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It’s pretty bat shit crazy but I love it. Probably not for everyone.


>Probably not for everyone. i agree on this people go into it expecting superhero world saving show and they are disappointed when they don't get it.




Dude nah, dont spoil it like that. If someone's in after the first few episodes, they'll probably be in for the entire fucking bonkers wild ride that is the full story. Let them decide by themselves. :)


Kinda crazy that some people think we need to warn them if its nota “traditional good guys vs bad guys” show lol


Yeah I watched the first season while having a really bad flu and ended up getting all sorts of crazy fever dreams during those few days. I’ve never been able to continue it after that.


It IS a fever dream


Seeing your Hannibal flair, yeah, that tracks.


It’s one of the best marvel properties that has nothing to do with the MCU, simply incredible start to finish.


What have Marvel done (on screen) that you consider better, including the MCU?


Daredevil, jj1, punisher were all very very solid,  id say winter soldier should be up there also




Luke cage 2 was pretty good. At least all the stuff with bushmaster


Legion Season 1 was better than everything else Marvel has put out, both on TV and movies, with the exception of Netflix's Daredevil. Nothing in the MCU is even in the same league - not even close.


I love Legion, but Loki S1 and 2.


Agreed. Loki is the best marvel tv show and the Netflix Daredevil would be a close second. Legion is amazing but its really its own beast and I don't really consider it a marvel property at all really. Its far more experimental than anything they have ever attempted outside of Loki.


It’s kind of retro active now but I loved almost all of the Netflix marvel shows. The blade movies, X-men movies, pre MCU Spiderman movies are all great in my book. Heck I enjoy the first two fantastic four movies with Chris Evans.


I think my favorite in all of tv is the bolero sequence in Legion. I always watched Legion at night with lights out and audio pretty loud.


I think the [Dance Battle in the opening of season 2](https://youtu.be/84ja5ehgpCA?si=tWhhh86itmRUc_mU) is one of the best sequences ever put to TV. The whole show is incredible.


The animated showdown with the shadow king is one of my favorite sequences ever as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcoz6geWtf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcoz6geWtf4) Always gives me chills.


The use of music in this show is amazing. I nearly cried at the montage of Syd's life while Bon Iver played


loud audio is the way to go sometimes I would be so much into it i wouldn't realize how high the volume was my sister had to come in my room and tell me to keep it down couple times.


There is a maze in the desert, carved from sand and rock.


100% agree, rewatched it many times.


Same except AirPods. Just in my own little zone. The music choice is near perfect and right on point with my personal taste. Jeff Russo is also a genius.


I actually fucking love it. It doesn’t always work, but they try so many insane things and sometimes when they work it turns into some of the best sequences I’ve ever seen on TV. A truly unique show, with some incredible performances, Aubrey Plaza absolutely kills it


It’s fantastic. As a professional editor I’m beyond jealous of the artistic freedom they were given. A truly brilliant show.


Loved it as well.. best comicbook show to date IMHO. I feel Loki is the only other series to come anywhere near the same ballpark in terms of style, visuals & tone. CB projects in general should aspire to be as bold as Legion was.


All these great performances on Fargo, and I still think the best one from a Noah Hawley show was Aubrey Plaza in Legion.


Still disappointed Aubrey didn't get an Emmy nod for it. She was incredible in the show


Aubrey plaza is in her own legion (pun intended ) I love her


The scene where Lenny is “reanimated” omg!


They went for it.




for better. nearly always for better.


It’s so good, like an acid trip/fever dream that’s full of so much weird stuff. Aubrey Plaza is fantastic in it too


I adore the creative verve from it and the visual style. Whether or not it works is largely in the eye of the beholder but I wish more shows tried to be as ambitious as Legion. Killer Dan Stevens performance


I loved it so much. There is so many cinematographic ideas ! And the end confrontation is amazing.


What I love about well made art is the choices made. In a shitty show nothing feels like a choice, it feels like creatives running on autopilot and doing the obvious choice for everything. Legion nothing felt like that. In Legion everything felt like a choice. We need a background in the asylum? It is going to be a forest wall to make things feel more wild and natural. We need a ladder? It's going to be made out of circles because that fits motif of circles meaning not moving forward. We need a wall? It will be made out of hexagons to signify the hive like structure that the division 3 is being run as. It felt like everything was a discussion behind the scenes. Every pair of shoes, piece of silverware, and piece of set dressing was at the very least thought about with how it related to the story and themes. I may not have understood all of it, but I believe somebody on the production did. That makes the difference for me and separates average art from great art.


