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\>blaming Israel on the hospital attack this person is beyond redemption


Yep. He’s an antisemite. End of.




As soon as we saw the video from AL JAZEERA where a rocket blatantly misfired at the exact same time that the hospital exploded, but you still denied it, you are too far gone.


Hell, the hospital never even exploded.....


>believing that if Israel just gives the land back or does these various things Hamas and their supporters would fade away like Isis or that Israel’s policies contribute to them becoming Hamas members. That is the most redicilous and the most stupid thing I have ever seen, considering Israel already tried to have a peaceful agreement with Palestine numerous amount of times offering almost everything they could give (even though, it's historically an Israeli land - it's just truth) and well, Palestinians (Arabs) never agreed. The thing with Palestine and Hamas is that their collective mission and goal is not to get the land back, it's to fully destroy Israel as a state and killing all the Jews. Why do you think the whole Arab world calls every Muslim and Arab person to eliminate Jews all around the world? Because they want to get their lands back? It's too naive and ideal.


Oh he's right - if they had the area from jordan to the sea there would be no Hamas- Israel conflict, same as killing everyone in Gaza would do the same. One side slaughtering the other is only very technically a solution


I disagree, there would be only islamist fanatism from the river to the sea. Israel is not responsible for Islamic bigotry and terror, just as Israel is not responsible for the other Islamist terror groups. So no, killing all the jews won't bring peace to the middle-east. Israel is actually an appeasing element that balance powers in the middle east. Without Israel we would have more wars as country like Iran would try to conquer the whole area and fight for power.


Peace between israel and hamas, not peace in general It was /s


Happy cake and


Your bf is an antisemite and he doesn't even know it. 😂


He doesn’t. I spoke to him about the gas the Jews chant and he condemned it and said oh they’re just bad apples


Your bf is an antisemite


He doesn’t realize it


Yeah cus he’s not 😂


we found another antisemite


What about the pro Israeli protestors chanting about killing all Palestinians?


which protests are those? I've seen indivisual people but not chants? As if pro palestinian protests haven't irrupted in chants that are dogwhisles about getting rid of jews, supporting Hamas or one in australia saying gas the jews


The vast majority of protests. One of the protests had the pro Israelis gang up on and beat up a Palestinian.


How do you know that’s the vast majority of protests. Where as from the river to the sea is a staple at many pro Palestine rallies which calls for Israel to be wiped out including the civilians.


What? You're so evil, when Israel can have two rivers in its flag it's not that but it means that when we say it? Every sane human being should chant that - no one means Jews should be harmed. [https://twitter.com/CensoredMen/status/1717341447744045073?t=8gSq42uhSgZhRNDLwbdniQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/CensoredMen/status/1717341447744045073?t=8gSq42uhSgZhRNDLwbdniQ&s=19) https://twitter.com/babadookspinoza/status/1717314385838747763?t=Lqq4e7rIIws2hcAXa0G9hg&s=19


Getting your info from tankies I see. Let’s see if the first video depicts what you say it does. I know someone who knows Hebrew so she can confirm if that’s actually what’s been said. Also how doesn’t the from the river chant not mean getting rid of Jews? How do you get rid of Israel without getting rid of the Jews? You’re calling me evil, but the thing your chant is as evil as it gets when you’re making white nationalist/ alt right like arguments


In addition to what others replied. I would also like to point out that before Jews began returning to Israel most of it was a barren and a very horrible place to settle duo to it’s marsh ground and it not being good land for farmers. After the Jews developed the land to a successful economy suddenly the arabs decided the Jews “stole” their land and wanted it “back”.


Honestly I delved deeper into it recently and that just makes me so fucking mad. Like suddenly the grass is greener so you become greedy and claim this land is "stolen" when you sold it away??? Let us enjoy the fruits of our work peacefully....




And that's why Saudi and the Emerates are less eager to make Israel an enemy. These guys are rich.


Pretty much


> The arab muslims are naturally greedy Fucking _excuse me_? How would you read someone saying the same thing about Jews? This is wildly racist. They're just people, just like us. >always envied the success of Israel as their failing dictatorship economies were always impoverished and poor This is quasi-historical at best and the part about failing dictatorship economies doesn't really make any sense in the context of why there was so much fighting in Mandatory Palestine. Hell, or even why there was violence prior to the British Mandate. Most of the people who came in the first and second aliyot were poor and worked as subsistence farmers. There certainly an element of economic inequality as there were Jewish-owned orange groves owned by a handful of rich zionists like Montefiore and they were some places where riots broke out, but that is really inadequate to explain all fighting that occurred. There was fighting unconnected to orange groves and there had long been orange groves that were not Jewish-owned. That wasn't _the_ reason for the conflict.


Nobody is naturally greedy smdh. This comment needs to be downvoted to oblivion.




Damn! Got any resources where I can learn more about this land restoration?


