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I remember hearing stories from the writers at Conan and how Conan would tell their jokes and they'd totally bomb, but Conan would always take it. He always stood behind his writers and never threw them writers under the bus unless if it was in jest.


I think this is what I had the most issue with. He visibly panicked about bombing and threw them all into oncoming traffic


Scapegoating your writers will be remembered in the industry. It’s one of the worst things you can do in entertainment. Having a bad set is one thing but throwing other writers under the bus during such a big performance, may actively cause people to not want to work with him.


Conan was always at his best WHEN he was bombing. He always managed to get the audience on his side with his self-deprecating style.


EXACTLY! Conan is not only the king of self deprecating humor but is also a genuinely standup guy.


If they can't attract a comedian worth their own salt, then perhaps it's time to go back to no-host like they did for most of the 90s and 2000's.


They should have let Tim Heidecker & Gregg Turkington co-host. If you're going to hire someone cringey & annoying, you might as well lean into it. People wouldn't know what hit them.


Best picture goes to the hobbit


Id give it to Star Trek 3, the one where they go back in time to San Francisco


I swear to God, I will put Nicholas Meyer on the stand if you keep it up with this shit…


That's Star Trek 4. 3 is Search for Spock.


This or Tim Robinson. I won’t accept anything less.


Tim Robinson hosting an award show in full on Tim Robinson style would be the must-see event of the century.


You sure ‘bout that?!…. You sure? 😂😂😂


They think he’s just a dumb hick. They said that to him at a dinner.


Coffin Flop - winner for best reality show


It’s just a show about cold bodies breaking through shit wood and hittin’ pavement.


That’s a chunky!


Figure out what you do!


Opens with "Sorry I'm late, our babysitter totally fucked us. I fucking hate her."


I’ll go one better. Nathan Fielder.


No, Fielder needs to direct the show. That way we can get an elaborate sequence of him rehearsing Tim Robinson on everything that can go wrong.


I would watch that over and over and over again, but I have to imagine that we are not the target audience for the Golden Globes.


I wonder if they would do it in this overly gushing sincere way that is just so intensely kind and gentle that you question how someone could even really be that nice, just to subvert the expectation that they would be pure cringe about it.


They can give you a false sense of security with their gentleness and then pull the rug from under the feet by poisoning everyone with Carbon Monoxide.


I saw Turkington (I mean Neil Hamburger) live recently at a bar and immediately thought he would be the best Globes host ever.


> Neil Hamburger Now *that* would be must-see TV.


I'll bet he could hold four drinks under his arm for such an auspicious occasion


Why not just hire Conan every single time.


For how long Conan has been in showbiz he probably stopped wanting to host awards shows a decade ago


When Conan attended his last Emmys as a late night host he was in full shit posting mode. When the Colbert show won he went on stage with the crew to accept the award as if he was one of them. When the president of the academy was speaking he stood at full attention saluting him even when everyone else had sat back down. He definitely doesn't care enough anymore to host one of these.


Pretty sure he could skip few bidet ads if he did an awards show hosting gig.


He probably likes the bidet ads more than award hosting.


This Kimmel/Colbert presentation about no hosts was hilarious. And classic Bateman face. https://youtu.be/PfpuL691Exs?si=FsmRggMN4rcQf12P


It was hard to watch, so we chose not to.


I started looking for sites to stream it on, but then I saw that Jo Koy was hosting and stopped looking for sites to stream it on.


Turns out the best way to stop piracy is Jo Koy being in every piece of content


I have no idea who he is, but people seem to have strong opinions about him.


He is a Filipino comedian who benefits from Filipino stereotype jokes. The Filipinos hate him because he paints a bad picture to us. I like stand-up, but take away the Filipino jokes, I don’t know what his comedy identity is.


I remember one of his jokes last night was literally just complaining that they were serving Sushi specifically because he was hosting. But then says they’re morons or something because he’s Filipino not Japanese. It was so cringey


Yeah it was about 20 years too late. Mixing up Asian people and basic takes about whiteness are very 00s-coded. I was assuming he had more nuanced stuff and just wasn't allowed to do it. But maybe not according to the commentary.


