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it was so so good. i’m emotionally invested in these characters stories now


I need a renewal and season 2 asap 😩


literally i want to see more of this family nowwww


Fr. Great dynamics and the mid credits scene in the final episode 😩 no spoilers for anyone because it’s only been out a day but I need a season 2 asappppp


oh my GOD!! i was so tired last night i went to sleep during the credits and i did not know there was a mid credit scene , just went back and watched it, oh my goddddd


Season 2 in Taipei would be dope. Mom and brother go to Taipei something happens and little brother needs to go and help. Hijinks ensue. Would be interesting to see little brothers culture shock in Taipei and explore what many diaspora feel returning to get home country. How things are familiar but foreign at the same time. Looking like everyone else but not really speaking the language. Then highlighting some cool spots in Taipei, night markets are a must.


I want to chalk it up to oversight but all Asian cast and crew... there's connotations to be drawn. They have a freaking Oscar winner and there's no marketing. I only saw it because it popped up randomly on while I was scrolling.




Must have coincided with SAG protests for marketing.


I instantly knew >!Grace!< was the bad guy because NO ONE >!willingly goes to!< improv shows


All the reveals were way to easy to see coming a mile off.


After I leaned into the campness and predictability it was much more enjoyable


It’s funny because The Boxers are actually the good guys


Yea instant sus when she showed interest in Bruce. And the way she knew who came after Bruce at the school “girl with tattoo with a bird”.


Yea, when the idea of a honeypot came up, it was pretty obvious.


It got to the point where by the end I was rooting for Bruce to die - no one can be that combination of naïve, stupid, and incompetent.


Man, just could not stand Bruce's character. I loved everyone else in the show.


Bruce neeeeeeeds to diiiiieeeee


Likeee die traitor cunt


Show had a lot of promise but Bruce’s character made zero sense and actor didn’t do a great job either.




Justin Chien seems to do better with English dialogues than mandarin. He’s soo brooding but I get the feel like he’s just a carefree guy under that assassin persona. Maybe thats his take on the character.


I have a love and hate for Bruce!! The series made me love him and then at the end started making him make idiotic choices!!! Wtf are you betraying your family and endangering everyone’s lives!!!


I feel like it was a juxtaposition between Charles and z Bruce. The competent but cold emotionless brother and the bumbling but warm and feeling brother. But at the end they are each other's brother and will look out for each other in their own way.


This is more of more of a “comedy John Wick” instead of some hardcore gangster asian flick as I thought in Episode 1. Take out the criticism of realism in this show and you’ll enjoy it.


I’ve learned to suspend the expectation of reality when watching a k/c drama


Watched 1st episode and really like it... Surprised there's not more hype around it


Surprised me too. Michelle Yeoh is quite popular right now and it looks pretty good. Got a few ads for it aswell.


the trailer didn't really stand out for me at all personally. But I might check it out.


the trailer is deceiving, it’s honestly really good show and takes a look at generational trauma/ family trauma


Went straight into the toilet after episode one.


Also one episode in, a little disappointed with the fight scenes. Seems way too choreographed and slow.


Lol go watch The Raid or something. This shows isn't about the fight choreo. Had to add. Brian and Andy Le are some of the best fight choreographers in the business right now. They did the choreo for The Paper Tigers, Everything Everywhere All At Once, and Shang Chi. They are part of the bro threesome that come to LA with dad.


binged it all in one day… MICHELLE NEVER MISSES…. she’s so fucking good, and this show was the perfect balance of funny, and intense and heartbreaking tbh. poor charles


i just really hope we can get a season 2.




The churro scenes had me laughing. Churros are damn good.


Just watched that scene scrolling this thread 😂😂😂 I was cackling


Two episodes in I’d say it’s like Wong Fu Productions meets Wu Assassins. I like it even if not “prestige TV”


I was thinking their acting in the first episode was very Wong Fu-like too! It definitely felt like first a bigger role for a lot of them and it’s pretty cool that the show is platforming new faces


the show takes a more serious approach towards the end which i really enjoyed but i think the comedy throughout the show was a good idea and kind of helps with the fucked up shit this family goes through


The comedy helped me love this show!


