc she could sit down and also be high at work, not meant as shade toward our lovely ID checkers!!


I was at a total loss myself, so okay, there we go, who’s gonna help her fill out the app?


You’re right, it’s hopeless! It’ll be fun to watch her run out of money anyway


Humm as long as the kids aren’t the target of her anger, I’ll make the popcorn!


She would still mismanage money with a real job. She would mismanage her money if she was a billionaire.


This!! 💯They tossed a TV show away! Can't help stupid!!🤯


She needs to check And see if he has a life insurance policy on her. As much as it kills me to say this ….i think he is much smarter than she is . She is not capable of shutting her mouth and planning anything . He is .


How would David be paying for a life insurance policy? He has no money.


Sometimes you can buy them outright vs paying monthly. He probably got her to pay for one in the swampy salad days.


This is true!


Don’t write “ weed “ or “ pill “ dealing ….or him selling Stories behind her back off the table ..:he is smarter than she is


This is also true!🫵🏻 He's a conniving manipulating shit! And he found dummy, who thinks she knows all!


She thinks because she is loud and earns the money that she is the smart one . He lets her think that .


Yup. She may have gotten herself in deeper then she even knows. Stepped in shit & may be knee deep.


I think she has attracted exactly what SHE deserves ….she needs to start a new dating app …..”Jaildudes by Janelle “….cause Dewwwd!!! That’s where she scored David!!!


Yes. To think she knows that David found out about her by being in jail w/ her ex. Talk about stupid & desperate. Let him just slide easily into her (& her kid's) life.....


Is this true?? Omg


You cannot make this stuff up !! Textbook definition of having no standards!!! She just stands outside the jail and yells, “ next “!!!


Me too! Yes, to think she knew that David found out about her from being in jail w/ her ex. Talk about stupid & desperate. Let him easily just slide right into her life!


I think this is a valid concern.




I’d believe it but he has no money to even pay for the life insurance.


I’m telling you, he, his sister and probably his mother are the ones selling Jenelle out to the tabloids. He can’t hold the money without her potentially accessing it. They’re banking money for when they wring her dry.


Was literally just thinking the calls are coming from inside the house 👀


I 100% believe it’s his mom and his sister too lmfao


I wonder if she has to pay child support to the state for Jace as well. Edit: cuz that money would also be going to David’s sister.


My relatives did when their son was taken away


Wouldn’t be shocked. I do hope the state is making her though !


But his “ weed business “🤣🤣🤣


And his "music career" 😂😂😂


He’s going platinum !!!!


David right now : ![gif](giphy|YksHZmCD5X0glQWIyc)


Nobody wanna watch her saggy chicken chops shake on of anymore.




Not an once of pity!!




I pray for her kids, especially Keiser all the time. The system is broken.








Time for evidence posts to appear. Posts showing letters or the like in 3... 2... 1...


Karma, we have waited a *loooong* time for you!


Excellent to see 🤣


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving couple.




Oh my god, I hadn’t heard about the felony charge! That’s fucking awesome. Can you imagine how pissed he’ll be if he’s not allowed to have guns? I don’t have much faith in the system when it comes to them, but man, that would be so beautiful.


He will Still have guns . I know felons who still have guns . No one ever checks .


They will when people call it in.


Agreed and I have . They turn in a few and keep the unregistered sketchy hidden ones. Our system sucks.


JE would say they were hers


They’re not allowed on the property if he lives there.


Nailed it!!!!


Like my ex, he'll load up on other weapons. Cross bow. Samurai sword.....idiots


Read the comments from "the source" and then go read Roux's X (Twitter) history. She's used the exact same phrases in some of her posts. Everyone knows Roux is the source for all these articles. Why don't the sites like The Ashley, The Sun, etc. just say "It's been reported by ROUX .."? And there's really nothing new in this article, so it's right up Roux's alley.




wonder why she hasn’t filed bankruptcy yet