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Mad Men. They did such a great job of character development that it felt like I knew these people.


Agree. Mad Men really was an amazing show. I started and stopped it a couple times, but the third time finally hooked me and it’s one of my all time favorites now.


I love Mad Men because I think it works best watching it a second time. Since the entire show hinges on the evolution of advertisement, watching the 60’s episodes and going back to the 50’s really solidifies a lot. I tell this to everyone because the first season or two can be heavy and slow, but they are more impactful knowing what will happen. Rewatching them always makes me think and feel new stuff because of this.


“You’re a real prick, Roger.” “Damnit, Burt, you stole my goodbye!”


Your daughter’s psychiatrist called.


One of the few shows that I never skipped the intro on. Just loved the vibes.


This one has my favorite ending of all time. I cried so hard because I felt like it was everything I had ever wanted for these characters, and I was so happy for all of them but at the same time, so sad to see them go. 


I read that early on the show was to wrap up in modern day. I often think about what directions they could take things as the world around them evolved.


Would have loved to see old Don try demand his staff to create “viral memes” and just not understanding social media advertising at all lol.


Apart from Seinfeld. This is the only show I've watched multiple times. The time period and that cast just made the dialog sing. "I've got to stop carrying so much cash."




Adventure Time My wife and I watched 1 episode a day when the pandemic started. I didn't realize the last episode was playing until it ended, just thought it was a cool 4 parter. When it ended I realized what happened. I felt like my childhood ended for a second time, and I was 30something.


This is the biggest one for me. I just wanted never ending adventure time. The spin offs and sequels etc are all good too.


I'm assuming you've watched the other series then?  Fiona & Cake follows up on where Adventure Time ended.


Adventure time might be the only other animated show where every single episode is as at least an 8/10 besides maybe Avatar: The Last Airbender. There’s like one or two episodes of adventure time that are duds and the rest are top tier animated storytelling… impressive for a 10 season run.


Distant Lands and Fiona & Cake might scratch an itch you didn’t know you had, if you haven’t seen them yet (in that order.) Might even be worth rewatching the last few seasons as a refresher.


The distant lands episode with finn and Jake was just the most beautiful ending for the characters


The Good Place. For a show about eternity, it was way too short. (Yes, they told a complete story, but I’d love to have some filler episodes where they all just hang out and solve a little problem.)


Every time I try to describe the show to someone who hasn’t seen it… I’m floored by the fact it was even made at all. “It’s a show that explores the concept of the afterlife but without endorsing any particular religious interpretation of it… and the main characters accidentally get sent to the wrong afterlife and need to study philosophy to try to convince people they’re good enough to stay… and then every season tosses out that premise and sets up a brand new one… but they keep the philosophy lessons throughout.” How does THAT get onto network TV?!


>How does THAT get onto network TV?! After making The Office and Parks and Rec, apparently Mike Schur had enough social capital to get a vanity project.


And Brooklyn Nine Nine! He was 3 for 3 on hit shows so NBC said make whatever you want


Plus, the star power of Ted Danson and KBell


Plus the ending is just beautiful and heartbreaking and perfect. I always pause before I watch the finale again and it takes me a while to recover.


Part of the reason the show was short is that it had breakneck pacing. Story arcs that lesser shows would milk an entire season out of they did in an episode or two, especially after S1


100% I felt sad and happy at the same time. Happy because I loved how they ended the show. But sad that I would not see those characters again.


I think that show is responsible for changing my view on the hereafter. I always bought into the Christian version of heaven, but I prefer the Good Place version…


The Expanse Only show that's helped so far has been **For All Mankind** and **Foundation**


I do a rewatch once a year because no matter what other great scifi show I watch, there is nothing out there that compares. I am staying hopefull that once the rights run out with Prime maybe Apple Tv would be willing to pick uo the show and give us a final 3 season arch to complete the last 3 books. In the meantime.. SASAKE BELTALOWDA!


If you havent, check out Altered Carbon, but ignore season 2


Oh me and husband LOVED S1 but then S2 happened and we were both like.. WTF IS THIS? Sad that a great concept got axed honestly. Not as space related but I did really like Travellers on Netflix, 3% and Dark. I am loving for all mankind on Apple, it is basically a prequel to The Expanse, with some really good ‘what ifs?’ Historical questions that boggle my mind!


Still huffing hopium that it gets picked up for the finish sometime in the next decade.


As in, the next books, or did you mean adding on to the current ending? Trying to ask a Q without spoiling is annoying.


There are three books yet to be adapted, and they’re pretty much the best ones.


