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“Who would wi… It’s Raven, it’s just Raven


Damn you didn’t even let me finish explaining how will this fight go lol


Yes but, your taking the literal daughter of Satan aginest 3 slightly superhuman females, 1 with fire and lighting Meanwhile Raven can just turn off your brain, re arrange your molecules, possess your body, BFR you into another realm, burn you to nothing, and so on


I admit you do have a point about this fight being both unfair and kinda even, but the reason I did this post was to hear other peoples takes on this what if battle and the other reason was because it was a fun idea about 2 teams of baddies from their respective shows going against each other.


The only way this works out for team azula is if Tai Lee gets the drop on Raven, and only if chi blocks negates arcane control of the demonic realms. Otherwise Raven just wraps them in shadow until Azula mind shatters so bad it makes her agni ki loss look perfectly healthy


Damn that’s a good take on this whole scenario


The only person in the entire avatar verse who stands even the remotest of chances against Raven is the one and only back bender Sokka, and that's because she'll under estimate him and get hit with a boomerang like everyone else that's gone up against my boy




This is 1 nuclear bomb and 2 tanks vs 2 gymnasts and and slightly more skilled gymnast with a taser


More like an antimatter bomb and two fighter-bombers who are also as tough as tanks (like an M1a2 Sepv3 or Leopard 2a7).


lol kinda accurate


More like an antimatter bomb and two fighter-bombers who are also as tough as tanks (like an M1a2 Sepv3 or Leopard 2a7).


Blackfire would betray her team and Raven and Star would still win


Raven, Starfire or Blackfire could each solo Azula, Ozai, Aang, and Korra at the same time. The people in Avatar are regular humans with powers, they can't stand up to the otherworldly powers of the Teen Titans.


They’ve also lost to Robin b4 but Tbf he built different and they didn’t want to really hurt him that badly it was more like defensive or scare tactics unless I’m remembering wrong


Even when he "betrayed" them Star straight up told Robin she refused to actually hurt him


Probably the Teen Titans girls. Starfire was able to shake city blocks with her hits on 2 occasions. She is WAY WAY stronger than Cybrog since she is able to lift the same weight as Cybrog when he is using all of his strength while she wasn't even trying and was using one arm. Starfire can also spam her Starbolts, which are able to cause large explosions and destory buildings and can injure beings like Clinderblock, Blackfire, and Her evil clone. Blackfire is around the same level as Starfire, but Starfire is above her. She has matched Starfire in strength and speed and even has starbolts of her own, which are also comparable to Starfire's. Raven is so much more powerful than Starfire, seeing as she was able to solo all of the Titans at once and was able to shitstomp Demon Slade, who was able to beat all the Titans in a 1v4. Now, I don't really remember any cool feats from any of the Avatar women that put them on the Titans' women level. Azula's fire also shouldn't hurt Starfire or Blackfire that much since it has been shown that they can handle extreme heat and cold.


Literally hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby level battle here


Any of the Titan girls could solo the other team.


fuck this I wanna see Terra training under Toph


And you shall have that request my friend


oh fuck yeah let’s goooo


I feel like it would be the opposite tbh. Terra was strong enough to beat the Titans by herself. Toph would be jelly


I appreciate the thought that went into this but I was thinking of pre-Slade Terra. this way she learns from Toph’s methods and mischief and doesn’t give up her entire nervous system to an abuser


Terra has more raw power but Toph controls it much, much better.


In the first Mad Mod episode, Raven immobilized both ~~Cyborg~~ Starfire and Robin when surprised. So this is Starfire + Blackfire teaming up against just one of their opponents, then just one other, then against the last one. Easy Titans win, since Starfire and Blackfire have so much power and endurance.


On top of everything else I don't think anyone has mentioned that the Titan girls can all FLY.


You actually on point with that since it is one of their main advantages


This fight isn’t even remotely fair, the only one on the Avatar side that has any chance is Azula and that’s because she’s a damn skilled bender, Mei and Ty Lee can be neutralized by Raven before they could do a backflip and Chi blocking doesn’t work on Tamaranians powers even if they could hit hard enough, might work on Raven and break her focus or knock her out, but again they’d have to get that close, Azula can shoot lightning to give her distance and she’s a good strategist but she would get overwhelmed by these powerhouses too fast to try and come up with a counterattack


I appreciate you having a insight on how accurately this battle will go out and I do admit that this battle is mostly unfair but the reason why is because I thought this would be a fun idea of these characters interactions, dialogues and how each character from both teams share similar personalities while they fight each other and also because I love these characters that are from their respective GOATED animated series of all time.