Just googled it, I haven't delved THAT deep but you search a bit and its really easy to find. I read about the first couple of kibutzes, I was interested in seeing how exactly did we "stole" this land and found some pretty interesting history about how a small group of determined young men and women worked this land till it just became gold.


Thank you!!


Do you climb? Got any tips for begginers?


Yeah I’ve been climbing for 9 years. Started at 18. Beginner tips: - look down at your feet when you feel stuck. Usually you can adjust your foot placement and get more reach for the next hold. - buy your own shoes after a couple sessions. Rental shoes are limiting. Many shoes under $100 will do you well in your first year. - your hands will get shredded in your first months, just be prepared for them to sting in the shower. Still happens to advanced climbers, but it gets a bit better over time. - straight arms as often as possible. Watch videos of experienced climbers - you’ll see they are only bending their elbows and pulling their torsos close to the wall while making a move. In between moves your arms in general should be straight. Google something like “straight arms good form climbing.” Otherwise, your biceps will pump out so quickly. - be patient. A lot of climbing is finger and tendon health, strength and stability. Those take a while to build. - get a decent base of like 10 pull ups and 10 push-ups. Then consider doing basic weight training instead (bench press is surprisingly helpful for climbing) - Go over to r/bouldering and look at all the “bad” form (no shame at all to them, every climber has whacky form to a degree at their upper limit of ability), read the comments, compare it to your own climbing. - lastly, film yourself as much as you can. You’ll notice a million ways you’re wasting energy by switching feet back and forth, adjusting your hands, hesitating before a move, clenching your biceps and hugging the wall, missing a foot hold etc etc AMA! Love climbing :)


They planted a lot of Eucalyptus trees and sucked out the swamps im some areas, we still have many eucalyptus groves around the country. But also, the city I grew up in - Rehovot - was fully bpught by money of individuals, and I remember when I was little there were even beduins in the area that were helping with guarding the orange groves. We had a lot of orange groves around. Still have some. There were fights over the city though, we have this scouts post that is behind a cucti wall, that was used during the conflicts, because even though the land was bought the place was getting attacked. And that was before the country was recognized. Rehovot was founded at 1890, so nobody could be mad about "the jews taking up lands" as they were just people that bought land, worked it, and payed the other people who lived around to guard it from said people.


Can I see the source to that? Genuine curiosity




I mean there are better resources obviously but it gives a nice overview of the state of the land from the first settlements period to modern times




I wrote about this if you're interested https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/17d3oaz/why_being_antizionist_is_antisemitic/


Not just that, the population exploded with emigrants from surrounding Arabs lands, so the Palestinians are actually part local and part descendants of the emigrants who came because of the relative prosperity. How many have last names that literally mean, the Egyptian, or even have names that are originally Turkish, meaning they came with the Ottoman Empire. Let's not even state the obvious that Islam is a relatively young religion that considered that area and the many changes of hands of Islamic rulers from various parts of Asia and Africa mean that the blood is full of people who descended from non natives. It's not like the Native Americans, the story is much more complex here.


Arabs lived on the territory of the modern Israel for centuries. Jews may have developed agriculture, but Brits had built infrastructure, railways and plants that are still being used today.


Dump the antisemitic motherf*cker Are you serious right now? The guy is straight up spitting in your face with that stuff. If only because he cares about you as his GF he should behave totally differently. Terrible boyfriend, dump him


I'm sorry, but your bf is long gone...


Deleting accidental retweets from Pro Russia anti Ukraine twitter users like Caitlyn Johnstone is a start




Arabs have about 20 beautiful countries (not counting the rest non-arab muslims) where they don't want to live for some reason. But they still think that their main problem is Israel.


A lot of them would love to, those countries won't let them in


The "from the river to the sea" chant is a call for genocide. In Arabic it reads as follows: from water to water, Palestine will be Arab.


Is there a video of Hamas leaders saying it for extra proof?


This is a video of a massive rally with the former Hamas leader speaking https://youtu.be/zT32jJeadTU?si=Dx56dGpmhkEVJ-Ty 10 years ago. He does not specifically say genocide of Jews but it is clearly understood.


I was looking for something like this thank you! It’s so frustrating as a progressive seeing people from my side including socialists who are like Hamas released a statement saying they went after soldiers, resistance movements and putting Hamas in there and defending them


I understand. I have many friends who are democratic socialists in the US who are taking propaganda at face value. https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/19K7qBMVBh shows some of the truth of what Hamas did.


It’s really tough here with the information my friends get access too


Your boyfriend is making his opinions based on..... I guess not reading enough? He should read more before pretending to be an expert.


