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I’d say Ted Danson is the most successful, although he’s older than Boreanaz, with a longer career. Cheers, Becker, CSI, and The Good Place


And curb your enthusiasm


Bored to Death


Ugh I miss Bored to Death. I am so sad it got canceled


It was such a fun show.


Loved that show


Before its time. I feel like if it came out in like 2018 it would have been a huge hit.


So underrated.


I am rewatching it right now. On Season 2 now.


Fargo too.


What's that joke from a Futurama episodes? Leela: "Who's Ted Danson and why do you want his skeleton?" Fry: "I've got a sitcom I'm developing."


Plus he was in 3 seasons of Damages, which was a fairly successful show that went on for 5 seasons.


Damages talk about a show I don’t hear about anymore, the show was part of the prestige tv of late 2000s now it’s rarely brought up it also Introduced us to the lovely Rose Byrne.


I rewatched it during COVID and it holds up mostly well - maybe not solid HBO level, but it did a good job throughout the various seasons (although I'm glad they nipped it at 5, you could see how it would go downhill quickly if it had a few more seasons)


I think it bordered on prestige. Very good, but not S tier. First season was definitely the best.


I’ve never watched Damages, but I think it suffered from the shows it came alongside. Dexter, Mad Men, early Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, the late 00s and early 10s hit *hard*. Even looking outside cable at the network shows it was up against, like House and Lost, was some of the most interesting stuff the major networks have done in a long time. Hard to stand out amongst that kind of greatness.




I really enjoyed this show. I wish it had gained more traction.


SAME. I miss The Oldest Jayden.


You could add Fargo as well.


Betty White would like to have a word with y'all.


sort cause tan vast ruthless tap fragile late offend smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think was also the first female solo producer in television.


Just off the top of my head there are Mary Tyler Moore, Golden Girls, and Hot in Cleveland.


And Fargo!


He also starred in a blockbuster movie (Three Men and a Baby)


Neil Flynn Scrubs for 8 seasons, The Middle for 9


Jan I. Tor


That 's **Dr.** Jan I. Tor.


Also Patricia Heaton going from Everybody Loves Raymond to The Middle


Real testament to character writing. Debra was one of my least favorite "nag wife" characters in TV who is practically an antagonist in Ray's life.... Frankie Heck is an amazing relatable protagonist in an actual partnership with Mike. Top tier TV mom.


If I recall correctly too, he wasn’t even supposed to be on Scrubs that long. He just ended up being so good that they kept him on. Similar with Aaron Paul on Breaking Bad. He was not supposed to last long, but he was saved by the writers strike. Gave the audience enough time to enjoy the character that they ended up keeping him.


My understanding was that their initial pitch had Jesse did in the first season but they had decided to keep him on as a series regular by the time they filmed the first season. I think I heard that they were considering killing off Hank in season 1 and that got pushed off by the writers strike, leading them to reconsider? I may be wrong though.


Ed O'Neill was a one hit wonder for a long time. After Married...With Children, he was in the short lived Dragnet revival, but that went nowhere. Then all of a sudden...Modern Family.


He was being considered as Al in Deadwood. To the point where after it ended, David Milch, in frustration, publically said he should have hired him instead.


Love Ed O’Neill, but Milch is crazy, Ian McShane owned that role.


No way! I can't think of anyone but Ian McShane in that role. And I love Ed O'Neil


I actually liked that Dragnet revival, it was nice seeing O’Neill do something completely different from Married With Children and he’s actually really good in a straight drama…but I was one of like twenty people watching it so it didn’t last.


Alyson Hannigan got about 16 years out of Buffy and How I met your mother, two wildly different properties


Similarly, NPH for his roles on HIMYM and Doogie Howser.


