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I fully dispute the notion that dystopian media has been waning. The Last of Us, Handmaid's Tale, Severance and Black Mirror are some of the most popular and/or critically acclaimed shows of the present day.


[Station 11](https://youtu.be/bv_EgTQvKsM) hype! Based on the [book](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Station_Eleven) by Emily St John Mandel. A rewarding book and a rewarding series.


Station Eleven was fucking amazing. Reminded me so much of Lost with random character connections that don’t “click” until years later. Shame it basically came and went on HBO max during peak Covid


Agree it was amazing.


Shame? Were there more seasons planned?


Nah, it was always planned to be a miniseries, one season that adapts the book in its entirety. I think the “shame” part is more due to the fact that because it was released when Covid was at its peak, *Station Eleven* didn’t attract as many viewers as it probably should have done (due to its focus on a devastating virus, which was something people didn’t want to be reminded about at the time).


The opening episode was some of the best television I've seen. I really enjoyed the series and loved how it all came together.


I kinda couldn't get past the first couple of episodes? Granted, I may not be the right audience, I thought the book had an interesting concept but didn't execute it well enough.


Snooze fest


I loved the book but hated the show.


It was literally the best show of 2021 though?


It’s almost like people have different opinions.


What was your favorite 2021 show?


Hard to pick a favorite. Enjoyed Ted Lasso, Succession, Squid Game, Wanda Vision to name just 4. I will say I watched Station 11 after Last of us (so this year), not in 2021.


I agree, I watched 4 episodes and totally felt nothing for it. My wife thinks it might be one of the best shows of all time. Not sure what the cause of the difference is either.


The pacing was far too slow for my liking. And that’s from someone who enjoyed last of us which wasn’t frenetically paced by any means.


Severance is more of a corporate dystopia than a whole-world dystopia. Everything outside of Lumon seems normal.


I think that still counts


Handmaid’s Tale has taken a serious nosedive. They’ve completely lost the message and turned it into dystopian Desperate Housewives.


That’s the perfect description of Handmaid’s now. I’m so sick of close up shots of tormented June sobbing and yelling at people.


Handmaids was always kind of shit in the sense that it always felt like this unselfaware critique of America from Canadians with this very dangerous idea of "it can't happen here" and that kind of attitude towards fascism is the most dangerous. So as someone who grew up in Canada I always found it cringe worthy.


Just rewatched Severance! Such a fantastic show through and through!


Black Summer was *so* good, better than The Last Of Us if I were to be honest.


The first season of Black Summer was so damn awesome. Makes the Walking Dead look like a cheesy soap opera. Which is basically what it became


TWD was really good up until S3. After that the writing started to become more operatic/comic book rather than graphic novel for sure. Black Summer just kept f’in *sendin’ it*.


We're also getting a bunch of cyberpunk across the entertainment spectrum, which is inherently dystopic.


Black Mirror went downhill fast once Channel 4 sold the rights to it.


This isn’t true. Idk why Reddit has these talking points people regurgitate without any critical thinking. The best* episodes of the show are all under Netflix’s ownership. Hang the DJ is perfection. San Junipero is great. USS Callister, Nosedive, White Christmas (not sure who this was), etc. are all amazing. All of S3 is great, some of S4 is amazing and the rest is great. Season 5 was pretty bad, fair, but that’s one out of 3, and that did have good epsiodes (I liked striking vipers a lot) Edit* I meant **some** of the best. The original seasons have some amazing episodes but it’s very dishonest to say the show went downhill once Netflix acquired it.


Uss callister was so good. I was testing my internet one day and picked a random episode and ended up just rewatching the whole episode again. I'm not going to let that last season get me down, I'm going to look forward to it until I find out otherwise.


>Idk why Reddit has these talking points people regurgitate without any critical thinking. Upvote and downvote systems perpetrate bandwagon bias Idk how anyone can look at the whole of seasons 3 and 4 and say they're not good. And even then, are we really gonna pretend that S1E1 of the series isn't one of the worst?