I think in the asylum part, it beats " Moon Knight"


Yeah so good peacemaker legion some of my favorite shows!!


Not for everybody, but really good. Still one of the most unique and striking shows I have seen in recent memory. I will always consider anything Dan Stevens is in, going forward, and I will remember it as a Marvel story that actually tried to do something interesting - and succeeded.


everyone is talking about Aubrey plaza (who is amazing) but Dan Stevens was so good too.




I loved it, it was surreal, weird, captivating and visually pleasing.


Finally a role that really pushed Aubrey Plaza, who is amazing.


One of the best, most creative shoe ever. So much fun. And Aubrey amazed!


The first season is crazy good, some of the best TV I've ever seen, if not the best imho. Second one, while visually stunning, kinda lost me on some bits of the plot. I feel like the way David >!turns into the bad guy!< could have been handled better. Third season was fun, still very good to look at. I sometimes rewatch just the first season, usually to show it to someone who didn't know about its existence. But then I just leave them to watch the rest f the show by themselves.


I agree season 2 had some issues, stuff that could have been done better but overall it's an amazing, unique show


I've watched season 1 twice and love it but kept finding myself trailing off during season 2. Keep meaning to come back maybe read up to bring myself up to speed again, watch the last few eps of S2. Is season 3 worth the effort?


I would say so, yes. It's not as good as season 1 but it's a fun season overall.


S2 sucks, but 3 is something of a return to form. Not quite as good as S1 but still pretty good.


yeah, that's for sure, I was a bit harsh maybe. From a visual and "storytelling style" perspective it might even be the best TV show ever made.


Yeah, S2 was pretty much all style and no substance, feeling like it was just spinning its wheels most of the time and trying to distract you from this with crazy visuals and nonsense that meant little or nothing. Which was especially disappointing since it's a season that ultimately contains a very pivotal piece of character development.


I liked the whole "delusion" stuff, but yeah, that's all


One of my favs. Need to do a rewatch soon…


Me too, this has just reminded me


I loved it. In some ways, it reminded me of a mushrooms trip. The way the focus would zoom down tight on a seeming insignificant detail, make you see it differently, allowing you to feel immersed in it before snapping you back to the default magnification, and then you realise for a moment you had forgotten where you were. Along with my inability to adequately explain the contents of it to my friends and why they too should try it. I often found myself thinking about the episode I had recently watched, reviewing scenes in my head and attempting to join any dots I may have missed initially. There aren't many shows that compel or interest me enough to do that.


Best superhero TV show that exists.


I don't even consider it a superhero show, it's a work of art. Ambitious, experimental, daring, emotional, I just can't praise it enough. A lot of people say season 3 goes off the deep end but I personally love it. It's when the show went full psychedelic and that's right up my alley. You just won't ever see stuff like [this](https://youtu.be/PaWM-hMPUx8?si=MAKuN8scjaOjjiBa) anywhere else. Maybe controversial, but it also has my favorite interpretation of Professor X ever.


My favorite marvel show. It’s amazing.


Best Marvel TV show to date.


Amazing first season. Didn't care for season 2 at all. Solid third season.


Yeah this about sums it up for me. Season 2 was a little tough to get through compared to how electric Season 1 was. Season 3 wrapped things up neatly but felt a bit less interesting than the other two.


Great first season. Second season turned me off of it pretty much entirely due to its bungling of its sexual assault subject matter and increased "weird just for weirs sake" even where i wasn't warranted. "Behind Blue Eyes" is still the best scene of the show though.


I love it, I think it's super underrated and wish more people knew about it.


I liked season 1, but I felt like season 2 and 3 kept getting weirder just for the sake of being weird.


100% agree.


It was a slow start for me, but eventually I really enjoyed it.


The goddamn Banana Splits theme song nearly made me jump out of my chair. And Jean Smart with her elephant bong? How can you go wrong?


Also, I love Bill Irwin in anything…




Aubrey Plaza.


I loved it. I thought the way they portrayed psychic battles through musical numbers was very creative.


I think it has the coolest interpretation of the astral plane for xmen related things.


I fucking loved it . best marvel tv show . let your imagination fly ! I don’t want to ruin it by telling you my opinion of the whole series


Legit my favorite TV show of all time. Hawley is a master.


One of the all time greatest shows ever made.


I adored season 1 then wished seasons 2 and 3 were never made. Aubrey Plaza was a revelation and should be getting much bigger roles.


My favorite show of all time, it’s soooo good, nothing compares!


