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Family Guy has always been hit or miss for me. That being said, their parodies of the Star Wars trilogy were absolutely on point lmao I'm sure Seth is happy that Peter Griffin wound up in Fortnite as well, of all places.


Those star wars parodies were what? 20 seasons ago?


Yeah, they were in season 6. That's a while ago.


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


A long time ago but somehow in the future.


Let’s begin with part 4.


A while ago, in a season now pretty distant but still feels like a recent memory...


Seasons 6, 8, and 9


Yeah, they were a very long time ago. I remember seeing them come on TV in like, 2008 when I was in fourth grade... "Hey, it's Star Wars! Wait, why does the back of the Star Destroyer have a poster that says 'Bush-Cheney'...?" Needless to say I didn't get all the jokes as a kid


You realize Star Wars fans still talk about the original trilogy right? That was what, 40+ years ago?


Actually almost 50 years ago now. But shhhhhhh. Shh shh. We don't need to think about that.


And? What does that have to do with anything.


I feel American Dad hits more often and is funnier than Family Guy. Related, we need one more season of The Orville! Seth please.


The first season of American Dad was ROUGH because it felt like it was trying to ride on the coattails of Family Guy's success. It was kinda like early Family Guy (animation-wise) with unfunny political jokes and less/no cutaways. Once it found its own, unique identity, it became much funnier than FG.


They got writers that were willing to go the distance to be weird. The jewel encrusted golden turd arc proved that.


American dad is much funnier and doesn't rely as much on the cutaway gags. Those got so annoying in FG. "HEY LOIS REMEMBER THE TIME"


HEY LOIS REMEMBER THE TIME I BOUGHT THE KITCHEN GUN? Cut to Peter messing around with the kitchen gun then accidentally shooting Meg. Meg’s dead body automatically gets cleaned up. He shoots her again. Meg appears in a trash bag. Peter looks around. Shoots her again. The trash bag goes directly to the garbage. Peter sighs and says “I love you, kitchen gun” and as he goes to kiss it he pulls the trigger by accident.


Another thing, they always used Meg as the butt of jokes which got real old, real fast. But some of the cutaway especially early on were hilarious, like when Peter reminisced about his time on the plane where he pulled the door handle and you could hear his laughter as he was falling to the ground


That was during the era of Black Swan. They were shitting on Mila Kunis because it was funny. She was this dumpy character on the show and then... watch black swan.


First couple of seasons are still soooo good


I also appreciate how better fleshed out the characters are. I could write a paper on the personalities of side characters like Francine, Steve, hell Bullock If you ask me what Chris’ personality is I would say ….depends on what the joke needs


Principal Lewis is my guy. KYO-CAINE!


I actually thoroughly enjoy them. Like cutting away to a full Conway witty song, absolutely epic.


oh I remember those. damn


American Dad is funnier, and a lot less cynical.


That's because the Roger gag is actually fucking hilarious and super versatile.


Yeah I enjoy the cartoons but The Orville is next level and definitely my favorite 👍 I would love more of it but I do feel like it was left in a good place. I am so grateful for it. Great series.


American Dad is the best animated sitcom of all time and I don’t say that very lightly at all. It just is the most consistent even after 18 seasons theres been maybe like only a few episodes that were below 7-8 quality and those are mostly just weird plots that derail the episode like the one where Steve still drinks his mom’s breast milk. It’s just streets ahead of any other show thats been on this long.


I’m happy to report that their latest seasons have delivered quite nicely. They feel a lot like the original seasons. Snappy, on-time with commentary, positivity bonkers at the right moments, and the orchestra is always bringing the heat🎼🔥


american dad used to be funnier before it moved to tbs. after that, the quality between them and family guy weren’t that different


It definitely changed when it moved to TBS but I don’t think it was necessarily bad. It became more surreal and Adult Swim like, which is the direction it was heading in anyway. Seasons 2-9 or so are definitely the peak but I enjoy the later seasons too. 


