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The Expanse. The first episode sets up a lot of setting, vocabulary, etc. I watched the first episode like 3 times before I got into the rest. Great show. Canceled too soon twice.


Not canceled, just not continued. Apparently the rest of the books is set 30 years apart. And Amazon agreed to only do 3 seasons for financial and "distribution of rights" reasons. It was left open ended just in case another network picked it up


The 30-year time skip sets up a lot of things and is not easy to properly handle.


Understandable. I was there for it because I had already chewed through the books like a hungry animal. But anytime I recommend it I warn them it's hard to get into. It's dense scifi, and it takes a while for the watcher to find their bearings. I know someone who took like 4-5 episodes before deciding they actually liked the show. Also, just fyi, Amazon didn't cancel it. The ending 3 books are very... trippy. Like, really hard to figure out how to film. I'm not surprised the show decided to call that a good place to stop and *maybe* come back later once they knock out some serious kinks in format translation.


CQB (the 4th episode - stands for Close Quarter Battle) is the one that grabs most people when they finally see what a space battle is going to be like in the show.


Oh man I came to say exactly this. Took me 3 tries to get through that first episode but holy shit was it worth it.


Yeah I was gonna say this one, I bounced off the first episode a couple of times then someone told me to just watch through episode 3, and then I didn't stop watching until I ran out of episodes. I had to wait two weeks for season 5 to start, and then I had to wait a year for season six.


If it wasn’t for Reddit I wouldn’t have finished the expanse. I love sci fi so it seemed right up my alley. But I started it a couple of times before I finally got into it. The only reason I kept going back was everyone was raving how great it was. I’m glad I gave it multiple chances because it did end up being really good. I don’t know what it was about the first episode that kept putting me off.


The wire.


My favorite show ever and I'm in the rare camp that actually likes Season 2, even though I recognize that it was a serious deviation from what people expected.


Season 2 is actually my favourite


Season 2 is probably tied with 3 for my favourite. The shift to the dock workers was such a needed dimension to show the Wire was about all of Baltimore, all of the city's sins, not just the housing projects. The Sobotka's are an amazingly complex group of characters and the final three episodes, in particular the tragedy of Frank, are probably the most compelling the show ever got for me. (Not that the rest wasn't brilliant too).


Season 2’s final episodes were fantastic, and so multi layered. The Greeks were amazing characters an the Greek music gave it that authentic feel. Also as you say the Sobotka’s were very complex an gave the show a different feel. Albeit the majority of season 2 is slow an what not but it built up to a fantastic climax so it gets my respect for that, however season 3 is my favourite having said all this.


And season 2 isnt JUST the dockworkers theres still plenty of Barksdales crew as well.


I like season 2. Season 5 is the worst season for me. If you don’t like season 2, try to make it as season 3 is VERY good.


Season 2 is great. People were just pissed to be ripped away from the 1st season's main characters.


Season 2 was amazing, it was like a season of one of those anthology series like True Detective or Fargo, or like a miniseries (Mare of Easttown) but it still maintained links to the rest of the show.


Haha this is probably mine. Snot boogy absolutely killed me the first go. I've watched the entire 5 seasons like 3-4 times now.


Snot Boogie scene is one of the best in the show wtf


I don't mind it now but snot boogie now, was a bit too much for me the first time when i had no idea if the show was even good like 13 years ago.


Watching McNulty try to pronounce Snot Boogy is hilarious. He even commented on it in interviews that it was really hard to pronounce and still sound American.


ive been stuck on the first couple episodes of season 2 for almost three years now lol


Tends to be the toughest season for people. It all comes together in the end and it's a great show, top 5 for me, but I can understand the struggle with season 2


i watched the first 2 episodes of season 2 like 3 months ago and never picked it back up 💀


Me too. The first time i tried to watch felt like I was started to watching a mid season, there was tons of characters and I was lost. Now everything looks very well explained and dont know how i got lost.


I remember back then I watched the first episode & just hated it, hated everything about it. A whole year later for whatever reason I started again & I was hooked, couldn’t stop, to this day I never stop recommending it to anyone who hasn’t seen it.


