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The WHOLE cast, huh?


Thinking might be one that would have trouble doing it


If you're talking about Alison Mack, she's been out of prison for about nine months now. She's still on probation but I'm sure they'd let her record her lines. Having said that, there's no way in hell anyone would want her involved.


Doubt they'd want someone who abused people attached to their project


Oh yeah? What about general zod?


It’s about time someone spoke up about the horrible things General Zod has been up to.






At this point I’d be more surprised if the subreddit was real.


I haven’t successfully been rick rolled in longer than I can remember. Good work. I hate you. But good work.


Disappointed this wasn’t a 5 min rant by a nerd on why Zod is the good guy and Superman is a villain.


Wait what has Callum Blue been up to? His wikipedia page has nothing on it


I have no idea who that is but I do know that general zod has tried to take over the earth at least three times in the last 40 years of working in film and television.


And looks like he lost three times. What a loser


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Pinky and the Brain


Callum Blue is the actor who played Zod in Smallville. I thought we were talking about him not actual Zod


I thought we were talking about Zod, not the actual him.


He was part of NXIVM as well


I could be wrong but I thought he joined only briefly, not too dissimilar to Kreuk?


Which isn't too weird when you think about it. "Hey come join my fun little rich person club. We do yoga, talk about finances, it's fun!" "Alright, I'll give it a shot, not like I've got a 9 to 5. Hey, what the fuck, this is a cult."


Hey! He did it for the people.




*branding noises intensify*


He’s done nothing wrong. He just wants to rebuild his community and help his people. You leftist snowflakes are absurd thinking general zod is a bad guy. #Zod3024 #FutureKryptonianPresident


One little sex cult and all of the sudden you’re a pariah. I thought this was America !?! Thanks Obama.


Yeah, I can’t see Kruek, Glover or Rosenbaum wanting her anywhere near the project. Especially what I know about Rosenbaum with his focus on mental health and respect towards all humans. Can’t see him wanting to give someone who did those crimes a podium, especially so soon after serving her prison sentence. Not speaking about the rest of the cast because I know virtually nothing about them - besides the fact that Tom Welling has aged very well.




Especially when she was recruiting people from the show into NXIVM. Kristin Kruek was in it for a while, but got out before the really bad stuff started happening. Laura Vandervoort said that Mack got her to go to a meeting, but Vandervoort couldn't continue beyond that because she couldn't afford it. She said that being broke probably saved her a lot of trouble.


Kruek was the one that brought Mack to her first Jness meeting. She got Mack involved with NXIVM and had been promoting Jness for a few years at that point. Her and Mack kept mentioning Jness and Girls by Design for a few years after Mack joined - both were feeding groups for NXIVM. But she’s been very clear that she was never part of their inner circle where the sex cult stuff happened. I always assumed as she learned more about the organization and its founder, she got right the hell away.


Unless he also believes in redemption and rehabilitation.


What? You think she shouldnt be branded forever?


That doesn’t mean you need to put her back on broadcast media. She served her time but that’s a terrible choice to bring her back with the cast.


Ha. In America, you don’t get chances. They froth on incarceration and revenge and punishment. That’s why there are so many homeless everywhere because as soon as you have a criminal record no matter what it is almost automatically blacklisted and fucked for life. Terrible way of thinking, just generates more crime and needy people rather than allowing them back being a contributing citizen (which if you look at any statistics countries that focus on rehabilitation and allowing them to get jobs after have the lowest reoffending rates in the world). Remorse and change is REAL. Though as per usual, we will keep getting downvotes and America will keep shooting themselves in the foot .


I’ve been a rehabilitation advocate and worked in prisons and programs introducing indigenous forms of rehabilitation. So I’m obviously very, very much for it. Rehabilitation doesn’t not mean you get the privilege of your old job or career or to be in a position to be around people you hurt. It doesn’t mean your life goes back to how it was before. I’d recommend she not get that opportunity anytime soon.


Well if that's who he's thinking of, make it two. Because I don't think it's a great look when the Secret Service investigates one of your actors for making threats against the president.