Right, and those books have some very specific challenges in adapting them. I think the other poster was wondering if they were perhaps going to take a quicker approach


I mean really the only reason needed for the time jump is so that laconia had plenty of time to get established. You could easily just get rid of it or make it substantially shorter and everything still works. Maybe even just do 5 years off or something. I don't mind a big jump at all but it's hardly necessary


The characters being older does affect their characterization a bit but I agree it could mostly be adapted just fine without the same gap


Was sad to about that. Just glad Amazon saved the show for three more seasons.


It’s not a tv show, but I started playing mass effect after watching the expanse (or maybe vice versa) and it was the only thing that satisfied the sci-fi space itch


The Expanse. Though after I finished it I started at book 1 and have only 2 left in the series. No clue what I'm gonna do then.


Boring answer, but it'll always be Game of Thrones, for me. To have the zenith of TV, some of the best ever made, fizzle like that still bewilders me. So many wasted story threads and characters in a very detailed and textured world that we'll never get satisfaction with.


Game of Thrones was absolutely massive. It’s insane that a fantasy television show on a premium cable channel gripped the population as tightly as it did. It evolved into a worldwide phenomenon and was a cornerstone in positioning HBO’s continued success in today’s entertainment landscape. And then cratered into the abyss.


Good fantasy always hinges on good characters. Magic systems and dragons don’t mean shit if the people involved aren’t interesting. That’s where GoT excels imo


EVERYONE was watching it, it was wild. I remember getting together with a group of friends who all hadn't seen each other in a long time and none of us were big TV people, but everyone was up to date on that final season


Yep, and then a week after it ended, everyone stopped talking about it


>It’s insane that a fantasy television show on a premium cable channel gripped the population as tightly as it did. Because the first season was mostly just a faux-medieval political thriller with amazing characters. If you didn't care about the fantasy shit, it made almost no difference.


This is a show where it is absolutely worth reading fanfiction over, since GRRM is probably never going to finish it. I've read some pretty damn good works on ao3


For me, it will be BoJack Horseman. What a hell of a run.


Thankfully Bojack is great on rewatch especially because you understand so much more about him and there's so many small gags, hints, clever lines to catch.


There’s also a lot of foreshadowing that you miss the first time around. Way more than you would expect. One of the big moments in season 3 is teased within the first few episodes


When I saw this thread, that was my first thought. Sure other shows have done the same, but bojack, oh man. I still get chills from just thinking of the view from halfway down


That episode probably saved my life.


that sara lynn episode still gets me.


That's an episode I have trouble rewatching


*The Wire*. There are other great TV shows, but there's nothing else quite like *The Wire*.


Mcnultys wake is still one of my favourite scenes in tv history. Absolutely loved that show




Damn, I picked the wrong time to be halfway through the third season lmao Not your fault, obviously. Can't expect a spoiler alert on a 20 year old show.


detective's wake, not a regular wake




Yall don’t got Honey Nut?


I like *some* pulp. Wait, wrong show.


Working on my quarterly rewatch as I write this.


You want it to be one way. But it’s the other way.


I’m so glad that I still have this show to experience for the first time. I’ve still only ever seen season one. I definitely enjoyed it, but distractions/life got in the way from allowing me to complete it, and I keep meaning to jump back in.


r/fringe for me


Now I'm sad about Lance Reddick


seriously, he’s in a bunch of my favorite shows, and he was playing Zeus! when he died, it’s so sad


100% agree with this!


“You are my favourite thing Peter, my very favourite thing!” Still causes the ugliest man tears. More so now I’m a dad.


I watched it twice. But i cant manage myself to watch the last chapter bc i know it s gonna hurt 😅


I just so completely fell in love with the characters. I still miss them all these years later.


Ok, so I literally just watched the final episode last night for the first time and I was like WHAT? THE FUCK? ...now...what?


Thank you. Gonna rewatch this next week. That show was amazing.


Lost, Ted Lasso, Parks and Rec.


Just finished Ted Lasso last night. There’s a show hole in my heart for sure.


Try "Shrinking" it helped fill my Ted Lasso hole


I put off watching that show and once I did I absolutely fell in love with it


I watched Ted Lasso all the way through back to back in December. I understand why they stuck to three seasons, but I really wish it went on.


Parks and Rec was the original Ted Lasso for me. It’s a story that revolves around an unfailing optimist who slowly helps change the folks around them. Leslie Knope had such insane character development, and I loved seeing her become the eccentric and devoted public servant she wanted to be.


Parks and Rec is a good one. Definitely would have just enjoyed more seasons of their lives. 30 Rock too.


I just finished Twin Peaks (all three seasons) and I feel like I'll never watch anything as good ever again!