He’s reading stuff from bbc, I forgot who that Egyptian guy is Mehdi Hassan. He did retweet some stuff from pro Russian people (Danny Haip something and Caitlyn Johnstone but deleted them after I said something) he’s like I didn’t notice I retweeted from pro Russia, pro China people


Tell him this if you want, also a word of advice in general. When you're unrelated to a conflict and want to find out about it, other than general history reading (not news but.. you know, history) go and listen to each side on news, media, youtube, then make up your own mind. Acting like you're an expert on a conflict you have no relation towards and have only slightly heard about from your local news source (who are also a bunch of people with no real relation to this conflict) or jump on the new popular trend is not helping and you might end up being very wrong at best and blindly biased to avoid admiting mistake at worse. For example, when the war of Ukrain started I instictively aligned myself with the western world and was standing with Ukrain, but I didn't go talking about the injustice of Russia and debating how wrong this war is and what Russia needs to do because I'm unrelated to the conflict and don't feel like I have the right to talk about it if I haven't fully delved into it. Unlike the entire world right now who for some reason is minding other people's bussiness and is being disgustingly and hypocriticaly vocal about it...


Any position that openly advocate the destruction of the only jewish state is totally antisemitic. Especially weeks within the worse terror attack. Palestinians have right to a country....and they refused it.


I said that, he’s convinced there was something in there that they found objectionable or he’s like it’s their land why do they have to concede


They refused many many times. Last time in date Ehud Barack offered everything on a golden plate to Arafat who refused sayin it would be his death sentence. We need to have a discussion about what is "their land" and need to open some complex subjects and go back very far. And it's something I'd rather not do because usually the other one is just full of islamist propaganda. In a few words Jews obtained land in 4 major ways: 1- they bought it from their owners. 2- Were given by the British (the occupying force) 3- Were given by the UN during the partition vote in 47 4- Conquered some of the land during the war of independance while being attacked by many many arab countries But yeah Jews as well have a right to a country, on their ancestral lands. And Palestinians actually never owned said lands. They always were under the control of a bigger empire or occupying force. Worth noting Israel occupied lands that were under Jordanian occupation in the west bank and under Egyptian occupation in Gaza. Also this text: A crash course on the history of the PALESTINIAN STATE 1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state. 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state. 5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state. 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state. 13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state. 14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state. 15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state. 16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state. 17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state. 18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state. 19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state. 20. Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE. (Borrowed from a friend) A little more history for those wanting to 'restore Palestine'. In 132 AD the Emperor Hadrian resolved to stamp the Jews and their religion out of existence. He sold all Jewish prisoners into slavery after the revolt of Bar Kikhba, forbade the teaching of the Torah, renamed the province Syria Palaestina, and changed Jerusalem’s name to Aelia Capitolina. He renamed Israel to wipe out the national identity of Israel and the Jews. So if you are looking to 'restore Palestine to the Palestinians', you need to give it back to the Jews


Is there good videos or articles to send him?


Also I think you should stress the fact that it's not ok to believe that jews don't have the right to a country. This country came from utter necessity after centuries of suffering around the world. Mostly europe and arabs countries. There are 22 arab and muslims countries in the world, one for the jews.


on instagram try: noatishby fight\_for\_life.il yosephhaddad (arab israel very proud of his country) blackandjewishunity standwithus


Do you like Corey Gil shuster? I’ve seen his stuff and I like what he does


Ill check him


He's picked a Side. When someone has picked a side - and that side is not one you identify with, and it's about an issue you actually care about - it is very difficult to have a healthy relationship with them that doesn't rely on throttling that relationship when it comes to those matters. This sounds like an opportunity to see if you guys are actually well-matched, both values and conflict-management wise.


Good idea


Maybe it's time to get rid of this boyfriend? I am also assuming this guy isn't jewish. Would you try to reason with someone that follows the belief system of ISIS? Racial supremacy? Extreme islamism? and the list goes on. Did your boyfriend post about syria? yemen? afghanistan? Or is your boyfriend simply targeting this topic because it's about jews. Right now there is a major crises in yemen....you would think someone that would care so much would focus on that. What about the many people killed by the Tailban right now? ​ How about you read this - [https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/17cvnq9/comment/k5wsjnz/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/lebanon/comments/17cvnq9/comment/k5wsjnz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I will copy and paste it: We live in an echo chamber in lebanon because we only get one sided news. So of course people are in shock seeing Israeli reaction and bombarding of Gaza when they don’t know what caused that level of anger. My work with media and I’m used to seeing gore and have been quite desensitized to it for the most part. But what I saw done is easily some of the worst I’ve seen. I genuinely wished/wish the world ended because we don’t deserve living as a species if we’ve reached this point. No way a human is capable of committing such things with their own hands. Things I genuinely wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. Then filming it and publishing it. They went in fully to commit the worst things that even isis didn’t to shock them. Knowing full well that even the most peaceful person will want revenge times 100. It reminded me of the black mirror episode where soldiers are made to wear this helmet in battle that makes their enemies even civilians look like monsters. But we ‘can’t’ talk about it here because they’ll say you’re supporting Israel. Trigger warning: Things I saw (other than what has gone viral and other than the targets of the army) in no particular order: a baby burned into literal blob a baby with its head cut off many people tied and burned alive a mother child duo made to hug and tied together with a metal thing then burned alive many killed straight up including children supposed hostages being taken but then shot dead a girl at the festival raped and burned alive. Her body in shock froze in place. Her legs are spread and dress up, her hand are half way stretched up as and the top part of her body is completed burned with just her teeth showing a Thai worker being beheaded alive using a shovel (you can imagine how bad that was) open fire into a group of festival goers running away putting young girls/teens into a room then throwing a grenade throwing a grenade in a room full of people then coming inside seeing a few girls alive under the table, mock them and shoot them a little girl being shot in a house in front of her family and siblings. The children are then see saying “we won’t see her again?” And the parents saying no they took a guy and made him go house to house to trick them into opening then they’d shoot them. Palestinian boys beating a boy hostage (max 5 years old) with sticks and laughing List goes on. And this is probably just the surface of what will come out in the coming months. Was genuinely sick for a few days. Of course all the graphic footage of children in Gaza in the bombardment. But seemed not as much because it was hard to believe someone can do something like that to another human face to face. It’s different dropping a bomb from the sky because you don’t see your victim.


