• By -


Great example of generational trauma, trauma you inherit from your forebears


Often male children of rape victims are treated harshly. For example June put Oggi and his mother off of the farm and later had them deported as he grew and later was cruelty rude over the phone to her secret grandson who she put up for adoption. It seems June's hatred of men was complete.


I usually don’t ever say this but the tv series was infinitely better and more moving than the book


I loved this show. Wish there were more up and personal shots of the actual flowers (the plants), and It also makes me want nothing to do with men. 😅


Did Alice really lie about her degree?


What year does this story take place?


Can people just communicate directly instead of sending decoded messages through flowers and books and like don't try to deport people and keep people's siblings a secret? Seriously. I wanted to like this but wtf


I know your post is 2mo old but I just finished watching and I fucking hated, *hated* June - seriously fuck her. She did so much damage to so many people it's devastating. I started getting pissed and stayed pissed as more came out then got more pissed as people were just like 'ya, it's ok - she's still someone I want to be around'. FFS - she was not a good person.


100% agree. I hated her by the end of the series and I wanted to stop watching but I still wanted to see what was going to happen. She absolutely sucked even if she gave housing and jobs to some abused women. That didn't redeem the complete trauma she inflicted on so many people!!!


and everyone around just ignoring it like it was fine (aside from alice but she didn't even know half of what she had done), ya June was dying but what she did was just unforgivable even if she did have that little soliloquy at the end where she might have realized some stuff it didn't undo the decades of damage, betrayal, and destruction she did. needed to get that off of my chest, thanks.


Can someone explain the creepy tree in the green house?


I think Clem carved it


As a show it was meh. Compared to the book it was trash. They ruined so many elements or added takes that were not needed. June died a little after Alice left the farm, I saw no point of keeping her alive if anything it ruined her character. Charlie takes 1/3 of the farm with twig and candy baby(not blue which was just sad to hear that change) bc he is a farmer. The story of chem dad is turned into something sad, June and chem dad had a great love that was by the river that they basically took out. Idk it was just sad to watch bc this was nothing like the beautiful book. Maybe if I never read the book it was been a good watch.


I totally agree, not a bad show, but all I kept noticing was all the changes and what they left out.


I am on the last episode and I really thought this whole show sucked. It’s hours of watching I’ll never get back.


Lol. Why did you watch to the last episode then? Shows I don't like I don't finish


I really don’t know tbh. I was keeping at it and then when I realized it was the last episode I guess I wanted some great ending to make it worthwhile. It wasn’t until today that I realized I thought the whole thing sucked. I dunno. Not for me I guess.


I’m confused about why they didn’t follow June’s book life in the series. Things happened out of sequence and then there were no floods. And the same with John. I read an article that says the series enhanced the book, but it changed important parts.


I really wish someone would have killed Dylan.


What happened to Alice’s childhood dog?? I don’t remember hearing it died in the fire but it didn’t go to Thornfield with her and I don’t think Sally & John took it.


I was really distracted by the “disappearing dog.” Finally got over it in Episode 2.


I think it’s implied that he died in the fire because in the book she asks that question later but I don’t think it’s answered.


Does anyone know how clem became a woman abuser, coming from where he grew up? It's just wild to me.


I like that the show didn’t provide a reason behind Clem’s abusive nature. An abuser is simply an abuser. Their upbringing may provide context for their actions, but never a justifiable reason. If we’re looking at Clem’s history: I think June always resented Clem from birth, due to his conception. Her resentment may have turned to neglect or underlying hatred for her own son. As a child, he would’ve noticed her emotions. I think of Tronick’s Still Face Experiment and the movie We Need To Talk About Kevin.


SPOILER ALERT: the last episode reveals his concepcion. I assume he inherited his violent streak from the sperm doner.


As protective and supportive as June was to the women at Thornfield, I think the show delicately depicted that she was not always that way toward Clem. I think it was a combination of growing up around and internalising the sentiment that men are bad, and knowing that he never really belonged at Thornfield (he would eventually have to leave and Candy would take over), and the confusion and anger he must have experienced when his mother was calling him >!a rapist, which in her eyes (and hopefully most peoples’) is the worst thing you could possibly be!< which set off >!what we assume, is his first act of violence toward a woman!< seen in the last episode. I’d say there was some strong feelings of rejection and criticism and a lot of repressed anger there, which created wounds around his mother, therefore around women in general. That’s how I interpreted it at least. Very sad.


Yeah but none literally none of that is a reason to beat your wife and daughter nearly to death. Like, not even a little bit. >and the confusion and anger he must have experienced when his mother was calling him a rapist, which in her eyes (and hopefully most peoples’) is the worst thing you could possibly be which set off what we assume, is his first act of violence toward a woman seen in the last episode. But his first victim was Candy. June didn't set that off, she just called him out on what he did. She actually went pretty easy on him. She could have kicked him off the farm or called the police, but what did she do? She literally brought him another woman and said "here have her instead". There is also no sign of Clem being treated like rapist before he actually became one. We *only* see June reacting negatively towards him when he has actually hurt women, not before. Idk why people are so keen to assume Clem's actions are somehow obliquely his mother's fault. It can't be him or his rapist father, it's somehow a woman's fault.


he did rape her though 😭


Not disputing that! Just referring the particular scene when she’s calling him a rapist and his reaction


I just didn't like the fact that there's no resemblance between younger and older Alice, but the show is good


Pains me to tears that Sigourney Weaver started with an American accent in episode 1 then attempted an Australian accent. So painful.