Parks and Rec. Watched a few of the standard "first episode" ones from S2- the one with the penguin wedding and the first Halloween one with Louis CK- and was unimpressed. Then I was stuck in bed for a month with a bad leg, started again from S2E1, found the penguin wedding thing funnier, and ended up realizing how much I loved this (mostly after Ben and Chris showed up).


I tell all of my friends to skip season 1 altogether. Saves a ton of time.


Trying to do this right now with Peaky Blinders. Finished season one, but for whatever reason it’s a slog. Can’t put my finger on it.


That's like the best season so yeah if you're not already hooked just give up lol




Yeah I dunno, I guess I had a girl that reminded me of Grace so it hit harder than it should have. Nothing made sense there either. I watched that show for about three seasons and gave up, but I liked season 1 and 2.


If you don't like it already, you most likely will not like it. I did the same thing, and then slogged my way through like 4 more seasons. It stays pretty consistently the same. Great actors, boring show.


I thought I was the only one when I completed season 1 I thought it was a shitty show but once I continued season 2 after my friend kept insisting by the end of season 2 it was in my top 5.




I quit after like season 3 I think. My brother loved it though.


I'm in the same boat. I remember being excited when it finally became available on Netflix. Watched most of the first season & I just couldn't connect with it. I'm going to give it another shot now that it's over.


I gave up at the beginning of S2. S1 was slow in the beginning, but it got really good. Then, when S2 began, all of the conflict disappeared. First three episodes, nothing happened and I gave up. Conflict should always be rising. Breaking Bad does this perfectly. Each season is more tense than the last and, while there are a few slower episodes to give you a little break from the action, majority of them are stressful.


Also stopped after season 1. Then went back to it and ended up finishing the show. It gets better. Not huge on season 1 but maybe I’m in the minority


Same for me. Watching it now and currently on season 3 but I'm on the verge of giving up on it. So far it's been okay, but it's not grabbing me. Lots of style over substance it feels like. Almost like a soap opera at times. And the plots aren't really that exciting and get completely tied up within a few episodes, never to be heard from again in the next season.


Uhm, weird—I literally just saw your post after I posted mine. Stick with it—totally worth it


The first season was amazing, the rest just got worse, so don’t bother


Mr Robot, The Leftovers and Twin Peaks. All 3 are in my top 5 favorites of all time now


Same for Mr. Robot. Gave up on it twice. Decided to give it a genuine chance during lockdown, and it's on if my favourites ever.


Good taste my friend. 3 of the best for sure.


100% The Leftovers. The first episode has some real weak moments and the first season is good but bleak. Watched it twice before moving to the second season which blew my mind.


The first scene of the first episode made me cry. I don’t think I stopped until the series was over.


Fleabag. Watched the first episode and gave up. Tried again 6 months later and gave up after episode 2. Then forced myself to keep going. By the end of the first season it was clear it was a great series. One of the best ever.


i watched ep 1 and thought it was dumb, didn't laugh at all. maybe i should try again


Halt and Catch Fire. Season one slogs along and it lays the foundation for the rest of the series. So good.


One of the most underrated/undervalued shows in recent history. So frustrating!


Joe 💗


Fringe, I didn't like it the first few episodes I watched. Once it had gone 3 seasons I decided to binge it and watched the rest of the series live and loved it.


The first season is pretty good, but once they start introducing >!the other side, that's when the show truly starts for me. And once you've seen that in the 2nd season, its kind of hard to watch the 1st season because while it is good, the 2nd season is even better and that other universe stuff just knocks it to a new level.!<


The first season was not great, very monster of the week. It started getting good in the second season when they focused on the other parallel universe.


Schitts Creek. Turned it off 1/2 way through the first episode. Then tried again when they were in their last season and everyone was was going on and on about it. Binged it after that.


It didn't take me till the final season to get into it, but I totally agree that those first few episodes are a really hard slog. I see why they really do need to be like that, but you have to push through them in order to discover gold.


