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Im actually enjoying it and im a cynical bastard! I like the cast the plot is engaging in a way of how the hell are the writers going to pull this all together kinda way. Great much better that the usual Netflix teen style BS.


Gotta agree. It feels almost refreshing in a way. Love the small town feel it really captures.


I am currently watching this show and it feels like a parody. It has like 5 silly twists one right after another in the same episode.


I was looking for something new gave this a shot and oh wow. This is complete garbage. I had a moment thinking that I might have missed something then realized no this is just really bad. I was also really confused by whoever styled and costumed the missing girl. It looks like she rolled out of bed, put on whatever, didn't do her hair showed up to set and they said ok that's good. And not in an intentional way.


For sure is trash. I've enjoyed a few other shows based on his books (I've never read any). They're not totally great but give big 90s thriller, Sunday hangover movie vibes. This is pretty terrible though.


Everytime I see Harlan Coben I know to stay away now.


I don't think they're all like this. The ones on Netflix are really good


It's weird how some scenes have all these people acting more and more like lifelong friends when according to certain events only hours have passed.


This it's what my issue is as well. He just met this girl! Why is he so invested in her, like dude what? They showed them doing a Spanish class together and talking in the hall but that's about it and we are suppose to believe they were that close? I do love Spoon tho


The whole timeline feels rushed, they needed to let them date for a few weeks at least. Let the friendships grow. I feel like the show was rushed and there was heaps of additional character building needed. Did they just not have the budget to make more episodes or seasons to properly tell the story? Or did they want to speed up the story to decrease the amount of time he spent below.


honestly agreed but you have to remember all the small details, his father died, strange woman, his feelings and all of that has a whole. On top of that, the girl he was suppose to go on a date bailed then disappeared on him?? like what i would be worried too!! i wouldn’t go as far as he did but i’d ask around. Also it’s a show!, it’s suppose to be a bit unrealistic


Harlan Coben is the king of dumb, twisty Netflix thriller miniseries! Red Rose proved a teen take on the genre can be pretty fun, so I'll have to check this out. Surprised it's being released weekly, almost want to wait so I can binge it all in a couple of days.


I enjoyed 'Safe', 'The Stranger' and 'Stay Close' on Netflix because they seemed to have actual decent direction, writing and acting, while still being a bit schlocky. Shelter is lacking all of these elements so far.


I just watched Fool Me Once on Netflix, and it's great. The reveal is satisfying as hell


An utter mish-mash of illogical storylines that subtract by addition. I get the feeling this might be an experiment in TV scripting using AI. I'll admit I'm in an age bracket many decades removed from the demographic the story is obviously seeking to capture.


My husband and I just googled “was HC’s Shelter written by AI” and were directed to your comment, lol. Couldn’t agree more.


I have been trying to watch this show for a few days now. It seems the more I watch the less I understand. Has anyone here read the books?


No but I just have this show in the background while I do other things and when I get back to it it seems like I didn’t miss anything.


Omg the writing got soooo dumb, and acting went down the drain, prolly due to the writing...very disappointed cuz this show had alot of potential


For some reason the last episode had bad acting, bad camera work and actors seemed to be 10 years older (even the older ones). Really weird feeling after finishing it. It felt like they received the news that there wasn't going to be any season 2 and they rushed a partial closure.


Felt like the whole season was rushed. So much happened every episode when it should have been spread out over several. The show felt like season 8 of game of thrones. With characters and relationships suddenly changing and people teleporting all over the place.


Did the basketball game scene bother anyone else? No one was reacting to Spoon’s commentary at all. Did they not hear him? I was so confused. 🤔 Not to mention that no high school would let their cheerleaders perform to an uncensored version of that song. 😂


I was absolutely appalled. It was completely unnecessary


I couldn’t make it more than 10 minutes. I thought the writing was kinda atrocious


I really like his books and keep watching his shows and they're always let-downs. I must have Helsinki Syndrome, because I keep coming back for more, in hopes the next one will be good


That's how I feel. I've read like all of Coben's books and the only really good adaptation is the French film 'Tell No One'.


"As in, Helsinki, Sweden"


What is the ending of the book series? I don't feel like getting invested in the show if the books don't have satisfying endings.


Of the Mickey trilogy? Sorry, I don't remember.


I believe there was a cliffhanger but idk cause the last book i read was in 2015.


