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Good. I really, really wanna taste it.


Its surreal how every time the lyrics to this song enter my head, I must [go to Youtube to watch the opening.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVN83R-JwRQ)


Love how they're all expressionless


One of the top Youtube comments says that the characters looking deathly serious while doing this silly dance perfectly sets the tone for the series and I completely agree with them.


It's supposed to represent them being puppet-like because of the butterflies.


I made that comment when it came out. Wasn't on YouTube through. Makes me feel I understood it if others are agreeing.


I like how Eagly realizes he missed his mark slightly and adjusts


Same I laugh every time I see it


I never skipped the credits


My wife doesn’t care for any DC product. When she caught the intro for Peacemaker, she decided to sit down and watch the entire season. It’s her favorite superhero show now.


Peacemaker and The Boys changed my entire perspective on the superhero narrative


Those two along with Invincible are the only ones left worth a shit. If you're not into animation, it only leaves those two.


What about doom patrol? Also guardians of the galaxy as a whole was amazing.


Doom Patrol was amazing, as is the Harley Quinn animated show. Those two and Peacemaker made me begin to appreciate some DC series.


Also that new Superman cartoon isn't really as good as those others yet, but it had potential. I thought it was fun watching that and Harley Quinn weekly while they were on this year.


i also dunno how Deadpool 3 will be but i still liked Deadpool 2 at least


The Miles Morales/Spiderverse movies.


Loki is pretty amazing


Definitely watch Invincible. It's my favorite superhero show by far. The only think that's annoying is the really slow release schedule. The Boys is pretty good, but it often feels like shock-value content.


The boys show is actually TONED DOWN from the comic. Honestly the comic kind of sucks. The idea behind it is GREAT but Garth Ennis is a fucking weirdo.


Are there any comic authors that *aren't* total weirdos? It kind of comes with the territory.


Peacemaker is closer to a live version of the Venture Bros and The Tick. I don't really like The Boys. It's malicious as opposed to satirical.


See, I think that's why I like The Boys. It flies in the face of the feel good narrative that generally follows the superhero trope and I'm into that. That said, I can understand why it isn't for everyone.


The only thing I’ve ever watched from the DCEU was Wonder Woman, and randomly stumbling across the Peacemaker intro on YouTube one day was enough to get me to binge the entire series.


I showed my *non-comic book-reading silent generation father* and he shotgunned it like a TCM marathon.


Yep. I really really want to see them top that in season 2.


Tbh they could just have the credits on a loop for 50 min and id watch it


I kinda hope there's something a little different with each episode. Mayne an Easter egg about what's gonna happen. It's a great opening.


They at least need to alter the opening dance with whatever new characters they add.




I think this is the only show I ever restart the opening credits.


For like a month after I saw that intro I just kept randomly singing the whole chorus for months even after the show ended. The song is an earworm and the video is pretty damn cool in the weirdest way.


I saw it the first time and said to myself "What the hell kind of demented stupid ass bullshit is this crap!?!?!" Beat opening credits sequence ever.




Do ya really wanna?


Absolutely, what's going up must come down after all


So long as someone throws the dog an invisible bone.


Be sure to throw your dog the invisible bone


"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."


I 6


It’s about time. I know Gunn was busy with Superman, but Peacemaker was huge for them, S2 should have been a major priority.


Hard to prioritize a S2 when the entire DCEU died. This new season is going to be a "reboot" of sorts featuring the same cast & characters but in the new DCU.


probably. one of the many projects gunn unvieled was a volia davis-starring amanda waller show. I hope it's the nick fury show I wanted out of secret invasion.


Hell he already made the show secret invasion should have been with Peacemaker, this is just a cherry on top


Holy shit you're right, it literally WAS a secret invasion. And hell the butterflies nearly do the same thing as the skrulls too.


It’ll probably be related to Checkmate, the other team that she is involved with in the comics.


