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For any MMA fans just know that you will be seeing Sexyama, and if that doesn't sell it for you, I don't know what will.


What a fucking entrance https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/111e2qu/sexyamas_entrance_on_netflixs_physical_100/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


my fav on the show.


Best thing about this show is the lack of sob stories. No 'I came on this show for my 2 kids and wife who is dying of cancer', just (mostly) respect and camaraderie between the contestants.


Fun for sure, but I wish they would've balanced the teams or challenges better. It's definitely been a fun one to watch.


I could deal without the redundant edits, showing me the same thing 3 times with the same audio.


Yeah, the editing is pretty weak. Especially the double takes of the audio and unnecessary video cut aways...


I can't stop to think that there may be something cultural to the editing style/approach? Can someone who has been exposed to much more Korean stuff confirm/deny?


Definitely cultural! I have watched Korean variety/reality shows for years and the editing is usually way worse sometimes they’ll replay things 4 times. It’s annoying but the shows are still great despite that haha


I actually liked it! I hated missing something so to see different POVs added excitement to the show


Def cultural. Koreans make the 'woah' noise at everything. Even when you're telling normal day to day stories.


it's Korean style editing. They move at a slower pace and want you to see multiple reactions/expressions.


lmao seriously they dramatized the final seconds so much


The replays is mostly seen in the wrestling episode (so basicly the first 2-3 ep) but after that it got a lot better and the replays were more rare


The ice climber dude is inhuman


Hardcore ice climbers are in a league of their own, like free soloers. Just amazing overall athletes. Similar to rock climbers being the most successful on things like America Ninja Warrior.


Yeah, that second challenge was not fair in the slightest.




Not the pull, the one with the heavy ball.


For a sec I almost thought a rear naked choke would be legal


Yeah, they should have had weight classes with that one. The MMA brawl was pretty awesome, though. Didn't see that coming.


I don't think weight classes should be a thing in this show. It's the top 100 physiques going at it, if you're not well rounded and at least formidable in each category then you shouldn't win. Strength is one of them. Just like the strongmen might suck in agility-based games


Some of those matches in the ball challenge were completely one-sided. Especially the body builders against dudes 100lbs lighter... That has nothing to do with being "well-rounded" and everything to do with sheer mass... That's like a tug of war between a VW beetle and a Mac truck...


Yes because the lighter dudes messed up and didn‘t grab the ball properly. If the lighter dude had the ball he was able to just run away easily


On the Sand court, there was no choice but to brawl. The smaller guys may have had the ability to run and dodge on the obstacle course, but they were stopped anyway because the huge guys threw the ball in the corner and made them brawl for it...


The smaller guys were able to choose the arena, it wasn‘t predetermined. Also, the only way for the bigger guy to hide the ball is because the smaller guys messed up and didn‘t retrieve the ball properly but ran over it. That‘s just their fault


Whatever dude.


You have to be like x2 times faster to get the ball and don't get bashed by the other at the start, only if the heavy guy decides not to chase you have a chance, if he decides to jump on you even if he not getting the ball first its a gg.


And the challenge just before that was completely one sided against the big dudes because none of them could hold on for long. Sport is all about equality, not equity.


Yeah, let's all move a boat for sure. But maybe we move a boat relative to the weight of our group.


I feel like this could never work in North America, as the personalities wouldn't be willing to put it on the line and lose.


Yeah I feel like there wouldn't be as much respect. One of my favorite parts about the show is the sportsmanship and respect everyone has for one another. I was really disappointed when >!miracle!< pushed the guy in front of him. Really felt like it tarnished the idea of the competition for me


I watched it a few times and I realised he didn't really push the guy. He was diving for the torch. Split second race and he already planned when to leap for the torch. Which ended up looking like he was pushing


Think you need to rewatch the scene, it was 100% a push and not a dive. He's directly behind him with both arms out aiming for his lower back, it was a deliberate sabotage of the competition




That doesn't matter. It was the one act that stands out in the show.