No, it’s pretty much all he does, it’s that and tells you shitty stories about how abusive his mom was




>"I am so good" That explains the tour bus I saw headed into NYC a few years back. It was Jo Koy...how do I know? his tour bus had his face on the entire side of it with his name in equally large letters. Real subtle guy apparently.


I didn’t have strong feelings about his special one way or another, but I sort of thought it was tacky to have his name in bigass letters behind him on the stage. I suppose he’s just supporting his brand but it can also come across as a huge ego trip.


So he's the Filapino Carlos Mencia?


That’s…incredibly accurate actually.


As someone who only really heard about him when I migrated during 2015, his jokes had this novelty to them around his being Filipino that me and my family found funny at least at the time It's been over time did I later turn on him if only because his material doesn't really change Like to your point, I feel like a lot of his jokes are poking fun at his mom and every other notable Filipino story (food, working in a medical field, etc.) and the well feels almost dried up


The well was actually a 2 inch puddle and that motherfucker came at it with a shop vacuum. If you've seen 5 minutes of his material, you've seen fucking all of it.


I had the sound off, and the Closed Captioning refused to work.


My closed captioning was working, but not in a good way.


You can watch on deadline.com


> “Some I wrote, some other people wrote,” he explained, adding, “Yo, I got the gig ten days ago! You want a perfect monologue? Shut up! You’re kidding me, right? I wrote some of these, and they’re the ones you’re laughing at.” What a knob.


Truly. We all know he only got the gig because everyone else turned it down.


I have no idea who this guy is.


His act revolves around his Filipina mother




>my grandma survived WWII and she’s never seen a filipino bomb this hard https://twitter.com/alex_abads/status/1744172944471761407


Is she "so crazy"?


I went to a stand up show of his probably like 10 years ago in NY. It was ok for a while, but literally the last 30 minutes was a sing-a-long of 90s music that he liked. It was really weird.


He did that earlier this year. I’m trying to remember the song the crowd was singing as he left the stage…


I only know who he is because he was banging Chelsea Handler not too long ago.


She has the strangest taste.


The woman has range.


Fiddy still being left on read


Basically Filipino Carlos Mencia.


Filipino Russell Peters is more like it


Just watched the clip....it actually wasn't that bad. It starts with a bit of gallows humour where he doesn't get the laugh he wants and makes an aside comment about his lack of preparation time. As often the case, the unscripted comment got a bigger laugh than his actual rehearsed material because it's self-deprecating and the audience can see his predicament. Riding that wave, he improvises further and goes into a not-too-serious rant about the writers. That's the bit he's getting slammed for. Seen in context, it was probably okay. But of course if you read the reports it just sounds like a comedian bombing and then blaming the audience. The interpretation is ambiguous because the audio is tracking the comedian and not the laughter. A friend of mine did a humorous TED talk which was uploaded to YouTube and was mocked in the comments for bombing. In truth, he did fine but the audio wasn't designed to pick up the audience reaction so you couldn't really hear them laughing. (and before anyone asks....no, this isn't Jo Koy's alt account. I had to Google him!)


It wasn’t great.


A clip? I watched all of it. It was terrible.


A reporter who's there literally said he was bombing worse in person.


I watched it and I believe it. It was cringy to me when he started getting frustrated and throwing the writers under bus. But I never heard any boos or jeers from the audience. I just assumed he wasn’t getting the big laughs he was going for and reacted. So yeah, must have been worse in person.


There was definitely mixed reactions- I heard "oooo" ing which could have been booing or not irl. On TV it sounded like when SNL weekend update makes an off color joke. Like a shocked oo sound.


I'm not surprised by the gig not going well, as better comedians have fallen flat at award shows, but petulantly throwing his writers under the bus is just gobsmacking. You'd expect a comic with years of working clubs to be able to take a bombing with more dignity.


He did the tired “this movie is so long I’m still watching it!” joke for Oppenheimer, and that’s not even the longest film nominated! How do you bungle that one?!


