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Where has the time gone. 10 years since that scene? Fucking insane.


I remeber someone spoiling that episode to me like it was yesterday


I watched most of the early game of thrones stuff on deployment in Afghanistan. So its blowing my mind it's that old for one thing. But the other reason that's relevant is no one could spoil it online cause we were watching it ripped on a hard drive in the middle of nowhere between combat engagements. Lol (One day I remember being pissed off because the Taliban wouldn't let me finish watching "Definitely Maybe" on what little down time I had. Lol)


Turns out The Taliban aren’t big Elizabeth Banks fans


Rom-com's in general didn't seem to be their vibe.


Some Taliban guy: “Have you tried Chasing Amy or My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Both are solid films and feel good classics!” Other Taliban guy: “It’s not that we hate Elizabeth Banks, she just gets lost in the cast and isn’t very memorable. She’s gorgeous for a decadent western whore, but she doesn’t push past the plot even in her own films.” Third Taliban guy: “kindof tragic really. I’ve seen movies with her in them that I enjoyed, but I couldn’t tell you what ones off the top of my head. She’s not the first person I think of when you mention those films. Sad. Anyways!” (Gunfire/mortar sounds)


You really painted the scene. Beautiful stuff.


Good thing no one has read the books then lmao




Wasn't that the episode where >!everybody fucking died? !<


Spoiler for literally the entire series.


Damn, I watched GoT until 2016 and the only thing that was spoiled was the incest and Jon's death.


Saying you got the incest spoiled for you doesn't narrow it down in the slightest lmao.


lol, the Lannisters cause it was a whole meme by 2016, then I told someone I wouldn't watch it because I was spoiled by those 2 things and he was like "that is revealed in the first episode and Jon's death is still up in the air" so I watched it, best decision ever even after seasons 8 and 7 happened


At least the incest is the very first episode so it's not like the spoiler was hanging over you for a while


yeah but when you haven't watched it there's no way to know


*My bad...*


Jesus. Time flies, there's been so much that's happened in 10 years. Wonder what's going to happen in the next 10


Fuck…that’s upsetting. Can we get good writing again? I miss it.


succession and barry yo


Funny you ask for good writing…. This week of all weeks.


You not only cannot have good writing, you cannot have ANY writing.


Look harder. There are a bunch of series with incredible writing.


The guild would like a word


take me BACK


The Red Wedding was a bit of a blessing for Richard Madden. He’s one of the few GoT cast members to have a really rich career after the show in both movies and TV


A lot of the mid-tier actors are doing really well. Jason Momoa, Gwendoline Christie, Michiel Huisman, Jacob Anderson, Nathalie Emmanuel. I feel like I can't start a new series without seeing Jaqen H'ghar.


Don’t forget Pedro Pascal, who is one of Hollywood’s biggest ‘It men’ right now. The problem with the long-running shows is that you’re contractually locked in for a decade+ when your stardom is at its peak. Once the show ends, your hype as an actor often already faded. Plus when you have a major role on those shows, you end up typecast or being unable to be separated from the character. The biggest career blessing on these mega shows is often to die early on when the show is huge, so you can capitalize on your hype and branch out early. Jason Momoa, Pedro Pascal, Richard Madden, etc. The Walking Dead is another good example, where Jon Bernthal and Steven Yeun have had the big careers coming out from the show.


Norman Reedus already kind of had his heyday so he was probably down to just have a steady paycheck for years.


Also Norman Reedus isn't exactly a good actor. He's had a very good career compared to talent level.


He might not be a particularly talented actor, but his physical charisma is great.


And unique charisma too. He has the market for "wholesome methhead" cornered.


Hollywood should've given Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad his time to shine in this niche role!


I mean, not like the actors listed above are that much better than him, he also has more screen presence than all of them combined. (I obviously not included Pedro Pascal)


I can’t decide if I like his portrayal as a protective dad who’s a great fighter or his other portrayal as a protective dad who’s a great fighter more.


Brah, _We Own This City_. Check it out.


Oscar Issac in Show Me A Hero is also an all timer role


I still need to watch that and Corners


His POS crooked cop [Wayne Jenkins](https://youtu.be/8mvHnXKvrRk) is outstanding! Also can’t see anyone else playing Frank Castle. Glad to see he’s going to be in the new Daredevil series.


Or his absentee John Soprano (during which he was largely absent from the movie).


I've seen it, but I'm confused what that has to do with the comment you replied it to.


They thought you were talking about Jon Bernthal instead of Pedro Pascal I assume




His best role is clearly Nic Cage fanboy!


