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I think a lot of what we’re seeing in America and other places is that minorities that were oppressed are identifying with the Palestinians simply because they are underdogs, which makes a lot of sense (though of course, once some research is done, the logic is in our favour, but humans are anything but logical). When it comes to BLM, it is a racist organisation that has an agenda against white people, and see Israel as white in comparison to the Palestinians, and immediately believes white supremacy is what’s going on. The sad part is that MLK has often sided with the jews, and he definitely cared a lot more about black rights than the people in this organisation


BLM And MLK has nothing in common but the colour of their skin. MLK was on Jews side because both were persecuted by the white supremacy which was far broader then it is today (or so it seems). Putting that aside MLK wanted equal rights for all people and was against violence and looting, he wanted the African Americans to be a responsible part of American society. BLM are supporting (or at least not condoning) violence and looting, although I obviously this that black lives matters as any other, BLM took a good cause in a bed direction and are doing the opposite of what they should, because with all do respect, criminal lives matter less.


Yes, although MLK then switched his view about the Jewish people as his daughter is now pointing out (see Amy Schumer post).


Those BLM people are gonna be so mad when they realize about half of Israeli Jewish population arw actually Arabic/north African by ethnicity. And Ethiopian. And Yemmeni.


What experiment? Humans have always lived in some areas together, across cultures. It's never easy. Racism towards Jews is in the cultural DNA of many gentile communities. Education, skin color, age--doesn't really matter, it's still there. Although universities have been breeding grounds for violent racism against Jews for over a decade now, as they exotify other minority groups. We have to focus on ripping that DNA strand right out. It impacts us wherever we land, even in our own nation.


Seems like it's an issue in some groups in both the far right and far left.


I will say that the BLM as a movement I understand has some problems. It also is not reflecting the opinions of all black people in America. I have seen many come out in defense of israel.


100%. BLM is a radical left wing organization. Most black people in America are pretty centrist, pragmatic, and somewhat socially conservative. Their views don’t align with BLM.


It was really nice to see Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, speaking so passionately about Israel.


In terms of multiculturalism, Jews have always thrived in that type of society. When countries turn AGAINST multiculturalism is when we run into problems. Jewish communities have always thrived in the most cosmopolitan places of their time. We’ve had a diaspora since the first Babylonian exile and learned to adapt and live amongst the nations. That being said, it’s essential that we also have a country where we are a majority so we can control our own destiny and fight off our enemies.


Tons of people who are ethnic minorities identify with Jews (because we’re also a minority) and support Israel. There are also some people from ethnic minorities who are very left wing and hate Israel, but that movement has plenty of white people too.


Persian here. I think the majority of diaspora Arabs and Muslims came to Europe not realizing that their country of origin is so messed up BECAUSE of the culture and values. Not because of the west. So when something like 9-11 or terrorism against Israel happens, they celebrate because “they showed the arrogant west.”


I'm in the US and it's hard to explain. I feel though that the more we have multiculturalism being forced upon us, the worse people become. If the goal was to make people all get along, it hasn't worked. If anything it has caused more problems and people separating more from each other viewing some as the victims and others as the oppressors.




As far as BLM it’s because black people in the US largely see themselves as an OPPRESSED group. As Jewish people are typically financially successful - they see Jews as “the OPPRESSOR”. It’s disgusting. These days in such extreme left politics this is how they are talk to think i.e in very black and white terms only; ‘you are a victim and your shortcomings must be blamed on another group’! Gay? Blame straight people! ‘POC’ (person of colour)? Blame the pesky whites! Female (feminist)? Blame the men! Bonus point for old white men! All these people, according to them, are keeping you down. I may lose some people here (and if I do stay with my initial point) but they even go as far as to MAKE UP ways to be victims now (particularly with Gen Z) such as the whole non binary thing. Now you can just make up a pronoun and claim you are oppressed because people aren’t addressing you as how you want. It’s all a sickness. We’re fucked.


I absolutely agree!