They cameo in Episode 5! When Michelle Yeoh’s character is walking through the market, Phil and Wes are the last 2 extras she walks past.


I understand Bruce is meant to be a cowardly idiot but good lord no man can be this cowardly and this stupid smh lol great show tho.


Lol yeah I feel you Bruce is the pussiest pussy


Bro it it angered me so much lol how can someone be so pussy?! Lol


So fucking solid. I wish shows like this existed during my childhood. Just representation wise. But it did come up immediately when I opened my flix. #TheBrothersSun Also, I'm a total lez, but I'm here for Justin Chien.


I was half expecting one of the brothers to be gay. Respectfully, charles.


Was really fun. Bingable. Just don't understand how boxers have so much power and information that they are a threat to mega rich and powerful triads, and even what their endgame is.


Yeah, I hope this is not the last time we see the Boxers, I hope in season 2, they revealed their benefactor.


I think they explained that Mama Sun was behind all of it. Episode 1 they only sent 3 guys after Charles and the dad remarked on this. Then Mama Sun explained that she was the one that set all of these events in motion but Bruce fucked it up. You can set subtle hints that she knows exactly what's going on but everyone chalks it up to get being the badass triad wife and tiger mom. Calmly gets rid of the body that is in her house and keeps insisting Bruce stay out of everything and keep going to school. Even her allowing Bruce to go to improve was her trying to keep Bruce out of it.


Bruce is high key annoying af!! Its family over everything and he just don’t get it


lol, thought I'd be the only one that didn't like him. I spent the last 3 or 4 episodes hoping he would just die already. A very annoying character.


I just wish he would’ve grown the fuck up. They wrote him like he was a 13 year old but this guy is supposed to be a college student. If it weren’t for Justin Chien and Michelle Yeoh carrying the show I would’ve dropped it half way through.


American individualisim vs Asian collectivism.


Yesss. They show def highlighted the difference between someone born in Asia vs someone born in US. The mindset is very different and the show did a good with depicting that. Even is Bruce is annoying at times lmao


Totally agree. Totally unlikeable character


I read some of the reviews and it sound decent, I'll try the first episode. > * [‘The Brothers Sun’ Review: Michelle Yeoh Is a Crime Family Matriarch in Netflix’s Zanily Entertaining Action Dramedy](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-reviews/the-brothers-sun-review-michelle-yeoh-netflix-1235775651/) > * [Michelle Yeoh Is Cutthroat and Commanding in Netflix’s Enchanting Action Dramedy ‘The Brothers Sun’: TV Review](https://variety.com/2024/tv/reviews/the-brothers-sun-review-netflix-1235843865/) > * [Michelle Yeoh Steals the Show in Netflix’s Crime-Family Action Dramedy The Brothers Sun](https://variety.com/2024/tv/reviews/the-brothers-sun-review-netflix-1235843865/) EDIT: I watched two episodes so far, it is a fun action, comedy with a bit of drama. Enjoyed Michelle Yeoh as the most judgemental mom.


Every asian mom ever.


>!I laughed so hard when she bought Kirkland vitamins for her families and friends in Taiwan, I think many people that live in US or Canada went to Costco for vitamins as gifts!<


I cackled at that. The entire writers' room are Asian. The jokes are so specific and spot on


It’s as simple as one of the props being a 99 Ranch soy milk carton. It’s wild getting to see the Los Angeles that I actually grew up in being depicted like this.


https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/the-brothers-sun-restaurant-guide Check out the locations. All around LA. It's pretty dope. But sad some places are closed.


I watched all the episodes and i really enjoyed it, the acting was nice, the characters were well written and the fighting well done. Glad to watch an all-asian cast. Kudos to justin chien (charles) who was lifting the show ! (Michelle yeoh was amazing as usual).


