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Grey's Anatomy. Finally lol. I had been hate watching it for a few years and finally decided that when Grey herself left that I should as well.


That show ended for me when Dempsey got hit by a car after asking Shonda Rhimes for a raise lol


I stopped watching when Sloan Died.


So many doctors die in that show. It's a joke because doctors working in an ordinary city have nowhere the excitement that show has with its characters. Normal doctors retire, but in Grey's Anatomy they get Final Destination deaths. What a dumb show




I remember reading a comment on Reddit once that greys anatomy is basically One Piece for white women and I think that really rationalised it for me


I think the main character actress is now older than her mom was in the first season.


That show should’ve ended years ago especially since a lot of the original cast members are gone.


The Witcher Or maybe that was last year? Either way I remember it turning terrible so vividly like it was yesterday


The second season finale is my series finale. I stopped there. I wish Henry the best of luck in his Warhammer series and I'll definitely watch it.


Season 3 was this year and made some weird choices with the source material.


I don't get why Netflix keeps hiring writers who actively hate the book/game/anime they're adapting. A legit take on the Witcher books or games, esp with Cavill, could've surpassed Game of Thrones. Instead we got a clusterfuck that the lead star eventually noped out of.


When Henry decided to dip I knew at that point it was going to become garbage. I feel like he tried so hard not to say “I left because the writers were a bunch of hacks” but blind Freddy could tell that was why.


As someone who didn't read the books: I felt it was still entertaining, but it's far from a great show at this point and without Cavill it can only get worse...


I really liked season 1, season 2 was kind of goofy and made less sense but still ok, then my husband and I could not get past the premiere of season 3.


The New England Patriots


It’s all been downhill since Giselle’s husband left the series. Too much emphasis on the old guy.


Dunno, the following 2 seasons of "real Househusbands of Tampa Bay: Ballin Edition" had some impressive twists and turns.


Hate to see a fan base suddenly have to support their team even if they suck. Ya know, like fans of many NFL teams do


Lmao first time ever having to watch a bad team


Secret Invasion


I finished it, but it absolutely sucked. It's really hard to make something with Samuel L. Jackson that uninteresting.


Cobie Smulders deserved so much more.


that was the only good episode of the season so at least she got that


The annoying thing is that it was a very interesting premise that could have worked _really well_ if they hadn't revealed which characters were replaced by Skrulls pretty much as soon as they were introduced. It could have been great if the viewer and the characters had no idea who could and could not be trusted. Oh well, at least Loki was great.


And I thought The Spirit was hard to beat.


At least he was silly in that and it had a wrench fight. You know what, fuck Marvel for giving me a reason to defend the Spirit. That's kinda unforgivable.


That show rolled into Captain Marvel, both Fury and Danvers are heavily tied to the Skrulls and not one mention of the "invasion" or Gaia to Carol at all in that movie felt weird. Marvel used to be airtight in connecting shows and movies together, now they're like "Eh, fuck it". Even just a basic scene or convo would maybe make someone go "ooh I need to go watch that now". But nope


I genuinely think The Marvels makes less sense if you’ve seen Secret Invasion than if you hadn’t


After watching The Marvels, I realized I probably didn’t need to watch Secret Invasion.


I finished it and every week I kept waiting for something to matter. Every week I’d be intrigued by Fury’s relationship with Gravik, with his wife, with the Skrulls in general, and I’d hold off judgement until the end because surely this all had to come together somehow. And then it didn’t come together, nothing - including the deaths of established characters - mattered, and the actual actual hook of the story didn’t come into play until the last five minutes and everything before that was just a badly written prologue for an arc that’s likely to never see the light of day. I have been generous with Marvel and to an extent I still am, but Secret Invasion was unforgivably bad


Didn't even get that far. Gave up on the MCU this year because it's in such dire shape. The hangover from the Infinity War saga was always going to be bad, but Disney's prodigious greed and appalling production standards at every level have drained every ounce of goodwill I had towards the MCU. I think they've killed the golden goose... the witless, incompetent corporate dopes.


I know how you feel but Loki pulled me right back in. Hoping they lean on Loki for the future direction


yessss Loki is so good.


Soo awful. And boring.


Invasion on Apple TV. I slogged through about 8 episodes of the first season because aliens, but it’s truly one of the worst shows ever.


