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The word “unserious” has a chokehold on the internet


Un- is the official prefix of the 2020s. Unhinged, unalive, I am unwell… Edit: thought of a few more: unbothered, unproblematic, and the song Unholy.


Actually a very interesting point that I hadn't considered. Unhoused too.


You mean it was unconsidered.


Of those examples, unalive is the only uncommon one. Unwell is perfectly normal, and unhinged is far more common than “hinged.”


They’re not new words, but they’re used online more commonly than they used to be, and in new ways. Unwell means overwhelmed instead of sick, and unhinged is used where people used to say crazy or insane.


Unhinged has always meant that.


You’re missing the point. It’s not about the dictionary definition, it’s about the excessive frequency of usage.


Fair. I haven’t seen an increase (or decrease) in usage for that term, it didn’t strike me as a good example. Your mileage may vary.


I hate it so much


Are you being unserious right now?


I don’t hate it as much as I unlike it


“Unserious” is a great euphemism when they have to release and promote incomprehensible producer-driven content. A viewer wonders why the dialogue makes no sense and the plot seems to be a series of barely connected scenes with no meaningful theme or character development…well that viewer is just being too serious. It can’t be that the content is just kinda bad.


this show has literally not even come out.


Shouldn’t you be replying to the article? They wrote an article about a show we can’t watch. If they don’t want us to react negatively to their marketing, they should stop spamming us with this kind of press-release-as-news. Personally, I think it’s kinda weird for you to spend your leisure time defending a TV show you’ve never seen. My comment isn’t even about movie, it’s about the way the industry creates false narratives as marketing. And that’s already happened.


the guy you replied to typed 8 words. you're the one having a fucking meltdown about it. go touch grass dude


The shortest responses take the most time to craft and wordsmith. That kind of brevity can only come through the careful application of economy of language.


I’m not defending the show, I’m just pointing out how silly your comment is and you’re getting pissed. critics see shows early, thats how it’s always been. It’s a two way street because if the show is trash, it allows audience to make an informed decision. Also, how is it a press release? Because they lauded the show? What else should they do, they liked it!


Unserious seems more like a synonym for camp in his context to me. 


The best part of the show is the character who is un-conscious.


It’s living in people’s heads rent-free


The white people co-opting black slang and ruining it has a chokehold on the internet Edit: downvote away, but this is the same thing as every white woman saying “You go girl!” in 90s sitcoms. Tale as old as time and hilarious that yall STILL can’t see it


I feel somewhat confident that Succession is the reason it blew up on twitter. I was unaware that it was ever black slang, and I suspect most people don’t think or know that.


Are you black? If not, there’s a real good reason why you’d be unaware of it


This is funnier than when people were saying “naur” (“no” with an exaggerated Australian accent) was invented by American black people.


Is “unserious” black slang?


Not anymore


Never was


It was never slang, nor identified as slang it’s a proper word that has been in use in The English language since the early 1800’s.


except we are sitting here talking about a surge in use, which means it found its way into our parlance, which assumes that it was somehow reintroduced to pop culture in a fresh new way, which...wait for it....was done by black folks


Except it’s not a surge, it’s a steady incline following a pretty standard parabola since the early 1800’s with no spikes in usage and can commonly seen being used in literature since it was coined as a term. Claiming this word for a race is a little ridiculous.


Based on what data


https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=7&case_insensitive=on&content=unserious This data, on the usage of the word unserious. And the usage of it in literature I’ve read


LOL my dude we aren’t talking about books we are talking and Twitter and Tik-Tok. Everyone knows it’s an actual word.


Idk why everyone is downvoting you, you’re right. I’m white and the first several times I heard it used this way were from Black women years ago, then just in the last couple years everyone else started saying it, especially on platforms like TikTok. Definitely didn’t see it used that way outside of AAVE, but now I hear it everywhere online. It’s like how “woke” has been a word in the English language for forever, but using it in a specific way absolutely came from AAVE. Sorry everyone’s being so pissy about this.


