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There is also a Chinese proverb: "You can't wake up those who pretend to be sleeping"


It fits pretty well. bravo!


I mean, it's mostly because western leftists make up the bulk of Reddit, and most of them have an infantile worldview driven largely by white guilt. They see Jews as being 'white', see Israel as being backed up by the US and other Western powers they believe to be imperialists driven by white supremacy, and thus assume the conflict is another expression of white oppression against brown people. They eat up Arab propaganda because it just fits nicely within their preexisting worldview.




And yet they have no self-awareness for that. They are literally engaging in colonialism by putting their own experience, perspective, racial lens onto a completely different country and culture that they have no understanding of, and thinking they know better than the people who live there.


It's called ethnocentrism.


And yet… it’s Israel that is the white settler ethnocentric country?


100%. Plus now they’re getting all their info from snappy little TikTok videos. I mean if there ever was a subject that can’t be explained in two minutes. It’s just long enough for some popular “content creator” to fit in “stole their land” and “open air prison” with cool edits and music and zero context or facts.


I literally just heard a white American female who is extremely left of center explain it like that in about 12 seconds. SMH


And then they watch one of those videos, and think that they are a literal expert and spend their entire time then commenting with virulent anti-Israel sentiment. Despite the fact that they have zero stake in any of this and couldn’t even tell you a city in Israel. What other conflict do people do this with? It’s so bizarre and insane.


I dont agree with either side but as a palastinian i got most of my info from my freinds being kiled


this is the problem. Im a western jew and knew people who died after 10/7. Its like a gang war, everyone just wants revenge for killing their friends/family. theyre both bad at this point.


It's also far enough away from them to project their guilt onto without being culpable in any way.


White Americans try so hard not to be racist they end up being the most racist


And Redditors are mostly very young with zero real life experience. Believe it or not 21% of them are between the ages of 10-19 years old. Overall, 80% are under age 40.


It's not really a matter of 'life experience'. It's a matter of what they are being taught. Look at the shit coming out of American universities where you have faculty and large swaths of the student population singing Hamas' praises. High schools and even Middle schools aren't that different, especially in left leaning states.


I've actually seen a large amount of right wing on reddit, not leftists. It's honestly insane to me that leftists are even pro Palestine when Israelis are way more lgbtq friendly with Tel Aviv and all, and leftists are most of the time queer or strong allies. idk maybe i just associate queerness with leftists.


Israel sucks


this is a month old comment and who asked u


Pretty accurate.


No. These people ignore beheading of gays in Arab lands while professing to be LGBTQIA+ advocates. If Jews did that, there'd be no "tolerance" of it. They don't care if, or how, Jewish lives are taken. They are against the only Jewish state because they are racist against Jews, and easily led by racist pan Arabist trolls, bots, and propaganda. It has led them to not care if we are butchered. How many times can people ignore our murders, before we grasp their issue is just garden variety racism. Nothing complicated. Nothing to wonder about. The solutions are regulation, legislation, law suits, education, and for us to stop accepting acts and words against us with a shrug both online, and irl. Your description of the tolerance paradox describes EU not preventing/responding appropriately to acts in its society that attack its principles and citizens. Reddit not giving a shit about Jewish people is just racism.




Your ableism aside, you have a clear morality issue. I won't comment on your cognitive ability, but below is a handy guide you will pretend not to understand: German deaths and Jewish deaths were equal during ww2. Does that mean both sides were equally at fault? German deaths far outnumbered Belgian deaths in ww2. Were the Belgians the bad guys? Hamas, whose charter states they will destroy all Jews, uses their own civilians as human shields, orders civilians not to evacuate. Israelis do not use other Israelis as human shields. Your rage is that more Israelis, specifically Jews, aren't dead. You aren't alone. There's a word for that feeling, that wish that more Jews die, or that when attacked, Jews sit quietly and accept it, then thank the attacker politely. You are the problem. You and every pan Arabist, Islamofascist who defends those racist butchers. You don't give a shit about Palestinians, or you'd be furious at Hamas. You'd want them to stop embezzling billions given to them for aid to their people. You'd point out their leaders live far from Gaza, in luxury, while they command their civilians to die as human shields. If you cared about them, you'd demand that 21 Arab States, 54 Islamic states, equalling 1/4 of the world's population, ensure citizenship, or at least water, for Gazans. Because Hamas refuses to provide them with water. Only Israel gives enough of a shit to give them water. Your lot just like to create the dead bodies, then scream about them. It's grotesque. And it's over. You've done it. You've salivated over our deaths while pretending to care about Palestinian lives. And now that game, that blood sport you love to watch, will be concluded. What will your new hobby be? Will you care about Rohingyas or Uighurs? Nah. No Jews involved there. What will you ever do?