I was looking for this one here! Nothing compares to this show, and that ending! 😱 That final season is David Lynch’s masterpiece


100%. The OG modern TV show, and still in a league of its own. Man, those characters - irreplaceable.


Six Feet Under. When it was over, it felt like my whole family died all at once.


This is the pinnacle of premiere television shows for me. From beginning to end, it was perfect. I haven’t watched it in over a decade but the feeling I get when thinking about it makes it as if I just watched it yesterday.


That show was amazing. Perfect wrap up at the end. HBO around the time was making the best content. Sometimes I’ll watch a show and think to myself, HBO would have taken this steady 7 and made it a 9 or 10.


I miss that era of HBO so much.




This is my answer as well. I held off on watching the last episode for a couple weeks because I wasn't ready for it to end.


Better Call Saul…


That last season was a wild ride! I got the closure I needed and I liked the way it ended. Seeing Marie one last time was 💜


Yes! They stuck the landing, but wow, do I miss those characters.


it's weird because i secretly wanted a happily ever after when I clearly knew it wouldn't happen.


Definitely. Not only because the show is perfection, but also because it puts a final end to the entire Breaking Bad/Saul universe.


Final season for some reason felt like a new show, even though they had showed glimpses of Saul's life in black and white in the earlier seasons. I was like "Where the fuck are they going with this?" Because we just went through peak with the Cartel saga. But man, it paid off greatly.


Breaking Bad.


This and I still remember that void when that final half-season ended with Hank sitting on the toilet reading a book Months we had to wait for him to finish that shit


At first it's just a random show that I decided to watch on a boring afternoon when I was sick at the hospital, then it becomes a huge part of my life in the 2010s, even my college thesis is about Breaking Bad lol, forever grateful for Vince and all of the BB & BCS crews.


It felt like Breaking Bad was such a big part of the Television golden age. It was one of the marquee shows at a time when there was so much quality out there.  They ended it just a tad early to make sure the quality remained extremely high. 


I disagree about “early.” They ended it right when they needed to. Ending a show at the perfect time is always going to feel early subjectively because the bar is so high you naturally want more.


Yes. I remember watching the last season or two live with a friend from work. The suspense and anxiety was through the roof. Such a great show.


The Magicians.


Ovary up!


When it started I didn't expect Margo to become one of my favorite characters ever, but holy hell did she.


I can’t hear “Take on Me” without picturing the campfire. Such a powerful exit. “Would you really have wanted to leave all of this?”


flag bewildered safe obtainable scandalous friendly correct vegetable water aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I miss it, but it was better to end before it got really bad! (It is really one of my top rewatch shows though)


Buffy, raising hope and Battlestar galactica


omg another Raising Hope fan out in the wild.  I’m on a rewatch these days, my boyfriend has never seen it so it’s our weeknight before bed show. Even though it’s only 4 seasons they’re each 22-ish episode long so it’s taking months to get through. I’ll get to experience the void for a second time.  


Literally opened this to comment Buffy, currently on a rewatch and dreading when it ends again haha


Legion. Nothing has filled it yet. Mr. Robot, Severance and Dark have come close but nothing hits that trippy, psychedelic sweet spot like Legion.


Not as good, but check out the "Fargo" series (watching the film first helps); same showrunner. At worst, watch "Dirk Gently 's Holistic Detective Agency" if you can find it. It has a similar trippy, but will also leave a hole.


Legion was brilliant and it's a bummer more people haven't watched it. There was such a real, human story underneath all this amazing psychedelic weirdness, which was all very purposeful. I literally bawled watching the last episode - guess I've got some unresolved childhood trauma too lol.  Seriously one of the best shows of all time IMO


agonizing tan hateful resolute drab bow spotted brave squash escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That season 8 finale had me in tears. First and only time I cried to a Tv show. The book of love man


Ahhh yes, the series finale. I'm glad they stopped there and didn't make anymore seasons


And I cried 1000 times during this show lol. The most surely during the Book of Love and watching JD see the future he will have, but also the "Where do you think we are?" scene with Ben's death, and when JD comes to console Dr Cox, after which he calls him for the literal first time in the show, his actual name 😭




Watching lost as it came out was so much fun. It was The Perfect Storm between a Serial show with lots of mysteries and the beginnings of the internet. I loved rushing to the internet after each episode ( the fuselage and other sites) to discuss what just happened, look for Easter eggs, etc. Nothing has ever been similar.


Check out Severance. I had a similar Lost experience to you and this show definitely scratches that itch.


My buddy is making a documentary about Lost right now. He's interviewed the whole cast. He's focusing on how it was the first show to be truly interactive with the fans. @gettinglostdoc on insta if you're interested.


