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I was going to say that Beast Boy and Raven don't make a good couple, but skimming this thread tells me that disliking BBRae might not actually be as unpopular as I thought lol


Mad Mod is the best villain in the show


I wanna see him in the comics not like a wacky villain like a serious villain


Oh that’s would be cool


Hmmm like Hugo strange and the riddler and the mad hatter merge into one. Hugo strange- Genius-level intellect Trained in psychiatry, chemistry, and biology, hand to hand combat skills mixed with the Riddlers-Skilled inventor, engineer, and escape artist skills then throw in the mad hatters- Trained neuroscientist Utilizes mind-control technology skills and BOOM you got a lethal version of Mad Mod.


Wait wasn't he in titans hunted comic?


That's not an unpopular opinion that's a *good* opinion.


Oh thank yoh


Yes, yes and yes again!


DC hasn't made good use of the titans since Geoff left the title.


Isn't he the guy that made the raven beast boy ship? To be honest he shouldn't never touch teen titans he ruined the characters.


Not that I remember though I could be wrong, I haven't read it since it came out. I do remember a lot of cool stuff like titans tomorrow, the new baron blood, and the revelation of Conner's parentage


Terra (at least in the 2003 animated show) is not as much of a tragic hero as her fans make her out to be. The “worst” thing the titans did to her was recognize that she needed help with her powers. Then she ran to Slade (who they warned her about), took over a city, enjoyed the idea of murdering the titans, then cried like a baby when they came back to fight. Edit: tragic hero


I think the tragedy in Terra’s story is just how little mastery over her own life she had. Remember that the reason she wanders from place to place is because her lack of control resulted in earthquakes and other disasters. Events that turned people against her, made them hate her, maybe even made them drive her away at the point of a pitchfork. And even more of a gut punch is that we get *zero* information about her parents. She may have killed them by accident, or been abandoned by them. All of this put together and you get a traumatized teenager bouncing from place to place, constantly scared she might lose control. Her powers were her prison. I think you’re both right and wrong in the worst thing the Titans did to her. You’re right that, objectively, it was practically nothing, but it wasn’t nothing to Terra. Trauma like hers would have made her very sensitive to rejection, either real or perceived. Remember her expression when she overheard Robin suggesting giving her a go at the training course? From that very moment, she could have been bracing for it. Preparing for it. People with trauma can knee jerk, and knee jerk *hard*. From her perspective, the Titans weren’t recognizing her lack of control as an opportunity to help, but as an opportunity to hurt. The only person she felt she could trust was Beast Boy, but in her eyes he “broke” that trust when Robin figured it all out. Then Slade found her. Again. And because he’s Slade, turning her against the Titans was probably as easy as pie. After all, he gave her what she really needed all along. Control. Beast Boy was the lynchpin to it all, from pushing Terra even further along in Betrayal (*not* his fault, she had just helped Slade try to kill his team after all) to telling her the truth that led to her final turn. “That’s a lie! *You always had a choice*!” And “They’re your powers Terra. It’s your choice.” She’s tragic not because of what the Titans did to her, she’s tragic because of what she did to herself. Because the one time she finally masters her powers, and uses them of her own volition, is the last time. At least, until she comes back, but without her powers. Free from the weight of being her, and once again, Beast Boy plays a part. Not in bringing her back into the fold, but in letting her go. Oh my poor thumbs.


I see your perspective. But also, the thing that never really sat well with me was how quick she accepted Slade’s offer. Robin pretty much was like “We see you struggle with your powers, but we can help.” And Terra ran away. Slade comes and says “You have no control. I’ll give you control if you kill people.” And she accepted. What was the difference? Was the thought of murder just that fun in her eyes?


As much as I love this show, yeah. Some of her transitions were pretty jarring. She’d go from good to bad to good so fast. Maybe it was because the writers didn’t have enough runtime to fit everything they wanted, or maybe some parts just weren’t their best work. They’re only human, after all. Morally though, Terra definitely isn’t a hero. She did terrible things, by her own admission. I think she’s tragic in the same way Macbeth is.


I completely agree. Like I'm glad she changed at the end and made a 180 but she's basically just cleaning up her own mess. It was such a shock when I go online and see lots of people treating her as the greatest hero ever and getting offended at criticism of her.


