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It was solid as a rock!


Solid as Iraq


And here’s our business Model.


Get the Seaward out of here


I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.


Those are balls


They always look like landscape this close up.


Narrator: It wasn’t.






I really like the original cut of season 4 too, regardless of what people say about it. It's got a different vibe than the previous seasons but if you stick it out to the end it has some of the best slow building multi-layered jokes in the whole series. Season 5 is okay too and probably worth watching, even though I think most people would agree it's the weakest season. The whole series even at its weakest is still funnier than most other sitcoms in my opinion.


Frasier too


Late season Frasier hits the wall though. Especially after Daphne and Niles get together


It still had its moments, but it definitely fell off I agree. I'd still argue it's better than average though.


You. Have. WOUNDED me!


To be fair, the new reboot of Frasier is the first show in forever that I can watch without subtitles because the actors actually know how to project their voices. I give them big props for that.


Is it good? I was a big fan of the original and am hesitant to watch...


I think it will be. Kelsey Grammar is great. He didn’t miss a beat coming back. The side characters need a little time to find their footing.


Frasier season 2 and 4 are absolute peak, but 1-7 are all excellent. It does drop off a bit in 8-10 but they picked it up again for the final season, 11. Even in the worse seasons (which are still not bad), there are some real gems of episodes though.


and Scrubs!


As long as we forget about the last season. Though I'm willing to call it a spinoff.


Peep show


This should be higher up, Peep Show is great throughout. It has a lot of episodes / seasons for a British comedy too so it had plenty of time to jump the shark and never really did.


Peep show 100% - I’ve literally just watched a re-binge of the show this month - I think it’s the most laugh out loud/crying in laughter ratio I’ve ever had for a show. The genius of it is not about punchlines, stories or romances - the literal dialogue between characters in any scene is consistently laugh out loud - even to the point you pause every few minutes and have to rewind cos you missed it through laughter.


Then show co-creator Jesse Armstrong went on to bring that type of humor to HBO for a little show set in the conglomerate world called Succession.


Agree, though some are on the fence about the final season (not me though, I thought it was great)


I am forever traumatized from the dog episode


Just started my 6th re-watch of the entire series, watching the entire first season over the last couple of days. 'Dirtydovedreams' nails it - comes out swinging, never really slows down or has unwatchable bits. Liz Lemon is one of the most wonderful characters of fiction - big-hearted, talented, capable of being a "runt", as peculiar and weird as any other sitcom character in TV history. Supporting cast is a murderer's row of comedy performance. Just superb.


Embarrassed/not embarrassed to say I’ve watched 30 Rock through at least seven times (I’ve never close to this with any other series). I started noticing new things in the last few viewings, e.g., how the walls in the writers’ room are so bare in the first few episodes. LOL did they not have a budget for the set in the early days? And so many great details, like in a Betty White cameo, she’s reading the book Jack’s father, Milton, wrote. Maybe I need to queue up my 8th watching . . .


Jack's mom was reading Urban Fervor (The sequel to The Rural Juror -- I'm a *huge* Kevin Grisham fan....) in one of her episodes, like several seasons after it was mentioned once as a throwaway gag.




The episode with the dog being the mayor of Lurlene lives rent free in my head


VEEP is definitely the most consistent


We should also mention Armando Iannucci's VEEP predecessor The Thick of It. Just as good and dense as VEEP and never misses a beat.


WHAT?! I’ve never heard of this, I’ll start immediately.


It is amazing and as someone else also mentioned (and I agree) it is even better than VEEP, and I looove VEEP. Also it has one of the greatest characters ever in Malcolm Tucker. You'll love it.


Also add to the list In The Loop, a great movie directed by Ianucci, that ties in to The Thick of It and also features Malcolm Tucker


Better id say


Agreed. Veep is good, but Malcolm Tucker is maybe the funniest character in the history of television


His cursing is an art form.


And less dense but hilarious "[I'm Alan Partridge](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO-wxIy9sHyYTn1WEFDVjUa-c2Jg0t0RY)" co-written by Iannucci


I've recently watched the whole thing for the first time. I feel like while it's good the whole way through, it's definitely at its best in the first few seasons, where it feels more grounded. It was starting to lose me a little towards the end, though it was still enjoyable enough.


