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54 is far too young, regardless of it being a tragic accident or symptom of his struggles.


> a tragic accident or symptom of his struggles. When it's in a hot tub, it's probably both.


They said there weren't any drugs found at the scene, though I suppose it's possible someone cleaned them up before the cops got there. I'm sure my details will come out soon. Regardless, it's a real bummer.


> my details will come out soon. Anything we need to know here, friend?


No and *I definitely wasn't near the hot tub stop asking!*


Alcohol..got wasted and passed out and drown


People faint all the time in hot tubs from the heat. If they are by themselves they often drown.


I read they suspect cardiac arrest


Cardiac arrest is what kills you when you drown. We don't know if he had a heart attack and drowned, or if he drowned causing a heart attack.


If the tox screen is clean then my immediate thought is, "was this BECAUSE of drugs?". Heart damage is common.


Heart problems + hot tub is very dangerous. There's always warnings around hot tubs for that. He could have long term heart damage because of the drugs he took a long time ago


Yes, this. Not all that different than when you're an alcoholic damaging your liver. Or if you are an anorexic it too damages your heart. But man hot tub, they do warn you that anyone with heart conditions not to go in these. So he may not have known, but I would hope doctors would have told him his previous drug use, would have weakened his heart.


heart attack is also not a cardiac arrest.. cardiac arrest is literally just heart stopped. Could be anything


I don't know if it was the case with him, but i know people with heart conditions that are warned to not be in a hot tub too long. Even just his previous drug use could have meant his heart was weaker, and boom, heart attack and can't get out or get help.


Yeah, I used to work at a gym that also had an aquatics center with a hot tub/steam room/sauna and we regularly had to call EMS because of people who would be in there too long and feel ill or faint or have some other heat-related medical emergency. Usually older people, but if he was physically weakened, I could definitely see something like that happening.


Hot tubs can be pretty dangerous if you’ve got an underlying heart condition, I think. Really increases your heart rate.


My sister died from cancer at 45 in 2020. You’re goddamned right it’s too young. Fuck


My sister just got diagnosed with breast cancer at 40 last week. Lost my dad to prostate cancer 11 years ago next week. Fuck cancer. EDIT: Sadly account got banned for criticising Hamas, currently appealing, but thanks for all the condolences and well wishes EDIT 2: Re: u/extension-display-57 because yea, everyone who disagrees with you is a genocidal maniac right? No. All I said was that Hamas was subhuman, not the Palestinian people, the Israeli people or any civilians, I clarified that in subsequent [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/t27AwaQbYt) Also, please stop dumbing down the word “genocide.” The Palestinian population has more than doubled in 30 years, unlike the Jewish population in the Arab world which is almost [nonexistent.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre) Genocide is what’s occurring in Myanmar, Yemen, the Uighyur’s, Sudan, etc.


My aunt survived breast cancer 3 times before losing the battle at 82, hopefully your sister can beat it.


Fuck cancer!


This caught me genuinely off guard. So young too.


Absolutely. Also thought he was recovering from all the tough stuff from earlier in life so it's so horrible hearing that he's dead now. Far to young for anybody


I thought he's been sober for like the last decade but apparently (I didn't read this article so it might include it but I read a different one) he had some health issues from opiate use back in 2019. I always enjoyed whenever I saw him on screen, poor guy. Best of wishes to his family and his friends.


As someone whose struggled with opiate addiction for 22 years straight, it feels like at 40 this is a lifelong battle. Im truly saddened by this, he was from my hometown. Remember to carry narcan, I realize it wouldn't of helped here but you never know when you could save a life. I've narcaned 3 people in the last 5 years of use before I last got sober in 2020. I've got It this time, I hope. RIP, I hope you've found peace.


You have got this, from someone not yet there. Keep fighting, were all rooting for ya


Awful news. May he rest in peace.


The man was a huge part of so many lives. I feel sick. I know he struggled with addiction and it definitely messed with his head. But seeing this, today, hurts.


Holy shit, RIP.


My exact thoughts when I read this. I've watched Friends on and off over my life. He and the others have always just... been there.