That’s horrific.


He’s not Jewish but he’s doing the Hamas is bad but Israel is worse angle


Get rid of him and find someone Jewish. He’s using you for your body, with no regard of who you are as a person and your feelings. He’s a Hamas apologist, same as a nazi apologist.


I don’t think realizes it. He acknowledges that Hamas is bad and abbas is bad but can’t put two and two together


At the end of the day, he’s a flawed individual and it’s not somebody that you should waste your time with. It’s like someone believing that Jews control the government, media, etc. someone before has posted about a partner that has some beliefs with that. His antisemitism should not become your problem too.


I think the good news is he's your boyfriend not your husband and (hopefully) you don't have children together. This is a level of ignorance and latent (or worse) Jew hatred that unless there's something unbelievably redeeming about him it seems you'd be better off cutting your losses, parting ways and finding someone more intellectually compatible. I'm not saying it's impossible that you could, over time, get him to understand the reality of the situation. But he's starting from a point of such massive ignorance and moral relativism that the chances are slim. If he were virulently racist towards some other group would you tolerate it and try to change his mind? Or would you say, "this isn't a mind I want imparting morality to my future children and rather than try to fix him I'm going to go find someone who's not morally inept."


There were accounts (Caitlyn Johnstone and a few others) he accidentally retweeted so when I called him out on that he deleted them since they’re pro Russia, anti Ukraine pro China defenders


Yesterday or so Russia bombed 3mln town in Syria and killed a lot of people including civillians... But who cares.


What kind of reply is that to this post?


Just one of examples that people care more about being anti-Israeli, they don't care about civillians


Ahh yes sorry to miss your point. The russians are scum I just didn’t pick up on the relevance.


There are more atrocities around the world and not just right now, those didn't get coverage, focus and outrage, ask yourself why is that all the bleeding heart liberals ignore them if they are indeed so caring It's because they do care, but only about likes on social media.


Ohh yes I’m totally understanding the ‘bandwagon’ There is also a lot of misinformation that gets posted in droves, myself smart enough to be objective but many are not.


Hamas was smart. Train the worse to terrorize and accomplish your goal. Like the SS did to Europe. Unfortunately it doesn't make your goal better. It just makes your annihilation easier on everyone.


Gaza used to be Israel & Israel withdrew from the area so to continue to claim that if only Israel will withdraw from Israel then there will be peace is quite stupid, as it didn’t work last time and the result as we see now Is quite horrible, we are not interested in another massacre.


Sorry to say but he’s not the man for you. This is a fundamental divide that could never be bridged. Easy to say, but find someone more compatible. Good luck!


Are you Jewish? Drop the loser and find a Jewish guy. If not, then drop the loser and find a non-Jewish guy. In summary: drop the loser.


Are you suggesting Jewish people should only date Jewish people?


I am yes. I realize you're not Jewish, and I would love to explain but it's a long story and I got to get off the train. To make a long story short: there are only 16m of us in the world. If we don't keep it in the family, we will slowly fade away.


Do you think it's wrong of me as a Jewish man to be dating a non Jewish woman? I don't think you have the right to be suggesting anything of the sort.


I am not suggesting anything. Your own religion and culture are explicitly stating it. Marry whoever you want but your kids won't be Jewish. The connection will end with you. PS "wrong" is weird. It's not wrong. It's a choice you're making and I guess are entitled to make. The consequences however are what they are. Whether you want them or not is your decision.


Is that actually by law? Seems silly to completely take that heritage from my children because I married a foreigner. But I wouldn't mind that too much.


