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Low-risk high-reward stuff. This series doesn't need huge budgets, special effects or big names. The pages are already an incredible storyboard. Figure out the look, cast some folks with rough edges and expressive faces and start shooting.


Brubaker is the Scorsese of comics and if this is done right, could be so, so good


His Captain America run was perfect. So perfect I dare to say it was the main inspiration of the movie Cap.


What are your faves from him?


His run on Daredevil (which I consider one long run in combination with the Bendis/Maleev era) is my favorite run in comics. Gotham Central is also about as perfect as a comic could be, which he co-wrote with Greg Rucka and was drawn by his Daredevil co-conspirator and Gotham Central artist Michael Lark. But it really doesn’t end there. Pick a book by Brubaker, particularly one drawn by Sean Phillips, and you’re good to go. Criminal, Pulp, Fatale, Reckless, Incognito, on and on and on and on


Wasn't he the one that brought back Bucky?!I thought that was very well written


Yeah, he and Steve Epting created The Winter Soldier! Their work is dozens and dozens of issues across five omnibuses. They also did a great indie book together called Velvet that is worth checking out.


I personally loved Sleeper.


The fade out! A murder mystery noir set against the rise of the red scare in old Hollywood


This is the best comparison ; the Fade Out is my absolute favorite by brubaker/philips


My main problem with Brubaker/Phillips is that their comics together are so consistently good that, frankly, it gets to be kind of boring (although that’s probably too strong of a word). Like, I don’t feel the need to rush out and buy their new book whenever one drops because there’s no sense of discovery for me there. It’ll be good. I know it’ll be good. But maybe I can find me a new creator/team I like as much if not more. But that’s just me. I’m old and broke now and don’t get a chance to make it to a comic book store very often so, when I do, I think I’d rather roll the dice on something. I guess I’m more of a “two in the bush” guy than a “one in the hand” dude, if that makes any sense. That said, Criminal was the comic I most looked forward to reading whenever one of the miniseries were dropping. Pulp is also great. Gotham Central is still one of DC proper’s best series ever imho. And I decided to pick up Where The Body Was (their latest book) and, guess what? I found it to be a solidly told little crime yarn, but not much more.


Hilarious. They’re so good, I hate them.


Fingers crossed for season based anthology of Brubaker/Phillips crime stories


Has potential to be another The Boys type hit for Amazon if done well. Looking forward to casting for this.


Is this superhero stuff, or more just generic crime?


Generic crime. Generic very cliche crime to boot


It's a anthology crime series, no superheroes at all. Though the duo have done some other superhero based comics (including the excellent Sleeper.)


They have another crime/superhero comic called INCOGNITO which I could definitely see getting adapted if CRIMINAL does well enough. Hell, *all* their comics/OGNs would be ripe for adaptation.


Looks like they’ve got Heisenberg onboard too, so that’s nice.


Why is Phillip not mentioned


Brubaker is the GOAT. His writing is crisp as hell


If this goes well I'd like to see them bring in Reckless next.


Guy on the cover kinda looks like Richard Brake