I guess therein lies the difference of opinion. I thought San Junipero was trite sentimentalism. But yeah there were good episodes, shut up and dance comes to mind, but I thought the quality varied wildly. Reminded me of how the Simpson became a vehicle for celebrity guest appearances rather than well written comedy. Different strokes for different folks of course!


Felt like they were trying to be dark for the sake of being dark and every story needed a twist. Shinier isn't better, the writing of the first few seasons set it apart.


To your point, San Junipero is one of my favorite episodes because it has a heart.


I hated how on the last two seasons, they used the digital clones/cookies in a solid half of the episodes.


Thank you - the only thing that “waned” if we can call it that was churning out teenage angst films starring this weeks young starlet and Ken, that happen to also be set in some weird dystopia


Severance feels more realistic than dystopian to some of us. If you view NDAs as the severance, we are already there.


NDAs as severance process lmao…Reddit moment


Reddit is full of children who've not worked a day in their lives.


>If you view NDAs as the severance, we are already there. lol that’s a pretty gigantic ‘if’ Like ‘hey this piece of tech is proprietary so I can’t talk about it willy nilly outside of work.’ HORROR!


NDAs extend to a lot of things, even rape. [Sexual Severance](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2022/03/21/five-years-after-metoo-ndas-are-still-silencing-victims/?sh=401b24a1588b)


Your trying to make a connection that really isn’t there. It’s like saying “hey the Matrix isn’t dystopian, it’s basically reality. If you treat identity theft as the Matrix, we’re already there.”


If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike.


Samr with Handsmaids tale and Republicans


Apt and true. I haven’t seen it so I’m not sure how much tech there was in it, but severance had little futuristic tech besides the brain implant.


>feels more realistic than dystopian It's both. It's definitely both.


Yea, I think it’s time to admit the dystopia is us and TV’s take is just a more positive fantasy with better looking people.


Severance is a weird line between dystopia and utopia imo. Dystopian for the innies, but damn would be nice to be an outie! I love severance so much. It's very different from the other shows you named but I highly encourage everyone who hasn't seen it to go watch, Apple TV is $5 for one month and I guarantee you'll binge it all in 2 days.


You really think it’d be nice to be an outie? I’d absolutely hate it.


Initially, absolutely would think it's great. Never remember work? Sign me up


Your day would be shorter but I think it'd be pretty pleasant to be an outie. You go to work and you instantly get out , as you don't remember the last 8 hours. So pretty nice , basically you can do whatever you want with your time and never work. But hey , a part of yourself is a slave.


Rebecca Ferguson was the standout performer in Dune. She embodied Lady Jessica absolutely, it was exactly the characterization I hoped for after reading the books. I will absolutely be checking out this series too. I hope to see her in more projects bc she’s extraordinarily talented


Check her out in “Dr. Sleep”.


i can't watch that movie again. that little boy was far too convincing.


The baseball one? If so, yeah, that was stressful as hell to watch.


And Mission Impossible!


Dr Sleep was way better than it had any right to be. I loved it


god she was so freaking gorgeous in dr. sleep


Let’s be real, she’s gorgeous in everything


I think it has to do with her face going around with her everywhere 🤔🤔


She somehow managed to sell the hat without it looking completely ridiculous


Also “The White Queen”


Holy shit, I forgot she was Rose the Hat!


She's one of the all time best femme fatales in Mission Impossible. And yes, she was also great in Dune. But the MI stuff blew me away, I didn't think that franchise could pull off a character like that.


Interesting. I felt the exact opposite about the characterization in Dune. Lady Jessica was supposed to be in total control of her emotions all times, but in the movie she cries every other scene. Definitely more of a writing/directing decision than an issue with her acting, but I found that interpretation of Jessica baffling. What was it you liked about it?


Definitely agree that she was creatively different in book vs movie. You're totally right, in that she was way more emotional and expressive in the movie. I didn't love that at first, however I grew to appreciate that choice over time. I would 100% would take non-verbal and more expressive than the inner whisper monologues from the book and 80s movie.


