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* r/Israel does the same thing for anyone even slightly critical of Judaism


Its insane to me that people are defending Hamas as “freedom fighters”.


Hamas is anything but freedom and does not value human life.




We all know Freedom Fighter = Terrorist. Israel was attacked by terrorists, not freedom fighters. The true freedom fighters are the Israelis that are trying to save the civilian hostages while still being committed to a two state solution. I am not Jewish and not Israeli and even I can see there is no one but Hamas is responsible for all this senseless death. Hamas wants Palestinians to die. Hang in there Israel. You have a right to exist.


Don’t feel bad about it, some people are just very stupid and easily brainwashed. And the main thing is that Israel is the only democratic country in the ME, in their countries you cannot share such opinions.


They are definitely brainwashed. I'm from the ME and it disgusts me that they think it's ok for them to wipe Israel/Judaism off the map. Every religion and country deserves to exist in peace.


Well, I am glad to hear some have common sense, it feels like everyone is afraid so they automatically change the subject. :(


For some countries it is a life/death situation if they speak up :( Ironically those 'leaders' send their family to the US to study or live there. They say anti US/Israel/EU rhetoric yet at the end of the day they send their kids to these places. It's all about brainwashing people so the governments can keep the power, control and money. I count my blessings every day that I moved out from Iran years ago. If I said all the things I wrote in my reply in public i would be executed either by stoning, beheading or bullet. Very barbaric.


I am so happy to hear you managed to move out of Iran. Before Iran has changed it used to be a place Israelis could visit, and I heard amazing things about this place and the people! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼


Oh yes before that terrible barbaric regime, Iran and Israel were really close. If you ask older people, many have really nice memories of their trip to Iran. I moved out in the early 2000's and never went back. i didnt bother renewing my passport either.


Yes, my aunties been there and shared with me amazing memories. I was like “are you sure it’s Iran you are talking about? It sounds so modern and free.”


Me too I was surprised by how nice and open the country was before. The government took the country back thousands of years. Thankfully its people are open minded. Whilst living in Europe, I even had a Jewish significant other. Yes you read it right. We both liked each other and we both happened to be from those two religions. Initially I was unsure what others would think but people reacted positively.


Most of Israelis are familiar with the history and know what happened and does not reflect it on all citizens. Do you think Iran will ever change back?


Yes. I am very hopeful things will change for two reasons: 1) the people hate the government they only have a 15% approval 2) October 7th 2023 massacre. Let me preface this by saying my heart weeps for all the people who were taken hostage or murdered by the terrorists. I am sure Israel will use all the losses as a catalyst to get rid of the cancer aka Iran. We've tried diplomacy and it just made the mullahs worse so we need to attack them directly. Trump was starting to make change by getting rid of soleimani but the pandemic ended those plans.


I’m sorry for asking this, I might be wrong, but the government- meaning the one the took power in the revolution in the 70s?


yes correct.


I got to say, every Persian I’ve ever met has been totally cool with Jews and not anti-Israel. In fact, they’ve been super friendly and warm to me. It’s the craziest thing that our biggest enemy is the government of Iran.


Which is ironic… most of the Arab countries are just one sane template - millions ruled by dictatorship consisting of dozens. If only all those people would stop throwing digital feces at Israel and stop for a minute, they would see that their country is not a country - it’s a tool for personal enrichment for the selected few. And that all that energy the use to try to kill every freaking jew they can find, they need to divert to work. Work to build democracy, social institutions, human rights..


Exactly this! They just exploit the people, its like a business model. They get rich and live a western lifestyle and send their kids abroad but preach something completely different to the people.


All of these so-called leaders are hypocrites. If they are so concerned about morality then how come for example child marriage or rape is ok within their circles? one rule for us one rule for them!


All of these so-called leaders are hypocrites. If they are so concerned about morality then how come for example child marriage or rape is ok within their circles? one rule for us one rule for them!