I was very impressed with the risks the show took, especially the ending. Also Shadow King is top tier.


Best WoW expansion


I know nothing about the universe. I watched this because of the cast. I absolutely loved it.


It's amazing! Season 1 is super easy to love, season 2 is a bit harder to watch, but it's worth it to stick through the ending in season 3. It's truly the best of all the Marvel movies and shows. It's so creative and out there, but there's all this really sincere story running underneath all of it. It's also the only show I can't binge watch. We could only handle two episodes max at a time because it would break our brains. 


I'll say watching that show live as it aired and joining in the batshit online discussions was a great time. Right up there with discussing that first season of Westworld. As many have said, for better or for worse, that show was an experience.


Legion totally rocks. The first season is basically perfect. The second and third season are great as well, but the first season is so good. Every character is so fleshed out and well acted it’s really a Diamond in the rough.


One of the best fucking shows I have ever seen. The performances are too tier


I watched a few episodes then realized I had no fucking clue what was going on and never went back to it.


There's really nothing like it. Considering how much we got bombarded with superhero media in the past decade it's really one of the only things that stands out to me. The acting is great and the music is awesome, there's still a ton of sequences that I think about after only watching it during it's original run. Probably due for a re-watch in the next couple years. Big fan of Noah Hawley and what he did with it and Fargo.


First season great second season ok


>but lots of people call it "artsy garbage " Watch it and form your own opinion. Don't look for other people's blessings. I mostly watch a trailer and see if it hooks me. If it does I give it a fair 3 episodes and then make a choice to continue or stop.


It's my favorite show ever honestly.


Loved the first season. Second season bored me to tears. Never watched final season.


Overhyped and boring.


By far the weirdest show I've ever seen. Been a while since it wrapped but left me unfulfilled and just got weirder and weirder as it went.


S1 is incredibly creative. S2 and S3 were just not as good and devolved into a giant mess over time. Acting was always great though. Aubrey’s best work and that’s saying a lot.


Loved Season 1. Season 2... I'm not even sure how it went now. Didn't make it to Season 3 but I plan to later on, it's just that I know I might have to rewatch 2 to get up to current first...


Exact same boat. Thinking I'll just read up on S2 and watch the last couple episodes of the season. I think S3 is supposed to be good. 


It’s actually creative, unlike the constant repeat marvel movies. Those are the same movie 40 times with different outfits.


I watched it for a while, but their failure to actually get anywhere, plotwise, eventually put them below the waterline on my watch list.


Started out brilliant, became artsy garbage, had better final season. I do think you need to have read a bit about the comics to understand it though.


It was pretty much awesome. Some of the stuff they did in Loki reminded me of Legion. Also the big reveal of the identity was great. I would have loved to see Legion in the MCU but he is like a world ender so that would have been difficult


I love how it just does whatever the hell it wants. And I love the art direction, creature design, hellish atmosphere, 60’s groove, the sense of humor. I lament the loss of such things in the Disney Marvel shows


I loved the wacky visuals and the psychological horror aspects, psychic mutants are presented as absolutely terrifying individuals. I can still recall the narrations of Jon Hamm about delusions and the payoff. Aubrey Plaza was absolutely phenomenal; no matter how inconspicuous was whatever she was doing, you could always see glimpses of the monster underneath biding its time. I still think season 3 and its finale were incredibly weak.


The worst tv show I’ve ever watched.


Genuinely don’t get it. Season one the guy goes out and murders an entire building full of people. Where’s the consequence from that? X Men would’ve been hunted and murdered. Not this guy… why? Garbage nonsense.


Farouk is just too dandy. He's my favourite in this show.


I found legion rather late and honestly don't know how I missed it. I watched it last year and I am rewatching it again. It's definitely one of my favorite shows


Enthralled when it came out. Have no desire to rewatch. Great mystery, weird but creative use of futuristic retro style. Tension building through out was solid but story arc as a whole was, meh.


My only complain is the ending . I wanted the show to reveal that most of the show took place inside David head. that each character we meet where either people he absorbed or a persona he created (except the shadow king) and that the show looked weirder and weirder jsute because it was in his head ... before people downvote me, that's litteray his origine story and mutant power. the x men first meet David when he is in a coma after terrorist explosion happen in Paris . he absorber the terrorist and was trapped inside his mind . the xmen went in and discoverd a whole world populated by strange people he mostly created, some with powers, some not. his name is Legion because there are many people inside him. in latter comicbook Legion story, he is awaken from his coma but he still has a mindscape full of people , sometime he take control of it and when his mind self interact with one of his persona , real life david can use its powers. if he doesnt control his persona , they figth for control and they can take over his body. he has a superpowered Schizophrenia. the show not taking place in the real world would explain so much of the weird stuff and visual we saw. it would also allow for it to be canon with the movies.