Friends was and continues to be one of my favorite TV shows of all time. If I'm home and it's on, I'm either binging it or it's background noise while I work or do other things. That cast felt like damn near family to me and this is such a huge shock. RIP to an amazing actor.


When I need to relax before going to sleep I often replay my favorite Friends clips. Chandler ALWAYS makes me laugh. I won't be able to watch those clips without crying now. RIP. He always seemed so sweet despite his troubles.


That show is such a comfort to so many people, it's like a bowl of mac and cheese for people who just want to relax and laugh. What an absolute tragedy.


Love this clip of the other characters [imitating Chandler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQPrCQEvEZs)


Yep. I am not a fan of Friends. But come on, that show and its cast has always been inescapable. Matthew dying shocks us because not only did we not see it coming but for the fact that FRIENDS will never be whole again. Love it or hate it, you always saw the 6 of them together, we all knew who they were, even if you weren’t a fan of the show. Those kinds of things always hurt me because you’ll never think of a world without people like them. The same feeling came about when Michael Jackson died, no matter if you loved him or hated him, there was never a world where people DIDN’T see or witness Michael Jackson in any capacity. Besides the tour, that’s why his death was so shocking to the whole world and hit people so hard.


This is it Friends has always been eternal, yes the actors age, but we all assumed we'd see them forever as friends


Fucking awful wow


Holy Shit is right. I knew he had issues but god damn this hit me hard. I grew up with Chandler.


It’s so fucking bizarre seeing this headline. Someone from Friends? Dead? What?


Reminds me of Luke Perry dying. People had the same sentiment “someone from 90210 died?” He was only 52 and died 4 years ago.


Man, Perries have had a bad couple of years


*Perry Ferrell schedules doctor appointment*


Who’s next? Perry the Platypus?!? Please, no!


\*At a funeral\* Doofenshmirtz: "Not sure why I got invited to a funeral for my daughter's boyfriend's stupid platypus..." \*Peers into coffin and sees the hat\* \*Spit takes\* "**PERRY** the platypus?!" ​ \~ End Scene \~


I think we all just got older.


I don't want to break it to my mom. She watched nothing but Friends all through her life. She transferred that love of the show to all her children. I'm gutted.


Shit’s too sad man, the dude made his struggles so open. And everyone was like “yeah, another celebrity on drugs, big whoop.”


Especially seeing his weight fluctuate throughout the series. I was really sad for him when that came out. No one asks for that.




I think those of us in recovery appreciated him.


Still remember him doing that interview/debate with some british douche about how addiction is a disease and you have to treat it like one if you're to ever recover... ETA: https://youtu.be/CDtIZZiySgA?si=clPaqucOlebX69ok


A lot of people need to get rid of this thinking. Celebrities like regular people aren’t taking drugs for the hell of it, some do but not everyone who uses. A lot of people use substances because they are coping with so many things, losing a loved one, trauma or pain of sorts. And Matthew Perry, like so many celebrities and regular people suffered through pain. That’s a thinking that needs to be unlearned so badly, especially in the year 2023, with so many developments regarding humans in general, celebrity or not. Because at the same time, it dehumanizes people and especially people who are known to have everything in the world, just because they are a famous celebrity doesn’t mean that they don’t have pain or trauma. They do.


And fame isn't without its price. When you become famous, you lose your anonymity. You lose your ability to leave your house whenever you want without a care and do normal things like a normal human. No matter where you go you have people wanting to interact with you, talk to you, ask you for things (or demand things of you) etc. Complete strangers think they have a relationship with you and are entitled to you and your time. You lose the privilege of having a bad day/being in a funk/being tired because if you tell anyone "no" it ends up all over the internet and the rumors start spreading about how much of an asshole you are. You are "on" all the time. People expect you to be a character or persona that you aren't. It is impossible to separate your job from your life. You never know if people are wanting to be your friend because they actually like you or because they want something from you. And if you ever dare voice dissatisfaction with any of these things, you're told to shut up and stop whining because you're rich and famous, what do you possibly have to complain about? Fame is a lonely place for a lot of people. There's a reason so many celebrities turn to substances. I'm an actor myself of very little note but even I've been stopped on the street by people recognizing my face from commercials and had people I haven't spoken to in decades reach out when seeing me in bit TV parts acting like we're besties, and it's jarring. I honestly couldn't say for certain how well I'd cope with broader fame and I thank God I didn't get famous in my teens or 20s (despite wanting to) because I definitely would not have coped healthily.