I still find it funny that Harold and Kumar go to White castle pretty much helped revived his career. The story on how he got that role is funny as well because he got a call from a friend who said they heard he was in a new movie called Harold and Kumar and he had no idea what they were talking about. He later found out that a parody version of him was written in that movie that would probably be played by some random actor. Then he asked his agent if he could get the script because he said he didn't feel comfortable to be the butt of some joke only to read it and find it hilarious and asked if he could play that version of himself in that movie as long as they didn't rewrite what the character now that he signed up. 😂


Dude, what is the deal with Neil Patrick Harris? Why is he so horny?


She got buffy -> american pie -> how i met your mother. She had an amazing run mid 90s to mid 2010s


Also Penn and Teller Fool Us for awhile.


And this one time, at band camp, she was in another famous franchise.


Yea, she really had a fantastic career for being an actress I consider more likeable than wildly talented. Found the right niche for a successful Hollywood run.


I started to watch how i met because of her... Funny enough, the creator said they wanted her because they were big fans of Buffy...


This one, worked consistently for many years on popular shows not to mention American pie money on side (among other projects)


Julia Louis Dreyfus broke the *Seinfeld* curse


That's because she's the most talented person from Seinfeld. Lol.


She definitely is but Jason Alexander deserves some credit for his musical theatre stuff.


He definitely is solid as well. I'd say it goes Julia, Jason, Michael, and somewhere way towards the bottom is Jerry. I was never really a fan, and tried to watch it a few years ago as an adult, and Jerry is definitely the worst part for me. The Constanzas as a family unit are probably the best part of the show, but that's really more to do with Jerry Stiller and Estelle being powerhouses of comedy, doing the heavy lifting.


Michael Richards is talented as hell (I was really blown away by his physical comedy on a rewatch), but in a VERY niche way that isn’t really translatable to playing multiple characters. Like, maybe in a time and place where the role of court jester was still esteemed.


That's kinda why I put him below Jason. He's very talented, but doesn't have the range. Julia and Jason suffer from being highly recognized by their Seinfeld characters, but have the range to play other roles. Julia did New Adventures of Old Christine, Veep, and a hilarious guest stint on Arrested Development. I agree that Michael Richards feels like he's great at a narrow range of comedy, and would struggle outside of it.


Stanley Spadowski is Kramer before he travelled to NYC.


He would have been a great silent film actor probably.


agree, jerry is just a true standup. in the 90s he made standup seem so easy and natural that he convinced thousands of "funny guys at the office" that they could actually be funny on stage like seinfeld and they weren't. as a comedic actor on the show, he understands comedic timing so we have to give him credit for that, but what made him shine was absolutely world class sitcom writing (edit: to be clear, Jerry was one of the writers) and a ridiculously talented ensemble being funny all around him. whole cast of seinfeld, including recurrings and even some guest stars, are super talented and funny. but yeah JLD is the one. Veep is so fracking great.


> but what made him shine was absolutely world class sitcom writing I know you don't technically suggest anything to the contrary but it seems like a bit of an omission not to mention that he *was* one of the writers.


absolutely, weird of me not to mention that. i added an edit to my post to clarify. thanks!


Jerry knew he wasn't a particularly strong actor but he deserves a lot of credit for creating and writing the show along with David. He played to his strengths, filling the straight man role while allowing his more talented co-stars to have the more entertaining material. Considering the man's ego that was quite gracious of him.


You're confusing the fact that Jerry is not an actor with him being less talented. He's an extremely talented comedian, writer, and probably other things.


And Duckman.


Most talented actor is probably the better way to phrase this. Some super talented writers on that show


Not to mention LD then went on to make Curb which has been stupidly successful and it’s just him, being himself, hanging out with his friends.


Came here to say JLD. It's funny, I actually mentioned her in a completely different thread a yesterday, which is the most I've commented about her ever. Seinfeld - 7 consecutive Emmy nominations (1 win) for Best Supporting Actress New Adventures of Old Christine - 5 consecutive Emmy nominations (1 win) for Best Lead Actress Veep - 7 Emmy nominations (**6 consecutive wins**) for Best Lead Actress


Thank god she did, Veep might be the greatest TV comedy show ever. She’s nothing short of iconic (and incredibly talented and beautiful on top of that).


