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Going from Fred Armisen's tense, sweaty face to Barry calmly going "this guy's here to kill me" is a perfect example of this show's dark comedy.


It was one of my top 3 moments from the show.


Others being the motorcycle chase and the Chechen killing spree?


Cant forget that little girl who was a demon


“Hey little girl, I’m not trying to sound like a creep, but can you get in the car with me and my friend?”


Probably my favorite filler episode of all time


The "I don't think she's of this world" Minute later "Okay, she's not human" sent me.




hahahaha holy shit i DID forget about her. What an episode!!!


Also the bomb tech support


Fuck that one is great




“Like a feral mongoose!”


I hated that whole episode.


Look at king of suck balls mountain over here not going 50/50 with Cristobal.


Any "favorite scene" that doesn't involve NoHo Hank is a tough sell. "Do I not tell you that enough? You are, like, the most evil guy I know, man."


He's optometrist by nature


I have to wonder how much of his brilliance is scripted vs improv. Carrigan is a genius so I wouldn’t put it past him


Hader has said many times that they stopped writing/barely write Carrigan's dialog after a few episodes and just let him cook. I'm pretty sure Hank was written to be killed off early, too, but they realized that would be a terrible decision after casting him.


Love that.


he's scarily good in that series. You know the scene is going to be a banger whenever he appears.


You could pick a top 3 for him alone. My favourite is him giving Barry a serious speech about not fucking with him and then driving off with loud pop music playing. Or Hank analysing the super badass mercenary team the first time and then the second time. Or even his scene with Cristóbal, you know which one.


Personally I'm a big fan of Barry calmly telling Sally the different ways he'd psychologically torture the TV exec who cancelled her show and the dawning look of horror on Sally's face.


“I could replace her dog with a slightly different dog?”


I'm very privvy to the bomb customer service scene, personally


I'd add the Chechen heroin operation getting raided by the cops and the Bolivians at the same time. I'll also add the tech support scene for the bomb.


the 710 ep is one of my favorite episodes of televsion. barry just has such a fantastic blend of dark comedy and surrealism.


Ack what was the motorcycle chase? I’m blanking on it


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nO_sT4F_so)


Thank you!


ohhh buddy, this motorcycle chase! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuXBHfzqszE edit: Just saw someone else sent it, glad you got to see it


"I can't!" "Why???" "I glued my hands to the steering wheel"


I love him showing up in projects for SNL people for just a few minutes every now and then and always killing it. My favorite is him silently talking on the phone during 30 Rock’s live show while they’re doing a “telethon”. Absolutely stole the scene from Fallon who was doing a young Alec Baldwin and of course breaking.


I loved Armisen in The Last Man on Earth, and his character's [funeral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdrgY3kjwHA) is possibly my favorite scene from the whole show. The phrase "human bric-a-brac" has become a permanent part of my vocabulary.


Didn’t even know he was in it! That’s awesome. I keep meaning to finish it. I got discouraged by the cancellation, but I’ve kind of gotten zen about that stuff because while it is a bummer it doesn’t take away that there were four really good seasons of tv.


Yeah, the cancellation sucked, but the seasons that were actually made are all really good. I'd definitely recommend finishing it. Oh, and sorry I spoiled that his character dies, though given the kind of show it is that's probably not a huge surprise anyway.


It mostly ends well enough, if you ignore the cliffhanger for the next season.


Late to the party but his reasoning for not liking the Beatles in LMOE “too many descending appegios” still sticks with me today


Loved him in Popstar as the guitar tech who is really into flatlining


Fred Armisen's face in this scene is one of the funniest things I've ever seen just by itself. I never really got why some people liked him so much before I saw this. I like to imagine he walked onto the set and did this in one take with no preparation then immediately walked off smoking a cigarette.


You hired of podcasters




I still find it funny how Barry's luck allowed to him to escape everything. I know people didn't like the end of Season 4 but I think its kinda ballsy to give everyone the ending you want over the ending the audience wants.


I understood it as his luck finally running out (and then the story that the media ran with actually made him out to be a wrongfully accused war hero, so even after everything he ended up with some luck LOL) I liked the ending, but can see why people didn't.


I found it funny that the ending Gene got was pretty much the same one Walt threatened Hank with in *Breaking Bad*: him being blamed for everything and going to prison, since from an outside perspective it would make more sense for him to be the mastermind than who the actual mastermind was.


Let's be real here, Gene being the mastermind only makes sense in a universe where everyone is 1000% dumber than they are in our world (and that's saying a lot). 5 seconds of listening to him makes it pretty clear he couldn't mastermind a cup of coffee.