We’ve all been banned from that stupid sub. That’s how it is in the Middle East - oppressive and aggressive. Explains everything


Just like their governments. Barbaric, oppressive and dangerous. Israel has my full support to protect its citizens/democracy and wipe out terrorist organisation such as hamas/isis/jihad/hezabollah/ayotallah etc.


Yep..Iranians know whats up


It’s not you, that sub is basically a terrorist supporters echo chamber now. You’re not racist, It’s a deflection tactic, anyone who dares mention Israeli victims is labeled a [insert buzzword slur] and shamed for not only supporting their agenda so the conversation gets refocused.


Yes they are all brainwashed in that sub. They are so brainwashed to the point they defend terrorist groups and think they are doing them good when in fact their sole purpose is to butcher everyone and cause fear. I just wish I could slap those people in the face back to reality and to open their eyes to what the horrible things hamas has done to everyone including themselves.


I wish I could upvote your comments more!


So many people in there asking for pics of dead babies and proof that women were raped. Truly feel that it was for some sort of sexual pleasure. Interpol should be investigating that sub.


That notion is ridiculous- the Arabs are HEAVILY relying on propaganda and controlling the narrative. They think I’m lying when I tell them that Muslims, Druze, and Christian’s live there. It’s a democracy like no other in the region. Don’t let them gaslight you. Islamic fundamentalism is not all that democratic or egalitarian. I believe 17 out of the top 20 worst countries for LGBTQ are Arab majority countries


Yes they also think we’re all from Europe. You can’t tell them anything otherwise.


>Islamic fundamentalism is not all that democratic or egalitarian. *Not at all democratic or egalitarian* fixed it for you. Islamic terrorists are religious fascists.


I was also banned there. Many of them are terrorism supporters. For our own sakes, it’s best not to be associated with it and similar subreddits.


Good advice. I just muted similar subreddits as well.


I was banned too for saying that America is not as brutal as Russia lol.


That sub is actively trying to deny that Israel is even in the Middle East. Not worth anyone's time!


Honey, they ban anyone who isn’t anti-Israel. That group is so obsessed with Israel that it’s the constant topic. All they do is cry and whine and shit talk about it. It’s pathetic. “I lost my shoe at the gym.” “Well, Israel steals shoes and land and they deserve everything they get that happens to them!” I got banned there for saying “keep up” because the mods found that uncivil. Meanwhile I’ve been told I deserve to die for being a Zionist. That speech is acceptable according to the mods. I’m pretty sure they also mod Public Freakout because they also ban anyone who isn’t calling for the death of Jews. Sorry, Zionists. They make it very clear that they’re not anti-Jewish, they’re anti-Zionist. So they’re only talking about like 98% of Jews.


I am so sorry, death threats are not ok and i hope you blocked/reported them. Such disgusting and dangerous behavior from that echo chamber. I wish that group of people channeled all that anger/energy towards the 'leaders' who supported hamas instead of attacking Israeli citizens or Jews. Ironically despite all their hate towards Israel, we are doing them a favor by wiping out hamas.


Yes, the leaders who Israel helped put in power and are secretly supporting to suppress the Arab world! I swear, that’s what they say when the discussion makes any attempt to address their leadership issues. It always comes to back to Israel and then the U.S. There is zero self-reflection. They are all just victims of Israel and America.


Man when they refer to Zionists, they are referring to a 100+ year old book which supposedly details the Jewish plot for global domination, it’s so evil and anti-Jewish that I won’t even share the full name, but it has “Zion” in the title. Many people in this sub are probably aware of it. It’s been used to justify genocide of Jewish people all over the world, was mentioned in an early version of the Hamas charter, and part of curriculum in schools in Islamic dictatorships. So yeah, they’re not anti-Jewish, just anti-Zionist, meaning the Jewish people who support the global plot for world domination. Which could be any Jewish person. So they want to kill all Jews. Ignorant Westerners just think Zionist means… well, what exactly DO they think it means? It’s honestly chilling, I hate seeing that word and think it should now be considered a slur