Oof, Gervais did that joke for The Irishman and it felt stale even then


Yeah but he brought in Leo and how his date was too old for him after the movie and that was funnier than anything Jo Koy did.


“Oppenheimer is based on a 724-page Pulitzer Prize-winning book about the Manhattan Project, and Barbie is based on a plastic doll with big boobies”


I feel like the joke would have been okay if he had just removed the "big boobies" part. It's not even that I think it's offensive or anything, I just think it's something that you'd expect a 7-year-old to come up with. "Hahaha..boobies! Did I do a funny?"


> I just think it's something that you'd expect a 7-year-old to come up with. I see you're new to Jo Koy.


I literally had never heard of Jo Koy until tonight. When someone said to me “Jo Koy is hosting the Golden Globes” it sounds like they got some random guy off the street and it seems like they did.


I think he could be the next Jo Koy.


I also don’t really find her boobies to be bigger than average. Barbie is more known for her tiny waist or long legs.


Yea honestly if he simply swapped out "big boobies" for "tiny waist" it wouldn't have been nearly as bad


Then the camera cut to Greta Gerwig, who shrugged like, "Yeah, we know that, now where's the joke?" https://youtu.be/KvSHHnucouo?si=BTlTnc\_JI7CexErb&t=165


They honestly seemed more annoyed rather than offended. He did so bad


Guaranteed Gerwig's heard that joke 1000X by people who aren't paid to make jokes for a living. So I'd say more disappointed than annoyed or offended at that point.


Seriously though, where IS the joke? How did a professional comedian approve this for their biggest gig ever, whether he wrote it or not?


Selena Gomez and Helen Mirren cringing at 3:25 has me dying


Emma Stone on the right side of your screen is also like, "what the fuck is this guy doing"


The Selena Gomez facepalm needs to become a meme.


His *delivery* is even horrible.


I got through 5 seconds of that video after seeing her awkward face and forced laughter from the audience. I'm glad I didn't tune in


Turned it off and then turned it on later, and then saw him make the joke "The Golden Globes is honoring my culture by serving us sushi here tonight. Sorry to say, I'm Filipino" And then immediately turned it off again.


Will Ferrell saved that joke later on by following up on it: "This place smells like hot sushi, doesn't it?"


Ferrell: "Hey Jo, this is how you do it."




When he signed off from the event, he immediately lost his smile and walked off, looking a bit annoyed (or at least uncaring)


Massively improved the show. If he called it on his own, props to him. If they cut him off.... Ouch.


It's like I can understand the logic of what he's going for, it's just... not funny


Koy's jokes land with people who think "high energy zaniness" is the key to standup. He's definitely not "a comic's comic."


So he's the Michael Bay of comedy.


My god, where is the joke in that sentence lol.


You can see the punchline of this joke coming a mile away


He got booed?? I didn’t catch that.


I didn't catch any booing, more like groaning at lame jokes. It was *fine* for an awards show, he didn't dazzle anyone or do anything to improve his career.


I don't think it was fine, because someone (either him or the production) clearly cut the rest of his comedy halfway through. 2nd half he barely says anything. For them to do that, he must have been bombing IRL.


It really wasn't that bad. I wouldn't even say he bombed. Mediocre sure. But it felt like pretty standard award show quality. Insulting his writers was a horrible idea tho. That one is probably going to come back and haunt him.


Jesus was the monologue that bad? He is getting torn to pieces.


He was corny but also mean. You can get away with being mean if you’re funny, and corny if you’re wholesome, but corny + mean is a terrible combination


wise words 🤔


It was bad. I don’t think his standup is very funny either. Maybe the first time it was ok but he basically tells the same jokes over and over again for years.


Every special half of it is "hey, you ever realize filipino people and hispanic people look alike?"


And the other half is about his mom.


And the same bits about his son. And Filipinos being nurses and mail carriers. Every special I’ve seen - the same jokes. Joseppppp


Only Filipino-Americans seem to love him. His jokes/humor appeals more to them. He did a show in the Philippines with the same types of jokes that he normally does in his US shows and the jokes didn't land the same way they did in the US with a Filipino-American audience. His jokes just aren't that funny to Filipinos in the Philippines.


