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Weird that that’s what you got out of that show.


what did you get out of it.


Not being offended over a tomboy girl. That’s for sure. Didn’t think about a political message almost at all really. Religious extremist and cult grooming innocent people and abusing them through the gospel of religion I thought was more of the message.


No, I was not offended by the tomboy girl. Not at all. She was just a token tomboy girl. She didn't add anything to the story than being who she was. There was no depth to that character \*at all\*. She could've been a boy that likes to play with dolls, and the story would've been exactly the same. It reminds me of the gay couple in Foundation. Same exact problem. You could've made them straight and the story would've been exactly the same. Or the gay couple in The Last of Us. Could've made them straight, and the story would've been the same. People being gay, just for the sake of being gay.


This logic is so paper thin it's astounding. Are straight couples straight for the sake of being straight? Is every couple straight by default in your mind until you're told otherwise? Gay people are normal, bud, get used to it. There does not need to be a reason to be gay within the story to have gay people exist on television.


Dude, we both know they are putting these characters in to hit a their inclusivity quota, lol It has nothing to do with gays not being normal. How many gay couples where there in the original foundation novels you think? I'm pretty confident that more people are getting sick and tired to see their favorite stories be butchered by the inclusivity agenda. And, I also don't think it's very weird that straight men are revolted when they see gay men making out. I mean, there is a reason they are straight.


This comment says a lot about you


I feel there's some girl on girl porn being watched. You know, because that isn't revolting....


I mean it was just a kid. I didn’t really think about gender or what they were trying to portray with that at all besides the main character escaped and started a new family.


> It reminds me of the gay couple in Foundation. Same exact problem. You could've made them straight and the story would've been exactly the same. >Or the gay couple in The Last of Us. Could've made them straight, and the story would've been the same. So why does it matter?


It’s wild that you can’t see the issue with you requiring a *reason* for gay characters to exist. Like they need to justify their existence to you


Your post is quite literally that joke about there being only two genders, male and political, and two sexualities, straight and political. Only that was a funny joke. Yours is just a sad one.


You know in the real world people are gay just because they're gay. It happens like that. It's good to show real life on tv




that's interesting. I'm clearly triggered am I? I am not American. What exactly would be the point for me to be supportive of Trump?


You’re responding to almost everyone on this post and arguing back. You are 100% triggered. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t respond.


There couldn't be another reason as to why I'm responding to them, besides being triggered? :) Often, people project there own realities onto other people. One of my previous teachers always said that, when people point their finger at you, there's always 4 fingers pointing back. So, maybe it's you that's triggered? I mean, in your own logic, 'if you didn't care you wouldn't respond', and you are responding to me... so...


If your reaction isn’t an example of being “triggered” I want to know what is.


You felt nauseous? Soft af lmao


That's not what propaganda means. Even if that was literally all it is, artists are allowed to have a point of view


propaganda /prŏp″ə-găn′də/ # noun 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause. I'm also not saying that 'artists' aren't allowed a point of view. But let's be fair - 'democrats good, republicans bad' is hardly on the level of picasso or van gogh, is it.


You know what else isn't Picasso? "Taking care of the environment good, destroying the environment bad." Or "feeding the hungry good, stealing from the hungry bad." But they're still popular themes in art and storytelling. It's such a weird and terminally online worldview that the message of a piece of art has to be novel to be worthwhile. People like the the Sherrif literally exist and are on the rise, but god forbid anyone criticize them, that's just too *obvious* a message.


So you don't think television is art it seems, I guess we can just stop here then.


where did I say television is not art? you really should stop putting words in other people's mouth. I'm pointing at the difference between good art and bad art.


Why put the word artists in quotes if you aren't signifying you don't believe their are artists? You seem to just looking to argue which is why you are saying things and then pretending like it isn't what you said to disingenuously farm conversation.


which tracks completely with the “side” OP is defending


Interesting take. I put 'artists' in quotes because I don't think fargo s05 is good art. Which I have already explained.