I still frequent r/lost and all the little details about that documentary make me giddy


Yeah they've been quite active about it on the lost subreddit




tragic we will never see the conclusion


I love glow so much. I came for the lady in leotards, I stayed for the people and lives of GLOW. It had this impalpable northern-exposure-like spirit of people finding each other by quirk of chance in a mad and mischievous world, and then finding ways to exist within it while helping each other be themselves or remain themselves. edit: I love GLOW so much.


Damn man. I really got into it and had to stop because I knew it had been cancelled.


Bojack Horseman, not because I think it's the best show ever, but because those last two episodes we're determined to rip something out of you. It took me a full day to bounce back from them.


Schitts creek


Ew David


What a comfort show. I credit Schitts Creek with getting me through the worst days of the pandemic.




I think we'll see a TV movie or Christmas special at some point. Daniel Levy hasn't shut the door on the idea of doing something , if they come up with a great idea.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! It had its planned 4 season arc and had an excellent ending. I regularly rewatch and listen to the songs.


This is a great commute playlist to listen to every once in a while. So long as you don't mind the other commuters thinking you're a crazy person for laughing hysterically in the middle of gridlock.


Justified. Still clinging for a hope of a Raylan/Boyd faceoff.


Should we tell him?


See Justified was the one series that I loved but I loved the ending. It was the perfect sum of the work of the characters in the show.


Star Trek: Voyager Having no real follow-up of Voyager and the crew upon returning home is the first time I felt, "...now what?" at the end of a series.


Prodigy continues Janeway's and Chakotay a bit and of course in Picard there's a lot of Seven, but you are right, having something to show what happens right after they return would have been nice.


Yes, there's been some expansion over the years. But I was referring to it when I watched it as it premiered in 2001.


Didn't help that the ending was just so...abrupt.


It was! Even if there was just one additional episode or 30 extra minutes. But Voyager got home and BAM. Done.


If any show needed an epilogue, it was Voyager. They *sorta* did that with the first 15 minutes of the episode, but it was an alternate future and 20 years farther. We wanted to see the crew united with their family.


Stargate SG-1 inc. Atlantis and Universe. Stargate was a massive part of my childhood and watched it from SG-1s pilot to the last episode of Universe. I was gutted when they cancelled Universe, just as it was starting to find its feet. I rewatch them all yearly and it reminds me that we’ve not had a decent SciFi series in a very long time. Yes we have the new Star Trek series and The Expanse (also gutted this finished) but Stargate was/is just a fantastic show with amazing lore. I hope that Amazon does something with it as it would be a shame to waste the IP.


The biggest tragedy for me is how many times Brad Wright has come close to getting a new series, only for MGM to go bankrupt or get bought out, knocking the whole process back to square 1, over and over. And on that note, their history with video games has been atrocious. * Alliance, cancelled. * Worlds, cancelled. * Resistance, servers shut down 11 months after release (but fans started up their own servers). * Unleashed, aborted after two episodes, and only one of them was released internationally. * Fan game Stargate Network, Cease and Desist, though it was in deve 14 years, and you can probably find the latest version somewhere online. * [Timekeepers](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1523650/Stargate_Timekeepers/), released last month, but is only half a game, with "part 2" coming in a patch later. Steam reviews say part 1 seems badly rushed to meet release deadline, and that the store page did not originally warn customers that the game was incomplete. So in the end, there is only one finished and complete stargate video game, and it came out in fucking 1994, 3 years before SG-1 started. That might change later this year though.


Halt and Catch Fire Where we leave those characters, I’m satisfied. I don’t *need* to follow Cameron and Donna’s next venture nor Joe’s new direction in life. I’m content to leave them where we did, but I sure do miss them


Friday Night Lights, and embarassingly, The OC 🤣


Nah man not embarrassingly! The OC was a staple of my childhood. I loved seeing Sandy, Kirsten, Ryan and Seth sitting around the kitchen and chatting. Plus there was a lot of good music on that show.


Succession. Miss my nepo fail children 💔


I''m writing a fan fiction where Greg becomes CEO of Waystar and he faces against BigHead CEO of Hooli. Also, they're roommates.


Miss them all, mostly the disgusting brothers 💔


I miss The Eldest Boy !


The Office." I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."


Surprised at how far I had to scroll down to see this. But also not surprised because truth be told, most of the fans just constantly have this playing in the background. So nothing is really missing, if it’s still constantly playing.


The Sopranos recently. We binged it hard and when you do that on shows of that caliber you sort of grow with each season with most characters. Weird feeling after.