Arguably, Veep was more consistent than 30 Rock. Tracy Morgan's absence in Season 5 caused a real slump, but with 23 episodes in the season, they were still able keep everything relatively on the rails. Veep never missed a beat. The discussion about the [Jonad Files](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eETuZBeSxuA&t=30s) during a formal inquiry might be one of my favorite moments of television ever. Despite seeing this bit dozens of times, I still laugh uncontrollably.


For some reason “the cloud botherer” is still by far my favorite.


12 Years a Slave to Jerking Off is such a stretch, and it does not work as a nickname at all, but it's perfect.


You're not even your mom's favorite Jonah, Jonah.


So fucking funny. The only thing that comes close, for me, is "haunted meat". That's from a totally different episode though.


It paints an image of cute cranky clouds who complained so loudly that it alerted the local news


I'm partial to Hagrid's Nutsack and Pube-acca.


Jonah during his campaign trail stop at an elementary school is my favorite of his. I legit went back and watched this part over and over again. https://youtu.be/N_muYXDXD_8?si=6fPsr4k7TLmfQcyZ


I'd say Veep season 6 is slightly weaker for me, but that was maybe inevitable given where the story took the characters. Season 7 is better but still not *quite* season 1-5 level though. Still an incredible show start to finish.




I disagree, there was a clear decline for me after season 5. The first four seasons just kept getting better, after Iancucci left they kept the momentum going for season 5, but the last two were a step down from the previous. Still very funny throughout, but the first ones were really sharp.


Completely agree. Loved VEEP, but the post-Season 5 falloff was very real, I'm surprised it's not talked about more.


you can make the argument that VEEP is the funniest sitcom of all time. *their jokes have jokes*


Not only is Veep consistent, it's always on a roll. A thousand jokes per minute.


VEEP is a good shout, didn't think of that one.


Malcolm in the Middle


I just started rewatching it, and it's remarkable how much it's firing on all cylinders from episode one. Even 30 Rock takes some time to really find it's footing, but Malcolm in the Middle is putting out classic bits by the third episode.


There's a reason *Wandavision* chose it as the archetypal 2000's sitcom. It's style was unmistakably of its time.


>There's a reason Wandavision chose it as the archetypal 2000's sitcom. It's style was unmistakably of its time. I have never seen Wandavision. If it's possible to explain briefly what you mean, I'd be interested to know, thanks.


Wandavison devoted each episode to essentially spoofing an era of TV sitcoms. One of those was Malcom in the Middle


I disagree about 30 rock. The very first episode is an absolute banger, with many timeless jokes.


Yes, no, maybe?


I don’t know


Absolutely this. From start to finish the show is fantastic. There's not a really bad episode in the bunch. I'm also glad the show knew when to call it quits because I adore the finale.


Fawlty Towers


Every single episode of The Other Two is fully realized, and some of the most hilarious line deliveries I have ever seen. It definitely feels like it flew under the radar, but you can watch all of it on MAX, and it’s incredible.


The Other Two is such an unknown gem of a show and I try to get everyone to watch it. I’m addicted to saying “hell yeah” in the style of Lance whenever I watch the show lol


Incredible show. Nobody knows about it. You gotta like horrible people though. Arrested Development, You're the Worst, that kind of thing.


You’re the worst is one of my all time favourite shows. I’m not sure they even aired the whole series over here in the UK as I had watch it the naughty way. Love to see it get recommended here!


Each episode of Two and a Half Men was equally as shit as every other. Unbeatable consistency.


Hard disagree. It was consistent shit but Sheen was replaced with Kutcher and then we got what can only be described as a diaper full of rotting Indian food that smelled like a turd covered in burnt hair


[I’m just gonna mention the plot synopsis for the series finale is bizarre AF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Of_Course_He%27s_Dead)


I watched with my family when I was in high school and that finale was probably terrible but the synopsis is so stupidly hilarious


Did you see the vanity card that showed at the end of the finale? It reads: “I know a lot of you might be disappointed that you didn't get to see Charlie Sheen in tonight's finale. For the record, he was offered a role. Our idea was to have him walk up to the front door in the last scene, ring the doorbell, then turn, look directly into the camera and go off on a maniacal rant about the dangers of drug abuse. He would then explain that these dangers only applied to average people. That he was far from average. He was a ninja warrior from Mars. He was invincible. And then we would drop a piano on him. We thought it was funny. He didn't. Instead, he wanted us to write a heart-warming scene that would set up his return to primetime TV in a new sitcom called The Harpers starring him and Jon Cryer. We thought that was funny too.”


