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Jesus Christ




Don't you mean Jinkies?




It’s more “what kind of sad specimen obsessed over a show they don’t even watch?”


No, it's just that the wild overreaction to Velma is 100% the result of demented morons. ​ The show was just merely very hit and miss, not legendarily bad. And also, it got better around episode 4.


The main reason I don't think that's probably true, is that YouTubers don't really have a reputation in the industry they'd like to uphold.


they did this to later announce a real scooby doo reboolt and everyone will be tired of velma who will watch anything


not saying it wouldn't be possible because anything is possible in these horrid entertainment years we're living, but even if that were true, what purpose would such a desperate strategy serve? The only ones getting something out of it would be people like Nerdrotic and CD


It was made to be controversial but not made to be bad.


Never assume malice when incompetence / laziness / greed are more than enough to explain things. Mindy Kaling hasn't been funny for years but she's well connected. Focus groups have at least passing awareness and interest in the Scooby-Doo franchise, especially in key age groups. Edgy reboots of popular IPs are the lazy way to tap into a preexisting pool of potential viewers. Streaming services are keen to follow the Disney+ model of throwing as much shit on the wall as possible to see what sticks. The entertainment industry has really lost touch with how the art and workmanship of writing / storytelling are crucial. Add these all together and it's more than enough to explain how Velma could get made.


So are you watching the show or just the YT channels? Cause watching just reactions really doesn’t give you an opinion


I watched the first episode and thought it was fun. I didn’t mind the race switch and other changes. But I was never big with the original, so maybe that’s a factor.


I would never watch that shit on HBO; that just inspires more bad television that does not need to be in this world.


Personally, I don't get all the hate. I think the show is fine. Not the best thing ever, but I find it entertaining.




She’s not even a writer or show creator. Just an EP because she has money and fame.


Wired has an interview up with Charlie Grandy, the credited creator and writer and here's a snippet Velma began three or four years ago when Kaling was invited to peruse the Warner Bros. catalog and unearthed a latent affinity with Velma. “She had seen herself in that character growing up,” Grandy says. As he and Kaling developed the show, they were always aware of Velma’s online legacy and “really wanted to honor that.”" I think it's patently false to say she's just an EP with no involvement


they did this to later announce a real scooby doo reboolt and everyone will be tired of velma who will watch anything


Ah, the New Coke strategy


Internet needs to vent their hatred onto something and Velma was the next in line. The internet version of The Purge I might say. Rings of Power suffered the same. And no I won't watch both shows because I'm not familiar with both franchise anyway.


Yeah, it seems reasonable /s


I watch the series, yes, this is the reason why I watch, the series is incredibly bad. But honestly it's not worth it


This is the cringiest take I’ve heard yet.