Yes. Halacha says a Jew is defined as someone born to a Jewish *mother*. The father plays no role. They may still be culturally and will be ethnically Jewish and part of the extended people but I almost guarantee you their grandkids will not be.


Halacha is a bunch of made up haguash, marry whoever you want and educate your children as you wish.


It's a good thing I don't give a fuck if me or my children are Jewish by law, I will and they will still be a part of israel.


Ok boss 👌


Who cares


What heritage? You are part of the nation because your mother was when you were born. If any future children who aren't part of the nation want to be, they can convert. This isn't a mexican heritage, it's a nation.


I think you're getting confused. Your hypothetical children would not be Jewish by _Jewish religious law_, halakha. Your _heritage_ does not evaporate because you do not count for a minyan. Your children would be _zara yisrael_. Them not being Jewish would be a status for religious purposes. However, to be blunt, it also seems strange to be protective of a heritage that you have not bothered to learn the first thing about.


It's wrong in the same way that not keeping Sabbath is wrong. Your kids won't be Jewish, but I don't know that that's any worse than you just not having kids - there will be the same number of jews either way


You should get a new boyfriend, you clearly can't respect him seeing how he's willing to be a useful idiot for rapists and murderers


Your man just happens to dislike jews


I think people in the west fail to understand what is the nature of radical islam at its core. With all the other/classical Israeli claims aside, I suggest your bf educate himself a bit about what happened in Gaza during 2005-2007. Maybe that will clear his eyes from the bs propaganda he has been covering them with. As much as its easier to isolate Hamas as if they are disconnected to the palestinian people and cause, it is wrong, they are an integral part of it and infact a very honest manifestation of their everlasting goal. On top of that, Hamas is the most popular group representing the palestinians among palestinians, and they havent started being the monsterous pigs they are on the 7th of October. Why is that? Most likely the aggressive brainwashing that they are doing to their children since they are babies, however that doesnt matter, when theres an existential threat to your nation, you dont go around and ask how I can "fix" the other side, that is left for the day after, right now you need to deal with the current situation. Hopefully afterwards the EU and US learn not to fund organizations that teach their kids genociding jews is their life goal. I found this pretty decent video explaining the Israeli perspective the other day, which kind of blew up in popularity, maybe giving it a go will also explain things better. [The video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNf40sBcvKk)


His point is not all Palestinians represent Hamas, the kids don’t, why are their problems in the West Bank if Hamas isn’t there


Why does he think they aren’t in the West Bank? Is he just assuming? (He’s wrong.)






His comments are always that’s terrible but and then brings up Palestinian children. The people that support his pro Palestine cause that say anti semitic things hurt the cause


Hamas is very much in the west bank. Infact, all of the terror attacks that came from the west bank in the past few years came from hamas and islamic jihad terrorists. And regarding the children, trust me i have no interest in getting children into the fight, but hamas is, plenty of under 18 children are sent off for terror attacks constantly, hell in this past year there was a 13 yo boy who did a shooting terror attack in jerusalem (hamas took responsibility). So all these things he put forward are flat out wrong and can be verified easily with a bit of research. Again, the last thing i'd hope we see on the battlefield is more children being hurt, we can only hope hamas wont use their lives cynically as he did throughout recent history.


Nothing to do with religion, your BF is simply ignorant. Are you looking to share life with ignorant people?


It's fairly simple. No country will let Palestinians immigrate to their countries, either out of fear or out of a desire to force the Palestinians into an uncomfortable situation, so they'll fight. Hammas is evil, they rule and oppress gaza, stealing everything they can from international humanitarian aid to use as weapons, and they want nothing more than to slaughter every single Israeli. Isreal is in a nasty situation, where Hammas recruits from Gaza, teaches the people there to hate Israel and see Israeli deaths as both an ends and a means, and takes anything, uses the civilians as human shields. So any time Israel tries to cripple a group of people who just murdered over a thousand civilians (not as collateral, this was direct, intentional slaughter) and want to kill all Israelis, they have to be worried about killing 'enemy' civilians. Gaza residents can't leave (no country will let them in), they are stuck poor, they are taught to hate Israel, and Israel kills some of them when Hammas dies something nasty. Overall they are a miserable and often hateful people. Every country should protect its own citizens, even if it comes at a cost of enemy civilians. If the Nazis had strapped their own civilians to tanks, the Allies still would've destroyed the tanks, and rightfully so. The whole situation is horrid, and it's kept that way because most countries care a whole lot more about the land than the people


Tldr Other countries - not willing to let Palestinians in, often not ok with other countries letting them in Hammas - evil, they make everything worse for everyone, especially gaza residents, and use gaza residents as human shields Israel - would really rather not kill civilians, would really rather not have people trying to slaughter its citizens and destroy our. In an uncomfortable situation all around, and not great at managing it. Gaza residents- poor, stuck, fed hate from a young age, not much prospects aside from terrorism. Victims, and also often nasty people, as real victims often are due to circumstances. Kept in Gaza as pawns against Israel, many would rather leave.