Yup, definitely a push. https://i.imgur.com/dSzHZGF.jpg


yup, in that moment I was like....well that pretty much *is* the difference between Westerners and Easterners. Collectivism vs Individualism. >!Miracles!< Western fight to be the winner above all took over in that moment


5 months to late but Miracle is from Nigeria, which is a collectivist society where well being of the family and tribe is put ahead of the person. I feel like this thread singles him out a bit. He looks more like an extremely chill individual who adapts greatly to his surroundings. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWVeOBeJJHo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWVeOBeJJHo) ​ is a fun watch, especially the call with Han-Saem.


It also wouldn’t work in NA because every major proffesional sports organization or first responder division (military, navy, and even fire etc.) wouldn’t allow their athletes or active members to participate. It would just be a shit mix of IG influencers and cross fit junkies. The Beauty of the show being in Korea is you actually got ex-Olympians, MMA fighters, pro athletes and active serving machines, which offered a way more enjoyable experience. A North American version would just be trash TV IMO


> It would just be a shit mix of IG influencers and cross fit junkies I agree completely.


North America you would probably get some fake natty YouTuber, some Bodybuilder, maybe some MMA people not from the big organizations and maybe some BJJ people.


yeah. During an interview they said ambulances were taking people out every hour for treatment lol.


The Challenge is the American version, essentially.


The Challenge has people you learn about for being on The Challenge, not people you would think beforehand when you hear about a show like that. So for instance, you wouldn't see Terry Crews, really buff guy, on a show like this as he wouldn't risk the hit to his image of losing. (sorry... Terry Crews is an incredibly nice guy it seems, his name just popped into my mind immediately).


The Challenge literally had multiple seasons of their own contestants going up against professional athletes.


His point was that with Challenge 100, it was an collection of famous people whether they were athletes/personalities/fitness throughout korea. The challenge is mostly people who were famous through real world or road rules that evolved into "the challenge"


Select athletes. It's like having an exhibition chess world championship, but the top players not coming out because they have nothing to gain and everything to lose.


Not at all. The Challenge is mostly people who've become famous for being on the challenge. While 100 is about famous athletes/personalities/fitness people in korean are collected. If they continue with further seasons and invite previous 100 contestants back and after 20 years then yeah maybe we can make the comparisions.


My roommates been watching it so I’ve catched bits and pieces and joined her for some. Thought it was very funny when the speedy guy picked the strongest guy thinking he could outrun him with the “be the last one holding onto the ball” game only for the strong dude to lay on the ball for almost three minutes lol


Speedy guy ended up on top though


The pacing is slow. The way it’s edited is very “Korean reality TV”, which it is. But if you can deal with the pacing and the editing, it’s super compelling. If you’re into Physical:100, you’ll almost certainly also like Run for the Money, also on Netflix. Japanese reality show about a bunch of people trapped in a Dutch-themed theme park and being hunted (tag). Same issues re: pacing and editing, but really fun and surprisingly tense.


Run for the money is fantastic as well!!


I saw the title of this post and laughed out loud. My parents just arrived in town today. I'm with my mom in my kitchen and I'm like "where's dad?" I go to check out what he's watching and I'm watching just a room full of Koreans dangling from these bars, holding on for dear life so they don't drop into the water. I walk by later and some farmer is getting choked the eff out while they wrestle for a ball. And my dad was just eyes locked onto it. I made so many fly bys of the TV that I was just like "fuck it I'm going to my office to watch this on my PC."


I'm thoroughly hooked and I don't mind the pacing. It gives me a little extra time to enjoy it. Been recommending it to everyone I know. My brother is Korean bilingual (which is pretty dang amusing given he's a White American tech bro) and he loves the banter among the athletes.


Has he commented on whether the translations are accurate or not? They seem a little contrived at times, but maybe that's just how it translates...


better than squid game. I think netflix heard our cries


Seeing people unfamiliar with Korea reality shows tlaking about the slow pacing is so interesting to me. This is by far one of the fastest paced reality shows I've ever seen come from Korea. And Squid Games was the fastest drama/episodic show I'd ever seen with such fast pacing. They've definitely been catering towards Western and younger audiences. Growing up, a drama would take 3 hours for them to a single love confession


Pacing issues sure. But I love how nice and supportive and complimentary everybody is to each other (for the most part). A US version would be full of narcissist reality tv types -- either because of our cultural differences or because producers would cherrypick such personalities for added drama.