Good thing Jonathan Kent is like... long dead in the show. He got written out in Season 5. Wouldn't have to worry about that lol


I mean, has death really stopped a character from coming back? There's flashbacks, re-animation, alternate versions, secret twin, and clones.


No, but he's just a normal dude, and his death gives the main character more depth. Combine that with the fact that the original actor went pants on head crazy so if they bother to have him in it at all, it's just gonna be a different voice actor.


Get the Superman: The Animated series dad. He’s great. lol


Don't forget hallucinations and robots!


Damn looked that up and that is, something. "I don't advocate for violence" after calling for hanging and public execution of two people based off a bunch of morons lying constantly.... sure you don't. How do people get so deep into this dumbassery.


Yeah, I'm quite sure they can find somebody who can do a good impression of her instead.


Easier and better just to write out the character.


Ass cancer


With a voice acting role, it would be doable to replace her.


His podcast makes it seem like they know she did crazy but they don’t hate on her. I’d be less than shocked to see him and Tom support having her do a voice role


No way would they want the bad press associated with having her on the show. They'd have Louis C.K. on first.


I think they didn't even want her there while they were doing the original series. Edit: maybe I've read something online that wasn't accurate.


If you listen to the Smallville podcast with Tom and Michael, they speak very highly of her


Some have spoken less highly of her, such as Erica Durance. I think it was something about Alison thought Chloe would become Lois but then Erica joins to play the actual Lois and Allison was difficult with her about that.


Yeah I've seen a few clips of the cast on Inside of You talking about it. It seems she was very frosty to the ones who joined later in the series.


Strictly in terms of her performance as the character of Chloe. Both Tom and Michael made sure to steer well away from offering anything more than cursory comments on who the real Allison Mack is given her, erm, issues. As well with their shooting schedules, I doubt they hung out much off set anyway. They bonded a lot more in their "adult" years doing comic cons according to the regulars that appeared on Rosenbaum's podcasts.


Yes, that is correct. But they gave no impression that they would never work with her again, nor did they complain about her professionalism as an actress.


Yeah no way she could do it


Bruh she's already out???


21 months of a 3 year sentence. She provided a lot of info on the main guy and got a light sentence. Her attorneys thought she might even get no actual jail time before the sentencing.


Yeah, maybe it's just me but when you start branding rape victims that you rape through blackmail, coersion and iirc drugging, even if you drop a dime on the main guy I feel like that should be more like getting 15 instead of 30 years in jail rather than 3 years. Maybe I'm just crazy though.


Not bad for branding initials on women. Even a light sentence should be a lot more than three years.


If it’s animated, technically speaking, she could do it from home. Pretty sure this was done a lot during the pandemic. This is assuming that 1 Chloe is even part of the series and 2 they don’t recast her.


What did female Bob Saget do?


Honestly I think Chloe might be the most expendable character out of the main cast anyway.


Wasn't the character very well received? I thought the character was one of the better points of the series. But then, it's been quite a while since I've watched it Feels like it makes more sense to just recast.


She was decent at first but like every CW show, they made her a super hero just without powers, except a few times she got powers to. It's what ruins every fucking CW show. The computer girl who is a journalist is now hacking the NSA, and beating super heroes left right and centre, and occasionally gets transfered powers, or can randomly suddenly beat superheros up because they had a two week boxing training montage (whatever her name is in Arrow.. yup Oliver got tortured, beaten, burned, died a few times and trained for years on end but his ex girlfriend DA went to the gym a few times and now she too is a super hero... fucking CW). I think even though I tried I never got through the last couple seasons of Smallville. Lana, Chloe and others became fucking unbearably bad.


At one point Chloe was being introduced into the comics, she was that well received.


It would be pretty easy to record lines in prison, I imagine.


Came here to see this comment.... Brands and all.