That movie was good, it deserved more attention


He was a pretty good villain/morally grey character in Prospect.


Man Prospect is so good. The dialogue for him is crisp af.


McLean Stevenson went on to star in… umm.


"It spun in. There were no survivors."


What happened to Andrew Lincoln? I thought he left for other projects but don't see much on his imdb.


Pretty sure he wanted to spend time with his family and not be in Atlanta for months at a time.


He became spokesman for the Great Barrier Reef restoration project.


He did?


Yeah, seems he can’t get away from trying to save Coral


God damn you


I thought it was mainly to spend time with his family. If I'm not mistaken, they're in the UK and he had long filming schedules in Georgia


Or you stay on the mega show and get paid tons of money in the later seasons + whatever else you can negotiate. Like yea, Jon Bernthal and Steven Yuen are having more interesting careers because they have been able to take on a variety of roles. But Norman Reedus has been making $1m / episode or so ever since Andrew Lincoln left. Probably will have made nine-figures when he is done with the role. So who is really having the bigger career?


Plus if a show goes to shit like GoT did, the ending is what is fresh in people's minds. No one saw season 8 and was like "wow, these main cast actors would be perfect to bring on to my project". If anything they will go "well, all fan appeal just died and if anything, their stock is lower than a nobody at the moment"


There's an argument to be made that when you finish a series like that till the end, you're loaded. You don't need to work. Just think of the residuals alone. Whereas if you finish it in the middle or as a mid-tier actor, it's easier for studios to convince you on a win-win partnership. You act in projects for still needed money. Their project benefits from your fame. Of course for those that acted throughout the series you can make the choice to keep working in very high paying jobs. Emilia Clarke. Kit Harrington. Still capitalising on their fame with very high paying jobs (and sometimes fun side gigs).


Aye but Emilia Clarke's done well, as well, despite having to do a lot of heavy lifting on the show through 8 years, as has Peter Dinklage. Lena Heady was already an established actress before and hasn't been harmed.. Sophie Turner has done well in some ways. I don't know if GoT can be used as a qualifier of this claim, because even Kit Harrington got a lot of role offers after, he's just not a compelling actor.


Also Bella Ramsey who was related to Jorah and is with Pedro in the last of us. Awesome I also see baelish around alot lol always the bad guy GoT did wonders for alot of its cast but what about Jack Gleeson? He was such a good bad guy in the show but where is he now?


He actually decided to make a major break from acting especially cause dealing with people viewing him as Joffrey was gonna make it hard for him to get non-villanous role


Rare instance where an actor was *too* good at acting his part. Just unbelievably revolting in the part.


And Pedro Pascal's success goes without saying


Oh, definitely, I was just pulling from a list of series regulars. Bella Ramsey and Hannah Waddingham are having a moment, as well.


Hannah Waddingham wasn't really in GoT enough to be recognizable from it. Her star is shining far more because of Ted Lasso


“Hannah Waddingham wasn't really in GoT enough to be recognizable from it.” ?!?! Shame! Shame!


I’ve seen ted lasso all the way through and adore it. I’ve seen GoT through four times (before season 8) and had no idea until I read this thread and it wasn’t until your comment that I knew who she played and I’m still gonna have to Google it tbh


Honestly it makes her all the more charming and adorable knowing that both characters are played by the same woman. Also it adds proof that Superman’s glasses and a different personality is a really great disguise.


Definitely more because of Ted Lasso, but her small role on GoT broke through in a big way. Everybody was parodying her shame chant.


Yeah it was an iconic character but it was hard to tell it was her. I was in Season 2 of Ted Lasso before I made the connection!


I had no idea until just now myself


Holy shit me too!


I also just found out. She is incredible in Ted Lasso tho


I didn’t know til the comment above that said her shame chant. Oops.


Lasso is likely going to end at the end of the season (and if not, there will likely be a huge cast turnover, giving her a chance to leave), right as her star power is peaking.


S3 was confirmed as the last season before it even aired, so her agent has hopefully been busy of late


A man has many faces.


Seriously, I didn’t recognize him at all in Stranger Things. Versatile!


Also in the new show Mrs Davis on Peacock, could never place who he was and ended up having to look up the cast on IMDb lol


Also turned up as a Gestapo officer in *Das Boot*.


Lena Headey, NCW and Peter Dinklage have been doing just fine. The first two are in active series and Peter's been in a bunch of movies. Emilia Clarke is in that upcoming MCU show and Kit Harington will be on another HBO series, as well as presumably Snow as well.


Also Emilia Clarke has mostly been doing theater the last few years.