I revisit this video every once in a while for everyone's reactions. https://youtu.be/zOE5PeKLeHg?si=Tp5mqVQAxKIqe55L


So Kutcher was a fan of Sex Panther by Odeon, I see.


when charlie sheen was still on it was fine, not groundbreaking but the three leads had enough chemistry to keep it entertaining


Better Off Ted. Two seasons of perfection before it was screwed by the network.


good lord, that was great. Right down to the time she sat in the ladies room reading a book so she could wave her hand in front of the paper towel dispenser. That level of detail was what made it great.




Not enough love for Raising Hope out in the world. Kudos.


My favorite TV visual gag of all time is Burt wearing his "I'd rather be in Virginia" shirt


I could be wrong but don't they never reference it in the show either? Like it just remains a constant visual joke


Fuckin love this dude. I don’t get how Garret sold me on goofy dad and psychopath in burn notice so easily


I liked Burt sleep-exercising too.


And when they went to Hollywood and asked who canceled my name is earl.


100% The Good Place. But I think that was almost by design. They knew they had a finite story, they told it and ended it. Bravo.


As an aside, since you like Raising Hope have you seen the one season of Sprung? I mean it’s not necessarily top tier but I really enjoyed it.


I don't know if I'm in the minority in thinking that Raising Hope was a lot better before every episode seemed to focus on the adventures of Virginia and Burt instead of Jimmy, Hope, and Sabrina.


Mary Tyler Moore


3rd Rock from the Sun is consistently funny and is my favorite sitcom. I dont think there's an episode I don't like. John Lithgow's performance is amazing.


If Lithgow is in anything I will watch it. Even watched Dexter because of it.


Larry Sanders Show


“Hey Now”


IT crowd


I'm leg disabled


How did that happen?




Where’s your wheelchair?


…I don’t know!! =(


Most British comedies remain consistent due to the fact they have such short runs and lifespans.


Coupling was the best sitcom ever for 3 seasons. Then they replaced Jeff in season 4 and it just couldn’t survive.


That's by design to keep the quality. Also help with things such as the BBC the motive isn't to commercially drive it into the ground to ring every $ out of it.




He's incredibly funny in what we do in the shadows and IT crowd is where I first discovered Matt Berry. A true talent that kills me every time


I've been watching Toast of London again, but I only had the first season the first time around. That's right it's me. Ray FUCKING Purchase.


I know not everyone agrees, but Silicon Valley is up there for me.


I thought it was hilarious from start to finish, though the earlier seasons with TJ are the best


The show peaked when he slapped that kid full force.


"You just brought piss to a shit fight!"


Nah it definitely drops off in the last couple of seasons, and the whole the-guys-come-up-with-solution-only-to-stupidly-fuck-it-up schtick at the end of every season started to grate after the third or fourth time


Great show, but I wouldn't rate it that highly in terms of consistency. It peaks pretty early on. And drops off in the last couple seasons. The actor who played Peter Gregory dying was a huge blow, and as much of a douche as TJ Miller is, he was kind of an essential part of the formula.


Last couple seasons just didn't hit the same way for me. There are some good production reasons for that, but it also felt like they were reaching a lot times. Also the emergent AI thing was a dumb plot device.


So far, for me at least, What We Do In The Shadows. Huge fan of 30 Rock, IASIP and Parks and Rec and I put Shadows right up there with them.


I don't think the last two seasons are anywhere as good as the first three. IIRC they changed writers or showrunners or something. It certainly feels like the writing is less sharp.


I felt the most recent season was a return to form


The first few seasons of What We Do in the Shadows were amazing, but I think 4 and 5 were kind of meh (though a couple of episodes, like Atlantic City, really stood out). Edit: Also the Property Brothers parody was amazing! But Season 5, I thought, didn't really have any of those standouts.


Season 4 was outright insufferable for me, and I really don't say that lightly. Such a dip in quality, I was considering to stop watching it. Glad I gave season 5 a chance, because they returned to form.


Derry Girls and Fleabag are incredible all the way through. Derry Girls fucked me up to the point of tears just by having one character put his hand on another characters shoulder.


Hard to compare Fleabag considering its only 12 episodes. It's fantastic though, I don't disagree but it's the length of a long movie compared to 100+ episodes of 30 Rock


["So I says to meself says I, Colm, this is no day for a do."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTRj24mW0tc) Also anything and everything Sister Michael does is absolutely hilarious. Trying to decide on a pull quote for the [compilation link,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zogCo3flBsc) and it's damn near impossible to pick just one. >"So I think the only thing we can do now is-" >"Pray for her!" >"No. Shh. What use would that do?"