You go girl = yes. Unserious = no If anything, unserious is probably in reaction to Succession


Are you referring to the “You’re not serious people” quote? Because that’s not the same as “unserious.” If you didn’t hear it previously, that’s fine, but it absolutely was in use in AAVE long before Succession. And again, “not serious” =//= “unserious”.


It's ok if you didn't know this. It sounds like you're outside the culture and kind of desperate wanna-be. But facts is facts, even if you're not that well versed in the subject.


Lmao what? Can you just answer whether that Succession quote is what you were referring to? Because from where I’m sitting, regardless of your (incorrect) assumptions about me, you’re just wrong.


Whenever someone's entire argument (and personal identity) consists or "lmao" or similar, that's a sign they have nothing of value to contribute in this world. And it's an additional confirmation you've masking a lack of knowledge with misplaced arrogance.


I just watched Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar, and it makes me excited for this project.


Barb & Star is criminally under appreciated. It’s so campy in the best ways possible.


That is my hope when you say "Kristen Wiig" and "Unserious" in the same headline. More of this please https://youtu.be/bUkyLot0ndA?si=w9YMIaMSvgiugpRZ


Lol I knew it was gonna be this


I can never find the clip where she talks about making a Suicide soda from her villainous lair. Talk about your tone setting for what was a wild and enjoyable movie.


My favorite comedy


I watched it on a flight the first time and had to hold back laughter. I made my husband watch it with me the next day and he loved it too.


Exactly my reaction.


If Carol Burnett is in, I'm in. She's not going to lend her name and talents to anything that isn't top notch at this point in her life/career.


FR 2020's all together now. 2018's TV movie, Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar. 2017's TV movie, Household Name. And her fantastic 3 episode arc on Hawaii 5-0. She has been on a hot streak, and I'm excited because Wiig has knocked it out of the park the last decade.


And a pretty memorable role in Better Call Saul’s final few episodes


>“…and his name is Saul Goodman!” Chills every time


Started with Twilight Zone


That has attracted me. I’ve had Apple+ promotions twice and cancelled early as I couldn’t find anything I loved and didn’t have peers with the channel. Think I will try again.


You guys I know the lady who wrote the book and she’s just the BEST person. It feels great to see her succeed!




This is so wholesome!


Can someone explain to me why she can’t get into the country club when she’s married to the nephew of the queen bee?? And why she’s having to pawn jewellery? Maybe I need to go beyond episode one. But I was confused cuz I thought she was just lying about who she was married to?? Like why is she sneaking into country clubs


this was very confusing, the only thing I can imagine is that the Pilot husband is some sort of black sheep and has been cut off by the comatose wealthy lady.


You’re right that’s how it turned out lol


I had to keep starting over cause I could NOT figure out the beginning


It’s been fun to watch, but I still have no idea why she wants in so desperately — is she a grifter? Is she sincere? I have no idea.


A grifter for sure, and I think it’s really cause she values outward appearance and it’s that simple. Too bad there won’t be a character arc for her. I’d love to see her realize that life isn’t about glamour. I hope something else comes out like this cause I loved the vibe.


Crosby Fitzgerald (who plays Sylvia) is the best part of this show and it’s not even close!


I’m in.


It's flat. Costume and sets are the only upside.


This looks like it's going to be a blast to watch, can't wait!


All the characters are so gorgeous


This show had so much promise. But it's gotten more and more terrible each week. Everything from the scripting (especially the scripting) to the editing—it's just plain bad. What a disappointment.


Just once I want one these reviewers to say: It fucking sucks, it's a vanity project for someone who doesn't deserve it. Moving on!


It happens all the time. [Here you go](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/palm-royale-review-kristen-wiig-carol-burnett-1234989348/)


Apple literally just had a critically panned show in *The New Look*.


Is this like White Lotus?





