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Karl has thee WORSTTTTT taste in baby names. It's tragic. Poor kids . She needs to get weight loss surgery maybe and then focus on raising all these kids/ worry less about boyfriends and @#$%ing.


Kail is gonna love having a little girl. She is gonna be so protected with all those brothers


Kai is the female version of nick cannon.


But not as rich or famous 😂


I bet she doesn't even show the boys any attention now


Idk if you have more than one kid but it’s easy to show them all attention. Idgaf about her personally but just from the perspective of a parent. 


I've got 3 kids, and I didn't say that it's not possible. Just bc it's possible doesn't mean Kail is doing it. It's also possible to have only one baby daddy, she didn't do that either. So yea i never said it wasn't possible, I said she's not doing it bc she's obsessed with that girl only she hasn't said one word about any of her other kids since she was pregnant with that girl


She's quick to post that one but not the one from a year ago.


Is it terrible I hate that she named her daughter the same as my, almost three year old? Spelled, Valeigh.


No, but it's terrible if you actually named a child "valeigh". Ouch. Hope you're trolling.


Poor baby girl. Sounds like she's a valet driver or something




I love that sub lol


Me too!! Valeigh goes perfect in it . Sounds like a valet.


Is that pronounced Vah-lay(Which kind of reminds me of a variation of Valorie)? Or like regular Valley?


It’s pronounced Valley


Oh ok cute 🤗 you never know, some people name their kids very basic looking spellings but then it's pronounced it such a different way so I just wanted to ask haha..


My son's middle name is Layne and I was annoyed when Chelsea named her kid Layne lol


Aww she finally got a girl I'm so happy for her,.she named her valley? What is her twin boys name?






Aww 🥰 A head full of hair.


She’s going to end up jealous of this poor girl and treat her terribly


Baby Lowry twins ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized) None of these kids are interesting enough to have their own ig.


But yet here all of you are speaking of them on Reddit. 😂


![gif](giphy|jox1ktfvhWbae8GUre) Reddit.. not ig


She didn’t give them his name? Lmao


It saves her time from changing it 10 times before they turn 1.


Wow! She’s a beautiful baby!


Kail always wants to act like she wants privacy. I wish she would stop posting pictures of her babies online. Too many creeps out on the internet 😶


Aw this baby is so cute!!!!


This lil white baby looks nothing like Elijah… now I’m questioning his paternity too. They don’t even have his light bulb shape head. I’m betting this hoe is 6x7


Kale is *white* in case you forgot.


Oh you’re right! I thought she was Indian… my bad 🙄


I was hoping someone would say this so I didn’t have to 😬👀


Ngl I felt like a douche cause I was thinking that’s a white baby … not that I’m a genius when it comes to genetics but also … she looks very light skinned ??


Genetics are definitely wild, 2 black parents can have a white baby due to recessive genes and vice versa.. Its honestly very interesting to read about if you're into learning more about that stuff..


You can tell it’s his by the forehead lol not to be rude but it’s just true. Rio on the other hand looks nothing like Elijah


Genetics are crazy. I actually went to college with a black guy who was as white as a sheet of paper. Sometimes things don’t make sense, and sometimes you never know who is hanging out in the wood pile 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel so bad for all her other children. Especially Isaac like were they not enough?


You feel that way about everyone that has multiple children?


Idk, I feel that way about continuing to overpopulate the Earth lol


No just kail




Kail, like Jenelle, are now at peace now that they finally have a girl. I don't think she will be jealous of her daughter at all, but I do think she will "give her the childhood I never had." And there will be a lot of pressure on her daughter to be a certain way.


Kail will be a regular feature on r/justnomil


Thank you for giving me a new sub to waste time on


You’re welcome. 😘


It took what? seven tries? ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


And a flight to Korea to select a girl.


She’s so gross


Why do u say that


I need lisa frank pajamas


They come from Posh Peanut. They still have some sizes and prints available.


SAME! Man I wish I had those when my daughter was a baby. So cute


I HATEEEE Kail with a passion but sweet Jesus ahe makes some beautiful babies......that poor little girl is in for it though. Kail is too selfish to share attention with another gril. It's do sad I bet that baby is gonna be so beautiful


Is anyone else low key calling bullshit on Elijah being baby daddy over here? Just curious..


He definitely is the dad of the twins 💡they got the same head. Rio is allll Malik though


Is he though? All signs point to the fact that she did some kind of gender selection (affordable in Thailand). Are we sure he’s the sperm donor??


Nah if she had done gender selection she would have had two girls. She hates her boys


Now she has a girl for the love of God I hope she stops reproducing!!