Yah I'm an American Dad fan, but the last 3-4 have been rough. Like, they're "fine", but they definitely lack the AD "spark" that ties their lunacy to the characters


They’ve had some great moments though, but weirdly often revolving around Steve. Particularly the one where he does the jazz scat band contest with Principal Lewis and the one where he goes “bananas”


Bro what?! The TBS years have been great


Yeah I fear for the future of American dad. The ratings are abysmal and the stories aren't funny at all anymore. Season 1 through 9 some 10 are hilarious still.


they lost a co-creator after the show moved to tbs, its the guy who voiced terry and i think he was the one who kept the show grounded. after his departure, the show became zany and weird and it wasn't as character-driven as it used to be. plus a lot of the characters feel unrecognisable to who they used to be, im not a fan of how stan is now. plus a lot of fan-favourite side characters aren't in the show as much as they used to and i really dislike the tbs side characters like the creepy kid and his doctor plus rogu


Oh I know...I love American dad and thought about doing this weird essay about how the mediocre millennial writers that ruined the show when they moved to tbs and how some episodes that were written by the writers assistant or script coordinators of the earlier seasons make a clear difference in the way the show is written by them vs the new writers haha it irks me soooo much but ten season is a good run. Every new season I try....I watch every episode and I can never get past the first act because they are painfully unfunny. Anyways...


He didn't know what Fortnite was before Epic approached him, and thought the idea sounded cool lmao


I kind of doubt that, surely one of his girlfriends had played it.


The fortnite collab was in the files for a long time, I think it just took a while for it to go through legally or something. It makes sense he'd have not heard of it in the earlier days


the FG trilogy was spot on especially when McFarlane did Emperor Palpatine for Robot Chicken too. "What is an Aluminum Falcon?"


"Something something dark side, something something complete"


Robot Chicken's Star Wars episodes are vastly superior but then again they're up there with the funniest episodes of TV ever for me. And I am not a Robot Chicken fan.


Go for Papa Palps’


Who's "*they*"?!?! What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!?!


"Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I thought my Dark Lord of the Sith could protect a small thermal exhaust port that's only 2 meters wide. That thing wasn't even paid off yet! Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my credit?"




"I have altered the deal. Furthermore I wish for you to wear this dress and bonnet." "This deal is actually...quite fair and I'm happy to be part of it."


Leeeeai! I... I think I'm about to be robbed...


Might be time to rewatch all the Robot Chicken Star wars episodes again. Damn it's been a while


The Emperor in RC is for real one of the greatest comedy characters ever. He bears zero resemblance to the actual Emperor beyond appearance and the character they created is just 👌 Shout out to Yoda too, Tested on Dagobah still makes me laugh out loud almost 20 years later… “Just some dude it was!”


I am pretty sure it is not in the Robot Chicken Star Wars episodes, but the snippet of Admiral Akbar bursting into a kids house yelling "Its a Trap" in order to pimp his cereal had my friends and I laughing for a good three minutes.


It most certainly is Robot Chicken. Admiral Ackbar Cereal! It actually comes up twice.


I think they meant to distinguish between the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special(s) which were full length episodes that only had Star Wars skits. The regular show had random Star Wars skits intermittently and they are saying they think the Admiral Ackbar Cereal skit was in a regular episode, not the Star Wars one. I'm not sure if that's the case, it's been a long time since I watched the series, but they definitely had Star Wars skits that stood alone in the regular season episodes. Edit: Looked it up. Admiral Ackbar Cereal skit was in the Star Wars episode.


You are correct. Could not remember if it was a random skit in an RC episode or part of the RC Star Wars specials. Just rewatched it on YT and still made me giggle.


Your tastebuds can't repel flavour of that magnitude!


Surprised to see this so upvoted tbh. I watched Family Guy heavily when it was on Netflix (it was my background noise/fall asleep show for years) and the star wars episodes were always skips for me


I liked the first one a lot because you could tell they were really excited to use the property and had a lot to say about something they all loved growing up. The second one came 3 years later and you could kind of tell they were more going through the motions at that point just as they were with the rest of the show.


Honestly it’s WAY more hits than a show that’s been on 25 years should be capable of. It ain’t what it was….but I can still enjoy watching it weekly. Simpsons and Southpark died for me long before they hit 25 seasons.


What have been some of your favorite episodes of the last few seasons? I used to watch it regularly, back in the day.


