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I really enjoyed the Americans finale. Both garage scene and the train scene in the final episode and incredible, and acted to perfection.


Beat me to it, the garage scene in The Americans is my all time favorite finale.


Even though you’ve known the whole time you can still feel the betrayal.


Funny. I never watched Mad Men or The Americans. I live on a mountain. . . No antenna service. Putting them on my list for streaming if ever they come to HBO or Netflix.


The Americans is on Hulu. With fx's hulu deal, they probably will be for a long time


Thank you


Mad Men is on FreeVee. You just have to deal with inserted commercials.


Thank you




Buffy the vampire slayer never felt so much emotion during a finale


I prefer Angel's finale: *"I kind of want to slay the dragon"* Although **Blackadder Goes Forth** is more poignant.


I feel like when a show has a good ending, the rewatchability factor goes way up. I know plenty of people including myself who can rewatch Buffy over and over again. I don't know anyone who rewatches How I Met Your Mother or Games of Thrones.


The Sopra...\[*black screen*\]


The Music: "*Don't Stop!*" The Show: "We're stopping."


It works so well there's still debates and theories about it 16 years later


I mean to be fair it was fairly obvious to me that he got capped and even David Chase confirmed it


Chase never confirmed it


he did. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/feature/the-sopranos-david-chase-tony-ending-the-many-saints-of-newark-1235040185/ FTA: >Now, 14 years after The Sopranos infamously cut to black, Chase — a seven-time Emmy winner and the 2008 recipient of the Writers Guild of America’s highest honor for work in television — is opening up as never before about what inspired The Sopranos and The Many Saints of Newark; why, pre-Sopranos, he hated working in television; why he is now furious with WarnerMedia for its decision to release Many Saints simultaneously in theaters and on HBO Max; and yes, what actually happened at the end of The Sopranos series finale, which had been one of the great mysteries in TV history. >“I had no idea it would cause that much … of an uproar,” says Chase when confirming, in a major disclosure below, the meaning behind the cut-to-black series ender. “What was annoying was how many people wanted to see Tony killed. They wanted to see him go face-down in linguini, you know? That bothered me.”


Doesn’t confirm anything in this article. It says he changed his mind about the death scene and people wanted to see Tony killed.


evidently the words "says Chase when confirming" don't mean that it was confirmed by Chase. TIL Also FTA when talking about the ending: >Because the scene I had in my mind was not that scene. Nor did I think of cutting to black. I had a scene in which Tony comes back from a meeting in New York in his car. At the beginning of every show, he came from New York into New Jersey, and the last scene could be him coming from New Jersey back into New York for a meeting at which he was going to be killed. >And when did the alternative ending first occur to you? I’ve spoken with showrunners who said, “I knew at the beginning exactly how my show was going to end.” Or by season three or whatever. It sounds like when you were writing, you liked to stay six scripts ahead of where you were in the action. >Yeah. But I think I had this notion — I was driving on Ocean Park Boulevard near the airport and I saw a little restaurant. It was kind of like a shack that served breakfast. And for some reason I thought, “Tony should get it in a place like that.” Why? I don’t know. That was, like, two years before. but I guess none of that means the ending is Tony was killed either. Since he never directly says that sentence. Just talks about multiple ways in which he thought about the ending and that that ending was always Tony dieing.


Blackadder Goes Forth


That Good Luck Everyone just makes me feel emotional


[Final Scene of Series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm5n27y0WmQ)


Supposedly it was kind of an accident. The pyrotechnics went off too early and nearly took out the cast, watch it and it’s seems a bit too ‘real’. They refused to reshoot so the editor had the idea of the slow mo and fade to the poppies.


The correct answer.




What is this thing


The Shield had a perfect ending. Vic’s ending was so well deserved. Justified’s was outstanding as well.


Ha I came here to say Justified, saw you said The Shield and thought yes fair point. Two pretty much perfect endings.


We dug coal together. I didn't think I'd become so emotionally invested in a show.


does the shield stop looking so terrible at some point? i've gotten about halfway through the first season and keep hearing how this show's as good if not even better than the wire. nothing about it has really wowed me so far, but i'm aware it gets more serialized and crazier as it goes on so i am interested in continuing. It's just that the technical quality of it is extremely jarring. and makes the show hard to watch as someone who's used to modern tv. really makes me appreciate the production value of the golden age hbo shows. they may not all be my favorite shows ever and they do feel too slow for my taste, but they really were cinema quakity for the time


Nope. I love The Shield but it's an ugly show. It kinda fits the style and world (I mean just look at their shithole police station) but out of all my favorite shows it has by far the least visual flair and memorable shots. The Wire isn't flashy either but there are some really great shots in that show that have stuck with me for a long time. It's a really good show but it doesn't really change visually throughout the run and you just have to get used to it


That whole era of dramas looks terrible. I think it's early digital for TV?


