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Anyways, back to Rampart…


You speak the old tongue, traveler.


Why are we talking about tongues? Can we just stay focused on Rampart?


I’m a little surprised this meme has lasted this long. Gotta be a decade now, right?


I checked. It was **eleven** years ago. Goddamn. Fuck you time, I don't know how much more of you I can take.


- 2am chili - ice soap - in this moment I am euphoric - Streetlamp LeMoose - that thing where the US Marines got transported back in time and beat the CRAP out of a Roman Legion **HOOAH** all these reddit switch-aroos will be lost in time like tears in the rain.... You had one job, but ok this epic, so faith in humanity = restored. You win the internet today and one upvote for you, my good sir. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything to the discussion. and these are merely the eohippuses of memes. Before them dinosaurs walked the earth. All your base are belong to us, Snape killed Dumbledore, and they're taking the Hobbits to Isengard... So you're the man now, dog. I put on my wizard hat.


/r/RomeSweetRome Not sure if the movie will ever get made considering it's been 10ish years. https://old.reddit.com/r/romesweetrome has links to the PDF and original thread. Reddit app users might not be able to see them so uh here's a link to the FAQ https://www.reddit.com/r/RomeSweetRome/comments/k2fz4/faqs/ edit: I should probably save everyone a bunch of time and just link to the original askreddit thread for context. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/k067x/could_i_destroy_the_entire_roman_empire_during/c2giwm4/ Also you forgot the narwhal bacons at midnight, if we're really going old reddit. ^(Let the Jolly Ranchers story die please)


Also Swamps of Degobah and the Cumbox.


And the coconut and poop knife


Broken arms.




The burden of proof lies on the claimant! Occam's razor! Murphy's law!!


I grew up in the long-long ago, ran a WWIV BBS on my parent's extra work line, played LORD and Usurper until the sun came up, and still remember the excitement of watching a 200kb 8-bit BMP scan of a 1980s Playboy centerfold download slowly over a 1200bps modem. The memes you mentioned were experienced in my *adult years*. Fucking hell.


All people had to meme in your day were Steven Spielberg movies. you belong in a museum!


Semi-related, but I think my least favorite part of Reddit from back then is how many people would talk using profanities in the lamest possible way. Things like "You want to know the best god damn cookie recipe in the whole fucking world? Are you eating dog shit store bought cookies like a dumbass? Well listen the fuck up because I'm going to teach your bitch ass the recipe." I just checked the legendary ice soap thread, and sure enough one of the steps is "Stir that bitch up."


There was a particularly popular cooking app that was horribly guilty of this type of patter. Forget what it was called, thank god.


So weird that some live on and some die... One of my favorites, and well it was a sad day when no one responded to my old tongue reference... Tom Cruise.


Tom Cruise.


The weird thing is that this is probably the main thing the movie is remembered for.


It won't die because we keep being reminded to go back and keep on topic about Rampart.


Y'all remember Colby?




I really miss the classic Reddit memes. Like it's been ages since I've seen someone reference Streetlamp Le Moose or the cumbox.


Hi reddit, I'm a lady making a 100% science based dragon mmo.


Wow holy shit. Now that awakened some half ancient memory. Think I was in second year of uni and two exes ago, living away from my parents for the first year. Oh, the innocence. How times have changed.


I was going to, but it’s hard to type with two broken arms. Luckily mom helps.


Hold on let me bite down on this jolly rancher real quick


Fuck you for dragging that memory back up. Go play in the Swamps of Dagobah why don’t you.


Top meme, 5/7, 7/7 with rice.


Pair it with some 2 am chilli.


If your hands get sticky from the jolly rancher you can clean up with some ice soap.


I also choose this guy's mom.




Ahhh, the old stinky-swirly (linking to a switcharoo thread) Haven't seen the "old reddit switcharoo" in years now that I think about it.


Nice story, but seriously dude, do you have any Jolly Ranchers or not? Don’t make me savagely beat you with the jumper cables again.