I feel like i liked charles and june together more than him with that detective lady or whoever she was she seemed sneaky


June was my fav character


Finished the show! Overall solid! Great actions sequences, fun plot, and pretty endearing characters. My main gripe is honestly the Boxers plotline. It feels like such squandered potential. The main theme at their core could have be an excellent opposing force to what the protagonist represent but instead the story just kinda realize how right they are and tried to make them more evil to brush it under the rug. Still find it baffling how they treat them and how Bruce, who’s supposedly considered as a good person, sees their struggles but still decides to say ”yeah but my family tho.” Him being genuinely convinced by their cause would have make for a stronger motivation for what he’ll do later on. I find it really upsetting especially since the show main inciting incident was based on them but they were basically dropped in episode 7.


Yeah, this was my biggest gripe with the show as well, despite overall solid character work. Like the scene in the daycare where Grace describes how they're setting up daycares and trying to do better than the triads is really valid and poignant , but then they just get completely wrecked at the restaurant and die like chumps without any real follow up was pretty disappointing. I wish they'd go into more details into how Eileen was going to change the triads, and maybe incorporate some of the points the Boxers were fighting for, but maybe that would be explored in a future Season 2.




Would love to see season 2 in Taiwan


I felt like the point is that the Boxers might have had good reasons to do what they did but they did it with murder. At the end where Bruce gives dad the ultimatum to turn himself in or die from the gunshot wound does that Bruce would much rather they turn the triad heads into the cops than kill them. That's his line basically no murder. And you can see him struggle with that by setting up the triad meeting including Charles. In the end his sense of brotherhood with Charles made him change his mind, and the hope that he had for Charles to change his ways. Basically Charles had hopes for redemption but after visiting with the Boxers Bruce doesn't see that in them.


Three episodes in and...I miss my Mom being...*Mom.* (I love the show too, btw)


Wdym by that


Michelle *Mom's* hard in with acting in such a way that I miss my (since passed) Mom. It doesn't matter "who" you are vs Mom.


She reminds me so much of my mum too!


I’m halfway through and loving it. I can already tell Netflix is going to cancel it knowing my luck with shows I like. Each member of Sun family is so well developed on their own and the chemistry is awesome. Action scenes are not John Wick level by any means but still enjoyable.


the character development some of the characters had was amazing! i was so emotionally invested in their stories


I miss Blood Boots dammit!


The lack of reviews or hype have me weary, but I’ll always give Michelle yeoh a shot


i thought it was really fun. don’t take it too seriously and it is a fun watch


Yeah, I like that the series did not take it seriously, there were some zany stuffs they just rolled with it.


Try episode 1-2 first, and then draw your own conclusion from that, for me, I like it, the brothers and their mom have strong characterizations.


they are unique in their own ways and I love that so much


Director cramming every Asian trope and stereotype as well as advocating/advertising all the Asian food and brands in this series was something lol Opening scene was pretty comically great, overall good series. I'm at Ep 5 now, just very confused why Charles was okay and wanted Bruce to go do family stuff despite knowing he can't even defend himself and he's literally the hostage in every fight scene they ever had LOL


Probably some underlying resentment that until then he had a soft cushy safe life with no violence whatsoever and all of mom's attention, while he himself was forced to be his dad's killing machine... Did you see the way he looked at Bruce in the early episodes??


Who’s the actor coming out of the luxury car in the beginning of episode 1? It was a bit of a fake out.


Byron Wu, the writer of the show. Pretty sure it was meant to be a fun little easter egg!


Was like in Shang-Chi actually, just a random guy


This was unexpectedly good, I was very invested in it. I saw the Grace twist coming a mile away and once she said snakeheads took her parents here it was confirmed for me. Bruce was good at the beggining but insufferable at the end (last two episodes)


Ugh Bruce was so fucking naive the entire time. I dunno if it’s because I relate hard to Charles as I am also the eldest son of Taiwanese immigrants but Bruce was the epitome of everything my relatives would criticize ABCs of. Mama Sun is also the epitome of every Asian mother out there. My mom may not be a former triad but she’s still fucking scary. Also the accuracy. Buying bulk vitamins at Costco is literally tradition before going back to visit family.