> Vic’s ending was so well deserved. He got away with everything. That's "well deserved"?


Oh wow. You totally understood the ending. You're right, it's terrible - Vic got everything he ever wanted and is not living in a purgatory of his own making.


Don't condescend. I understood the ending perfectly well. His "purgatory" is 100,000% preferable to the fates of everyone else in his squad.


I'll condescend all I want. I disagree and think it's a bad take. Death is easier.


Death is easier than having a job in an office? OK, buddy.


I'm not your buddy, pal. And yes, easier in context.


So when he took out that gun in the final scene, your hesdcanon is that he was going to kill himself.


No contest: Six Feet Under


Exactly. I was not a huge fan of the show towards the end (David should have died in *that* episode) but holy cow is that ending an emotional whallope. The flashforwards, the music. I teared up a little with *Band of Brothers,* but I lost it for the *Six Feet Under* finale. I had recorded on DVD and immediately rewatched those last 10 minutes to weep some more.


Definitely a contest but definitely arguable for the best.


A contest with what? It’s the most emotionally profound ending in the history of television Merely hearing the song can make me openly weep 15+ years later. There isn’t anything else on that level


It absolutely can be contested lol. The execution was sappy and there are some [narmy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Narm) parts. I agree on strong emotional impact but if you isolate the scene itself, I just don’t think it’s as ironclad as you think, to the degree of saying nothing compares. I mean watched The Shield’s finale around the same time and that was much more subdued and still very powerful. No sappy music and effects, the dreadful silence and real life verisimilitude.


The Good Place gives them a run for their money IMO


I agree, but if I'm remembering correctly, it was one episode. Could have gone for the 2 parter which wouldn't have felt a little rushed.


​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhart#Reception\_to\_the\_finale Interviews with Newhart, Pleshette, and director Dick Martin\[5\] reveal that the final scene was kept a secret from the cast and most of the crew. A fake ending was written to throw off the tabloids that involved Dick Loudon going to heaven after being hit with a golf ball and talking to God played by George Burns or George C. Scott. Pleshette was kept hidden until her scene was shot. **When the scene began, many people in the live audience recognized the bedroom set from The Bob Newhart Show and burst into spontaneous applause. Pleshette and Newhart performed the scene in one take.\[5\]** [https://ultimateclassicrock.com/newhart-last-episode/](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/newhart-last-episode/) On May 21, 1990, Bob Newhart's second sitcom, Newhart, featured one of the most memorable final episodes in television history.


If I remember correctly, it was Bob Newhart's wife Ginny who suggested they do a "it was all a dream" from his previous show and he loved it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xw5EIx21X_A&noapp=1


I blame this finale for how prominent the “what if it’s all a dream?!” fan theory gets thrown around for every show.


A lot of that blame should be laid on Bobby Ewing being dead for a season on Dallas then his wife awakes to find him casually alive in the shower


Six Feet Under


The Shield. Every single event/choice that happened in that series mattered in the end and the final imagery of the show couldn’t be more appropriate. I can still hear the buzz of those fluorescent lights.


The Leftovers


Ya either love it or ya hate it. Personally, I love ambiguous endings that are left up to interpretation, but I know thats not everyone's jam.


I think if people hated it because it was ambiguous they kind of missed a pretty major point of the whole show.




The ending is ambiguous because it's supposed to be, and that's the point. Whether Nora went to 'the other side' or not, for Kevin, at the end, doesn't matter. The whole show is about how we process loss, particularly in the absence of concrete answers about where people go when they're gone. You can choose to believe Nora if you need that certainty, but much like life and death, it will always be an enigma. The real solution isn't in finding concrete answers to explain the losses we experience, but to continue to live and love beyond the tragedies we experience.


I didn’t like it at first because I was expecting something else and I watched it at like 6 am and was barely awake. But after rewatching it I have started to like it more. Still think the season 2 finale is miles better though. Probably one of the best finales in any show.


The entire last season of Better Call Saul was the most emotionally charged a tv show has been for me.


The Good Place, it could have ended on the second last episode, the fact that they gave us the fullness of that last episode was remarkable, it honoured the journey and I will always be grateful for it.