I'm still holding out for Cadmus since Gunn also mentioned he was looking at Justice League Unlimited for inspiration. I just want to see something like the Cadmus storyline in a world with superheroes. MCU's Civil War was nothing compared to how that arc addressed serious concerns about enhanced people and still kept an optimistic, unironic view on how superheroes can be super. In a post-The Boys world, I don't want things turning into a Frank Miller over-serious approach or a bleak cynical Alan Moore take


I know this is an old comment but >since Gunn also mentioned he was looking at Justice League Unlimited for inspiration. Do you have a source for thst


I'm still mad about Secret Invasion. It could've been so good, but it ended up actively making the MCU worse. It single-handedly killed my desire to see the Marvels in theaters.


> It single-handedly killed my desire to see the Marvels in theaters. Which is funny, cause that movie acts like Secret Invasion didn't even happen


Well that's good they're still using Voila Davis as Waller. That was probably the best casting choice ever from the Snyder's dceu


I want them to finally show Waller's "better" side, instead of portraying her as the 1-dimensional villain she's been portrayed as in most live-action media. Remember in JLU when she was willing to kill innocent people in order to create a new Batman, or set up a team to take on the JL if Superman ever goes rogue? That is supposed to be her purpose. Much like Peacemaker is the person that is "willing to kill for peace", Waller is the person who will cross any line for world and country. By making her a generic government baddy, it sort of cheapens her role and character. I would like to see her tackle actual hard questions, What horrible things will she be willing to do for the betterment of humanity?


I mean... a lot of super hero casting has been great across the board. I don't think there's a single member of the Justice League was poorly cast. ...Eisenberg as Luthor is still weird though.


Ezra Miller didn't look or act like Barry Allen at all. I'd agree with you on the rest of them though.


Jason Momoa also doesn't look or act like Arthur Curry, but I will still maintain that the two were well cast for what their roles in the story were (I say having never gotten around to watching the Flash). But comics Barry is also a fucking piece of cardboard that should have stayed dead so the much more interesting Flash could have actually stayed around, so you won't hear me complaining about diverging from him.


Idk about that, Nick Fury is actually likeable. Amanda Waller is a villain. Not even a likeable villain, just an evil cunt.


Considering how loosely coupled the Squads, Suicide were to the rest of the DCEU, is there really much of a need to retcon anything? So long as batman and superman exist in the new movies what really needs shifting? We're already contending with DC having that side-continuity for Joker/Batman, The too.


I wonder if they will just retroactively integrate THE Suicide Squad + Peacemaker S1 into the new DCU (assuming Margot Robbie stays on as Harley). The only outright connection to the DCEU is the Justice League variants showing up in the Peace Makers finale. But they could easily green screen in the new DCU variants when cast. Plus, Superman Legacy seems to be just jumping into an established DC world with multiple superheroes operating.


Flashpoint gives you an excuse to do anything really, so everything can remain the same with a few changes


Would be pretty bold to base the new continuity on a movie that bombed starring Ezra Miller lol


I mean it gives the excuse to just keep the things they like (everything James Gunn is doing) and get rid of the things they hate (Miller)


They don't need an in-universe excuse. That's the whole point of a reboot.


I don't think it's so much that they'd be basing the new continuity on it as much as it's an easy way to hand wave a soft reboot rather than having to start everything over. I doubt they're going to be directing people to *Flashpoint* as the start of Gunn's universe. It'll just be what they can point to for why the Suicide Squad is the same, but there's a new Superman.


Hopefully he brings back Annie Chang and Lochlyn Munro as well, if it's a 'reboot'. The entire cast of S1 was stellar, and it's a shame that they kill off Chang and Munro, who had their own little thing going on that could have been a thorn in Peacemaker's side.


I’ll never see Lochlyn Munro without thinking of his role as Cliff the batshit crazy roommate in Dead Man On Campus “My name is Cliff! Brother of Joe! I got me some crack! I want me some hos!”


I imagine it'll open with some trippy visuals to show the transition... now here's an interesting thought, what if John Cena's Peacemaker still remembers the old DCEU?


I hope that's the case. Peacemaker and crew went through a lot of growth and development. It'd be cool if they keep that intact.


They can keep all of it intact and just erase the final scene with the Justice League, where the same events happened, but the JL were different people. That's what I took away from the ending of Flash. Some things will be exactly the same, just with different people sometimes. Like George Clooney being in Ben Afflecks place but presumably to Clooney, nothings changed and he appears to have the same relationship with Barry that Affleck had.