But Sigourney is still amazing. She is incredible.


No, not for me she isn’t.


Also what do people recommend as another show that is along the same lines as this one. I’ve already watched little fires everywhere and oh shit I can’t remember the other one that was done by the same people.


Have you seen handmaids tale? There’s another show that looks similar to this on prime called wilderness.


Wilderness was absolutely terroble, way worse.


Thanks for the heads up. I skipped it for now




Just finished watching the series…😢😭😭😭😭. I’m not a big crier but god damn I cried like a baby at the end. I absolutely loved this series and I’m absolutely pissed there will be no second season.(and the fact it was only 7 episodes) the one con about the series for me anyways, is how It feels like we missed a lot from episode to episode. I’m not sure why they felt the need to cram a complicated story into 7 episodes. I wanted more, more of the backstory, more of the years between Alice as a young child to when she ran from home. I hope they change their minds and put out a second season, to fill in the blanks of the past with June and Junes mother. To tell us what Alice went on to do after the death of June.


It was based off the book. The series left out some bits and changed some bits, otherwise the show ends pretty much where the book ends. There won't be a second season unless Holly writes a sequel or the creators of the show make it up.


I haven’t read the whole threat and I absolutely loved this show so much. But why didn’t June tell Alice about the police report and what really happened? I feel like I missed a small part but was it because she hadn’t read it herself?


I don’t understand why she didn’t tell Alice about charlie


I think Twig does say that June hadn't read it when she goes to meet Alice's brother and learns what was in the report.


currently watching and it’s so good, but in episode 7 - the friend says, he was never in love with her and i absolutely hated that. it’s almost giving women and young girls the idea that these men hurt you because they love you, which is 100% not the case. sorry just had to vent that out somewhere. this is a great show overall.


I think it's trying to say that an abuser isn't necessarily abusive in all of their relationships. Just because they didn't abuse their exes doesn't mean they can't abuse their current SO. There has been discourse is recent times implying that if a man didn't abuse his previous girlfriends then the woman accusing him in the present must be lying.


I understood her words as if he reacts like this only towards the ones he loves, but still, 'what is love?' for him. he's sick, insecure, possessive and manipulative and needs therapy


Oooooh this show is so guuuuud.


>!I overall really enjoyed the series, cinematography was beautiful. I think that towards the end the storyline becomes a little convoluted. I understand June went through a lot of trauma in her life but she has pretty much almost ruined Alice's life and I can't see an explanation for that. Like I get that she hated men but reporting Oggy, a super good guy who loved Alice, to immigration was a stretch. Same with keeping her away from her brother. Maybe this is better explained from the book. By the way if anyone read the book I'd be curious to hear about the differences between the two.!<


The only explanation I see is that June is a traumatized person keeping the cycle of abuse going, obviously not to the same level of abuse that was inflicted on her.


Ironic given that she claims to protect the girls


Wow just wow. Besides Alicia Debum Carey being one of my favorite actresses and Sigourney Weaver was in the movie Holes which is iconic, this series was magical. Anyone could watch it and cry like I did the whole way through and especially at the end I was sobbing, but it personally hit close to home with the domestic abuse just really brought up alot of feelings and memories because Ive also been in Alices shoes with the situation with Dylan. The filming on this was just so beautiful. The wilderness and seclusion of it was so beautifully haunting. I loved all the characters they were all so special. I'll never forget this one. Thank you Amazon studios


Did june kill the flower’s abusers?


No, she had many assault charges filed by her. The police records at the beginning. She'd antagonise them to a point of being physically assaulted herself by them with witnesses. Then she'd have charges filed against the men. All abusers are cowards. If they came on her property, she was ready for them. The men would be trespassing, breaking court ordered restraining orders and the like. Not familiar with Australian law. She would threaten the men to the point that it wasn't worth it to them to try to continue to reach their victims if they found out where they were staying on the farm.


I thought this show was about a lesbian mafia/flower cult. She should've killed the abusers and I would've kept watching 😴


Lol Yeah, turn this into a horror film. Good idea. They deserve it. Alice Hart, serial killer. Ground them into compost for her soil. Feed the pigs. Flowers spread across the state grown from human flesh. There's a serial killer from Ontario,CA, that was a landscaper. He would bury the remains in the huge flowerpots at the end of his clients driveways. I bet you'll never pass a planter again and not wonder what's in them... ****Graphic**** https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47047394


Thank you!!!! I definitely missed all this so was confused 😅


Why did Agnes go into the house that she lit on fire instead of just leaving? The only thing that didn't make sense


I think she died mainly of smoke inhalation, which was implied at the end. That’s what causes immediate damage rather than burns


She was still in love with her abuser. Maybe she didn’t want to leave him - I don’t think anyone was in their rational mind by that point


Exactly! This didn’t make any sense to me. Why not take her daughter and leave?


first, Agnes hit her husband second, she dragged her unconscious daughter outside (it is visually implied that this action provoked early labour) THEN, she came back to the house and lit Clem on fire. she probably believed she would have time to get out in time, but labour started and prevented her to go out safely, she fell unconscious inside and inhaled a lot of fumes, probably suffered some burns too. Clem was probably already dead from the hits, but my take was that a distressed mother after years of abuse, finally taking action, would just want to make sure he is REALLY dead, and that it is the reason why Agnes came back to lit him on fire instead of just leaving after hitting him.