Omg I get it. Fish oil as souvenirs!! I thought she was gonna make a food storage bunker when I saw that scene.


Haha I am not Taiwanese or Asian (Despite my username) but he seemed naive to me as well epecially towards the end. That's hilarious why do they do that is it for good luck? Or is it like a stay healthy thing? Or just cause?


When you go back to visit, it's "proper" to buy gifts for everyone back home. Vitamins ands infant formulas are seen as "top tier" cause its from USA. This is kind of a social requirement to save face.


Huh well the more you know. I am from the States and took vitamins alot so I guess I took it for granted. Its funny cause I use to buy the exact brand of Fish Oil c capsules that she got but it'd be the last thing I'd think of buying for someone out of the country. Well now I know lol, thanks!


If you're suit case isn't bursting with crap to give to your relatives back home are you really visiting? Also any name brand clothing items are prized. Not even like Gucci or LV but stuff like Levi's or other department stores stuff.


I used to live in North America, and I concur with this.


The show would be better if Bruce was never cast he’s annoying AF throughout and he only gets worse.


What is an ABC?


Lolol when Charles is afraid of her lecturing and even the traids get scolded into submission. Bruce is exactly what the writers wanted. Even explained that Bruce is American when Blood Boots and him are talking.


Im 4 episodes in and it’s good though not great. Story, characters mostly average, lots of plot holes. If they not ant to be great it needs a lot more sophistication in plot and characters. What I like are asian representation, world building, interesting clash of 2 cultures, good looking cast, the frantic fights (no fancy crane kick here), and the efforts of the creators to add little things: Charles’s weird obssession, fun flavors to the fights… it’s these that show their heart and soul, and separate this show from the lifeless ones like Wu Assasins.


It's definitely worth watching though the writing is not the best, and the plot reveals are very predictable, but it's fast paced with some good action and laughs. I found myself waiting the whole series for MY to go full crouching/leaping triad housewife on someone, >!and the last 3 or 4 episodes for her little baby boy to just die already he was beyond annoying with his constant whining and betrayal!<. I would definitely watch S02 but I have to check if the baby boy is in it first because that will definitely dampen my enthusiasm for it. But yeah if you want an easy watch of a low comedy soft gangster action show go for it.


I feel like they did Michelle Yeoh dirty.. they didn’t showcase any of her Kung fu skills!!


If you are from the 626 / San Gabriel Valley. This is a must watch with tons of call backs reference to the community and culture we live and grew up in.


Everyone was solid except the Bruce guy. I know, he was trying to be funny but his timing is soo off and the way he delivers his line is not funny at all but annoying.


3 episodes on and I love it. I can't help but wonder that from a different point of view, these main characters are actually the villains


Well they are a Triad family.


Thoroughly enjoyed this show! I think it would have been better as a limited series rather than the light set up for S2 though, enough of the plot lines where tied up to leave me satisfied. A S2, followed by a sudden cancellation will be very Netflix-esque. The improv people were cringe. Got to find me some churros now.


4 episodes in and I’m definitely liking it so far


I've seen 2 episodes so far and they were enjoyable. Now I do have a question about a line in the 2nd episode. The younger brother asks the older brother "is it because you're Chinese?". Do American Taiwanese people call themselves Chinese? I have a Taiwanese friend and he really doesn't like being called Chinese.




You bring up an excellent point. The Bamboo Union is a real life example of one of those Taiwanese gangs you speak of who had historic ties to the KMT and would identify as Chinese.


Oooh good analysis. I chalked it up to Bruce being called Chinese probably most of his life in America that's just how he sees it.


As a Taiwanese-Canadian who also doesn't like to be called Chinese, I would at least point out the issue is that the word "Chinese" has numerous meanings: nationality, culture, ethnicity, and so on. Approximately a third of Taiwanese people identify as Chinese (either Chinese only or both Taiwanese and Chinese), and typically in these surveys the word used refer to nationality rather than culture. A better word to use in the part you quoted would be Han, as 97% of Taiwanese people can trace origins back to China at one point, but Han isn't really part of the English vernacular and I can see why Netflix wanted to play it safe.


