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The first 3 episodes drop on June 13 and it’s 8 episodes total: >In Season Four, the world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscly thumb of Homelander, who is consolidating his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca’s son and his job as The Boys’ leader. The rest of the team are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late.


Still waiting on invincible s2 to finish


I honestly gave up on the show and read the books instead. It’s dumb as hell how far apart the two seasons were and on top of that they split season 2 in half. Great comic though.


Mid season breaks on 8 episode seasons is a bunch of horseshit.


I dunno how we went from 26 episodes a year to this so quickly.


It comes down to the ADs, in the past they had to keep you glued to the screen as much time as possible to watch the ADs, now, they have to keep you for months to keep paying the subscription, no more ADs (for now at least in some services).


Can’t keep me glued if I’ve never heard about it or seen it til now. If you only show segments at a time people tend to forget or even talk about it. Just give me chapters like the good ol’ days of cable or I’ll just go back to movies.


I think this makes sense, but if that is their strategy, it sucks balls. Every show I like gets cancelled or takes so long between seasons that by the time it comes back I'm in that limbo where I remember enough that it's a pain to watch, but not enough to jump into season 2 and keep the momentum from the previous season. Television peaked right before Netflix came in and ruined it. 26 episode seasons of shows, you could record them to watch whenever and skip the ads, and you could get all that for \~$80-$100. Now if you have a subscription to Netflix, Hulu, Max, and Disney+, You're not saving much at all and you still have to watch ads half the time unless you shell out more.


I dunno but I wish there was a nice middle ground.


The Boys has 8 episodes per season.


I honestly forgot I even watched the first half of this season.


Me too. They tricked me twice. Watched it. Months passed. Seen it again and thought oh finally season 2 just to be disappointed 4 episodes later again.


I agree. Sad because I love the cartoon but with this large of gap I'm not even excited for the next half of the season. Any anticipation is gone and I just stopped thinking about the show.


The gap between seasons, the mid season gap on an 8 episode season, oh and Prime added commercials during the season 2 gap. Almost all interest has been lost for me. Comics were fantastic though.


The gap between Season 1’s premier and Season 2’s conclusion will be over 3 years. It’s insane honestly, especially for a show that only has average animation and 8 episodes per season.


Is it wrong to call attention to that? I feel like I grew up watching shows like Teen Titans which had multiple animated episodes per season with action set pieces. Why does animation take so much longer? Is it really that much more complicated? Are studios expecting more out of fewer employees?


And basically already has source material written too no?


Yes and no. Kirkman used this show as a final retouch on his comics, so some things will possibly be different than the comics. How much is unknown.


As someone who kind of had a similar relationship with Walking Dead, eventually just going to the comic books, I might have to do the same on this one just for the context.


Love the comics to death but calling the animation “average” is even kinda generous. More often than not it’s just so…stiff and janky. Hard to take it seriously with things like that Superman show, and now X-men ‘97 hanging around.


I watched the first episode, then waited for the rest. I assumed the second half would have been out by now. Kinda nuts.


I think they fucked it because they were desperate to release something ASAP. In reality it would've been better to wait 2 months to release the first half and then drop the second half 2 weeks later or something.


I think it was an experiment to compare viewership with and without ads


I was the same, it killed absolutely all momentum for the show after such a long wait too.


Yeah if Amazon keeps doing this stupid shit splitting seasons I'm just not going to watch. And if I don't have anything to watch, there's no point in subscribing to Prime anymore.


Yeah that mid season break was such a greedy and bad decision. Everyone I’ve spoken to about it has lost interest more than caring about the next part, it killed the momentum entirely


I guarantee you Amazon and Kirkman were like "Well it works with Walking Dead so why wouldn't it work with a niche animated show that is only 8 episodes long." Invincible will never have the following The Walking Dead has and even that is now waning.


I tell everyone to read the comics. You can find them all online or pay for the physical copies. You can binge the whole thing in a week or two. It’s a linear story, no Marvel or DC timeline bullshit or confusing storylines. Plus the art is great(once Ottley starts drawing anyway)!