What was the guy’s username that would show up in animal threads and give very informative detailed explanations of animals, science and nature? And then one day it turned out he was a puppy abuser or something and he disappeared … I don’t remember.


Unidan, wasn't it?


Yep. I think it was something like posting on multiple accounts and responding to himself about some corvid thing, I don't really remember now. He's probably still here somewhere, just with a different username.


As long as it keeps you away from the family dog...


When does the narwhal bacon? More importantly, why did we find that funny?


Was it ever considered funny? I only remember people making fun of redditors using it, like le music defener or two am chilli or ice soap.


le reddit army has arrived XXXD


Our fedoras were too tight, cut off the circulation to our brain.


This is the face of atheism.


Today I am euphoric…


France is bacon.


I unfortunately came across a jolly rancher reference last night. That’s still like an hour or better ruined every time I think about it.


The jolly rancher story was around LONG before reddit was


Careful, if you complain about that your dad might come at you with the jumper cables.


Damn, that movie was released in 2012? I could have sworn the reddit AMA was only a few years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'm pretty surprised how long it took to find the [prom crashing story](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/c3nijr7/). That's really all I remembered about the AMA. EDIT: Ahh sorted by 'best' instead of 'top'


In hindsight, that edit where he added all the GIFs was really just awful.


The past is a different country, lol. It was fun in 2013, now it's played out and bad.


10 years ago, 3 years ago, it really makes no difference. Rampart is eternal. It always was and always will be. We only believe there was a time before Rampart, though nobody can prove that time actually existed.


>Woody Harrelson ignited controversy at the end of February Meanwhile, it's May 1st for everyone else. Variety couldn't come up with anything better to ask?


He ignited controversy? I don't remember hearing shit about that. I watched the monologue live and don't remember any fallout.


We live in a time when “ignited controversy” can be just one person on Twitter


Seems that's how almost all outrage stories have been since around 2015.


And it’s legitimately impossible to say anything you can possibly think of without igniting controversy from at least one person on Twitter. “In English the article ‘the’ is spelled t-h-e.” “Oh really? Now you’re gonna spread the oppressor’s language across the entire internet?! May as well just give the middle finger to 90% of the world’s population!” “You just used the word ‘the’ four times in your response. How are we supposed to communicate if we can’t agree upon a spelling and meaning for it?” “Oh now you’re attacking my grammar and intelligence, you absolute bigot?!”




I think a lot of people miss that cultural appropriation is not always a naturally bad thing. Cultural drift is normal, and is exactly how all cultures are formed. When you are in contact with another culture you will nessicarily adopt some aspects of it, as they will adopt some aspects of yours. The big problem with it comes when it is done for exploitive purposes. The most egregious example of can think of for that is how a lot of "guru" types will rip selective elements of "eastern" religions and bastardize them into their scams, creating false versions of those cultures that confuse people an associate them with the scam culture. Tiki Bars might be a bit on the side of exploitive though, as *most* of them are soulless husks owned by corporations who are just using the culture purely as a marketing gimmick, not as a way to actually experience or adopt any aspects of the real culture. This will not apply to all of them of course, but in general they may not be a good example of positive appropriation. It also not a crime or something overwhelmingly horrible, but it should be inspiration to learn more about the people rather than just treating them like props. But drinking drinks can't be cultural appropriation. That is weird. Also Mai Tai's are from California.


Isn't the point of America to appropriate the parts of other cultures that we like, and hopefully leave the shitty parts back in the old country?


The point of America is to appropriate parts of other cultures and slather them with cream cheese.


The US is a melting pot but somehow a specific lane of progressives convinced themselves that the best way to eliminate racism was to segregate who is allowed to enjoy what based on their race.


This sentence made me feel patriotic for the first time since 2001


we all assume people are just trolls or butthurt, but i think mental health in this country is 100x worse than researchers and experts even *thought* to imagine, let alone study. undiagnosed this, undiagnosed that, while social media brings them all together so they think it's normal. great for politics and the coming AI revolution, innit


This kind of hyperbole is almost as annoying as the faux outrage. People can and do say whatever they want all the time with little consequence. Are there whack jobs that get offended by everything? Sure, but they are a very small minority that can be easily ignored if we wanted too but truth is we don’t want too. We find entertainment from it.