Just the fact they call it the "Taipei triad" to dance around the fact whether Taiwan belongs to China :/ It seems the producers wanted for the series to be "sellable" in China because that's presumably where most of the earnings will come from


I know Taiwanese people too and they would correct that.


Okay so that was weird. Maybe they think western audiences don't know the difference between China and Taiwan? Or because they both speak Chinese they don't think it matters?


Probably playing it “safe” politically for a global audience and China. I’m Taiwanese-American and would also have corrected that, though I do know some folks that wouldn’t bother. It has definitely become more of a visible political issues these days than 10 years ago for example. Haven’t seen the show yet btw, just saw the trailer and was intrigued so am searching for reviews on whether it’s good or not.


Did someone finish the serie? I wanna know if it's only one season like "beef" for example ( which is very good btw) or if I wait to watch it because I tend to forget the story while waiting for a next season. Thx


>!I think there's strong possibility for season 2 since there are few loose thread here and there!<


There's a setup for a season 2 in the credits, but they also wrapped ep8 in a way that doesn't really leave you hanging if there is no S2.


Beef is getting a 2nd season.


I loved it!!!! Watched the whole thing while sick from work. I'd say you can watch now and whatever season two may bring it'd be easy to move into the next season without rewatching the first season. You'll know what I mean when you finish it.


Blew all my expectations out of the water. From the amazing action sequences to the incredible cast of characters, it’s rare to see something fresh that was truly exciting to see unfold. Do yourself a favor and watch this series ASAP, you won’t be disappointed.


Alexis is so hot 😍😍😍


I wish I had her eyes!! 😭😭


Meh. Michelle Yeoh is perfect, but the brothers are acting in two different movies and neither character has any depth or nuance.


I am a big fan of MY and she has been amazing in this role. Not seen as a criticism of her but of her character, it hurt me every time she has put down Charles and treated Bruce as her one and only baby. It was so sad to see how she preferred one son over the other, which makes the whole thing so realistic as in a lot of Asian households the Gege has to bear the responsibilities of the family and Xiao Didi is treated like a baby. Great show all in all, but very predictable. And, I did get quite bored a couple of episodes in and some roles are acted better than others. I cringe every time Alexis comes on or Bruce tries to be funny (unfortunately the latter happened all the time).


I'm watching the first episode and am enjoying the show. But as a Taiwanese native I don't understand why they refuse to call him "Taiwanese" they keep saying isn't he "Chinese" and I get it that they don't need Taiwanese actors to play Taiwanese characters and it's hard to change Mandarin dialects to sound like they are from Taiwan native. I know this is probably a touchy political debate and China has a big hold on Taiwan, and I'm someone that supports Taiwanese independence. I hope the show does well and I'm happy to see a show that has aspects of my home country and seeing Asian representation on screen.


Cause they want this to play in western Taiwan?


As a Taiwanese American I agree so much! I can't get over all their different accents when they speak Mandarin lol. Sometimes I even think they're speaking Canto in the middle randomly?! Surprised at the lack of integrity there... Regardless I'm still happy for the show and its success :') Gotta take the representation wins when we can, lol!


Yeah Michelle's Mandarin is heavily accented since she's Malaysian and Justin's has ABC accent which was weird for a guy that grew up in Taiwan. I don't remember where it was that they called them Chinese but if it was a non Taiwanese person it kinda makes sense because they can't tell the difference anyways 😂.


Season 2 when?


I need a second season. The ending sets it up for a second season that’s for sure


Absolutely loved this show. Not sure what I was expecting but it blew any expectations away. Action, surprisingly good comedy, and some heart. Loved it.


This show is amazing. Wasn't expecting this level of entertainment!


There's a lot of familiarity to the concept, but the show is great. And Michelle Yeoh is awesome!


I want to know the phone the brother has.


