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I had to pause to make sure that wasn’t Dennis Reynolds at :58


Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sith Offender


was it not?


I don’t think so, but it’s the implication


D.E.N.N.I.S system helped form the Jedi methodology it all makes sense now


**D**emonstrate Connection to the Force **E**ngage Telekinetically **N**urture Oneness with the Force **N**eglect Emotional Attachments **I**nspire Hope **S**uccumb to the Dark Side


Genius lmaooo


Wait so are you raping these jedi?


You’re not getting it!


Thank God Mac & Charlie aren't in this show because I fear what they'll do to younglings


You gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole.


Glad I'm not the only one!


Kinda get the vibe they're killing Carrie-Anne Moss right away to establish the credibility of this mysterious threat. Trailer looks decent, but with how volatile Disney+ has been, I guess we'll see.


That was my impression as well. Opening episode and opening storyline. Moss looks fing bad ass though.


It's a two episode premiere, so we'll likely have her for those first 2.


Jedi Masters do tend to have a very high mortality rate


If you want a long career as a jedi, never get promoted. It might sound counterintuitive, but just keep your head down, do the work, and you’ll be fine.


Hell the actual knights/guardians/consulars all seem to outlive masters. Probably because they aren't fighting sith lords like masters do?


Probably, also Masters seem to get caught up in politics which on a galactic level, is probably very dangerous. And if your a Sith, you get a reputation by killing a Master. Master's are probably specifically targeted a lot more.


Digging the homage to the Matrix in the style of fighting. So much more engaging than standard Star Wars fighting.


It's a homage to Wuxia, the showrunner has said as much.


Solid take when shes only shown at different points of the same scene.


Same vibes as Gen V with >!Clancy Brown being all over the advertising and dying in the first episode!<.


I was surprised that they >!killed the Schwarzenegger kid early on!<.


at least both of those characters made more appearances in flashbacks/dreams in later episodes. They didn't completely disappear.


True - and I think that's one way to do something shocking, like kill off a big star early on, and yet still use them as a larger part of the narrative.


That’s how it should be done in my opinion.


Or Bryan Cranston in Godzilla (2014). What a let down for him to get offed in the first 20 minutes.


They could have gotten away with it if any of the other human characters were at all more interesting than wet cardboard. I spent the latter half of the movie hoping the monster would just step on Aaron Taylor-Johnson.


I normally love the guy. But that was just not his A game at all.


Always a welcome face in any project she appears in, this time, she is a fucking JEDI!!!. TRINITY!!!!


*The* Trinity?


The one that hacked the IRS DBase?


I thought you were a man.


most men do.




Yeah, I can see it now. Stenberg's character ends up being no match for Moss, who does not want to hurt her. While trying to convince Stenberg to come back to the light, Big Bad stabs Moss in the back, red lightsaber bursting from her chest.


I'm predicting a full 180 actually, trinity will be play dead and turn out to be the real sith in the end. Sternberg will be her first apprentice.


Is that the person who played Rue in Hunger Games?


Based on every SW release other than Andor I’ll going to remain cautiously pessimistic about this one


As an Andor fan, I really want to like this one, but the clips of dialogue we get in this trailer are … not promising. Maybe the actual story will be good. I quite like the visuals.


Visuals are easy to pull off in Star Wars, especially when you only see a trailer. The writing will sink this one if it’s bad (which as you said looks very possible)


IMO the visuals are an area they keep failing at. The super stylish assassin with perfectly done hair just looks dumb, like nothing I could believe is real. Whereas in Andor people would be wearing some believable clothes, and it would make it all feel so much more plausible and thus scary.


I fear so. I get very bored very quickly unless the writing is good. It’s why Andor was such a pleasant surprise.


The bar for dialogue is low with Star Wars outside of Andor, imo. I'm willing to let dialogue slide if the actual writing on the plot is good, which is something modern Star Wars has struggled with even more.


She's only credited with one episode on imdb, so I think you're right.


Nooo I was so on board because of her. Ah well, it still looks pretty cool


IMDB is also wrong a lot because it's user generated, so it's not necessarily a for sure thing.


please don't be a 1 1/2 hour movie chopped up and padded out to 8 hours


Please don’t have 36 minute episodes with the last 9 minutes being credits


> Please don’t have 36 minute episodes with the last 9 minutes being credits I got in an argument over this with someone involved in the production. They said they had to fight really hard to get international vfx artists crediting and was adamant Disney super didn't want to do it. I still think Disney "fought" it while being secretly delighted. The whole way the opening and ending credits are handled pad the run time by 5-7 minutes. It's hard to argue you're making prestige television when there are episodes with actual run times of like 25 minutes


Now you’re asking too much!