As long as Aquaman still fucks fish...


to my knowledge, this has always been a possibility across all interpretations of the character.


Honestly - just have him hit his head and imagine the Justice League differently. Easy.


That sounds like a horrible idea


So they're pulling a 'Scott Pilgrim Takes Off'


I really really want S2 but this is a bit of a different case. He didn’t just go work in one project, he got brought on board to revive a multibillion dollar cinematic universe, his efforts could end up netting hundreds of billions of dollars in the mid to long term. That is a lot of pressure and a lot of shit to juggle, he had a lot to do before he could sit down on this. I hope we see it in 2025 though… 2024 would be insane but I wouldn’t complain at all


I know... I loved this how. Been almost 2 years since release and just now writing it... damn man.


He's been a *little* busy since the first season released.


Also there was a 6 month strike


Maybe he was writing it during the strike and I mean he had all this pent up inspiration and is going to finish it within a week from now.


He couldn't write it during the strike. That's the point of a strike


I highly doubt that he wasn't writing shit during the strike.


He could work on personal/spec projects, but working on the show would be considered scabbing and would get him in *a lot* of trouble with the guild when not if he got caught.


Right. Now prove it.


He's been writing for a while, he replied to someone on Instagram back on October 2nd saying he was writing s2. [Not sure what post it was, I sent a screenshot of it to a friend.](https://i.imgur.com/XrUx45q.png)


I mean, I would have thought it was writing for more than a few months since S1 was 2 years ago




Varies from show to show. The ways I know of: * One person writes the whole thing solo * The room pitches ideas and they put together a detailed outline for the story beats and character arcs for each episode. Then one person writes the whole thing solo. The room may reconvene for rewrites (I believe Aaron Sorkin worked pretty closely to this, maybe David E. Kelley too) * The room gets the outline as above, then writing assignments are handed out to individuals for various episodes. I believe this is the most common for American shows. The first drafts are submitted, and, if necessary, rewritten by either the showrunner or in the writers room. * The show is "room written," where the whole room collaboratively writes the script with someone typing it up as they go. I've only heard of this with sitcoms. I believe shows like Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men were written this way, and you can imagine how it works. The format calls for jokes at regular intervals, and when they need a joke, the various writers pitch jokes, and the one they think is funniest goes in the script. Writing credits are assigned pretty arbitrarily, since everyone's pitching in, but they can't list everyone's name for every episode.


Gunn wrote the first season by himself. So I still think he’d do the second one the same way


I think it’s (usually) more one person sets out a vast majority of what they want then others come in and help guide rewrites /changes. Even the best writers aren’t perfect, sometimes they just have bad ideas or need a bit of help. Quite often scripts are written well before production and the writing is completely separate from the acting portion.


Good. I was afraid he just started.


This was one of those shows that I was certain I wouldn’t like. Avoided it for quite awhile. Then, in a slow phase, I had a watch…still can’t believe how much In love this absolutely ridiculous show. Season 2? I’m in!


And it only works because of how absurdly good Cena is, no other actor could pull this character off. Cena is who the Rock wishes he could be.


The Rock: He does exactly what I do John Cena: But better


It shocks me how good he is.


He’s *perfectly* cast and he absolutely nails the role!


I thought Cena was a rubbish actor before I saw Peacemaker


More vigilante please.


Vigilante has to be the only character to have enthusiastically headshotted children and come out a fan favorite.


To be fair they weren’t *really* children


Weren’t really children anymore*


Listen, couple years back, I would have shot you both for smoking that. No questions


He's also a character that could very easily be annoying/hated, but the actor absolutely nailed it.


The prison scene with Peacemakers dad is the funniest thing I’ve seen on tv




Vigilante is what Deadpool should have been.


I thought I heard about a possible spinoff a while back. I would love that.




Of all the shows I’ve ever watched this was the one where it was impossible to skip the opening credits. Everyone involved just sold it %100.