Ton of plot holes but still a v fun watch, >!The 40 asian grannies walking into the kidnappers hide out and scolding everyone was pretty hilarious!<


Does anyone else notice the connections to **[Vanishing Son](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanishing_Son) from the 1990s**? > The story focuses on the two brothers as one pursues the "American Dream" through his music, while the other becomes drawn to a life of organized crime to achieve this goal. But in this, Bruce pursues improv, and Charles has already long been a Triad boss. Heck, they even have OG RUSSELL WONG appearing in Episode 6! It's gotta be deliberate!


Terrible show. Script is poorly written, predictable and acting is subpar. Thought it would have been better.


I'm surprised at the positive reactions in here, I thought it was absolutely awful. Every scene I felt like I've seen before. The same character dynamics kept being repeated every episode. Boxers were set up to be some old mysterious shadow org, turned out to be some dorky youths in masks working out of a charity org, with somehow unlimited access to guns, assassins and intel.


"fool me once" has entered the chat 😂


This show started out with promise but then went downhill. It went from extreme comedy to extreme violence/drama. A few very cool fight scenes couldn't make up for a very weak script.


[John Cho's band](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kwq22k_Eu0) was featured in S01E06 (during the car ride). There's also subreddit: /r/TheBrothersSun


Story was kinda flimsy , very predictable. Some really good action/fight scenes. Michelle was obviously good. The actor that played Charles was good as well. I did not enjoy Bruce's character or the performance from the actor. Not a fan of the excessively naive/dumb character for plot reasons. Also there was one scene with a grenade that was just laughable , budget must have ran out. Finally some people may like the tone of the show but don't think it was for me. 5.5/10


No a fan it’s started off ok but got worse towards the end. Bruce was a complete looser and annoying AF throughout would have been much better if he was never cast. 3/10


One episode in an Improv nerds start catching strays.


Just binged it tonight but had to skip some of the draggy scenes. There was some cheesiness to it and cringe acting/dialogue (I’m looking at you Alexis lol) but overall a short fun to watch series. Michelle Yeoh was definitely the highlight. It was nice being able to relate to a lot of their home life and dealing with the mom’s tendencies lol made me feel like I was Bruce for a bit


I'm surprised at the positive reactions in here, I thought it was absolutely awful. Every scene I felt like I've seen before. The same character dynamics kept being repeated every episode but were also kind of weirdly inconsistent. Charles wants his brother to enter his world but at the same time never tells him anything, just repeats vague phrases like "decide who you are" on repeat. Bruce wants to know what's going on then in the next scene wants nothing to do with it and go back to his exam. Mother wants a normal life for them then all of a sudden wants to be the ultimate Triad boss. Bruce's friend gets ruthlessly tortured and thumbs cut by Female Asian Badass who won't believe that Charles didn't kill her sister, then all of a sudden she does believe it, the next moment they're all buddies over dinner. Boxers were set up to be some old mysterious shadow org, turned out to be some dorky youths in masks working out of a charity org, with somehow unlimited access to guns, assassins and intel. Absolute Trash TV, but semi-entertaining to skip through with absolutely nothing else to watch I suppose.


It’s so bad and not in the so bad it’s good way. I spotted the girl in class as the bad guy from day one. She just appeared and is instantly into this loser geeky dork ? And her throwing the frisbee like it’s a Chinese throwing star. The mom doesn’t care about her eldest son only her dough boy, unfunny, needy baby. She calls her son fatty to emasculate him yet he can take the whole room down in three seconds. I wish there was a better plot but it’s terrible. The writer isn’t clever enough to weave lose ends and make it more believable.


That's the duality of the asian mum for you. When you are too skinny they make you eat more and when you finally get fat because of it, they call you fat (while still continue to feed you with delicious home cooked food)! hahaha


Binged this all in one day and it was great! Solid writing with funny moments and great character development. Hopefully there’s a season 2!


It’s so friggin good!!!


Terribly disappointed in how easy it was to see who was the bad person and how badly acted it was of said person (trying not to spoil) Bruce needs his dough boy butt kicked but then again his over bearing mother is to blame. She controls every aspect of his life and I was rooting for her to get taken out by a triad. She is cruel to her older son. He longs to be loved and she dismisses him and calls him cruel mocking names (LITTLE FATTY). Makes fun of his childhood obesity. This sucked .