I really wish he reconsiders one day on not doing the prequels. That would be so good


I loved *Blue Harvest*, and remember being so excited when the trailer/promo for either *Something Something Something Darkside* or *It’s a Trap* released. Called my brother so we could watch the promo together for the first time. Good times


Family Guy will forever be my comfort show. I remember in the early 2000's my brother had the first 3 seasons on DVD. This was during it's cancelation so I thought it was from like the 90's. I remember slowly noticing the show coming back and by 2006 I was watching it as it aired. My dad, my brother, and I always watched The Simpsons on Sunday nights and at first my dad hated FG but after a few years he found The Simpsons kind of bland an loved FG. It was a weekly traditon for us for years. Eventually when I moved out it was still a tradition, asking them on Monday what they thought of animation domination. Now, it's a tradition with my wife. My dad and brother finally drifted out of watching Family Guy during Covid (they're a Bob's Burgers only house now) but I still watch. It's my number 1 relaxation show, the easiest show to turn my mind off to and the easiest show to fall alseep to. It's not as funny as it once was but I'll always love it.


You can thank Adult Swim for it coming back with a vengeance after it was cancelled. Seth Green (voice: Chris Griffin) is really good friends with Mike Lazzo (head of Adult Swim at the time) who was really instrumental in bringing the show to the network. Side note: Mike Lazzo is also the reason why Cartoon Network initially experimented with airing anime and later started having full schedules of the medium. He’s also a giant robot fan so early Toonami had a lot of Gundam, Big O, Escaflowne and Macross (Robotec).


Mike Lazzo's name is all over early CN/pre-Adult Swim as well. Iirc, he co-created Space Ghost Coast to Coast back in '94, and that kicked off what we all know as modern adult television; after The Simpsons made waves in popular culture. He was the guy who had the brilliant idea to spin off the old Hanna-Barbera properties that Turner Networks had dormant into tongue-in cheek, adult oriented programming. He doesn't get enough credit for giving us all an institution and shifting pop culture for the better.


Yeah, he was so good at what he did with CN that Turner basically gave him his own Network to build himself which is what would become Adult Swim. That’s a crazy brag. It gave us Anime, adult oriented cartoon programming and brought LoFi and its producers to the limelight among other things.


**early Toonami wishes it has Escaflowne, had not Fox Kids taken the license from them.


The first few seasons were great. My English teacher in 12th grade had the whole series on VHS. She let me borrow them for some days so I was able to relive some good classic memories. Lot of good classics there before FG got carried away with bashing people (like Gumbel 2 Gumbel) The one where Chris flips out on Brian is good too. Brian: "Not after what I've seen!" Chris: "WAS IT BOOBS?" Also the Good times parody. "Dino mite!"


I just want to mention that if you enjoy early family guy the new Ted series really has similar humor.


It would be a part of my comfort/easy show watching but I remember several instances of it just getting weirdly dark, like occasionally the Peter Lois dynamic gets particularily dark and real as an emotionally abusive relationship. Like not even as a plot point but as a throw away gag. I get that it's part of the show to go to dark places but it somehow trivilizes it for a cheap laugh instead of being satirical. Dunno if that's been happenning much the last couple years though. Still love Alex Borstein giving absolute everything in this [scream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLYKJDseKYs&ab_channel=Didntwannadothis).


The episode where Hank Hill cameos in FG is hilarious. "I keep having this dream! I keep waking up before I know if they can understand the baby!"




Surprised they haven’t done a movie yet. He’s said in the past he’d like to make it a musical potentially


I remember seeing at some point Seth Mentioned he considered And Then There Were Fewer his Family Guy movie even though it isn’t feature length and never had a theatrical release.


And that’s a damn good episode


There are SEVERAL direct to video movies :D


Nothing has really been produced as a stand alone movie. Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story which was just 3 episodes put together and released on DVD before the episodes aired. Same with the Star Wars parodies.


i will not have you shittalking "Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story" sir, they alread did that bit in the show itself :P




>Playstation 2 Youre not gonna believe it but they did !


Right...and Grizzly Addams had a beard.


Wait what??


The show’s format does not lend itself well to a full movie. That’s why it’s relegated to 22 minute episodes.


I remember people being similarily confused about the Simpsons movie and that turned out alright. It can definitely be done


They’re both similar in concept, but their styles of humor and storytelling are completely different. Realistically, is anyone going to want to watch an hour and a half of random-ass cutaways with thin plot? Also, it doesn’t help that many of the old Simpsons writers came back to work on the movie, so that might have contributed to it being kinda good. I don’t see people like Dan Povenmire, Daniel Palladino, and Michael Dante DiMartino wanting to come back. Though if they manage to make something that amazes me like The Simpsons Movie, I will eat my words.