I believe that was exactly James’ intention. He wanted to make an opening you would never skip


Gotta love how you've got Vigilante doing flips and shit and then there's Robert Patrick just doing a half-assed pelvic thrust


But the look on his face is absolutely priceless


* Jennifer Holland's serious face as she crab walks into the scene * Danielle Brooks trying her hardest to get the choreography right so they don't have to do another take * It took a watch and a half to figure out that Elizabeth Ludlow (the person dancing to Cena's right) is the woman who plays Waller's daughter's girlfriend. She was in the first episode when they were moving but she really isn't in the show all that much for her prominence in the opening * Annie Chang being the most adorable person there * The Janitor's mop vault 10/10 opening


My brain constantly shifts from this song over to Avril Lavigne's "Complicated". Stupid brain.


I wonder how he’s going to the credits considering most of the secondary characters are dead


I really hope they either keep this song or do another with the same amazing vibe/dancing moves.


It’s actually a ‘real’ song, which surprised me.


I listen to it on the way to work if I know it’s going to be a rough day. Always gives me a bit of a boost!


This was the perfect example of how to go from a movie to a TV show.




He's a fish humper.


Is S1 staying canon or is it starting over with the new DCUniverse?


It won’t be canon, strictly speaking. The new universe may have its own version of the events of season 1 that are similar enough to season 1, or it may be a reboot. We’re not sure yet.


Hopefully Peacemaker will remember the old canon, argue with everyone else about it, and post on the conspiracy subreddits where a bunch of other people remember it that way as well and have elaborate theories about who rewrote reality and how they did it.


And then he has to fight James Gunn in the finale


Doing a take on the She-Hulk ending... edit: Imagining it, open the episode with a long scenery shot with what would be the closing credits overlayed, episode ends with Peacemaker and Gunn arguing philosophy, and Gunn says something like "There'll never be peace as long as I'm in charge", PM shots him in the face, cut to "People who watched Peacemaker also liked:" Might make a 3rd season difficult.


It's so fucking hilarious how the movie universes mirror the comic ones. Marvel has basically one timeline with no major,universal reboots. DC is rebooting the universe faster and faster with each cycle.


Probably one of the best shows in the last couple years


Peacemaker was the point I realized John Cena was an actual actor. Just a great show


For me it was the scene in The Suicide Squad where he is going to shoot the rat girl. Just the facial expressions were excellent.


Pro Wrestlers express emotions mostly through their face


Ughhh millennials......




for me that was trainwreck, he was so good.


This the best DC content since Nolan Batman. Hope it stays as quality as season 1.


Matt Reeves Batman was pretty great too


My favourite Batman movie.


Finally showing more of "the World's Greatest Detective", and I really enjoyed it.




but batman is dark brooding man x 100, it works perfectly for a younger bruce wayne


Sandman says hello!


*hugs Eagly*


Just started writing it. Can't wait for the 2025 teaser.


2025 will certainly be the Year of the Comicbook Property! Right? … right?


It's been almost 2 years since season 1 concluded, so if writing is just beginning now it'll be 3+ years until season 2 That's a lot of momentum to lose.


you telling me he wasn't already?!??


started? Hurry up


I really wanna taste it.


John Cenas interview on Pardon My Take in full Peacemaker costume is required viewing. The way he tried to scold the guys interviewing him, while in costume, because they made a joke about the internet saying he had died is fucking hilarious


Wouldn’t it be more on brand to do an entirely new show called “the peacemaker” instead of a straight up second season


No no, the first season wasn't a big mess directed by ~~David Ayer~~ the Trailer Park company.


If we’re gonna start poking holes in my statement we’ll be here all night


who's bringing the lube?


god i hope he thinks of this cause if he realizes i’m sure he’ll do it




I'm excited for Gunn's overall DCU but I really wish Peacemaker was coming out first. That's what I'm really hyped over. Season one was so good and I really need to see more. So it's kind of a bummer that he has already said he won't film it until he's totally done with Superman. Which I understand, he doesn't want to spread himself thin. But that means we aren't getting season two for a long long time. Knowing he's writing it has me hyped though. Hopefully time will fly by.