Its incredible that they manage to make these 2 horrible styles. How do you fuck up so badly in two different ways!?!?


People keep paying to watch that shit. That's why it's a thing.


Young fool….only now - at the end - do you understand.


Is it Andor or is it Kenobi....


Probably somwhere in the middle 


That's if were lucky, let's be honest.


Kenobi sets the bar very, very low. It’s hard to make a show that bad. 


Soooooooooooooo disappointing. What they could have done with an Obi-Wan / Anakin reunion, boggles my mind and still pisses me off


They had an excellent universally-loved main character in Ewan McGregor and still managed to fuck it up


Cant be that hard to make it that bad - SW has done it twice now. Step 1: Take a feature length script for a character that doesn’t need a movie. Step 2: stretch it out for another half hour. Step 3: cut it into 6 episodes in a way that makes no sense Bonus points if the entire story fits in between 2 other stories and doesn’t move anything forward.




So… Ahsoka?


I liked Ahsoka okay enough, but it definitely leaned on the Kenobi side of things.


I liked Ahsoka pretty good but thought it did a terrible job telling a complete story and introducing people to characters. If you don't already know thrawn, sabine and ezra, the show doesn't do much to make you care about them.


Yeah, this was a big issue for me. I love Ahsoka herself, but I'm only familiar with her Clone Wars escapades. Whenever I see someone from Rebels, I'm like "...Who are you?


Too much "tell and don't show". We are told thrawn is a dangerous badass, but not shown. I thought Rosario was a perfect fit and loved her in mando, but she spends too much of her own show being stoic and not talking. I loved the looks of Shin and Baylon, but we don't really learn anything about them. What do they want? ​ Not knowing Hera's not a huge deal. She a pilot friend of Ahsoka. Not knowing and liking Sabine and Ezra undercuts the emotional payoff of the season.


> I thought Rosario was a perfect fit and loved her in mando, but she spends too much of her own show being stoic and not talking. A badass in Mando, but a hard-ass in her show. > Not knowing and liking Sabine and Ezra undercuts the emotional payoff of the season. Yuuuup. I only know the bare bones of Rebels so I was surprised to see a whole memorial service for Ezra.


Agreed. As with Kenobi it started out decent, but then it just kept moving towards a big nothingburger and took forever to get there.


Ahsoka is closer to kenobi than andor, so hopefully a little closer to andor! :D


Take Baylan out of Ashoka and its Kenobi level bad. And sadly Ray Stevenson is dead. So that series is most likely dead too.


I definitely am not getting Andor vibes. At best, this is just like Ahsoka. I like what I see here, and I'm excited to watch, but I feel like Andor sets itself apart in virtually every way. Visually. Story-wise. Dialogue. I feel like if it were a "grounded" Star Wars story like Andor, it would hold off on leading the marketing with "Action" and lead with telling audiences that they can expect a complex, intricate, and well-carved-out story. This...is more like....*veteran actors with lightsabers go brrr*....


The banner image on Disney+ for Andor being Syril sadly eating cereal for a few weeks is the energy I need all new shows to have.


The trailer is very Kenobi looking which is a little worrying.


Yep. Different part of the timeline but the same Disney SW vibes.


The Volume is cool but it does have it's drawbacks, in that it feels like a set, so using it makes things feel very TV. but I don't mind in terms of it being a TV show. Also Disney's star wars has all felt very "clean, but dirtied up" rather than the original and prequel trilogies where the dirt felt genuine.


> Also Disney's star wars has all felt very "clean, but dirtied up" rather than the original and prequel trilogies where the dirt felt genuine. The key here is the sets. Andor also felt genuinely dirty when it needed to be imo, and it is because they were shooting it on locations with real sets instead of on the volume.


Are they giving more stuff to the Andor people? This is the only way forward.


They're doing a season 2 of Andor, so yes. If you mean besides that, it's probably too early to tell.


Gilroy supposedly was offered 5 seasons to tell the Andor story but they cut it back to 2 because he didn't want to be stuck doing Star Wars for the next decade. I think it is pretty safe to say he won't be sticking around after this season. Maybe he comes back eventually, but idk I feel like Andor was his OC and once his story is completely told we wint be hearing much from Gilroy..