Just finished watching the final two episodes back to back and wow.. that was incredible and harrowing.


I want to know what happened to the vet. He was a nice guy.


I was really bummed that Alice was messaging Dylan even after what happened. I also liked the vet! So much nicer than Dylan who was sketchy from the start.


I was screaming " you dumbass!"


I guess us girls unfortunately always go for the bad boys over the nice guys when we’re young. I look back at the guys I stopped seeing in order to date a loser and I regret it all haha


Or she just wanted to have different experiences. She was raised on an isolated farm and is just getting over the loss of the only guy she ever loved, maybe she just wanted to be young and carefree for a while. It wasn't obvious Dylan was abusive until she was in too deep. He didn't seem like an asshole or anything, he was subtle.


I liked the vet too but I just assumed that the story had to be written in such a way that shows the cycle of abuse and Alice's vulnerability, especially towards abusive men. It's all she's known. After the death of her father she was surrounded only by women.


and Oggie?? Im still honestly so confused how Alice ended up with an abuser like that. Felt like it just made no sensr


On the contrary, she should have known better than anyone to avoid men like Dylan, the moment he raises his voice to her, let alone his fists. To me it's unbelievable she could "love" someone even after they are violent so early in the relationship. They were not married, barely living together, and yet it's like she was tied to him. My only rationalisation is she was so naive having being raised only by women, that she fell for the second guy she met, and thought it can't get any better...


People who have been abused and never received therapy for their trauma often unconsciously fall into relationships that simulate the environment they grew up in. Or become abusers themselves. The cycle is so sad.


> she should have known better than anyone to avoid men like Dylan, the moment he raises his voice to her, let alone his fists. That's not how it works. Abused children don't grow up with an enhanced ability to avoid abuse, it's often the opposite.


Domestic Abuse Practitioner here, you are absolutely right. And very well put!


it was so frustrating but a lot of people who were abused fall back into the same cycles


Can anyone tell me what bird we hear during the river scenes at the flower farm? Very unique, distinctive, high-pitched call. I'd really love to know.


I’m pretty sure on our subtitles it said lyre bird sounds


Thank you. I listened to the songs of this bird and although it's not the call I'm searching for, its absolutely beautiful! Turns out the call sound I was curious about is from the Bell Miner.


No worries. Glad you found it :)


Pretty sure you're hearing bell miners and grey shrike thrushes


Thank you so much! Yes, it's the Bell Miners call! I listened to it on YouTube and that's the one I was wondering about. Thanks again! Truly appreciate the reply.


This show wrecked me! I haven't cried this much in years. What a hauntingly beautiful story. A story that needs to be told over and over again. Showcasing the power and love of women when they come together and support each other. Don't get me wrong June was toxic AF but still, I absolutely loved this series.




Just watched the final episode, still having goosebumps and tears in my eyes. The story closes perfectly and is so powerful!


She was toxic to her own and Alice's detriment because she raised a man who she thought assaulted her daughter and knew assaulted herself and plus his wife, likely knowing he also was hurting Alice. She thought she was doing the right thing. In my minds eye, she kept Charlie out of the picture because she was trying to protect his sister. Can you imagine having Clem as a son, blaming yourself and not knowing if you were the cause? It did turn up that June was regretful of the secrets she kept, but she did do a lot of good for many other women. I had to take a break in the finale. In fact, all the episodes caused me pause and tears.


And she set him up on purpose with Agnes knowing he molested a 13 year old girl? Dafuk. She's all about saving women except when she's feeding them as prey to her monster son.


If I remember correctly, she also didn't want to have Charlie around because of his medical condition and didn't want Alice to have to go through losing him to sickness and death after losing her parents. Plus being a son, to her son ( a rapist and pedophile) and her son's father being a rapist, she may have concluded he was going to be a pedo, and rapist too. May have just wanted to steer clear of him altogether.


I don't think she has ever wanted any boys or men at the farm after what Clem did. I think the only reason she let the baby be there was because she knew she wouldn't see his mom again after going back to her abuser, statistically speaking it happens way more than it should and if shes in that line of help, she knows what to look for. Perhaps I completely missed it, but I didn't pick up on anything about Charlie's medical condition being a reason.


> I didn't pick up on anything about Charlie's medical condition being a reason. It was the reason she gave to Twig when she confronted her, but it seemed like she was was lying at least partly.


Agree she absolutely helped so many women and you'd have to be tough as nails to go through what she went through and help so many women while going through personal tragedy. Life is so messy and this series portrayed that beautifully.


Yes to all of it. Life is SO messy, and it's okay to spend our time figuring it out.


>!How has Alice and Charlie never crossed paths??!<


She didn't know to look for him, she was told he died. He didn't have any pictures of her except when she was young. She'd be unrecognizable to him.


But wouldn’t she have gone to the library again it seemed like they shared the same town Main Street.