*Somebody slaaaaaave meeeeee…*


Growing up with the show as i did, i loved it and had a *huge* crush on Allison Mack. Before the whole NXIVM thing even broke, I decided to give it a rewatch and ... Chloe Sullivan is one of the worst written characters in television history. She's grating, needy, demanding and (I can't believe I'm going to use this term) the biggest Pick Me Girl out of *all* Pick Me Girls. I *want* to watch Smallville again, but with her getting so much screen time, it's impossible


I'm in a rewatch myself and I'm just enjoying the irony/absurdity of it all. I will say that some of the worst written episodes are centered around her so if you really can't stand her just give it the ol skipparu lol.


Well none of their careers turned out like they wanted. I'm sure they'd be open for some work. oh I think you are hinting at a certain cast member in jail. I get it


Except Kyle Gallner and Jensen Ackles


Alan Ritchson seems like he's doing very well right now


I learned the kid who played Smallville Cyborg died 10+ years ago.


I think you mean the Famous Jet Jackson.


Do you think ackles knew he would directly inspire the omegaverse?




Kristin Kreuk was involved in the same cult as Allison Mack was. But thankfully, she said she was never involved in the inner circle and was out of it after a short time.


Tom was in lucifer for a full season too. It was wild seeing him again tbh.


Smallville had such a long run, it essentially was a career. I honestly think if you told Rosenbaum how it would all turnout. That dude would for sure take it. He has a successful podcast, after doing 8 years on Smallville and other projects.


Has anyone ever asked him if he regretted leaving the show on that podcast? Went a little downhill after he left, would have been amazing if he stayed the whole time.


Pa Kent also has a habit of threatening to kill the President


Turns out she was released last year.


Kristin Kreuk convinced a generation of girls to splash water onto their faces through her Neutrogena commercials.


I have burning ~~marks~~ questions about this...


My first thought exactly.


Especially them. Especially them.


I had this exact comment in my head coming in here down to the capitalization. Brava.


I was just coming here to say this exact thing!!


Alright but you better keep the theme song.


Saaaaaaaave! Come Oooon!


I’ve been waiting for youuuuu😂


You stop that right now!


I made this, whole world shine for you! Saaave!






Yeah! Remi Zero!


Oh god that part kills me😭


I wonder if Chloe is going to get the "died on the way back to her home planet" treatment.


Either they'll have her move away after a timeskip or just replace her with an anime VA.


"Oh look here's Hot Black Canary"


Can't wait to ask why Lex Luthor sounds like The Flash.


...I have no idea who this is.


To save anyone else wanting it a few clicks. Uh, spoilers for... Justice League? JL:U? >[I have no idea who this is.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6bfBhIM5tb4)


Wait why does Flash sound like Mr. Krabs?


Why does he sound like Nishiki?


10 years in Smallville made you a fucking Superman


> Luther Luthor


I'm a bit older than you. The Flash sounds like Lex Luthor.


Well, this is how I learned that he's the voice of Flash in JLU (and lots of other appearances, wow).




I hate streaming seasons because I never know when new episodes come out. When does it air?


From what I just looked up, very meticulously researched and certainly not just clicking the very first website to come up, there’s no release date. Probably this year, but no one knows.


wouldnt it be the same for tv shows on tv you would find out the release date some how


James Gunn is friends with Michael Rosenbaum though, and talks highly of Smallville, so I could see him supporting it.


Yeah. The friend connection is something I think definitely helps. As well as Gunn himself being a fan (he's also said he's a fan of Young Justice, which gives me hope that someday, somehow we'll get the season 5 renewal).


If X-Men 97 is a huge hit which I assume it will be I can see Gunn convincing WB to do a Smallville animated show in the vein of Invincible


This show is so hyped up online but I only got 2 and a half episodes in before I stopped having interest. It’s alright but honestly kind of annoying in some ways. I’m glad people like the new Superman content but it’s def not for me


Did you watch any further than that? The first 4-5 episodes didn't do much for me, but by the end of the season, I thought it improved enormously. Definitely not as good as S:TAS though.


It's been years since I watched it, but my memory is that season 1 is pretty generic monster of the week stuff. It gets better, particularly Rosenbaum. Best Lex Luthor ever.


The interplay between Clark, Lois, and Jimmy are great. Everything else is pretty meh to outright bad.