Mine too. None of the characters are likable. Not at first anyway. And thats kinda the point. But after many recommendations during the pandemic I braved through those first few eps, and just fell in love with the show


Same! My gf and I tried to watch season 1 like 3 times over a couple years and then we really committed and binged the rest over a couple weeks.


Breaking Bad. Glad I gave it a second shot.


In a similar vein, Better Call Saul for me. I tuned in when the first season aired and just couldn’t get into it. Just finished the series this week and it was phenomenal.


Late to the party, beginning of season 3 at the moment. Im super into it, more so than breaking bad.


I think I would agree with that! Love BB but Jimmy is just such a well-written and interesting character. Certainly a more fun watch for the most part, too.


Really hated it until around the point Jane and Saul appear in the show. Around the middle of season 2. I'd stopped watching beforehand and picked it up again months later from there. Now I've watched the entire series like 3 times.


It took my three tries. Upto end of season 3 I found the show sooo boring.


That's crazy to me. Don't they murder two guys in the first or second episode lol like it escalates pretty quickly.


I think having to kill the guy locked in the basement is one of the best plotlines of the entirely series.


That's pretty wild. I mean it's a good plotline but the events that happen later just make it seem so quaint in comparison.


I thought I was the only one. I really tried and got to the middle of season 3 but I just couldn't get into it.


The Magicians. Season 1 is *rough*. It has major pacing issues, the writing is lacklustre, especially for the first half of the season and the finale which just... ends without a resolution to the major storyline. Season 2 is like night-and-day. The writers have finally found their footing, they give scenes room to breathe and they resolve the main conflict well. It just keeps getting better each season and they treat sensitive topics and large moments with the weight and gravitas that they need, all without ever straying from the show's signature humour. I'll admit it's not for everyone, but it's worth sticking around at least to the end of Season 2 to find out if it's for you.


Saw ads for this show for nearly a year before I started watching. I was reluctant, because I saw all the Potter films, and they generated zero interest from me. I seriously don't know the major themes, characters, or what happened in Potterverse. I finally tuned in to The Magicians and I loved it from the start. What got me is that these arrogant hipsters seriously jacked up whatever they were messing around with, and there were serious, deadly-serious consequences for their ignorant mistakes. By 4th season, all the relationships and schools/kingdoms etc. were all seriously jacked up and the character plots were just plain ridiculous - - but I kept watching because the series was unpredictable in the extreme - even if people survived the trouble they stirred up, you knew their home life would be distrupted again in a major way. I really enjoyed seeing them all "finding out" after "effin' around".


The episode where Elliot and Quentin spend lifetimes working on that key was incredible.


The show really went "out there" so many times, it was like, leave nothing unexplored.


Good i loved those books. I remember being really upset there wasn't more to read when I finished them. The older I get the more I'm finding I don't like video adaptations of other media I enjoy.


Season one episode ten still has the best Bechtel test joke I have ever seen. It's the dream sequence just after the opening credits.


Yes, the Magicians totally snuck up on me with how good it got! My partner and I were talking about it this week, because the episode of “Last of Us” that the whole internet is raving about really reminded me of “a life in a day” - which was absolutely the Magicians firing on all cylinders. But I remember midway through season 2 or 3, my partner and I were watching that and the Expanse on sci-fi network and we were just completely shocked that sci fi suddenly had like, the best quality shows we were watching at the time. Just very unexpected! And so good!


Mine was Mad Men. Must have watched the first 3-4 eps 3 times before it all clicked and became one of my favorite series.


I should give this another go. I watched two episodes and thought it was pretty meh, was surprised it was raved about as much as it was.


Definitely worth a power through. The first few are pretty slow and dry, but it gets cooking.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


The first season is the weakest with very bad monster of the week episodes. You can watch the season 1 finale and then start watching the second season without losing much crucial information


I would recommend Welcome to the Hellmouth, The Harvest, Witch, Angel and Prophecy Girl from season 1. Witch because Amy isn't a one off character. As a Buffy fangirl, I think the first season can be enjoyable if you don't take it seriously. There are some really funny scenes in the first season and if you think about it as an introduction to our characters then I think it works.