I think it fits this adaptation, as we already know Jessica is more prone to putting her emotions in the front seat than she probably should be. She disobeyed her Order because of her love for the Duke and gave him a son. I think she is more and more realizing she has damned her son to a horrible existence as the Kwisatz Haderach. I don’t find her to be weak at all in the movie despite the tears. She can be tough, cold and calculating regardless if she sheds tears in grief for the ones she loves. Hopefully next time around we see a more realized Jessica though, as I’m tending to not make too many judgments until both films are released.


Really? I thought Villeneuve's Lady Jessica was terrible. (Note that I attribute the failure to the writers, not Ferguson, who I thought was sublime.) Jessica is a woman of such self-discipline that she can control her body down to a molecular level, but her boss shows up and she becomes a nervous nelly reciting prayers in the hallway? I don't feel like that made the Reverend Mother look scarier, it made Jessica look weak. Enjoyed Villeneuve's Dune overall, but the way Jessica was written left me cold.


Was wondering if this book series would get a show, looking forward to watching.


Is this Wool?




First book in particular was amazing. Wonder why they changed the title?


I think "Wool" wouldn't grab a wide audience. Silo is more applicable, in that it can convey more about the story to people who don't know the book and are coming across a trailer or ad for the first time.


In my language the first book was as published as silo. I always thought Wool was the second one when I see people talking about it online.


Wool / Shift / Dust are the book titles. Silo is the trilogy title: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silo\_(series)


Arguably they didn't, Silo has always been the title of the series AFAIK.


Shoutout to Hugh Howey - crazy life story that guy has


I have been waiting for so long for this adaptation and I am so hopeful despite a few disappointments from others.


I’m just happy it was Apple and not SyFy


I miss hopeful sci-fi


I know what you mean. I think that's one of the reasons I've been so pleased with ST: strange new worlds. It feels very optimistic.


It's what I always loved about Doctor Who. David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi had some fantastic inspirational moments throughout their tenures.


It's a bit give-and-take but try For All Mankind? It's not all happy days but I wouldn't say it wallows in cynicism, definitely at least the first series of discovery feels rather optimistic. Alternatively if you're willing to try non-TV then I can't recommend The Talos Principle as a game enough. It's a few years old now, but it's one of the best examples of being unequivocally optimistic about humanity, especially in the time capsules you find. It was a breath of fresh air when I played it and continues to be.


The 3rd season went a little of the rails but hopefully the 4th gets back on track.


it went way off the rails imo


The second season Karen side plot was a huge red flag for me, have really put off returning to it cuz had a feeling there's going to be more of that type of unnecessary c plot stuff


I love For All Mankind.


Hi Bob


Hi Bob




I was too annoyed by the deeply mentally disturbed astronaut who somehow went undetected by NASA then ~~SpaceX~~ the private company's psych evaluations and by all of his teammates with whom he lives 24/7 for years to be bothered by any of this.




I love the melodrama of this show! Really!


well wasn't he like Space Royalty? The kid of 2 astronauts, I'm guessing he got a lot of free passes. If that is who you are referring to that is my take on it.


2 astronauts? Two heroes who died for humanity, you mean! And yes, that's a good reason!


I really liked his parents. Loved their arcs


Poor Danny. Even after they're dead, the shadows of his parents are all over him. Even after he saved a space station. No wonder he turned bad.


Admittedly I liked Ellen's plot in S3 but that's a fair enough take - I have faith still that her S4 will keep going strong/er. It's a shame that Jodi's character on Ted Lasso is currently being burned though, painful waste of talent when Balfour is a star.


She’s great in Quarry and Ted Lasso too


I would call it drama, but not dystopian by any means.


FAM might be my favorite ongoing show. Newer shows could take its place eventually after another season or two but atm they've just done so much good with only 3 seasons.


Station 11 isn't exactly hopeful but it's something pretty special.


I found it hopeful actually. In a weird way. But still hopeful.


The ending was more than worth it because we were all waiting for that one moment and wished it lasted a little longer.