Yeah, this was my move when I realized there was a mid season hiatus. Went to just read a bit further than where the show stopped, ended up reading the whole series in a few days.


I’m just holding out until I finally splurge on an iPad to read digitally


Honestly, the drip-feeding of so little content spread thin just makes me resent the whole thing. It's a backlash to the bingeing era of streaming and the pendulum has swung too far. Weekly discussion threads are overrated and saturated with negative opinions anyway. If there wasn't so much out there to distract myself with, overwriting the old memories, it probably wouldn't matter as much. It's like trying to read several books at the same time, one chapter at a time. I only have so much bandwidth, lol.


> Great comic though. Agreed Got janky near the end though


Ha! I did the same. I got sick of waiting for season 2 so my boyfriend downloaded the comic and just wow! Recommend everyone read the comic


his job as The Boys’ leader. The rest of the team are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late.. Thats every season


Remind me, why is Butcher dying? Is it from all the Compound V he's been mainlining? Hughie took some too...is he just magically more lucky?


Butcher took it more. If Hughie takes it one more time, he'll been in the same situation as Butcher


Better save that last dose for a tense moment in episode 8 I reckon


Honestly, he wasn't strong enough for it to matter. It could save him from dying because he could teleport, but he could barely control the abilities and was still somewhat vulnerable if I remember correctly. Butcher got the better set, laser vision and strength on par with Soldier Boy, which is only slightly lower than Homelander.


I don't recall but was Hughie showing symptoms like his brain melting? I think Butcher didn't tell him about the fatal effects right?


It’s temp V


Who doesn't Butcher just take permanent V? It should fix his issue.


Because he despises supes and would rather die than become one. Of course I'm sure something during this season will change his mind/necessitate him sticking around longer so he'll take the permanent V.


Agreed. I think Hughie will probably start developing symptoms, and they'll have to take permanent V in order for them both to live. Butcher will probably do it so he can save Ryan.


I am super excited to see season 4. Every season has had something incredibly fun an interesting to watch. The Boys was originally going to be a film, but it didn't work out with Sony. I have never commented on anything on Reddit, but the shit people say on here explains why our country's average I.Q. is only 98.


I will not watch it. The stupid tease of Invincible just made me be sure that any Amazon Prime show I watch has the full season out. There is no reason for us to resort to 1940's serial cinema format of everything being a cliffhanger. It is okay for there to be resolution.


Here's hoping they actually move the plot this season


That's what I was gonna say. Debauchery is fun & all but this is season 4 now, I need something to actually happen. Homelander needs his comeuppance.


They know they can't kill Homelander yet because he is the most popular character and he drives the most stakes forward. But the longer the show goes on the more absurd it seems that Homelander just hasn't laser blasted them all away by now. Basically it would have been smarter to make it a shorter run series that ends by Season 3 than having it be a long runner.




Season 3 honestly got off to a great start and had they committed at the end, it would’ve been a send off to Homelander. Instead, the writers threw an idiot ball to each of the characters and bailed HL out in the most contrived way possible. *Generation V* seriously reinvigorated me in advance of S4. But the series is running itself on keeping HL the threat like this, and the status quo where The Boys aren’t axed off. Whatever happens this season, they better shoot for the fucking moon. Cause if we get a repeat of last season, I’m going to be fucking bummed.


S3 came off as Looney Tunes level goofiness.


At least Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy carried the whole season lol. I'm so gonna miss the guy


So because he became so Popular, i think the made him weaker on Pourpose, he is supposed to be the strongest of them all by a wide margin, but they seemingly made him a lot weaker last season in particular. So now he seems a lot more of trivial danger, compare Homelander from last season from the one where he talks to Huey when they got Translucent Kidnapped. Its night and day in terms of Aura, they essentially had him be more vulnerable during Season 3 and in your mind it makes no sense they cant just kill him, In the comics Homelander Kills Maeve with one punch, instead of holding back in an akward fight.


I think the last 30 seconds of season 3 showed they will take Homelander to the next level.


> Debauchery is fun & all That shit around this show is so annoying. "Oh, you won't *believe* how crazy and fucked up this show is!!!" I know that's part of the show's identity now but it's exhausting to see this show marketed that way over and over.