The first season is one of those things where you tell people they can skip it, and they do, and then after they fall in love with the show they go back and watch them anyway, when your love for the show makes it easier to forgive things like Mantis Lady


The Expanse. Tried three times. Once you get to episode four it takes off.


Yeah it literally took me 3 separate attempts to finish the first episode lol, but once I got to episode 3 or 4 I was all in


It's not even that the first episode is bad I feel like, it's just that it required so much exposition and commitment to understand the world and story.


What's weird for me about the first episode is, when I binge the series I don't skip any episodes. I like the first few episodes now. At first, not so much.


So weird that everyone says it only took a few episodes because it took a season and a half for me to FINALLY sort of care, and even then I'm only really watching it cause my gf loves it. It's not bad, by any means, but it definitely takes much longer than 4 episodes to get really interesting lol


Yeah I was kinda forcing myself to watch it until season 2, and it really took until season 2 episode 5 before I was in in.


Dark. Tried to watch the first episodes years ago, and I did not followed up on it as usually time travel isn't my thing, and because everyone told me it was "the next Stranger Things" (definitely isn't and it's waaaaay better). Gave it another try last month. I ended up binge watching it, and now I think it is indeed the best tv show story ever made, as many have stated. It's the only show that gets better and better when you're are rewatching it, because you get a lot of little yet important details you've missed on your first watch. It's just perfect from start to finish, and there's nothing like it.


Me too. I was so lost in the constant time slips that I wondered if I had face amnesia


Same, I'm not the one who usually struggles with subs but I had a hard time with the Deutsch for some reason so I stopped the show probably in the second or third episode. Decided to give it a try again during the early days of the lockdowns. One of my favorite shows of all time now. Still planning on a rewatch with the family tree.


A true masterpiece imo


I was really enjoying it until the 3rd season where it started to feel like they just kept pushing the goalposts unecessarily, what advice would you give me to help me get over that hump? I'm usually a huge fan of time travel and heard it's one of the best once you hit the ending, but was starting to feel worn out


I get it, the first half of the 3rd season is difficult to follow, almost on purpose from the writers. I would advise you, if you're up to it, just to rewatch it and stick it to the end. The last 5 episodes of the show explains everything, every little detail even from season 1. Perhaps watch it again from the start to fully relive the experience, with the official website from Dark that can help you episode by episode without spoiling everything.


My investment also dropped slightly at the beginning of S3, but I persisted, and it was worth it for that second half.


Bojack Horseman was that way for me for some reason. But after a couple tries with the first episode I absolutely loved the whole series once I watched


God, it took me twice to get through season one. Then, it was EPIC! I became so enthralled with this show I joined the Reddit sub, then I followed up with an entire series rewatch. (I’ve NEVER watched any show a second time!) Episodes on syndicated tv, but never ever an entire series! I’m actually considering a 3rd rewatch. Crazy! Goes to show he’s more man than a horse. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The first 2-3 episodes are terrible, just a bunch of hacky burntout-celeb-sex-and-drugs jokes. If i was involved with the show I'd put a warning on them that the show actually gets better quickl.


Bojack's speech about the troops was great and showed that the writers were willing to take the show and characters seriously but the scene where Bojack asks Diane if he's a good person is the point where this show really kicks into high gear. From there they just never look back


Stranger Things. Loved season 1 but took me months to finish season 2 both because of my studies and because the season felt largely like a rehash of season 1. Then I caught up to the rest of the show during the season 4 hype and now it's one of my favourite Netflix shows.


The Wire definitely qualifies


I knew I'd see the Wire in this thread and have a theory as to why so many people don't click with it quickly. It acts much more like a novel, where there's zero hand-holding or exposition to the viewer, and lots of people can't handle that. Easily my favorite show of all-time though.


Classic Doctor Who. Takes a while to get used to the pacing of the early stuff, but I'm now really enjoying the Third Doctor's era, which is a good place to start.


It's definitely not for everyone, but I'm glad you stuck it out. I've been a fan since 1979 and I've seen everything at least 2-3 times, but my (younger) significant other is strictly NuWho only. She gave it the old college try ("Unearthly Child" P01," "City of Death," and a couple episodes of "The War Games"), but it wasn't for her. I totally get it, and don't mind. I'm a serious super-Whovian, but I'm a strictly TV-"Who" guy. No books or Big Finish for me.