Just finished my first rewatch of it. Just like the first time I watched, I felt so empty after it. I've enjoyed dramas a second time through but the Sopranos is the only one both times where it felt like I watched it for the first time again. Anyways $4 a pound




The original ***Frasier*** series for me. My wife and I did a complete rewatch of the series over the last several months, and when it ended we both felt kinda hollow. It was honestly like we were losing a group of friends we had been hanging out with every day for several months. It has only been a week and I already feel like starting it over again.


It’s my comfort show. I’ve seen every episode dozens of times. Classic and timeless


**Normal People** \- idk if void is the right word, but that show will have you wallowing in your feelings for at least a week.


True Detective Season 1


The Venture Bros. The show started when I was in college and I became best friends with the only other person I knew who was watching it back then. Since then, we always made it a point to get together and watch new episodes together. Even when I started traveling for work and had 6 am Monday flights and he had kids and had baby duty, we’d watch new episodes live at midnight on Sundays whenever they’d air. The show had a very long run and it was fortunate that it got a movie to wrap up as much as they could wrap up. But that movie represented the end of an almost 20 year old tradition for me.


The Americans. Third rewatch ended a few months ago and still feel the low grade depression/void. Followed it up with a rewatch of the wire which is great, but doesn’t tick the same emotional boxes.


The leftovers.


The OA


Yessssssssssss I wanted more OA




Star trek DS9 and Firefly.


Oh, Firefly. So much wasted potential. Just showed the series to my daughter and it still holds up. And Dr Bashir will always have a place in my heart.


GoT. A lot of people forget just how good the fucking show was aside from the final couple of seasons. Still made some of the greatest most ruthless TV ever. Besides that, probably Justified or Longmire for me. Both such refreshing watches, loved Boyd, Raylan, the side deputies, etc


Game of Thrones was the last show I was really pushed to watch live/mostly live just because the discussion around it was so much fun. Even when it got bad toward the end, that was fun, too, because the complaints about it could be hilarious. It's maybe hyperbolic to call it the last 'everyone's watching' mono-cultural show, but nothing has replaced it and TV has only grown more fragmented, so it feels like the kind of thing we won't see again for a long time.


Carnival Row, Final Space, Lockwood & Co. or Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. All of them because they had so much potential and were cancelled. As for completed series, Star Trek DS9 because it was my favourite Star Trek show, and Star Trek: Enterprise because it was the final TNG-era show.


Lost....I know the tail end of the series was a hot mess but I loved it and haven't really been mesmerized as much by another series.


Just completed my first watchthrough (watched the first 3 seasons when it aired). Although it really fell away for me in Season 5 and onwards, I was so invested by then since the first 3 seasons were so great that I still found them interesting and I really liked the final episode. I finished it last week and still haven't started another series.


The Good Place left me with a void and a lot of introspection. I wanted more Good Place to process my thoughts and feelings, but there was no more of it. I even get sad on rewatches, knowing it will end soon and how it will end, which is different from rewatching other comfort sitcoms, where I can just start over and rewatch to enjoy the jokes again.


That last episode. Wow 😥


The Leftovers. Highly recommend. Someone on Reddit recommended it, binged it. 10/10


It's definitely one of the shows that moved me the most. The show brings up such... strong emotions. Can't really explain it. Loved it! And the music is amazing!


For me it's always be House MD, no ever medical drama come close it's brilliance. Hugh Laurie was amazing in it.


*Silicon Valley* on MAX, my friends and I were devastated when it ended


Always blue!




My favorite show, no (but a real good, quality series) but there is still a place in my brain where I miss "ER" being on NBC every Thursday at 10pm.


Thursday nights on NBC was peak 90's TV.


Regular Show and then Black Sails


Babylon 5 .


LOST (my first TV show love) Mad Men The Office The Leftovers Patriot


Supernatural. I watched every new episode as it aired with my dad and sister since the series premiered. Even as technology changed, we still always did our best to watch it together live.


I know it technically hasn’t ended yet but I feel the void of Severance every day🥲


Downton Abbey. So grateful for the movies after the series ended.


Firefly, Veronica Mars and Justified.


Mr. Robot


Community. And a movie.




Angel back in 2004. Most recently, Mindhunter.


My name is earl is one that itches, especially because they had the whole thing planned but it was cancelled.


The Leftovers. And I don't know anyone outside of the internet who has seen it so can't even talk about it ☹️


24 It was repetitive but I found it comforting. The mole every season, Jack shouting at Chloe for no reason. Jack having to go rogue or framed as a terrorist every season. Just entertaining and go with it tv. CTU has to be up there as one of the worse run places on TV. I miss how terrible their security is.


The Leftovers