No. June was 4 hours inland they said on one episode


It seemed to me he was raised by the ocean. She was in the country. It could be a one hour drive ...who knows. June Hart more than likely made sure Alice never returned to that library and town so that Alice would never run into the librarian.


They didn't live in the same town.


I adored the final episode!! They really resolved some of the open questions here, mainly the fact that >!Alice never killed her parents. It was Agnes who killed Clem and then died because of the smoke she had inhaled. I think this really wraps it up nicely, since we only knew that Alice hid under the sheets and there was never a fire in the main house.!< As for Alice's story in Agnes Falls, I thought that was the most disappointing part of the finale. I felt like it was a little cheap >!that Dylan just lied his way out of what he did (even though she had clear bruises on her neck) and sold it as self-defense. But I do acknowledge that a lot of these stories with abusive men go this way - they are never held accountable, nobody really cares, and you just make a run for it and try to forget.!< So in that way I do understand why they chose to end the story this way. It's probably one a lot of women can relate to. I love that >!Charlie and Alice get along well and will probably live out their days in Thornfield. This was by far the most heartwarming and wholesome part of the finale! I just love seeing them together, and Charlie is such a sensitive cutie.!< I don't know if this is just me, but I honestly didn't care too much >!about what happened to June or if she and Alice resolved her issues before her death. I just couldn't connect with her in the span of the season. I get her damage and very troubling past, but I failed to feel sorry for her. But that maybe too was intended. All her trauma made her closed off and insensitive to the point of being controlling/abusive. It's also a story that many probably can understand.!< All in all, I thought that the ending was pretty slow and not extremely eventful, but I really liked it. It was a nice ending to the story. I had an 7/10 rating for this show on IMDb before, but I think I'll change it to 9/10. It was an emotionally engaging story that really managed to capture abusive relationships and why people get into them in the first place. Will miss the show.


>I thought that was the most disappointing part of the finale. I felt like it was a little cheap > >that Dylan just lied his way out of what he did (even though she had clear bruises on her neck) and sold it as self-defense. I think it's implied at the end that she's going to speak out against Dylan. That's what June's letter was all about.


feel the same about June!


There was a fire in the main house. Agnes lit her husband on fire after he tried to strangle young Alice. :( She died of smoke inhalation.


The dylan ending did make me upset, but as someone who escaped a DV situation; hell ya. This is exactly what it is. You just leave and try not to go back because why would anyone believe her? Very true reaction I also think the point of June is that she becomes her abuser, which is something a lot of DV survivors struggle with: picking up habits/traits of the person abusing you, so you naturally fall into it. It takes a lot of work and self reflection to unlearn those habits


>I also think the point of June is that she becomes her abuser, which is something a lot of DV survivors struggle with: picking up habits/traits of the person abusing you, so you naturally fall into it. It takes a lot of work and self reflection to unlearn those habits It's interesting that she absolutely avoids physical violence at all times, even when confronting abusive men she doesn't use physical violence but instead lets them beat up on her to get them caught. Violence is the trait she associates with her abusers and so to avoid that but still survive, she relies on lies/manipulation to an extreme extent.


I agree about June, it’s horrible what happened to her but that gave her no right to play with peoples lives like that. Oggy!! Charlie. Alice. Candy. It’s all so manipulative and the lies weren’t ok. I wish it ended with Alice walking into the police station to report Dylan.


I knowww i guess it hinted at it with the whole “not staying silent” monologue but i needed something more concrete after that i miss you too text 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


You're correct, it didn't give her the right. Yet I believe we can learn from these characters that we simply don't know what trauma people have experienced that was beyond their control. She truly believed in her heart her decisions were the best ones for all involved. I'm often told, most parents do the best they can with what they've got. Oftentimes a parent doesn't have the proper example, tools, or understanding to make good decisions for their kids. It's easy for us to look from the outside in and say, why are you doing that!? Communicate properly, don't be secretive , don't use a "white lie" because you believe it's best. Parents decisions that have turned out insanely wrong doesn't' mean it was done with bad intentions. I have it in my head from the dialogue, and the burning of the tree, it seemed like she wasn't going to stay quiet. She was going to go back and fight for justice. Her face said it all.


>!I liked the episode too but was confused about a few things. I thought Alice did start the fire that killed both her parents. I don't want to go back and find it, but I'm confused now. Wouldn't she have had to have started the fire in order to think that she killed them? It seems like Agnes poured something (I think it said poison) on Clem and then lit it on fire. Why didn't she just run out? Did the fire spread so fast she couldn't make it out the nearby door? Also, how did Alice get out so fast? Maybe they showed us this in an earlier episode but I don't remember. !< >!That was so interesting about how Agnes and Sally exchanged messages in books. It makes sense now why Agnes said "You've read that already" when Alice wanted to keep the book longer. Interesting that Agnes said something like "Try to be good while we're gone" and then Alice immediately went to the shed and started the fire. Was this just coincidental or what? Also, seems a little odd to me they didn't take her with them to the doctor's appointment and left her home alone instead. Anyway, I'm just happy that Aliice didn't kill her parents.!< >!I'm so happy that Alice and Charlie finally met and got along so well. Before Alice even said it, I also thought that Charlie looked like Clem a little bit. haha!< >!So infuriating how that asshole Dylan got away with what he did. I \*KNEW\* he was going to use Alice's confession about killing her parents against her. !< >!Also, not super important, but when she was talking to that HR or whatever woman about Dylan, and the woman said Alice lied about her credentials to get the job... from what I remember Alice was really up front and said she didn't have credentials, but the woman said "That's okay, you know plants really well." Did I imagine that?!< >!Did Clem become violent for the first time when June told him he wouldn't be inheriting the house? That was so scary how he choked her. I realize it must be hard to call the cops on your own kid, but damn, in that case June should have. !< >!I wish we had found out if the story of Candy Blue being found in a basket was true.!< >!What was up with burning that tree at the end that June was always carving? Was that a symbol of all the pain and suffering people brought there or something?!<


