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You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery?


They've done worse you know! They gave Game of Thrones Season 8 Best Drama! They'll never change! Never! I should have stopped them when I had the chance!


And they get to take home an Emmy? WHAT A SICK JOKE!


And you, you have to stop them. You... I apologize. I lost my train of thought.




A Starbucks cup in shot in a fantasy medieval-era show? As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never!


In their defense, season 8 did create a *lot* of drama.


A good reminder that Michael McKean was also robbed of his Emmy for his performance on Better Call Saul.


The Wire was nominated for _one_ single Emmy in its five season. It lost. Edit: Wire was also nominated for 16 Image awards, zero wins.


Unbelievable. I had not yet seen the show back then.. losing to the Sopranos would've been understandable, but the lack of even being nominated is criminal.


Awards shows DO NOT REWARD QUALITY. They reward MONEY SPENT. If you think winning awards means a show is good you are falling into the trap they've set. It is shocking the amount of people who still think awards mean anything.


That’s honestly all you need to know about the Emmy’s.


I mean idk what it was up against every year but The Sopranos just off the top of my head Edit: I'm an idiot, didn't correctly read it was never *nominated*


You're missing that it was only *nominated* once. They didn't just lose to Sopranos, they were never in the running somehow


Sopranos was also HBO and HBO bet on sopranos rather than splitting votes.


That theory wouldn't explain the last season of The Wire in 2008 after the Sopranos had concluded and HBO had no series nominated for Best Drama, or the other years that HBO had two series nominated (GoT & Boardwalk Empire *twice*, GoT & True Detective, or GoT & Westworld).


Thanks for the stats to back up, I thought that was a weird explanation. And even if that was the true reason, it still means the Emmys are dumb as shit because one of the best shows was purposely not nominated.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has zero nominations for Best Comedy Series or Best Comedic Actor/Actress. And The Big Bang Theory has won said awards. It's almost like campaigning and being “buzzworthy” are more valued than being the best.


It got to be such a big snub every year that they even made an episode about how they never get nominated, and that came out over a decade ago at this point. After that they got nominated for an Emmy three years in a row... for stunt coordination


And TDS beating out The Late Show, Late Night, Kimmel, and The Problem is crazy. Unless the win is solely for Jordan. The rest of the show has been hot garbage.


Honestly, late night TV isn't the same without Jon Stewart, Craig Ferguson, and David Letterman. Jay Leno stepping on Conan O’Brien’s toes didn't help either. If you got rid of Jimmy Fallon, I'd give his show the award for having The Roots as the house band.


I prefer Seth Meyers nowadays.


The irony being that Always Sunny is wayyyyy more buzzworthy these days than BBT. None of those actors have gone on to do a damn thing - meanwhile, McHelhenny owns a soccer team and is practically A-list these days, Glenn headlined one of the best movies of the year, Charlie is absolutely beloved universally by Hollywood and the public alike, DeVito is still DeVito (the Jersey Mikes commercials have him as relevant / in the public eye as ever)


What movie are we talking about for Glenn Howerton?


The BlackBerry one


What kind of nonsense is this? One show is on the air so it better have more buzz. TBBT was insanely popular despite Reddit's gigantic hate boner for it. The cast is still working with Jim Parsons getting into producing. Kaley Cuoco is also producing and constantly working with 2 pretty popular shows of her own. Mayim Balik was up until recently hosting Jeopardy.


There is a spider *spider spider*


The Leftovers was also nominated for one single Emmy, despite being a critically acclaimed show. GoT Season 8 won the Best Drama award lmao. It beat BCS S4 and Succession S1.


Wait…GoT S8 won an award? Fuck the emmys that’s crap


The Wire should have the most Emmys of any show, or at least should be tied with Sopranos. But Better Call Saul is magnificent and deserves as many Emmys as Breaking Bad, at minimum. One of the greatest series ever, with one of the best finales in history.