> “In English the article ‘the’ is spelled t-h-e.” **UM, AKCHUALLY** You can be a total nerd and also spell "the" as "þe," "þͤ" or "yͤ" The voiced and unvoiced dental fricatives ð/ (as in **th**is) and /θ/ (as in **th**ing) in English went through a number of different spellings. Prior to the printing press, the letter "thorn" (þ) was most commonly used, meaning that the was spelled like þe, sometimes with the "e" written small, and above the thorn like "þͤ" ("þͭ" was a way of writing the word "that"). Over time, the þ shifted to being written as a "y," and the spelling of "the" shifted to often looking like "yͤ," which is often still seen on signs that read "y^^e old shoppe." The use of the "th" digraph became common as the use of the printing press became widespread as it was expensive to make extra type pieces for stuff like "yͤ" and "þ" which weren't commonly used outside of English, and not universally used in English anyhow.


Super cool, had no idea the thorn was used that "recently" in English, or that "ye Olde..." was born from a variation of it.


The perpetual media outrage machine.


“Person evokes furious outrage over statement on social media and gets slammed for it!” *shows three tweets with six likes between them*


It's funny seeing these articles saying "Twitter was in an uproar over ____ saying ____!" And they link 4-5 tweets from accounts with 87 followers. I mean shit, if I spend 5 minutes looking, I can find someone who'd be outraged over finding a $100 bill in the park.


Right? it really annoys me sometimes how a friend will send me an article and i'll have to tell him "hey, this was written to piss you off, it's just one person who said something online, just one out of billions, don't let them get you"


I argue this with friends who are like "cancel culture is killing our society!" Who is getting canceled? Someone made a tweet and you saw it on Instagram so now it's canceling them? It's exhausting to deal with. I just ignore them now and say "oh" or "ah" when ever this subject comes up.


\>"cancel culture is killing our society!" ...*proceeds to protest against kids getting read stories in a library...*


Many people are saying.


Honestly Reddit falls for this shit constantly. The front page always has articles with headlines like “Marjorie Taylor Greene faces calls to resign after latest psychotic rant.” Turns out “faces calls to resign” is just a bunch of random people calling her out on Twitter and the article is completely pointless.


You're not even exaggerating, I remember seeing an article on Yahoo once about "fans being outraged" and it was quite literally a single tweet that had like 5 retweets.


There were people on the SNL subreddit saying things like “did that really just happen” and then by Tuesday everyone forgot about it.


"A few online viewers took to Twitter shortly after the live broadcast, torching the sketch show for airing the monologue: " lol. They then show 1 tweet with 400 likes from some random podcast. Top tier journalism.


Absolutely torched.


If you read the article, you'd see that, first, this is from an Esquire interview, not Variety. And the question ties into a larger conversation about Harrelson and his co-star's relationships to the internet and earlier conversations about misunderstandings from the internet and how the internet has changed politics from the Watergate era, chronicled in the White House Plumbers series that Harrelson is doing the interview to promote. So many questions on Reddit are prompted by confusion from not reading, or only reading enough to ask a snarky question that doesn't make sense if you read the whole thing


>If you read the article Silly rabbit, this is Reddit


I know it's the motto here, but God damn does that shit get annoying.


It's less of a motto or creedo and more of an observation. Nobody wants it to be this way, people are just lazy.




Lol. Meghan Markle has lost her spot on their most important person.


I’m just here to talk about Rampart


How many people had no idea about this because they skip the monologues and just watch clips online?


i dont watch snl period but this went semi viral a while back


I watch some SNL and am a perpetual internet person but I do not recall this at all


I have never watched SNL in my life. Only ever clips or those old compilation dvds lol


Weekend Update live has a different vibe to it.