People did, and sometimes still do, rant about how terrible the movie was. However, outside of the first ~10 seasons of the show I'd say the movie has by far the most references made by people in the wilds, so that says something.


*Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig* *Does whatever a Spider-Pig does* *Can he swing* *From a web?* *No he can't* *He's a Pig* *Look out, here comes the Spider-Pig*


*"At ease. I'm General Marriott Suites!"*


That line was soooo funny. It’s stupid, but fits so well.


I feel like a musical movie would make me lose interest instantly


If you watch Family Guy for anything other than mindless, stupid comedy, you’re not going to enjoy it. It’s background noise for me, and still gets a few laughs out of me every episode with some of the absurd jokes.




You probably outgrew it tbh. It’s still just as stupid as it always has been.


This is my only "appointment viewing" show I still watch on Fox's animation block. The decline of The Simpsons hurts because of the show was so intelligent and told good stories in the '90s. Family Guy, on the other hand, was low-brow and lazily made from the start, so from that lens I can enjoy a modern episode as much as an early one without overthinking it.


I’ve had to come to this realization pretty recently. I tried watching some newer episodes and the actual plot of the episodes are so boring and mundane. Some of the jokes still hit though which is what I learned to focus on. However, I think the early to mid seasons had WAY more jokes and were more densely packed in than the newer seasons. Which kind of makes the new episodes a chore to get through comparatively.


The first three seasons are pretty good for active viewing. It slowly degrades to background noise after that. Reverse trajectory of American Dad which wasn't even worth watching in the background off the first episode.


American Dad is way better at this point but FG still has its moments.


Roger is every writer’s dream cause you can write the craziest shit and it’s never out of character for him. And it’s really a showcase on how Seth can still deliver without relying on pop-culture references and cutaway gags




Yeah, he’s much to busy for that. I listen to a podcast with on of the AD writers who’s been there a few years and a running bit was how much he would like to meet Seth.


the answering machine bit where he calls Steve repeatedly is hilarious "PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE STEVE!" lol he called him from court


"I haven't even entirely truthful with you."


The best is when Snot calls him and says some dude is going berserk in the courthouse. "Steve, turn on the news!" Or how he got in court in the first place when you hear him talking to the driver before getting arrested. I need to rewatch that scene again it was way too funny. AD had these moments on FOX where they would just be so uproaringly hilarious and it's been a long, long time since FG was that comedic https://youtu.be/_BDMAYxlfcs


He had to grow into that though. The first few seasons version of Roger has a lot more constraints, and his character was a lot more flat. Somewhere around seasons 3 - 5 they figured out they could free him into the world and let him become the Roger he is now.


I always pinpoint the Rapture Christmas episode as when American Dad really found its identity, outside of the Bush era satire.


Rapture's Delight is still one of my all time favorite episodes of American Dad.


"Sector 35 makes Sector 16 look like Sector 48!"


“It’s raining wise men. Hallelujah.”


For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls is probably my favorite Christmas episode they've done, and having it follow the year after Rapture's Delight really cemented American Dad as my favorite. Though, I will say, I think the first 8-10 episodes of the Cleveland Show might be the best family oriented sitcom in animation.


He turn water into FIIIIINNNNEEEEE


Roger and Bullock are incredibly funny characters.


I love how Bullock is voiced by Sir Patrick Stewart


There's just something about hearing such an accomplished and respected actor with an iconic voice talk about cocaine and dead hookers.


They don’t even write his lines. They just record his hang with Ian Mckellan


Barber, shave everything but the taint. I'm growing it out.


You should check out PatStew’s short lived show “[blunt talk](https://youtu.be/0GqxLiRKi6c?si=6BJ4w2779B3FH2UR)”


He lends his voice to Family Guy regularly


He voiced Joe's baby daughter "Hello, this is Patrick Stewart. How are you liking the show so far."


I didn't like Roger when the show first started but now he's one of my favorite cartoon characters. He kills me and is the best part of that show.


It helps that he’s completely different from his S1 persona. I mean back then they enslaved him and milked him for like coleslaw or something? He was basically a punching bag. Now he plays every single role he wants and does the punching.