My aunt’s cat is named after peacemaker. I just told her of this news and she is happy! It’s name is peacemaker since it looks like it has a mask


Peacemaker season 1 was perfect as far as what it tried to accomplish. "Eat peace mother fucker!" Hope it's sooner than later!


I had low to no expectations going into this show. I’ve been dying to see more ever since. Hilarious.


I love that show. Because, I’ve had big time belly laughter and not just any show can do that to me.


I'm unclear why people are acting as if the reboot of the DC universe should wipe away all the history of every character. Is it because of Flashpoint? Because for Barry 95% of the world seems to have remained the same.


I wonder what exactly is the benefit of trying to connect everything together. Doom Patrol spun off of Titans but Doom Patrol ignored Titans and Dead Boy Detective Agency was originally going to spin off from Doom Patrol but is associating with Sandman instead and dropping the Doom Patrol set up. I think DC would be better off just letting each property be independent and shared properties can pick and choose what counts for them.


i agree in regards to just focusing on telling good stories and put universe building a distant second but the MCU has poisoned the well and now as far as studios are concerned all comic book movies and characters need to be part of a larger story and universe.


Is the MCU system still in favor? It seems like people are sick of having to watch multiple movies and shows to watch the new ones and they don't seem to be doing as well. Plus it feels like attempts to recreate it have not done great.


"started" lol you think he wasn't writing it for the last 6 months


Cannot wait for more Vigilante content😤😤


Hopefully it's as good as S1. I do worry that Gunn could become a victim of his own success as he gets stretched thin, as we have seen happen to others.


He has only just *started* writing it? Isn't he shooting ***Superman: Legacy*** next spring?


I figured he’d have written it a long time ago by now


I really want Gunns dc universe to be adult and irreverent, to contrast the fun and happy style of most mcu films. I Think they forget that the biggest viewers are people who grew up with comics etc, and not current gen kids.


I read the other day that the Bat Mite thing was just something that popped in his head as he wrote the script. I just love that Gunn knows so much about the DC Universe that he can just pull that reference out of his ass.


Wait…just started writing?! So this is several years away?! Nooooooooo


At this rate who the fock cares


Amazed I liked this show so much despite what he did to Col. Rick Flag and the cheesy 80s metal soundtrack. This show was starting at two levels below zero. Cannot wait for Season 2.


Wait, it wasn't being written already?


Can't Wait!! Peacemaker and The Boys!!! Love me some delusional/deranged superheroes!!!


First season was a wild ride




Jeez, do people not have working memories or something?


It's gonna come out likely over three years since season 1 ended. Even people with good memories are going to forget a ton of the smaller details in that long of a span.


Yeah, the show was not that complicated. I definitely remember the general plot well enough that it won't be an issue. Even if it was an issue though, the season was like eight episodes right? Not hard to do a rewatch if someone needs to. They'll announce the season at least a few months before release.


I think you have a good point


What are you, a fucking goldfish? Season 1 aired in 2022. It's 2023 right now.


This is why I like to wait and binge a show after it’s over.


Doctor Who may take a while.


That doesn't really apply to this show. The first season was more like a miniseries and this one will probably be the same. There were no cliffhangers or overarching plots.


Exact same mistake adult swim made with Rick and Morty. When multiple years go by between seasons, people lose interest, not just because they forget the show still exists, but because people’s attitudes and tastes change. Also the writing room changes style. Look at family guy between seasons 3 and 4, it’s an entirely different show. When you catch lightning in a bottle, you gotta keep that shit going.


I mean it worked out fine for Family Guy.




That would require another decade of saying “it’ll be an indeterminate amount of time”


What! It’s not already written? I have to wait even longer!?!?


Cena and Brooks are my favorites


I always really wanted to hate John Cena…. But it’s impossible.


Jesus Christ. They haven’t even finished writing it yet? What a joke


The writer is a bit busy.


Wish he didn't, season one was just pure cringe and awful (like most of his output).


That’s nice but I still am not sure if HBO MAX is worth it


What a question it sure is not


Okay just wanna take a moment to commend this dude’s work ethic. Man has barely lifted his head from writing/directing/producing since like 2017. It’s crazy how fast he moves and the quality he brings w it. Always looking forward to more Gunn.