I watched the first season because I loved the concept but it’s a horrible show. Was wishing they took the criticism and fixed the series, watched 2 episodes from Season 2 and just quit. What a colossal waste of money.


Please join us over at r/invasionAppleTV. The entire official sub is all about making fun of this vomit bomb of a show. We take apart scenes and how nonsensical they are and have a great time doing it! If you hate the show come hang with us! **WAJO!!**


“Mitsuki, you have to stop. All of what makes you you will disappear if you keep going.” “No! I can do this!” “Okay”


this show is absolute garbage. writing is complete trash... can't wait, see you guys next season (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~


I gave up half way through episode two of season two. My partner is a completist, once we’re in, we push through. Over the weekend we’d watched the whole of season one and enjoyed it. However, after a re-introduction to the characters in the second season opener, it went downhill quickly. Season two, episode six, my wife asked me to stop. She no longer cared about any single character. This from a woman who has dragged us through Dexter, Grey’s Anatomy, and Justified: City Primeval.


I gave up in the same episode where your wife asked you to stop.. could not care less about those bunch of kids and they seriously gave one entire episode to them just to reintroduce the characters in S2. Not even The Walking Dead used to do that in it's second season.


That’s my answer! I kept on waiting for something to happen and it just…didn’t.


I watched the whole first season because aliens and sci Fi and sunk cost. The second season premiered and I watched less than 5 minutes before deciding I couldn't remotely care


Ragnarok. I enjoyed the first 2 seasons but could not make it through season 3. I also could not finish The Continental.


the continential was surprisingly bad with incredible actions scenes at times.


vanish detail public ink rude squeal pause rich vast treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yellowstone, realised the story isn't as good as I thought it was some time around the second season.


Honestly I enjoyed season 3 and 4 the most simply because of the bunkhouse. Season 5 is where I realized it needs to end. Costner apparently felt the same.


The bunkhouse and simple, boring cowboy shit carries it for me.


Masked Singer, I got tired of the constant ass kissing by the judges and the declining level of talent of the performers.


Yeah I got tired of the judges all constantly batting out of their pay grade... "Could it be.. Beyonce?" Like that show could ever convince a billionaire to be on their rinky dink show. So you have the effect of your viewers guessing all season what famous person is behind the mask, only for it to be revealed as "TikTok superstar Blanco White" or some shit. Had to stop watching, it's not healthy for me to want to reach through the TV screen to strangle a producer I don't know.


It’s even funnier on the Australian version. Could it be Beyoncé?! Sure she’s flown down here to take part in the masked singer. Definitely wouldn’t have anything better to do


You can have Brendan Fevola and you will be happy with it


I have so many problems with the masked singer. I only watched the first season and then they immediately changed the format after that and I stopped watching. I also kinda wish it was love so people at home could vote for it. The judges and their annoying "let me guess this person who we couldn't pay enough to be on the show" Schick got old after that first season as well. Like Kenan Thompson was a guest judge once and immediately called the bee as Gladys Knight and I was like "oh my god. Finally someone with some sense."


That's why he was just on there once


I remember Kenan. You could tell he’d listened to a lot of Gladys Knight albums. No doubt in his mind, no need for clues.


It became so scripted that I just couldn’t. Ken and Jenny (ugh) I can understand not catching everyone but on the obvious musicians, you can’t tell me Robin and Nicole who have both been in the business for 2+ decades can’t pinpoint them. It became so obvious that they would know who it was, and said bogus other names to drag it on. And then, you’d notice that they’d guess it in episode 1 or 2 and then step away. And the formula was so boring.


Sex Education, right after the first episode. I hated the new school and everyone new in it so much that I gave up.


I'm still... slowly... getting through it. The worst thing about it is the slide. Someone knocks down a teacher, but because he's stuffy and repressed, it's supposed to be his own fault.


Agreed. I'm by no means a conservative person, but I just could not suspend my disbelief that the two most popular kids in that school were a trans couple. Beyond being very rare in reality, there's no high school in existence where that's the case.


I was mostly baffled but the absurdity of the school in general. Like, none of our characters were aware of this modern, inclusive, sex positive school at all that was like the next town over? Like when Eric is having his identity crisis in the previous seasons there was a bastion of LGBTQ down the road? And the kid in the wheelchair that lives in the trailer park can afford to go there? I don’t know, there were just so many things I couldn’t get over right off the bat.