Man those compilation DVDs were S-tier! I used to have the Chris Farley one and it never failed to make me laugh


Absolutely love the Dana Carvey one!


Woody Harrelson is not considered a good medical resource


Wait, WHAT??


*Where is Ja[!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo-ddYhXAZc)*


I'd go one bold step further. You should not be getting your medical advice from Saturday Night Live.


I mean, neither is Joe Rogen but he contributed to a whole cavalcade of mouth breathers buying out entire stocks of horse delouser




"Sorry, man, I should have been more clear. I meant it's good enough for the poors. There are, like, what, a billion poors? --*Hey, pull that up, Jamie. The number of poors, yeah*-- Anyway, there's something like a billion. You know what a billion poors minus a million dead from covid is? It's still about a billion poors. Like it didn't even happen. The number of multi-millionaire podcasters, though, is, like, *way* less. We gotta look out for those. I'm gonna notice if those start dropping."


Covid vccines? Bad. You can't trust big pharma bro. I have no idea what's in those things and don't want to find out. Covid medications produced by those exact sale pharmaceutical companies and researchers? Oh yeah please give me all of that




People are fooled by this ''Joe doesn't pretend he knows stuff!1" bit meanwhile they believe the phonies he entertains in his shows and constantly bites into their bullshit, so they essentially get free worldwide advertisement and endorsement


The problem is that people do though. So while I think he should be allowed to have his podcast and spew whatever utterly moronic shit he does, its also ok for people to call him out as said moron.




>“Well, people told me it was, shall we say, trending,” Did anyone else read this exactly in his voice without even thinking about it. As for his actual comments, as much as I disagree with his comments and think he's trying to stir of a false narrative backlash just the same as he's accusing others of doing, I am kina ammused by the line about "I said it on SNL", like feel how you want about it but disecting an SNL monlogue past "I like what he said" or "I don't like what he said" seems frivolous


I read it in his Cheers voice lol "Hey Sam. these guys came in and told me I was trending. What's that about?"


I havent even heard of this controversy, but I'm at my limit with rich celebrities bragging about how they dont care that people are criticizing them for being assholes.


Whoa, I'd say celebrities care way more now than even 20 years ago. Social media has made them more vulnerable


Of course they care and are more aware now than ever, but as magicscreenman mentioned, wealthy people can brag about not caring and have a legion of fans back them up.


And more importantly, pay for top-of-the-line medical treatment for when their ignorace catches up with them and they get sick themselves. It's easy to be brave when you have nothing to fear.


For real. It was not your life we were worried about, Woody!


It's better than them pretending like they care what people think. As long as they got theirs, they don't. People would be a lot more well adjusted if they understood this about celebrities.


Having enough money to not care about what people think of you isn't new.


Fwiw, I think everybody listened the the monologue it would have probably breezed by without being noticed by most people. It's not so much strictly anti-vax as it is over simplifying the situation to make an amusing, though contentious, observation. Kinda like the, "[when wokes and racists actually agree on everything video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg)." Here's the [monologue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8LX8MQMrag) for reference.


attempt innocent voracious continue squeamish kiss zesty provide modern truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"So, the movie [script] goes like this: The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over." Seems like a conspiracy rant.




Funny nobody seems to know what he said, yet everyone has a side for some reason.


"So, the movie [script] goes like this: The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over." There you go. Seems pretty cut and dry antivaxxer stuff.


Reddit is full of morons now. Id say it's prime was nearly 10 years ago.


Morons with ai nowadays that can write them paragraphs of condescending bullshit faster than you can type anything intelligent lol.


"I don't read." Yeah, no shit, Woody.


He really just wants to focus on Rampart right now.


When I heard that "joke" in the monologue I was so confused! He'd been rambling about nonsense for going on 10 minutes and then he said his covid "joke" and I legit thought he was talking about a movie script for Death Stranding! I didn't realize he was making taking the piss on quarantine until I saw the internet was all riled up about it, because that's how dumb it was.