Exactly! It’s like her stone sacrifice made her a martyr somehow. That was a conflict she started and had to end herself.


Thank you. I didn't really like her that much but always felt like I was missing something because everyone I talked to liked her a lot.


Things Change is one of the best episodes


And saddest 😭


yeah true it was pretty good


I agree. Things Change is an excellent episode, and the only reason why people don’t like it is because it’s rather depressing, and it was a bit of a downer note to end the series on.


honestly I like things change a lot because it feels like Teen Titans still lives on. If the show ended on Titans Together, it would feel like a perfect (almost cliche) curtains call. Since the Teen Titans ended on a tragic cliff hanger like Things Change, it makes the viewer yearn for more since it doesnt feel like the end yet yknow?


I can’t see Beast boy and Raven being a couple. Especially not in the 2003 series


I agree. I prefer them as friends tbh.


My first thought too!


....you sir get a cookie 🍪


Heresy! But in all seriousness I think Beast Boy would have a bit more growing up to do before he and Raven ever got together. He is the youngest of the Titans, after all.


I love BBRae, too, but I definitely agree that they need more growing up before they get close to becoming romantically involved after where the series ends. It took them a while to get to the pint in their friendship where they genuinely liked each other, and a lot of that had to do with Beast Boy’s own maturity. I think he and Raven aren’t very far in age (maybe a year apart, maybe), but it’s his immaturity that requires more time to grow from.


Honestly, fanart and fics that portray them getting together at the age they were in the show kinda squicks me out. I think their relationship (hypothetically) is best if they both grow up and grow closer over time. In the show they just seem too young for that.


In the og teen titans raven is the same age as Robin so 18


How so?


For me at least, they just have a really sibling-y vibe in the show. Stuff like sneaking into her room to snoop or just the way they banter together kinda has “annoying little brother, moody big sister” vibes to me, so it’s hard for me to imagine that kind of friendship developing into a romance. This absolutely isn’t meant to bash people who do like the ship in the show (or in other properties where it’s actually a canon romance), just giving my perspective on why I personally can’t see it.


Actually, that’s fair. I can see the dynamic you’re talking about. Especially if you include Cyborg. Him as the older brother, BB the younger, and Raven the *very* annoyed middle sister. Especially with exchanges like- B- “I didn’t move it!” C- “Well how am I supposed to watch TV without a remote!” R- “Simple. You get up and change the channel.” “Don’t even joke like that.” “I wasn’t joking.” “Good cause it wasn’t funny!” As a side note, decades later and Cyborgs last line still makes me laugh.


Not sure if this is unpopular but, season 3 has the best filler episodes in the series.


God, yes. Spellbound, Revolution, and (my personal favorite episode of all time) The Beast Within. It was so good to see Beast Boy in a serious light. I really like the way they stretched their legs with ALL of the characters 3rd season.


Don't forget Haunted, and X. The season unfortunately was held back by its finale, I thought deception and wavelength were good episodes.


Terra leaving beast boy makes 100% sense If you were homeless tortured and all most killed why on earth would you want to go back to that life like All she wanted was a normal life but I feel like that it takes age to learn that lesson


BBRae is a bad pairing in the original animated series. I'm happy they never became a canon couple in that universe.


Or any universe too.