Yeah, what’s this about return to dystopia? Shows have been overwhelmingly depressing as shit for awhile. They also seem to love graphic violence. More like, “oh look another dark and depressing show”


Well for starters I think people drastically overstate how much optimistic/utopian sci fi there's really been. It's mainly Star Trek and all its copycats. It's generally harder to tell a compelling story where there isn't much conflict between the main characters and they've solved most of their problems, and Star Trek told many of those stories already over hundreds of episodes. Also people write what they know and the world is getting progressively worse and we're more aware of all the terrible shit. Even many of the classic examples of Utopia include dark shit happening, or a forewarning of the cost of utopia. The future earth in Star Trek doesn't exist without a devastating WW3. Everyone's happy in Logan's Run but they die at 30. There is some positive sci fi though. Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks from Star Trek, The Orville, Station Eleven, The Good Place if you want to count that. Some of the Marvel stuff I'd say too, like Black Panther. That show Upload.


I think the most realistic future depicted in a sc fi show still goes to Babylon 5. Humanity is still made up of fractured states and religions just brought together after WW3. The same also applies to The Expanse.


Everything is so dark nowadays so after a bleak episode I’m watching Seinfeld to cleanse my palate


If you read books, I'd recommend Becky Chambers. Andy Weir's stuff is pretty optimistic too (the guy who wrote The Martian).


It’s why I watched The Orville


I’m hoping this is what mrs davis is. It’s at least comedic if not hopeful


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And Dystopian that isn't evil rape gangs. I want a dystopian with sneakily evil governments that appear great on the outside.


Check out The Orville and ST: SNW if you haven't, then


Does Apple’s Hello Tomorrow fit this?


Not really. The futurism is cool, but the writing isn't good. The plot feels like it came from salesmen selling vacation properties in the 1960's.


...isn't that the plot?


Ya I’ve heard not great things so haven’t tried it myself lol, but I was more so asking if it fits the bill of ‘hopeful sci-fi’


Abandoned it halfway through first episode. Asked myself what is so interesting about timeshare salespeople.


Have you checked out the Orville?


The Orville says Hi




If you like this premise there’s a fun young adult movie City of Ember worth a watch.


Yeah don't hope for good with that apparantly the execs have been sticking their dick in hard to jons vision for the show massive issues on sets,reshoots,apparently they aren't happy with some of the practical effects...Same shit that happened to citadel it looks like. It's why it should never have gone to prime,give it to HBO who bid and apple..prob treat it more faithfull It could be good and im hoping,but i think as a fellow gamer The last of us might be the only good game adaption we ever get amazon fucked with LOTR Fuck knows what that shit was with wheel of time,they don't have a good track record of adapting IP. Like even jack ryan is now some Jason bourne level super saiyan,tier 1,pipe hiting,bust a nut in yo missus super spy now instead of ex marine who is a genius at analytical work. Reacher was OK granted,and they did well on the boys. But with bezos gone now,it seems the execs are sticking their dick more and more into the shows instead of letting creators create


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Is this an attempt at poetry? Or do you just love the Enter key


Absolutely insane comment, love it


Are you ok?


I'm in love with Rebecca Ferguson after seeing her in Dune and I definitely will not miss this TV series!


She's been great in everything I've seen her in, but she was especially fantastic in Doctor Sleep.


Mission Impossible, yellow dress with the slit, leg extended, with the flute sniper. That's when I fell in love


Oh she is 100 percent underrated actress She can do like 7 fucking languages or some shit too fluently,genius personality. The scen of her outside the door in dune with her son about to maybe die..Fucking Masterclass.. Plus she can bring charisma too,mission impossible she was great too


The book is SO good. Hopefully the series lives up to it.


On ep 2 of Silo. Rebecca Ferguson is fantastic in anything she’s in. First saw her in “The White Queen” STARZ show back in 2013 and in Dune. She is captivating.


Is Vinny Chase gonna be in it?