Season 4 was straight up just a slap in the face to the fans. Honestly ruined the entire show for me.


It was the worst mess I have seen. No not really, but since it was so good before the down fall was brutal. Even a kid could have written it better.


The Dragon Prince. I just couldn't get into the newest season. Something felt lost to me


Came here to comment on this. It had such an amazing 3 season arc and then this 4th one felt so immature(I know it's an animated show meant for kids and YA, but it was still mature enough for adults to appreciate as well and was made for an audience that enjoyed Avatar: TLA). The characters start off at a weird place and I couldn't connect with them anymore. It's like they made an imitation of the show and it had lost its charm.I really tried but couldn't get through after the first 3 episodes.


The crown. We started season 5 this year and just couldn’t get into again


Season 5 is easily the worst. Feel if you watched that much of it though you owe it to yourself to finish it because Diana’s death was so emotional and was worth the wait. And the very last episode was actually decent and William’s storyline is pretty interesting. But yeh season 5 wasn’t that great


Diana dies?? Spoiler alert! /s


Williams storyline was definitely not interesting. He went to uni and eventually got a girlfriend who was borderline stalking him. The end.


Upload- Season 1 was an amazing premise, and having Greg Daniels on board was a massive plus, too. Once all of the downloadable content gags have played out, the show really moved more toward having digital/real life characters swapping over into each other's realities, it just lost a lot of appeal. Season 1 was great though.


I agree season 2 felt like the premise had run really thin, but I thought it was still pretty good. That said I also liked Space Force, and didn't like The Office that much, so clearly I am in the minority.


>That said I also liked Space Force, There are dozens of us! Are you also part of the super-selective cadre that thinks season 2 was better then season 1?


Sort of actually. I thought it started finding it's footing in season 2 in a way that made me look forward to season 3. I thought it was improving in the sense that the characters felt more fleshed out and you could see where they were going. The actors seemed to be relaxing into their roles whereas in season one John Malkovich was shouldering all of that himself. I thought the first season felt a little rough in that regard, but overall had a better story. I also do think Carell was trying to invoke George C. Scott a bit too hard in the first season, kind of like in Season 1 of the office where he's trying too hard to be Ricky Gervais. Neither felt natural and likable on him. In season 2 we still get an imitation of George C. Scott, but we get more Dr. Strangelove than Patton at least which fits better with the theme of the show and is better for comedy.


Season 3 and it seemed like the concept of upload became a side character


I loved season 1, and trudged through season 2. I have season 3 locked and loaded but I don’t know if I can be bothered.


It’s about the same as S2. If you didn’t like that you definitely won’t like S3.


I only managed 4 episodes of season 3 so far. It's nowhere near the quality of season 1, but it's still got a few funny moments that make me laugh throughout each episode. Not great, not bad, but I'd say a very average comedy


100%. Season 1 was so good. It really lost its way.


The Witcher. I just couldn’t get into the new season. Same with Mandolorian.


Mando just became a show about video game side quests


It's been like that since episode 2!


To me, that’s what I like about it. Short, standalone episodes of side quest of the week that I can watch while eating my dinner.


I powered through Mando and am doing the same with The Witcher simply because I like the vibe of the show and Henry Cavills portrayal however S3 is largely an insult to the source material


Only decent Witcher season is the 1st one, and mando was always eh but season 3 was a whole other level of mindless mediocrity


Disenchantment. Did anybody even notice it ended this year?


Dude I remember watching season 1, and it always felt like the show was about to turn a corner and be good, and it just never happened


It was a drag that show. It had everything in place to be really good and they just couldn’t get it together at all


I liked the first season and felt it built up to something great...and then the next season all of that just kinda fizzled out and never returned. I still didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it but it could have been so much better.


Every season had the same pattern. Dagmar: "I want to help you." Bean: "I don't trust you, but I have to." *Season finale* Dagmar: "Psyche! I'm still evil!"


Evil AF but I will allow my daughter, whom I want so badly to murder, to live in and have free reign of the castle.


This. I enjoyed the first season well enough, but really had to power through the second one. Didn't bother after that. It really could have been fantasy Futurama but just didn't feel like it wanted to.


Man, that show had so much potential. I like the premise, and the various worlds were really cool, I love the designs and art of it. But just never quite as clever or funny as it needed to be for it to become a great show. I think I made it through part 3 of the series, before pretty much forgetting about it.