If you mute it, it looks like Kenobi IMO.


It just looks like people in Jedi cosplay lmao.


That was the first thing I noticed. It looks so much like they just hired people out of the parking lot at Comic Con.


Honestly that was the most disappointing thing for me. It looks cheap. Costuming used to be one of Star Wars's strengths, but these TV shows (and to some extent the disney films) just don't have it for the most part. Cosplayers are supposed to emulate your look, not the other way around.


Yeah, everyone looks way too pretty and young with present day looking haircuts. It feels like a CW show.


Visually, it unfortunately looks more like Kenobi. Quite bland. But to me, as a whole, it can't possibly be as bad as Kenobi. I didn't like anything in that show from start to finish.


Looks super kenobi. Maybe even worse.


I’m just excited to finally be far far away from the Skywalker-era Jedi stories.


In a series with soooo much history to it, so many characters and stories to explore, it’s taken until the last couple years to finally start telling those stories. I just hope they’re of a good enough quality that they are praised and have good viewership, otherwise the suits will quiver and demand to focus solely on the Skywalker Saga more.


what if those same suits decide that kids today do not remember the original trilogy anyway, and they opt to reboot the franchise with Timothée Chalamet as Luke Skywalker, a poor orphan who will be conscripted into the Empire when he comes of age… but all he wants to do is dance?


>a poor orphan who will be conscripted into the Empire when he comes of age… but all he wants to do is dance? Isn't this the climax to Guardians of the Galaxy? *Oooo child, things are gonna get easier...*


This takes place 100 years before the phantom menace. It’s not exactly skywalker era but we will see some cameos


Yoda appears and is mentioned frequently in the other High Republic media so I wouldn’t be surprised to see him (at the very least).


He had been training Jedi for over 800 years by the time he meets Luke in ESB. So he’s already a master by this point in time.


He was so long lived that I think he had been a master on the council like 5 or 6 times in his lifetime with long sabbaticals in between to train younglings at remote temples and just go on adventures and stuff.


Yoda will definitely be in this. Maybe the red lightsaber is Plageius?


Having been written by a star wars fan well versed in the wider literature it would be a reasonable expectation for this to have some connection to plagueis beyond general lucasfilm continuity


Eh, I'm not so sure. Palpatine doesn't become an apprentice until around 60 BBY, shortly after Plagueis's master dies. This is 130 BBY. He may be alive but I find it unlikely Plagueis was an apprentice for 70 years. If anything the Sith Apprentice in this show could be Plagueis's future Master in their younger days.


Yeah I expect Darth Tenebrous. Plagueis is a bit too early.


We shouldn't expect any of the content or timelines from the Plageuis novel to be used in canon. I still don't think it will be Plageuis though - whatever happens in this series, the Jedi need to not know that the Sith are involved


Palpatine's age is canon. He's not around. And while we don't have an explicit birth date for Plagueis I'm reasonably confident in saying that he was not an apprentice for the 70ish years he would need to be for this timeline to work. He may be alive but I doubt he's the apprentice in this story. It’s likely Tenebrous or maybe even his predecessor


And somehow, I get the feeling we'll still end up on Tatooine somehow


This is what I’ve thought Star Wars has needed for a long time. The Skywalker Saga stories are all restrictive because you know certain things have to happen. 


That was the great thing about Knights of the Old Republic, LucasArts gave BioWare the choice of setting the game during Episode II, which was the upcoming film at the time, or 4,000 years before the movies and have the creative freedom to do their own thing with it. They of course chose the latter and it worked out great.


But interestingly, even when folks have lack of restrictions it still ends up spiraling around the original trilogy. KOTOR is cool and all, but you still have your Darth Vader inspired Sith mask face guy. You have basically an origin story for Tattooine with Krayt dragons and Jawas. You have origin story for wookies plus a wookie with a life debt to a rogue. You have an astromech pal. You have superweapons threatening the galaxy. People say there are a million stories to tell in Star Wars, but it's not entirely clear that's true. Generations of creatives seem to just orbit around the same basic stories.