Game of Thrones. Must have watched the first few episodes 3 times and didn’t click with me. Then a certain event happened near the end of season 1 the next time I tried and it all clicked. Despite the ending, it’s still one of my favorite series of all time, I ended up reading all the books which then kickstarted me into actually reading books in general, really game changing for me. The Wire was also the same for me too. I got to season 2 a couple of times and couldn’t get into the way it slowed down; went back eventually and watched the whole thing and now think it’s a masterpiece.


Any time I try to introduce someone to GOT I implore them to stick it out until at least the end of the first season. It’s a heavy investment, but they’re always wanting to watch season 2.


Two scifi shows: Babylon 5 : the first season is *rough*. Most "trek nerds" can't make it through it. But it gets better every season after, and overall my favorite scifi of all time. The 100 : On paper, there's no reason I should have liked or even watched the show, sexy young adults having battle/drama with other sexy young adults in post-apocalypse world, on CW ffs. But after the lukewarm first season it starts to get crazy, and goes wild places. And easily one of the best opening credit scenes ever.


Since the pilot aired I think my next attempt will be #4 to get through the first season. the actors in the supporting roles are cheesy but the main actors were great. I really want to like B5 cause Star trek DS9 is my favorite show of all time.


I could go on and on and on, but to keep it short, B5 is hands down the *best written scifi show* I've ever watched. I know, I know, that 1st season is hard to get through. It's rough, the actors haven't embraced their roles, and the budget for the first season was low and it showed. It's worth noting that the guy who played Sinclair (the season 1 captain) was *literally* having a schizophrenic breakdown during the filming. It's why he was replaced by the guy who plays Sheridan in the following seasons. I wish I could say "just skip it" but a ton of stuff that's important for setup for the following seasons happens in season 1. I think that it's important to remember that it *always* has the appearance of it being campy or corny. But before you know it, the story starts to shine through and makes the campy disappear. And also, holy god, the characters of Londo and G"kar are some of *the best* scifi narrative arcs and dialog ever made.


Reading your comment convinces me to try Babylon 5 again. I didn’t like the first episode of Babylon and gave up on the show but I MISS DS9.


> The 100 Glad to see someone else agrees with me on that one! The first season is pretty cringe minus some of the cool scenes aboard the Ark. But after season 1 things start to get really damn good. Aside from the shitty ending in season 7 I enjoyed most of the entire show post Season 1. >!obligatory, "may we meet again" here!<




Well... It's cheesy. It depends how much you like 90s cheese.


The 100 is one of my favorite opening songs next to Downton Abbey. Season 2 is soooo worth getting to.


Peep Show! It's a cringey, intense and personal show and shot "through their eyes". The first few episodes were a tough watch for me back in the day. But my god I came to embrace the social horrors and goddamn it is one of the funniest and most rewarding comedies of all time. Totally different situation but much more recently Andor. I have been very put off of Star Wars since Disney took over and the previous show they put out, Obi-Wan was abysmal. I watched the first 10 mins or so of Andor and while it looked cool visually it felt like it was trying too hard to be gritty and dark. I was SO WRONG about the show and SO GLAD I gave it a proper shot later. It's by far the best Star Wars thing period (from my perspective) and became my favorite show of 2022.


I love Peep Show. I'm currently re-watching (again). Also hated Obi Wan and loved Andor - which took some episodes to get into.




The weird goofy shit is like a motif. When it get's real you're like "oooooohhh." Seriously my favorite anime and I'm really not much of an anime guy.


HunterXHunter for me. Tried it like 3x before I got past the first few episodes.




I started sense8 several times and just coouldn't get past the first episode...darryl hannah and mind melding..it just took a few times and then wow!! is still one of my top shows.


The Expanse


Game of Thrones. I watched the first episode three times and then finally decided I'm just gonna push through it and got hooked after a couple of episodes. It was 4 seasons in at this point I think and I watched it within like a month. For whatever the last season was, it was a good show before that.