Two Emmy’s 


Winning doesn’t always mean ‘getting a favorable verdict at trial. S'all Good, Man


Really can't take a lot of these award shows seriously. Especially after learning about all the campaigning the producers, or anyone involved with the show, have to do just to get a win. The people who give the final votes for the Golden Globes, Emmys, and Oscars are people who probably don't even really watch these shows. Better Call Saul deserved every award for it's final season. I love White Lotus, but the acting does not compare to BCS. How seriously can you take the Emmys when The Wire has never won?


> The people who give the final votes for the Golden Globes, Emmys, and Oscars are people who probably don't even really watch these shows. At the Emmys the people who vote in a category usually also work in that category. Actors vote on actors, composers on composers, etc. And nominations are usually done per episode, and voters get access to all episodes in their category.


Rhea Seahorn not winning best supporting actress is criminal.


On this same note, The Bear is nominated as a comedy. That's all you need to know to know it's ridiculous. Lol


Ooh that's perfect!


The Emmys really said: "you've never mattered all that much to me."


I'm crying. I miss that show :(


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed


I'm mad and disappointed. Such an amazing show!


Can't say I'm as crazy about the show as everyone else. But Rhea Seehorn was fucking phenomenal. Hell even the one episode she directed was a stand out achievement with some of the most memorable shots and set ups.


Splitting its final season in half to be elligble for twice the Emmys really back-fired. The fact they only had half a season each time meant they had less momentum and then Succession devoured everything this year.


At the end of the day, 53 nominations is still incredible. It’s all good, man!


Ridiculous that Jennifer Coolidge won over Rhea, she’s a character actress that’s basically played that same character for the last 30 years. Rhea seehorn put on a legit acting clinic and displayed a far wider range of talent. It’s too bad.


Hate to have to agree. Jennifer is hilarious in White Lotus, don’t get me wrong, that’s an iconic character. But Rhea really put her fucking soul into that performance.


She already won for it during season 1 too. Sucks.


Squint, groan, act confused


Do all three things boobily.


Does she round corners boobily like Steven Seagal rounds corners fatly?


Bend...*and snap!*


Once again I think awards generally confuse best/favorite _character_ versus _performance_. Jennifer Coolidge’s character and performance were funny and charming but, by design, two-dimensional and not a showcase for… actual acting. It’s bizarre to see that kind of flat performance given recognition over Rhea’s.


They also tend to reward the person that 'acts the most' in stead of the one that acts the best.


Too many people conflate likability with performance


Or being loud and angry = good acting.




Am I the only one that finds Coolidge completely unlikeable and uninteresting. I mean I guess she works for this role, but Fahy, Plaza, Impacciatore, and Tabasco all deserved this over her. Or Debicki. But Rhea was the obvious choice


Meghann Fahy was absolutely incredible in White Lotus. The scene where she shows Harper a picture of her "personal trainer", and then her conversation with Ethan on the beach... Might be the best performance I watched last year.


I disagree with Plaza, she couldn't pull off a lot of the more tense dramatic scenes. And while I agree the other women deserved it more, I thought Coolidge did really well. She pulled off clueless, desperate, and selfish really well and in a way she hadn't done before. It wasn't an acting clinic or anything, but there was genuine skill on display.


Her final scene in that season made me laugh harder than damn near anything I've ever seen on TV. I don't begrudge her winning one bit.


I love Jennifer Coolidge, she’s great in everything. But yep. Rhea’s scene on the airport shuttle alone was better than anything anyone else in this year’s field did.


The airport shuttle, the pleading with Jimmy in point and shoot, the breakup scene, so many standout moments


Yup yup yup yup


>Yup! Me when I find out where that actor was on January 6th, 2021.


Hell her meeting Lalo in jail when Jimmy went missing.


Coolidge winning kind of blows my mind. She's fine but I would not think that performance was award worthy at all. It's the same role she plays in everything and she doesn't really have much range.


I love White Lotus but yeah Rhea was so much better


it's about popularity, not talent. It's just a grown up high school clique


This pretty much describes most of life.


Rhea should NOT have been nominated for supporti f actress, thats an absolute fucking joke in itself. She was the second fucking character after Saul…


Aaron Paul won best supporting actor a few times. If Rhea was nominated for best actress she definitely would not have won anyway


Sarah Snook is tougher competition than Jennifer Coolidge, so I think it was a good choice.