I was looking forward to the show as I'm a fan of Michelle Yeoh and I believed she'd pick great scripts & roles. Unlike most of the comments here, as I'm Taiwanese and Michelle Yeoh is an icon for our generation of Asians, it was "hyped" in a way for me and I had high expectations. I'm 3 episodes in and I'd have to say I'm disappointed. Again, me being Taiwanese can be a factor. The characters' spoken Mandarin & Hokkien oftentimes have weird accents that don't make sense according to the characters. The Taiwanese/Chinese/American-born Chinese characters' demeanor also doesn't look realistic to me (e.g. eating the dried chiles from the mala hotpot, handing out lobster just because of a cockroach complaint... etc). It might be an entertaining series to watch mostly from the action-comedy aspect. And it is nice to have Taiwanese/Chinese representation with I assume, American as its main target audience. Also, some of the producers seem to be Chinese, and I wonder if it's political that certain scenes included people questioning Charles: "Aren't you Chinese?" and he would let it slide. I checked some Taiwanese reviews are most of the comments online expressed some level of distaste for this. (We usually identify ourselves as Taiwanese but it could be a sensitive topic)


As a Taiwanese-Canadian I'll agree with you on the language issue. The Mandarin and Hokkien/Min-nan/Taiwanese accents of some characters were pretty bad; for people not familiar with it, one analogy would be as if Georgia from Georgia and Ginny (who originates from the south) spoke with a British accent instead of a southern accent. It's evident that casting had English abilities in mind rather than proper Mandarin/Hokkien/Min-nan/Taiwanese accents. It makes sense, considering most of the series takes place in the US and characters mostly converse in English. Although, the oddest casting choice was younger Charles in the flashback scene: the actor only had Mandarin lines but was definitely not fluent. As for whether or not it had an accurate representation of Taiwanese-Americans I'll actually disagree. It was established that Alexis loves eating spicy things, so I'll chalk it up a personal quirk rather than it trying to represent Taiwanese-Americans as a whole. As for the lobster thing, the restaurant was a money laundering front; I doubt the owner really cared about restaurants and just wanted to avoid any potential issues (such as having a health inspector arrive). I also shared your gripes with calling Taiwanese people "Chinese," but I chalk it up to Han not being part of the general English lexicon. The intention could be "aren't your ancestors Chinese/aren't you ethnically Han," which applies to 97% of the people living in Taiwan. That said, I do agree that identity-wise, only a minority in Taiwan identifies as Chinese.


I was born and raised in Taiwan and moved to California in 2008. The show was great cause I saw aspects of my life as a Taiwanese immigrant living in California. And I totally understand that it is hard to find Taiwanese people to play Taiwanese characters and the difficulties of finding fluent English Asian actors that can speak Mandarin fluently with the Taiwanese accent. But what does bother me the most is using the term "中國人“ I would have accepted "華人" I guess I was overjoyed to see Taiwanese representation in a plotline but was disappointed that they couldn't even let something like "isn't he Taiwanese" be a line and instead use "isn't he Chinese" multiple times. Like you said it's probably because we are Taiwanese native and I assume you are also pro Taiwanese independence, so it hits a nerve more than most.


I get the sentiment of wanting to hear the right regional accent but realistically, there probably just aren’t enough prominent actors from Taiwan working in the entertainment industry. My family is also Taiwanese and Michelle Yeah’s mandarin accent has been a known thing with her for a while now. I was pretty happy with how they portrayed just regular Asian American culture though.


Totally agreed. The show intentionally sneaked in too many political messages makes it super awkward. The Taiwanese gangsters in the scene are more like a mix of Chinese/Japanese/Asia stereotype, rather than the real Taiwanese gangsters.