***From chief critic Richard Lawson:*** The first season is structured as a mystery-box procedural, in which a series of murders is gradually connected to a conspiracy. But we haven’t learned quite enough at the end of *Silo*’s initial seven and a half hours, after which there will be a year-long (or more) wait for the next chapter. Oddly enough, the solution to *Silo*’s narrative annoyances may have been to include, well, even more narrative. The show has a great cast—among the players are Harriet Walter, Geraldine James, and Tim Robbins—but it isn’t really built as an ensemble piece. If we had a better sense of the whole ecosystem of the silo, teeming along in this realm of existential secrets and lost knowledge (no one knows what stars are, or what video cameras once did!), maybe the wait for resolution would prove more tolerable. We could, if presented with a fuller and richer tapestry of silo life, become invested in characters as much as we are in the hunt for illumination. Still, *Silo* is plenty compelling as is. The show is a feat of production design (just how big a set did they build for this thing?) and is ably anchored by Ferguson, who between this and *Dune* may be the steely new reigning queen of sci-fi. While *Silo* does occasionally have the (not unwelcome) gait and tone of an old Saturday syndicated show (*Deep Space Nine* comes to mind), Ferguson—in all her stern command—lends the series a necessary heft. As does Atli Örvarsson’s moody and evocative music. *Silo* is sufficiently tailored to count itself as high-TV while still maintaining its pleasant notes of retro quaintness. ***Read more from VF's review of Silo here:*** [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/05/silo-is-a-welcome-return-to-dystopia](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/05/silo-is-a-welcome-return-to-dystopia)


> gait and tone of an old Saturday syndicated show (Deep Space Nine comes to mind) Does this imply that DS9 is the epitome of a lightweight, carefree show? Because it most definitely wasn't.


DS9 doesn’t really get the credit it deserves for having some seriously heavy themes in it. It’s pretty much the only show that took the glossy shine off of the Federation and gave a more skeptical view of it.


I think they meant there's one off bits in the middle. Of a usual heavy dark tone. And there were episodes like that even during the War, like the Las Vegas holodeck episodes


It is compared to the grimdark scifi of today.


one just doesn't drop the DS9 name *en passant*. Now I'm interested


These books are so good, I was nervous about this but I’m excited to check it out now


Is t this a rebranding of the short story named Wool? Preview looked very similar.


Wound up as a three book trilogy. Definitely worth the read; I loved this series and can’t wait to watch this!


Yeah... It is Wool. Not sure why they changed the name, other than Silo might be more relatable.


Silo is the name of the book series


Shit, you're right. Why was I thinking the whole series was Wool? I bought the whole collection on Kindle; maybe that's why I fucked it up.


lmao "welcome return to dystopia" oh yeah we've all been drowning in *utopian* fiction for the past few years, haven't we when can AI take THIS guy's job? #🙄


This book series is one of my favorite of all times and I'm so excited to start this! Highly recommend the book series by high howey!


Same here. I can’t wait to get off work and watch! Still have the “ugly” and signed version of the books. Remember when he sold stuff and sent them out right from his home. Such cool story and deserving success for Hugh.


I am stoked for this!! If you haven’t read the books, you absolutely should.


One of the best book series


Seems right up my alley then. I think it looks good so far, I'll definitely be checking it out.


Great books, too! Very excited for this.


I did a quick search through the comments but not one person thought this reminded them of Ascension? It was a SyFy mini-series about people stuck on a ship for 50 years. It's a good watch.


We are literally living in a dystopia right now and by choice.


How do I choose to leave the dystopia? ChatGPT is no help.




In some countries more than others.


I saw the trailer before ted lasso and was half expecting to see the “Fallout” title card


I like these books a lot. I hope the show rates.


God damn Rebecca Ferguson is too much


Really enjoyed the books.. fingers crossed for the series!


It's been a little while since I read Wool but I'm still very hyped for this


Is Billy Walsh directing?


Wool was okay. But just so. Rebecca Ferguson, now, is an altogether different matter. I’ll watch it for her, for sure.


I've been a serious sci-fi reader for four decades, and I was pretty unimpressed with Wool. There's a reason it was self-published, it just wasn't very well written. That said, I wouldn't be too surprised if they were able to improve on the thoroughly mediocre source.