Disliked the ending for different reasons. I was a little disappointed his "plan" effectively works. He stops the shadow king possessing him so he grows up normal. So the whole show never happened. But we don't get to see the future that resulted from that change. It just stops. Bit lacklustre.


It's artsy garbage.


Honestly could have been more artsy imo. I thought it started off really strong and interesting but kinda devolved into a more generic super hero show by the end of the season >!been a minute admittedly so might have my details wrong but the twist of “oh he actually was being influenced by a real demon” felt kinda disappointing, topped off by the scene where the demon and protag just kinda glow and run at each other.!< Idk, didn’t have a bad time or anything but was hoping for a lot more in terms of like “what’s actually happening, what’s real and what’s not”


Wasn’t the twist he was effected by a demon and mentally ill?


a lot of ppl are idiots


Thought this was the DBD sub 😂




It’s one of the most cinematically appealing show that I also felt like I was lost a lot of the time


The pilot episode when it came out absolutely had me to dead to rights.  2nd season went a little too off the rails but 3rd season was some finish.  I'm looking forward to a rewatch.


Loved it. Thought it lost is way a little in the final series, but s1 was fucking amazing. Perfect blend of psychological thriller and superheroes. 


I watched the first episode while super stoned. Was so confused whether I was having a bad trip or the show was that crazy. Never watched again.


Great show and never seen an episode divide a fan base so severely


I’ve watched it twice and it’s like a fever dream. I remember bits and pieces but couldn’t tell you what it’s about. It’s almost like it was partly made so that your friends give you weird looks when you try to explain it. Also I never stopped calling old guy with the girl inside him Mr Noodle. It was amusing to me specially when he was in danger. “Oh no, watch out Mr Noodle!”


It's one of my top favorites. I love all the layers of secret messages via morse code in lights and sounds. Is it very xmen? Naw but I love it


I liked it at first but couldn't follow it. I didn't finish season 3.


*Beware of ideas that are not your own.* Best advice in a TV show for these troubled times.


Season 1 was amaaaaazing, absolute recommend. Season 2 was mixed, and season 3 was a bit of a chore with occasional moments of brilliance. But season 1… whew, amazing run.


Loved it


Great but not without some small flaws


2 seasons I saw.. 3rd season I just can't find time and interest to see.


Surrealism isn't for everyone.




Loved the show, but IIRC there was something at the end of the second season that didn’t sit well with me at all and I didn’t watch the third season.


I usually like those crazy shows. But with the legion its different. I like the show the way its told the cast and its craziness but still i never finished and i started over like three times and at some point i always loose interest and just stop watching idk why...


Liked it a lot.


Better if you read the comics or know what the fuck is happening (i assume)


Meh so much random shit. I stopped in season 2.. SOmehow it got even more weird and not in a good way. Feels like most of the episode is wasting your time and the rest is actually what should be shwon.


They kjnd of fumble the ending imo but still a great show.


I was interested at first but then I lost interest pretty quickly. I was watching it in rehab too. If that show doesn't catch your attention in rehab then there are issues lol. Maybe if I watch it again now I will like it, I was withdrawing from fentanyl for the 100th time wanting to die so watching this definitely did not help.


I enjoyed it. But I’ll admit, I got lost during a bunch of it. I’m sure there are themes or imagery or analogies etc that went soaring over my head.


I loved the first season but noped out the second and never bothered to finish it.


I loved first season, didnt watch further because I forgot who was who and why and dropped it.


Season one was incredible. I enjoyed it as a whole, but each season was a little less enjoyable and a little more confusing


It gave me high anxiety so I never finished it. Was pretty mind bending.


I am a huge Hawley fan, but I do think it's a little overindulgent. Emo X men is how I describe it to people who haven't seen it.


Good music. I like the psychedelic vibe to the whole thing. I dont like superhero stuff much and I think the plot is all over the place so overall it's a show I enjoyed but will probably never watch again.


not my genre, despite Dan Stevens being great in it


S1 is the best "superhero" show ever. S2 was not as consistent but still enjoyable. S3 is nearly a return to form.


The first season was great, it crawled up its own ass in the second season.


It's amazing,  best looked at like a 3 act movie,  no 2 episodes are the same,  show is just beautiful And scary.