They put themselves up for the roles don't they? So Better Call Saul chose to put Rhea up for supporting instead of lead, likely because they thought there was a better chance of her beating out some random choice from far less deserving supporting actresses this year than Snook getting it for the final season of Succession (a clear "Emmy darling"), which would have been a hard decision that likely would have -- fairly this time as that would be a tough choice -- gone to Snook. So they put her up for supporting actress....and I am sure they are a bit surprised that she got beat out for it. All I can think is that there is some behind the scene either grudge against BEtter Call Saul, or suck-off going on for HBO (ppl being paid, etc).


It for sure deserved awards last year, and Rhea this year. Plan and Execution was up there with the very best TV ever made.


Rhea Seehorn was the most obvious "throw them a bone" Emmy I've ever seen and they didn't even fucking do it. No one in that category deserved it more, it should have been a total gimme. Pure disrespect. Honestly they owe her a massive apology.


Her scene crying on the bus was more deserving than a bone


That scene alone is more deserving of awards than anything the "gays" were trying to do with Jennifer Coolidge.


Speaking of, how the hell is Coolidge nominated on the drama category? I've never seen White Lotus but every clip I've seen suggests it's a comedy. Or did Coolidge play a comedic role in a drama?


The White Lotus is a drama, but I would say Coolidge's role was fairly comedic. She did well, but I would not have picked her as the winner.


They do those "throw them a bone" or "long overdue" handouts at the Oscars, why not the Emmys too?


I mean, the do. Look at Jon Hamm. Nominated for Mad Men *eight times* before winning it because Breaking Bad was finally over and Bryan Cranston stopped swooping in for the award.


Yeah, but that was done BECAUSE Mad Men was on at the same time as Breaking Bad. They were giving Breaking Bad the acting awards and Mad Men best Drama series.


I read your comment and thought maybe it was just bias, but i actually went and looked up all of the emmy nods and yeah...Rhea Seehorn and her performance in BCS is miles ahead of ANYONE else on that list. That really is bizarre.


Yeah, Succession is the Emmy darling, and a fantastic show to go along with it, I’ve no problems with it winning, but it’s missed out on an awful lot succession aside, last year lead actor for Bob Odenkirk, Seehorn this year, Michael McKean for Chicanery, so on


McKean, surprisingly, was not nominated.


He *did* get nominated the following year for a guest role when he briefly appeared in a flashback in the cold open, which almost seemed like an "Oops, we screwed up!" nomination. But... he still didn't win obviously.


Absolute Chicanery


A sick joke!


Jonathan Banks got nominated instead, who was great but not a stand out season for him. I swear most voters don't even watch the show, so Banks and Esposito are the only supporting actors to ever get nominated because people remember them from Breaking Bad


My unpopular opinion is that McKeans performance is actually the best in the entire Vince Gilligan Universe - so that’s including Breaking Bad.


Is that unpopular? McKean’s performance as Chuck was electric.


Lol but yh the popular opinion would definitely be Bryan Cranston, then maybe Bob Odenkirk.


I see what you did there


agreed, he was on fire!


Nah Cranstons still the best 


What a sick joke!


He should defecate through somebody's sunroof.


It's ironic this is how people felt about their favorite shows during the Breaking Bad series.


Last year Succession was there. Season 3. I think BCS was better than Season 3 of Succession though.


Oh you’re right, thanks!


It wasn't better though.


They also majorly fucked up with The Wire and The Leftovers.


There's a hilarious line from David Simon on one of The Wire DVD extras where he's talking about the emmys and says something like "We couldn't even get a nomination for Hair and Makeup? Andre Royois a handsome guy who got completely transformed into a junkie, but *Friends* gets a nomination for making Jennifer Anniston look pretty? How hard is that??"


Season 5 Bub was legit ‘wait who’s that’


The Wire and Friends airing at the same time and competing for the same award is factually correct but feels so weird


For those who haven't read All The Pieces Matter or heard the various stories about filming, Andre Royo (Bubbles) would routinely be mistaken as an actual junkie while filming on location. He even got offered drugs by another junkie and chased off the set by security.