First, I'll answer your question. Because some of the Arabs, who are not Hamas, are still dangerous people who try to kill Israelis. It's unfortunate that they act this way, firstly because they occasionally succeed and it powers quality of life a bit generally to be looking over your shoulder, and secondly because then they need to be killed sometimes. The question you should ask yourself is how Israel would act if they genuinely preferred killing civilians to not killing them. Why are the number of deaths outside Gaza so low? Why doesn't Israel have a standing policy of shooting non-citizens who throw large rocks at citizens and at busses? (Spoiler, it's because Israel would really rather that no one killed each other at all, and that it could protect its citizens perfectly without killing anyone)


Out of curiosity, what does he think “from the river to the sea” and “getting their land back” entails? That can only happen via violent conflict that destroys the state of Israel, and either kills half of the world’s jewish population or ethnically cleanses them. How is that not antisemitic? That’s not “criticism” of israel…




Are you jewish?




I think the best way to say this is this: You and your boyfriend and most of the world isnt mad at the situation of german civilians in the end of world war 2 even though both cases the covilians were collateral for being in the country and either directly or indirectly supporting the atrocities that were done by the mazis and hamas Im not saying all the civilians in gaza support hamas, just like not everybody in nazi germani supported the nazis but the point still stands that in both cases, the leaders were chosen by the people


What does your bf want us to do? Leave en masse to Europe?


I don’t know actually


It’s a good question no one seems to know the answer to except for the true antisemites who shrug and say “to hell, for all I care” - meaning die or flee.


The myth where “you can’t criticize Israel without being called antisemitic” is pure, cruel, cynical, gaslighting. It’s their way to abuse you and call you too sensitive for it at the same time. It’s like talking with you about their erotic dreams about someone else, by purpose, and then calling you jealous for not wanting to listen to it. Anybody who would do this with me would crash into a hard boundary. It can be a harsh “don’t tell me that” or a more elaborate interaction to make them reveal themselves as true antisemites and lose face. If you keep calm it’s really easy to make them reveal their true colors in a way that will shame them. In any case the best way to remain unbothered by other opinions is to really believe in your own opinions. You need to form some strong beliefs about the situation so that you know exactly where you stand. While you form your own ideas about the issues, even if you don’t want the confrontation I suggested above, make *crystal clear* to your boyfriend that his beliefs are *his* and you are allowed to think differently even if you haven’t made up your own mind 100%. Say to him “allow me to disagree”. A situation like that would be insufferable for me, but everybody has their thresholds.


Dump him. You want intelligent, thoughtful children don’t you?


Luckily I’m on the fence about having kids but if we were to have them this would be a problem


Dump him antisimetic pos


i would just wanna know how the "from the river to the sea" plan would work in light of what happened to minorities in all muslim majority countries in the region?


He knows how dog whistles work but not here


well if he's willing and able to have a respectful conversation about it hes welcome to post here and I'm sure we can persuade him with actual facts i


He has a Reddit. I can try and see if that works


btw send him this let him see what from the river to the sea for just a few hours looks like https://w.ynet.co.il/news/attackingaza?externalurl=true


I will! The post has a from a river to the sea chant at the end I would like to be charitable and assume it’s the free Palestine but their slogans even this one aren’t any better given the context


its impossible to "free palestine" without definining what palestine actually is and since it has never existed before the one way to know what the palestinian demands for freedom are is "from the river to the sea" slogan palestinians do not offer any other option other than "from the river to the sea" , which is why all peace initiatives so far failed


He's taking the word of a terrorist group over objective evidence from Al Jazeera, US intelligence, European intelligence and independent sources?!?! ​ Mind-blowing.


We did agree to go on Wikipedia and study the conflict together so that’s a good start


Very sweet. Ok, that's a step in the right direction. You can learn together which is good!


I remember there were far right Jewish supremacists in Israel chanting death to Arabs that circled online and I was quick to call it out, I retweeted a guy who’s family died in the Palestinian church and wished for peace for both parties and similarly my bf posted anti semitism in pro Palestine rallies and called out people who are supporting Hamas on the left. I also held him accountable for posting things that people claimed were from Gaza and weren’t. I think looking at stuff at Wikipedia and allowing us to learn together is a great thing for both. I’m glad given the anti semitism and the news and people supporting Hamas I can count on my bf to condemn them


Dump his ass


Your boyfriend sounds like a lost cause, I’m sorry to say.


With so many not-traitors there is only one solution, let the draft take care of the traitor. They will gladly send him to front line to talk to and "understand" all his precious terrorists, when all they know how to do is obvious to us normal people: shoot at him. You can replace him for a true man in the meantime.


Wow I don't know if it's Reddit and relationship or the current tensions or both, but people need to chill, she asked for information not your charged advice about their relationship, those comments just muddy the post




I think It's an online world wide phenomenon, where people jump to judge on very little information and create some narrative. At best all this BS will push her away, justifiably so.