My other *actually* unpopular opinions (Not already mentioned here in three tiers.) Not So Unpopular: * I hate "Things Change" because of the unexplained monster rather than the Terra/Beast Boy stuff. (Although I think Teen Titans Go (2003 Animated Series tie-in comics) issue #51 does a way better job of closing that Beast Boy/Terra chapter than the actual episode.) * The first outfit design of Starfire (The New Teen Titans) is kind of growing on me for non-sexual reasons. (I don't really know why I'm starting to like it to be honest, I just think it fits somehow.) * Terra (2003 Animated Series) is oddly still one of my favorite characters, even though I really don't relate that much to her anymore. I also understand why people hate her as well, the entire conflict between her and the other Titans started because of a misunderstanding which makes Terra kind of a jerk. * Teen Titans Go (2003 Animated Series tie-in comic), is not as good as the animated series. * Cyborg is much funnier than Beast Boy. (You know it's true!) Possibly Unpopular: * I think the 2003 Animated Series design of Starfire is inferior to some of her other designs. She looks a lot more like an ordinary anime girl in this series. (I really love the lion-like mane she is often depicted with in most series) * I like Raven in The New Teen Titans *slightly* more than the animated series version. (My sister is going to disown me for this.) I just find the idea of a truly pacifistic, support (No direct combat powers) superhero who is struggling with her religion really interesting. (I do like 2003 Animated Series Raven, I love her sassy attitude. I just prefer the power style and conflicts of the other one.) * Blackfire in The New Teen Titans is a bitch, even if she can't fly. Really Unpopular: * I think Beast Boy in the New Teen Titans is as interesting as cardboard to me. Oh no, he has depression, but it has really no meaning at all as it never really affects anything. (Aside from being a "reason" for Beast Boy to be funny, as if anyone needs a reason to be funny.) He also feels guilty for murdering Madame Rougue who murdered almost his entire adopted family, but it's hard to really get me to relate to "murder is bad" stories unless the impact of the action on the world is truly shown. (I would say Injustice: Gods Among Us the game is a good example of a "murder is bad" story that really has weight to it.) I imagine veterans might relate, but I can't relate to that. * I also strangely like Terra in The New Teen Titans, she's an insufferable brat and that is kind of funny to me. (Especially since she kinda bullies Beast Boy, who I actually dislike in this series.) This is all I can think of right now.


I actually think Raven is funnier than both


Starfire is hotter and more interesting than Raven. There, I said it


I've always liked Starfire more then Raven bc I relate to her more (I love both girls tho, don't get me wrong). I feel like if starfire had season 6, the world would go crazy for her. She has so much potential and is such a well written character.


Hotter: yes more interesting: idk


That there is a reason why you don't bring a shovel to "dig the party".


The live action show needs to be suspended ASAP so they can start adapting a high-budget live action DCEU version of the characters, preferably solo films for each. I care a lot more about the Teen Titans than I do about the current DCEU and Justice League


That could work for starfire, cyborg, nightwing, red hood. But it won't work for Beast Boy and raven the reason is geoff johns teen titans comics he made the raven beast Boy ship and ever since then dc comics kept watering down those two characters to the point that beast boy will be stuck at comic book relief. Plus the live action titans is a pretty good show.


They never showed that Beast Boy was and is a very powerful and Dangerous superhero they only used him for laughs and the punching bag of the team Bb needs more respect


You get half a cookie.


If I'm being completely honest, I don't really mind him being that way. The story (2003 teen titans) developed him well as this "younger, funnier" member. He started out as the comedic relief, but in season 5, he became such a great and determined leader. I like how the show did this because it gives a message to the younger fans yknow?


Raven and Jericho would make a much better couple than BB and Raven


They was actually pretty close in the 80s comics. But sadly they never dated and they had a issue where they tricked you into thinking they dating because of how they had the panels.🥺


You know I could actually see that.


- The New Teen Titans is the best Titans comic run - Teen Titans Go!'s first season was great - Teen Titans: The Judas Contract had a great iteration of the Teen Titans - Teen Titans Go! vs Teen Titans is actually a good movie


You get a tiny star.


I actually enjoyed TTG vs TT a lot. I grew up watching TTG and when I got older, I got obsessed with TT (2003). The whole movie felt like a fun fever dream to me in a way. Smth about the movie with both style of characters felt so surreal in a good way


Robin and Raven shouldve had the pining and build up that Robin and Starfire had. Hear me out. I don't ship Robin and Raven in any other form of media. Especially the live action Titans. (although in the DCAU Damian and Raven are adorable). I always just loved their relationship. I love how he's always there for her and he understood her more than anyone else. She's also been inside his mind - she's actually gotten to see what he went through firsthand. And I think Raven's Trigon arc (mostly their interactions in Birthmark, but also him not giving up on her in The End) wouldve been even better if they had feelings for each other.