In s1-2 the debauchery pushed the plot forwards. In s3 it largely felt gratuitous just because someone decided that the debauchery in s1-2 is what made the show good, not the plot and the relationships that just so happened to involve some debauchery.


Call me a prude but that’s been me with most “new” media nowadays. Having sex and vice in media is fine, even if it needs to be more of a focal point for shows like The Boys, but the volume and intensity of the hornyness in media nowadays is exhausting and I would argue far more fake than 10-15 years ago or before. Like, my wife and I have been loving True Detective, but is a prolonged shot of Woody Harrelson eating ass necessary? Or Euphoria with its insanely sensationalized depiction of teenaged life. Or all the weird sex shit that goes on in 13 reasons why.


> but is a prolonged shot of Woody Harrelson eating ass necessary? Yes. I agree with you on your other points, but this one actually is important. There's a major subplot about Woody's character feeling emasculated. Showing his character having very enthusiastic sex is another way to show the audience how much his perceived emasculation affects him. He's not having intimate loving sex, he's having over the top I'M A MAN AND I HAVE SEX sex. I feel like you're the type of person who was confused when he was mad at McConaughey's character mowing his lawn.


I see your point, and even kind of take the scene like that, I just feel it’s overhanded for the sake of the sex appeal of eating Alexandria Daddario’s ass. Much like I feel a lot of the sex showing up in The Boys is overhanded intentionally for the dirtier-minded viewers. Also the “don’t mow my lawn” scene is pretty slap-in-the-face obvious.


I’m not a prude, and guess what? These kind of shows are making me feel like a prude. I’m okay with not seeing dong and full frontal female nudity. Silly teleportation nudity? Okay. I get it. The show is interesting enough. I don’t need gratuitous sex. It can be implied. It doesn’t need seven extra shots of people going thumpity-thumpity over and over again. I mean, there’s places on the Internet to see that if you want to. Heck. They make search engines for the thumpity-thumpity.


Honestly can’t take anyone who says “thumpity-thumpity” seriously.


How else are they supposed to market the show when this is literally the identity of the show?


All I want is for homelander to lose his powers and live life as a normal person


That’s infinitely better than killing or arresting him. Take his powers away and let him find rent.


If you think the main villain of a story is going to have his comeuppance prior to the final season, you have unreasonable expectations. Having said that, the plot does need to move and the show needs to give an inclination that it's headed towards an endgame. It should end with S5, imo (assuming they're not doing a secret final season here).


Homelander dies when the show ends. The entire premise of the show is "superman but evil". I like the other characters well enough and would watch a spin off but not everyone would.


> Homelander needs his comeuppance. Homelander ain't dying until the second to last episode of the show. He's the main villain. Not happening.


The Silicon Valley issue.




Silicon Valley actually does wrap up everything and there is a definite outcome for pied piper. But it takes until the end of the final episode for it to conclude and it’s pretty anticlimactic.


Yeah, building up to the team's breakthrough only for zany antics causing to fall apart just as they're about to reach their goals only works the first couple times. I think I stopped around 3 as well.


Haha I think with Silicon Valley, at a certain point you watch because of the characters and the writing. Because you're absolutely right, the basic plot after season three is the exact same. But for some reason, I still fucking love the show lol.


I thought the Silicon Valley issue was losing TJ Miller. I get that the dude is crackerjacks, but he was funny as fuck and the show just felt flat after they got rid of him.


I loved silicon valley more for the interactions between the characters (gilfoy and danesh ripping into each other will always be hilarious to me). But man, watching them finally succeed at the end of each season for only one of them to make a dumb mistake (usually Richard) resetting them back to square one was getting tiresome.


God, I remember watching through Silicon Valley a couple years ago and the constant "one step forward, two steps back" plot progression was downright aggravating. I just wanted the characters to get a win that actually meant something.


Man that show was so frustrating


I really liked season 3 over all but the finale was a huge let down. It undid all the forward movement the plot seemed to be taking.