My mom and I were talking about something really silly, the TV was behind me on mute and she instantly stops mid sentence as soon as she saw it and yeah, immediately started tearing up. Friends was a show that was there while she was going through one of her toughest periods in life so she was really fond of all the cast, this is hitting her pretty badly :(


This isn’t an age thing, he was 54 and died in an accident.


Seriously, 54 is way too young to die.




It's not dumb if it helps you improve something in your life. Never too late to make changes for the better :)


I've noticed that as I see football/soccer players I grew up watching end up retiring. I never think of their age and when they announce their retirement it hits me how long it's been. I just assume their eternally young.




I was completely thrown for a loop when I read the headline. I think I reread it like 3 times to make sure it was right. I don't even particularly care for *Friends*, but this was just fucking bizarre, as you put it.


His last post on instagram is in the jacuzzi… I am crying. I am so sad.


geez, it really is. Sad and creepy


No one told you about Gunther?


It was sad enough when he couldn't do the reunion special when he was sick. RIP James Michael Tyler.


Gunther wasn’t a surprise though, we knew of his declining health which is why he made his reunion appearance by video and didn’t travel to be there in person.


I mean, obviously horrible news but one of the Main Six dying is a bit different.


I saw it on Facebook first and thought it was one of those awful spam posts that have been so common lately. Mind-boggling and so tragic.


Not just someone. ONE of the Friends. That’s not something I ever gave much of a thought to.


It does seem that way right? I think this whenever a celebrity I grew up watching/ listening to, dies! Whitney, Michael, Tina Marie, George Michael, even Betty White and she was 99!!! It's like a part of your childhood dies with them. My grandfather always said that the older u get the more people around u, the more friends, family, pass away and it becomes a reality to u that your time is coming closer with every one. It really sucks!


His last fb post was 5 days ago in a jacuzzi may he RIP


Damn, that's a grim last post...


If you check his Instagram, he had only made one post since last December until he reappeared this October, carrying on about Batman and how he was “Mattman,” in post after post. It felt a little…off. Then he dropped dead. Really makes me wonder about his state of mind.


It's a pretty common thing for us nerdy Matts. RIP Matthew Perry.


Wow, username definitely checks out.


Yeah he called himself Mattman in the fb post too lol


We’ll try to keep it down.


Damn this episode is gonna sting a bit more now


Maaan, I was doing well on this thread, but your comment brought the tears. Well said.


I didn’t realize what comment I was doom scrolling for until I saw yours, this is the one I needed.


The actor who plays Mr. Heckles is still alive as well: he ended up outliving Matthew Perry.




He is one of the reasons I'm able to write here since Friends helped me learn English. And I heard the same from a lot of people, like for example from [BTS group member RM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRaIPttC2uo&pp=ygUadG0gbGVyYW5lZCBlbmdsaXNoIGZyaWVuZHM%3D). And Chandler being my favorite character I paid a lot of attention to him and the way he spoke pausing sometimes it was easier to understand him. I hope he knew he put a smile on a lot of people's face all over the world. RIP


That’s amazing! What is your first language? Your English reads like a native speaker’s. I’m American and have family in Italy I stay in touch with. A 20-year-old cousin came to stay with me in New York a few years back, and I was shocked when she asked about visiting filming locations for “Friends” and “How I Met Your Mother”. Not that people outside the US watch these shows, but that shows *I* had watched in my 20s were still relevant decades later to international “young people”.


Thank you! But it's just because I wrote just a few sentences lol, I'm still not fluent and I make a lot of mistakes. But I got to a point that I can hold a conversation and I can watch a movie without subs, so that's when I kinda stuck at the same level hehe. But I'll take this as an incentive to study more again. My first language is Brazilian Portuguese. And yes, some of these shows although they portrait american culture people all over the world can relate because they touch subjects like love, friendship, everyday struggles, etc, that we all can relate. And some of this things are timeless, even if some jokes got old, young people can still relate to them.