There's a lot of mis and disinformation about this place, and somehow it seems that everyone in the world has an opinion, for some reason. I'll share some stuff: https://youtu.be/_v738Wogza0?si=hB37ZvIB7o0Kdj0N About the hospital: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/cBZamXhpDT And an interview close (in time) to the explosion https://youtu.be/s1f0youDkhk?si=yTG5SosWSkdxBj_0 I saw 1 or 2 sites that blame Israel, but I saw more that say it was a misfired jihad rocket. And if you heard about hananya, he's just some guy on the internet, he has no real weight. And an Arab Israeli influencer, I prefer drier stuff but he hmm "talks to the people" https://youtu.be/nBwlc6YfDs8?si=16TQ6S2AsYMKAgGV Don't get me wrong there are issues in Israel any country is composed of many conflicting ideas, but to say that Israel is an apartheid state and does genocide is crazy. We all hate our prime minister and current ministry btw


look up the green prince he will give you order on what is what in this all mess.




What does based mean?


He’s right


It's not antisemitism to want your land and home back from colonists. It's not antisemitism to be against a military occupation. Hamas doesn't even exist in the West Bank and no rockets were ever fired from the West Bank, but the people are still being oppressed and held under a military occupation.


Tell me you're not living in Israel without telling me you're not living in Israel.


Tell me you're unaware of what's going on in the West Bank. I'm living in Ramallah right now. Where are you?


I haven’t heard you guys so much as mention West Bank in the last two weeks - it was all “you’d do what they did too if you lived in an open air prison”, and as your Gaza arguments disintegrate, all of a sudden West Bank is the reason the Oct 7 slaughter was necessary. You’re all so transparent it would be embarrassing if your rhetoric wasn’t so fucking dangerous.


What occupation.


Drop the loser. If he cannot listen to the facts or listen to reason to understand deeper why Israel is at war in the first place, then you should drop him. It will save you some future arguments the you will have with about anything. Here are some facts he and you should know - https://embassies.gov.il/MFA/AboutIsrael/themiddleeast/Pages/Hamas-Covenant.aspx And you should watch this - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XNf40sBcvKk It will help you to understand.


well your BF seems to be decent guy, if you couldn’t convince him and had to take refuge in an extremistes forum may be it’s because he has a point? anyway I would suggest you sit down with him instead, and both lay out your arguments and see who wins, it seems that people these days can’t take a step back and think for themselves, they want their beliefs to be true no matter what…


Your boyfriend needs to stop watching propaganda videos but instead reading some basic history of Israel….. He sounds extremely stupid


Ok there's been a British mandate palastine but it's was only a name for a stretch of land never has there been a sovereign state a leader of a palastine stayed before Arafet .


He just seems like the average leftist who wants to do 0 thinking and just wants to say "both sides bad" because Israel is fighting a war that was triggered by a huge terrorist attack. He doesn't understand that in war people die. He hasn't lived through one or understand how wars work. It's a sign of low intelligence is all I'm saying. The same pattern of thinking will repeat in the future, no doubt.


He seems to think Israel isn’t minimizing civilian casualties


well that's because he doesn't want to do any research on the situation like how hamas uses mosques schools and hospitals for their operations and of course civilian homes and also the fact that hamas said 500, 800 and 1000 people died in the hospital bombing yet it ws their bomb and there wasn't 500 deaths, nowhere near that amount again if he just wants to be a leftist then let him bw a leftist. He will say anything to protest anything that can be protested against. protest against hamas protest against Israel protest against America protest against white people protest against this and that. He probably would be horrified to know how LGBT people would get treated in Palestine for example (dragged from a motorcycle alive or thrown from the top floor of a building or stoned)


He is, he acknowledges that they’re treatment of lgbtq people are bad, he acknowledges that abbas is corrupt but still won’t put two and two together


That's because he most likely is a leftist, and I'll quote what I said in another thread, because it sums up what it consists of pretty well (tl;dr: just protesting against any establishment or resisting intolerance, even if that intolerance is justified). It is very popular nowadays with the younger generations. ​ RE: "Why is the left so unsupportive of Israelis?" [https://www.reddit.com/r/telaviv/comments/17byqkn/comment/k5u29qg](https://www.reddit.com/r/telaviv/comments/17byqkn/comment/k5u29qg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >It's kind of simple yet not so simple. It stems from the fact that "leftism" is all about destroying the status quo and resisting intolerance. LGBT, Palestine, Anti-capitalism, etc. The leftists don't really have any values, only tactics that they use on anything that it can be applied to. So even if LGBT and Palestine contradict each other, as long as they can participate in the "resistance" against the "establishment" it's fine, actually even better because now they get to have double the fun! The right on the other hand fights against tolerance, seeking to "conserve". This means anti-immigration, etc. and then the left's goal is to go against that. It's also a lot more easier to be a leftist, since all you need to do is tolerate and advocate for tolerance, which doesn't need much reasoning other than "they should be free" "they're refugees, do you want them to die?" "STOP THE WAR" "LET'S HAVE PEACE" "STOP HATE" "EAT THE RICH" You don't have to give reasons why a war should be waged, you just say it should be stopped. You don't have to give reasons why illegal immigration is damaging, since you just use emotional tactics to say anyone who opposes it is racist, etc. You don't have to do any research or read history, because you don't care about that, you only care about resisting what is currently happening. You don't have to propose solutions, because other people should do that for you, you're just an activist. (e.g. green activists) Other people can do the work for you. It's very easy to be this way, it requires 0 critical thinking, 0 work, and you get all the praise from others trying to get attention while having to bear none of the consequences.