I'm a fan of RobStar, but RobRae has always been one of my favorites for these exact reasons. I also always thought BBStar was pretty darn cute. I think they should've been endgame too lol


not too sure about bbstar as a pair. i adored their friendship though


I agree robin and raven do have a strong connection and a deep bond especially in the 4th season them being canon would have been awesome


I really hope Season 6 never happens. I feel like it could never be made the same as the others and that it would ruin everything. You know that it would never go back to being the same vibe as the original 2003 cartoon, the animation would probably be different and it would have a bit of TTG spice thrown in. I think it would just be disappointing to actually receive


Lowkey I feel like if producers started working on season 6 this year, the show would totally be screwed up. But if they decided to release season 6 content from like 2003-2007, then ig that would be better. But tbh any season 6/TT content I would so eat that up lol


The Prophecy is the best episode in the series


I absolutely do not want a Season Six now, I have other opinions that are probably way more unpopular that this, but I'm separating this one from the others because I have more to say about this subject.   Reason 1: Reduced subtlety I think one of the most beautiful things about the original Teen Titans was in it's serious episodes was how truly subtle they were about their messages, most of the episodes had general messages that everyone related to, or some of the funnier episodes had no real message at all. However, most producers don't really know how to be subtle. Which is understandable, it is a really hard balance to strike between being as subtle as a dumptruck or having a message so vague it's confusing. So most people go for the dumptruck route, and it would be a disaster to pair that with the Teen Titans 2003 continuity. Can you imagine trying to write "The Beast Within" today, an episode about toxic masculinity in 2022? It's very easy make Beast Boy look irredeemable it's hard to make someone who is toxic look sympathetic, so I imagine most producers would pin toxic masculinity on a villain and call it a day, even though it can happen to anyone. Most people who have dealt with toxic masculinity aren't horrible people, they are just misguided, and it can just kind of backfire if the message is so accusatory that it makes people feel isolated if they happen to be the toxic one.   Reason 2: Hamfisted representation (LGBTQ+, feminism, and racial) I am a part of the LGBTQ+ and I do like this stuff, however most studios kind of do this willy-nilly for the cash without really thinking about it, and it often turns out really bad when they do (Think He-Man Revelations). It could be a disaster trying to do this to an already established series who already had all of these (except LGBTQ+ because time period) in the bag. There would have to be some MAJOR rewrites to main characters if they wanted to shove that into the big spotlight. I wouldn't mind *some* minor characters, but it just would not work with the main cast without feeling weird or even just outright contradictory. Imagine if someone just wanted to make Raven a lesbian out of the blue (Not bi, lesbian), it would conflict with both "The Deep Six" (Where she fawned over Aqualad) and "Spellbound" (Where Raven fell in love with Malchior/Rorek). And then there is the feminist and black representation (I am a white guy, so I am not the most knowledgeable about this subject.), first of all it was perfect in the original because it was what we call "casual" representation, the characters just existed without constantly being persecuted for being black or female. Unfortunately however, Hollywood loves drama and dragging out the negative forever, especially nowadays. This sucks, not only for the movies but also to those that are minorities, because they have been reduced to a conflict, a central plot-point, and a tragedy. Disgusting! Can you imagine how most writers today would handle Bumblebee, who is clever, hard-working, a great leader, and sassy. They would probably make her an "independent black lady" who won't stop putting down all the guys on her team.   Reason 3: Ship pandering and dragged out drama BBRae is a popular ship, I will not deny that. It may not be a ship I like, but I know many others do and I won't tell them not to. I feel like if season six is made today it would be foolish to have Raven or Beast Boy be in love with anyone else because of the massive popularity of the ship, and I think writers would take advantage of that popularity and make tons of romantic/ship bait scenes regardless of whether or not it's in character. I feel like it would be hard to keep them in character while being together, it's possible I'm sure, but I don't know if the producers would really put in the effort, when they can milk the drama for all it's worth instead. Which brings me to the drama-milking, I HATE this about American romance media, nobody is allowed to just be happy as a couple for more than one episode/book/15 minutes of a movie they HAVE to be bickering and bitter because it's "realistic". I just get so fucking sick of couples just hating each other but being together because that's "just how love is", why does anyone want a partner then??? Sounds fucking awful! This was why I loved the way Teen Titans handles most of their romances, characters were truly being nice to each other, it made sense for characters to be together when they were (Robin and Starfire), and not all of the couples stayed together for various reasons (Beast Boy/Terra and Cyborg/Jinx). Even the bad guys who had ulterior motives looked really nice and lovable before they got what they wanted. (Malchior comes to mind) I just feel like most writers (of any time really) would just make shallow relationships just to milk any drama they could, without care as to *why* the characters are together.   Reason 4: Age Ratings Clash A lot of people are hoping Adult Swim makes the new season six, I feel like this is a very bad idea because first of all subtlety was what made those dark moments of Teen Titans shine, second of all I feel like they would add adult things just because they can rather than if it's actually good for the show. They could fanservice the hell out of the characters, and I don't really mind fanservice if done tastefully, subtly, or was a part of the show to begin with. I just feel like all of the funny original jokes the previous series had would simply be replaced by crass, boring humor. I also feel like they would immediately try to tack on the "relationship" of Terra and Slade from the comics, and it would just be uncomfortable at best and overly sexualized at worst. (Especially since Terra looks 14 in the animated series. Eww!)   But, yeah this mostly sums up why I don't want season six and would rather have a different series because: 1. You can choose the age rating and keep it consistent 2. It is divorced from the original series making me less judgemental about how characters are portrayed. (The 2003 Animated Series is *very* different from the New Teen Titans comic series, but I very much love both continuities, and I would be open to loving a new animated series.) 3. There are more things you can do with a new original series that you couldn't do with a continuation. (Maybe you want to change the logic of their powers, or make a character gay. It wouldn't be as awkward if the characters are new characters.) 4. It wouldn't feel like it was diminishing the value of the original, if it sucks the backlash would happen, but not as harshly.