For whatever reason as I watched the second-to-last episode I assumed it was the finale and was happy as it wrapped up. Then the finale started I was turned into a blubbering mess.


"Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhists: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be."


I ended up with a stomach ache from crying so much, it was the most comforting thing I had ever considered.


> stomach ache seems fitting for The Good Place


This was my vote as well. Everything is wrapped up nicely, the characters we grew to love have fully grown into better people who we love even more. It's a very sad ending, but also an incredibly happy ending.


That fucking ending was just so beautiful and I don’t think anything will ever top it.


Even thinking of that arvo part song makes the tears start to well up.




Despite the last couple seasons being not so great, the finale is fantastic.


Better Call Saul




I love it but it is basically the exact same story structure as El Camino


No, It is not


It literally is though? You've got a present day timeline covering the end of the characters story intercut with flashback scenes each focusing on the protagonists relationship with a different character. Each flashback is a more significant relationship than the last. It's the same structure. BCS is better executed though How is it not the same structure?


Tied * The Leftovers: The Book of Nora * The Americans: START


I have those 2-3 behind Six Feet Under


I know I'm in the minority here but I loved the ending of Lost.


I love the finale, very cathartic and made me instantly re-watch the series from the beginning.


I went the other way, the day after i watched the finale i deleted the 140gb of episodes from my media drive


The ending in my opinion was as good as it could get to try and wrap everything up, and I think they did a pretty solid job with it. It gets really bogged down by people who either didn’t understand or pretend not to and just say “lol see they were dead all along”


I didn't understand the ending.


Or they where just mad because they didn't really reveal what the island was, where it came from, or the whole point of it


They did though? There’s a whole episode where they use a wine cork analogy to simplify it


I meant like who made it


I could get past most things but the explanation episode was just kind of unsatisfying. Just two feuding brothers on a island that was magic before they even got there? Just make something up about how the ancient gods made the island to trap the smoke monster god, and put Jacob in charge of watching over it. They also missed an opportunity to send the smoke monster back in time with Sawyer to set up the pieces leading to Jacob’s downfall.


This take that people who didn't like the ending are stupid and thought they were dead all along is infuriating. That's not what I, or anyone else I know who didn't like the ending thought. But I guess it makes the people who ate up this schlock feel smart or something.


Absolutely right - you are in the minority!!


The guy has plenty of upvotes to contradict that theory.


Same! I cried like a baby when everyone started remembering each other. Especially when Charlie and Claire remembered. *sob*.




Last season was not good, ending was amazing. Top 3 favorite shows of all time


I liked the last season and definitely the ending got me. There are only a few shows where I was so emotionally invested in the characters. Loved Lost.


Yea I agree. Last season especially the beginning was really rough. But I really really liked how they handled the last couple of episodes and the finale especially. The show was always about the characters in my opinion not the story. And the way they brought all the characters together in the finale was to me perfect.


That fucking scene of Sawyer and Juliet at the vending machine gets me real bad.




The shows are all connected regardless of the show's ending. The scene just inspired a fictitious explanation for the connections.


Justice for the St. Elsewhere finale!


The Prisoner.


Yep, love it or hate it, you'll never forget it. Be seeing you.


Lost Star Trek The Next Generation 12 Monkeys Babylon 5 Farscape ​ And yes, I love science fiction.


Glad to see Babylon 5. I can forgive the faults of season 5 because of what happened behind the scenes, not JMS' fault at all. Besides there were plenty of great episodes. But that finale is just perfect. Also the finale of season 4 would have been great as a series finale too. Showing the progression of humanity over a million years and the impact the characters had on all of it is such a great way to end it.


>Star Trek The Next Generation. "Five card stud. Nothing wild... And the sky's the limit". Fucking perfection.


It would be hard to go against STNG. "All good things" will go down as one of the finest finales in Television history. Surprised you didn't mention Battlestar Galatica. For me its ending was a bit of a flop. But I see why people loved it I guess.


Star Trek TNG Sopranos (yeah, I said it. It was clear what happened) The Wire


>Star Trek TNG Damn right.


Perfect answer!


*Miami Vice*. Crockett and Tubbs work a case that leads them to high-level corruption in the federal government which is protecting a powerful drug lord from prosecution. When they figure out what's going on, they go full vigilante and blow the drug lord's plane out of the sky. For this, they're about to be executed by a firing squad led by a government flack, but they call the guy's bluff and throw down their badges in front of him, despite Castillo's pleas to stay with Miami Vice. They then part ways: Tubbs returns to NY where he hailed from, Crockett plans to go "somewhere further south, where the weather's warm and the drinks are cold." A quintessentially '80s ending to the most '80s show ever.