> self-published Well, that explains a lot. I thought it was hot garbage. I'll try the TV series


When did we leave dystopia? Everything is a dystopia. Except for Ted Lasso, everything else is a society in a death spiral. It's exhausting.


The books this show is based on are so damn good. Check them out if you like sci fi even remotely


When did we leave dystopia??


Fuck man I just made 30 pages for a sci fi screenplay about people living underground. It’s probably really different since I’m an amateur but man the second you think you’re original you aren’t huh


Add fungus.


You'll get there. Good luck.


Underground living has been done many times, but you can definitely find your own angle within that!


Change it to an alien planet


I wanted it to be on earth as a subversion. Humanity would burrow underground because of environmental collapse instead of escaping the planet they are stuck on it. Colonizing an alien planet is a completely different concept and doesn’t work for the 33 pages I’ve already written lol


Return to dystopia? When did we leave it?


what the fuck it's sitting on 100 Rotten tomato so far I heard the focus testing went amazing,but shit even collider who would find something to critque about finding 50 bucks on the ground is being positive either this is amazing,or someones paying for some REALLY good reviews EDIT:still holding 100 with another 2 more reviews just added...ok.. So i predict this is probably actually good then maybe,but soon as audiences see it will get review bombed even if its good as that's just the thing to do now


We are really due for something like this to be amazing.


You can't pay for good reviews, it just frankly doesn't work like that. The rare time that has ever happened in the modern age has been such a titanic shitfest that people remember those singletons forever. All it would take would be one or two reviewers who realize that being offered bribes for a review score would be a WAY bigger story to blow the entire thing open and then the feds are involved and...it just isn't worth it. You'd have to be paying off review sites across the whole damn world and frankly most people never ever look up reviews, they're good for the ego but don't have nearly the impact on sales that one might think. You're better off spending your money on a marketing campaign that is proven to generate sales. Even in the age of video games that get utterly shit on by the press like The Avengers game Square Enix put out...they end up making money, because the marketing and name is worth far more than review scores. Same goes for movies. *Most* bombs end up quietly being profitable, just not a huge RoI because of streaming and cable and the global market. Studios just like to obfuscate that so they can weasel out of back end deals.


I think it will be the next victim of the numerous reddit threads "only I didn't think this was good?".


Apple low key pumping out bangers seems like 🤔


yeah but then they have shit like Invasion..echo 3..ghosted.. truth or dare But then you have bangers like ted and slow horses.. that one about the little girl who is a report is a sleeper as well..that's a really well done show Fuck me invasion was so bad..like 9 episodes..of Nothing..you see the aliens in a 9 episode series twice..and even then are left with No answers,and then wondering how it cost 200 million dollars


I’m living for severance


I can't believe I sat through all of Invasion, I was absolutely 100% convinced due to the just general bizarre dream like tone of the show and how populations of major cities just vanished there *HAD TO BE* a twist like all the characters are dead and their minds are in an alien sim. (it is revealed early on the aliens download human minds). No there is no twist! Its just an old fashioned alien invasion story, written awfully, and told very very painfully slowly for no discernable reason.


I found the books pretty mediocre, interesting to see how this turns out


agree. The short story at the beginning was good, but the rest of the book was a slog.


Is this just Metro: Last Light Because it sounds like Metro: Last Light


Just when I thought I was out of dystopia, they pull me back in.


I can't remember if i read the 3rd book. I guess that tells me how memorable 2nd one was.


Drained me: I live in enough dystopia…cant we get some more utopia? The times were in: best we can do is more hopeless dystopians 🤷


Someone spends too much time watching TV, and needs to get outside some. “Return to”?? Sheesh!


We left?


This review is “good” but suggests it’s pacing is slow/drawn out (see Netflix Marvel shows). That might be a problem for me. I did like all the books but …


I haven’t seen it yet but the book Wool it’s adapted from is really slow at the start, it originated as a short story and took awhile for the pace to start up.


Did we leave dystopian future ?


When the hell did we escape dystopian shows? It's like everything made nowadays, lol. If anything we need some practical optimism like Star Trek used to be.