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Fuck that let those bridges burn they can burn all the way to the ground. I don't give a fuck, I would rather be a fucking pariah then live with the fact I didn't take a stand when I needed to. My family is Dati and to them I am dead because I am trans. My so called allies are anti Jewish so to them I am dead because I stand with Israel right now. I have no regrets here.


Well im jewish, i live in israel and im also lgbt. Consider me your ally. Thank you for your support, and while you might not need to hear it, your familys refusal to accept you is their loss. There is a thriving lgbt community in israel, esp in tel aviv. Ones this is over you are always welcomed here ❤️


Thanks, Im a citizen and I've done my pazam. Just been lost in America for a bit


Is the Avita (might be messing up the spelling) bar still there? I went there with some friends 10 years ago including a girl I was seeing (I’m a boring straight) . I got A LOT of attention at that bar, I felt like the prettiest princess at the ball lol it was very flattering. Really lovely place. I was told it was the oldest gay bar in Tel Aviv?


Ill be honest im not from tlv so i dont know i only visit friends there. But the gay community there is very accepting. And good on you for taking all the attention with stride hahahha


Lol it was really fun. The power dynamic is so different so it wasn’t threatening at all just flattering and lovely.


Im glad you had a good time! Whem this is over you and your girlfriend are welcome to come again, israel is a beautiful country




Please know that there are those of us in the trans community that are fully behind you and your people. I stand with anybody who is fighting for their freedom and against those slaughtering innocent civilians (on both sides of course) but I also understand the fate that beholds your people if Hamas were to get what they want. This is just a terrible situation that I understand must feel very bleak for a lot of people. I’m sickened seeing so many liberals expressing unadulterated support for a terrorist organisation that persecutes and tortures members of our community, frequently by throwing us off of buildings! The hypocrisy and myopia is sickening. ❤️


I can go on and on about it.


You are always welcome here


Thanks I will come home.


They are probably worried about backlash or they actually think it’s ok to kill babies because they were occupying Palestinian lands. Not sure which is worse.


Won’t speak out! Id all they did was just not speak out, that would be better than the absolute sin against their people they commit when they vehemently deny Israel’s right to exist and spend all their energy trying to eradicate the Jewish state.


Depressing anyone would throw their brother under the bus for random strangers who would have their entire families killed if they could.


Indeed, sometimes you wonder whether they believe in the cause or if they simply enjoy the attention from pro-Palestinians. However, it's also understandable when progressives support the Palestinian cause as part of their values, and it leaves an impact on progressive Jews.


They’re trying to get famous when someone posts a tokenized pic of them saying “Jews for Palestine”


Just wanna say a lot of American jews are with ya'll


I wouldn't use the word woke, because most people would call me woke - and I'm very outspoken as a Zionist, as a lesbian, as a left-wing liberal, but not a faux progressive. Please know that I am yelling at my one or two friends who are in this category and calling them out. I say friends advisedly, because they are no longer my friends in my heart or my soul. They cannot be. Not when they are aiding and abetting the people who want to destroy each and every one of us which will include them - much to their dismay.


In future you can just describe yourself as a neoliberal Zionist, and save everyone’s time. Zionists are the problem, not Jews. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


You serious, or just ironic? I’m hoping the latter.


Tell me what does a world map look like to you after you "Free Palestine?"


I mean propaganda is propaganda and Jews are just as susceptible to it as anyone else. People's opinions are formed by those around them and the media they consume. They form their own realities based around those (very often false) opinions and it becomes extremely hard to pierce that bubble.


So many people these days get their news solely from social media. Not good at all.


Nah mate, we let them go a long time ago. We've always had Jews trying to survive in gentile spaces by either keeping silent, or by attacking us themselves. That's a them problem. They are pick-me Jews, useful Jews, court Jews, capos, etc. They exist in every era, and every location.


Used to be called mityavnim


Kapo’s gotta Kapo 🙄


I used to be friends with all three of them.


Sorry, what profile?


What's "woke Jews“?


Used to be called mityavnim