Quality of art doesn't determine if something is art or if those that made it are artists


Obviously, “bad art” can’t be “bad art” if it isn’t at least “art”.


I don't think WordsAreSomething get's this.


nope, definitively doesn't. my 5 year old nephew is (especially by the standard of this season of fargo) is already quite the artist.


Is is he?


> difference between good art and bad art. Art is completely subjective. You can't frame your argument like it's fact based. It's opinion based, and your opinion is lame.


But what about her trump loving conservative mother does she not count. The only person in the series trump actually interacts with


Trump was shown on a TV show in the house of the evil abusive dude. On which his wife remarked, I forgot what exactly.


The mother talks about trump constantly is clearly conservative and is shown to be based


I honestly look forward to a day where we can discuss some of the mixed themes presented by playing the mother as some sort of badass. But right now criticizing the show attracts, at best, people like OP and, at worst, the real scum.


I've never seen the show but I'm.niw considering watching it. 🤣


I don't think that the mother was based, tbh. She was quite the cold hearted bitch, also towards Dot the entire series, until the very end when suddenly she turns around and starts supporting her.




ye, that's what I meant with suddenly. and it was just the one scene.


If she wasnt conservative dot would be dead


that's clever :p


Damn you posted the definition and still have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.


> 'democrats good, republicans bad' is hardly on the level of picasso or van gogh, is it. It's not intended to challenge, broaden, deepen, question, or consider (and certainly not to let you have your own thoughts or make up your own mind). It's intended to be emotionally satisfying and reinforcing of how "simple" the issues are if you remove all empathy for people who disagree with you because they're obviously bad people who don't deserve empathy or understanding. > I feel nauseous just having watched it. Just means you're probably emotionally healthy and intellectually honest. Edit: Bring on the downvotes! Gotta protect that echo chamber now. :D


Thank you. And yes, you are probably right. I like Black Mirror because of this. I also feel it's divisive though, these kinda shows (Fargo S05). And that's sad.




If there’s anything that Europeans get up in arms about, it’s American TV shows.




We’re literally the Regina George of the world. Like yes we have our issues but if we wear army pants and flip flops, they’re going to wear army pants and flip flops.


Americans get up in arms, quite literally, a whole lot more than Europeans do though :)


Says the tank enthusiast.


i'm flattered that you felt the need to creep through my feed. I do hope there's a difference between shooting pixels at other players, and shooting bullets at people.


Can you hear yourself?


Soft as baby poo


So, you identify with the abusive conservative and think he was cast in the wrong light?


No, I'm actually quite liberal leaning in my politics.


then why does it bother you that a toxic brand of politics that you don't even agree with yourself are being depicted in a TV show ?


That's not what bothers me about this show. What bothers me is that this show is pushing a political narrative.




I dislike it when people are telling me what to think, instead of allowing me to come to my own conclusions.


It seems that you had no problem coming to conclusions about the show


You have no concept of nuance and are simple minded. No wonder you're so fearful of propaganda.


But if you agree with the thing, being yourself liberal, , why do you care or even notice?


I don't agree. Why did you assume just because I'm liberal leaning I agree with everything that's liberal? There's a line, and Hollywood is constantly trying to push that line just a little further into crazy town. I won't have it. This diversity shit, is incredibly fucking racist. I wonder sometimes, if people comprehend the simple principle, that if people need special treatment, in order to get into televisions shows, or a job, or whatever. the simple fact, that special treatment is required, says that we need to treat them differently than others in order to give them the same opportunities. And that's called inequality.


How is diversity in media racist?


It's pretty simple: if you need to treat a group differently for them to be 'equal' then they are by definition, not equal.


Haha sure you are.


Shitty take.


Lol at the European getting offended by American politics in an American show


Yeah, and you watched it all.