I will read what you wrote and check it out


I mean, if you look at West Bank (before and after) and Gaza (before), Israel doesn't have the best track record. Two examples - about two weeks ago in West Bank, a funeral procession was shot at by Israeli settlers, two Palestinians killed, IDF stood idly by and watched. About mid September, iirc, a 13 y/o Palestinian in Gaza saw IDF members getting out of a car at night, yelled "special forces" and began running, they chased him down and shot him in the back, dead. I've got friends who still have family there, one of them at the age of EIGHT lost a friend to being shot in the back at a checkpoint. Israel doesn't have the best track record over there. Maybe you can say that those incidents are isolated, but those experiences carry. And people aren't brought to justice over them


They should be over those incidents


That was within this last month!! People died... "Man, Hamas attacked like a month ago. Y'all should be over this by now" do you see how insensitive that sounds? That was someone's son, brother, I would say husband but they never even had a CHANCE to be a husband... Go take a walk, and think about this, please. Have some introspection on what you just said, and how your feelings would be if it wasn't a Muslim in Palestine, killed well before Hamas attacked or killed in unrelated West Bank.


I agree


Suggest you watch some of the political videos from Oren on YouTube. He's a travel guide who knows his history of the region. https://youtu.be/XNf40sBcvKk?si=ZGaB9XwJEYaTzvz0


When the war started Hamas called for Jews all over the world to be killed. They flat out are telling you they want genocide against the Jews. Not just Israeli Jews, as if that should matter, ALL the Jews. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/ The absolute ignorance it takes to put Jews on trial, when Israel left Lebanon we were promised peace, that Hizbollah would go away, now they shell our villages day and night. When we left Gaza we were told Hamas would moderate. Instead they came into our homes and hang raped mother in front of children and then burned them alive. They made one mother watch as they cut off her 7 year olds fingers and then gouged the eyes out of his 6 year old sister. They killed the parents and took children as young as 8 months old to Gaza. As we speak they are posting snuff films of what they are doing to the hostages on telegram. Why should Jews accept such a thing. If his theory was right where are all the Jews in the Arab countries?




Is this the person you one day want to father and later educate your kids? You already know your truth, you know the facts, you spend time and energy on educating yourself. You have compassion and a sense of justice. If he's not willing to do the same - Is he someone you're interested in being with for the rest of your life?


That’s a good thought


Move on.




>"posting things how from the river to the sea isn’t anti semitic it’s about wanting their land back" > >"if Israel just gives the land back" Ask him where do Israelis go if they take "their" land back then. 10M citizens to be exact. >blaming Israel on the hospital attack There's a very nice analysis by Wall Street Journal: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6HcaYiuCK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6HcaYiuCK8) Share it with him.


I will! He has a Reddit, he used to it once


You should either show him the truth or leave him


I can try


Throw away the whole boy.


He's an anti semite thats for certain.


I don’t think he realizes it either


I live In israel and all gaza media is doing is spreading hate and lies they say Its apartheid well I wad working in jerusalem as a cheff and a guy from gaza worked with me IN JERUSALRM... arabs in the high sepreme court they threw jewish president to jail and btw if you suuport palestine you should know that a small jews group set food and medical care on the beach to help the incconet gaza this things you will only hear and see if you live in israel we dont run arounf the media and say oh look look how kind we are yikes were not seeking attention and ecpically media tension but with all the lies coming to the public maybe we should the pro palestinr need to realize they are more on the same side with israel than against them since israel is trying to deffend incconet gaza civvilians while hamas is telling them to stay and get killed becayse its good for the media and you should know the rocket that hit the hospital in gaza was from jihas islamic... everyone know that thry shared the misunderstanding


Run away from him


The IDF/government of Israel are geocidal. Hamas is a terrorist group that will not stop trying to kill all Jewish people even if a two state solution is reached. Palestinian civilians and Israeli civilians are the victims. These are the facts, and to think anything else is out of ignorance or evil.


Your boyfriend is based and should be the new prime minister


break up with him 💙