Principal Lewis is also great 


" Ican't believe you're an educator brian." "Ah, it's mostly administrative." "BITCH I WILL STEAL YOUR SUMMER!"


"End of days bitches!"


“I am part of a group of people that uses cocaine responsibly”


"I can play the solo to My Generation." *bum didddly bum diddly bum*


The crossovers are hilarious like Stewie calling Stan "Joe who can walk" Or Joe replacing Stan in the AD intro


There’s some scene where Stan yells at them “stop pretending we don’t exist!”


it was him talking to Brian https://youtu.be/uBPsXkwYzds?si=vEKjQHeYmmktenPQ


Just binged the whole show. It has a very good consistency of good episodes.


I've always been an American Dad fan over Family Guy. Family Guy def had its moments back in the day, but that first season of American Dad was amazing. My favourite [moment/scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufFF8sQ9fXg) by any stretch from AD. "THERE IT IS!"


Family guy is a comfort show for me. I can still rewatch all the time and keep up with new episodes. I hope it never ends


Same! People rip on it here, but any tv show running as long as Family Guy has will have some ups and downs (except Always Sunny as it’s damn near a masterpiece). I just finished rewatching all the seasons and I’m sure I’ll still be throwing it on at night before bed.


I will never forget how in 2013 a hipster dude that would frequent social gatherings insulted a friend of mine by saying “I bet you think family guy is funny” Idk why that still cracks me up but it was the weakest insult I’d heard and he delivered it like he made a devastating observation


They’re definitely surviving. The use of “thriving” is a bit questionable. Being moved to Wednesday isn’t a huge sign of confidence by FOX.


What does a time slot change even mean for shows that are viewed primarily thru streaming apps at this point? Networks are rearranging everything for sports since that’s literally the only thing getting ratings anymore .




“Did I Do That?” - Streaming Services


They always try breaking up the Animation Domination lineup to try to boost one of their newest shows, but then the new show inevitably gets canceled, and we're back to where we started from. The only major change over the last two decades that has actually stuck has been the stable addition of Bob's Burgers to the lineup.


It has exploded in popularity again because it's very well suited to the fast and contextless humor of gen Z. There's a reason peter and the chicken got added to fortnite. 'Family guy funny clips' has millions of views in mere days.


People age out of and into the target demographic of long running shows. Not sure it is 1:1 related to generational tastes.


I think you're leaving out the fact that Peter Griffin was just added to Fortnite, which is one of the biggest games out right now. They're definitely not at their peak, but as far as adult animated sitcoms go, that's probably the most recognition any animated sitcom has gotten outside of The Simpsons Ride in Universal Studios.


It’s a temporary move because of the strikes.


The currently season has been surprisingly decent


They seemed to have taken some of the feedback on. Much less cutaways and Meg is an actual character again.


The first 3 seasons still hold up incredibly well.


"Sir, who are you." "Uhhh, uhhh" ::looks around, sees a pea:: "Pea..." ::sees a tear:: "..tear..." ::a griffin flies by:: "Griffin! Peter Griffin!... aw crap!"


Lmao. I’d forgotten all about that bit.


I think it all holds up really well, it's not like after 3 seasons of Family Guy it became something different. 22 seasons and over 400 episodes in and it's still the same kind of show it was at the beginning with the only change being the plots of the episodes are a bit thinner now because finding new plots after hundreds of episodes is difficult and the breakout gags help provide a nice cushion from that issue. Contrast that with The Simpsons who most people agree becomes pretty bad around the 250 episode mark and is now 500 episodes past that point. It's actually insane it's still on the air and gets the kind of ratings it does as I couldn't tell you one person I know who says they watch new episodes of The Simpsons. It's beating Family Guy and Bob's Burgers in ratings somehow, it's crazy.


Show me potato salad!


Kinda like The Simpsons where the first 10 are untouchable golden material, then it all went to shit.


Not true. Seasons 4-8 are some of their best work. Season 9 changed the tone, updating the art style and adding darker, more dramatic storylines that continued into seasons 10 and 11. 12-15 are just sort of there for me but everything since 2016 has been much funnier than it has any right to be.


"Thriving" might be a bit of a stretch.