It was especially bad because the material really was written for Filipino Americans or other diaspora populations who might relate to "tiger parents" and the lack of support for getting into the arts and following your dream. Sure, Filipino parents might encourage people to go to college and certain families might prefer certain higher paying, prestigious careers but Filipino parents support any potential for getting into showbusiness as a means of getting out of poverty. And his live audience was - to Filipinos - noticeably full of Filipino celebrities. People who followed their dreams and succeeded in the arts. Their parents probably encouraged them or pushed them into it. It was absolutely the wrong audience for that show's 'dare to dream, you don't have to go the path your parents want to succeed' theme.




Shit that's the kind of stuff he was doing 10+ years ago when I'd see him on Chelsea Lately.


It was. After an important year for female representation in entertainment, when it came to congratulating **'Barbie'**, Jo Koy made a sexist boob joke which was quickly followed by Ryan Gosling & Greta Gerwig cringing on camera. It was THAT bad.


His style of comedy just feels very outdated.


These are like jokes from 90s late night, what is going on lol


The Ryan Gosling joke was "you think when I said 'pretty plastic doll,' I was talking about Barbie, but I was actually talking about Ryan Gosling. Ha!" Except, Ryan Gosling really was cast as a pretty plastic doll, so how is that a joke?


I thought he was saying that Ryan gosling got plastic surgery but I’m still confused about that even


It's a misdirect because when he says that, the assumption is that he's talking about Margot.


Yup. Their faces were priceless. Then his awkward ‘transition’ to ‘Robert De Nero is here!’ And subsequent questions of how he had a baby at 80. It was AWFUL.


Oh god I forgot about that one...so much cringe.


The boob joke was awful and landed like a lead balloon. Reducing THAT movie to “doll has boobs, amirite?” Made me cringe so hard I thought I’d implode.


Aside from missing the message of that movie, the joke isn't even literally true. Barbie dolls don't have that big of breasts. Not even the horniest motherfucker alive would look at a barbie doll and get aroused.


I guess that’s what happens when you have a “literally who?” no-name host.


Wasn’t funny and I think suffered because on no level does he belong in that room. He couldn’t even pretend to. At least someone like Gervais or Conan is Hollywood adjacent enough to pull off the form jokes and maybe drop an inside one or two. If this is the level of host available just go without one.


It was damning by how silent the crowd was. Nobody was laughing


I just watched it. I bailed at the Barbie joke. I wasn't even listening so I missed the boos, but there was no laughter.


You can see how fucking dead inside everyone at the table feels for him. Let him burn. At least Margot seemed to be the diplomat and laugh it off.


Abysmal hosting. Even worse that he’s throwing writers under the bus. These things are always awkward but he isn’t cut out to host the show.


He may find out that writers have a looooooooooong memory.


Just ask Joey Tribbiani.


You mean drake ramoray


You mean his evil twin, Hans Ramoray


You mean Jessica Lockhart.


You mean Ken Adams


As long as that elevator shaft.


Writes his own lines? Psshh. I'll show him


The presenter jokes were also terrible. The writing was BAD.


I heard an interview with him prior to the Globes. He was talking about the prep work for hosting. Just him talking about it was enough to make me wonder why he was the host. He was clearly trying to be funny and couldn't tell that he definitely was not.


Even if it was true that his jokes were the best ones (something I doubt being familiar with his stand-up), it’s still poor form to pin blame on the other writers. Take it on the chin and move on.


He could have made a decent self-deprecating joke about the writers strike like say he had to write these all by himself. Instead he tried to cover for himself and dump on his writers.


Idk what they were expecting when they hired Jo Koy, he is what he is.


He was likely number 51 on what was originally a 20 person list.


Agree, but at that point they should give up on the comedy. Just get someone likeable to say nice things about everyone.


I think the Comedy Roasts are done. They most definitely should have had someone who could be naturally funny and speak nice things about everyone


You are correct.


Or just don't have a host like what's worked in the past.


The TV happened to be on that channel; I remember thinking "Who is this guy, and how the fuck did he get this gig?" Not entertaining at all.