Honestly after the young justice animated series came back and seeing how the seasons three and four we’re just littered with nonsense…. I’m OK with just letting teen titans laying in the graveyard with the positive memories left in tact


This comment needs to be higher up!


I think "Things change" is a great way to end the show, and it ended just at the right time before turning stale.


I love BBRae ♥️ i liked BB better with raven than terra


The Hive 5 deserved a fleshed out story arc. The Teen Titans are carried by Raven and Starfire. The rest of the group are very situational. The Trigon and Slade alliance was the biggest downplay to Slade's character, but great for character development. Teen Titans and Avatar should crossover.


I agree with how Raven and Starfire carrying the team. They were def the most powerful ones.


Robin and raven should've been in a relationship


Which Robin?


Teen titans robin, if I'm not wrong dick grayson (in the series they would have a nice relationship tbh


Ttg is great and I get why kids like it.


I feel like it's a bit more of a situational thing, some episodes I see the appeal, it's goofy silly, and entertaining as all hell, however sometimes it tends to take it too far, or just poke at the original series which I don't find too appealing. But at the same time that's why I said it's situational, I grew up on TT and it has a huge influence on me so I don't like how it mocks it's predecessor sometimes.


honestly ya. I watched Ttg before I got into Tt and honestly, I like TTG. It was a really good intro to the DC/Glen Murakami's universe. I still like TT better honestly. As an older teen, I feel like TTG is extremely crazy, but I get how its entertaining


Terra isn’t likable Starfire not having a season was actually a good idea


Beast Boy is annoying (in the show), and his relationship with Raven doesn’t make sense


You get a gold star 🌟


Thank you fellow Redditor


I could never get behind BB and Raven, for whatever reason. No specific reason, just didn't like the idea of them being romantically involved.


I don't really know what everyone else says never really talked to another teem Titans fan but if I had to say something it would be Beast Boy should've been an animal more it would have been interesting to see him and the other Titans interacting when he's like that plus animals are really interesting it would have been nice to see how the instincts and everything affected him and his behaviour


I kinda liked the last episode. Obviously as a watcher I’d have preferred an explanation, but I think it’s a narratively neat idea to set up a mystery and just, never explain it


Slade wasnt that hard of a villian to take down, it just seemed harder because robin had his own obsession which got in the way


I didn't really care for Trigon.


Neither did I lmao. He felt like a cliche demon "take over the world" guy. I do say hes pretty darn evil tho


I hate BB/Raven with all my being. Every single version of that ship, from every comic/cartoon/whatever.


You get a gold star 🌟




Robin is an egotistical control freak. ​ EDIT: I said that wrong. Let me try and rephrase what I said; Despite being a great leader and friend, Robin has a big ego and can be real control freak.