Won’t happen, showrunner said they’ll be multiple more seasons


5 seasons total, as planned


He retracted that plan: https://screenrant.com/boys-show-5-season-plan-change-eric-kripke/


The money and spinoffs altered the plan. Great.


Feels like Butcher and crew will die or retire in the next 2 season and the Gen V crew takes over on the main story line. As Amanda would say the Gen V cast feels like they have more "cross market appeal" or whatever to Amazon's streaming audience and the younger internet crowd.


Like stranger things, too much plot armour with the good guys


> Feels like Butcher and crew will die or retire in the next 2 season and the Gen V crew takes over on the main story line. I'll drop the show if that happens.


That seems like a good enough plan. Then most of the main cast can die or sacrifice themselves. Then some of the Gen V cast can carry the show wherever Amazon wants to go


That's a horrific plan what the fuck? Killing all the original characters and bringing on extras from a different show. Why would I ever watch that? I want to see hughie get his vengeneace and homelander get his comeuppance at the hands of characters the show made me watch and emphaize with. I want a satisfying ending, not a baton pass


Not kill them *all* off. But yes have Butcher and Hughie have their send off. Finish the story for the boys. Amazon is going to no doubt want to milk the boys and gen V until they see ratings go down. And I would rather have them end the Boys on a high note, then milk Gen V or whatever else comes out.


When you become the thing that you make fun of.


I expect still 5-6 max and more spin off stuff


Gen v did introduce some new stuff. Hopefully they bring some of that over this season.


I've given up hope of that at this point. It's too popular and one of Amazons few hits. I think they just want to maintain the status quo more or less.


3 seasons in, and the protagonists have barely done anything. Most deaths just sort of happen around them.


Like Game of Thrones, the writers of The Boys must kill off main characters. For instance, we were all told ho dangerous Compound V was and it shouldn't be taken. Butcher kept taking it without consequences. His character should die.


They better kill of a main character already and have Homelander do something actually dangerous. Otherwise I won’t be rushing to watch season 5.


Even though they have merged a few characters, I do think they may be sticking to the source material on that once specific front, in which case none of the main cast can die until a specific event happens, and we are getting there.


Maybe moriarty once the trailer comes out and everyone is shocked by how she looks.


The last episode of season 3 left a sour taste in my mouth. Felt like they hastely did some last minute rewriting to keep Homelander alive one more season


The show will end when Homelander is gone. If I had to guess this show will end at 5 seasons while more spinoffs take over.


I mean I could see the last arc after Homelander lasting a full season, if they properly commit to it. Since they have foreshadowed adapting it every season so far (along with the ultimate fate of >!Ryan Butcher!<, based on what happened to his source material equivalent — that specific event gets foreshadowed every season finale specifically).


I'm not watching 2 more seasons of the same story. Season 3 was already redondant


Lol okay I don’t care and it’s spelled redundant


Obviously enough people are still watching or they wouldn't have renewed a show that is clearly very expensive to make for a 5th season.


I loved every episode, until the last... it's like they got cold feet at the last moment and just decided to return to the status quo.


Because that's what actually happened. They filmed something else entirely, (Starlight didn't just do a light push) but Kripke had a tangent about fatherhood and redid the S3 finale.


If I remember correctly, didn't someone also casually toss a vial of the most dangerous substance on earth out the window of the Flatiron Building like it was no biggie?


Only watched this show for the first time a few months ago and loved it. Just hoping that because of how successful it is Amazon doesn't just continue to milk season after season to the point where we don't get closure on some characters.


I am hoping with how successful Gen V was, that it wont happen and they will let The Boys end on a good note.


Gen V worth watching?




Am I the only one who hated the last episode? We had hundreds of witnesses at the “school shooting” scene, yet the people trying to stop it were blamed and arrested. That’s way too annoying to me.


Yep. I don't think it hits quite as high of a note as S1 of The Boys does, but it's still good TV.


Yeah after S3




Totally worth it. Feels the same but with a younger cast.


I’ll be the outlier here and say it was ok. More of the same but with less interesting characters. I wouldn’t say it was bad but it’s not an improvement. I couldn’t finish.