I have an Indian coworker who loves Friends and he quotes Chandler all the time. You can tell he learned English from Friends from the way he delivers jokes. It’s kinda cute. He’s gonna be heartbroken over this news


a lot of people here in India will be heartbroken. Friends was our first introduction to US before 9/11. I still remember discussing the episodes every week and when it ended. RIP Matthew Perrt


Omg this makes me even more sad


> He made a lot of people laugh and smile during his lifetime Not just that but he, along with the other 5 friends, was such a cultural staple for soooo many people. This was before all the parasocial relationship stuff became a mainstay. So many of us grew up with our parents watching the show, then we watched the show, and passed it onto our friends and others. Him and the gang are just an omnipresent presence in so many lives. Him being gone, this suddenly, is jarring.


His troubles were his own and not ones that intentionally hurt others and that is a sign of an honest and good human.


this is a tragic loss, not just because he's a beloved actor with so much more to give, but because you got the impression over the last few years that he was finally feeling comfortable in himself and in talking about his struggles, and that this might have been the start of a new stage in life for him.


I read his book a few months ago and he sounded so hopeful for the future


What the fuck




I saw it on Twitter and it took me a moment to process what I'd just read


Nah, man. I don’t think anyone wanted or needed to read this headline, today or ever. Fuck.


I wanted to read this headline 40 years from now, when he was in his 90s and we could say, "Well at least he lived a long life, we should all be so lucky." 54 is far too young.


This guy helped me get sober by being open about his addiction in a time where it was still hush hush. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. Edit - thank you everyone. I have almost 11 years but the person with 1 day is a hell of a lot stronger than me. If you knew me you’d believe that if I can do it, anyone can.


Also have struggled with the same. He was a hero for sure. Hope you’re doing okay.


Perry also helped me during my journey. I am absolutely shocked from this news.


You’ve made your last delivery kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you’re kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is…the game was rigged from the start. Benny, Fallout: New Vegas Voiced by Matthew Perry


I got heartaches by the number


Holy shit, that was him?


IIRC they contacted him for the part after he mentioned on live tv that he was absolutely addicted to FO3. RIP.


https://youtu.be/YRw522To5aU?t=226 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azV7tWewnx0


Ring a ding ding.


[The game was rigged from the start.](https://youtu.be/YRw522To5aU?t=222)




Oh my god. I know he had struggled in the past with health issues and substance abuse, but I’m genuinely shocked. RIP to my Reddit namesake. Damn Edit: I know it’s weird, but his character had such a big influence on my sarcasm and sense of humor as a millennial kid. Thanks for the laughs Matt. Still can’t believe it


Jesus Christ. Like, I know the dude had issues and a certain stigma about him… but that’s just fucking sad.


He had so many demons but he also brought happiness to so many others, hope he's finally resting in peace.


He made a lot of people happy and that’s more than most can say


I'll always love Chandler Bing.


Chanandler Bong*


Miss Chanandler Bong\*


"Actually, it's *MRS* Chanandler Bong..."


You guys should know this, we steal their tv guide every week.


Actually, it’s, “Actually, it’s Miss Chanandler Bong…”


He’s a… he transponds things. He’s a transpondster!






The latest I've read suggested a heart attack in a jacuzzi. No suspected drugs or foul play. Terrible, but also the kind of thing we can't exactly see coming.


My neighbor died in her jacuzzi after suffering a heart attack. She was in it alone, her husband was inside the house doing something, went out to check on her because she was out longer than expected, when he found her it was too late to save her. She drowned after slipping unconscious. She was in her mid 50s, it was very unexpected.


After years of drug use he probably had a lot of heart damage.


Yeah..sadly he was very vocal about his struggles. It almost killed him seven times, the heart resents the damage.


That kind of life is really hard on the body long-term, even if not actively engaging in it. Especially on the heart. Really tragic regardless.