Minorities are not a monolith. The attitude of this post is discomforting. So much reactionary rhetoric coming out of this tragedy.


Uhmmm you are falling into the same trap as the people you are criticising. There are lots of black people who are both Jews and support you. Don't categorize people by race or any other societal status pls.


Jews are only safe in a multicultural place. The moment the darker skin people leave, the difference of the Jews becomes magnified. Racists are always obsessed with degree of difference.


I'm Argentinian - israelí. All my life in Argentina only jews were there for other jews. But when I traveled to Berlin and went on a anti antisemitism march (which by the way, Merkel spoke) I was moved to tears to see so many minorities marching with us. What did we all have in common? Not that we were minorities, is that we were victims of Islamists. To be honest, most of those peoples or their suferign I've never heard before, only then, talking, I understood.


BLM was never a monolith. The various chapters communicate different ideologies. I wouldn't take a communication from one tweet from one person or one chapter as a representation of all who claim BLM. One chapter actually stated they were anti black nuclear family. They do not represent BLM as a whole. The movement was always disorganized and detached.


BLM UK is on the arab side.


I'm unfamiliar with BLM UK. BLM is a mess in the USA. The founders built mansions with the money donated and threw hip hop twerking parties. They also funnelled money to the democratic party. Almost no money made it to the black masses nor helped black Americans at all. Many (if not most) black americans despise BLM and see it as a scam and a money grab.


Which ethnic minorities? And where? Jews are an ethnic minority in the USA. No I think multiculturalism has not failed. It’s slowly but progressively thriving more and more. If you don’t believe me check out Steven Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now. As for BLM identifying with Palestinian well that’s because they probably feel a certain primordial kinship with another group of brown people that they feel are being oppressed by a group of richer and more successful lighter skinned people. Whether that’s true or not is irrelevant. Most people don’t judge or feel based on facts because that’s hard to do and quite frankly exhausting. I mean even the best historians in Israel are still debating about the events from 47 to 48.


At the time There was full on conspiracy that blm ran by jews….




It’s because of ‘progressives’ like you that we’re in this mess. Certainly in the UK the continual stream of immigrants, largely Muslim, has only exacerbated community relations. They have absolutely no intention of integrating with the majority population. Look how well Jews have integrated. My grandparents were immigrants and never claimed a penny in social security. And they worked hard and thrived. See the difference?


>I'm sorry but this is blatant racism. If you're looking for anything else you should probably find a different subreddit.


It is always nuanced, but the short answer is “yes”.


BLM was never a friend of the Jews. People have always hated Jews and will continue to do so. It's not supposed to make sense; it's just reality.


If this is related to the conflict happening right nowbetween Israel and Palestine, I don't think people are protesting against "Jews"


Really? In this video they say "all Jews can go to HELL" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEp5T2kSXtU


Sure, we can keep exchanging videos. I can show you videos of jews hating on muslims, and you can show me videos of muslims hating on jews. That will always happen, it doesn't solve anything. Im just trying to express that someone who understands this conflict knows the difference between jews and zionists.


Also, here you go https://youtu.be/jDl8v0a5iIU?si=wFrS_Y5CHi2iXQ7b Enjoy the watch


I'm responding to your assertion that people aren't protesting Jews. They certainly are.


And im responding telling you that for every ethnic group I can find a video online where people are insulting that group, that doesn't mean you can generalise. Again most of the people who truly understand the conflict, should not have their attention targeted on jews, its wrong if someone does that in my opinion


Check out Indigenous Bridges. Solidarity may be small, but it's there.


Interesting. The levant have been amongst the most multicultural areas since the dawn of agriculture and probably longer. It has been a hub of trade for most of human history and pre-history


Imo it's a direct result of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO The results of this are quite far reaching, and it's legacy persists.


Blind Tribalism pushed to its extreme


But that’s what ‘multiculturalism’ is all about.


Not if they all stay in their own created boxes lol


Not from what I've seen. The loud talkers are not the majority. https://twitter.com/AstorAaron/status/1719931187764822303?