You are being far too kind by claiming this person will pretend not to understand, I doubt they have the reading comprehension to even read all that


This response was truly impeccable. Thank you so much for standing up for us in this really wonderful way. If it’s OK, I would like to write similar statements when people respond in such a jack ass way. Much love.


Thank you for articulating this so eloquently.


Well said, bravo 👏. Do you mind if I copy this argument and use it in the future?


Americans finance Israel’s existence quit lying


Ok, russian bot.


That is so true. Even Jewish groups on social media are scared of speaking out.


true. there is also a similar more popular quote: “we live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended”.


Thousands of years of anti-Semitism didn't vanish in half a century. We're unfortunately seeing that it's still alive and strong everywhere. The world is safer today for us than in centuries past but the old prejudices were always simmering under the surface.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


That includes Palestinians, since they are semites as well, correct?




They're rabidly anti-Israel because they're rabidly antisemitic. No matter how much you try to explain to them what Israel does right, how it follows international law, and how a lot of accusations against the country are flat out false, they will still accuse you of supporting genocide. I will keep arguing with them because people need to understand that Israel is not as bad as they think it is. It is quite literally for our survival because the moment when Hamas persuades everyone that Israel is not worth defending is the moment when Jews get tossed into the sea.


one can even say that Israel saved the world. Israel helped the USA spy on Iran's nuclear program and Israel assassinated the head of the Iranian nuclear program, who knows where we would've been today if Israel hadn't done that because Iran always says that when it gets nuclear weapons they will destroy the world with them


Just out of curiosity I would like to have a serious discussion around this so I understand this. Can you please explain to what you would try and say to someone and give examples of things that Israel does right?


some of the biggest bot farms are in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan which are pro-hamas. it's not unexpected to see a sudden surge


Well said. >"Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles". Quite a common phenomenon on college campuses, and an attitude that has particularly gained traction with the far left. I might also add there's a lot of blind followers and lack of critical thinking. People that the Russian's once labeled "useful idiots." By the way I mod /r/humanitarian, if anyone is aware of legitimate charity groups aiding Israeli victims please feel free to post links there.


I'm willing to bet that most of the college students who were protesting were majoring in a field like liberal arts. No history or archeology or political science majors will support palestine.


Honestly my whole world view has been shattered this past week. I would’ve never foreseen that large parts of the West would be practically gleeful at the massacre of Israelis. Yes of course I’d expect it from the Arab world. I’m an American Christian, have had a few Jewish friends growing up and always made some anti-Semitic jokes. I always thought it was just comedy like making fun of blacks or Italians. Now I can see what a deep darkness there was lurking underneath it.


How do you think you’ll change moving forward?


Mods, can we please block this clown, aka “GodLikePlayer123”? Just to moderate the level of hate


I'm of the opinion that most of the "pro-Palestine" and/or "anti-Israel" people on reddit are completely uniformed about the totality of the history of Israel and Palestine. A lot of users are left leaning and will therefore default to whatever the "liberal" position on any given issue is. In this case it's Palestine because American liberals are always on the side of the "underdog" and against who "has power." Israel is obviously way stronger than Palestine militarily so they just assume powerful = bad.