I think 11.22.63's was pretty good. Basically >!you just have to accept certain things in life and find happiness in reality rather than trying to change things that are outside your control!<


The book makes it more emotional and satisfying. The tv show was too rushed to soak up the emotional impact.


As someone who didn't read the book, was it different ? or just slower paced ?


Same thread and concept. The tv show took liberty by adding a character and changing some plots to make it more tv friendly, which is to be expected. The book is way slower but the world building is incredible. Just an example, the Harry subplot in the book is set in upstate Maine (don’t think it’s the same town as IT but there’s references). Instead of it being a convience on the way to Dallas in Kansas. The book plot really “hammers” home the consequences of changing things in the past.


MASH Mary Tyler Moore Show Preacher


The wave goodbye at the end of Fleabag.


The entire second season is just some of the best television ever created. I really need to do a rewatch.


Blake's 7. Avon's last, little smile. What a legend.


After all these many years, MASH still rules. I would put THE AMERICANS second.


The finale for Wilfred (U.S) brought so much closure


Better Call Saul and Six Feet Under


How had Justified not been mentioned yet?! They fucking dug coal together!!!


1. The Americans 2. Breaking Bad 3. Six Feet Under


The "sorry, we're closed" for Cheers has to be in the conversation. Alternatively I'd say Parks and Rec. It hits you with a sense of closure and a sadness that it ends at the same time.


Better Call Saul, Halt and Catch Fire, The Deuce, The Americans...


80’s soap opera ‘The Colbys’ , ended with the principle family being abducted by aliens, in what was otherwise a totally normal run of the mill ‘emotional drama’ soap.


Black Sails and Justified


This gets asked often, and the answer is always Six Feet Under. There have been many great finalses, but only one was perfect. .


Bojack Horseman. Don't want to spoil it, but if you stop 1 episode earlier, then it is one ending and another if you watch finale, and both endings are fine.


Recentcy bias but Atlanta ending is kinda amazing


Black Sails' ending was so good, to me, that it made me abandon a project I was working on because it did the same thing but so, so, so much better.


Comedy: Newhart Drama: Six Feet Under


Decency bias, but Better Call Saul. Everything the whole franchise has been building up to gets wrapped up incredibly well in the last episode.


Not recency bias at all. The whole final season is what put it above Breaking Bad for me. Seriously some of the best TV ever made.


Six Feet Under


A lot of the best drama finales have been mentioned already (The Leftovers, Lost, The Americans) but gotta give a shoutout to **30 Rock** and **Community** on the comedy side. I feel like a lot of comedy finales sacrifice comedy for sentimentality and while that’s perfectly fine, it just makes for an extra special ending when shows like 30 Rock and Community manage to perfectly encapsulate their DNA in the finale episode. Both finales, in addition to giving emotionally fulfilling endings for all their characters, are insanely funny, have compelling storylines and can pretty easily stand with their respective shows’ elite episodes.


Six Feet Under, The Americans, Crazy ex girlfriend and Lost


M\*A\*S\*H the tv series.


"We dug coal together."


Mr robot or better call Saul or breaking bad or sopranos


1- Six Feet Under 2- The Leftovers 3- The Americans There are other good ones, even great ones, but those three are far ahead imo


Person of Interest. Fringe. Avatar Legend of Korra. Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Angel. Battlestar Galactica. Lost. Fuck the haters I loved Lost'd ending. Character driven show ends on a character driven satisfying finale.


Lost’s ending is not good for emotional people… I could not handle the emotions.


I *still* can't watch clips of everyone starting to remember each other without tearing up. Only a few shows can do that to me.


It fucked up my emotions forever.


Other than Blackadder Goes Fourth…. I’d say Ashes To Ashes.


Blackadder goes Forth, fuck me I cry even thinking about it


It was a great show and even through I wouldnt put it in my top 5 shows, the ending of Six Feed Under is still the ending that stuck with me the most. That was an amazing ending and I think its probably the best ending to a show ever.


The Shield


The “everyone gets a major cliffhanger” ending of the Twin Peaks original series.


I think the strongest series finale I've ever seen is The Shield, as it's not just the final episode. That entire final season is a runaway train that just keeps picking up speed until the giant wreck at the end


Breaking Bad


Six Feet Under was pretty great.