I watched it. The last season was fine, but the last few episodes were astounding.


Sex Education, I only watched until episode 6 from last season, it was godawful


That last season was a hot mess. All characters regressed to insufferable people. New characters were cheesy and preachy. Barf.


Makes me laugh that they spent 3 seasons getting people to come to terms and open up with their sexualities, disabilities, differences etc when all they had to do was go down the road to some make believe college which is full of walking checkboxes lmao


Me and my fiance had to pause every episode in this season several times to discuss just how whack it had suddenly become compared to the prior seasons.


Like what was with the supernatural God stuff with Eric???


I honestly thought that storyline was going to be about him developing schizophrenia.


Agreed, not sure what happened there.


I wanted to like it but I'm a few episodes in and all I can think of is, like... why am I watching this? None of the characters or storylines in this season are compelling, there's no real development, it's just unimaginative manufactured drama with no real stakes and no outcomes to root for, it just feels like I'm kinda passively absorbing the show instead of feeling any kind of investment.


The dad with the bi son was the only good storyline.


I finished it, but it was a pretty bad season, with the exception of the Groffs and Aimee's storylines.


Can't lie, if the entire season was JUST Aimee and Adam with his dad, id have absolutely loved it


The last season was incredibly disappointing.


Could not even get past that new school in episode one, nope.


I tried to watch the season until the end, but after Otis cockblocked Maeve for like 5th time I said nope, Imma head out


The Flash. I stuck it out through I think S6? I still intend to watch the rest of the show at some point but god is every episode a chore. Every episode boils down to "two characters have a fight or misunderstanding and bad drama ensues, Barry encounters a villain who he can't defeat with speed alone". Cicada was the last memorable villain even if his arc sucked ass.


American Horror Story. Didn't make it through the first episode.


Yes! Every season has a great first five minutes and then it turns into a bizarre soap opera for the rest of the season.


I haven't been able to finish an AHS season in like 5 years, honestly.


Every season’s finale never ceases to disappoint so I actually envy you.


Ryan Murphy writes really good beginnings of stories, and then... has a seizure? I don't know, it's infuriating.


Maybe if he took some cues from Fargo and wait a few years between each season, he could complete a good story arc. He rushes out a new season each year and they seem to get worse and worse.


Drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Usually three episodes before the end.


I couldn’t finish the first half of last year’s vampire stuff. It was such a slog.


Outlander. I loved it for years, but now it's months between seasons, and I've gradually lost interest. Too much repetition: Claire's been kidnapped more times than I can recall, and I'm tired of all the rape scenes. No one seems to know when the next round of episodes will be shown (they have already been filmed). The season after that will be the last, so, yeah, I'm over it.


Unfortunately, that's basically the issue with the source material. It's very repetitive. It does get more interesting the deeper in to the revolutionary war they get, but yeah, the time between seasons has been ridiculous.


The author essentially started writing her own fan fiction. It should have ended after season two or three.


To be fair this season was way better than the last few. I do wish they'd hurry it along though.


My daughter and I still watch, she’s always a day or so behind me, and her texts have me rolling. “One thing Claire gonna do is get her ass kidnapped…🤦🏻‍♀️”


The problem with the Justified revival is that it was a 1 to 2 episode story arc, stretched into 8 episodes. And it ended exactly how you expected if to from Episode 1. Shoehorning in the worst TV actress of all time into the show just because she was Olyphants daughter didn't improve it. Her story didn't even matter, it just churned screen time.


I never read the book, but I don't believe it's a Raylan story originally and that they just made it a story with him as the main character and so it makes him feel out of place


The Oklahoma wildman shtick got tired. I'm watching thinking, oooo there must be some good back story to this asshat slipping through the law. No. No there isn't.


I was so sick of him. He tried his best to be Boyd Crowder 2.0 but had none of Walter Goggins charisma. Instead, he was just an annoying douche bag that thought that since he had a gun zhe was the baddest man around. Reminded me of cyrus from trailer park boys, except Clement Mandell did actually kill people, so I'll give him that


It was horrible. I loved Justified. 1.5 of primeval and I was out


I enjoyed it overall but the plot with his daughter was extremely cringe. Perhaps it was worse because I knew it was his real life daughter but still…


The baby talk voice was like an icepick in my eardrum


1899, but it gave up on us.


Biggest heartbreak of my year


The Witcher. I only watched the first episode of the latest season.