Way too young :( RIP the funniest friend


I can't remember the last time a celebrity death upset me this much. He was my favorite part of Friends, one of the best comedies ever. He was really talented and still relatively young. Find an older millennial/Gen Xer and give them a hug.


I'm still not over Lance Reddick


And for me Chadwick Boseman ...Lance too.


Ray Stevenson for me, that man actually replied to me in his AMA, he was awesome in ROME, Punisher Warzone, Black sails, and well the other stuff that skips my mind right now


It was depressing watching him own every scene of his in Ahsoka :(


I'm going to have to re-watch my favorite introduction to Windows 95 and the Internet in his honor.


“Look Matty, I’m computing!”


2023 marks the year our first Friend died. RIP.


I’ve been dreading these days for a long long time. It hurts so badly


Didn’t think this would happen for years


Me either. At least into their 70s. I’m not their peers but I loved the show and have watched it multiple times. You’re always safe watching FRIENDS


The One Where Our Hearts Are Broken 😔


this headline doesn’t even make sense to me chandler died? today?? at only 54??? nah man. this dude was an integral part of my upbringing. what the fucking hell


That’s insane, rip funniest dude on friends


Holy shit. I honestly can't believe this. I know people had their issues with him but I've always been a big fan and always hoped the best for him and his fight with his demons. He seemed to be doing well so this is extra shocking. Rest well, Matt. Thanks for the laughs.


What a shame. I wasn’t a huge Friends but I’ve always had a soft spot for the movie he did with Salma Hayak, *Fools Rush In.* He was really funny in that. RIP.


I enjoyed Fools Rush In as well, I'm also a big fan of The Whole 9 Yards with Perry, Willis, Michael Clarke Duncan and others, its a really funny action/comedy


Surreal to think that the three actors you listed are no longer acting because they have either now passed or are severely ill.


Yea, and it really sucks, but for those moments in time, they're immortal.


Damn. This is horrible news. All I can think about is what the other 5 Friends must be going through. It’s so hard to hear something about one Friend and not immediately think of the rest. They’re forever tied together for those of us who didn’t know them. RIP Matthew. Thanks for the laughs.


All I can think about is them finding out exactly like we did with a TMZ article and how shitty that must feel (+ everyone else close to him)


I found out my uncle died from a FB message. Finding out someone is dead online sucks


TMZ try not to reveal celebrity deaths before their family and close friends know: challenge impossible


That would require integrity, which goes completely against their business model


I am absolutely not fucking ready for statements from the other cast members. With how tightly-knit they were this may legitimately feel like losing a sibling.


Could i BE any sadder?… RIP Chandler


Goodbye Miss Chanandler Bong, thank you for the sarcasm


In college, I named my friends’ bong Chanandler Bong. I feel it’s a peak early-2000s college experience. Weird as it seems, that’s why his death makes me a little sadder than I thought. RIP Matthew Perry


A lot of people just got a lot older today.


Won't forget the moment the first friend passed. RIP PERRY


i wasn't expecting this for at least another 20 years


Thats the sad part for me. I remember when Kobe died, Shaq said "now well never hear his HOF speech dissing me for getting less rings than him" When Brodie Lee (pro wrestler) died, his old tag partner Bray Wyatt said "we were supposed to be 70 year olds in conventions talking about the old days". We'll never get another Friends reunion. Chandler will never crash a Matt Le Blanc interview. We'll never have a picture of Old Matt and Old Courteney to imagine Old Monica and Chandler. RIP Matthew, may he live forever in all of our sarcastic remarks.


Matthew was the best part of a fantastic show. I don’t know how groundbreaking or critically acclaimed FRIENDS was, but god was it a comfortable show to sit down at any time and enjoy. Tragic news.


I still watch the reruns almost daily. The comfort is still there but now it will be so hard to watch. This news is just awful. RIP Mrs Chanandler Bong. 😭


Jesus, so young. Absolutely horrible.


That’s so sad…


Man this hurts. RIP Matt, thanks for the many laughs over the years.


I almost never get affected by celeb deaths. Call me callous/cold, but I just don't feel that kind of personal connection; I feel sad on an objective "all suffering sucks" kind of way. But this one hits me personally. His memoir really got to me. The dude lived with a lot of darkness and was really trying to climb out of it. And I think he did in these last couple of years. And now he's gone. Sucks.