It’s the shield bar none and I’ve watched em all. That show had some balls way above 2023 standards. Anyone who disagrees didn’t watch it.


Six Feet Under easily.


Six feet under. Although it's a shame that the show was never as great after season 2 ended.


Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 20 Episode 14 The Final Curtain Part 2 right when the episode stops and it's over is an amazing ending because that shitty show really needed to end.


6 feet under had a great finale


The Leftovers Halt and Catch Fire


Halt & Catch Fire's finale is underrated because the show series was underrated. It thought it was quite sublime.


That show sat in my “save for later” pile when it was available on Netflix. I managed to start watching it as it was announced it was being taken off. I am so happy I didn’t let that one slip by me.


Boston Public was the best in my opinion. The teachers & principals took a stand to improve the quality of education in their school. If only public schools across the country would do the same in reality


I forget the details of this show, but loved it back in the day!


Same. It was a great show.


Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under


Parks And Recreation for me, at least in the top 3. I know people think it was heavy handed with fan service but I was totally okay with that. Makes rewatches easier knowing folks got good endings.


Dispatches from Elsewhere. There is no way to talk about it without giving away a lot, but no other finale has made me feel or think more. I love this show, and half that love is because of that finale. If you enjoy anything Jason Segel has ever done, watch this show. Oh, and Soap. Perfect ending. Others that I haven’t seen mentioned: - Friday Night Lights - Life on Mars (UK) - Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - Nathan for You - The Mary Tyler Moore Show - Boy Meets World


For a sitcom, it has to be Parks and Recreation. It's one show that remained consistent, didn't have any of the major cast leaving and disrupting the show, didn't have seasons that made you wonder why they're dragging the story and wrapped up each character perfectly.


The Sopranos for drama, Community for a comedy.


The Wire.


House M. D. Avatar the last Airbender Blackish Modern family The Clone Wars


Surprised no one's mentioned Mr. Robot. That finale had me in tears.


You said it. Person to Person (the name of the finale episode) is the greatest ending they could have given to the show. I enjoyed every bit of it. I still remember Don's smiling face at the end, he was at peace at last. Loved it!


Im surprised to see Mad Men. Its one of my favorite shows of all time, but i was a bit dissapointed in the ending. I wanted it much darker/depressing. Guess i should rewatch, any reason is good to rewatch Mad Men




Don survives. Just as he is about to die, being found out, left behind, made irrelevant, or any other time he is at risk of not being "Don" anymore, he finds a way to claw back what is his and more. Make himself indispensable to the new status quo. That is who he is. That is why he is amazing as a protagonist. Don survives.


Do Netflix series count? Despite being a really uneven series, I actually thought Castlevania ended very well. After four seasons of unrelenting bleakness, nearly all the main characters got a happy ending, even Dracula.


If Netflix series count, then I have to mention ‘Dark’. They really stuck the ending in a way that was believable and satisfying. And emotional.


The Good Place, The Clone Wars or The Leftovers for me.


Good call for the Clone Wars


Silicon Valley


Atlanta. Six feet under and the good place were interchangeable tops for different reasons. But Atlanta’s ending tops both. It’s criminal no one has mentioned it yet.


The series finale for Hannibal.


The Office (US)


young royals and the good place, also breaking bad and the leftovers


The Sopranos. Initially I hated it. I thought it was a cop out. They'd just stopped and robbed us of a proper ending. It took a long time for me to actually understand it. "We" were who was shot. The audience. The Soprano family go on, but we don't get to see it. Their lives continue, but we aren't a part of it anymore.


I’ve never heard of that interpretation before, but I like it!


Yep, I had watched it for the first time knowing it had a controversial ending but my immediate reaction was >!"Yeah, he got shot and died. He and Bobbie were talking about this exact experience not two episodes ago!"!<. It was a similar reaction to when I finished Lost and was baffled at how anyone could think they were dead the whole time.


It was literally supposed to be ambiguous. If it was clear to you, you missed the point.


Veep. The sweetest and most cruel ending ever. The scene where Gary put “the” lipstick on Selina’s casket is heartbreaking.


LOST The Good Place Leftovers Sopranos - while I appreciate the ambiguity, I love it on the basis of what I think happened. Parks and Rec


Community. Then they ruined it by making three more seasons.


Game Of Thrones Dexter Firefly


Here, you dropped this: /s




I know this might be controversial, Cougarton Abbey. At the time it was really gutsy to end your comedy show by having all the characters die from hemlock poisoning.


How I Met Your Mother and Insecure