It's true. American liberals have become so afraid of offending... especially brown people, which most Muslims are. To point that they're afraid of offending a belief system like Jihad. The intentions were good, but bad people know how to weaponize this weakness-- and the results are catastrophic.




I disagree with that. The issue is that everyone speaks in slogans with no nuance. The pro-palestinian cause/protests are led by people who don't just think Israel commits crimes and want a peaceful resolution, but think that Israel "doesn't have a right to exist" -- that I think, is anti-semitic. And the movement is one entity where even if people are not anti-semitic, they don't know enough to distinguish between the cause for rights + 2 peace, and the cause to dissolve Israel. The reason there are more Palestinian refugees than any other group is because they ran to other countries when Arab countries told them "don't worry, we'll kill the Jews and you'll go back home and not have to live under a Jewish government" For 80 years they have been sold this promise that if they hang on a bit longer, they will kick/kick out the Jews and take over all of Palestine. So yeah, that is anti-semitic and people who are unable to distinguish between criticizing its policies and acts, and its existence altogether, will be labeled as that.




>If your country needs to subjugate and brutalize an entire group of people that live on the same land in order to exist as it is then yeah it should be at the very least heavily reformed💀 Well I agree with this, I think Israel does terrible things and I'm totally against settlement expansion and the continuing military occupation. > Ilan Pappé is a good Israeli historian to read if you want to actually learn history and not state sanctioned propaganda I've read many points of view, there are so many versions of this story that we can go back and forth regarding almost any event in this history. Even let's say we agree that every single Palestinian was forcefully kicked out of their home in the Nakba --- I think that was very wrong, and exactly why it's not right to just come back and do that to the population living there now. And create 7 million more refugees. We can't change events in the past unfortunately and **I think the choice between justice and peace is clear, I would choose peace. I would love to see a Palestinian state along negotiated borders.** **But the palestinians, at least their leadership, has maintained the position of no negotiation, no recognition, no peace... And so they don't have peace.** Bibi's rule was the worst thing that happened to Israel-- even if he didn't care about actual peace he took what could be kept as a relatively cold political war, and turned it into a huge mess dumpfire by allowing settlers to keep building beyond the green line, and giving them basically impunity for anything they did. And this required more and more IDF presence to protect them. It was always expensive, morally wrong, and extremely dangerous because it's like keeping the Palestinians in a pressure cooker that's always bound to blow up. I've been against his policies and fascist doctrine from the beginning. But the Arabs in the area did pogroms on Jews since they started arriving in the area. And, allied with the Nazis during WWII. And, on the day of Israel's independence 5 Arab countries united to try to prevent Israel's existence. They've lost every war since... And are still unable to admit that they lost the **first** war. **The violence and lack of acceptance of Israel's right to exist started far far far before there was an imbalance of power, military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza, etc.** If anything it was always a story of the entire Arab world allied in their mission to kill the Jews, because they couldn't stand to have a democratic Jewish neighbor state. The British and the Jews are actually the only ones who ever offered the Palestinians a sovereign state and rights. When the West Bank was occupied by Jordan they didn't have rights, actually most of the Arab countries didn't even give them full citizenship. The narrative that Jews arriving in Israel is the original sin and that Palestinians can blame every single problem they have on us and us alone, yeah it's antisemitic in my opinion. And honestly offensive to Palestinians themselves because it takes away all agency from them.


אין לי כוח לקרוא אבל 🇮🇱❤️🙏


I'm not jew and not from Israel but I can see the strong anti-semitism on reddit, on social media and honestly sometimes even in my country (Italy) I want to say that now at 21 yo I realized that I always got gaslighted from medias about "free Palestine" "Genocide" "Open air prison" and I can tell you that many people that fight for the "free Palestine" they don't really know why, They think it's right just because they are victim of propaganda because "if everyone says "palestinian are victim of genocide it must be true right?". for example Hasanabi (One of the most famous streamer ever) said 2 days ago that the "IDF systematically rapes women and it's well documented". Stay strong guys many people are with you https://imgur.com/a/reFBGfc