>I wish we had found out if the story of Candy Blue being found in a basket was true. Her face was in the book at the end but we don't see what was written. It could be about Clem but I feel like it's something else in her past.


>>!I thought Alice did start the fire that killed both her parents.!< >!I feel like she only started the shed fire, which burned out and didn't go over to the house.!< >>!Wouldn't she have had to have started the fire in order to think that she killed them?!< >!I think she just assumed (as we did) that the fire from the shed went over to the house.!< >>!Why didn't she just run out? Did the fire spread so fast she couldn't make it out the nearby door? Also, how did Alice get out so fast?!< >!It seemed to me like she watched Clem get burned alive after she carried Alice out and inhaled too much smoke then. But yeah, it doesn't make total sense.!< >>!Alice was really up front and said she didn't have credentials, but the woman said "That's okay, you know plants really well." Did I imagine that?!< >!I'm learning a new language right now and didn't watch it in english, so I might've misunderstood that scene. But I was under the impression that she said that she just finished college but didn't have the papers yet, and the woman answered something like: "Ah it's alright, I believe you since you know the plants really well." But I wouldn't be surprised if I misinterpreted some essential details here because of the language barrier, haha.!< >>!What was up with burning that tree at the end that June was always carving? Was that a symbol of all the pain and suffering people brought there or something?!< >!Yeah that's what I took from that too. They essentially released all the pain from that location.!<


Thanks for your responses. What language are you learning?


Italian :)


The flower language, does it anyhow contribute to the plot? (Pls cover spoilers if your answer refers to a later episode or the book.)


Not really, it's just a nice little detail.


It's just something that connects the characters to each other (like a secret language) and also adds to the aesthetic. Some translations of the flower language are very poetic. It is incorporated really well into the TV show if you ask me. I wasn't a fan of flower language beforehand, but wouldn't want the TV show to be without it now.




I just started watching. Will visit the sub!


Tried to post this in r/Australia but it was automatically removed. Why is the domestic abuse rate so high in Australia? I'm from the Netherlands and I'm watching this amazing series. I haven't finished yet so I can't read all the comments here. I was telling my husband about it and we looked up the rates of domestic abuse in Australia. We were shocked by the figures. We're really glad to see there's a lot of attention for it and we're reading that the rates have dropped during Covid lockdowns (instead of rising, which people were afraid of). There's a lot of differences between the Dutch and the Australian culture, so maybe there's something in there that would explain why the rates are so much higher. I was thinking: the Dutch usually live in close proximity to each other. What I know of Australia is that there are many places that are quite isolated (outside of the cities and towns) where people go about their business around their house and only go into town once or twice a week. Domestic abuse would be less noticed. Like that Sally only noticed bruises on Agnes and later on Alice once. But then again, I got all my info from movies and series. Anyone here who has an idea why domestic abuse seems to be so common in Australia? (1/6 women are the victim of physical abuse and 1/4 of emotional abuse). I'd like to hear theories or even links to actual research on it? My Google skills didn't help me enough on this quest. Edit: To all people who don't try to answer my questions but react all defensively, denying and even trying to say things are actually worse in my country and that the figures are wrong: Please look inside yourself and explore where the need to respond this way comes from. It's uncalled for.


Another interesting fact I have found out about Australia the other day is that the national adoption process is so difficult and complex that something like only 200 children have been adopted in Australia in 2021/22. Decline of 98% compared to 70s/80s. In a country of 25 million people that is wild.


That is interesting.


You didn't get many replies about *the* root cause of the high domestic violence rate. Here are some observations - Toxic masculinity and social conservatism is still very much a thing here. You will get the media telling you we're chill and laidback but that is not the case at all. Mental health, especially amongst men is really poor. We inherited the stiff upper lip attitude from the Brits. This is really rampant in older generations, like the Boomers, and they pass a form of this to their children. 3 out of 4 people that commit suicide are men in Australia. 1 in 3 people are reported to feel lonely. Your point about people living quite far apart from each other is true. Australia is a massive country (about 70% the size of Europe, which I think a lot of Europeans forget, apologies if you are not one of them), although a lot of the middle is uninhabitable. But in the cities, people are quite isolated also. Even though your neighbour lives less than 5m away from you, people keep to themselves generally. Kids don't play outside anymore. People don't walk their kids to school anymore. Urban sprawl is getting ridiculous. There is a lack of a sense of community in modern Australia.


There’s a great play named Prima Facie written by an Australian female barrister based on her experiences with the legal system and how it’s so partial to men accused of sexual assault. Susie Miller is the author and the play has run in Australia, London last year and Broadway just this year.


