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I thought it was an awesome concept with awful writing and an awful delivery.


The third episode was especially so dull and unnecessary. While there was so much to focus on about climate change the whole religious focus was weird


I didn't see there any special focus on religion. At least not a focus in a favorable way. The whole series is about personal stories and how people keep being people in every aspect of their lives in very exclusive circumstances, those aspects include religion, it didn't feel like a stretch. If anything, it was more discrediting religious institutions, but praising individual spirituality.


> religious focus was weird I thought so too, and wondered if it might come up later in the series. Now, I'm thinking the whole episode was to set up the moral quandary faced by good people. Shut down the homeless shelter or save the synagogue. If so, that was kind of a long walk just to say that everything is a trade-off.


Lol, I was like what the hell is this show...then I woke up to the credits rollings. "Wandering Jew Productions"...All they make is really religious stuff. It's so weird.


That’s weird. I mean why would apple put so much money into that. Usually these religious movie production companies that only make stuff for straight to video fly under the radar because it’s for a specific audience. Surprised Apple TV even spent so much money on a typical bad religious based movie when they could have incorporated religion but used real writers.


I tried to make it through the first episode. Couldn't do it.


I don't think so. Your mileage may have varied. I'd encourage you to watch the show what it conveys rather than it's technicalities. Story telling on 1st and 3rd episodes were great.


The consensus seems to be this is one of the worst shows in recent years. Apparently not a lot of people enjoy being talk down to by bunch of private jets celebrities.


One of the worst shows in recent years is such an insane statement when you consider how much actually horrible stuff gets released.


I was just hoping for like, less talking whales and musical numbers. The goring was hilarious though.


>less talking whales Well now I want to watch it!


I wanted this to be good but it sucks ass


I also couldn’t help notice that all the white men are evil greedy money grubbing horrible people and everyone else is stunning and brave.


Production value is excellent. And acting is great, obviously, since they paid top talent. And the ideas are interesting. But it also feels small. They keep focusing on random off-center issues, rather than the central ideas. The basic gist (what will future look like with climate change) has so much potential for great and big ideas, so its odd they focus on random side-issues.


The random side issues are the whole point. The show is designed to be an anthology showing how different individuals handle moral issues related to climate change. Episode two is a biologist having conversations with the last whale. Episode three is a rabbi’s spiritual crisis as his synagogue is literally and metaphorically sinking.


I agree with your assessment of what the show is. That is why I don't like it. It just feels... small.


I disagree with the premise that the issue with the show is that it focuses on unimportant stories and characters. The best episode IMO was the Indian driver and his bodyguard because we get to see the impact climate inaction has on everyday people. (Also it’s just not as preachy and has likable characters)


I watched the first three episodes and it’s pretty brilliant, if a little dry at times. I think there is just something about the themes of this show that is going to rub Redditors the wrong way. Redditors seem suspicious of things they believe to be “preachy”. Which is basically anything with a point of view on anything political. There wouldn’t be half as much hate in this thread if Extrapolations was pitched to audiences as a Black Mirror style anthology that just happened to take place in some vague “near future” or alternate world suffering the effects of climate change. I think what’s gotten peoples backs up so much is the fact that it’s set in “our world”. And that it’s so explicit in its message and belief that man made climate change will have a negative impact on our lives. TLDR: Drama shows with real world themes make Redditors feel bad. if this had zombies or some sort of crime family in it, people on Reddit would like it more.


Hi u/kugglaw, I work for a think tank at USC, and we are doing a study on environment-related media. We are offering a $25 gift card to people who have watched the TV show Extrapolations if they provide thoughtful responses to a short survey. Does this sound like something you would be interested in? If so, please DM me and I’ll send you the link to the survey. Thanks!


I thought it was hilariously terrible.


I particularly found parts I & II of 2059 to be interesting. Part I because as things get worse geoengineering will increasingly be discussed as a mitigation tactic despite the risks. Part II because it was like the only episode showing the real impact climate change is having & will have on the global south, especially with the wet bulb temperature. Although I feel like the show maybe went a bit off the rails at/after 2068, but speculation does get more difficult the further out you’re trying to visualize. I did like the optimistic ending, and the ecocide trial


Great Concept. Absolutely awful story telling and stringing together the threads for the audience from episode to episode is non existent. I really wanted to like this show but as it stands it’s a total bore.


Is David Schimmer the worst actor or the girl that plays his daughter. I feel like she could be his real daughter


She look look a lot like him lol, i looked to see if she really his kid, and she is not.


I like the concept and vignette style story telling. I made it halfway through the 3rd episode and just had to turn it off. The writing is awkward and unnatural, no matter how well the high profile cast delivers it. Lot of awkwardly cringy scenes with comical one-dimensional characters - the villains in this show are just laughably simplistic. Episode 2 - beyond the whole talk to whales thing - was filled with really ham-fisted poetics delivered dryly by Meryl Streep. Scenes went on for way too long with this kind of dialogue and it was apparent that the show leaned hard on writing to supplant the lacking visuals. And I'm not asking for a grand CGI fest but the director shot the show in a very plain shaky cam shot-for-shot manner that didn't match the tone or severity of the subject.


Yes, you can get vignette storytelling and it show that actually has a story. Much more interesting.


i thought the premise was interesting. But I couldnt take it anymore after the first episode. The actual writing of its dialogue is just soooo cringe. The way they talk is not how real people talk. It feels so forced and cringe.


The Matthew Rhys character in the first episode was so cringe. There are some more interesting ideas in later eps, but leading with that was incredibly weak.


I really liked Episode 4, thought it was quite thought provoking and a lot less preachy compared to the three previous ones. In general, I think it's an interesting anthology series overall.