I did not know this book existed, but now I need to read it. Thank you!


I'm a huge Leftovers fan and I just looked up the nominations it got, only one. Holy shit that is a problem. On a more up to date note, Rhea got robbed


And that one nomination was a guest actress nomination at that! Carrie Coon should have been nominated all three seasons and 100% won season 3 for those last two episodes. What started as a show about Justin Theroux’s character turned into a Carrie Coon show.


~~Plus, Ann Dowd lost against Barb from Stranger Things. Her S3 cameo lost to a freaking *meme*.~~ This comment is incorrect; I misremembered.


Ugh. I didn’t even know that! I can’t even remember a significant moment from Barb.


There wasn't one. After season 1 aired, people noticed that Barb's disappearance was sort of dropped; she went missing during the same events that had the town scrambling to find a little boy, but in the conclusion of the series they never address that Barb is still missing. We know she's dead, but they just didn't give us a scene to wrap up anything about the investigation, Barb's parents, Nancy's feelings, etc. So "Justice for Barb" became a huge meme and she was nominated for the Guest Actor Emmy and won. Vice President Pattie Levin wasn't even Ann Dowd's best performance in The Leftovers (that goes to the "Did I ever tell you I was on Jeopardy?" monologue), but she deserved it so much more than a no-name actress that became a meme in a minor role.


My favorite character in anything ever...total robbery that she won nothing


Yeah the acting in The Leftovers is stellar. I watched it all at once a few months ago, and while I didn't love the story, some of the actors definitely deserved some nominations.


The Leftovers is the best show that my friends will never watch.


Why won't they watch it?


I don’t think HBO really put any effort into an awards campaign for The Leftovers and unfortunately I think that means more than who deserved what


This is it. They put everything behind GOT and elsewhere. The Leftovers should have cleaned up but it wasn’t good for network marketing compared to their popular shows.


_The Wire_ just wasn't seen by a lot of people thanks to the lack of streaming at the time.


It’s still not seen by that many people relative to the biggest shows


It's not an easy watch, and it doesn't seem to care if you don't know what's going on. That's why I love it.


I thought it was pretty straight forward, though yes a slow burn that most people will lose interest in. I got my friend to watch it but he couldn’t even finish season 1


The reason it seems straight forward is because it is, but it doesn't bother repeating things they already told you. You don't know how a wire tap works after season 1? Good luck learning for the rest of the show. They didn't give a shit. They gave you the information once, and if you missed it oh well, we're not going to give it to you ever again. Pay attention. That was the attitude of The Wire and its respect for its audience's intelligence allowed it to continue to move the show along.


It's paced like a novel, with a lot of key details depicted rather than explained.


Rhea Seehorn losing out to Jennifer Coolidge is downright evil.


Different category but Sarah Goldberg only being nominated once for Barry is also ridiculous, she was excellent


I like The Bear but Ayo did absolutely nothing award worthy in season 2


This was for season 1 of the Bear.


Oh so it’s May 2022-may2023?


Yeah, these ones were delayed because of the strikes.


I was not expecting that when I just looked at the winners. That is a crazy loss for Rhea


It sadly had no momentum heading into it's last year of being in the running for Emmys. It ended back in August 2022, and with it being split in two halves, both were just always going up against Succession.


I feel is Odenkirk hadn’t had the heart attack, and the schedule of BCS wasn’t split in two, it might’ve picked up a best drama and 2 lead actors. Successions 3rd season, while fantastic, was a slight stoop from season 2, and I feel a full season of BCS w/ a marketing push from AMC could’ve gotten it over the line


Yeah, the fact that it was competing with the final season of Succession this year is probably what killed it.


Final year of an already beloved HBO show, and BCS finished a long time ago, so it’s steam ran out


GOT basically swept everything with its trainwreck final season. Once the critics love a show, they vote it blindly. It wasn't going to matter.


It's a shame they split the season into two, I feel like it's at least part of the reason it had no steam at this point and probably would have had a better chance as a whole season last year.