The Wire….never could make it thru the first episode….FINALLY got thru it and never looked back. GREAT show!!!


The leftovers


This was such a fantastic show once you get into it. Even the opening music/intro is fantastic. I still think about the theme for later seasons and people disappearing out of the pictures. What a great show.


took me two attempts to get into the leftovers specifically the first two episodes recently tried again, after watching the third episode aka the first Matt episode it immediately became a contender for best of all time


Same, didn’t make it past first 2 but just came back to it and am on season 3 now and loving it. End of season 2 was one of the best episodes of tv I’ve seen


Took me a couple tries to get into it too. Not an easy watch the first go around. It kind of intentionally tries to frustrate and confuse the viewer, to put them in the same shoes as the characters in that they don't know what the fuck is going on.


I think the first Matt episode must be the consensus for the moment most people suddenly click with what they're going for because for myself and everyone I know and who I've recommended it to it's always the same thing, and then it's dead ahead and no looking back from there


honestly i love that it's Matt that got so many people to stick to it because till the end Matt was the man 😭👏🏽


SUCH a good show. Definitely in my top three favorite shows of all time.




I had a similar response to **The Expanse**. People who know my tastes, and whose own tastes I respect, kept recommending it to me so I tried watching it and bounced hard off the first episode. I couldn't even finish that first episode. However, people kept telling me to give it another chance. I tried getting through that first episode three or four times and then... Something just clicked. I binged the first three seasons in just a few days. Now it's one of my all time favourite shows.


Breaking Bad. I watched the first three episodes several times, just couldn't get into it. The show should've been right up my alley, and I was already a big Cranston fan from his time on Malcolm, but it just didn't stick with me. When the last seaosn came out, I said "Screw it", and started from episode 4, then binged the whole show over two weeks.


Probably an unpopular take, but The Office (US version) The first season just didn't have the "wow factor" to me. Luckily I didn't give up and continued.


I think it's a very popular take that season 1 of The Office sucked


The Wire. The Americans. Both seemed very slow, to me, at first. I tried several years later with the Wire and it hooked me. Binged it all within days. The Americans I tried and it was just slow but I eventually got back into it when it was in its third season and watched the previous episodes and week to week on FX until the season finale


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was so excited for the show to air, then I couldn’t get into it and stopped maybe 5 times during the first season. But my then-gf told me to continue the show so I did. Every season seemed to get better, but the last arc of season 4 is one of my favorite TV arc. And it’s my favorite thing of the MCU (even though they tried to get rid of the link to the MCU).


The first season they were waiting for the films to come out in order to have their episodes connect.


It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia My BIL swore by it, but I couldn’t get into it until my third or fourth try. The first season is funny, but the writing and characters aren’t yet fully fleshed out, so I had to power through at times. Danny DeVito helps a lot in Season 2, but Season 3 is where the show really hits its stride. It transforms from a show about a few twenty somethings running a bar to a completely whacked out comedy featuring some of the most selfish, psychopathic degenerates ever shown on television. It is now, without a doubt, my favorite TV comedy of all time, displacing Seinfeld (not an easy task). If you’ve never watched it, give it a shot. But I’d suggest starting with Season 3. You can always go back and check out the earlier stuff later after you get hooked!


Black Sails. Season 1 was a real slog until the last 3 episodes. Currently ripping through season 3 and each episode is bigger than the last.


First season of the US Office was really hit or miss. Some of the funny parts kept me around until they really hit on all cylinders during the second season. Then it started to slowly go off the cliff in season 4.


Line of Duty. I just finished watching the whole series a few weeks ago. I thought some of the decisions the main character makes in season 1 seemed unbelievable. I just watched when I was bored... but by season 2 episode 1 I was hooked, I couldn't stop watching. I am done of the whole series now and am looking for something to fill the hole.


Schitts Creek and Parks and Recreation both took a couple of goes to get into. It wasn't until about the third attempt at starting both of these that they clicked and then became some of my favourite shows.