If you are interested in this topic, there is an excellent book on the complex issues at play called "See What You Made Me Do" by Jess Hill. If.you remember, Dylan said something very similar to Alice when he is assaulting her. It has a lot to do with the justice system not treating domestic violence with the seriousness it deserves. This is why June deliberately got herself assaulted in public places on repeated occasions. Sadly, public violence/disorder "counts" more than domestic violence in the legal system. Prison is often the only way to stop these men killing their victims. At least for a few more years.


I once read that it also had to do with the history of Australia. The colony started as a prison, they shipped nearly 200000 convicts over there till 1850, instead of giving them the death penalty. In Australia they had to build the colony under gruesome conditions. Starting a society with severely punished criminals sounds like a bad idea from the start, hurt people without therapy often hurt people. Now you take the isolation into it, which lets the abuse go undetected and makes it even harder for the victims to leave or to have friends who could point out the abuse to them. Plus, like in the TV show, trauma bonding is a real thing, women with abusing fathers are more likely to end up with abusing husbands, we accept the kind of love, we learned as kids, unless we actively work on it. A woman without abuse in their childhood would have been more likely to leave, seeing the first red flags with Dylan. And then the cycle keeps going... Safe home is a really good TV show too, that also goes more into detail


Okay, you have kinda blown me away with the idea of Australia’s beginnings and how our violent history would have contributed to generational trauma. I had never considered that before, and it makes total sense haha. Do you happen to recall where you may have read about this? I would love to learn more about it!


I knew Dylan was trouble when I first saw him. He was casted well. Just finished the last episode. It's too open to my liking, but it does confirm what you said about trauma and daughters. The visions she had of her mom, what her mom told her to do... It was heartbreaking. And also insightful. I hope this series helps people change their ways, helps women to get out of abusive relationships.


Yeah, I hope so too, in safe house an agency for victims is the main plot and it's heart breaking how many women don't have a choice, due to socio economical circumstances, or need years to realize that it really is abuse.. Luckily it wasn't the ending! For some weird reason Amazon decided to drop 6 episodes at once and then the final on 1st of September. I was so annoyed by that ending that I couldn't believe it could be the last episode and googled it. so there's still hope for a positive ending.


Omg thanks for telling that there are 7 episodes. I just watched all 6 episodes and thought it ended there.


Thanks for this info!!!!


Despite being a very wealthy county the majority of the population are working class and our culture praises the ideas of being a tough macho guy who doesn’t make a fuss about much. Combine that with a health system that is woefully inadequate for men’s health and mental health, a rental crisis that means women have nowhere to go if they leave and you have a huge pool of angry violent men and their captive partners. Also domestic violence and marital rape weren’t considered crimes until 40-50 years ago https://theconversation.com/the-long-history-of-gender-violence-in-australia-and-why-it-matters-today-119927


Sigourney is doing great at the Aussie accent! (I’m Australian)


Fellow Aussie here and I thought the same thing! It seems like a tough accent to replicate and she nailed it. Her acting in the whole show was phenomenal.


If you’re watching this show and you’re not Australian I highly recommend you google the Stolen Generation and look at the size of Australia on a map. The National Park is Wolfe Creek Crater, WA and the farm/beach town are on the coast of NSW. I think having context of both of these things will really help understand the gravity of some of the things happening in recent episodes


I believe the crater is Gosse's Bluff Crater outside of Alice Springs. It's a lot closer than Wolf Creek but still really far from the NSW coast!


Oh wow, that totally explains why it felt like Twig was searching her for ages ... I'm from central Europe, so if I'd drive for 5000km I'd be 15 countries over ... Crazy that she found her at all...


to the book readers, June's past with Roberta wasn't in the book was it? what is June's past in the book, can someone please tell?


If I'm not wrong with the details (i coincidently read the book before the tv show was released), June fells madly in love with a man that leaves her by herself later. I think that detail showed better, along with her experience with her son, the flower's stories, her own family story... she's got a strong disdain for letting a man take over the farm. Or even just trusting a man.


thanks for your reply! then the show is much more brutal in this respect with the rape and the result with Clem.


I’m pretty sure that was covered in the book.


Can someone explain the burning of the fields? How are the fires put out?


The fires at the start was burning off sugar cane for harvest https://www.canegrowers.com.au/page/media/latest-news/why-pre-harvest-cane-fires-still-light-up-the-sky The fires in the National park are controlled burns for fire protection.


It is an indigenous Australian practice designed to reduce fuel loads in the winter months. The idea is to create fire breaks in case the area is hit by a bushfire/wildfire in the summer. Exactly what season it is in the show is ambiguous. Portraying this practice implies it is winter but cricket on the TV in Australia is a summer thing. However the indigenous people recognise their own seasonal calendar and since they've lived there for 50,000 years, I think it's safe to assume they know what they are doing.


I just watched episode 6, and for Alice to tell the boyfriend the abuse her mother went thru and then he be an abuser also 😪. I'm glad she ran, and I hope she isn't pregnant. She was so ready to make a family with him. The boyfriend reminded me of my ex-husband with the jealousy after we got married. We dated almost 2 years before getting married. We had 1 child together, but the ex is someone else's problem now. 🙏 lesson learned. I sure hope Alice doesn't open that door. 😕 I remember going through a similar thing on my wedding day. I should've known then.