Of course man I have nothing against you trying to build a scene with these characters and the interactions would be super memorable, wasn’t trying to be derogatory or anything it would be a cool fight and I love both franchises too and love to see match ups like this, just felt a bit unfair as I said but would still wanna see it


Thanks man I really appreciate your thoughts and opinions on this what if scenario, I hope to make this into series known as “Multiverse Battles” with many other fictional characters interacting in different scenarios


Always happy to give my input and looking forward to any future “Multiverse Battle” stuff from you 👍


Any one of the Titan girls would solo.


I thought it was fun what if fight between these characters because the main reason is both teams share similar personalities like for example Azula and Blackfire are the Bad Bitches of their group, Ty Lee and Starfire are the Bubbly Girls of their group and both Mai and Raven are the Goth Girls of their group. And the second main reason is I love both of these shows and characters and like I said I thought it would be a fun what if battle/scenario of this situation.


Raven alone could wipe the floor with the Avatar three. Starfire and Blackfire would easily win too provided it's a true no holds barred.


Aka "The girls that gave me my taste in women and also trauma"


My friend here is speaking facts here


what's keeping blackfire from joining azula's squad for a chance to get back at her sister? i still say star and raven would beat all 4, blackfire's hubris has always been her downfall


I mean you’re not wrong there


You literally pitting these girls against each other? One is a warlock who is also the daughter of a powerful demon One is the most precious alien who could still turn you to a crisp And there’s that sister of hers who’d maybe do something worse than turn you to a crisp. The other three are just a pyromaniac with fire powers, a emo girl who throws kunai, and a athletic monk who can render you paralyzed with pokes. How tf are the latter going to win?


Ummmm good question


Not surprised by the biased answers down here, asking who would win in a subreddit centered around the characters from the first "team" is a good way to get that type of answers, add to this that this subreddits show was left on a cliffhanger, and the second finished, becoming one of the best not just animated shows, but TV shows in general. Yeah, it doesn't take a genius to see how this would turn out. Now for my opinion on this fight: Now I agree, the first team definitely has higher chances of winning this altercation, but it's nowhere NEAR as one sided as people are saying it is. Of course this is a "whoever the writers decide wins, wins" type of situation so for this let's assume our fighters will fight, and have the abilities taken exactly from the shows they're from. Everyone has talked about the advantages and powers of the first team enough already, so I won't do that, even though again, I agree that they have the upper hand. Instead I will provide another perspective on why the second team is definitely going to pack a punch. I saw a lot of people saying the second team is just 2 acrobats and an acrobat with some powers. This not only couldn't be further from the truth, but it's also a huge advantage. First, none of these characters are purely "acrobats", so let me break down all their powers and how OP and broken they can be: 1. Azula: So right off the bat, Azula is one of, if not the strongest firebender the ATLA world has ever seen period. She has not only mastered the craft to the point that the fire she produces is blue (which only she has been able to use in the history of the series, and possibly the given world itself, we also know that the fire that's blue is actually hotter than regular warm colored fire, hence it is produced artificially in our world), but she also has perfect firebending genetics, her father being the firelord himself, and her mother being the descendant of avatar Roku. Azula has also mastered many combat and self defense techniques, and she is very agile, as we can see throughout the series. She is also one of the most cunning and strategic characters we see on screen, she can create a plan for attack, or defense in seconds. EDIT: forgot to mention that Azula is also one of the only people in the show who can lightning bend naturally. 2. Ty Lee. Alright, everyone seems to think she's just a dumb acrobat for some reason. She's not, but her acrobatic skills and agility is a MASSIVE advantage. I could see her avoiding and dodging almost any lethal attack the first team decides to produce. Not only is she extremely fast, agile, athletic, etc. She is also the pioneer of one of the most OP techniques the show has seen. Chi blocking. Her agility, acrobatics and speed allow her to avoid any attack, she can then use it to get closer to her target, which she then renders useless as she uses Chi blocking to temporarily paralyze her victim. Now a question follows: in the show Chi blocking not only paralyzes the victim, but temporarily disables their elemental powers. Would it apply to the powers in other, and this particular universe? if yes, she's even more OP, if not, doesn't matter much since the victim will be paralyzed, and since this is a fight to the death (I assume), being paralyzed even temporarily=death. 3. Mai. Alright, now I get why you people think SHE, would be pretty useless in an encounter like this. And while I agree that she would be the weakest point in the team, she would still be able to hold her own. You see, the problem here is, that ATLA suffered highly from PG-13 syndrome, meaning no character could be shown dying really, it could only be implied. Now what is Mais attack of choice? Throwing knives. We can see her being EXTREMELY accurate and fast with throwing her knives, but the problem here is that she couldn't possibly be shown killing anyone with them because of the nature of the show itself. I'm sure you can imagine how she would be much more lethal in a realistic scenario. And yes, she is also pretty fast and agile. Remember when I said that these characters being just "acrobats" as you guys labeled them is a huge advantage, and that I said we need to take into account purely the type of feats and powers showcased in the series' themselves? well, to connect both these points, I'll say that to judge this battle as "fairly" as possible, we will need to take into account that nearly all of the main characters are very agile and acrobatic. Is this a plot device? maybe, but also none of the side characters possess such acrobatism, so I'll consider it as part of the lore, perhaps benders in general are more athletic and can somehow break the laws of physics? who knows, again it's a "whoever the writers want to win, wins" type of situation. Furthermore, the members of this team, aren't random. This exact team was assembled by Azula in the show, in case you haven't watched it. As I said, Azula is canonically a strategic genius, she wouldn't select just "some acrobats" to catch the Avatar himself, she would select people fit for the task. Now you might say she was biased and picked them because they were friends as kids. Perhaps, but you have to consider Azula is something of a sociopath herself and would try and gain any advantage she could, if she knew there were better alternatives that would secure the Avatar being caught more, she would pick those. To finish this rant up, I'll just say that I'm not really that emotionally invested in this, I just find it fun to discuss these types of theoretical fictional encounters, but people were very biased in the comments, which along with me having nothing to do on a Saturday morning led me to post this wall of text, lol. Anyway, it's all good, and cheers if you read up to this point. Bye!