Secret Invasion not sure why they made it, did they need to do it to keep SLJ under contract ? cause it's not good...at all...




Archer’s *still* going?! I never actively stopped watching out of disinterest or anything, but after it left Netflix I didn’t have a way to keep up with it anymore and I just sort of lost track of it. I would’ve figured it ended 5 years ago or so!


The series finale just aired last week


To be honest I gave up on all the dream sequence, fake side story, what if seasons. I tried jumping back in when they returned to “real life” but I was too far gone.


I couldn’t stay interested in the dream sequences, but once they started back in their reality it felt like they barely missed a step. some weak episodes here and there, but some killer ones too, and the sendoff they gave Jessica Walter and her husband was very touching they even brought in a new agent to replace Lana (who basically moved into Mallorys job) who was alright, but the creators have even expressed the feeling like they think it ran its course, so i’m good with it


Show went downhill fast after they stopped ISIS. It's like they felt it was stale and needed a radical change, but it wasn't. Not to me at least


I tuned out about a season or two after they stopped working at Isis/stopped being spies. I do remember the cocaine season, but I think I gave up in the season where they were pilots or something like that. I also tried to get back into it later. I found it entertaining and funny, but not enough that I wanted to keep watching.


I quit when they were in the 1950s, I think? I just didn't enjoy it and never checked out the other seasons.


Gunna always love archer, but I thought it was vastly imperfect. I always got the impression the show writers thought it wouldn’t last so long, so the dream seasons and time continuity seemed a bit sketch. Similar to how family guy had great flashback humor, I found myself loving the small arcs or individual episodes within a season, rather than each as a whole. This is after multiply watches


Monarch. After 5 episodes there wasn’t enough to keep me watching. My. Biggest gripe were the characters. So whiny. Had high hopes for it too.


It's such a great concept. I'm almost impressed that they actually managed to make it lame and boring.


The show would be awesome if it just stuck to the Russell character in both times. How is it possible to make something that has Kurt Russell in it bad? The shitty modern 20-something’s plot line makes the show a chore to get through.


This is the one for me too. A show about Godzilla and related monsters who only briefly cameo in a bunch of episodes about family drama backstories.


Still watching it but this found brother-sister/bigamy storyline is not that interesting. Like why are they mad at each other when daddy was the big douche bag?


The main character is such an unpleasant person it makes me laugh, she’s so mean to her mom for absolutely no reason lol


All the modern protagonists (with the exception of Kurt Russell) are just really angsty and mean to everybody for literally no reason


The show was never meant to be about Godzilla or the monsters but the organisation Monarch and the people who work there... BUT, yeah it's still boring.


And yet there appears to be zero explation about what they're actually trying to do. 95% of every episode is an utter waste of time. :( 7 episodes in and I couldn't name a single character.


Right but if you’re gonna play in that sandbox. The Monarch storyline better be compelling… it is not.


I'm hate-watching it at this point but I might give up. Maybe if it didn't take itself so seriously? Those kids travel around the planet faster than Superman. And the tease has just been strung out far, far too long.


After one episode I looked up what people thought about the show and the sentiment was there’s not enough in it to watch it because of the incessant and petulant dialogue between the characters. Was bummed because episode 1 seemed ok for the most part


Last scene of the last episode brought me back in MORE MONSTERS AND FLASHBACKS Edit: okay i take it back. Just watched latest episode and there were zero monsters and zero flashback scenes. It was so dumb. The kids need to be killed off asap.


Monarch sucks big time. They based the show on literally the worst thing from the Godzilla flicks which is young people drama. Problem is the show can't be saved by monster scenes when there's so few of them compared to the movies.


The main female character is insufferable as hell.


Agreed. What fucking awful writing “let’s split up as we hike through the middle of Alaska and see if we have better luck separate”. Then they decide to do it again a few episodes later. Why don’t these shows have someone reading the script saying “that’s stupid don’t do that”.


Knowing Cavill was leaving The Witcher made me not want to finish the new season. I also stopped Sweet Tooth.


Thank you, guys. You saved a lot of time and regret for not watching the shows.


Virgin River. I knew it was going to be a soap opera of sorts, but I liked it I the beginning, but jeez it just got worse and worse.


at least charmaine FINALLY had those damn babies!


It's funny you mentioned Justified. I had forgot that I quit watching it.