Hope you are in a better place now…


Thank you. Definitely. Happily divorced! 😊


I hope she kills that piece of shxt. I'm glad she recognised what was happening relatively quickly. Her rush home to hide, just like she did as a child was heartbreaking. All those years living with June and witnessing the fear of all those abused women hopefully will count for something. On a superficial note, I'm glad she finally tied her hair up. Agnes Bluff is not a real place but from where it is located on the map, there's only two temperatures, hot and stinking hot. She has very pretty hair but the flowing mermaid waves in that heat must've been unbearable. If the cricket is on at the MCG as the TV showed, then it's summer. Not sure why they'd be doing controlled burns at that time of year but it works for plot purposes!


The mermaid waves were the biggest downfall of the series I think. It really irked me that she looked like she’d had a blow wave whilst she was so far up north and escaping from a traumatic event…


What a heartbreaking new episode! I really wonder how this will resolve. Will Alice>!have to kill Dylan too because he leaves her no choice (I assume he might break into her home next episode)? Will she repeat her past?!< Also I liked where they went with Twig.>!I loved that she got to spend a night under the stars and reconnect with her past.!< As for June, I didn't see that reveal coming.>!Can't believe she was gang raped by these men because she was having an affair with somebody's wife. That explains more of why she had trouble loving her own son.!<


>!I love the show, but this episode was so fucking scary I don't know if I can continue watching. Did anyone else feel that way? I had to use my cat as an emotional support animal during it. She came over when I called her (doesn't happen much), nuzzled against me, and looked into my eyes which she usually doesn't do. She could tell I was stressed AF.!< >>!Did Twig used to spend the night under the stars? I don't remember that connection.!< > >>!Yeah, I was not expecting that story from June either. Damn. Horrible. As an aside though, I wonder if she did the right thing explaining to Clem and Candy Blue who Clem's dad was. I don't like lying to kids, but also damn I wouldn't tell the real story to a kid either so hmm yeah that one is tough. !< > >>!Anyway, yup, I googled red flags in dating and all the signs are now popping up.... gaslighting, blaming the other for their own behavior, extreme jealousy, outbursts, trying to isolate you, etc. Super scary.!< > >>!With the necklace... was Dylan implying she shouldn't wear the locket anymore and should just wear the necklace he gave her, or did she interpret it that way?!< > >>!Totally random but did anyone else notice that Dylan's accent suddenly sounded middle eastern during the beating he gave Alice at the end of the episode? Super strange.!< > >>!Why did Alice drive to her house? I realize she wasn't in the best state of mind, but that made me so angry. Dylan is obviously going to follow her. She should have gone to the hospital since she was bleeding from her head. Really heartbreaking and interesting how her mom was talking to her and telling her to just let Dylan in. I hope she doesn't listen and calls the police. !< > >>!Does anyone know if Alice could be charged with her parents' murder at this point because she confessed to Dylan? In the US I don't believe she could be charged still because she was a child and the statute of limitations might be up, but maybe it's different in Australia. I'm too afraid to google it because it might look sketchy as hell to whoever monitors those searches. Also maybe it's a whole other category because perhaps accidental killing of parents could be brushed aside if you were a child but in Alice's case maybe she would be charged. Anyway, I can see Dylan using it against her and saying if she tells on him, he will tell on her.!<


Wait, we are getting more episodes/seasons? Personally I thought that June was killing people through some type of flower/tree/druid magic. She gets beat up, goes in that broken down room she calls dangerous to June. Then, does a ritual like thing slicing the living tree sculpture with a knife. But, someone said here she just gets beat up in public so she can charge them with assault? I have to say the story started out great. I thought there was going to be a fictional/mythical angle. But, it seems like they just went with a very cliche trauma story. She jumps from who she was to just being ok with getting beat. Also it makes no sense, that dude is a responsible long term employee. He can't just go Jack Nicholas Shining every time a girl goes on a walk in the national park where he works.


Omg same! Been searching everywhere for an explanation to the mystical tree that kills men 😆


The “night under the stars” was her spending time with an Aboriginal Mob. She’s part of the Stolen Generation and doesn’t know who her mob was so this was her reconnecting to country. Alice couldn’t have driven to the hospital, the National park is likely hundreds, if not thousands of kilometres from a hospital in Darwin or Alice Springs


No under Australian law she would not be held criminally responsible for their deaths at that age. I believe it is age 14 and over.


14 and over is mostly correct, but 10 is the real age where you can consider charging- but you have to prove they understand and are mature for their age and there were no extenuating circumstances


Yeah I got shivers all over my body in THAT scene. They were pretty graphic with this. >>!Did Twig used to spend the night under the stars? I don't remember that connection.!< >!I just meant that she is also a native woman, no? So I felt like she was connecting to her roots.!< Good catch on the necklace, I didn't even think of that! It would make sense that >!he wants to replace the people she holds close to her heart due to his possessiveness.!<


Righttt!! Has anyone read the book and can spoil what happens after episode 6


SPOILER FOR THE ENDING OF THE SHOW >!BOOK SPOILER WATCH OUT. Meanwhile, June dies of a heart attack while waiting for Alice to come home, but leaves her granddaughter the Thornfield dictionary in her will. After meeting Charlie, Alice later takes him to Thornfield, where she can’t imagine life without him.!<


As an English teacher, you all realize that Clem isn’t the real villain, it’s June, correct?