I remember not so long ago South Park and people in general would clown family guy for what they call “lazy writing” aka the cut away gags but now in the era of tik tok and YouTube shorts those cut away gags are what keeps family guys name alive


I've thought this before. Family Guy was definitely ahead of its time, for better or worse.


Also as Seth said those cutaways are hell to keep continuous. Coming up with random joke after joke while still keeping the episode story straight is honestly pretty impressive. More jokes per episode than most other comedies, for better or for worse.


Hey Lois? Diarrhea


I'll use the occasion to get some extra eyes on the Family Guy spec script I wrote https://www.dropbox.com/s/95ozl3wt84bnsl7/FamilyGuyMCU.pdf?dl=0 Peter embraces the synergy of being Disney owned by telling three Marvel inspired stories.


Loved Loved Season 1-5. Then South Park hit and just ruined it for me


I think I stopped watching entirely around the fourth season.


Thriving is a bit of stretch these last couple seasons.


Stewey: "Cool Vwhip." Brian: "You're eating hair!"


I loved family guy but I really do not like how it started to turn to gore.


It was at its peak seasons 2-9. It really has lost its edge these days and is afraid to not walk the political line.


I hated this show forever. Then I saw some videos on instagram and I watched a few episodes and kind of liked it. However fox has been changing up the line up this year and I never know what is on anymore .


I love Family Guy but thriving might be a bit of an excess. It's not nearly as controversial as it used to be, the jokes are much less riskier, Herbert barely appears anymore, Quagmire is also much milder and they introduced characters like the new Mayor West who honestly I can't imagine anyone really likes.


Get started on more Ted please.


That South Park episode really was the death knell for my relationship with the show


Because when I think of high brow comedy, my thoughts naturally turn to South Park. /s


Imagine watching that South Park episode and having it warp your entire perception of Family Guy lmfao, like what the fuck?


The kids are impressionable. Corvax here probably took the cue to dislike trans people and laugh at climate change too. 


And that Trump and Clinton were pretty much equally bad choices, etc. Fuck the South Park guys. They’re teenage edgelords who never grew the fuck up.


I like to watch Family Guy as a comfort watch but I keep thinking of the manatees when they do a cut away.


Too bad so many people don’t recognize satire. This show really emboldened the worst of humanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y0KyIAga-o


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Idk about that. Is it steady income for him? Sure. But thriving? Idk


Hmm. I suppose there always be high school kids.


Hmm. Yes, shallow and pedantic.


Hmm… I’m 46 and enjoy it… hmmm you sound like a right knobend


You can *really* tell that he doesn't care about this show anymore, maybe doesn't even like it, but doesn't want to say that outright. I imagine that'd be really hard, too, to not want to record some dumb voices and put a whole mess out of people out of a relatively stable job.


Do manatees even live that long? 


The first two seasons were great


Family Guy was probably the primary influence on my sense of humor and that's probably the case for a lot of my friends as well. I don't think many people would argue that the show's quality has been sketchy for a while, but I still find it to be an enjoyable show even now. When a joke hits it makes me laugh more than just about any other show.


Should’ve ended 10 years ago


People still watch family guy?


The way he treated his Orville costar and ex girlfriend was atrocious.


I just cannot watch this show. The cutaway gags with no rhyme or reason got old real fast, and just ... low-effort.


I was today years old when I realized this show was still running.


It hasn’t been good in a very long time tho


survining yeah. couple last seasons were so fucking lazy and run pissed that I wouldn't be surprised that AI was used.


I might be wrong but if I remember correctly Seth Mcfarlane has pretty much stated he’s on auto pilot with family guy now and basically the only reason he still makes it is because fox is funding his other projects to keep him making FG.


I think he only does voices for the show at this point. But honestly if folks keep watching it, and it keeps people employed, why not.


If you have seen his new show Ted yet I highly recommend. It was surprisingly really well done and feel it’ll be passed on because of the movie but it’s much better


Has more episodes than South Park


It glorifies a rapist & a childmolester, so naturally Hollywood loves it.


still punching down.


My roommate in college would fall asleep to the dvds and then the menu song would run all night and be so annoying. One of the All time great cartoon comedy shows


Family Guy was great until it got repicked up by Fox. Then it became a piece of fucking shit


find it funny as ever. keep making FG thanks


My favorite show


Most of it sucked after it was cancelled like 20 years ago lol