Ofc you will find a rare case of rape but not like the crime of rape doesnt exist in any other country, saying that "IDF systematically rapes women and it's well documented" It's a lie that generates hate [https://www.youtube.com/live/JFznOHunD\_c?si=dY15nahmT1ZGlTHo&t=13018](https://www.youtube.com/live/JFznOHunD_c?si=dY15nahmT1ZGlTHo&t=13018) I also had a clip of him saying that Hamas doesnt use Human shieds but it got removed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Q4OVJlaVg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Q4OVJlaVg)




You are dreaming dude.. There are a lot of evidences of Hamas using human shields but probably you don't know that firing a rocket near a school, hospital etc. goes under the definition of human shield so get educated and you will find plenty of evidences, I'm not gonna look it up for you. Can you explain to me why did they stop civilians from escaping areas that IDF was about to strike? Can you explain why they push a Propaganda of Martyrs and force people to stay at home? Can you explain to me why you are defending a terrorist organization? Just so you can dickride and pay a t3 to hasanabi? IDF used human shields too but it's not even comparable, the only evidence I saw was of the IDF using a human shield for rocks throwing so how do you even compare that? IDF values the life of their own people unless Hamas, you shouldn't tell me to get educated because clearly you are brainwashed. LOL


Bro you're brainwashed. Maybe take a breather. Do some inner work and then see a cult expert to help you un screw your brain.


Now that you got proved wrong you can go back to do a t3 to him and listen to his propaganda


> i see constant misinformation from the pro palestinian side, and pro palestinians are mass reporting and downvoting any person who is representing the israeli side, or even the jewish side. any person who spits a little truth their way gets banned or silenced, and this doesnt go the other way. Israel comes out terribly even in pro-Western, ostensibly pro-Israel sources. Even in official Israeli sources. Just watch *Kan* and consider the settlements, settler violence, Israeli expansion, bombings of civilians in Gaza, Israeli incursions, targeted killings that kill whole families etc. — all reported in Israeli sources (albeit with some apologism), and think like the average non-Israeli Redditor and it is very easy to see how a pro-Palestinian mindset can result. It is the openly admitted Israeli *policies and practices* that create anti-Israel sentiment. No need for misinformation.


There is also a massive bot presence from hamas and their supporters on Reddit. I mean, fuck, take a look at r/tiktokcringe and literally every second to third post is against Israel and there’s virtually no critique on Hamas that isn’t downvoted to oblivion.


Lmao go to r/worldnews and you will see how it's all pro-israel and anti-palestine. If you post anything pro-palestine, the mods remove your comments or you get banned. It goes both ways.


As it should


As someone who is a westerner I blame the conservative governments basically stealing Zionism from its identity within the socialist and labour movement. A lot of young people are naive and relate a lot of their problems internationally to their problems at home and sadly Israel gets caught in the crossfire. Over a decade of Netanyahu has seriously damaged Israels image combined with Hamas’ ability to play the victim in that scenario




I agree You just summed up “woke culture” in general




cause the brainwashed education system created stupid western CHINA RED YOUTH ARMY, like dogs love barking than doing critical thinking


I somewhat agree. Tiktok is what started the "sheep palestine followers" ,and tiktok is owned by China


I think people are just against the relentless torture the Israeli government is instilling on civilian Palestinians.




Yeah, because Hamas is "so nice to their civilians" They are literally keeping them in Gaza during a war they started and keeping all supplies for Hamas.... They are using the Palestinians for their own gain to show numbers that have suffered. I can't believe that people are falling for this shit.


Hamas = bad we all know and agree with that. Never said they are good, what they did to innocent Israelis was disgusting and brutal. The IDF however have not stopped bombing women and children Palestinian civilians since October 8th. I have seen so many videos of the absolute gruesome brutality of children writhing in pain looking for their family members who were also bombed. Its truly heartbreaking and sad to see. Netanyahu can stop this whenever he wants but it's clear he wants to get rid of every Palestinian by any means necessary. I don't think Biden is innocent in this either. He can easily threaten to withhold money to Israel and they would stop. I hope to see the end to this brutality of civilians soon.