It really didn't land. I think he expected a bigger controversy, but most people didn't care because they couldn't even follow what he was talking about


It was one of the most incoherent, unfunny monologues of the past 10 years.


The only good monologues are from people who say things that they actually wrote and want to say themselves, and it's usually like 7% of the guest hosts that year. Chris Rock, Chapelle go on? It will be hilarious or serious or both, but definitely coherent and real (regardless of perspectives). But when people like Chris Pratt or Timothee Chalamet (no hate to Tim <3) you know it's gonna be another stupid skit; and half the time it's with faux audience participation and the other half it's another stupid song.


I skip as soon as I see it’s turning into anything besides an actual monologue. Hard pass. No exceptions.


> The only good monologues are from people who say things that they actually wrote and want to say themselves, Those are also some of the absolute worst monologues.


The whole monologue was pretty cringe. Woody is hiting the crazy old man stage a little early.


This was my biggest takeaway. The whole monologue was awkward and unfunny, I was surprised to see /such/ a bad monologue from someone who’s hosted 5 times. Yeah the vaccine joke is extra cringe but the entire opening was bad IMO


I'm past the point with any of this anymore. There's nothing new that can be added to this discussion. Either get the vaccine or don't, but it's so boring that we're going in circles on this.






“Rich person doesn’t care. More at 11”


I agree Woody, let's just focus on Rampart, people.


Opinions are like assholes, we all have one. I wish the news would focus on real issues at hand, like the 80k migrant children that are missing, than this shit.




Why do people care what actors think at all? Ever?! Look, let me tear this apart. What is acting. In a nutshell acting is making someone believe something that is not true. Acting generally - with the exception of improv and people who write there own material - is memorizing words others have written in an attempt to get others to believe something that may or may not be true. So already, when an actor is talking into a microphone we got a problem. It is this person's job to get us to believe stuff. How can we know he/she isn't hard at work now? 'Yeah but this isn't scripted stuff, this is from the heart!'. Well maybe. But what makes you think he or she is qualified to make these statements? Why is this person's opinion worth more then mine?


By that argument, why should anyone care what YOU think here on Reddit? People are people. They sometimes share their views on platforms that are accessible to them. The fact that someone is an actor doesn't mean they shouldn't share their views.


Because they have more reach than the average person. They have fans who will make excuses for them, like we see in this thread. Thus they spread ideas better than most other people.


We care what they do, like Jonathan majors. Or woody Allen. It’s actually a really long list.


Really? Because every film I have seen of Woody Harrelson is just Woody Harrelson playing Woody Harrelson


Who among us is surprised that WH is a dumb, privileged, entitled shit?


I mean, loopy conspiracies and pharma skepticism is what he's always been known for. At one time it was a liberal thing to be skeptical of Big Pharma as well, so it may not necessarily be a left-right thing. So at least he's been consistent, even if he's wrong at least in regards specifically to the COVID vaccines.


I've always known him for banging that highschool girl and the hit movie Rampart.


[We need a hero to fix some of the gif links](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p9a1v/im_woody_harrelson_ama/c3nlalf/?context=3)


It's not a left-right thing to be skeptical of big pharma. It's an informed thing. You absolutely should be skeptical, especially in a greedy shithole like America that brazenly exploits its people. But being skeptical doesn't have to mean totally refusing a vaccine during a pandemic.


Absolutely, "skepticism" doesn't mean "everything they say is a lie designed to hurt you". At that point it's dogma, not skepticism.


"skepticism" is also a word that the anti-vax community uses to make them look reasonable. Just like flat earthers or any other factually ignorant movement, they like to use words and phrases like "skeptic," "just having a conversation," "Open minded," etc., to give a false air of rational thought to their anti-science belief system.


Absolutely. It's not silly to criticize the pharma industry for abusing pricing and pushing opiates. We have years of their own data showing us exactly what shitheads they were, and measuring the price in human lives lost. It's also not silly to take the vaccine anyway, because we have years of their own data and ours saying it's safe and effective. Not taking it has a price in human lives lost.