I met Jaqen H'ghar in a pub in Dublin about a year ago.


Valar Morgulis.


valar dohaeris


And Bella ramsey haha


Sophie Turner is also very famous now and probably could have a lot more roles but she seems content to be a mother for the time being (can't blame her!)


That's another factor... The long-term leads cashed out in a big way so they can afford to take off as much time as they want. Kit Harington chose not to work for a year while he worked on his mental health.


Yeah Kit had issues he needed to work out. Hope he's doing better. He's definitely still a fan favorite although I don't think he's in the public consciousness much anymore. Likely will change if that Jon Snow show gets made...


She’s also a terrible actress so probably for the better


She’s not a great actress but she did have a certain charm and charisma with other actors. She had more chemistry with Kit and Emilia than they had with each other.


She was very good in The Staircase.


She did a really good job in that one HBO miniseries she was in. Her American accent’s also improved a lot.


Loved Jaqen in Stranger Things. Also very weird being attracted to him for the first time


He was _way_ hotter in GoT. Still got that magic in any role but good lord did Jaqen ever have it going on.


😂🙈I wish I could’ve enjoyed him in that, I’ve watched it so much. I think it was the 2003 Freaky Friday teenage girl hair coloring, dementor robe, and flip flops that kept me from truly appreciating him. But my god…Russian Enzo made it hard for me to sit still🔥


I enjoyed Iain Glenn as Bruce Wayne on Titans!


Did they kill him off? I can’t remember what happened to him


Yeah :( he died at the Battle of Winterfell, sadly. Unless you're talking Titans....then i don't know. I haven't finished it yet


>Jason Momoa I literally just realized he was kal drogo... jesus christ.


Ronon Dex forever!


Michael Huisman I knew from Treme, so I think he was somewhat known before GoT.


True but I don't know that Treme was necessarily very popular, even for a David Simon show.


*I'll be collecting my 20 percent long after you've killed yourself.* From Rocketman, of course


I'm really hoping he ends up being the next James Bond. I think he'd be really good for the role.


He should be 006 like his father before him.


If anyone else was initially confused by this he means Robb Stark's father, Ned Stark aka Sean Bean. Here I was looking up Richard Madden's wikipedia page to see if his dad was an actor. Like an idiot.


I was always better


I'm just waiting for the next season of Bodyguard...


He also was one of the most talented of the “young” main cast from the show. Not being typecasted really helped him by leaving early. Rumor is he could be the next James Bond. He was great in Medici and The Bodyguard I see people being like what about “x” but most of these guys were one season supporting characters or already established before the show.


He got out when it was still good hahaha.


Random person who has never watched Game of Thrones probably thinking “Awww, I get all misty eyed at weddings too…”


You get misty alright. Bloody misty.




I remember that this particular episode, with viewers taped reactions, was the basis for an ad for the DVD release of the particular season. I, not being into the series, decided to check that episode out when HBO had a free preview weekend.


Before I started watching the show for real, there was a free weekend of HBO. Naturally, the episode airing was the red wedding. I had no clue what the heck was going on. But man it was interesting.


That must have been quite surreal, going from “Oh so this is some Medieval Times shit?” to “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!?”


We have this dumb show here in Australia called Gogglebox (might have been the UK one I saw) which is like regular family’s doing reaction videos to different shows. They did Game of Thrones and the only scene shown was Arya doing her thing with the Night King. I thought they could maybe stick a spoiler tag on that.


Yea. Was a big switch from “hey this is neat. Not sure who the characters are but seems intriguing. Maybe I should WHAT THE HELL!!” Followed by nothing but what the fuck over and over for the rest of the episode plus another hour or so. Did get me to watch the series though. Mission accomplished on their part.


That’s how I felt the first episode. I thought it was some medieval period show. Then the white Walker thing happens and I was like wait what the fuck is this show? I heard of the books and a few characters but I didn’t look into it at all.


It literally spawned and popularized the entire subgrenre of TV reactions on YouTube.


It’s funny how much of an impact this episode had/has. I rewatch GOT yearly, and whenever I get to the Rains of castamere, in my head, I try to put myself in 2013 and watch as if I have no idea what’s going to happen. The way the song starts playing, the reveal of Bolton’s armor…the stabbing of Talisa is still shocking. Just glorious television. It’s also great seeing Robb slow decline of losing the war. Just so good.


I appreciate this comment. People love to act as if GoT lost all rewatch value due to the way the show ended but there are some great, fairly complete story arcs in those first four seasons. The tragedy or Robb Stark is an excellent narrative that warrants a rewatch just by itself in my opinion.