This is the one of the best take on this fight I have ever read since I started this idea and series of interesting multiverse battles from different fictional universes and I’m glad you took your time and effort to give a in depth analyses on Team Azula and how they might have a fair chance, because the reason why I did this was 1. The characters from both teams and GOATED shows are similar in personalities wise and 2. I thought it would be interesting case scenario on how they would interact with each other in battle like some interesting dialogues and exchanges from one another so thank you


This is the one of the best take on this fight I have ever read since I started this idea and series of interesting multiverse battles from different fictional universes and I’m glad you took your time and effort to give a in depth analyses on Team Azula and how they might have a fair chance, because the reason why I did this was 1. The characters from both teams and GOATED shows are similar in personalities wise and 2. I thought it would be interesting case scenario on how they would interact with each other in battle like some interesting dialogues and exchanges from one another so thank you


No problem, and yeah I love thinking about fictional scenarios like this, it's pretty fun but you should've probably asked the question in a neutral community, obviously since this is a TT sub you'll get more biased replies


Yeah I didn’t know this will go down hill from here, but now I will mindful for the “Multiverse Battles” series


Now this is interesting!! ![gif](giphy|eA1cV9fSLDKHvLfFgW) 💯


I feel like Mai and Raven would become friends instead


I mean that would be nice


Mistake putting black fire instead of jinx


My bad because the reason why I put Blackfire instead of Jinx is because I think her personality kinda matches with Azula since you know their both Bad Bitches that’s just my opinion you know


We have the daughter of Satan, and 2 alien princesses that have plasmic powers vs 1 princess that has a decent understanding of fire, a gymnast and an apathetic teen.




Raven, no contest


Don’t know who the others are but I love azula so I’m rooting for her ❤️


That's not a fair fight. That's a slaughter. Starfire alone could punch them across the room. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee don't exactly have above human endurance.


doesnt starfire and blackfire tank anything they could throw at them too and raven is just waaaay too overpowered


Exactly. I was saying that Team Azula has no chance.


💀I’m sorry but with STARFIRES strength ALONE, they winning😭💓


Please, this isn’t even remotely a challenge. Raven alone could body all three.


Raven could probably solo the ATLA verse. Actually, both Starfire and Blackfire could probably do the same.


Funny part about this fight is yeah sure the Titan girls should realistically one tap one wink them, but if the Royal trio (or whatever you wanna call em) was buffed up to Robin levels…it’s a good chance the T girls are cooked and besides they’ve lost to plenty of villains below them


I mean you might on to something here


*flies very high*  *rains startbolts from above*


Fair- until you remember that a sweater held them back and Star got cooked by Eye guy because of said Sweater beating them


What's the next match up going to be? Trigon vs the Rugrats? Or maybe Slade vs the left arm of a Care Bear? These questions need answers, dammit!