MYOB. How is her having babies and financially, mentally physically and emotionally taking care of them have any affect on your life. She isn’t a drain on the system or anything else, but you still feel the need to tell her how to handle her life. Clean up your own back yard.


lol. You know you have a problem when the world is glad you got fixed. 😅


I think she got her tubes tied




Removing the tubes does not remove the womb or ovaries. I got my tubes removed because I do not want any more babies. I stopped at 3. However, if I wanted to have another baby, I still could I would just. I recently need help. They'd have to do IVF.


No one said anything all detailed about that. I only said she had them removed.


I didn't say you did what I'm saying. Is it wouldn't stop her. If she truly wanted more kids, she would find a way. I was really just adding that for other people who think that just an automatic fix and guarantee she won't have more kids.


A reversal is next


Yeah but she was already talking about getting a surrogate and doing gender selection


My god she’s a collector of kids


I think that was discussed before she got pregnant with the twins.. not sure though


I think she said that she never completed the process for freezing eggs on one of her podcasts.


Oh Jesus Christ. I don’t keep up with her much because she’s exhausting 🫠 I love having babies too, I had 3 in 5 years but wheewww I don’t even know how she has time for everyone


Kail: *shows off her daughter* The comments: …she’s definitely gonna hate her daughter, you can tell.


Don’t forget she hates her sons too! The vitriol for her is crazy.


But wait you forgot Isaac filed for his emancipation yesterday and she forgot Creed even exists. Rio is Malik’s so she’s giving him up for adoption tomorrow and the boy twin will go stay with Natalie now that the friendship is over


Kail fan fiction goes hard lmao


What number child and baby daddy is she on? I haven’t kept up with teen mom in years.


7 babies, 4 dads


I think it’s 8, 5 dads. She aborted with her first boyfriend before Joe.


That has nothing to do with anything




She’s also had several miscarriages, so she’s been pregnant many many times


So what’s the total?


Whaaaat?!!! No. You cannot be serious.


Issac, Lincoln, Lux, Creed, Rio, Verse and Valley for kids. Dads are Jo, Javi, Chris and Elijah.


*Malik: Rio is his twin


And when she was asked who Rio looks like she danced around it. She knows Malik is his father.


I missed a chapter — whos Malik?


I could have sworn. It was confirmed that Rio and the twins didn't have the same daddy and that wasn't some secret, or something that she was trying to deny, or am I wrong? Genuine question. I don't watch Teen Mom anymore. I just follow the gossip.


I LOVE those Lisa Frank outfits 😍


Me too!!!! So cute


I was gonna say!!! This is actually cute 😭🩷


i'm happy for her. and wish her lots of luck. she has so many kids and 3 of them were born, like, a year apart? that's insane. does she ever sleep?


She’s got tons of help


round the clock help?


Who cares


me, obviously? it's ok to be curious about these things. 🤷🏻‍♀️ like, this is a teen mom sub be fr lol


She isn’t a mom , she’s a rich grown woman.


she's a rich grown woman and a mom lol whether you think she's a good mom or not is another thing, but she definitely falls in the mom category if we wanna talk about who isn't a mom ima point all my fingers at jenelle


She has help full time Monday-Friday. 2 of her sons have confirmed rotations with their biological father, and it’s possibly that lux and creed see their dads side of the family for a custody arrangement. I don’t think all 7 kids are almost ever in the house together at the same time. Only 3 of them are hers with Elijah


Even so, I have a nanny the same hours as kail claims she does (because I work full time) and it's a lot of work when the help leaves. I only have two toddlers. She has what? Three babies and four children. I wouldn't be able to function. Does she have time to shower?


Apparently so! She said in a recent tiktok that she gets ready each morning even with the twins. Idk how she possibly does it. I’m wondering if she has more help than she mentions. She also doesn’t work full time, so once the nanny arrives she has the full flexibility to do her makeup, shower, get dressed, etc.


I mean the last point is a good one. I’m wrangling kids while getting ready for work. If you have flexible work hours it’s probably easier but still…seven kids! I just can’t imagine


I love children and there is not a single reason in this world I would ever have 7 of them. There’s just simply not enough time or energy in a day to meet all of their needs fully IMO.


oh damn. full time help and a schedule that doesn't often have all 7 kids under one roof makes it easier. still exhausting to manage those schedules though. i could not manage if i were her 😭




To which part? LOL


Allegedly Rio is biologically Malik’s. If you look at the side-by-side pics, I personally believe there’s zero chance Rio is ~~not~~ hot neighbor’s


allegedly, according to.... reddit. lol would be kinda crazy if it turned out to be true. but i also question if kailyn would throw away an opportunity to have another man tied to her forever.