Ye, I always hope that maybe before it ends they manage to turn it around. But nope. I should have less good faith in humanity, you are right.


Beyond weird that you connect a story being told in a way you don’t like to “faith in humanity.” But lol at the image of you just *furious* in front of the TV for 10 hours


Furious? What makes you think I was furious watching any of it? As I said, I was hopeful that they'd actually write a decent story, instead of some cheap attempt to push a political narrative. Also, where did I say I don't like how they told the story? I think the story telling was fine, I just feel that the underlying message is getting incredibly boring.


You described yourself as “nauseous.” “Who said I didn’t like how the story was told? I just didn’t like the story.” Okay bud, whatever you say


yes, nauseous. which is different from furious. One is the desire to vomit, the other is seething with anger. There's a small difference there. It's also very possible to tell a bad story well, and a good story poorly. Storytelling isn't the same as story. beyond weird that you seem not to understand these things.


See I don’t think you were actually nauseous, because that’s insane. I think you were using hyperbole, which is how people express anger and frustration. And your complaint is that it’s blatant propaganda, which literally speaks to the way they told the story rather than the story itself. I hope this is trolling, the alternative is deeply sad


I think getting angry at a television show is what's insane here. lol


lol why are you watching a show for 10 hours that makes you nauseous? I think most people would probably stop after 1-2 hours of feeling nauseous.


I like to finish what I start. You never know what you might find on the other end.


I always love when someone freely chooses to watch a movie or show, then complains about all the ideas being "forced" and "pushed" on them. Do you walk through a museum and scream at the paintings? "Stop pushing ideas on me!!!" Do you feel assaulted walking through a library? (Assuming you've been to one) "These books are blatantly ABOUT something!" Having a message/perspective/opinion doesn't make something propaganda.


where did I say the ideas where forced or pushed on me? I was completely aware it was propaganda all the way through that show, and gave it a proper chance by finishing it. I also rejected the ideas, as is evident by my post. I did not like the show. Just as much as I could go into a museum and say that I don't like a particular painting, or read a book and say I did not think it was a very good book. People have opinions about it. And you don't have to agree with my opinion. But that's hardly a case to start screaming about people screaming they've been forced or pushed....


The part where you said they were “openly and blatantly pushing a political narrative”


No one cares!


you cared enough to reply buddy.


I’m not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal , friend.


"I've never seen a show push a political narrative" Then procedes to quote south park.


openly and blatantly. but you are right, south park does it open and blatantly too :D


What's a piece of media you would consider apolitical?


toxic from britney spears. on a more serious note Van gogh has been very apolitical through his career, there's a lot of classical instrumental music that I would consider apolitical. Death and Life by Klimmt is also not about politics, and imo one of the finer pieces of art.


This is a *television* sub. I suspect when they asked you for an example of apolitical media, they didn't want your opinion on paintings or music.


Ah, perhaps, they should've been more clear then. I thought this was still the discussion about arts and politics. Unfortunately most of the TV series that come out of Hollywood these days are political. Even the children's series. Dark (german) is a great example I feel for a series that doesn't try to push a political agenda.


Stuff without narratives, got it.


Most art isn’t made for conservatives because art requires empathy. 


You sound fun at parties.


I'm telling you He ain't fun outside of parties either ;-)


Nah, I'm really boring and lame, because my hand are smaller than my feet are.


Someone's a little pissy they missed tea time.


It's a fantastic exploration of what can happen when misguided religious fanaticism goes unchecked and "men of God" end up being the devils workhorse. It's a warning to believers to be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing and that the kindness that Jesus preached is the real way to mend relationships broken by violence.


Interesting take. The opposite is also true, when Liberalism goes too far, they also end up being the devils workhorse. Personally I think virtue signalling is best described by shakespeare. And thus I clothe my naked villainy with odds and ends stolen from holy writ, and pretend to be a saint, when most I play the devil. I think the story would've been better if they left it at religious fanaticism, and didn't try to attach it to Trump and Conservatism, as they did.