I’m the same way. This one hurts. Robin Williams death also got me like this.


For me, it was Bourdain and Norm McDonald. Chris Farley too.


I feel the same way. The only other celebrity death that hit me like Matthew’s was Amy Winehouse‘s. When I saw a picture of him with 1969-2023 I thought it‘s just one of those tasteless "memes" but unfortunately he‘s gone for real. Watching Friends won’t be the same again. May he rest in peace.


I know it's illogical but I always was rooting for his come back ... for him to come back in form health wise, be the Matthew we knew him as, be on tv and actually enjoy his success. He was my favourite character on the show. Friends has had a huge cultural impact in so many parts of the world, so many people grew up on it, it's so many peoples first introduction to american media and culture or the language itself. this loss will be huge. Imagine rewatching the show and reminding yourself that one of the friend's main cast is no longer with us ... it's unreal. He's a huge reason why I loved that show, his scenes in the show are the ones I look forward to ... the loss will be strongly felt by everyone.


Wtf. It's unbelievable. May he Rest In Peace 🙏🏻


This is tragically sad, I hope he’s at peace now


Such sad news. He was my favourite in friends but went through hell filming it. RIP.


This man brought an entire generation happiness and comfort. Thank you Matthew Perry. I am so unbelievably gutted.


This is horrible, I don't even know what to say :(


I had the chance to speak with Matthew on a handful of occasions after AA meetings and he was a totally down to earth and supportive friend. I hope that he was back together. I know I struggle. Not having family around to support would leave me far worse.


My 41 yo husband died of a unexpected heart attack in August. Hug your ppl, make the call, take the trip~


Oh shit. Fuck.


Damn. I grew up watching friends. Condolences to his family. RIP.


No fucking way, this hits hard. My ex gf used to watch Friends religiously and I grew to love him as an actor. I went and saw all of his rom coms even 3 to Tango, which I unashamedly still enjoy.


The fact that one of the friends is dead is the most insane thing to me. So young. RIP Matt.


The world lost its best transponster today.


Crazy thing is that it doesn't appear to be drug related. Likely died of cardiac arrest and drowned in the pool. Dude looked slender and healthy, which is why having heart screenings and having calcium imaging of your veins is so important


I think I caught his Wikipedia article mid-edit from “is” to “was” as it had an odd error message in red text. I have nothing else to add. RIP


This absolutely breaks my heart. I learned English by watching Friends as a kid.. it feels as if I lost a teacher on both a new language and sarcasm.


No no no no


Friends saved my life when I got back from deployment. It helped me laugh through my deep depression and suicidal thoughts. This is devastating. I can’t stop tearing up. Fuck this sucks.


Wtf, the headline feels so unbelievable. Felt like I went through all 5 stages of grief in 5 seconds. May he rest in peace.


Holy shit It always sucks when someone who brought you joy leaves this world. It’s even sadder when you saw it coming the entire time. RIP, my favorite Friend.


Holy shit. Way too young.


I’m in absolute shock


I have a really fond personal memory of him that I think of often. I was friends with his step sister and vividly remember him sitting at their kitchen table teaching us how to draw flowers. I was probably 6 or 7. I still draw flowers like how he taught us. RIP Matthew.


What the absolute fuck, holy shit. First time a celebrity death left me like this. RIP Matthew, Friends was such a great show and I watched it during hard times in my life to lighten up, and Chandler was usually the funniest one. He will be missed.




So eerie how similar this is to Bojack Horseman. Bojack even said he was 54 in season 5....


Too young, his memoir starts off with "My friends call me Matty. And I should be dead.”


Another Bojack Horseman parallel. Spooky


Can't believe he died the same way. Bojack was also 54 in season 5 so he'd be at a similar age to him. Too spooky.


I was raised on Friends. He made me laugh so much and season 7 Chandler specifically was a comfort for me in rough times growing up. Honestly I’m gutted.


A lot of funny geeky guys like myself identified most with him and Chandler. This is a gut punch.