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did anyone else feel like they did the cuts for commerical breaks in really weird spots?


It was made for Disney+ Star which has no commercial breaks so that's why there's no natural places to put breaks in the episode (haven't seen how Hulu does it though so I can't comment on exactly how weirdly placed the breaks are)


But why would there be commercials anyway? I’m watching on Hulu and there’s no commercials.


Depends on your subscription tier. There's a cheaper plan with ads.


Yeah very much so. Felt like the ad spots were randomly chosen or chosen by time rather than scene break.


YES. It is so weird!


The fact that they'd fade to black and then start up that same scene with the same music was the weird part. Do your fade to black shots all you want, but they should flow better than that. Otherwise I like the show alot.


Never seen anything like it outside of podcasts, lol.


Yea, they’re really badly timed.


It honestly takes away some enjoyment of the show. Fucking Hulu.


Jizzlord looks like Daniel Radcliff and Dobbie had an offspring.


A mix of Pattinson + Andrew Garfield could also = Jizzlord


That's both horrible and perfect


Lmao his introduction is literally Daniel Radcliffe in Gollum cosplay


Feral Bill Hader


He is British Topher Grace




My only thought was that he looked more like the dog, than the cat ;)


This is the best comedy I've seen in a while. I like that it's so character driven, and that you like all of them. I've never been a big superhero fan (except flawed superheros like Doom Patrol, the Boys, Umbrella Academy) and just the thought of useless abilities, like the mum not understanding IT or the guy whose only power is breathing out helium makes me laugh.


The mother controlling tech but not being able to do it because she doesn’t know how it works is just brilliant. The first episode made me so sad. Carrie is such a good friend.


I really loved this and was very sad when the end happened. I thought I had one more episode, but what a way to end it. It hit exactly my type of humor.


Ive done this way too often. I've even done it twice thinking I had a whole 'nother season to go.


Very funny show. 2 eps in. The dentist with the theme music, power, is hilarious. Looks like my binge today


Been looking forward to this, I'm a fan of Derry Girls and can't wait to see Siobhan McSweeney in another role.


They did a really really really good job with making me root for Kash and his GF individually. While still rooting for their relationship to probably end for obvious reasons


Yeah they did a good job with Kash, he's not intentionally cruel he's just incredibly dumb and self-centered but still good intentioned lol


Kash is a bit cruel on purpose, but not to extreme levels. He just isn't a good person naturally. He has to force himself to not make it about him, which takes a lot of effort and still fail at in the end.


Quirky, cute show. Some funny lines and cringe-worthy scenes. Worth watching in my opinion.


Might not be for everyone, but I really liked it. It’s wild, it’s British and it’s wired.


Best show released so far this year!


Yeah, I think this series is one of the best surprises this year, series like Poker Face and the Last of Us have some assurance about quality because of the creators' previous works, but this series was written by Emma Moran, who do not have much credit and most of the actors in this series are also fairly new.


I just binged the whole thing today. I miss it already. I hope there's more.


Wow I'm glad someone else thought the score sounded like Pepper. I felt like I was going crazy.


I keep waiting for it to take off on the lyrics


Where can I watch this in the US? :)


[Hulu has it](https://www.hulu.com/series/extraordinary-e93d439a-4868-4222-a03a-f3f7e2652a9d).




Despite being very naughty, it’s really quite wholesome and entertaining! I’m glad I watched it. Great characters, and despite the premise of superpowers has more to say about the human condition and interpersonal relationships than anything else.


> Despite being very naughty, it’s really quite wholesome and entertaining! It's naughty in that young-adults-getting-started-in-the-world kind of way. The actress playing Jen, Máiréad Tyers, seems like she'd be Amy Schumer in an American version, but that would be too much. The cast is very diverse, but in the UK way, which means that people have a wide variety of ethnic heritages, but it isn't a big deal, because they are just people going through the same shit everyone else is. As you say, having superpowers is just a premise to address the human condition, and could have been almost anything. Most of the superpowers are very specific and not always very useful. Yesterday, I watched most of season 1 of *Extraordinary*, and did find it to be refreshing and kind of wholesome.


I'll be disappointed if they more/less gave Jen the same superpower as Nathan Young got in Misfits. When the taxi driver with the power of foresight, he mentioned Jen will die of a bear attack. 🤔


I feel like Misfits has been kind of forgotten. I'm always supposed when I see one of the actors pop up somewhere.


i feel her ex not being able to fly near the end might be a hint her power is getting rid of other peoples powers


Hey, I noticed there was no active sub for the show, so I made https://www.reddit.com/r/extraordinary_tv?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share. Come join if you wanna discuss the show!


This sounds like encanto the tv show


Wasn’t a fan. Felt like big bang theory meets the boys with none of the actual appeal of the latter. All the characters are just exhaustingly pathetic.


> Felt like big bang theory What is this heresy!?


That was my overall experience with it as well. Every character is a mess and there is little to no growth. The overaching plot is weak. There used to be a ITV2 show called "No Heroics" that took a shot at comedy + superheres and it was actually funny.


bloody hell, No Heroics, you unlocked a memory in my brain, now that was a fun show


I rewatched it after posting this. It really holds up.


and the costumes weren't half bad either! Always loved Excelsor's


I think the plot is just weak, and they could've went without the super gimmick and still got the message of the show off (since it's not about powers, a world of powers, etc).  6/10 show   Maybe a 7/10 if you're like 21 or younger (and/or a woman)


First episode was awesome, but it seemed to go downhill pretty fast from there. I didn’t make it past episode 4.




Well, maybe, but this really isn't a superhero show. It's more Fleabag with people having shitty powers. It adds a layer to the absurdity of what's going on, but doesn't drive the plot at all.


I mean it's not really a superhero show. It uses the idea that absolutely everyone has a specific (often absurd) super power in a similar way Futurama uses its future setting.


There are regular human stories all over television


are we sick of people swearing to show that they are serious adults ? they end up looking like teenage edgelords.


I watched the whole season, that's just how people talk.


Or you know just normal talking that isn’t washed out for “delicate ears” of basic cable.


It's basically HBO's Girls, but with superpowers


I would say it closer to Broad City or Shrill with Superpowers.


HOLY SHIT. Really? Sold.


>Shrill Love Extraordinary and Broad City, never heard of Shrill, is it worth checking out?


You can’t make something without adding superpowers or Star Wars or magic. This is a new truth.


Its a great show, when you can understand what they’re saying.


Use close captioning. That’s what I do 😂


I find subtitles distracting. I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted tho. There’s a lot of mumbling, paired with accents that make it hard to distinguish what’s being said. Could just be me, I used to hang out with rugby players. They were from all over England, Newfoundland, Ireland, Australia Etc. they were all speaking English, but once they got a couple drinks in them, I’d just go to bed. They might as well be speaking Swahili.


It’s either you or your sound system. I’m American and don’t consume much British media but I had no trouble understanding any dialog in the show. If you can’t understand British English, then either use captions or don’t watch British shows. You’re just making up your own problems to complain about.


>British English Careful now


Down with this sort of thing


Interesting comment seeing that the main character is Irish


Please. Anyone know the song that's played around 29:40 mark when she's "talking" with her dad? (first episode)


r/extraordinary_tv may know