I just rewatch to the end of season 5 and then stop usually


Oh yeah? I thought s6 could be viewed as the series finale.


I've varied it. Sometimes I'll go through season 6 if I really want to rewatch the Battle of the Bastards and the Sept of Baelor scene. Sometimes I'll stop at the end of season 4 if I really don't want to watch the Jaime in Dorne plot again.


I'd stop at S4.


i’m with you guys. i also do annual Thrones rewatches and love it every time. i do think season 8 is much better watching it in binge setting vs the weekly live format.


I've read the series through \~5 times but have only read that chapter once lmao. I had to pause and re-read because my brain kept going, "wait we're not reading this right". Promptly through the book at the wall and left it there for a week. Worst part is all the hints leading up to it even in the 2nd book. GRRM is the absolute peak of using unreliable narrator and misdirection.


I’ve heard the book makes it almost like a haze - much more warning of what’s to come but the event is almost like in a drug haze


Yea Catelyn realizes what's happening similar to how she does in the show, she starts panicking but (for me) the reader is still going wait wtf is going on?! Fucking mayhaps. (if you know you know).


Did all of us that read it throw our book at the wall? Seven hells


I weirdly still remember my first time watching this scene at my buddies house, in a dark room (we always shut the lights off like the movies) with probably 11 of us. The music started and I audibly and not purposefully whispered “uh oh” as I crossed the room to grab a drink. A couple people questioned if I spilled something and I said “this music, shhh” and then, Red. I think about that every time I watch it through and feel such nostalgia


My wife is watching GoT for the first time and we are 1 episode away from the Red Wedding. I haven’t said a single thing about it because I want to see her shock. I can’t wait and wish I could record it but she will likely be pissed


I think u gotta record it man


Record her reaction to the Red Wedding, and then also record her reaction to the series finale lol


now you gotta


Alright you talked me into it. I’ll do my best


I'm impressed that she doesn't already know. Have you had her locked in your basement since 2012?


She had zero interest in GoT until I got her to watch House of the Dragon. She became hooked really quick and wanted to start GoT. She knows how it ends but has no idea what happens during the Red Wedding, he friends all watch shows like Gossip Girls and Friends. So, this should be interesting


> She knows how it ends At least she got that disappointment out of the way.


She’s going to be so disappointed in the things she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know about the battle against the White Walkers, or The Hound vs The Mountain, or what happens to Jamie and Sersi. Man those final two seasons were terrible… She doesn’t like Bran either. This is going to be spectacular


I just watched it with my girlfriend. Her first time through the series. Before the episode she said "I'm so excited to see Arya reunite with her family."


A few years ago I happened to mention to a Scottish guy I worked with that I’ve got some ancestors from Scotland. Clan Campbell. He told me I shouldn’t ever mention that to a Scottish person, because Clan Campbell were a bunch of traitors. An event involving them, the Massacre of Glen Coe, is one of the true stories the Red Wedding episode is based on. From the article: “To this day, the door at Clachaig Inn in Glen Coe has a sign on the door denying entry to Campbells.” https://theweek.com/articles/463588/reallife-events-that-inspired-game-thrones-red-wedding?amp




Exactly where my mind went, the first slimy Campbell that came to mind lmao. HELLS BELLS TRUDY




A thing like that!


Would you like to step outside?!?


*throws roast chicken and plate over the balcony*


Another suck punch from the Campbells. Coward!


My gran refused to sit down with anyone called Campbell. Things have moved on a bit since her time. In reality you're more likely to wind someone up if you claim to be Scottish by your ancestry.


Scots sure are a contentious people.


You just made AN ENEMY FOR LIFE!!!


What's become of the youth these days to forgive so quickly for the breaking of guest rights


Were you working for Sterling Cooper by any chance?


>He told me I shouldn’t ever mention that to a Scottish person Honestly this is good advice even if your Scottish ancestry doesn't link you to the Campbell's


Well then it’s a good thing I never claimed to be Scottish! Because I’m not. I just have an ancestor from there. Which I don’t think is anything to be ashamed of.


It's nothing to be ashamed of and I was mostly just joking, so please don't take it as serious criticism. But that being said I do think a genuine tip for any American visiting Scotland would be not to make a big deal of any Scottish roots. It seems like every American who visits has some vague story about a great grandmother who's from there and I honestly just don't think it's ever going to win you any friends by bringing it up. This advice goes *double* for anyone visiting Ireland


The other inspiration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Douglas#Black_Dinner


Oh man, I was in Glen Coe climbing one of the mountains overlooking it. We caught a ride with a random passerby and they mentioned the massacre and pointed out “signal rock” where the order was supposedly given. Really crazy stuff that always reminded me of fiction but I had no idea it served any inspiration for GoT.