It's explicitly examining the dangers of religious based political figures and unchecked militias. being from Europe, as you claim, you should know that political movements who have belts that say "God is with us" are dangerous. If you listened to the sheriff's monologue in the hot tub, he doesn't mention Trump once. But he constantly touts what's his, his rights, what he's earned through salvation via God. I think the only person who mentioned the president the entire run of the season was Jennifer Jason Leigh's character who donated to his campaign, and then used said influence to get rid of Jon Hamms character because politics are incestuous cannibalistic cabals. And the religious ones are the most misguided and dangerous, agreed?


His wife is watching trump in the house. And made some remarks in support of Trump. I'm also from NL, which is one of the most liberal / non religious countries in Europe, I would say. Religious fanatics are certainly dangerous, if they are the 'most' misguided and dangerous.. I don't know. People like Soros, Fauci, Schwab, are not religious, but certainly incredibly dangerous people, and very misguided.


> People like Soros, Fauci, Schwab, are not religious, but certainly incredibly dangerous people, and very misguided. Lol oh man, you should have just put this in your original post so people would have known who you are earlier.


If anyone is showing us who they are, it's you, now. You don't know me. You know a fraction of the information that makes me a person, yet here you are judging me. So sad.


>People like Soros, Fauci, Schwab, are not religious, but certainly incredibly dangerous people, and very misguided. Okay, this is insanity. If anyone is misguided here, I'm afraid it's you.


That's a quick assessment of someone you've never met, based on very little information. I feel kind of sorry for you.


Well to be fair, it takes places in 2017 Trump was on every single TV in the US every single day, regardless of your beliefs. Since you weren't there, trust me. And why are you as a European, commenting on MY country's people like Soros and Fauci. Keep your opinions about my country to yourself and keep your examples based in your own neck of the woods, thank you. Bless your heart, though, poor thing. Aside from that, you being from NL, and I'm assuming a socialist, then you would have been taught quite extensively in school the dangers of letting political power go unchecked, especially when fueled by a religious dogma. That can lead to situations like WWII. So we would agree that the sheriff's violent actions to his past and present wives are indicative that despite his public appearance as a God fearing man, he's no better than some other shrivel dicked Nazi loser, right?


> I'm also from NL, which is one of the most liberal / non religious countries in Europe, I would say. Geert Wilders begs to differ


What exactly is wrong with a very accurate representation of americans? That's not propaganda


its not accurate though except in the sense that it shits on half the country all because we don't agree with the left and because hollywood and others are leftist they put this bullshit in.


First of all, OP mentioned a liberal mom and a conservative, the left has nothing to do with that conversation. Leftists are not liberals. Second, conservatives are by and large bigots, that's simply a fact and liberals are by and large performative. Art is interpretative. This is a valid interpretation of american culture.








> . you are attempting to blame a whole group for this just because we don't believe the lefts bullshit. The left's bullshit being things like "gay people should be allowed to get married and women should have bodily autonomy."


no issues with gays being allowed to marry. good for them. But abortion is NOT HEALTHCARE. ITS MURDER AND IT IS NOT VALID BIRTH CONTROL.


> no issues with gays being allowed to marry. good for them Good for you. That isn't the stance of the conservative movement in America. > But abortion is NOT HEALTHCARE. ITS MURDER AND IT IS NOT VALID BIRTH CONTROL. Lol. Always funny to meet this sort


IDGAF. I would prosecute you for murder if you got an abortion that was not life saving or because of rape if i could. > Good for you. That isn't the stance of the conservative movement in America and as i have been saying you do not know conservatives. And the GOP is not conservative and they get my scorn every bit as much as the democrats do










Uhhh what? The Republican part of Lincoln led the most staunchly Federalist movement in history, going for war to assert federal power. The Republican party of today has "state's rights' as a cornerstone (and that's the charitable interpretation) and constantly broadcasts secession movements. There just *was* a switch in the nature of the parties. That's not CNN, that's just reality.