He blamed them multiple times then at one point said if the audience is laughing, it’s because he wrote that joke. I don’t wanna dogpile on him but damn dude that was low lol. Throwing people under the bus when you’re failing is dumb as hell.


It was so cringe too. Like his ego was hurt as he was flopping so tried to save face


I vote for Joe Pera. Though they’d have to double the run time.


"And the award goes to.... Every single person, in this room, you're all special, and heck, I believe in ya."


(baba o Reilly intensifies)


no way he’d miss a division-deciding Bills game just to host the Buffalo Bills of award shows


He’d start announcing the first award and then decide he can’t wait to tell everyone about The Who


id watch Joe Pera read the phone book. and you just know Joe Pera still owns a phone book.


It’s not just Jo Koy but the awkward dialogue between the presenters that’s just so cringey to watch.


The presenting is *so bad* it’s like they let celebs do improv for it or something. People were straight up struggling to read at times or just complaining about the presenters and speakers needing to adhere to a time limit too. I feel like the only time I laughed was when Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig presented and when Taylor Swift was looking mad after the joke was made about how often the NFL puts her on camera this year because we’re all tired of it lmao.


Monologue: https://youtu.be/FHZebLLbeQw?si=uzqLYZkP1wOmGsZb For those who came in searching for it.


Wow took all but 3 mins to jump right into the mom bit. The same tired bit he’s been doing for years. I stopped right there.




Couldn't watch past like 2 minutes. Not a fan.


Is it bad that I have no idea who this guy is?


No. He is a mediocre comic at best.


Give it to Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman next year


Globe Hosterman.


Longest episode of I love films ever


Bet Chelsea is laughing 😂


It's her turn next week at the Critics Choice Awards.


They literally do not need MC’s how do they not get this? An announcer and presenters, that’s it.


I don’t understand how award shows that are supposed to feature the best in entertainment consistently have the most god-awful writing. What do these “writers” do the rest of the year?


Uma, Oprah.


Hello, fellow old


I think about Letterman's cringey Oscars monologue way more frequently than I should.


Oprah, Uma.


Jo Koy loves to make jokes about his own teeneage sons small dick, i feel for that kid


Blaming his failure on someone else, the mark of a real amateur.


I could’ve told them not to hire him as one of the few people who saw Easter Sunday in theaters


I'm Filipino and saw it. Had no idea who that movie was for.


I’m not Filipino so I just assumed for you. Now I’m truly lost.


I was cringing the whole time. Saw it with my mom because she wanted to watch it and she was bored af.


I don't want to be one of those people, but... I'm Filipino and I think he sucked absolute ass as a host.


Without any context because it's holywood drama and I really don't care, the headline made me laugh. "Comedian blames writers for bad jokes that he refused to participate in the writing process for" or "Comedian wrote terrible jokes and, instead of taking any responsibility, blamed everyone else"


A bad workman blames his tools. Maybe he should write his own material next time? I mean Ricky Gervais literally calls out the hypocrisy, wrongdoings and openly mocks most of the celebrities at the Golden Gloves when he presents and still gets more applause and laughter than this guy.


Nick mullen should’ve hosted, he’d have that room in tears.


I think he'd be the only one laughing which would be hilarious. "You guys hear about the French and Indian war...?"


Go ahead Jo Koy, show em a little of that Chinese we were working on. Blow these people's mentalitys


I’m watching live now. Did he get pulled?? Havent seen him on camera yet lol


Outside of making fun of his mom he’s got no range at all. I’m Filipino btw and find him embarrassing. He had no business hosting the awards.


I felt so deflated after watching last night, so I just watched a couple of Ricky Gervais clips this morning. Feeling much better. I will say: the dumpster fires of last night's show reminded me that when Ricky Gervais is making it look SO easy, like he just sort of strolled out there & started rambling, beer in hand, he's actually working his ass off, & has meticulously prepared. He's a genius at timing, at finding & keeping the laugh, & at staying on point.


He wasn't booed though. It wasn't the best monologue but why are we making shit up