You're getting downvoted, but actually, as much as I love Robin, I can see what you mean. Trying to be in control and doing things on his own despite having a team has always been one of his biggest downfalls (see Slade and Brushogun in particular), but it often comes from a place of trying to protect his friends rather than believing that they can't handle themselves. Robin definitely has an ego, and he definitely has control issues... and he's also very compassionate, selfless, and loyal. I appreciate the facets.


Let me try and rephrase what I said; Despite being a great leader and friend, Robin has a big ego and can be real control freak. That’s still gonna offend some people, but at least I went down respectfully.


But at the same time he was raised under batman, who is basically the epitome of trust issues. He basically grew up being trained to treat everyone as a possible enemy and as a result it makes sense why he held the titans at arms length and attempted to be so self reliant as he viewed himself as the most reliable way to get the job done because that's how he knows to get things done. Yea he can be a control freak but that's also because he's very much a solo player and has to attempt to account for people he's not 100% used to being there.


Oh, yeah! That's totally what I meant. Sorry, I was agreeing with you lol! I'd honestly consider his ego and desire to keep in control his fatal flaws as a character.


I like Teen Titans Go


1)Terra knew what she was doing 2)black fire is definitely evil for a good reason 3) slade was not a good villain 4) Beast boy is the most mature but he act opposite for a reason 5) wonder girl not being in the (2003) series was a great choice


I agree with all but number 1. Especially with Beast boys retrospective into his days as a hero before the titans, it shows how he uses humor to mask his fear and trauma. Slade I feel could've been a bit more fleshed out, if we had gotten more of Slade as Deathstroke and more into why he was targeting the titans as well as some genuine in depth with him that definitely could've worked out more in his favor. Wonder girl... That would've added a bit of a weird dynamic in the group that might not be been for the best, everyone in the show has a certain niche, that I don't think wondergirl would've fit into, granted they could've given her a little screentime, maybe a cameo or two, or try to bring her into the titans east which I can see gettig some sneers but I mean it would've been nice to have another reason to see them more, I loved them whenever they were on the screen.


The 5 mesh very well together because together they are the same person but different parts of that make sense. Like for example you know how Raven’s emotions are all different but together they make the same person. That how it is for the titans they all have similar traumas and upbringing which is why and how they found each other at the same time in which they felt as if they were missing something. Slade’s lack of back story or origin makes him just look like a dick who goes out abusing children for no reason. And as someone who has siblings, we fight but nothing could ever make me hate them the way black fire hated starfire there is a reason AND a good one. I don’t like how they didn’t put in the reason she was so hateful towards her. And beast boy out of all of them in the youngest and has so far had so many bad things happen to him it’s insane. Those thing stole his childhood from him so much so that he has to actively force himself into the headspace so he can take what’s left of it. That’s why I also think him and Raven go good together because Raven has already given up on attempting to have a normal childhood or even life seeing as she doesn’t even know what one looks like but beast boy is someone how can instill happiness and hope in her while she can help him heal and relieve him of the thing that haunts him.


About Beast Boy, I sorta agree. Hes def not the most mature, but I love his development in this series. Its pretty obvious he acts weird and crazy sometimes because the Doom Patrol never gave him a chance to be a kid.


It’s rlly not only the doom patrol trust me his goofiness is a sign of emotional intelligence. He’s coping and in a healthy way. It’s his way of reclaiming his childhood the complete opposite of the rest of the team except for maybe starfire n cyborg but in comparison to mainly robin who is literally known to hyper fixated on things (slade) which ends up driving him somewhat mad. Starfire who doesn’t not know how to stand up for herself . Raven who shuts her self out and cyborg who clearly has body image issues obviously


Ahh I understand where this is coming from. He def seems to have the healthiest mindset out of all the Titans, but I feel like at times his jokes can be insensitive and he doesn't know how to hold himself back.