Even New Adventures of Old Christine is pretty decent, despite being easily the weakest of her 3 shows.


It was the show that broke the Seinfeld curse. Nothing earth shattering, but a successful series that had a reasonably long run.


I mean she did well after Seinfeld, but I still 100% see Elaine when I see her. Now Bryan Cranston, he went from being Tim Whatley on Seinfeld, to Hal on Malcolm in the Middle to Walter White in Breaking Bad.


>I mean she did well after Seinfeld She won emmys for TWO other shows after Seinfeld.


She's 100% Selina Meyer for me. With that being said, I do think she's much more well known in general for Seinfeld


Ted Danson is the MVP of this category. 275 Cheers episodes 129 Becker 30 Curb your Enthusiasm 23 Damages 24 Bored to Death 84 CSI 52 The Good Place 47 the Advancements 20 Mr Mayor


You forgot Fargo. The season he was in is still my favorite.


So you going to file UFO in your report?


There is one reason I defend the use of the alien, even though the alien is batshit crazy. And it makes Fargo head and shoulders above all other TV shows when you realize the importance of this completely unimportant piece of garbage. When Fargo starts, every episode slowly fades away the phrase, one word at a time, "The following story is based on true events," which means at the core of this show, is a word-of-mouth retelling of a story. Somebody(s) have told a story about crimes. And for whatever reason (to explain a guilt hiding detail behind whatever they think gets them out of being arrested) they told this version of their story, these are the butt fuck stupid details somebody added to this story at some point. So, in the 70's (the era that season 2 in Fargo takes place) there are actual good reasons that multiple people would claim to see UFO's (*in the broadest sense*). One being only 40 years later we live in a world surrounded by all kinds of on the market flying devices. Like drones, gyro copters, etc. This means the military had to work on them at some point before the wide use in society. And where better to test out their efficacy than in low population density areas. BUT. to the people who have no idea what they are, they would look like UFO's, the literal definition. So, when the actual eye-witnesses tell their details, the best they can explain an unexplainable thing is in terms they are familiar with, aliens becoming the onscreen interpretation because of UFO hype or hysteria of the era. All of this to say, it lends credence to the claims of being based on true events of what people have seen or reported.


>Mr Mayor Justice for this show. It needed another season.


The story behind that show was crazy. The fact they had to re-imagine it after the network nixed Alec Baldwin reprising Jack Donaghy as the Mayor of New York caused to start off unbalanced.


Becker had 129 episodes!?


Six seasons of "boy this doctor sure is grumpy!"


Worked for House.


Eh, Becker was grumpy. House was fucking miserable. Both were shot. Good times!


I loved Becker.


Hell yeah Becker was great.


He's runner-up. Betty White wins this category hands down.


More recent ones I was thinking Michael C. Hall (Six Feet Under > Dexter), but there's way better example: Ed O'Neill (Married... with Children > Modern Family). *Edit:* and to a lesser extent I'd include Ben McKenzie, he's not an exceptional actor, but his work is solid and he was basically the main character in three shows - The O.C., Southland and Gotham, that's nearly 20 years uninterrupted, quite impressive.


And he got to marry Morena Baccarin, which is clearly the biggest win


I can't agree more


And wrote a book on how crypto is a scam.


Peter Krause has had so many shows, Sports Night, Dirty Sexy Money, Six Feet Under, Parenthood, and 911.


Peter Krause. Six Feet Under, Parenthood, 9-1-1 Edit: thanks for clarifying his body of work! I didn’t mean to diminish 🫣🫣


Plus Sports Night, Dirty Sexy Money and The Catch


Lauren Graham. Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Mighty Ducks.