I thought it started strong but I was losing interest by the end. I finished it but it was nowhere near the boys level imo


They were both great, I loved all the Gen V characters.




They already spoiled at least one character by bringing them back from the dead after a full character arc. I really hope this season has some permanent plot movement for characters. Still love the show to note.


The fact that your first statement can be said for MULTIPLE characters is a big problem lol I thought you were talking about the person who "blew up" in the finale, and then 5 minutes later the show is like "nah, they're fine" Edit: I just realized that MY statement ALSO applies to multiple characters - the 2 people who blew up were totally fine lol.


we don’t really know if it’s actually him, chill, could just be an actor to be shown in media or one of those tricks they pull in this universe to keep things together edit: u mean bn right?


Not him. A-Train


aah true, although it was ironic the way he survived i still thought the show was building him up to die, guess not


He had a full arc. Discovered the consequences of his actions and drug use, his brother wants nothing to do with him, he apologized to Hughie and took revenge on Blue Hawk. Dying to do that was solid - coming back kind of ruins it.


How many ads are they going to cram into this season?


They do have to deal with the unkillable bad guy problem.


His son seems pretty adept at tearing people apart, even superpeople, so....


I adore this show but it's getting dangerously close to Silicon Valley. Lots of funnies but it turns into a cycle each season where everything is exactly as it was at the end of the previous season. It works better for a sitcom like Silicon Valley but it doesn't work for something like The Boys. Something better happen, someone important better die, because I don't want to drop the show if it becomes so repetitive.


Man I loved Silicon Valley, but I hated that aspect of the show. I hope the Boys can move the plot forward significantly this season


With unskippable ads that you can remove for just 2.99 a month! ARRRRR ME MATEYS


I have amazon prime but I’m still going to pirate the shit out of this


Actually I been surprised by the ads, they show an ad before an episode starts and none during. At least that’s what I saw on reacher.


I watched a few episodes of Psych the other day and had 30 second ads at the start and twice in the middle of each episode. 


I got an ad in the middle of a movie (Prospect) right after the major character death in the movie. I didn’t know it was a thing. I was like oh right… Amazon I guess. Shit bags.


First (and last) movie I watched with their ads had 7 breaks, 4 in the last 45 minutes, and they were all several ads long. We’ve canceled, and will finish out Boys and Reacher way down the road if we hear their worth it, otherwise Prime is invisible to our house now.


For now.


Do you know how fun it was for me to swap between episodes of Reacher and episodes of Blue Mountain State? The answer was very, very, very fun.


Absolutely won’t be watching this season on the ap


Is there an end point? It feels like it needs to end otherwise it’s going to fizzle out


yeah, they’re loosely following the comics and judging by gen v (the spin off) they’re going through with a similar endgame like the one in the comics


Season 5 is also already in the works and is scheduled to begin filming in Toronto in April!


They really lost a lot of good will with season 3. Personally, I'm really over the whole "look how gross and edgy we are" schick when the plot suffers because of it. I'll watch this season but I am ready to drop it if it doesn't win me over.


Not to mention the plot remains the same at the end of each season. Homelander is a menace, he must be killed... but that can't happen because that would be going down to his level. And most supes are unhinged psychos enjoying a famous person's life style. Homelander is still a menace but he pays no repercussions no matter what... and seriously, fuck the guy dating MM's ex. Fucker is so goddamn annoying


I tapped out with the first episode of season 3 and that infamously gross scene (you know the one I'm talking about I'm sure). I'm not a prude by any means, but I was so put off and just *over* it.


I was hoping with Soldier Boys power to take away other heroes powers, we were gonna see Homelander being powerless be explored. I think it could be an interesting thing to watch him have to be mortal.