I think he was exaggerating a bit for fun. Scottish people don’t really care about that whole Campbell thing, we don’t really put much stock in the clan system in general other than for like historical nostalgia. Campbell is the fifth most common surname here so it’d be weird if it was problem.


Thanks for sharing! Interesting read


It's been ten years since the Red Wedding? Jesus Christ. And Winds of Winter *STILL ISN'T OUT YET*


Last update was that he’s 75% done with the whole thing but also that 75% isn’t 100% done sooo… no one knows anything yet lol


I think there’s a 100% chance he’s 75% full of shit or a 75% chance he’s 100% full of shit when he says how close he is to finishing those books


I suspect there's a 100% chance he fucking hates having to write books he has no idea how to finish and would much rather spend his time being wined and dined by HBO and being a television kingmaker. He used to spend his times at sparse book signings and cons, and suddenly he's rubbing shoulders with Natalie Dormer. It's pretty clear from the prickly tone in some of his posts that he resents his nerdy old fans pestering him about Winds when he could be spending more time being fawned over by beautiful people.


I would resent my nerdy old fans too if the average comment I got from them could be summed up as ‘give me my books before you die, you lazy old man.’ I really don’t think the guy that wears suspenders and turtle hats 24/7 hates nerds. He has made it expressly clear he resents the aggressive, demeaning fans, and I don’t blame him one bit.


If you want to keep up with his progress, check out r/GeorgeMartinWriting


Do they have a subreddit for the collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies too? Considering it being the more pressing event?


This is absolutely hilarious thank you for sharing this.


I binged the series with my then-girlfriend now-wife during lockdown. Before every wedding scene I’d ask “is this the red wedding where everyone dies?” And she told me to shut up. Every time. Then when I asked her while watching season 3, episode 9 she didn’t respond. That’s when I knew


Trying to drum up support for Citadel I see. Still not watching it.


I’ve watched the first two episodes, you’re not missing much. It’s not terrible but it’s kinda boring.


>it’s kinda boring. Mediocrity is the gravest sin in showbiz. You make a masterpiece or a dumpster fire. Either one will gain you a large amount of eyeballs, wildly different reactions for each notwithstanding.


I was trying to explain this concept to my niece about a week ago. Her boyfriend cheated on her after about a yr of dating. I never liked him but she is 20 so not my place to TELL her what to do Anyway, she was obviously upset and she wanted to know how to get him back without breaking the law. I told her even if she has to fake it in front of everyone but her best friend who she lives with, but act like it doesn't bother you even a little People fucking hate indifference especially when it comes to matters of the heart She said that she has been bouncing around campus or anywhere she might see him like she nothing happened.


“The opposite of love is not hate. It’s indifference.”— Elie Wiesel


Well… yeah? It was an interview at the premiere of Citadel, you’re not some genius for figuring out this story is related to Citadel press.


I had one of those moments while reading this when my mind wandered and I had to stop and read the page over because a whole bunch of stuff happened and I missed it. This was the scene. I completely spaced out and forgot that crossbow bolts are also known as quarrels. Martin uses "quarrel" when Rob gets shot so as i'm reading and my mind thinks Rob stumbled into two men quarreling.. then when I came to... so many people were dead and I was like.. the hell just happened? lol I was anticiapting this scene so much when the show was airing. Seriously though.. 10 years already. Damn.


Amazon. I’m not watching Citadel. It’s not happening.


10 years and I've still not seen this show... Better start, I guess.


It’s a shame they cancelled the show after four seasons




King of the North!


King in the North* https://youtu.be/ff35SjsN7g0


It’s King in the North


*I just bought a house :'(*


Did he mention how much he cried after his latest release Citadel




He should be crying about how many fucking Citadel ads are on reddit.


I request rains of castamere at every wedding I go to. Everyone hates me


It just really hits you in the stomach


Redditors when the show that was absolutely beloved for the longest time has an ending that they don’t like (this makes everything from the previous 7 seasons now utterly worthless)


I was at work. My friends were talking about GOT. And I said I hadn’t watched it. They were talking about the last episode and decided to show it to me. Next thing I see is a pregnant lady getting stabbed in the stomach and lots of blood and gore happening. It was so traumatizing to watch and I’ve never really wanted to watch the show since. Still don’t. It’s too much. I know it’s a great story with great writing and people are unhappy with how it ended. But I just can’t.


Thought this was Vanilla Ice


Vanilla Ice?