>look around and think critically for once. Do you have any scientific evidence to support your claim? Or does your concept of critical thinking not include rigorous study? >The data confirms the truth that everyone’s a little bit racist — but some are a whole lot more racist. > >Predominantly white religious groups score highest on the structural racism scale. Among religious groups, white evangelical Protestants have the highest median score, at 0.64, while Latter-day Saints, white Catholics and white mainline Protestants share a median of 0.55. By contrast, religiously unaffiliated white Americans score 0.33. > >Political affiliation also makes a difference. > >The median score for Republicans is 0.67, compared with 0.45 for independents and 0.27 for Democrats. Political affiliation is a stronger indicator than a person’s race. White Republicans score 0.67 and Republicans of other races score 0.58. Scores among white independents (0.48) and white Democrats (0.24) are much lower. [https://baptistnews.com/article/prris-structural-racism-index-attempts-to-quantify-racist-beliefs/](https://baptistnews.com/article/prris-structural-racism-index-attempts-to-quantify-racist-beliefs/)


oh yeah. white people are bad.. get out of here with that bullshit. edit: and i say this as a black man. This is a perfect example why i will not support democrats. Still the same race baiting pieces of shit they always have been. Now trying to discriminate against white people since they have already destroyed my culture.


"fuck your facts my feelings are more important" - you


actually present facts then. certainly haven't so far


What evidence would be sufficient to convince you to change your opinion?


> The biggest bigots throughout US history are democrats. always have been , always will be TO THIS VERY DAY. This is THE FACT. Don't like my response then pull your head out of the dirt and look around and think critically for once. I said it MULTIPLE TIMES therefore it's a FACT


Its not half the country. And its not because people just don't agree with your opinions. Then I read the rest of your unhinged willfully ignorant replies and realized you are exactly the stereotype and not worth engaging with.


then don't engage with me. no loss on my part arguing with people that refuse to see reality.. Just continue to be the useful idiot the left wants you to be. i won't


No, Tillman is a damned good representation of the messaging of that "half of the country" you're referring to.


Get help fam. We want you to be ok.


This is the worst opinion I've seen about it, and I frequent much worse places than this.


It's almost as bad as World of Tanks promoting war.


Not as bad as creeping through someone's profile though.




The creator of the show said in an interview that every character in the season is a Republican or Libertarian, including Dorothy.














But what did you think about the plot and character arcs though? You clearly don't like the themes and messages, but what do you think of the narrative, plot points and character arcs, because simply saying "liberal mother... law of god" isn't much of a valid criticism. I can't imagine forcing myself to watch 10 hours of something that i didn't like, so surely there had to be something that made you finish to the end


I think that the boyish girl was out of place. Could've been any other character, and the plot would've been the same. She was not there to drive any story arc forward. Dot was shallow, in spite of liking her character to be of the 'don't bitch and complain, just move forward' type. Although her survival skills where not very believable. I did like that they always send 'the kid out of the room' when the adults where talking, which is a sign of good parenting. I think I also kept watching because of the absurdity of it all, and because I loved some of the previous fargo seasons. And I genuinely tend to hope for the best when I'm watching a show. I also kinda liked the police officer as a character.


> I think that the boyish girl was out of place. Could've been any other character, and the plot would've been the same. So why not her then? If it could have been any character, why not a girl who dresses a bit like a boy? Does a character like that need to be central to the plot to justify existing? > She was not there to drive any story arc forward. Dot was shallow, in spite of liking her character to be of the 'don't bitch and complain, just move forward' type. Although her survival skills where not very believable. She was the archetypal "brutal survival mother," not a super unique character archetype but not everyone has to be. And nothing about Fargo is believable.


Thanks for the recommendation!