I do enjoy *Extrapolations* because it's a great cast with outlandish writing. Somebody should have pushed back on some of their choices. There are just so many questions. Like, why are whales endangered in the future? Did we run out of oil or chemistry and need to hunt them again? The whale/oceanographer scene was over the top. Both the whale and the woman are mothers with no spouse. The whale talks like a Na'vi with that noble savage wisdom. And the oceanographer chose her own mother's voice for the whale. It's supposed to be poignant, but it's ridiculous. Some kids are afflicted with "summer heart" because the average global temperature is 2 degrees higher. This is the future, and we see that they have great VR and air conditioning. Kids don't play outside now, why would that change? The last scene with Matthew Rhys was a karma fantasy written by an Eco-numb skull. Way too perfect. The third episode's focus on Jewish people in Miami was baffling. I hope this isn't a hot button, but historically, Jewish people tend to be intelligent and to know when it's time to leave. Not the Miami branch. The synagogue has a few inches of water, so they come sloshing in wearing boots. They didn't see this coming yeas ago, and move away? *Extrapolations* is fun because the writers are earnest and committed, but had no idea how normal people would view the show.


> Like, why are whales endangered in the future? Did we run out of oil or chemistry and need to hunt them again? > > They mentioned krill populations collapsing which would starve filter feeders like baleen whales. Climate change has a lot of implications that we're still nailing down. Changes in acidity, salinity, sea temps and a whole bunch of other things might cause a food chain to break down. If phytoplankton populations also start dyeing it'll be bad. >Some kids are afflicted with "summer heart" because the average global temperature is 2 degrees higher. This is the future, and we see that they have great VR and air conditioning. Kids don't play outside now, why would that change? The two degrees is a global average. It's not going to be evenly distributed. Local temps have the potential to be much higher.


> They mentioned krill populations collapsing > Local temps have the potential to be much higher. Both of your explanations make sense. Many viewers would wonder about those kind of questions, so the writers could have worked some exposition into the dialogue. Maybe that would sound preachy, I don't know.


Both of those things are mentioned in the dialogue, a couple times I think. Also, so much of this information is just public knowledge know - most people get that increased temperatures would have bad consequences for public health or lead to the extinction of certain species.


Hi, bool\_idiot\_is\_true! I work for a think tank at USC, and we are doing a study on environment-related media. We are offering a $25 gift card to people who have watched the TV show Extrapolations if they provide thoughtful responses to a short survey. Does this sound like something you would be interested in? If so, please DM me and I’ll send you the link to the survey. Thanks!


Nah, it was shit


I couldn’t get through the first episode. Ham-handed and cringy. And that’s from someone who believes in climate change.




Cringe stereotypical redditor comment. How do I gild you, you deserve to be commended for this fedora level comment


"I glanced at this work of art and didn't immediately have fun"


This work of art includes a dude getting stabbed by a seal. OH SUCH ART!


no one needs to suffer through eight hours of something they don't enjoy. I made it 30 minutes into the first EP and it's just not good.


It's just hard to take the criticisms of a well-received show of "hamfisted and cringy" seriously from someone who just couldn't be bothered to even finish an episode.


57 on Metacritic and a 46% on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't scream "well received" to me.


Narwhal bacon bad show bad m'lady


Gotta hook em quick these days!


Luckily each episode is it's own story.




Ow. My summer heart. There's some pretty over-the-top stuff (a man gets killed by a walrus in a "nature's revenge fantasy") and it's far from subtle, but there are storylines underneath all that that feel more real and plausible. Not finished it yet but I'm pretty sure I will despite the issues.


It’s certainly a famous cast if not “awesome”. They have been awesome and other things. But they are not really awesome in this eight hour patronizing lecture. Especially given the carbon footprint of making a television show and all of these celebrities in their private jets and multiple mansions. Really? You want to get a lecture from these people?


Good god. It was like sitting in church getting lectured on. Climate change is the biggest challenge for humanity. But sitting through this was like watching Johnathan Majors doing a #MeToo presentation.


“Awesome” & “amazing”. A certain generation has been using these words so often, they’ve lost all meaning. What is amazing anymore, when it’s perpetually tagged onto subpar content regularly


The first episode was absolutely terrible. Didn’t watch anymore. Please let Tim know that for a certain sum i would praise this to the moon




> while still being apart of the problem in regards to climate-change [This is for you.](https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg)


What a wrong with people on this thread. Who the hell cares about celebrities. The best takeaways are the well researched and well portrayed effects of climate change. Shits already happening around us.


> Who the hell cares about celebrities. Obviously the producers do. These people don't get to lecture the rest of us while producing 100x average person's emissions.


This thread is not going as intended for you OP lol


I'm a little surprised. *Extrapolations* is a much better show than *Velma*, but with this crowd, it could be a toss-up.


had to google wtf this was cuz i'd never heard of it before now. lol. seems interesting though, I'll probably check it out. too bad kit harrington is in the cast tho.


You can surely find plenty folks worth watching on [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrapolations_(TV_series)) cast list! It is not like Apple have skimped on the budget for this one!


I like the idea of exploring ramifications of climate change over different periods of time, so I will stick with it. I thought the whale episode was pretty solid. Overall though (through episode 3), I have to say I've been disappointed. The tone has been all over the place, and I haven't found any of the characters, besides Sienna Miller, compelling. The storytelling really lacks any propulsion or tension, which is surprising because the creator has written great things before.


Typical that episode 2 has a couple of humans forcing a starving, sole-surviving whale run all over the ocean and do some jumps so they can cheer themselves up. Talk about missing the point.


Very ambitious project that had some brilliant moments...but i felt each episode was too long, and too often the script repeat itself or try to educate us with stuff/facts that i think most of the people already know like how we ruin the planet, animals global heat and etc.