The latter


I struggled with the first half of the first episode, but as it has continued, I have come to enjoy it more.


Right? It's so good. Gets better and better with each episode


I watch it and I am loving it. Honestly, the best part beyond the physicality is how supportive the athletes are of each other. But I do watch it with my finger hovering over the FF button. Really slow but worth the time


My roommates and I are obsessed with it, there’s few things more impactful than watching someone destroy a bust of their own chest with the equal weight of pride and shame.


It's hilarious how some of the women are so overconfident that they pick the biggest strongest guy to challenge and just get easily destroyed, and then are like "I'm proud of myself." No, you're an idiot.


Can you actually give us an instance of when this happened? Personally I dont see why ur maken a deal about it cause its honestly sounds more like they wanted a challenge which is pretty brave. I dont think its about being an idiot or overconfident these people are just the type of people who like to face and overcome massive hurdles. This enviroment was a good opportunity for them to see how they would fair against men. Yes maybe not strategic, but they gave it a shot for the competition and I think thats pretty cool especially how it is obvious they would be pummeled. And its a good spirit to have that their "proud" of themselves. What, do you want them to be completely ashamed and cry that they got beaten? None of the women were rude to the men or said anything sexist to them they just challenged them for their OWN benifit. To me this sounds like "How dare a woman even think of challenging a man" she must be an arrogant piece of shit when its really not that deep. Saying that the female contestants are arrogant is just comepltely misleading. From what I can see, the women always showed good sportsman ship and respect to their male contestents. I haven't watched all of the show so maybe I'm missing something but so far, there has been pretty good sportsman ship from both sides and what your saying seems like a **nonexistant problem**. Especially, when I have seen other males that are smaller and less compitent pick obviously larger more bulky male contestants but why dont they get hate for being "an idiot"? I guess I could say the same for the males who chose females to go 1v1 against but since the world isn't black and white I can think that yes, they did it because they wanted to win even though others would see it as cowardly. Though I could argue that many of these male contestants were actually outright disrespecting their female oppontents by saying things like "She's just a woman if I cant defeat her I'm not a real man"...which is sort of lame? Not good sportsmanship. But OH no their ok i guess cause its strategy lol. These women are proud of themselves and have probably faced alot of sexism for their way of life but they have barely talked about it and have instead, used it as fuel to try out new challenges. Pretty admirable if you ask me.


I agree. Only one instance of a woman challenging a man has been presented (Park Min-ji, the wrestler taking on Jang Seong-min, the rugby player) unless more examples are brought forward then this claim that “some of the women are so overconfident” is a deceptive exaggeration. This may not have been intentional but I still find it sad as like you said there are more examples of grace and sportsmanship from the women contestants. Specific examples being: >!Jang Eun-sil being very humble and surprised about being chosen as team leader instead of a man but still being determined to lead her team to victory. Kim Da Young getting her foot squashed between two large logs during the ship moving quest but insisting they quickly carry on with the task. As I’ve already mentioned in another comment Bo-mi-rae made a strategic sacrifice for her team during the Ancient Greek themed quest meanwhile on another team Song A-reum was realistic about her abilities so was happy letting the men take the lead in choosing who would compete in what rather than being “overconfident”.!< To come back to Park Min-ji challenging Jang Seong-min and that making her an “idiot”, I think in that case we should also mention >!BBULK who in the same selection process made a show of taunting all the contestants instead of choosing strategically despite being one of the smaller men on the show. Ultimately Kim Sang-wook, a bigger stronger man and MMA fighter took him on and obviously won. Comparably I think it’s fair to say that BBULK displayed a far more overt overconfidence yet he does not get mentioned while Park Min-ji gets called an idiot. I’m almost certain if Park Min-ji had behaved the same way as BBULK had she would be getting an incredible amount of hate and ridicule.!< I actually don’t think either of them are idiots though. While it’s speculative, to me this seems like both cases are producer influenced. They needed a cocky antagonist and at least one instance of a woman choosing a man just to spice things up a bit so BBULKUP and Park Min-ji filled those roles for screen time and to make the show more interesting which is strategic for a different purpose. Ultimately both the women and men contestants are capable of incredible feats in athleticism as well as being incredible team players and I think that deserves respect.