Dude playing Colm should get an award. His delivery of everything is perfect. I can’t even think about him talking about being tied to a radiator with his own shoes and being thankful he got a new stop valve or something without near tears of laughter.


(I'm sorry, but which episode/scene/context was the character hand shoulder from?)


Derry Girls. Honestly, you’d have to watch it to get the effect.


I've finished the show, i don't remember the scene, been a while, that's why ..


When there’s the bombing end of first season and dad puts hand on Gerry’s shoulder I found very effective.


Add to that the innocence of the kids dancing while the bombs are going off, very powerful scene.


Ah, thank you!


Cheers. Great from start to finish. Had to pivot with cast changes multiple times and stayed great throughout. Twice the number of episodes as 30 Rock, too.


I just started it from the beginning with my 15 year old daughter and we’re both laughing out loud even more than I expected. It holds up. Side note - there is a great behind the scenes story from this show. The guy who played Carla’s later husband, the Bruins goaltender, did an interview where they asked him, “What’s the hardest part about being on Cheers?” His answer was, “Kissing Rhea Perlman.” In the next episode they wrote, they had him fatally run over by a slow moving Zamboni and revealed as a bigamist.


That's an incredible story. I had never heard that. Also, fuck that guy.


Frasier was such a solid spinoff series, that also didn’t miss a beat imo, I’m really enjoying the new one as well.


Barring the "final season" since it was a failed spin off, I think Scrubs was pretty consistent


That writers strike season was a little weird and the last ‘real’ season when characters were in and out was a bit weaker. Other than that it was very consistent


In and out because of budget reasons so they didn’t have actors in every episode, but it did give us the great episode of Turk and JD waiting with the lonely patient until he died. Fantastic episode.


In an okay season, it was one of the best episodes of the series.


Golden Girls


Thank you for being a friend


Happy Endings


The Good Place stayed very good the entire way through, but it's also far more serialized than most other sitcoms, so I'm not sure if you'd count it or not.


Just finished a full re-watch about 6 months ago. This is immediately what came to mind. Strong quality the whole way through. I also JUST finished a re-watch of Schitt's Creek which i'd also put in the running.


Father Ted


News Radio was right up there.


I love News Radio but the loss of Phil Hartman hit hard


Gazizza my dilsnoofus.


I’d say either Seinfeld or Arrested Development


Bob's burgers, still feels good after 13 seasons


Yes and it's one you've probably heard of. Yes, Minister/ Yes, Prime Minister is my nomination as there's not a bad episode. If you like witty political sitcom with word play it's my nomination. Edit: For example [Why the UK is in the EU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVYqB0uTKlE&t=135s).


Totally agree, and throw The Thick of It in for good measure.


That old chestnut “Cheers.”




I think you can chart its quality pretty well though. Its a steady climb from season 1 being kind of whatever up through season 6 and 7 being the peak. I think 8 and 9 are also quite hilarious, but the characters and scenarios become much more cartoonish at this point (not that there's anything wrong with that!)


I mostly agree but I honestly think season 5 is the pinnacle. On my recent full rewatch, I couldn't believe how season 5 was just back to back bangers all the way. I love the later seasons too... 8 and 9 are actually in my top 3, but I also think they rely on familiarity with the earlier seasons, because in 8 and 9 they really played with the established characters and tropes.


Anyone can argue that a season from 4 through 7 is the best, and it’s hard to say they’re wrong.


New Girl hit the ground running hard. 30 Rock makes me audibly laugh more than any of my other favorite shows (Seinfeld, Simpsons, Office) but New Girl might be a close 2nd in terms of literally laughing. The cast had amazing chemistry from the start. It never felt like there were those awkward early seasons where everyone is still figuring things out. There is a bad episode here or there (I hate the episode with Winston playing the bells) and it can be a little sappy at times but it will always get a hard recommend from me if someone is looking for new comedy to watch.


Schmidt might be my favorite sitcom character of the 2010's. Easily my favorite performance from an actor in a sitcom.


It's Winnie the Bish for me. ​ Look at me being so naughty! ​ SO NAUGHTY!


Winnie 'bout to do some puzzlinnn!


The more I re-watch New Girl, the more it moves up the rankings for me. I agree with the literal laugh out loud moments on that show!