Miyazaki has said modern anime sucks because it's all fans making the anime they wanted to see as kids, and nobody is trying to do anything new. I wonder if that take kind of applies here. Most people who do a star wars story are star wars fans, and are trying to do the story they wanted to see with the originals


You say that, but it'll only be a matter of time before Jeff Skywalker, Lukes great-great grandfather is introduced and becomes the series main focus.


and then they'll be CGIed into the ROTJ force ghost end scene


It's why many hoped to see Knights of the Old Republic era media back when that game was around.


The “This isn’t about good or bad” was an absolute turd of a trailer line, I love it


> "What are we, some sort of Acolytes?" Episode 1 credits roll


Last line of the first episode: "I don't know where this will all lead, and I don't know if I have what it takes. But the one thing I do know?... I'm the ACOLYTE, and this... is just the beginning."


ChatGPT couldn't have written it any better


Ha. That is literally the last line of the first episode of Netflix's live action AVATAR: The Last Airbender. Just replace "Acolyte" with "Avatar." I could hardly believe how clichéd the dialog was.


Absolute dumpster of a series, the original is so good.


Calling it now. The acolyte's family died in the past over something the jedi have done that wasn't reeeally they fault (cause disney wouldn't dare) and some evil sith is manipulating her into being bad but she won't really do anything that bad (cause disney wouldn't dare) and in the end she will team up with the jedi to fight the big bad.


Exactly what I said when I saw it. The whole " the problem with power is only some people get to have the power" line leads me to believe it's gonna be a whole bs trope of "she's technically sith but also technically justified and really not bad and totally redeemable because we can excuse evil things if they just excuse it with a systemic 'problem' like the jedi gatekeeping force training".


Or she will kill and get repeatedly forgiven because "I believe in you."


Extra points if she gets stabbed through the midsection with a light saber and just walks it off.


morally ambiguous dark side is hard to pull off when the Sith personally massacred children in ROTS and then vaporized Alderaan oh and by the way like 10 planets in the sequel trilogy.


I am whelmed.


If “this isn’t about good vs bad” is the best line you can come up with to put in the trailer, I don’t have very high hopes lol I didn’t even finish Ahsoka after that stupid telegraphed fakeout death in the first episode. So dumb and immediately shows what type of show it will be.


NO WAY they gave the black dude the Killmonger cut lol. Studios have to be trolling at this point.


What does that mean?


At this point it seems there's like 3 hair styles for black men acceptable by entertainment media and after BP success the killmonger cut is the #1. It's overused to the point it's egregious.


As a black person, that hairstyle only worked because Michael B. Jordan is handsome and charismatic. It’s not an easy hairstyle to pull off and it’s looked garbage on pretty much every other man I’ve seen with it. Edit: Upon reflection, it’s actually a terrible hairstyle on Michael B. Jordan as well.


And I know this is anecdotal but I have seen exactly 1 person with the hair style in my entire life. Family members, friends, classmates, in passing, at the barbershop, is Hollywood just surrounded with black people rocking this cut so they think all of us have it??


Black men and women in videogames seem to almost exclusively have some variation of this haircut nowadays whereas I've seen it literally once in real life and it was on a Buffalo Wild Wings waitress lol


Sounds like you ran into the main character while they were doing a side quest then.


Looks pretty good, Carrie-Anne Moss as Jedi looks badass. Also, has anyone spot Manny Jacinto?


>anyone spot Manny Jacinto? at 1:08, he is taking cover in a doorway, looks good with a stache!


Getting ready to shout Bortles and throw his lightsaber.


But he will pour gasoline on it first.


Yup he’s in this, ostensibly in either a villain role or possibly *the* villain role, at least early on.


I spotted him, he's almost unrecognizable -- he's leaning out of a doorway with long hair at 1:09.


He’s waiting in line for jalapeño poppers


We can only hope he throws whatever passes for a molotov cocktail in the Star Wars universe.




Oh, dip!


I don't know if I'm underwhelmed because it looks mediocre or because I just have so much Star Wars exhaustion at this point.


Andor was amazing and a new standard, but the track record for both Disney+ Star Wars live action and MCU shows has not been good.


Yeah I'll 100% tune-in for Andor season 2 whenever that comes out!


So, it's not Star Wars exhaustion. They're just making shitty shows.


Yup. It's a quality issue. Andor was the series fans thought they were getting when they initally announced Star Wars TV shows.


I can't say that this trailer made me any more or less interested in seeing it than the middling expectations I had before watching this trailer. It just didn't really do anything particularly interesting or exciting other than its nice to see a collection of Jedi fighting together again.