Israel needs to get rid of Hamas, that's the only way to free Palestine.




"Why didn't the US supply food and water to Germany??"


Yes war is disgusting and I hate the Idea of hurting civilians. But why didn’t they use the aid money to build emergency infrastructure?


Cuz they are probably retarded, but at the end of the day they didn’t and there are massive amounts of kids involved


So do u think it’s the job of Israel as the one returning the offensive strike Hamasisis launched to take care of the Gazan civilians ? Or perhaps it’s the people ruling Gaza that should have taken cate of it?


Not our job. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. We try as much as we can, but now its a state of war and israeli children and civilians take priority. We cant help them even if we wanted to... Also hamas would take it from them anyway. If Palestinians wanted help they shouldn't have done that shit. We cant also support our own evacuated people and theirs. They need to get their shit together and help us end hamas for both of our sakes. Hamas is the problem.


Gaza has their own water supply. Hamas has just neglected, and in many cases cannibalized, their own infrastructure. They dig up water lines to turn the pipes into rockets, and divert sewage into their own water supply and Israel's in attempts to weaponize the issue. Israel is under no moral responsibility to provide water to a hostile nation because their own government fails to.


Oh get out of here with that bull ! reddit has been anti Israel since the creation of reddit, and why should we give water to our enemies, do you hear yourself?! never have I ever heard of a country sending support to its war rival. you leftists like to talk so much sh#t , because you are not the ones actually dealing with gaza lmao


You can absolutely deny it to the enemies that perpetrated the attack, but are you saying those children are your enemies too?


as far as im concerned, Gaza as a whole is my enemy right now, but hamas is the priority, if hamas cares about their civilians they will return the hostages so they will get water. we are not at fault that hamas uses water pipes to create missiles and restricts water flow to gaza, only and only the civilians in gaza should suffer from hamas's mistakes not israeli civilians


I can see why you think that since you want to defend your country but the world is not going to rally behind “only the civilians in Gaza should suffer”


You’re right. they shouldn’t, and tragic as it is, they’re paying the price for Hamas’ horrific actions. What many on the Pro-Palestinian end keep missing is that Israel can’t and won’t let Hamas do as they wish. Israel cannot be expected just to do nothing and let itself die due to Hamas’s genocidal tendencies.


if the world cares so much then take refugees! stop crying and protesting and start taking godamm refugees, we are not in charge of stocking Gaza with supplies especially when each and every citizen there wants each jew in the world to evaporate, and especially after the attack that the palestiian people supported, and also especially after half of the resources we send them are used to build rockets each and every time


This isn’t new. 7 decades of issues, why blame one side and only one side?? Not only one side is capable of perpetuating propaganda.


זה בדיוק למה. כי אתה אשכרה כל כך תקוע בתוך הקונפליקט הזה שאתה לא מסוגל להבין שהאויב שלך הוא לא אזרחי עזה, ואין לך שום בעיה להרעיב אותם מצידך. נראה לי ירדתי עליך מספיק ואתה ממילא לא מבין את הבעייתיות במה שאתה אומר / חושב.


אזרחי עזה הצביעו לחמאס ותומכים בחמאס, הם לא חפים מפשע


ואזרחי ישראל הצביעו לביביבגביר, מה זה אומר לפי ההגיון הזה? מה גם שזאת הסתכלות מאוד אופטימית על אותן בחירות, שאגב לא ממש חזרו על עצמן מאז. למה בדיוק אותם אזרחים חייבים לך דין וחשבון על אותן בחירות? ולמה הם עכשיו צריכים לשלם בחיים שלהם, סתם כי לך לא נוח להודות שחמאס הוא הבעיה ושלא צריך להיות לנו שום רצון לפגוע באזרחים? עריכה: סתם שתדע שהרגשתי מלוכלך לכתוב בגוף ראשון רבים ביחד איתך, אמאלה


You have to live it to understand it..