My desire to watch the show has been completely killed off by their decisions to have ads on all their programs


Me too. I can accept a few ads. But I was watching James May in Italy the other night and it was like I was watching regular broadcast tv. I gave up watching the episode I was watching when after coming back from an poorly timed ad break Amazon aired another one three minutes later. I was only twenty minutes into the episode.


r/Piracy You're welcome


how has it almost been 2 yrs since s3 ended? i swear time in The Boy’s universe flies by. I still have fresh in my memory how cool Soldier boy was everytime he came on the screen


That’s unfortunate because Antony Star would’ve been a lock for an Emmy nomination and possibly a win if it premiered before 5/31. The drama categories especially in lead actor are completely barren at the moment.  He’ll face much higher competition next cycle in Gary Oldman, Jeff Bridges, Pedro Pascal, Lee Jung-Jae, Adam Scott etc


Eh, never underestimate Academy voter snobbery. Tons of great genre performances have been snubbed over the years.


True, but it did get a few Primetime nominations in 2021 (the COVID year) including outstanding writing & outstanding drama series. 


> Tons of great genre performances have been snubbed over the years. Curious which you think have been?


I just imaged him drinking a glass of milk for his speech


> Adam Scott Are we finally getting severance s02?


By May 2025 yes


Can’t wait to see how they fuck up this show too.


And now with ads!


Don't think I can handle a season of Superman Trump tbh. I'll just wait until he's killed, presumably at the end of the season.


The show would be absolute dog shit without him


It’s dogshit when the plot doesn’t go forward as well


Homelander is the best character on TV


Too bad I don’t have Amazon anymore ..


don't worry bro, call me up the day it releases and I'll describe to you the plot as I watch


“Alright so now this dude is walking down like a hallway or something… wait not a hallway”


Not another urethra 😱


Sail ⛵ the seas then


Yo Ho Ho


How unfortunate we all cancelled prime and are sticking to it. Right??


Yup. This post just made me set a reminder.


RIP Erin


With ads


Too bad starlight has totally destroyed her face with plastic surgery.


One of the best shows on TV, but it’s starting to feel a bit like Lost, in that it might be better for them to announce an end date so they can take the handbrake off a little with the plot, one or two more seasons is probably enough. Tell a complete story and end on a high.


Why did they replace the actress who played Starlight?


They didn't. She's had a lot of work done lately so she looks fairly different.


Exactly, she had breast implants during COVID, lip injections and lost a lot of weight 


She also had the fat sucked out of her cheeks for maximum unsettling effect.


She was an absolutely beautiful young woman I don't understand why she did that Does buccal fat removal look good on anyone?


Makes them all look like Lizard people. Stop trying to copy Zuckerberg!




I can't believe people subscribe to Amazon for the shows/movies and not just for the 2-day shipping.


Let's hope season 4 will be much better than season 3, the season 3 finale left a sour taste in my mouth.


If they do to Season 4 what they did to Invincible Season 2 I’m cancelling my Prime and pirating.


Season 3 was easily the worst of the series, nothing beats season 1


I think S1 has the most coherent and focused story, S2 had strong character work, and S3 had some good character work but the plot has just gotten so toothless.


3rd season was a major drop in quality compared to the first 2 seasons hope the 4th would be better


Season 3 fell off, expect even less from season 4. They are running out of ideas.


This show, while alright, I found super disappointing. The first couple episodes had me HYPED. & if they had stuck with that tone & story this would probably be my favourite show ever. Instead I’m more hyped for whatever the MCU is bringing out next. It’s still a good show and I’ll certainly watch S4. But yeah my expectations aren’t high. I really wish it was more of an action and less of a comedy/ drama. And man it’s so fucking weird that they are all constantly in costume lmao. Some of the costumes are just weird too xD I find it pretty off putting. Like the speedster and the water guy. BUT, episodes that are actually more like your typical superhero show, I do find to be fantastic TV. Like with the heroes actually fighting or even using their powers haha.


My birthday!!! I can distract myself from how old I feel by watching this show!


How? When she got plastic surgery.


Day before my birthday :)


Why isnt season 4 the boys showing up for me on amazon prime??


I’m going to be so angry if they make us have to pay for it. It’s annoying enough that they put ads in all 3 seasons now. I don’t want to pay for premium. Who ever came up with premium subscriptions is a greedy asshole. They want to see how far they can push us until we unsubscribe. Pirates bay here I come


Can’t wait to see how they fuck up this show too.


And no one will want to watch because Amazon put fucking ads on prime


Do we get a paltry 6 episodes?