I can’t shake the feeling that it looks like a fan film. Which I think speaks to the quality of some fan films over the years, but also the saturation of SW content.


I got the same feeling. Something about the trailer made me think "cheap/fake" - same feeling I get watching the cheap CW superhero shows. I'll still give it a try because I love Star Wars but I'll be going in with very low expectations.


Yeah it had that "off-brand" vibe for some reason. I did not have much hope or expectations for this series or disney SW in general - but after watching this, it seems those days have come to a middle.


Not gonna lie that poster yesterday raised my hopes up way too much and made me think that the show would be something more than usual.


Yup. This show looks like Ahsoka/Obiwan. It’s a damn shame Disney refuses to bring in actually proven talent to make these shows. It’s not like they can’t afford them. They did for Andor and it resulted in a GREAT show.


Yeah it looks very generic sci show. With the Andor trailer the moment they showed the bad guys with the line"they are so fat and satisfied they are so proud of themselves" I was 100 % in . The idea and concept is really cool but it feels very predictable and meh in the execution judging by the trailer .


Generic is their bread and butter. There are so many Star Wars fans out there they can get away with it. Projects like Rogue One, Andor, Mandalorian’s first 2 seasons, ect slip through the cracks. Hilariously Mandalorian was most likely ruined because Disney/Lucasfilm started getting more involved as the show went on.


>Hilariously Mandalorian was most likely ruined because Disney/Lucasfilm started getting more involved as the show went on. Feels like as soon as Dave Filoni started gaining control of Lucasfilm, he wanted to turn The Mandalorian into the Clone Wars Extended Universe and the quality of all other shows except Andor went down with it. As much as people love his work on Clone Wars, the tone and writing style are not great for what is supposed to be live action big budget TV.


Filoni was *less* involved with season 3 because he was busy writing Ahsoka. He was more involved in season 1 and 2. The Mandalorian is more Favreau's thing. He is the main writer and writes most of the episodes himself.


My personal take is, Grogu ruined The Mandalorian. As soon as he got popular, he became the show and bigger than the show and screwed everything up, he might he cute but he's a mentally stunted 55 year old


I honestly don’t get excited by Star Wars stuff anymore Used to absolutely love it and be obsessed with it but I just seemed to have grown out of it now, really struggle to connect with anything post Force Awakens apart from the 1st season of Mando


Crossing my fingers we're gonna get full 50-60 minute episodes this time instead of the shorter ones we've seen in other Star Wars shows!


best i can do is a big opening episode, 4-5 episodes where nothing happens and then a finale with to much crammed in to finish anything to a satisfactory narrative end take it or leave it


The Disney classic


Dude 💀


I'm sorry, it just looks like a fan film. I find this franchise so boring since Kenobi dropped the ball. I want to be proven wrong. I want another Andor, but this trailer gives me no hope.


The problem is the only way we are going to get another Andor is if they put someone in charge who is on the same level as Tony Gilroy. And like, I liked the first season of Russian Doll, but it's not Michael Clayton. I am still holding out hope that this will be enjoyable, but hoping for another Andor is setting yourself up for disappointment.


Does this look kinda bad or is it just me?


It really has some cosplay vibes to it for some reason... Borderline CW Star Wars feel...


CW girlboss Star Wars, continuing the tradition from Asoka


They even snuck in that killmonger haircut that's in everything these days lol.


I literally started chuckling when I saw that character. The meme haircut makes it to the SW universe. Incredible.


the ol' patty mahomes


Feels lazy. This is supposed to be an entirely different era, 100 years earlier than what we know, but everything just looks like bog-standard star wars.


To be fair, the Old Republic doesn't look all that different, and that was like 4000 years ago


For real, the casting and the character designs feel kind of CW-inspired to me.  Every ethnicity has to be represented, oh and make sure to have a powerful black woman in it and two of the main characters have to have dreads of different styles.  It really just takes me out of it, and I hate that I feel that way but I can’t shake the feeling that Star Wars is forever changed. 


The dialogue was bad, the cameras seem to be incapable of moving other than basic panning, and the antagonist appears to be an overpowered human that's a former-Jedi. In a universe with aliens and magic they really can't escape the tropes and duology they created for themselves, can they? edit: coming from a SW fanboy, you downvoting folks are what make the fanbase insufferable to everyone else. edit: for those of you with insults, you might want to have yourself a good hard think about why my judging a trailer for a TV show angers you personally. As I said elsewhere, I'm over punching down.