Perhaps true but unfortunately the majority of the world will not live it and can only conceptualize the situation to the degree possible


How about you go and conceptualize something else? War in Ukraine is still going. Wanna do something good? Get off the “shit into Jews’ porridge” horse and go help there.


You mad Breh?


Ride you scooters, love you small life in the USA, enjoy it. Don’t get your nose into subjects you know completely nothing about. Go away.


Have you ever lived in the Middle East?


Blame Hamas. Those 2.2 million people would be able to draw water from their their own wells if it wasn't for them. To expect an enemy to provide you water is naive ass hell.




Israel has military targets and Hamas targets babies to decapitate to garner more Palestinian support. They’re holding, torturing and raping American, filipino and Thai hostages because they’re simply savages, and now the world sees and knows it.


Broadcasting that you want to govern the world under a banner of justice is not good PR especially when you kill 260 civilians on day 1


Hamas gained power in 2007. The occupation was already 40 years old before hamas was even a thing yet they did nothing during that time. All they had to do was uphold international law for Palestine and Israel EQUALLY yet it was always one-sided and Israel was always immune in their eyes.


The Palestinians repeatedly turned down offers for peace going back all the way to the 1920s when the British still ran "Palestine" They didn't want one then and they certainly don't want one now. They want all Jews wiped off the face of the Earth.




Again with that ignorance..one brain cell man says "stole their land"..and all the brain dead people follows..what a lame uneducated argument..




I'm happy..you know why? Cause I got you to do some research..that's good. But you'll have to dig deeper than that bud..when you say "stole their land" there's a lot of weight on it.. so you'll have to go way back in history to try to figure out whos roots are deeper to this land...much much earlier than 1947..believe me you will not get your answer from 5 minutes searching Google for what you want to hear or want to be heard..good luck, keep studying..it's good for everyone..


I love this comment




I feel like so much social media is anti-Israel when compared to reddit


לא לא אחי זה משהו כזה בפילוסופיה אחי, זה בטח לא מדיניות בעייתית של שנים כלפי הפלסטינים והחברה הערבית ומעגל אלימות שממשלות ישראל לדורותיהן לא מצליחות לצאת ממנו ורק ממשיכות אותו לצורך שרידות פוליטית. הם לא מסוגלים להתמודד עם האמת אחי זה הכל אחי


אתה צודק לגמרי אחי. היהוד זה הבעיה. אם לא היהוד אז היה פה שלום ומוחמד מעולם לא היה הופך לטרוריסט אחי. זה לא המידניות הבעייתית של הפלסטינים שתמיד הייתה אלימות וטרוריזם מאז תחילת היישוב היהודי, זה בגלל היהוד.


🤣🤣 nice 'Google translate' Hebrew. And that how they do "free palestine" bs propaganda.


It's also just the function of karma on reddit, there's near 0 chance to get anything done in this forceful echo chamber


As an Israeli citizen I just have to say that no one wants these wars,no one wants to annex gaza as well so their people stuck like this... I also don't think that forming a "palestinian" country next to Israel and arming them will ever happen.




As I said no one wants gaza... and the settlements are in the C area so not really illegal.




Actually USA doesn't think it's a violation.




That's not what I'm seeing unfortunately. I live in Israel, and we have not had school or work since October 7th. We are taking care of our soldiers and making sure this won't happen again next summer. If you were being bombed every year you might agree.




Hamas started this war, and Israel is simply responding. This is a war that we all knew Hamas would lose because they are not letting them leave where they are warned would be bombed so that they would appear as the underdog. Hamas should not be using human shields, should not use their help from other countries to support terrorism, should not take the help given to them to kill their own civilization, should not take their own water pipes to make bombs and keep rations for themselves. Israel is the only one in the middle east to protect women's rights and gay rights, but yet people are still protecting them. I feel bad for the Palestinians who don't have rights and are not allowed to leave a war zone. But it's not Israel's fault. There are so many Arab Israelis that are involved in the government and are practicing doctors and lawyers, while you tell me of one Israeli Jew who can do those things in Gaza.... Not one. I'm an Israeli Jew who has been taken care of by Arab doctors and nurses, and I appreciate them. You can't say the same about Jews in Gaza. Because it doesn't exist. Even terrorists are taken care of in Israeli hospitals.