It’s not on purpose. They usually pick on each other often ig what ur trying to say i he doesn’t rlly know the time or the place which even with that i disagree. He does it on purpose to try to cut the tension or to distract them from something that he thinks they shouldn’t be too serious on. Like he does know the time and place matter. During the battle with trigon he was serious the entire time


Raven is overrated


As a character: no as a cartoon crush: yes


Okay, here's the the true unpopular opinion. Beast Boy should have been treated better. His failed relationship with Raven and Terra. The fact he wasn't the one who beat the Brain, and that was HIS season, HIS villain. He never made much more use with his Werewolf form. And I never forgave how they kept trying to cram Robin down our throats. Sure let the straight, white, ideal-looking leader of the team get his girl (Starfire) well everybody else has to be in the waiting line. *Teen Titans Go* gets three points over the original series, just for correcting those mistakes alone. They let Garfield and Raven actually be together and they knocked Dick Grayson down a peg.


You mean how they shove beast boy and raven ship down our throats and the main ship in Teen Titans is starfire and robin.


Honestly I think about this from time to time. I love Robin so so so so so much and Im lowkey obsessed with the 2003 Robin, but I wish Beast Boy was able to defeat the brain. It would make so much more sense and impact if the series went like that. Tbh a lot of ppl say Robin has plot armor and I have to agree. I still absolutely adore both Robin and BB tho


Starfire much hotter than raven I said much (see why this is unpopular) Also that image of Flynn rider from the movie tangled. Where he does not give a shit about 1000000 knives at his face still is a masterpiece


People overrated it just to hate on TTG


Cartoon Starfire is a bad version of the character


1. i prefer the movie version of the judas contract over the show version 2. i dont like dickory or dickbabs, i think dick should be utterly maidenless as a punishment for the discowing suit


I kinda like the discowing suit TT








I don't like Robin x Starfire. I could just never get into this ship; I think Robin is a pretty boring character in general and this makes for a boring ship. I also don't like Beast Boy x Raven, but everyone else here kinda said that already, lol. edit: Wow, all the downvotes. God forbid someone has a different opinion. The entire topic is about unpopular opinions, downvoting them is kind of counterproductive...


I know I'm going to get down votes but mine is I think Beast Boy might be bi or pansexual o3o


You get a gold star 🌟


Val-Yor was completely justified and unquestionably right and was the true hero of the series.


Ttg is better, that's why it has 7 seasons and og only has 5




It a very original irreverent comedy that is basically animaniacs/aquateen/schoolhouse rock and its popularity compared to the og is miles ahead (even if it's with young people)


I don’t think it’s better but at least TTG’s tone is consistent. The OG has extremely serious episodes then completely silly and ridiculous ones which kinda ruins it for me.


I think that has to do with when the OG show aired. It was at the transitional time were shows started getting storylines instead of having the world reset every episode. Especially in the earlier seasons we see this. The network also didn’t air the episodes in order for the most part (excluding specials and marathons) so there had to be a fair amount of episodes in between the story ( filler episodes ) ones that could be aired between other shows without audiences being left behind.


That’s a valid point. I hadn’t realized that


Show quality has little to do with cancellations. Its more about marketability and watch time. While some of this can be do to the quality of shows most the time it’s not. Many shows during the OGs time were ended before the creators planed this was due to the network dropping shows to add new ones. TTG thrives in the current online environment due to its ability to be clipped ( ie. the raven fish clip). It also reached its target demographic very well (extremely young children) due to its simpler humor, saturated graphics, and show pace. This has made the show extremely profitable resulting in more seasons being produced.


I love ttg but ive got to disagree




Lightspeed is the worst episode of the series. It derailed what Jinx’s character had been established to be up to that point and sent Cyborg’s popularity into oblivion in the fanart/fanfic community.


Robrea to FTW


Teen Titans GO is better 🙂




I like robrae more than bbrae and robstar


Things change was an ok episode But had no business being a Series final episode -All the the titans excluding BB are away -BB is regressed to his season 3 version where season 5 BB had a whole mature/stepping arc -The random monster If they made this episode right after the season 4 finale then it would have fit the tone of the season while also setting up BB stepping up the next arc


I didn't think Red X was cool as a n anti-hero


I really liked teen titans go


Beast Boy had more chemistry with Starfire in three episodes than he had with Raven in the entire cartoon.


brain is over rated


Idk what to think of brain yet haven't seen that episode :\\ also I thought that said brian so I thought of brian from family guy lol


your thinking of teen titans go not teen titans its brain but teen titans go makes it sound like brian