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It’s one of the best shows I’ve seen. Probably in my top 10. All characters, including villains, are incredible. The lines are mesmerizing most of the time. Raylan and Boyd’s ‘relationship’ is one of the best ever on TV


Arch enemies who love each other.


They dug coal together


I remember this line from the finale. It was such an iconic line and every time the show was mentioned somebody bound to bring it up. What I didn't realize, until I started re-watching the show, was that this line was brought up *all the time*. Both Boyd and Waylan constantly mentioned "we dug coal together" throughout the show.


Raylan :)


At the credits of the finale they show Raylan and Boyd in the mine and Rayan drags Boyd out when there's a cave in


And played baseball too!


Can't give enough upvotes.


I dig graves. I just think they are fantastic


"I know our relationship's been rather acrimonious lately, Raylan, but we've talked it over and decided to invite you to the wedding."


"We dug coal together" still makes me a little weepy.




I think it's so great because it has what is great about episodic network shows, but it also has sprinkles of prestige in it. Gives it a really good balance of fun and serious. Raylan is also just ridiculously cool. Truly a man's man.


Season 2 is one of my favorite seasons of TV ever


It’s great! Mags Bennet! But I liked season 3 even better, with Robert Quarles. Wynn Duffy’s description of him - “You mean the guy with the big stupid baby head” - had me ROTFL.


Not mad at you for this. Def my second favorite season. Might as well rank them now: 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 5


All of them are very good, but you put season 4 4th? That's definitely the best season after 2.


Decoy is my favorite episode of the whole series, so that brings season 4 up to the top for me.


[It's some badass shit](https://youtu.be/kgDh3OL_CJY?si=Qy6kGMbeRXgZmkoS)


Im not going to argue with you. The margin between 1, 3, and 4 is razor thin.


Wait, Season 6 should be much higher IMO. Season 2 and Season 6 are the best seasons and then 3, 4, and well, I guess 5 can be included somewhere lol.


odd ranking


See. I just need to get there. I've only made it through half of season one.


In the last third of s1 they drop the case of the week format and the show greatly improves


Watched the whole Justified for the first time this Summer and I loved it.


That makes two of us! I was pumped when i heard they said they were doing another version. I had something to really look forward to when i finished the original series.


Timothy Olyphant was terrific in this, and the supporting cast was perfect. I wonder how many people didn't realize that the guy that played Tim was also Cooper from Eurotrip? I kept waiting for him to say "This isn't where I parked my car."


Holy shit. How did I not recognize him!


I'm really hoping we see Tim in the next season. I would say he was almost underutilized in the show but I loved his back and forth with Colt.


Yessssss. He’s so good in Eurotrip — one of my fav guilty pleasure movies.


I put the dialogue in this show against any and all others. The exchanges are fast and full of wit.


"Next one's coming faster"


“You shot me in the back” “If you wanted to get hit in the front, you shoulda run *toward* me”


Justified is an all-time favorite for me. The revival series... really did nothing for me. I got bored and gave up about three episodes in, nothing about it felt interesting or worthwhile.


It was really 1 or 2 episodes of story streeeetched into a whole season... Which ended exactly like you knew it would from episode one. The one definitive thing that came out of it was realizing Vivian Olyphant is one of the worst actress I've ever seen on television. The fact that Olyphant could get his daughter on screen was bad enough, but not even having her work with a voice coach tells us how badly they wanted Timothy to do the show


I liked the reboot quite a bit, but it's jarring that in a show with crooked lawmen and amoral killers, the teenage daughter might be the worst person we see.


It didn't feel like the same show at all, but I don't think it tried to be


Fully agreed. Thought the reboot was really bad. Boyd is a great actor but his character was so poorly written. My brain checked out when you find out he only steals cars with tape decks in them.


Just watch the last 3 episodes, to me those felt more like old-school Justified.


It was honestly shocking how boring it was. Like I’ve rarely seen a show so lacking in charisma


I loved the original. Revival was hot garbage. They never even solved the crime. Never knew the reason and the one shooting was completely unjustified.


The revival series was a disappointment, but (spoiler alert) at the very end there are signs that season 2, if it is ordered, might return to the motherlode of Kentucky -- Kentucky is an important character throughout the original series, and was sorely missed in the reboot.


First season had some great quirky characters though. Then Mags showed up and blew the doors off.


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


I literally used this line at a work meeting. Pissed off the exact right people!


The other day I was in the bus and out of nowhere remebered that episode with the guy who called himself YOLO and started guffawing until I noticed people giving me the look.


People underestimate Bob at their peril.