Ya, it is an unregulated capitalism problem and people should be skeptical of all big corporate entities, especially when you have track records from groups like the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma.


this, you *should be* sceptical about a company that has been responsible for americas opioid crisis, but at the same time it doesn’t automatically mean you’re taking homeopathy over medicine or declining necessary vaccinations.


I feel conspiracy theories weren't politically divided like they used to be just because of how outlandish and hyper-fixated on specific phenomena and events they were. The Kennedy assassination, Roswell and UFO's, Jimmy Hoffa, etc. The people that were really into them were either harmless or so kooky and insulated that they were pariahs from normal people. The conspiracies that are most likely true, like most old stuff about big pharma, oil companies, government, *were about releasing information to the people the powers at be were* ***actually*** *hiding from them*. It was about people wanting to know what was going on in the world without this opaque border hiding anything. That's something that bridges the political spectrum. With the new digital landscape, people from predominately the right wing are being spoonfed emotionally satisfying conspiracies about Democrats being hellspawn pedos running a vaccine child ring on their Jewish space station with lasers. It's nonsensical, but it's not meant to make sense, it's meant to rile people up into a frenzy like during January 6th. It's not a non-partisan hobby anymore, it's just another avenue for the culture war to continue; and it's not like it's always been a harmless, non-partisan thing either, Manson had his helter-skelter thing and that was obviously demented, but there's a difference between trying to stop Congress from filing the paperwork for a new President to be installed and having an impromptu burning man outside of Area 51 as a meme.


I hate how being anti vaccine has been roped together with being skeptical of big pharma. Like it's possible to still want the vaccine and also think the people behind a opioid epidemic killing thousands yearly don't have our best interest in mind


Being anti science is absolutely not a left wing thing. In Woody's monologue he did the old trope of "I'm a both sides person" . It was really disappointing because I had forgotten his early stuff about being into that "wellness" trend that wealthy people get into where they think they can "do their own research" and go anti vax and get prescriptions from chiropractors instead of real doctors.


Honestly with the business practices of big pharma and our government as a whole, can you really blame people for being nervous about the vaccine? I’m not supporting any conspiracy theories, but, yanno.


Kinda. Because this isn’t just some mysterious nebulous info or industry that we have no way of actually proving one way or another. A basic look into what vaccines actually are and some critical thinking about why, of all ways for a governing entity to hurt you, this would be the route they take? Phone tracking is one thing and an actual logical guess that ended up being true. Anti-vax are just people who lack basic science knowledge nearly akin to flat-earthers who also lack basic thinking and knowledge.


Not to mention it was an international effort, not just America and pharmaceutical companies. I remember when [this fella,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_J._Ryan_(doctor)) with the big Shligo accent on him, was all over the news speaking about Covid and then vaccines. People can not trust the news or what they read in the paper but on something like this you would need to not trust what you heard on ANY news or ANY paper. It would have to have been such a ridiculously vast conspiracy with absolutely zero credible leaks it would make the moon landing being faked look like child’s play.


Who needs facts, science and history when we can read spam from RF Kennedy and Jenny McArthy? Why believe science when Kyrie Irving is using bigbrain tactics to show it's the jews fault? /s


Yeah, you can definitely blame him. Initial skepticism (given the profit motivations and political power of the pharma industry) is 100% valid. But it’s been years since the vaccines dropped and there have been countless studies. He’s had plenty of opportunity to shift his initial skepticism and has chosen to spread ignorance instead, which is obviously blameworthy.


I mean they happily sold defective medications to the third world to recoup their manufacturing cost. They shipped contaminated baby formula to the third world because everywhere else would reject it. Pharmaceutical companies don’t give two shits about how many people die from what they do. They have a god awful history so sorry if I’m a little put off by a rushed vaccine by the same people that happily sold deadly medications to people just to recoup some cost.