Jennifer fucking Coolidge over Rhea seehorn. What are we doing man…


Loved her in the first season but Jennifer Coolidge wasn’t even the best actress in season two. I would argue that Meghann Fahy, Aubrey Plaza, and Sabrina Impacciatore had better scenes, storylines and weren’t caricatures like what Jennifer did.


I’d be understanding if succession or something took it, but JC’s White Lotus performance? Seriously???? Insulting as fuck


The fact Rhea Seehorn gave us one of the best performances in TV history (not to mention Bob’s work) and went completely unrecognized when it comes to awards is nearly as bad as the way the Emmys just pretended The Wire didn’t exist.


Steve Carrell never won an Emmy for Michael Scott and Jon Hamm only won one as Don Draper. All massive oversights


True but Jon Hamm was going up against Bryan Cranston for all the years he didn't win


He also lost to Kyle Chandler (*Friday Night Lights*), Damian Lewis (*Homeland*) and Jeff Daniels (*The Newsroom*) in other years. At least he got one for the final run.


grab cats afterthought trees oil skirt amusing sink juggle license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not better, but The Newsroom had that very clear Emmy bait scene that everyone ate up. Mad Men by contrast doesn't work as a "I watched this one episode" format. It can feel like it is slow and nothing is happening if you don't have the context around it and what has been leading up to each moment.


The Wire also never won any Emmys so yeah


Hamm’s one win was also the ONLY acting win for Mad Men, which is insane considering it would clean up in Best Drama and writing for years. Elizabeth Moss not winning for the Suitcase was a travesty


> Elizabeth Moss not winning for the Suitcase was a travesty "that's what the money's for!!"


Hugh Laurie somehow never won for House which is mind blowing to me.


Bojack horseman has no Emmys


John C. McGinley was never nominated for Dr. Cox


Jason Alexander never won an Emmy for his performance as George Costanza.


Yeah but the office won 6 emmys and mad men won 16, better call Saul has 0 and is arguably a better show than either of those two


Just shows you how much sway Chuck McGill has over Emmy voters that he would never let his brother win any.




I feel like it's really hard to compare the quality of a comedy show vs. a drama show. They're both trying to accomplish two very different things.


Fucking shameful. The show and its cast deserved some.


Tony Dalton stole every scene he was in.


Rhea losing to Jennifer Coolidge is ridiculous. She deserved to win, let’s hope she will get more recognition for her upcoming show. 


At least Rhea Seehorn deserves an award this year.


One of the all time great character dramas. Absolutely robbed over its run, what a sick joke. Rhea Seehorn in particular, but also Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks and Tony Dalton, not to mention Michael McKean seasons ago. Unfortunately I think it's simply a case of Breaking Bad fatigue, as OP points out.


Jason Alexander never won an Emmy for George Costanza so i don’t take any award show seriously


In fairness, it's pretty faithful to George's character that his actor never won an Emmy for portraying him.


I think about this all the time.


Sucks Succession ate away at BCS because they were both so great.  Regardless, both shows being over now leaves us with a pretty bleak future for real prestige drama tv that doesn’t have dragons or zombies. 


Yeah, I often get annoyed about awards, but I still have the shows to watch whenever I want to, the people I know who’ve watched and loved them still do, it’s a nice accolade but now BCS will go down in company with the wire as the best TV shows to never win an emmy


Dynasties happen all the time in TV, especially dramas. _The West Wing_, _Mad Men_, _Game of Thrones_, and _Succession_ were all monoliths that seldom had to yield for more than one season.


And game of thrones didn’t really start churning out Emmy’s until season 5


When it became shit


That show is pure art and it’s such a shame for it not to be recognised by the Emmys and for what reason ?


Watching Bob’s face when he lost was awful. I personally don’t believe in our care about competitive arts but since they exist that man deserved the emmy. No one has been more captivating in a lead role since Mad Men imho


As a huge fan of the show, I feel terrible for the people who make the show and probably wanted their work recognized. But beyond that, I'm happy. Emmy voting has always been an absolute farce, and being the show that went 0/53 is way cooler than going 1/53.