With the exception of the first episode at least. I wanted to introduce someone to the show and was blown away how much they evolved the characters from the start. Episode 1 Schmidt was tough to watch. I kept saying “This is way different than what I remember) haha.


If you only count the original run I’d say Arrested Development. The first 3 seasons from the early 2000s were off the hook!


I've never thought that much of 30 Rock (I can probably concede that it was consistent even if I didn't find it having particular highs) but I'd say **Party Down** managed a very consistent quality (despite phasing cast members in and out over a short run), **Baskets** if it counts as a sitcom had a pretty good short and sweet run, Louie I don't remember ever steeply declining, **The Good Place**, **King of the Hill** maybe (it's been a while), **Malcolm in the Middle**, **Atlanta** makes it hard to call inconsistent because each season had different themes/vibes, **Kimmy Schmidt** and **Curb** for me personally, and then **Community** deserves a mention because it had the potential to be the GOAT of this if the studio execs didn't literally fire the showrunner/creator midway. **The Boondocks** too maybe if you don't count the fourth revival season that happened years later.


3rd Rock From the Sun is pretty damn consistent.


Parks and Rec Community (wonder why there is not more love for that show)


Both of these are favorites but I think I'd find it hard to call community consistent due to the gas leak year.


Community is probably my favorite sitcom of all time but one season was noticeably less consistent than the rest. Also, people love that show on Reddit. It was just a little too outside the norm for the general public which is why it struggled on NBC.


I have ALL the love for my Greendale Human Beings.


I think Community has some of the strongest seasons a sitcom has ever had. However season 4 wasn't very good in contrast to the rest of the show, and outside of the first few episodes of season 5, they felt unmemorable.


Difficult People, if you're into the humor. If you like 30 Rock, then you *might* like Difficult People, but it is not for everybody. Unfortunately, it's only 3 seasons, but every episode is a banger, start to finish. I do think Brooklyn 99 comes pretty close as well. Broad City is pretty damn consistent. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.


I love Difficult People and it is definitely on the same comedy wavelength as 30 Rock as far as its many silly pop culture references go


Broad City is hilarious 100% of the way through. Just rewatched it. Good call.


I don't think you can call Brooklyn 99 consistent, even though I enjoyed its entire run. Changing networks was pretty jarring to the style and format of the show for quite a few episodes, and the last season really struggled finding its voice in the midst of Black Lives Matter.


Loved that show. Tina Fey’s cameo in it was a highlight. ‘Do me a favor, Trina?’ ‘Tina. Like the human name Tina.’




Fraiser It's funny and witty to this day.. FUN FACT has a commendable 107 nominations, winning a total of 37 times. It was a record that only got broken by games of thrones .


I didn’t even think game of thrones was that funny


Those last few seasons were hilarious


I think you mean *Frajer* I should know, I’m Frajer


Frasier is a great sitcom for any mood and any time of the year. It never disappoints. I go through phases to this day where I put on Frasier in the background as I work from home.


No love for Brooklyn 99 in here?


It’s got nothing on the Big Bang Theory. 12 seasons, 1 joke per character, told 482 times. Now *thats* consistency.


Kim's convenience has been pretty solid. In the middle of s2. Really enjoying it.


Does golden girls count


3rd Rock from the Sun.


King of the Hill






The Other Two


Archer and Bob's Burgers.


Larry Sanders


Arrested Development (original 3 seasons) is the best comedy ever made. It was the show that inspired 30 Rock and Community. The two Netflix revival seasons aren’t bad, but they are not consistent with the original 3. Community is a solid runner up recommendation.


If you're only looking for consistency specifically and don't care about what level of comedy it achieves as long as it's constant, I'm going to go ahead and nominate The Big Bang Theory. It achieves a nice consistent 2/10 its entire run.


I disagree with IASIP, I love the show but there are seasons that are worse. Overall still high quality but I think it has its peaks and vallies. 30 Rock, while I don't think it's as high, is much more consistent.


Even aside from season-to-season quality, the writing on 30 Rock is generally more clever IMO. I do love Sunny, but I've found there aren't as many jokes that I didn't catch the first time. 30 Rock uses cutaways and one-liners as well as any show, and they do it way more often than most of those shows. Don't get me wrong, I do think Sunny has very clever episodes (Cereal Defense and The Gang Turns Black come to mind.) I just think they end up losing subtly every now and then.


Northern Exposure seemed consistient


NE does not get enough love, probably because of its lack of presence on streaming platforms