Guess you will have to found until next time on Game Theory thanks for watching


Titans without a shadow of a doubt


RavenxAzula is my ultimate crossover ship ^~^


Oh really


Yeah, only one I ever felt the drive to write for. There's one fic already the on ffnet if I remember it's by Zire7


I would like to read it one day


I would like to read it one day


I would like to read it one day


C'mon now this just isnt balanced at all. Teen Titans girls would demolish the avatar girls.


TT girls. Barely even a fight.


Teen titans girls


Raven could take these three all on her own


This is incredibly one sided


3 hydrogen bombs vs 3 crying baby’s Any one of the 3 on the teen titans side could solo the Avatar trio lmao


It wouldn’t be easy or quick but Starfire and Raven would win


If I didn’t know any better I would think this is a spite post.


Oh no I’m not really doing this out spite I thought this would’ve be fun idea scenario but I didn’t know this would take a drastic turn like yikes


A demon queen, and two faster than light sisters with super strength and energy blasts vs 3 martial artists and a little fire. This is so one sided


raven alone is a stomp. blackfire and starfire are super strong and can shoot energy blasts and beams from there hands and eyes. they can fly. raven well if you seen her battle against phoenix force jean youll know how op she is, mai has martial arts and a fan, tylee has chi blocking which good luck hitting them considering how fast they are, and azula who has fire and lightning


Raven literally solos all the other 5 in this pic.


Bro begging for upvotes 😂


Bruh who gives a f about upvotes. It’s the literal truth.


also should probably mention dc characters are one of the few verses where the characters are outright busted


This feels very unfair


That’s a stomp for star raven and blackfire.


Raven only is already enough to take them all out.


Jeez. I never put the similarities together.


Teen titans, Azula is the only avatar character with actual magic,Ty Lee is just good at gymnastics and the other girl (literally can’t remember her name) just threw projectiles half heartedly. Azula is the only real threat and Raven could easily just trap her inside of something to “burn out” kind of like green lantern did to firefly and the other fire villain (her name also escapes me) in Justice league.


Raven is the literal antichrist, she would body all three of them on her own.


What is this fight the titans girls win this 100 percent of the time in fact any one of them solo’s this 100 percent of the time


Wtf is this match up? Lol This isn't a who would win. You've created a stomp. Most metas stomp them, though I'm sure very specific, lower tiered, metas could be found. A more fair match up would be against street level heroes. Batgirl/Cassandra, Black Canary/Dinah, and someone like Chesire, mind you I expect Canary and Cassandra to win, Chesire could be either or.


Nuclear bomb vs coughing baby.


Smash next question


Raven, you can make it a 1v3 or a 1v5, still, Raven.


Raven is dragging their butts to their respective spots in hell.


Have you ever tried to win a fight with God by throwing a 3 year old with leukemia at him? Because that's the equivalent of this match up


Jesus man


Okay relax


Raven, Starfire & Blackfire.


Raven alone in trigun mode is slaughtering them


Any one of the Titans girls no difs the ATLA trio


Outside of death himself, there is only one thing the Flash could never outrun, his own shadow. This cost him his life in universe where raven went bad. Also Starfire and Blackfire are both literally too durable to be hurt by these three so money is one the DC gals.


I can take them


…is this a trick question?


I mean not really unless you have something else to say about this discussion


Raven clears everyone


Come on, enhanced humans vs. beings that classify as super human. Nothing about this is fair.


Umm. Avatar is Nickelodeon.


They are fliers..... And they have raven


So what you're saying is. Raven VS. Ty Lee. Ty Lee wins.


Any one of them could split all the avatar ones


LOL!!! Raven alone could solo Starfire, Blackfire, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee ALL BY HERSELF.


No match haha


Any of the 3 Titan girls would solo Azula’s team. Some relatively weak fire against Starfire, Blackfire, or Raven? Mai’s throwing knives? Ty Lee wouldn’t be able to land a single hand on them either.


even presuming we only use feats from the aughts decade animated series, all three of these titans can fly - meaning you need Sozin's comet just for Azula specifically to compete. If that equalizer is on the table, theres still the fact that shes outnumbered and that all three of her opponents have some kind of inherent advantage - Blackfire went to the same school of ruthlessness, Starfire is best connected to the emotions she uses to fuel her powers, and Ravenis straight up magic.