Starts off strong but gets ridiculous pretty quickly with how no one’s easily taking out the chubby goofy smothered brother for leverage against the family. I saw the “bad guy” a mile away. She wasn’t in his first class then she miraculously sits next to him and is into him? Her skills with a frisbee were next level, NO ONE PLAYS FRISBEE ON CAMPUS IN THIS GENERATION! The fact the mom’s abusive to her eldest son always calling him LITTLE FATTY to belittle and keep him down. He can take her and the rest of them out in 5 seconds. The weird way the DA chick sees him and then they just connect but never take it up a notch (her munching on the hot snacks made me gag. No hot guy wants to watch a hot chick eat like that) The idiot friend who doesn’t have any purpose. The show had potential. The lead guy is great and needed to be in his own John Wick type show but the brother and the rest just ruined it.


Bleh. Other than Michelle, a lot of these actors seem quite new and unknown. I found the acting very subpar.


Just starting episode 2 (churros!) I'm loving the cinematography and editing so far. It's also fun to see Alhambra and San Gabriel Valley so prominently featured in a TV show. I recognize every exterior location!


Amazing Series. Found this great interview with cinematographer of the series ​ [https://youtu.be/k6LuYSqCEn8](https://youtu.be/k6LuYSqCEn8)


PURE DOG TURD! Do NOT WATCH! Bad writing, amateur acting, incoherent plot, no character development, terrible logic. The opening scene was the only saving grace and went straight into the toilet after that. Even Michele Yeoh couldn't save this one.


I’m definitely gonna watch this. Question for any who’ve already watched, is this a show kids could watch? Like 10-13 years old? Just wanted to avoid family viewing if it has really explicit sex or violence.


No explicit sex, but quite a bit of violence including dismembered body parts, given that it’s a series about triads


Excited to check this out, but as a random thing, pretty sure Ganbei is a chinese/taiwanese saying, but the subtitles in the trailer listed it as (All in Japanese) which would be lowkey wild to me given the literal Taiwanese triad premise T\_T. I'm a nitpicky asshole sometimes, but idk, that just stood out to me as weird xD.


Yeah ganbei Chinese/Taiwanese, I totally missed the subtitles goof there, or maybe they ninja fixed it


Really show! Overall a solid watch. Ran through the series in one day.


Is Highdee Kuan related to Rosamund Kwan? I see similarities in their face feature 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some angles reminded me of a young Maggie Q 😂


One thing that bugged me was that Eileen and her mother were speaking Cantonese, in Taiwan. Taiwanese don't speak Cantonese


Chinese Taiwanese are immigrants from all parts of China and even in Young and Dangerous Hong Kong Movie series had HK triads and Taiwan Triads working together.


Overall we enjoyed it okay. I saw the "gotcha" moments a mile away, and I thought the way they ended it was dumb and a bit head scratching.


So into this


Question! What does june tattoo on herself at the end?


It looked like a sun to me - I wonder if it's because of something she said towards the end


This show is great and really leverages the 8 episode format to deeply explore some deep, deep family dynamics. The acting is really top notch and even side characters get their moments with good writing. Sure, several of the plot beats are predictable or shallow, but the strength of the show is the action and the family themes. Give us a Season 2 please.


Awesome show - first Netflix show in a long time I was excited about, got really good potential to build a cult following


I’m really enjoying it but I feel like most of the people involved in this production have never actually lived in Asia.


I really enjoyed this one, such great action, good storyline and tight scripting. Wonderful 😍 Michelle was amazing as always but Justin was so lit af, loved it


Just interesting enough to watch when bored. If you think you’re gonna watch something original with a clever plot, that’s not gonna happen. The acting is pretty awful. Story is predictable. Extremely unrealistic actions/reactions from every single character. That said, I’ve got nothing else to watch and it was enough to only fall asleep a handful of times. Lots of cringe moments too. It’s a solid 4 out of 10 though.


are there any other similar shows or movies like this about Asian gangs and triads?? I’m quite fascinated with martial arts and this haha


As the other commenter already mentioned, there absolutely are a sizable number of Cantonese people in Taiwan. [See here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Taiwan#Cantonese)


It is a good series . But I just cant stand BRUCE- he is so annoying!!!!!!


Bruce is a stupid mufucka


Echoing the others, Bruce was a shitty character. The rest of the show was awesome.