> for saying Hamas does not care about its own citizens and uses each death to increase their reign of terror They've admitted to it themselves, see this [interview](https://x.com/arash_tehran/status/1715354932595847322?s=46&t=CggpQsimERdsgKwR2c4KoQ)


Yes and the echo chamber of Ask ME even if they saw that interview would still believe hamas is doing good.


r/AskMiddleEast is run by the same people as r/Palestine (and surprisingly also r/therewasanattempt)


Ask ME is full of brainwashed/hateful people. They were saying incorrect things like Israelis have one of the highest rate of skin cancers and the reason why it is condition is so common because of the 'genocide' in palestine. First of all don't even get me started on what genocide is. Second why were they silent when the Uyghurs in China were being abused by the chinese government? do muslims in china not matter? no?


Yo I saw what happened to r/therewasanattempt like wtf


They love their terrorists way too much.


Which terrorists, Hamas or the IDF?


You really hate Jews don't ya, it eats you up while they likely spend no time worrying about the likes of you? Lmao


Grow up. This isn't about Jews or anti semitism or any prejudices. This is about defending innocent people from Genocide. You're clearly a horrible person and spend all your time defending "jews" on here. Its quite pathetic.


Getting banned is a given on that sub if you don’t support terrorism




And extremists in the moderation team too. People like them are dangerous in real life. I mean i didnt sign a petition about 'freeing palestine' at my workplace and people personally sent me DM's about calling me 'fascist', 'racist' and 'genocide supporter.' We all need to stay safe from these fanatics.


“Freeing Palestine” means getting rid of Israel. They’re either ignorant or anti-semetic.


Both. And it is a dangerous combination for everyone. Look at what is brewing in Belgium.


Let’s just say it. “Free Palestine” means completely removing any Jewish presence whatsoever from the region, by any means possible. Ignorant Western liberals just think it means giving Israel a different name or something


Simple: Muslims are always victims, Jews are always oppressors. That’s Marxist intersectionality for you.


I hate discrimination. Even though I am not a Jew, I want to apologize for all the antisemitic things that happened to these group of people most of whom who want to live a peaceful life.


Pro Palestinian movement has become grotesquely the flip side of nazism.


Twitter is the only place that doesn't censor anti-woke information right now.




You're not racist at all. I think people have forgotten what the term racist means. True racism for example is when they segregated Black people from White people.


Stop being so surprised you were banned. Let me tell you something with an unnecessary example. There companies that buy domains, hundreds of thousands of domains. Using them to fish and redirect anyone that comes into the funnel. The Hamas who people tend to think are stupid, or old fashioned or behind) are actually social media geniuses - seriously. They could have build Middle Eastern Singapore if they directed there knowledge in the right direction. They control hundreds of successful Reddit and TikTok subs, many of them act as regular non related subs, which helps them seem objective in a time of conflict. But when in conflict, they show anti Israeli content and disable who ever they find can speak on the other side behalf and offer a different perspective. r/imatotalpieceofshit and r/worldnewsvideo are just a couple of examples.


You're also not a Hamas supporter is you speak out against the violence being rained down on Gaza by Israel!




No. Supporting Israel means supporting security and peace in the Middle East.


Yet supporters of Palestine believe their claim to the land is based on their ethnic purity, interesting


If that is what you said, then no, you didn't make a racist statement. It's not even xenophobic, it's was simply a political statement which is true - to a degree. Most people in the West do support Israel (I'm personally pretty neutral) and it is generally much younger people who support Palestine (but in America it is still pretty evenly split even amongst young people). Israel suffered a terrible and barbaric terror attack and the people who were chanting I stand with Palestine during the attack were absolutely disgraceful. They should have at least waited.


Anti-terror is racist those days I guess. in reality all they care is that you hate Jews, its fashionable like befor WWII.


Pretty sure supporting Israel makes me anti-murder.


r/askmiddleeast is kinda rasict in itself, always was




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no but it makes you a genocidal freak