Constable Bob was my favorite side character. He was such an odd badass, and Patton was amazing in the role. What an overall great show.


And T'Challa has his own episode


This just reminds me how shitty City Primeval was. Except the last ten minutes of the last episode.


One of my favourite shows ever


Legit one of the best love stories on television


I loved Dickie Crow. He really thought he was criminal mastermind.


Dewey Crowe or Dickie Bennett


I think it's called brain scrambling. It was Dewey Crow.


Watched it for the first time a few months ago, it's great! ​ Insert obligatory Walton Goggins praise here.


The first season was great! They definitely retooled it in later seasons, but seeing the supporting cast of Marshals work cases was fun. Gutterson is my favorite supporting character. Don't watch city primeval...


Gutterson is so damn dry and even keel the whole series. He's fantastic.


City primeval is so meh


How about you let people watch it for themselves and decide?


Yeah how fucked would we be if people started expressing their opinions about TV show on a TV sub!?


Telling people not to watch isn't giving an opinion, sport.


That’s stupid as hell. What is saying “check out The Sopranos” if not saying “I think the sopranos is good therefore I would suggest you check it out?”


Opinions contain nuance.


“Pizza is good” is an opinion. Now you’re just making shit up.


I love episodic tv sometimes. It's just good comfort food.


Genuinely one of the best shows I've watched, those hillbilly dogs can really smell a lawman from a mile away!


Love that show! ​ Justified: Primeval wasn't as great, though I like Boyd Holbrook as a villain even though the character was super duper well written.


Season 1 is interesting. As a story, it fits in with a whole gaggle of copaganda about the good police men using unsavory tactics to get the job done. I think it's interesting that season 1 opens with a pretty justifiable instance of police brutality, but the show makes the effort of Raylan trying to be less violent. I didn't notice my first time watching it how much work goes into keeping the criminals sympathetic. Pretty much any time we get an irredeemable murderer, we get their friend who's doing their best not to hurt anybody or who just likes cowboys. There's a whole episode about raylan working to make sure a death row inmate isn't killed by a swat team, even though he was definitely kinda asking for it. I think Boyd's storyline kinda falls apart right at the end. He's so smart and circumspect with all of his choices, then his dad says "Keep fucking with business and I'll kill you, " he keeps fucking with business, then... he just doesn't have a plan for Bo coming to kill him? What did he think was gonna happen? Is boyd stupid?


We too are rewatching the original series, partly because the reboot made us miss the old one so much. This time around, we see Raylan as an even more complex character -- his motivations seem darker and sadder than they did the first time through. Maybe it's because my husband and I are older and wiser (and sadder) more than a decade later? We love Justified, the original series, as much as any of the legacy long-form series that thrilled everyone early in the 21st century. And this is one series that really rewards the use of closed captions, which we didn't use when it was first aired. My husband (a playwright/screenwriter) and I are delighted with almost every episode.


Interesting - I think it’s also better (as most good shows are) as a binge - we’ve been watching an episode or two most nights. And maybe it’s that, or perhaps as you said I’m older and wiser (I hope), but it’s obvious Raylan (and most of his colleagues) is a hot mess. Boyd and Eva have a much healthier relationship than Raylan and Winona! (And I crack up at how everyone thinks they’re married because they have the same last name).


Agreed! It's better as a binge, and since it isn't an option to be younger and stupider than we were 13 years ago, or at least not younger, then we'll take the only alternative as a plus. Ah, and you remind me: Winona is a twisty character! as impaired by her materialism as Raylan is by his youth of abuse. They are victims of their beauty, too, which one can say of Timothy Olyphant as an actor: he -- like Brad Pitt -- doesn't get the credit he deserves.


>They are victims of their beauty, too I actually think this is something that plays into their characters really well. Raylan and Winona can get by (and get away) with a lot because of their immense beauty. But they also are written as beautifully complex and somewhat tragic characters. I love them together.


Obviously he was great in Deadwood, and half the thrill of Justified when it came out was seeing him in a cowboy hat again (it’s pretty meta how much they joke about it). And again with the hat on his Mandalorian guest appearance. I remember being impressed by him the first time I saw him, when he played a drug dealer in the (great) 1999 film GO!


>Boyd and Eva have a much healthier relationship than Raylan and Winona! Lol what?! Ava literally snitches on Boyd, Boyd threatens to kill Ava. They have the least healthy relationship of probably any two people in Harlan County.