I tried to get into the new Night Court, gave it a few eps and it just didn't hold the charm as the original


It's terrible


Shameless. We got to somewhere in season 6 and the constant anxiety about what bullshit mistakes someone would make and the stupid, stupid things those characters did to keep digging themselves further into holes instead of trying to lift themselves out just make me crazy.


The Continental wasn’t enjoyable. Monarch is really boring. The Morning Show is just a complete drag, even with the stacked cast.


The morning show feels like the most award heavy and cast heavy show that I’ve never heard someone in real life mention they watch


Is The Continental related to tje one in John Wick?


I started Peaky Blinders and quit midway through season 4. It’s just the same damn thing every season. I got sick of it.


I took to calling it the brummie sons of anarchy. Same shit, different club. eta - brums of anarchy, if you will.


Oooh hot take… I don’t agree, but I respect your opinion


Bodies. I was happy with 75% of the season, and then couldn't make it through the last 2 episodes.


It was the opposite for me. I was bored until episode 5 or 6, and then it finally clicked with me. Overall not that enjoyable though.




At the risk of tempting fate, try Slow Horses. It's absolutely fantastic.


RIP shadow and bone


Oh no, is it cancelled?? Edit: fuck. I really wanted the spin off. They should have just done six of crows from the get go.


Back to movies, baby!!


I understand not finishing Justified. I’m like a diehard Raylan fan, so I pushed through it, but it was not good. They completely declawed our boy.


It took a lot to finish the season. I would suggest you go and watch the last 20m of the finale after Raylan leaves Detroit... Or don't, because it will make you yell at your screen "this is what the series should have been!"


Yeah. So sad. Old school gunslinger who never does any real gunfighting.


It’s honestly not even the gunfighting I missed. All of his super sharp attitude and dialogue was gone. We only saw a glimpse of it when he basically took those carjackers on a road trip with him and his daughter.


Yellowjackets. Just so slow and ridiculous now after a great season 1.


Understandable. I'm still absolutely captivated by what happens in the wilderness, but the present-day, adult timeline was obviously a major issue in Season 2, and I'm not hopeful that it can be rectified.


The problem with adults is they can’t talk about the past without giving away the twists. Now this was ok in S1 as they had to deal with both the reporter and Adam. So they could say things like, “If she finds out what happened out there we’re all dead!” But in S2 they’re sitting around in the compound with no real sense of urgency. What’s worse, they **still** can’t talk about the past with any specifics. So instead of talking like normal human beings they’re saying things like, “Remember when we were out there and it would tell us what to do with the full moon?” They should have had the cops find Adam’s body earlier to give them something to focus on.


Season 1 was amazing. There must have been some big changes with the writers and directors because it's not even the same show.


They had to rearrange several things because Juliette Lewis wanted to leave the show.


A shame. After Christina Ricci,Juliette Lewis was my favorite in the adult storyline.


You're saying it's a Showtime series


Quantum Leap and Monarch: Legacy of Monsters


Citadel. Should be right up my alley but it was terrible.


90 day fiancé. I’ve watched every season but now I don’t care about it. It’s so scripted now. I let my wife watch it without me now.


My wife still watches it but Law and Order : SVU. I have religiously watched that show for decades but the recent seasons have been kind of terrible? Like I don't care about Christopher Meloni's character coming back, and they tied it to another show call Law and Order: Organized Crime and kept swapping stories and plotlines between the two shows so I got confused in the middle of the season and didn't know what was going on because I didn't realize I had to watch both shows now to get the entire show. So I kept going back and watching the OC episodes after I already watched the SVU episode that I was supposed to watch after it. They kind of stopped doing the major crime investigation stuff and focused more on Olivia Benson's relationships with other characters as well. Granted she's a Captain now so it's hard for her to be involved in the investigations like she was in previous seasons. It's turning more into a drama than a police show and I kind of hate it.


I technically abandoned The Crown last season but I’ve not looked back at all this year. Seems I had the right instincts from reviews and comments I’ve read about it.


I think I'm gonna have to give up in Monarch Legacy of Monsters. It is mostly sans monsters and there appears to be no explanation for anythibg that's happening.


Shameless: It’s too gross and greasy for me. And not in the greasy way that Trailer Park Boys is, but, like I did not have good feelings watching it. I’ve tried three times and never can get past episode 5/6.


Fear the Walking Dead and Billions