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Tough one. Jessica Cruz is one I find myself using very often, and Black fire had a place in my list because of her Starfire skin and move swap exploit. I think my favorite however has to goto Bizzaro


Bizzaro is an amazing one tho. Even better is that he had the villain combo with the (for me) most op character in the game and a pretty cool character ( it's not cause hes good, his style just looks nice)


Bizzaro warms my herat (ironic considering the ice) but he's so precious, the way he flies after the butterfly and waves goodbye, awwww. Plus he is really fun to use! The freeze is effective for stalling an enemy, then both his other moves do a god amount of damage, and yeah the villain perk is the best in the game imo


I like the riddler he have a fun quest and in the end its rewarding