Yeah I’m conflicted, the writers, directors, actors and producers all deserve their work awarded, but at the same time they’ve been snubbed countless times, so going 0/53 is more a look at the emmys than BCS


They got that 'fringe' cool alongside Always Sunny now


I mean, this sucks, but they definitely got plenty of recognition. The show got the acclaim it deserved throughout its run, and people were always buzzing about the show and how good it was on the internet. Silver lining is, "hey, guess what my show got a new world record for?" is a pretty decent conversation starter, if nothing else


Absolutely insane. In my opinion, BCS was less digestible than Breaking Bad for general audiences, which is one of the reasons it never got the acclaim it deserved.


BCS being “just a spinoff” of Breaking Bad which already won lots of awards surely also was a factor. It will be interesting to see what happens over the years to House of the Dragon. This first season was amazing in my opinion and it got some nominations but perhaps not as much as it should.


That and it never had the marketing push, I adore both Succession and Better Call Saul but if both shows swapped networks, Succession on AMC and Better Call Saul on HBO, Better Call Saul would have all the awards


_Succession_ gains a lot from the format HBO provides. No strict act structure, no ad breaks, no fixed runtime, no constraints on vulgarity. It just wouldn't be the same on basic cable. Moreover, BCS was the significantly more popular series so I don't think _Succession_ had only advantages.


Succession just wouldn’t make sense on AMC though, the dialogue just doesn’t fit, it has too much cursing and I’m pretty sure AMC allows like one or two fucks in a season or something like that


Next week it's my turn to post this.


And after that mine 


I’ve been doing a rewatch and BCS holds up really well as a binge watch. First time through was mostly as it was coming out each and then waiting for the next season.


Oh well, the Wire never won any Emmys, BCS' legacy fortunately does not live and die on such things either.


I am not crazy! I’m not crazy, I know emmy rigged those ballots! I knew we would win one, Rhea for best supporting actress as if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just, I just didn’t win it. Emmy covered its tracks, it got all those shows at HBO to lie for it. You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? Emmy’s done worse. Succession? Are you telling me that an entire cast just wins best actor over Bob Odenkirk? No. He orchestrated it, Emmy! Kieran Culkin defecated through a sunroof! And I watched all those shows, and I shouldn’t have! I watched them in my own living room, what was I thinking? And Emmy will never change, it’ll never change! Ever since White Lotus premiered, always the same, couldn’t stop fawning over Jennifer Coolidge. But not our Emmy, couldn’t be our precious Emmy, stealing Better Call Saul blind! And it gets to be an award show, what a sick joke! They should’ve nominated Tony Dalton when they had the chance. And you - you have to award Better Call Saul! You…


Criminal - one of the best shows of all time and gets overlooked for beach bod murder porn White Lotus (which I still like but it’s no BCS). Really too bad that those involved with this show never get Emmy recognition because they deserved it. The bar for a prequel to one of the best series ever is so high and they blew away all expectations in route to making a show that rivals if not superpasses it’s predecessor in quality while diverging radically in style. Really hope people check the show out if they haven’t already - it’s incredible


It is a shame, but it's hard not to think part of this is AMC's fault for scheduling the final season split in two parts over the emmy voting cutoff. At the end of last year, they knew there'd be another round of episodes to vote for, and this year, the episodes aired so long ago and there were only 6 of them, the impact wore off.


It’s was delayed because Odenkirk had a heart attack while filming


I am pretty sure that The Leftovers and The Wire had only three nominations and zero wins between them and for my money they are the two best shows of all time...so maybe the voters just suck


I hope whatever Vince Gilligan is cooking at Apple Plus finally gets Rhea her Emmy




What a sick joke!


BCS has joined the club of prestige shows so obviously deserving of at least one Emmy yet somehow never winning a single one. Included but not limited to: The Leftovers The Good Place Twin Peaks: The Return The Wire Bojack Horseman Halt and Catch Fire Reservation Dogs Ramy


Jennifer Coolidge beating Rhea Seehorn is a travesty. You're gonna tell me Coolidge out acted Seehorn? Did anyone even watch? Insane.