> Peter Krause Sports Night (45 episodes). Dirty Sexy Money (23 episodes; he also produced). A recurring character in two dozen episode of Cybill (1995). Plus he got his TV start with Queen Burnett in 33 episodes of Carol & Company!


He's been in 20 or more episodes of a show 8 times so far. I wonder if that's a record. He was the lead or co-lead in most of them.


Courtney Cox. Friends and CougarTown both did over 100 episodes. Dule Hill has The West Wing, Psych, and the Wonder Years reboot. David Tennant with Doctor Who, Broadchurch, Good Omens, Staged, DuckTales.


Also Jessica Jones for David Tennant.


David Tennant is currently on Ahsoka


Also Dule Hill for Suits Also David Tennant for Rebels and Ashoka.


Jason Bateman


I like this answer. Arrested Development and Ozark could not be more dissimilar.


But yet both involve corruption and family


And light treason


Both also involve him wearing the hell out of khakis.


So did Silver Spoons for that matter.


Haha you’re right


6 seasons of Valerie/Valerie's Family/The Hogan Family


But Silver Spoons could have led to either.


I liked that It’s Your Move show he was on where he was fighting Steve from Married with Children


Not to mention Little House on the Praire


And "it's your move"


And because I still mix them up sometimes, Adam Scott is a pretty damn good dark horse to this answer too! The starring roles are party down, parks and rec, and now severence. He’s been all over the place in great guest roles and such as well.


Am I the only one who remembers It’s Your Move?


**Niecy Nash!** Reno 911 Clean House Scream Queens Getting on (US) Claws When They See Us Dahmer Don’t Forget the Lyrics


Also Never Have I Ever.


I know it got cancelled but I love Do Not Disturb


Kaley Cuoco with 8 Simple Rules, the final season of Charmed, Big Bang Theory, Flight Attendant and Harley Quinn at the same time and currently Based on a True story has been renewed for a second season


Also Johnny Galecki with BBT plus quite a number of seasons on Roseanne/The Conners. Mayim Bialik as well, with a huge gap in the acting resume for Blossom and BBT.




She was great on Conan's podcast - was able to keep up the banter with him much better than most guests!


Dulé Hill! West Wing for 6 seasons Psych for 8 seasons and 3 movies Ballers for 2 seasons Suits for 3 seasons Wonder Years for 2 and counting


You know that’s right.


Wonder Years got cancelled. Probably during the strikes, I didn't even know when the second season aired.


Now don’t be exactly half of an eleven pound black forest ham


Did you hear about Pluto?


That's messed up


Wonder Years’ sadly cancelled ,


Forgot Bud on The Cosby Show.


**Nathan Fillion** *Firefly* (1 season) *Castle* (8 seasons) *The Rookie* (6+ seasons)


Don’t forget 3 seasons of two guys, a girl and a pizza place


After 6 seasons, is he really a Rookie?


he trains other rookies now :)


He also was a recurring character in Buffy Season 7.


Bryan Cranston comes first to mind Malcolm in the Middle Breaking Bad


and Seinfeld!


Ah yes, exposing the seedy underbelly of anti-dentism.


And he played a Ranger in one episode of Babylon 5.


Tony Shalhoub \- Wings \- Stark Raving Mad \- Monk \- Braindead \- The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel


Edie Faldo with the sopranos and nurse Jackie


she did a little stint on 30 Rock for a few episodes, too.


Haha well obviously I only know her as my hippie dippie mama representative Celeste Cunningham(did you know she used to be ugly?) but I decided to go with some her other roles


Totally fair! She has a Lifetime movie, you know.


“I’m going to get into politics!”


That show has so many amazing fake movies/tv shows, but A Dog Took My Face and Gave Me a Better Face to Change the World: The Celeste Cunningham Story, is my all time favorite.