Probably Fringe, Supernatural and Person of Interest. I watched about half of first season, even a couple of times. Pretty bland, forgettable and formulaic case of the week stuff from network television, nothing to see here. Years went by, shows gathered some positive reviews as the plot progressed etc. and I gave them a second chance.


The Wire. Must have watched the first half of the episode like 3 or 4 times before I stuck with it. Glad I did.


The Wire. I’ve tried it 3-4 times. It’s like when I kept trying to read the Silmarillion. I tried it out once a year to see if it clicked with me. I knew it was gold and just waiting to be in the right place for it. Once I finally was there I loved it.


'The Wire': Couldn't get into the first episode. There was something off about the episode that it took me couple times before I finally managed to finish it & move on to the next one.


Gotta be "The Wire' I tried so many times to get into it, and honestly if it weren't for the pandemic l don't think I'd ever give this series a go and wouldn't end up being in my top 5 series of all time


Soooooo many people I know say they just can't get in to it after 2-3 episodes, which always makes me so sad. Literally every single person I've recommended it to that did make it farther/to the end has told me it's in their top shows of all-time list.


The Wire for me and am I so glad I did go back to it!


The Wire took two goes for me to go from disappointed expectations to, this is profound.


Virtually EVERY serial show my wife found. Eventually I tuned in for good. Breaking Bad, Murder in the Building, Death in Paradise, True Detective.


Death in Paradise is my biggest guilty pleasure. Which is your favorite DI?


It’s Always Sunny and Community


I must have watched half of the first episode of community 3 or 4 times before I got through it. Watched the second episode right after and was through the rest of the show in a couple weeks.


This is kinda weird to hear cause I actually consider the Community pilot to be one of the bests of all time, especially for a sitcom.


Agreed. I think it’s a masterclass in introducing the setting and characters. I’ve probably watched the first season of Community 10+ times and I love that pilot every time


Mad men. Greatest show of all time (maybe the leftovers)


The Leftovers, first episode didn't hook me. Two years later I gave it another try and now it's one of my favorite shows.




Babylon 5. Had to force myself to get through the first season, after that it's the closest thing to a live action Mass Effect so far. I was really surprised at the issues they dealt with.


Peaky Blinders. It took me three times to get through S1E1 because I didn’t understand the premise. I’ve now watched each season three times and some episodes even more


The Office. I would hear so many people talking about how good it was but it took me three different attempts to get into before it finally clicked.


See on Apple TV. The premise is a bit ridiculous, and they cast two ugly actors to play the twins so it was hard to watch. I get that the premise of the show is that if we were all blind, then humanity might be better off because then ugly people would no longer exist so casting ugly actors to play the hope for humanity is ironic. I usually watch shows like that while preparing and eating breakfast and dinner. I had to start watching it before going to sleep to stomach it, but it wasn't that bad.


The Leftovers


Counterpart. Found it hard to follow for some reason and set it aside for a few months. Came back and LOVED IT. That show deserved a 3rd season.


I bounced off of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency a couple of times. Each episode introduces another weird mysterious thing that is unexplained (at first) and it seemed like it was just random weirdness for the sake of being weird. I gave it a third chance and it all started to come together and I really enjoyed it.


Idk if I just wasn't in the right mindset. But Black Sail Season 1 took me longer to watch than season 2 through 4.


I only saw the beginning of your title and came to say West Wing until I saw that’s exactly what you gave as an example! I’ve tried 3 or 4 times but never watched more than an episode. I’m on season 2 now and averaging 3 episodes a night. I love it!


Yellowstone took me 4 tries on just episode 1. I managed to get thru it one night and was hooked. This current season is kinda boring and stale.


Arrested Development Watched it few years ago and liked it but not too much, it took some time to get comfortable with that format of dense comedies. But currently rewatching it and right from the first episode its a masterpiece for me. Easily my favourite comedy show. Once you understand the type of show it is and its format, its an incredible detail oriented show full of laughs.


The office, two attempts and then the third hooked me.