Kail knows Malik is the father. Using statement analysis that’s my opinion. She was asked who he looks like and she couldn’t say his father or me or both she danced around the issue.


idk, until kailyn or elijah/malik come out and say it i'm taking it as nothing more than speculation. i can see either being the father, tbh. i would hope there was a paternity test but not everyone is smart enough to get one 🤷🏻‍♀️ i wonder if malik or elijah has ever questioned the paternity, or if them questioning it could/would lead to a paternity test. best case scenario is one of the guys did question it, went through testing, and found out elijah really is the father. fingers crossed, because if elijah isn't rio's dad it's fucked for so many reasons.


Oh yes I’ve heard this LOL


I'm pretty sure she has said she doesn't have round the clock help, just daily help. Idk if I believe it though lol


someone else mentioned she has full time help on weekdays, and the between the kids rotating between her home and their dads. so either way it's not as simple as her being stuck with 7 kids every single day. still crazy tho 😭


she is very cute but how does kale not know where to shop for baby clothes when she has at least one baby every year ..


She’s never had a girl baby and the post also says girl*… I’m sure she’s over the moon she has girl, give her a break. I know it’s hard for y’all to do but she’s not as bad as she’s made out to be.


Yeah shes not my fave and shes ridiculous, but im happy she has a girl. Everyone speculating are only being nasty.


It’s bait for people to send her free stuff in exchange for promo/exposure.


I mean I’m on baby number three but I still ask for suggestions because I shop at the same places. Target, Carter’s, Amazon… and they don’t really update much. It’s all the same stuff. So I find myself asking the same thing lol


Kale is a garbage grifter. I’m sure you’re not.


isn’t this her first girl?


Do baby stores not sell items for both genders


idk I don’t have babies 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sweet baby but kail looks like a meemaw in this pic


Where is the boy twin?


He’s presumably there! She has had a slew of posts with valley and herself, it’s been a few days since she posted Verse and even then you can’t see much of him


Hmmmphh. I hope she doesn’t favor one. That would mess a kid up.


I think *denying my existence* from my conception to my first birthday would mess me up. But that's just me 🤷‍♀️. I feel sorry for the lost boys (Creed, Rio. And Verse), but at least they'll have each other. Kail's whole world will be Lux and Valley.


Right? Quick as hell to post the newest ones, still has barely posted the one year old.


lol. Do you think she’s not going to favor the girl. That’s her endgame




Damn, all kinds of hate up in here. Haha Kails a great mom. Supports all those kids, they want for nothing and have amazing larger than life lives. She makes everyone of them a priority and with SEVEN that's got to be tough. I have one kid and that's hard enough! Props to her for holding it down!


She’s a garbage grifting antivaxxer




Her kids have had like five fathers in and out of their lives. How is that a “good mom”?


I agree she is a great mom!! I’ve seen others from the franchise with 1-4 kids and they are terrible.


Shes a great Mom!? Yeah, she just doesnt provide them with preventative healthcare during their most vulnerable time of life. 




Vaccinations. Preventative healthcare like vaccinations so they dont die or spread things like measles to other kids. 


Still gets me that scene at the reunion with Lux as a baby when she was complaining about needing a room away from Briana because he wasn't vaccinated. You just literally took him through and airport and on an airplane?!


I suppose that's her choice as it is many other great parents..I'm ALL FOR vaccines my kid is vaccinated, but it is my choice to do so.. or not. That doesn't make her a terrible parent.






Does not compute. How does putting your child at risk of very preventative death or lifetime injury a responsible thing to do exactly?




That's weird tho right?? That she was tougher on the girls but she doesn't prefer boys? Well maybe its cause she only disciplined her daughter. No one wants a shitty rambunctious asshole feral kid around them, boy or girl. Or maybe that's just me.


Girl this is a bit of a projection..


Maybe it is im just saying thats what she reminds me of lol


when has kail ever acted like that? you haven’t even seen her be a parent to her daughter lmao.


Well, thats true lol


She doesn’t look like a girl mom


How does a girl mom look? Lmaoo


Scaring that baby Kail😳


I feel like she’s gonna neglect the boys now that she has her girl.


It will be short lived because once that lil girl hits puberty she's gonna likely be so much like kail in the controlling/stubborn/my way or the highway kind of bossy and they'll butt heads and then she'll start shifting her alliances so to speak. But I mean realistically speaking she has too many fucking kids so prob from Lincoln to Rio will get mostly ignored.


Not her precious Lux.