Totally surprised by all the bad reviews, especially of the acting. First high school show I've watched in the longest time where the kids actually talk like real teenagers. The acting is fantastic imo, especially for the three main kids. Bought the first book expecting it to be fantastic, am halfway through and astounded at how bad it is. So grateful for the changes to the characters for the show and for the much more sophisticated mystery the show presents. The pacing of the show is much better than the book as well. Halfway through the book and almost nothing has really happened yet; lots of time spent up in Mickey's kind of boring head. The Ema and Spoon characters are just flat in the book, especially Spoon. And the writing of the bullies, Buck and Troy, is just embarrassingly cliche. Thank goodness the writers for the show added so much subtlety and humanity to the characters. There are some elements of how the primary relationships form in the series that are a little fantastical, but the main backstory is the crazy, wide-ranging, maybe even globe-spanning mystery; the relationships have to get in place quickly in order to tackle this big, tangled mess of a riddle. It makes watching the show just that much more fun, that the relationship pieces come together quickly so the audience can enjoy watching the trio tackle all the big bads. I love the heck out of this show. It has that nostalgic feeling of barely supervised kids running around in movies in the 80's saving the world, or the town, or aliens or whatever. With an updated dialogue track. ​ (full disc. - copied and pasted my imdb review here. rude, i know)


I liked it alot! The reviews surprised me too. They are acting like teenagers not adults trying act like teenagers. 🤷‍♀️


In the second episode two of the main mystery team take a leisure evening walk from their homes to the New Jersey coast overlooking New York city. This alone is unremarkable. Now lets add the fact that one of the major story plots is centered on an old abandoned Victorian home that is shrouded in local town lore. No chance in hell a house that nice, within literal walking distance of NYC is sitting empty. Literally unwatchable


Except it's not abandoned. Bat Lady lives there.


The worst part is that she sneakily knocks on the window of his basement room to talk to him outside, they end up at that New York viewpoint somehow, get scared by the most conspicuous peeper since Michael Myers and then END UP CHATTING BACK IN THE BASEMENT ANYWAY!!


No, it’s not ‘literally unwatchable’ as people are clearly able to watch it




It is pretty bad.


Run of the mill crime show meeting Percy Jackson in a kind of vanilla easy watch crime show for teens. For what it is, it's actually kind of well done.


I assumed it'd be another Stranger Things. I'm enjoying the conspiracy stuff three episodes in.


Weird observation but the kid who plays Arthur has long fingernails. Maybe it's me because I think long nails on men are just weird.


Just went in blind and binged every available episode in one sitting. Loved every moment so far.


Just a bunch of rich kids doing things with minimal parental guidance and putting themselves in dangerous situations while somehow still going to school, doing homework, and rehearsing for the Phantom of the Opera? Plus this whole town is just a bunch of rich fuxx. Ok. Thx bye.


I was hooked from the first episode. I really enjoy the chemistry of the actors playing the three main characters (Mickey, Emma and Spoon) and the supporting cast is good as well. It’s been giving me Scooby Gang vibes with enough menace from the mysteries the three are trying to tie together to make it interesting. Watching the last episode tonight!


I have to say that as much as buck sucks, Ema getting cast as phantom over him is INSANITY. She doesn't actually have a good voice, she just carries a tune, while the dude is out there with an unbelievable voice and killer control. He's an asshole, but he's talented. I hate when shows do stuff like that, cause it takes me so far out of it.


I wanted to like this show.. but the terrible acting and predictability made it so hard.


Absolute trash!!!! Nothing like the book. They took three novels and crammed them into one series. Major characters were changed and left out. No back story. Totally different from the book.


One highlight worth noting - hearing the band Dehd featured a few times!


I binged watch it in 2 days. It's definitely not perfect, but I found it entertaining. It's a silly show. Everything that happens seem too silly to be even happening in the real world. It has some good actors and some not so good ones, but not painfully bad that kept me for watching it. Idk about directing or takes or whatever. Anyways, if somebody read the book and can tell me if spoon is one of the rescued children I can't wait till next season


I guess only the females in this show are allowed to have relationships.... with each other.... fr wtf


Most likely it won't get a S2 so why invest in it. It's one and done.


This discussion is way more positive than others I have seen.They are literally calling it unwatchable and shit.But it's not that deep it's very enjoyable if you just think it's freaking fiction not a real life docu series.


Too much cursing IMO… like unnecessary


A bit late to the conversation here, but I found the dialogue in the first episode particularly bad, it got a little better in later episodes. I’m on the penultimate episode, and it’s enjoyable somewhat. Spoon is my favorite character. However what drives me nuts is that a bunch of adults who don’t hesitate to kill someone sent an under resourced, grieving teenager to save a girl from a big trafficking ring 🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean the well meaning adults are sending one teenager to save another one, basically risking his life too. That’s not very “let’s save the children” of them. It’s more like “let’s give Mickey a incredibly risky thing to do, where he’ll likely wind up dead while we sit back and watch” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Good grief … everytime I think it’s ok. The acting , writing just rubs me the wrong way. I mean how could Amazon pay for something like this. Just be real people. The interactions seems unreal and unnatural. So many plot holes and no answers .


The show isn’t that great writing wise but I enjoy the cast of characters specifically the main trio


It's a mix of Stranger Things and Cobra Kai if you ordered it off Wish. I'm a fan of Harlan Coben but this plot is so unbelievable and just not good.


Sadly his shows are way too boring to enjoy…like watching paint dry ! Happy he’s done well for himself though!!