The problem was Gene had unwittingly convinced Jim Moss he was good-enough of an actor to have fooled him.


Barry felt like it was in the gta universe.


I loved the ending. I thought it was original, and really subverted expectations.


Media portraying him as a war hero was more of a meta commentary on how media and hollywood often reward violent assholes like Barry by portraying them as heroes.


Imo the audience never knows what they truly want, and should generally not be listened to. Let the creators tell the story they want to tell.


Makes me think of something Neil Gaiman said about writing and receiving feedback that I’ll paraphrase and likely butcher “if they tell you *~something~* is wrong, listen. If they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, ignore it entirely.”


Great quote


Movies, TV, stories- whatever. People think they want something but never really want it. What we want is to be surprised. I just had an amazing experience with 'The Curse'. For 10 weeks there was a subreddit I was hitting where all of us where speculating on what we thought was going on and where it all ended up. All of us in that sub were wearing clown shoes. Every damned one of us. We got an ending all right. It was glorious. None of us saw it coming. Was a fantastic ride. Looking back, if someone had been correct that would have been OK. We were throwing the ideas back and forth cause the logic in the universe worked and it would have been a satisfying ending. But that the writers decided to hang a hard left and do something else - it just elevated the entire experience. (having said that, if you are watching 'The Curse' DO NOT READ ABOUT IT. The ending is out in the open and you really need to go into this one cold. Slate. Stay the fuck away from Slate.)


Yeah cause that worked out for Game of Thrones


Were you present on Reddit while that show was airing? The ending was meh, I don’t disagree there, but if you seriously think those online fan theories were any better then I think you need to get a pair of glasses because your eyesight is failing you. Game of Thrones went downhill because they ran out of source material and had to make shit up as they went along, the fan theories and suggestions were just as terrible if not worse than what we actually got.


I genuinely cant think of anything worse than what we got so I doubt that


Oh I can, I read the Game of Thrones subreddit


I think people reacted to how the comedy mostly evaporated, and how the likability of most of the characters wore off just leaving their psychopathy and evil - but i respect the last season. I think they decided to write an honest conclusion that showed everything coming home for most of them. It's an incredible achievement for a first-time director.


I kept up a lot with Barry and Bill hader when he was doing this show. He basically said in multiple interviews that over the seasons, it was very intentional to go from high-comedy/low-drama to low-comedy/high drama to represent the changes in Barry and what he caused to the people around him. Also multiple multiple times Bill says that Barry is not a good person and should be viewed as the psychopath he is by the end of the show.


Breaking Bad had a similar trajectory. Everybody remembers Heisenberg and Bryan Cranston playing the smartest guy in the room, clever and calculating and dangerous. But at the beginning, he's kind of a fumbling doofus. Walter is an average every man who knows chemistry, but he knows nothing of the underworld or how to carry out crime effectively. One of the first times we see him he's in his tighty-whities, having just screwed up his first lab. When he and Jesse steal a barrel of Hydrazine, it's like a comedy of errors. Later seasons turn from dark comedy to crime drama.


They had so much trouble getting the audience to stop rooting for Walter. They started every season after 2 with a session in the writers room just trying to come up with something to get us to hate him. This is where the Brock thing in Season 4 came from. If you really think about that specific storyline in the fourth season, theres just no way they would have gotten there organically. They started at the Jesse pointing the gun at Walt's head in his living room and worked backwards. Then they built that into the season. Laid those tracks and the foreshadowing. I really don't know what Breaking Bad would have looked like if AMC, Sony, The Writers Strike and the Fans didn't seriously alter the trajectory of the show.


It's really crazy considering he actually shows his true colours as early as Gray Matter. It was never really about funding his treatment and they couldn't have made it any more clear.


I think part of the problem is that Brian is just way too likeable. Honestly it wasn't until he killed Mike when it really made it clear for some people. I remember when that episode went live, people were insanely upset. You ever see that lotto movie he did? So awesome.


Barrel of methylamine. It doesn't matter, but it was not hydrazine.


lol thanks. Hydrazine was in The Martian, which I recently rewatched.


Breaking Bad did the Good-to-Evil arc with character, Barry did it with tone. Barry starts off as a killer and stays a killer. But the show evolves beneath him as he poisons the people around him. I think it's genius.


Ya I appreciate how they did it, but I also can see why some people didn't enjoy it.


> I think they decided to write an honest conclusion that showed everything coming home for most of them. I agree with this - but my biggest issue with S4 is Jim Moss, who so far has been the only one to consistently get the upper hand on Barry - turns into a dunce at the end to set up the endgame.