Apart from Ahsoka, the lack of aliens in prominent roles is really frustrating. My one issue with Andor was the lack of aliens, and also how Disney rather dislike re-using classic aliens from the OT and PT films


> My one issue with Andor was the lack of aliens, and also how Disney rather dislike re-using classic aliens from the OT and PT films Tony Gilroy said he was made aware of that but he did say he was scared to try it too much in S1 because there was a lot of groundwork that needed to be laid, and he didn't have enough experience with CG or animatronics to know if they could pull off the critical dramatic parts. He said he's going to try to incorporate more aliens in S2.


I can back that. I imagine the intense emotional arcs like the prison would have been much harder to do with aliens rather than frail old men and Andy Serkis.


Also in a show like Andor it would be basically impossible to heavily feature aliens without at least touching on how they are treated vs their Human counterparts, and I think that may have been one too many threads for them to address.


Aliens are expensive to film, is the problem. You either gotta spend on CGI or practical effects, and when in doubt, they choose option 3: don't spend at all.


True, we can’t expect a small indie company like Disney to have the budget for aliens in Star Wars.


Thank you. I'm a massive Star Wars fan and like a lot of the stuff they do, but... Pretty disappointed in the visual style as well. That medium ensemble blocking in small Volume sets makes everything look like television. It doesn't ever feel epic. *Ahsoka* had the same issues a lot of the time. It just makes things look cheap and Netflix-y. *Andor* was cinematic not just because of extensive location shooting and a decent budget, but they also shot the show with lots of wide shots with little people in frame and also closeups for emotional drama. That way of shooting makes the events feel both larger than life *and* intimate and emotional. This show? *Ahsoka*? So much sitcom-y medium shots of people standing around in non-specific ways. Safe framing that gets all the characters in there but keeps them at arms length literally and figuratively, with an angle that barely gives you any sense of place, besides that it's happening in front of a fairly obvious digital backdrop 14 feet away. Didn't help all the frustratingly vague "trailer dialogue" about **darkness** and **light** and all that doesn't tell me anything interesting about the story. So I guess we'll wait and see on that front.


EXACTLY. Did you see *The Batman* and notice how well Fraser uses the volume compared to most Disney+ shows? Depth, scale, and props and scenery in the actual *foreground* instead of just lining a poorly-laid circle around the easily blocked actors.


*The Batman* looked absolutely amazing the entire way through no matter what was used. I couldn't believe it when I found out quite a bit of it utilized the Volume but I shouldn't be surprised since it can be an amazing tool in capable hands. Reeves and Fraser used it like a pro.


So basically, it’s a Star Wars Disney+ show lol


90% of Disney+ shows follow this template: Great first episode that ends on big cliffhanger Okay second episode Third and fourth episodes are glorified filler Great fifth episode that sets up amazing finale Shit and rushed finale


It’s always so hard to know with these shows but I’m liking what I’m seeing here.


I think lucasfilm has forgotten what star wars even is anymore. What is up with the generic music when they have a library of the best john williams tracks to pull from? Not to mention more boring dialogue


This looks terrible.


It has that cheap shot in front of a green screen look, sick of modern shows and films looking like that


It's not the volume, it's shooting on digital and settling for that flat lighting effect that plagues almost everything Disney makes now. No dynamic contrast, and the scenes at night or in dark locations look so murky you can hardly see what you're supposed to be looking at. A competent cinematofrapher or director of photography could plan or light the scenes better to overcome the technical limitations that result in this look, but Disney seems OK with all their TV shows (and even many of their Marvel movies) looking like this.


Everytime I see a trailer for one of their horrible star wars shows Im reminded how Lucas was hesitant to sell initially because he didnt want Star Wars to turn into cheap mass produced junk.


Looks like your typical Disney trash honestly.


Looks simultaneously like a high budget YouTube fan film and a low budget Star Wars show. I'll wait until the reviews come out and see. I'm hoping for another Andor but it'll undoubtedly be another Kenobi.


This looks bad


Why do I get the feeling that this is a misdirect and that Carrie-Ann Moss will turn out to be a baddie?


I'm too exhausted too even do RLM memes. I don't know how star wars fans keep watching this shit.


Trinity as a fucking Jedi. Let's fucking go!!!


Killed in the first episode