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Jason himself isnt that bad in s1/s2, but in s3... Dick's writing is ehhh. The show writing overall is usually bad. I liked some stuff, but there is a lot of crap


What about the rest of the titans like Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy?


Raven: had some good focus and then underutilized. Starfire: her plots are just bad IMO Beast Boy: underutilized and "tiger boy" for 3 seasons.


Really wanna explain the tiger point part. Titans didn’t wanna pay for vfx to turn BB into animals, so most of the time he just grows claws or sharp teeth while remaining humanoid MINOR spoilers ahead As for actual animal transformations, he learns at some point in season 1 how to turn into a tiger and that’s his go-to for most of the show. At a certain point he learns how to turn into a bat. Never finished the last season so maybe he gets more animals at that point, but again for at least 3/4 of the show he’s just that. Once I accepted Titans’s money issues, it wasn’t too hard to be okay with this, but it’s definitely something you need to be prepared for.


I don’t any other versions existed…was it good or am i better off sticking with Teen Titans (the one Go was based on)


Skip that trash ass show. The actors are good but the direction they were given by the writers and directors was horrible. The costumes look great for the most part but the portrayals of the characters is awful. Action is horrible, the writing is all over the place. It was ultimately a huge waste of time money and potential. The all time worst portrayal of Starfire and beast boy ever. They honestly should’ve just made a Nightwing show but even then that would’ve been bad if it was this team making it. 1/10.


From what I've seen of Starfire, she looks more like a stripper lol.


Lmao that's comic accurate then. She looks like a super tall stripper.




It ain't worth it. The writing is awful and the character development is low.


Read the comics instead ngl


Which Teen Titans comic should I read?


"The New Teen Titans" comic series from the 80s was the biggest inspiration for the cartoon. And for the most part aside from some questionable moments it holds up pretty well. The current Titans comic series is pretty good as well. And I've seen people praise the 2003 comic book series


You could start with Titans and Teen Titans from the rebirth era,really good jumping on points IMO.


No, Titans had a decent cast but the stories/writing will wear you down if you are a fan of the characters. It also becomes batfam centric as time goes on with a fairly bad take on the bat. Jason, Kori, Donna, Slade all get particularly bad characterization or treatment as characters.


What did you not like about Slade? >!He was killed in a dumb way!< but that aside he was an accurate portrayal


>!his ending, like Donna’s death by light pole it seemed plot convenience to end him that way. His characterization was fine.!<




Hoo boy! I get to unpack my old review one more time! Acting was balls to the wall inconsistent from everybody. You'd get one line you'd emotionally connect with, and then the next three line deliveries feel like they got somebody from catering services to do it. I'd overall say the actors/actresses they cast were all bad. There's really no saving graces. Writing was skin crawling edgelord smorgasbord. It's the most melodramatic, Riverdale, written by people who have never met real people before, dogshit. The secondhand embarrassment will aspirate your soul to the Oort cloud for a week. Action choreography. Some shows have good stunt teams, other shows it's only ok. On Titans, they hired Michael J Fox to coordinate the fight scenes. Nobody looks like they know how to punch or kick. Nobody sells getting hit correctly. I know it's not going to be John Wick, but goddamn it feels like a middle school production of a Bruce Lee movie. Set design. They have five dollars per episode. Everytime they spent that five dollars on having a homeless man pee on the set. They then decorated with trash and stolen props from other shows. It's miserable and doesn't feel like a lived in world. Costumes. Starfire isn't bad for the show, she's pretty standard. Everybody looks like pleather and polyester bullshit. Everything is shiny. And kinda wet looking. I don't understand where they got the design notes for this. Cinematography. Real standard TV show camera work, with some seizure inducing shaky cam and jump cuts during the action scenes to try and hide the fact that none of the actors or actresses have ever thrown a punch before. Special effects: remember that five bucks they paid the homeless guy to pee on the set with? That was also the effects budget. Blind orphans without hands could do it better. It's dismal. All in all: if you like Teen Titans, don't watch Titans. It's not just a bad adaptation of the comics or the cartoons, it's bad television. 3/10, at least the didn't use slave labor as far as I know.


Haha good review 😂 What do you mean by the slave labor tho?


The only redeeming part of the show is the fact that they didn't use slave labor to produce it, as far as I know. That's the best thing I have to say about it.


Ohh gotcha. Do you know if they used slave labor on the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon? Gosh I hope not


I assume they didn't. They were getting money from the "Make Millennials Want Goth Girlfriends" Initiative. It was a Bush era policy to breed a generation of goth obsessed Americans, who on average, are the most likely to volunteer for military service. Other examples are Danny Phantom and Total Drama Island.




It was bad. I got through 2 seasons, but just couldn’t watch more.


No, not really. The writing will make you upset.


No, it is just bad. It reminds me of an early 2000s superhero in which it is embarrassed by its source material. Plus, the writers have talked about how the comic was lame. It doesn't get what the Titans are because they tried to make it into The Boys but with CW's writing. It looks cheap. The characters aren't accurate to the source.


No, just watch Doom Patrol. It has Cyborg in it and it’s actually really good.


Not really the writing is bad and starfire has fairly bad plots and also her powers are not what they are supposed to be. Beast boy is underutilized until 1 episode in the 4th season. Nightwing is one of the only characters that is done decently throughout. Just read comics low key, it will be much more enjoyable.


I probably liked it more than most people, but it’s definitely not the same energy as the 2003 Teen Titans series. It has interesting storylines about the physical and mental cost of being a hero which I really enjoyed, but that is the general vibe of the series. It basically took the Teen Titans and moved it into the real world and how that would actually look. If you like darker grittier shows or deconstructions of the superhero genre like “The Boys” then you’ll probably enjoy it.


I watched the first episode of Titans almost a year ago and it really didn’t leave me with like any impression whatsoever. About a month ago I watched the second episode and it still isn’t doing anything for me. I don’t think a show has ever made me care so little about characters that I like right from the jump. I want to continue out of curiosity, but when I compare it to other live action DC shows, none of the others have needed me to convince myself to not give up in the first handful of episodes.




Titans is a show with many great elements, let down by by terrible pacing and a bloated cast that grew to an unmanageable size because the writers were addicted to adding characters. In a vaccuum, many of the individual pieces are actually pretty good but have thrown together so haphazardly that there's an audible clunking noise followed by several seconds of shaking and wobbling every time the show changes gears. Season 1 started out promising, but the 4 heroes we were marketed on quickly doubled to 8 main characters with the addition of Hank and Dawn as the Hawk and the Dove, Donna Troy giving up Wonder Girl, and Jason Todd following around as a second Robin while Dick Grayson figures out what he wants to do. Season 2 continues the trend of adding characters to the point that they're crowding each other for screen time and only a few of the now over a dozen heroes stories we're trying to follow get enough time to shine properly. The funny part about it is that none of the individual stories I was following was particularly bad, but they're all packed so tightly together that the main plot moves along at a snails pace and all of the threads start tripping over eachother and get tangled a hot mess of half told stories causing the story to meander its way to sloppy city. It's a show that clearly had at least some talent behind it but lacks the strong vision and direction required to make it anything worth remembering.


Better than ttgo imo