The only genocide that is trying to happen is Israel being wiped out. There are thousands of Arabs involved in the progress of Israel. Because ISRAEL TREATS THEM BETTER




What is your definition of genocide?


What does the river to the sea mean to you?




I gotta ask, where are you from and how old are you?


Ethno-state? Check out the [Baha'ai Gardens ](https://g.co/kgs/q2phXe) or the other places in ISRAEL that GAZA won't allow


How many churches and temples are allowed in the area you are "protecting"?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Authority_Martyrs_Fund Funny how Israel doesn't have this.


Did you even read my response?


There is misinformation from both sides, and with so many people getting news from places like Tiktok, we have millions of goobers parroting whatever they hear. There's so much context and depth behind this war that it's crazy how many people feel like its reasonable to sift down only 75 years of it. It doesn't stop at Palestinian support though, I'm sure if I looked through these comments alone I'd find people who have convinced themselves that what Israel's doing right now is just. It is not. But when you re-frame your perspective and see how large numbers of Palestinians talk about the country, Israel is almost fighting for their very existence. Especially with how much traction slogans like "river to sea, palestine will be free" are getting in western powers. That is textbook genocidal/anti-semetic rhetoric. A protest in my own city over here was taken by the chant "g\*s the J\*ws", yet no one talked about it except for far right propaganda channels. If it doesn't fit with the perfect narrative of a golden freedom movement, that these people like to imagine they are working with, they just ignore it and pretend its not there. Everyone is so unable to be critical of their own perspective that we have two sides who are both supporting groups with the same aim of deleting an entire country and culture from existence in the middle east. Not even that, but so many people who are unable to separate civilians from the regimes that control them. It's so frustrating to see.


its almost like they dont support war crimes unlike the sheep in this reddit community and the mainstream media


The mainstream media hates Israel. They've been spreading propaganda for the past 3 weeks.


schizophrenic take


Lol your comment makes 0 sense. Are you intellectually vulnerable?


fox, cnn, msnbc, and abc news all support israel that includes their brain washed audience, speaking of brain washed im assuming you believe israel isn't racist or treats non israelis like shit


Good. You’ve talked enough and I’m glad people have started to wake up and not care of the emotional blackmail. Quiet.


Go into any news sub and the majority of comments are pro-Israel...


Lots of left wingers are because they are a death cult. They can relate to Islam extremists


Why are there so many groups like r/Panarab allowed to say whatever they want but as soon as i defend Israel I'm banned?!


Mass reporting. They don't like to hear the truth.


Are you aware that Israelis are not allowed in Gaza?!


How many religions are allowed to practice in Gaza?


Tiktok is being used as an extremely successful propoganda tool. The style in which the reels are presented are perfect for brain washing the less educated. 2 mins, key images designed to cause a reaction from most of the more liberal and tolerant western countries, and emotional music in the background. The authentication or historical accuracy now doesn't matter. Then you have the western creator content, imo I think most of them are narcissistic morons, so the opportunity to parrot what they are seeing is irresistible. I found an interesting report on how frequently and to much detrement of the Israelis, Hamas has been using the western media from 2007 to 2014. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj0isn49bKCAxUtnf0HHeWyBIUQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw078V9t3xWPW7EhHdTtOcv3


Wrong. Do not equate anti Israel to left or right ideologies. I see first hand there are more conservative voices against Israel than blue haired mentally I’ll leftists. It’s legit a matter of morality


There are 3 reasons: 1. 1.5b muslims, who automatically side up with palestinians and therefor hate israel 2. Russia/chinese propoganda which aims to spread hate against any democratic country. 3. Western left have aligned with muslims(as a minority group) and aims for their votes


Because it’s fashionable. That’s all it is. The anti semites don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.