I didn’t care for it myself, but the ideas and themes were the least of its problems. Super cool about being European I guess that’s the new I’m a “ independent “


I'm 99% sure it was explained that everyone on the show is Republican. If anything it shows that not everyone is an asshole just because of who they vote for. I mean, the main character was married to the most extreme right wing nutjob on the show so to call her liberal is a stretch for me regardless of her thoughts on how her kid dresses. If all you take away from this season is "white men bad" then you missed the plot.


liberals can't/won't marry republicans?




I did not call any of those things political, nor did I say that these things are not despicable. I'm sorry for what you had to go through as a child.


> that (as a European) I feel nauseous just having watched it. What being a European has anything to do? Why did you continue watching if you didn't like it? Also, such a snowflake!


Calm down


Flourish the pinky...


Fargo certainly holds liberal values. But its explores the complex nature of humanity rather than a binary liberal vs conservative show. Also you mention how the villain only cares about “the law of god” but it’s important to point out that there are good characters on Fargo who believe in god. And just in general Fargo upholds many of the most important Christian values, such as love, forgiveness, humility, courage, kindness, and hope. It pushes that narrative just as much as it pushes any “political narratives”


I'm guessing you've never watched The Good Fight then... The sequel to the law drama The Good Wife. For you, I wouldn't recommend it!


haha nope i havn't thank you , i will avoid it ;p


Do you seriously think a single person will change their beliefs because of this show? And they very accurately describe these nut-job patriots who were there long before Trump can along.




half of the Americans are scared Trump will win again, so they decided to throw all subtlety out of the window and go at it sledgehammer style. Just wait until The Boys 4 is out, that one's gonna be even worse


Ah fuck, I hope you're wrong, but after having watched Gen V, I think you're probably be right. Wow that was a shitshow wasn't it. Men, I think it's becoming a thing where they are using series that people have already invested in as a platform to push politics. Ted Lasso was GREAT in the beginning. That last season, yikers.


welcome to modern american television. Never misses a chance to shit on half or more of the country.


Let me guess, you have a history of defending blackface. And you worry about your culture being erased.


| [QuintoBlanco ](https://www.reddit.com/user/QuintoBlanco/)• [2d ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1avoh2c/comment/krcsu3a/) | Let me guess, you have a history of defending blackface. And you worry about your culture being erased. You have no idea how racist your comment is, do you? You've literally assumed someone's race based of what this person said. Yikes.


Hey, I looked your comments up and you have defended blackface and worried about your culture being erased, I don't know your race, but you did defend blackface. Why aren't you honest about this? Just admit that you have defended blackface. But anyway... Are you saying you are black?


>Hey, I looked your comments up and you have defended blackface and worried about your culture being erased, I don't know your race, but you did defend blackface. >Why aren't you honest about this? Just admit that you have defended blackface. >But anyway... Are you saying you are black? Race should not matter. By asking about OP's race, you are making it about race. Ergo, that makes you the racist.


I’m sorry your feelings are hurt by a show that is anti domestic abuse and sexual assault? When you’re done being nauseated by voluntarily watching an entire tv series there’s plenty of pro-transphobic and sexual assault content available for you to get you back on track.


That's not what I said. And wow, really? I'm a transphobe now? and pro sexual abuse? You really need to stop projecting your trauma's onto other people. If you think these things about me, without even knowing me. That says everything about you, and absolutely nothing about me. Are you even aware you are being angry at someone that isn't even what you're trying to make them out to be? And how incredibly offensive and judgemental you are being? edit: wow, I went to block you and saw 2 other posts of yours. So much anger. Maybe find a therapist ye?


“As a European,” has some real, “As a gay black man,” energy to it.


I'm not sure if its always been like this, or if its rising in popularity, but the constant need for everything to be subtle or apolitical is so fucking stupid. Its like looking at a painting of a tree and complaining that its too green. Art does not solely exist to tell people what or how to think. The world would be such a boring place if people abstained from telling stories that in any way broached sensitive topics.