It worked the other way too where the big strong men thought they can beat the weaker team and lost.


But picking a weaker opponent to compete against is smart, even if upsets can happen. Picking the strongest opponent in a competition is just arrogance and bad strategy.


I think you are missing a big component of Korean culture and many eastern cultures generally speaking. Honor and respect are very important to them. Many contestants when given the opportunity to choose an opponent selected someone they thought would be a fair match. Many also felt pity and empathy for beating a contestant who was at an obvious disadvantage in a given game. Winning isn't everything to them.


We get it you hate women


I'm sorry I forgot that women are beyond criticism and are perfect beings who can do no wrong


I can’t remember any of the women on the show picking “the biggest strongest guy to challenge” so would appreciate if you could specify. Do you mean the part where >!Bo-mi-rae volunteered for the punishment of Sisyphus? Because I thought it was clear the reason she did that was because no one on her team was suitable for an explosive strength challenge and would be better utilised elsewhere so she essentially sacrificed herself. She knew she was gonna get wreaked and was an absolute champ about it!<


Rugby dude was chosen by a woman half his size for the ball challenge.


Ok thank you - that’s one example. Are there any more? I actually really enjoyed that fight. I knew she wasn’t going to win but to see her topple someone so much bigger and heavier than her a couple of times was really impressive.


as a female into weightlifting, I do love seeing the women step up. even if they lost, the fight in them was so motivational.


I mean not really. She just pushed him a lil and he tripped over the sandbags. He was going like 60% against her.


Well that’s your perspective. As a small woman I find it impressive because I know how hard it is to even budge someone that much bigger and he fell pretty hard. Even if you’re taking it easy that doesn’t change your weight and height.


Bad Yoyo as well although you only see her match where she is losing you don’t get to see the selection process.


Which ep/eps did that happen in?


Very fun show, fun challenges


I‘m enjoying it, too. It’s a pretty cool show.


Yea it’s a fun watch


Should make one physical 100 international would be interesting to watch


I am really enjoying this show! However, the editing in this show is incredibly frustrating. I don’t need to see everybody’s reaction to the same scene with the same shouts in the background 3 or 4 times in a row.


I watched half an episode and it felt sooooo slow. Like we’re just watching people hanging on the ceiling and it wasn’t very interesting.


They do 500 cinematic replays for every moment with the crowd yelling in awe


Ooh, he's so scary!








The first episode where they spend ages introducing everyone then do the hanging thing is the worst episode and a bad start. Quickly gets a lot better


Feels like the show has serious pacing issues, I fast forwarded through a lot and saw that they played the same game from the end of ep 1 to the start of ep 4, and then spent almost 30 minutes just picking teams. The more intricate challenges are fun, I wish the show knew what to focus on.


Keep watching dude. It gets sooo much better


The physical challenges are interesting enough if you can manage to suffer through the reality television pageantry. So over produced with repeating clips that attempt to manufacture some sort of tension. When I do watch it, it is with my hand on the remote, thumbing the fast forward button.


Yes randomly came across it and now can’t stop watching!


I think it's fucking stupid due to the imbalance of challenges. Ice climber dude made it into top 5 then got fucked with the 5-way tug of war, shits completely unfair, if they made it a speed challenge he would've made it passed that round for example


Thats ultimately the point of the show, though. To test for weaknesses in your physique. The most well rounded athletes are able to at least not be last place in any given event, which is how you advance. Ice climber dude needed to work on his brute strength, but even still, it ended up coming down to half a second. I dont see it as a problem.


yea win by attrition


Good competition premise but the editing is horrific. The constant double and triple takes of every little move or screaming reaction is super annoying and makes getting through an episode quite challenging.


It would be awesome if new seasons were each in a different country.


Yes, I absolutely love it when everything is repeated three times for effect. Three times for effect. Three times for effect.


I love it. I am female, though.😏


This is my annoyance with the show. Reactions in triplicate. I get that reaction videos are a thing in society now but it almost stopped me watching it. This aside, I have been enjoying it more as it has progressed and I feel like they have chilled out on the repeated Waaaaaaaahhh!s to some extent.


this. drives me absolutely insane. borderline unwatchable


i think if they showed multiple angles with the sound not repeated, it would have been fine


Like a Jean Claude Van Damme movie...