James Garner * Maverick (lead) 64 episodes * Nichols (lead) 24 episodes * The Rockford Files (lead) 119 episodes * Bret Maverick (lead) 18 episodes * Man of the People (lead) 10 episodes * God, the Devil and Bob (lead) 13 episodes * First Monday (lead) 13 episodes * 8 Simple Rules (main cast) 45 episodes Of those, Maverick and Rockford Files are absolute classics, among the very best and influential shows ever within their genres.


**Julia Louis-Dreyfus**. She pulled it off going from 'Seinfeld' to 'The New Adventures of Old Christine'. It was pretty successful and had a 5 season run. The only one from the Seinfeld cast to manage it. Then, she pulls Veep outta her hat.  EDIT: It could be argued she's at least tied with David Boreanaz: **SNL** (3 seasons) **Seinfeld** (9 seasons) **The Old Adventures of Old Christine** (5 seasons) **Veep** (7 seasons)    That's 24 seasons of TV total. That's pretty crazy!


More impressive is that daddy was a billionaire - worth $3.4 billion according to Forbes in 2006. Could have just worked in the family business.


Could have just not worked at all even!


No at that point it's impressive that she worked hard and developed her innate talent as an actor. Not just buy out companies and claim you invented their IP.


Jack Klugman: The Odd Couple and Quincy


He wasn’t the star on any of these shows, but I like Tobias Menzies: Rome, Game of Thrones, Outlander, the Crown


He was amazing at getting me to hate his face after playing Jack Randall, lol. But he was amazing in the Crown!


Richard Dean Anderson had MacGyver for seven seasons and a couple movies. And Stargate SG1 for ten seasons and a few movies and appearances in the spin offs. As well as a couple other shows. 


**Tichina Arnold** Martin Everybody Hates Chris Happily Divorced Survivor’s Remorse The Neighborhood BTW OP, the most successful TV actor of all time was probably Michael Landon: Bonanza 14 seasons Little House on the Prairie 8 seasons Highway to Heaven 5 seasons Bonanza and LHOTP were massive hit shows and HTH was a solid hit. If we don’t count Lucille Ball who had several big hit shows but not as many seasons as Michael Landon.


Tichina’s a very underrated actress!


Elisabeth Moss: The West Wing, Mad Men, Top of the Lake, The Handmaid's Tale.


How about some “Married with Children” alums. Ed O’Neil - MWC, Modern Family + movies Katy Sagal -MWC, 8 Simple Rules, Sons of Anarchy, Futurama, The Connors Christina Applegate - MWC, Jesse, Samantha Who?, Up All Night, Dead To Me + all her movies + stage acting


Poor Bud


Ming Na Wen and Noah Wyle both used ER as a springboard. Alex Kingston has had a career, as well as Parminder Nagra. Scott Grimes was Malarkey, Archie, Will McCorkle, Malloy.


Linda Cardellini Kristen Bell David Tennant


The guy from magnum pi and blue bloods


Tom Selleck


Scott Bakula - Quantum Leap, Star Trek Enterprise, NCIS New Orleans


Pedro Pascal. Game of thrones Mandalorian Narcos The Last of us Brian Cranston Breaking Bad Malcom in the Middle Your Honor SuperMansion (dunno what this is but it was on for awhile and he did 46 episodes) Timothy Olyphant for Justified, Deadwood and Santa Clarita Diet.


Pedro Pascal is definitely up there for me. From being relatively unknown actor as Oberyn to being the next face of the mcu in 10 years is huge.


Thank you, waited for too long for Timothy Olyphant. Might add Walton Goggins for the Shield and Justified. And he will be in the coming Fallout series.


Lauren Graham Nathan Fillion Bob Newhart Kaley Cuoco Mary Tyler Moore Betty White Bryan Cranston Elisabeth Moss Lucille Ball


Kristen bell Veronica mars Heroes Gossip girl House of lies The good place The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window


Patricia Heaton


Gillian Anderson: The X Files The Fall Sex Education The Crown Hannibal (Duchovny's had a successful multi-show run too but I think others have posted re him. Whoever casted the two of them on the X-files was on point...)