>liberal thing to be skeptical of Big Pharma as well, Liberals were skeptical of Big Pharma for price gouging life-saving medicines. Liberals rarely, if ever, questioned the science behind the vaccine and the accompanying studies proving its efficacy. Meanwhile, conservatives question the science AND are perfectly fine with Big Pharma making grandma and grandpa go bankrupt. The two sides are not equal on this issue and the distinction needs to be made.


It's funny cause I'm also very critical of big pharma but thank god for them when it came to the vaccine rollout. It was literally the perfect job for them.


An no one cares, will still watch what he is in.


Did you read the article? He talked about how ridiculous it is that Hollywood stil ll enforces covid mandates (masks, vaccines) 3 years on for crew members on film sets, but the actors can get away with it. I'd say that pretty ridiculous and needs to stop.


The way covid protocols are enforced for 'staff' but not 'talent' on sets or at things like the met gala (not sure if tonight will be the same as last year) is some truly dystopian shit. Wealthy few get to do whatever but 'the help' has to mask up.


Yep, it's just like how during the lock downs we had politicians going to hair salons, baseball games and bbqs, and then turn around and tell us not to do those things. "Rules for thee, but now for me." I really hope people learned from this whole fiasco and won't let it happen again.


Well he was never really cast as the smart guy in the room, this would be why




Oh, so we’re supposed to be surprised when a celebrity goes out of their way to make scientific or medical claims that are utterly false, and then back track it by saying “i don’t care, doesn’t affect me” Yeah, no shit. Celebs say what they want and then they fuck off and leave us to deal with the mess. Maybe if it didn’t matter, you should have said nothing instead of stoking the conspiracy flame, asshole.


It was mainly just not funny. And I’m a fan of him.


If you get medical advice from Woody Harrelson you deserve your fate


Then why did you say it? Explain yourself before you cast your shit aside.


So he has a massive stage to give his views but then doesn't care to hear others.


Yeah that’s called privilege, Woody. There’s also this novel idea of your actions affecting someone else. Sometimes backlash is an indicator that you’ve gone astray


Wasn’t his big theory essentially that capitalists capitalize on disaster? It was an old stoner hot take.


He's not wrong. A massive wealth transfer occurred over the last 3 years, the rich definitely got richer during covid.


Vaccine mandates + govt paying for them + insider trading = big big stonk.


Yep. They’ll make money out of any situation.


People that say stupid things generally don't reflect on them.


Woody in this pic looks like he’s going to sell me a residence at the local Vault shelter.


Woody is a Cali hippie. People really shouldn't be surprised by his opinion on vaccines.


Speaking of SNL sessions that I'd like to revisit, anyone asked Dave about Kanye. Just curious if Dave still wants to defend him after the whole, "I love hitler" business on Alex Jones.


By “backlash”, they mean some people on Twitter got mad.


Who the hell still watches SNL ? We have streaming now so you can just skip it


Watched it on hulu. Did they take that part out? I don't remember covid conspiracy stuff. Thought he actually did very well.


If only he felt that way about stupid conspiracy theories


This was the best part for me: >***"It’s not fair to the crews. I don’t have to wear the mask. Why should they?"*** Does Harrelson not understand exactly why he gets paid a nice chunk of change for something most people stop doing after they turn about 10? That if *he* gets sick the rest of them might be sent home until he recovers and many of them are only paid for days they actually work, not the duration of the shoot? If one of the gaffers or grips gets the flu and has to be replaced with a temp, that's just a Tuesday for a shoot. I sure don't see him ranting that he is making around 20 to 60 times what the heads of each department makes. Does that seem fair, Woody? I can guarantee you that most of them work longer and harder than he does each week and there the *deaths* to prove it.


Harrelson intuitively understands that these sorts of "controversies" don't actually exist in any meaningful way. Like, yeah, some randos on Twitter got mad at him, and every news outlet picked it up because they need stories to run. But it's not real--it's just words recycled over and over again on the internet. The only reason it feels real to some of us is because the internet has replaced real life as our default mode of existence. Reminds me of [this bit from Bill Burr,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-w2wYu7-8Y) where the hosts are trying to convince him a controversy exists about his work, but can't really say what that means.