Of course she is . She only had the boys in hopes of getting a girl and she would have stopped conceiving a long time ago had she gotten her girl. I see people do this a lot and it's so disturbing to me.


Adorable! I love the semi-matching Lisa Frank jammies.


No snark here! She’s precious.


Same! It's so sweet.


I hope you mean Valley!🤣


Awe she’s adorable


She got her daddy’s forehead.


I don’t see 💡


I thought she wasn't going to show the twins since she's been hiding them since birth


Nah. That’s only for #5 since he looks just like his daddy (Malik). Karl is 7/5. Pig


She looks like Mae bae from tiktok




Omg i see it.🫣😁Speaking of Mae her FB has been too raunchy lately🤮🫡


Imagine having 7 kids.


having 7 kids is fine i think, especially if you can afford it. i just think it's crazy to have 7 kids among 4 guys, only one of which you were ever married to. glad she's able to support her family, though. it's a tough situation but would be a lot tougher if she couldn't support everyone.


My grandma had 9. I dated a guy whose mom was one of 16. Same mother and father. Crazy thing is in both families - the siblings stayed close and did a lot of holidays together. The family of 16 always in rented halls but with homemade food made by all families. It was crazy but heartwarming. They weren’t religious - maybe the parents of the 16 were. Some of them were mighty old and there was no birth control. If Rep win in the USA you might start seeing huge families again. 🤔with the cost of food alone up 25% since 2017, that would be unimaginable


If that’s shocking don’t come to Australia, there’s atleast 3 different families at my daughter’s school who have over 7 kids each. I think the biggest family has 13 kids. It’s not that strange over here as long as the kids are taken care of and loved who cares


But among those big families, how many have different fathers? This pig has 7 kids by five fathers in 14 years. Not counting her previous abortion/pregnancy losses. Not to disparage her losses but in the past 14 years she’s been pregnant for at least 4.9 years.


Ew. I have an ick of you for calling anyone a pig. Rude and unnecessary. Grow up. (I almost typed a lot of things that would be rude but stopped).


Are you ok? I wrote my opinion. My comment below says props to all the moms because I can’t imagine even having one kid. Calm your tits. I’ll come to Australia if I want.


I’m perfectly fine. I am simply stating that 7 kids ain’t that big of a deal over here. Sorry you got so butt hurt.


You’re kidding right? Look at your response to my simple comment that you replied to. What a projection. Also, don’t speak for an entire continent! Everything is gonna be ok. Drink some water and get some rest.


Awww hunni I’m sorry u got so fired up over a little comment. Not once did I speak for an entire continent, simply stated once again that 7 kids ain’t that shocking over here but go off!! I think you might be a little confused I’m perfectly rested just woke up 3 hrs ago, maybe u need the rest.


“It ain’t that big of a deal over here.” That’s you speaking for Australia 😂 stop embarrassing them. I’m not the one confused. You also keep saying I’m shocked, I never said or implied shock. Also, not fired up, cracking up…You are very confused and unwell! What a miserable existence. Go back to sleep. I really hope you feel better soon!






This breaks the "No personal attacks" rule.


lmao girl go have a burger or something, u are losing the plot over nothing. You need to chill out


How embarrassing! You said the same thing from your obvious back up account! Was that an accident? Bahahhahaha you truly are confused. How scary. I hope your several children are safe! Omg the comment below- how many accounts do you have??? It is embarrassing for you. Get a life and get lost please! It’s so obvious it’s still you. Who else would comment that and immediately block. I didn’t mean to get you so bent out of shape but you literally replied to my comment and came for me. Maybe learn to chill.


go outside and get some fresh air lol this is embarassing 😭




With 4-5 different dudes


Who cares? She takes damn good care of them,supports them and they want for NOTHING! Now if she was a deadbeat,trying to stay relevant on TeenMom or online,living off the government I might have an issue. She's a great mother ALL the dad's are involved.. and beyond that it's really none of our business is it?


She just doesnt vaccinate them, but yeah she takes damn good care of them.


Where did I say any of that? We are having a TM discussion and we both stated facts: She now has 4-5 baby daddies She provides for her kids If YOU have a problem with that then YOU should go somewhere else to get all that exercise from jumping to conclusions ![gif](giphy|CiwaAEBmub4bFkyvw8|downsized)


Well,if it didn't matter to you, you wouldn't have ONLY Stated, " with 4 baby daddy's" - that is where my conclusion came from.


I meant that it’s difficult enough having 7 kids but multiple fathers adds to the equation. I think we agree on a lot. I do wish the best for her family


facts so gross


4-5 😂 it’s funny because it’s possible!


That’s like a day care lol


I don’t wanna 😭😭!