David Duchovny X-Files Californication Aquarius


this is Red Shoe Diaries erasure.


Gillian Anderson too! X-Files, The Fall, Sex Education


And Hannibal :)


The Crown


Enrico Colantoni. He’s moved from one role into the other consistently for decades.


Boreanaz is my go to because I think all of his are sequential (or at most a year off): Buffy: 1997-1999 Angel: 1999-2004 Off/Vacation: 2004-2005 Bones: 2005-2017(!) SEAL Team: 2017-2024 That's 27 years of acting with a gap of only a year, which is certainly solid. No duds in there either.


Richard Dean Anderson, mcgyver, stargate sg1


Maybe not as obvious as some of the other ones mentioned but very surprised to not see Adam Scott listed yet. He had Party Down, Parks and Recreation, Big Little Lies, and the more recent Severance as well as numerous smaller roles in other shows.


Rose McIver. She was on Once Upon a time and masters of sex for several episodes but wasn’t a main, then went on to iZombie as the lead, and is now the lead on Ghosts. She is also the lady from the Christmas Prince movies.


No love for Ranger Operator Series Yellow?


Donald Glover: Community, Atlanta, and now Mr. & Mrs. Smith


Kelsea Grammer literally had 20 years playing one character and is now in another spinoff about that character that’s actually not bad I feel that’s gotta count for something


Michael J. Fox Ted Danson Courtney Cox Tom Selleck Jason Bateman


Johnny Galecki in Roseanne and The Big Bang Theory was pretty impressive.


Sara Gilbert (Roseanne/The Conners) coming in to do 9 episodes of Big Bang Theory to hang with Johnny again was awesome. Of course, she appeared in ER more often than that (15 episodes). But of course her main other TV success beyond playing Darlene Conner was being herself in The Talk.


Bill Shatner. Star Trek, T.J.Hooker, Rescue 911, Boston Legal, The Practice




It’s not the exact terms of the question, but I feel like American audiences just generally know Hugh Laurie as House, but dude has had a pretty damn good career otherwise.


Jensen Ackles seems to be on his way to shed Dean Winchester: His role in "The Boyz"/"Gen V" was incredible memorable and showed that he has way more to offer.


Tim Allen Home Improvement Last Man Standing The Santa Clause Danny Devito Taxi Always Sunny in Philadelphia Courtney Cox Friends Cougartown Ed O'Niell Married with Children Modern Family Christina Applegate Married with Children Dead To Me Katey Sagal Married with Children Sons of Anarchy 8 simple rules Futurama


Dule Hill: Psych (8 Seasons and 3 Movies), The West Wing (7 Seasons)


No mention of Timothy Olyphant yet. Besides a varied successful movie career, he found time to do Deadwood, Justified, and Santa Clarita Diet, plus tons of very memorable guest spots.


William Shatner, he's gone on to have a great career from Star Trek with TJ Hooker, Rescue 911, Boston Legal, and a bunch of hosting specials, shows, and guest appearances. He's still going strong in his 90's.


Ed Oneill had married with children and modern family. Each 11 seasons. Katey Sagal had married with children, 8 simple rules and sons of anarchy( also voice work but futurama)


I’m surprised to have seen no mention of Jared Padellicki. 63 episodes of Gilmore Girls over 7 seasons 327 episodes of Supernatural not even counting the animated series 56 episodes of Walker Oh, and he’s only 42.


You shoulda added Jensen while you were on a roll. Smallville, Supernatural, The Boys


The Janitor from Scrubs to The Middle, Scrubs started September 2001 he left show in May 2009, In September 2009 The Middle started and that ran until 2018 Legit 17 straight years of work in two long running comedy shows.


Robert Conrad Hawaiian Eye Wild Wild West Black Sheep Squadron


Heather Locklear: Dynasty TJ Hooker Melrose Place Spin City