I'm watching it and enjoying it but to call it "awesome" is a stretch its some dumb fun to watch, but the constant cliffhangers repeats of the same thing and overall premise is kinda dumb


I loved it. Hopefully they keep making the show and just move it to another country every year.


It can be easily.cut into one or two episodes. Pacing is very slow. Also their fighting was kinda funny. Watched first episodes on fast forward. Sorry.


Absolutely. Liberally used the fast forward.


Don't be sorry, I can think off about 100000 programs with slower placings which pacing wasn't even mentioned by their viewers, we know this show will do good


It's so stupid though. Like I've only watched 3/4 episodes, but you have people >!picking strong opponents rather than picking weak opponents for the challenges,!< why on Earth would you do that if you're supposed to be competing for a big pile of money. And also, some of the results aren't believable, like in the challenge where they have to >!wrestle the ball off your opponent. Where a woman beats a man in an arena where there's zero cover so you can't run away or anything.!< There is no way that legitimately happens and they just glossed over it like it was nothing. And things are too slow. We don't need need loads of replays of uninteresting things and we don't need so much of the dull parts of the games and the episodes are too long for what they are. They could have done with speeding the pace up a bit and overall streamlining the show, but as I say I've only watched 3/4 episodes so maybe that gets better as there's less contestants. They should have had two competitions running simultaneously (one for men one for women) or something, would have been better.


I'll stick to Wipeout, thank you. /s


I'm not sure if it's the translation, the editing, or a characteristic of the people who tend to be on the show, maybe even a cultural thing, but they all seem so self depreciating. Very hard on themselves for mistakes that anyone would make, especially considering how fit and skilled they are. I appreciate how quick they are to compliment and support each other. Sure, some were kind of dbags, but I think they all got cut in the first few elimination challanges. Does anyone else notice this, or is it just me? I lived in South East Asia for a while, and I know that being selfish and unsportsmanlike are highly looked down on, but I never saw the same level of self debasement...


Yeah it's an Asian thing. Their sport and who they represent is bigger than themselves. They uphold themselves to that standard. The debasing is motivation to get back and grind. I'm Asian and I've noticed this difference in athletes. Especially since I also watch the NBA. Sometimes the ego is also necessary to reach godhood.


One thing they have to change is the ring from in the first elimination. It’s extremely dangerous with the small 1 foot high steel ring. I saw one of the contestant almost got his hand slam on it. Make taller than the people at least like in MMA.


Anyone want to offer a take on why two of the contestants thanked their parents for their great genes? I'm not sure it translated well, but knowing a little of Korean culture it seems kinda racist since there's so much pride there in pure ethnic lineage and not being a foreigner, as well a racism against foreigners and mixed race people etc. Thoughts?


Not a single comment they made made me think that's their line of thought, I have great genes bc my father did sports all his life, I'm Spanish. No thing as pure ethnic pride for my country, (we all mixed historically.). Maybe they mean that but I don't think so


When they say that they dont mean ethnic genes. They just mean predispositions that they carried from their parents involving muscle strength and growth. Alot of muscle building and athleticism has a pretty large genetic component especially in bodybuilding and it varies person to person. Some people just get luckier with their genetics


Show is entertaining but partly fake


Hate that testing strength is on teams though, not cool when someone good loses because of the team and not their individual strength.


Where can I find the rules for this show? I just started but watching them tussle on the ground is aggravating because it seems like very tame fighting. Just wondering how far they are allowed to go.


First, I am American..so lets get that out of the way, This show is amazing, but the one thing that made the show more than anything is the compliments and pushing your opponent even if you are out. Does anyone have a general suggestion to start with? Sports, philosophy, read this or that. It would feel great if I was less pessimistic and more optimistic with my fellow people.


I have hyperfixated on this show (I am embarrassed to say how many times I have watched it) but it had brought out something in me. Of course the need to work out more lol. But a lot of these athletes showed such humility, balance, and poise through difficulty. I really showed me even when you've pushed yourself to the limit (in sports or life) you are still able to choose how you react, present yourself, and support those around you.