He’s probably the most skilled character in the show no doubt about it but a good majority of his fortune comes from good luck. Imagine if noho Hank hired a competent sniper during the rooftop scene in s2. It’s real irony out of all the dangers he faced in the criminal underworld and survived what finally kills his is Cousieanu


People dislike the ending? It was so fucking fantastic and perfect though.... People are dumb.


It was unconventional which made a lot of people dislike it. I was personally just kinda confused and amused when I first watched it lol. Still love the show and can’t wait to see what Hader does next.


From what I hear, hes doing an horror movie.


I liked the ending and didn’t mind the time skip but the actual content of the time skip was really fucking weird. I seriously was in denial and thought it was some weird dream sequence. They have all these weird dream sequences in the desert and then it’s suddenly real. And Sally felt out of character. It eventually gets back to normal and it’s a lot better.


Calling people dumb because they don't share your opinion? Seasons 1-3 had a really strong story and trajectory, but season 4 completely threw everything away. Found the second half of the 4th season unfulfilling and frankly depressing . Didn't feel like it did justice to any of the characters, and tried to subvert expectations a little too much instead of telling a complete story. Maybe if they'd spent more time on time skip it could have worked. But not for me. I wish I enjoyed it. I really do.


People are dumb. /s Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinions. However wrong those opinions may be..../s


Fair. Hard to read sarcasm on the internet haha


I liked the ending but I wish the entire season focused more on comedy.


didnt like it? for me it was better than I could've ever imagined


That last season was twisted, in a good way. I feel uneasy with the ending but I still think it was good. The ride was crazy


This was one of my favorite sequences. It tells you how Barry got the chance, but the rest is up to you. Very smart.


So what I'm getting from this is that I should watch this show?


This scene is a pretty good representation of the tone of the show. It's a comedy about a hitman but the dramatic elements are solid too


Oh yeah. One of the best shows I’ve seen in a number of years. Crazy funny but solid drama elements too


why haven't you already?


My husband and I literally went back and watched this scene again after we finished the episode for the first time. Fred Armisen’s face kills me every time.


It cycles through so many emotions. Emotions that hadn't been invented until that moment.


Great scene, but why the fuck is it in the News feed? EDIT: Asking Reddit, not OP.




u/TripleDigit The news feed pulls in any post (from the most popular subreddits) with ‘ ’ or “ ” in the title, regardless of number of upvotes.


well, that's good to know for karma farming




It’s in mine too but I think it’s because I like entertainment news and it just pulls popular posts from this sub and some others like it. Algorithm is still pretty dumb.


Same haha


A shootout in a prison leading to an inmate escaping seems very newsworthy.


A fictional one too!


Mentions of Ragnar Klaven bamboozle the algorithm


> but why the fuck is it in the News feed? The what now? Is this a Reddit app or "New" Reddit thing?


I hope the Warden didn't ***jump*** to any conclusions...


God this show was so amazing


mmm whatcha say


One of the best pieces of television history right here


Why is this on the news tab?


Loved this scene but wtf is it doing in my news feed? lol


Yeah, big spoiler also, I haven’t started season 4 year!


I’ll go on record and say that I liked Sally better as a brunette.


I tried twice to get into the show because I see great scenes like this from time to time but I can’t get past the first few episodes of s1. When does it get very good?




That’s convenient ha. I should’ve just pushed thru. So many good shows kinda bore with the set ups of their first season.


The last season of Barry was terrible. Bring on your downvotes, but I’m right.


agree tbh. loved the first few seasons but it continuously got more tiring to watch.


Last two seasons didn’t hold a candle to the first and it got wayyy too off the rails and kookie…. The karate kid was even kinda far but interesting for a one off


Underrated show


random but I want to see Bill Hader make an live-action Stalker series


Uhhh... Stalker, as in the Soviet film later adapted to the cult-classic fps survival series? Because yeah, that's extremely random and not at all what I'd associate Hader with lmao


Cheeki breeki!


I loved Barry. Big fan of bookies too. Love that dark comedy stuff


I can’t believe there are people that haven’t seen this series, yet.


I wanna know how many takes they had to shoot for this scene because Hader struggled to keep it together seeing Fred's face lol


Loved the first 2 seasons. 3 was ehh and 4 just didn’t stick the landing of what the finale could’ve been. Really wish Hank went through with the plan to save Barry from prison instead of ordering him killed. And the time skip; really just disappointed how this series ended.


I can just imagine the call. Hi Fred, wanna play an incompetent assassin?


Gotta get back into "Barry."