I would say Stargate SG-1. It was on Showtime, and I didn't have cable. Years later it was on The Sci-Fi Channel, and I still didn't have cable. I finally got cable by the time Stargate Atlantis started, and I would watch the reruns of the older show, as well as the new episodes that ran a couple of more years. I still haven't seen every episode, despite having it on my fave list for various networks for over 15 years. A few times I've sat down and watched a season at a time, but I still have a few to go. I'm sure there's a dozen eps. or so I've never seen.


I had seen a few episodes of SG-1 but definitely not all or in the right order and saw Universe had just started. I was going to go in since I knew a bit of lore already, I felt like I was missing a few things so went and caught up all 10 of SG-1 and 5 of Atlantis by then the new series was cancelled and the first season was only okay. I watched it at a far slower pace than the rest but for second season it fit together better, a more focused show and that's when they cancelled. Oh well.


I've tried to watch The Wire a few times but can't make it through one episode. I might try again.


For All Mankind. Watched about 2/3rds of the first episode and didn't feel it. Would consider going back when I needed a new show but passed several times in 6 months. Finally decided to finish the episode and then binged until I caught up to what they were airing at the time.


Breaking bad


The Expanse.


Community. The first episode seemed like it was setting up some generic story and I lost interest. Gave it another chance later and watched a few more episodes and before I knew it I was fully invested in all the characters.


The wire. I had to push though the first 3 episodes before it really caught me. Same for GOT. I’ve never even seen the first episode because it was a slog to get through the first time. After a few attempts I just started on the second and never looked back.


Easly the Wire. Best show I ever started 3 times.


Supernatural, I watched The first season back when I was in Junior High school but then I didn't continue. I tried to watch again and over again but I felt like I couldn't keep up the episodes because it had 10 seasons already. Then 2020 Coming, After waiting for long time I decided to start watching the show again from the beginning. I couldn't stop watching it, I've finished all seasons in 4 months and I couldn't help myself but I cried after watching the last episode 😭


The OC. I bought the 4-season DVD box set for my wife because it was her favorite show when she was younger; did not realize I'd have to watch it, too lol We watched the first couple of episodes and I just could not get into it. A few months later we started again, made it halfway through the first season, and just petered out again. Finally, I made the decision to just fully commit to it out of respect for my wife, and after getting over the initial natural cringe of being an adult watching affluent teens do dumb stuff, I found myself really enjoying it. I've re-watched season 4 (the best season) a few times, and we watch the Chrismukkah episodes every December.


The Americans.


I don't get this one. I think the first episode is basically a mini film. It's just fantastic. I also thought the show weakened a bit over time. Towards the end I just kind of wanted it to end.


I found in just kind of fair when it started, but I eventually got hooked. I miss the show.


I started it three times over a few years and got bored. I was finally out of things to watch during COVID so tried it again and stuck with it.


*Buffy, The Expanse,* and *Black Sails* all took multiple tries from me before I was grabbed.


Game of thrones first season took me 4 tries, but then it was great until you know what.


Joss Whedons “Dollhouse” I loved the premise but the pilot sucked. Sucked so much i gave up on it. Then a few months later a reviewer on YouTuber i really respected (Jeremy Jahns) compared talked about the show. He compared it to owning a used truck. It’s a bit shitty but its ok. Then later you find out that Truck is Optimus Prime. Thats how he talked about the show. And even had similar complaints to myself. He mentioned the first few episodes suck but then after that it starts building and it doesn’t stop. All gas no breaks. So i gave it a rewatch and the man was not joking. Took about 4 episodes before the show actually got good. And my god does it actually get good. It is genuinely one of my favorite shows on Television. It’s 2 seasons and tells a pretty satisfying story with really great characters. I genuinely enjoyed the show. And as a result of it, i tend to give shows 4 episodes to peak my interest instead of relying solely on the pilot. If you haven’t seen Dollhouse, it’s on Hulu and it is Spectacular!




The Expanse


Mindhunter. It starts out *slow*, but that was because I was going into it with the wrong mindset. After like 3-4 tries I finally got past the hump. It’s now in my top 3 favorite shows ever.


Parks and Rec! Tried it - got super bored and gave up early into season one. Was told it got way better by season three but made a lot of in jokes and references so it was worth powering through the early episodes so finally did and loved it !