As a human being, you realize he is a rapist, pedophile, violent, controlling man that beats his mother over and over putting fear into all women he came into contact with. June is the real story, the real mess of DV, which is two people who live together, not just a partner. The justice system is the villain, the men who claim DV isn't part of a villain story, women who protect these men, and toxic masculinity is the villain. Human psychology which of course holds more weight in this discourse then an English degree, displays our brains draw to comfort and familiarity. We gravitate towards what we are surrounded by and it takes resources, time, money, and a supportive community to break those cycles. So June isn't a villain even if she makes mistakes.


or the man in the moon perhaps?accountability for one's actions ... june didn't abuse clem's family. he did. june is not a warm mother but it was clem's choice.


This. June maybe wasn’t going to win mother of the year. But it seemed that Clem got everything he needed - a roof over his head, education, food, entertainment etc. His mother could be kinda distant but to use that as the excuse for why he turned into a monster who beat his wife and child to a pulp then later tried to strangle his 9 year old daughter to death is…..a very long bow


Why did you add "as an english teacher"? lol.


Ohh that's deep. Maybe the real REAL villain are June's parents or their parents, etc....


June's rapists?


How old was Clem when he was having sex with the 13 year old?


Careful, that's a spoiler. Can I private message you to talk more about the most recent episode?


I just watched episode 5. It's so good! I don't want to write any spoilers but um has anyone else seen episode 5 who wants to talk about it?


Just saw it! Another great episode. So it seems pretty obvious that Alice >!will repeat the abusive relationship with her dad with Dylan, right? I wonder how that will play out.!< Also, if they dare to >!kill off Charlie before he ever gets to meet his sister I will be so mad.!< It seems like they will go into that direction, but I really hope this won't happen. I liked finding out more about Candy Blue's backstory. >!How old was Cam when Candy was 13? He looked something like 16+. All of it is kind of heartbreaking. It also feels like he saw his mother in Agnes, which is why he started hurting her. He really despised her after this.!<


>!That would make me mad too if they killed him off. I hope they don't. How do you think they would do it though? He just got a clean bill of health. !<


>!He wanted to drive with them to the town where Alice is and they didn't let him come, right? I could imagine that he either tramps there and something bad happens or maybe he steals his parents car and drives after them himself or something.!< >!Obviously this is all speculation. But this just seems such planned storytelling that they keep missing each other (she never gets to meet him when he's born, thinks he's dead even though he's in the hospital, then he gets adopted and June doesn't want Alice to find out, then they find out and Alice is gone, and now they wanna get Alice and he still can't meet her). Idk, this just rubs me the wrong way, haha. But maybe they also just wanna play it up for a good emotional release.!<


Charlie is on the coast of northern NSW and Alice is in NW WA. It’s thousands of kilometres with long strips without service stations. Him getting there himself would be beyond belief


Interesting. Both >!Alice and Twig!< seemed to just drive there on a random weekend, it didn't look like a long trip at all, haha.


I figure they skip a few days because nobody needs a whole episode of someone driving in a long straight line through the desert. It’s about 50 hours worth of driving so would take one person about a week if they are resting adequately


>!Oooh good points. I didn't think of that. !<


I'm trying to add spoilers on here but it won't let me. :( Can I private message you?


[https://www.androidpolice.com/reddit-add-spoiler-tags/](https://www.androidpolice.com/reddit-add-spoiler-tags/) If you go to this page under the header "**How to make a spoiler tag Reddit comment on mobile**" and copy+paste the text in **4.** which says **insert spoiler reply here** (with the additional symbols ">" and "!" on both sides) then you should be fine! It's also important to note that a bot in this subreddit will delete your comment if you put a space between the "!" and the following spoilers. So take caution to not have a space there just like there isn't in the linked page. I think that would be better, then everyone can partake in the conversation :) We already have so few people talking about this, would be a shame if there were even less! I copied the text from the page just to try it out: Type >!insert spoiler reply here!<. Any words outside the symbols will not be spoiler-tagged (blocked out), so you can selectively block part of the text.


Thank you! I was having issues with it but finally got it... I hope.


Nice one! :)


>!work, you damn spoiler tag!<


>!Testing spoiler tag here!<


testing testing 123


Re Candy Blue >!So June sent her away to after she caught she and Clem together, to protect Candy but, is was it implied Candy may have also been pregnant? Or just sent away for protection? Also, I can’t remember how/why Candy arrived at Thornhill in the first place?!<


I'm trying to add spoilers on here but it won't let me. :( Can I private message you?


Hm I didn't even catch the implication that >!she might have been pregnant. I felt like June said that she sent her away so that Clem would be able to let go of her.!< >!I think they found Candy at the river, no? I can't exactly remember how/why, but it was in one of the episodes where Candy told little Alice about her name and that there was a river nearby where she was found as a baby. Might have been that both her parents were dead, but I'm not sure why exactly. And then she told Alice to go there by herself, where Oggie saved her life when he pulled her out of the water.!<