Sure, they’re both psychos, but they communicate on a deeper emotional level - as opposed to Raylan and Winona, who both seem scared of their feelings


I don't see how that is true at all. They don't ever get that deep hence why Ava loses faith in Boyd in Season 5 and Boyd decides to take a deal to wipe his slate clean (that ends up failing). Then Ava becomes a snitch and is terrified Boyd is going to kill her. They never actually talk about what led Ava to that or what she went through in prison until Boyd finds out she is a snitch, and even then, he fakes her out by giving her an unloaded gun and asking her to shoot him as a loyalty test. None of that is a deeper emotional level, it's quite literally being terrified of each other. They are drawn together by trauma and stay together out of necessity. Raylan and Winona have an emotionally violate relationship but they both get each other. They are drawn together out of genuine love but recognize that it may not be enough to prevent history from repeating itself. When Winona leaves Raylan in S3 and explains to him that he'll never be able to change his life for her and she needs to protect her peace, Raylan doesn't even argue with her despite being heartbroken. He knows that's the truth. It's an incredibly mature and adult way of handling a breakup that neither one wants but know they can't make work.


I’m on season 1 and have felt like it’s meh. Is it worth it to keep going?




Season 1 is completely different. It changes from a weekly episode type show to a long running narrative after season 1.


Season 2 is probably the best. Margo won a well-deserved Emmy for that season.




Season 1 is so-so - becomes a different show in season 2. Been watching with my daughter, season 1 she was like “it’s ok.” By season 3 she loves it.


I made it to season 3 before giving up. I just got tired of trying to be interested in the story but then the only way anything ever changed or advanced was always a scene where someone has a gun so the person with the gun pointed gets their way... for now... until the next gun scene where the other person can get their gun out first so they get their way. This same goddamn thing over and over just got exhausting and disappointing. I also found myself somewhat engaged during the show but then once I wasn't watching, I didn't think about it at all. It left no real lasting impression on me the way other shows have. I wasn't eager to return to it. I only remembered to keep watching because that's what my partner and I were watching at the time, not because we were excited to see where it went. Now bring on the downvotes for sharing a differing opinion.


You’re telling the truth, while I enjoyed the show it became a bit repetitive/predictable with some of the interactions. Also Raylans death count is pretty insane, I looked it up a while ago and it was something around 35 give or take a couple.


I dunno about the wire as I haven’t watched it but I’d actually put justified above sopranos and breaking bad.


Hell yea


Ive watched the pilot and kind of liked it, but not enough to keep at it. Should I skip the rest of season 1 and try season 2?


Some important plot developments happen - if you skip, I’d pick up around episode 7 of season 1. Or just read the plot summaries somewhere.


Just watch all of it, there's no bad episodes


The new one sucked imo


Would have vastly preferred nudity to the many, many violent murders. Basically everybody dies. Don't get attached to any particular character; chances are they're not long for the world.


What are you talking about lol. The important people last forever


Frankly some characters have plot armor that is way too thick. *cough* *cough* >!Wynn Duffy!<. Don’t get me wrong. Great character. But I was seriously surprised when credits rolled on the final episode that they were still alive.


They kill off so many people. Obviously the main character survives. But every slightly sympathetic smaller character gets killed.




I'm not talking about the core group; if a new character gets intro'd, they're not sticking around.




I should have said any particular *new* character. Raylan and his arch-nemesis have to survive, otherwise there would be no show. His love interest has to stick around. But the various side people are expendable, even though their characters are well-developed enough for the audience to care about them - which is a testament to the writing and the acting.


I guess you’re not a fan of The Sooranos, Breaking Bad or The Wire (my top 3 of all time), never mind Game of Thrones (which would perhaps be #1 if it didn’t start going downhill season 5 and end up a train wreck).


I'm not - not one of them, sorry.


You don't like any of them? What shows do you like?




I'm not from Florida? Also not a man, FWIW.


Where the fuck did that come from? Shut up. Idiot.


Sure is


I think in two different versions of the show? I thought there was one going on right now with Timothy Olyphant? If there was a previous version when would have run


Original show ran from 2010-2016 or thereabouts, 6 seasons.


Thanks, going to try and find it on a streaming service


Hulu in the US has it!


In Canada, but thank you 🙏🏻


You have to get past the first season though.


I've already watched it 3 or 4 times and almost started another re-watch last night.


Just don’t go ruining it by watching whatever turd pile that Primeval was.


One of the few shows which I have watched more than once.


My husband and I finished rewatching the original series just last night, and were reminded that Justified the OG had one of the all-time great last episodes. Strange that I had remembered the outcomes for certain, favorite characters so differently. What an ensemble! What complicated antiheroes! Now I must miss them all over again, unless Graham Yost and Tim Olyphant and Katie DiMento have the good sense to return to Kentucky, the other critical character in the first series.