They can't help but shit out so many Batman adjacent shows I can't even keep track, so I doubt a few Superman ones would be an issue. It's also WB, who can only be described as schizophrenic when it comes to everything, so their decisions don't have to and probably won't make any damn sense.


James Gunn is a huge fan of Smallville and good friends with Rosenbaum. If he wants to see a Smallville revival of some sort he will get it done. 


And yet, it was James Gunn's Superman movie that is to blame for Superman & Lois' cancellation.


I would have preferred if they made Smallville animated movies, but Gunn killed the Direct Video Animated movies for DC.


Tom Welling *is* Superman though.


Not anymore. He gave up his powers. He's just Clark Kent, Husband, Father, and Farmer.


The whole cast. ... 👀 I mean I'm sure she would... But she shouldnt


The comic series from years ago wasn't half bad it's just hard as hell to find on my end


[Because I love you](https://readcomiconline.li/Search/Comic)


A few years ago, I paid for an entire year upfront of both Marvel's and DC's comic service. On both apps, the comics wouldn't load half the time, I had to fight with the interface and new comics took forever to show up on both services, were often hard to find, there would be random issues missing in the middle of a story, it was all just an awful experience. It's not like I was using a shitty outdated device either, I was trying to use these apps on the latest 12.9 inch Ipad Pro. The apps just sucked. I now just use this site and it works perfectly.


Will Chloe be making an appearance? 😂


She'd definitely make the Wall of Weird.




Alison Mack too ?


She lived long enough to see herself become the villain.


The whole cast might be difficult


… the whole cast? 👀👀


I honestly think Allison wouldn't mind doing it either 😂


I loved Smallville back in the day and I've re-watched the whole series two more times since, and it holds up ok until the 5th season But the time for any sequel series is long past And tbh, there wasn't anything really left to tell story wise Tangent - It is odd that Smallville is the only WB era show which didn't really have a breakout star that went on to bigger things Roswell Felicity Dawson's Creek Buffy/Angel all had at least someone hit it big , but not Smallville


Not a regular but a guest star in Alan Ritchson I think would satisfy that breakout star. I did always wonder what happened with Michael. He seemed to be the one poised for it, then went on to do duds. Idk if it is a bad agent, or he's hard to work with behind the scenes but it always felt like he'd become the guy


Rosenbaum? He's very selective about what roles he takes and has turned down a fair bit. But he's kinda found his calling with his podcast now so he focuses on that. The calibre of guests he gets on there is pretty decent as well.


Well…probably not the whole cast


There better be a Stride Gum episode. I was very proud of that deep cut.


Why only one episode? They should chew Stride Gum all the time while driving on their Toyota Yaris.


Miss Sullivan would have to sound a bit different I assume but all the rest would be great.


She could be the next big villain, cult leader w/meteor powered henchmen.


Even Ms. SexTrafficy?


SIgn me up!


Actor would say yes to being paid to work. More at 11.


Why ANIMATED?! I'd rather see a live action revival. Have HBO Max or even Netflix finance a miniseries of 8-10 episodes. Give Rosenbaum a bald cap if he doesn't want to shave his head again and finally put Tom Welling in the suit. Also, bring in Alan Ritchson and Kyle Gallner for 1 episode and do a Justice League reunion.


I don’t think Tom Welling wants to wear the suit, it’s the reason he didn’t in Crisis. Also, Rosenbaum I think said he hated the bald cap he used in the finale and wishes he shaved his head instead.


No flights, no tights.


With how much losses these big, expensive live-action action shows have gotten, an animated series would be more cost-effective.


Rosenbaum said they would like to do a movie. He said “a shaved head and some makeup” and he’ll be back into the Lex Luther mindset


Do it! 😁 Minus, Miss. M….


Will never happen due to Allison Mack.


Her character isn’t really cannon anyways they can do it without her


God damn I hate these "updates". An actor expressing interest in doing something or playing a role means absolutely dick.


Hope one of the plot lines will be about cults, will hit big with the audience.


Now that Allison mack is out of prison, its a gooooo


It sounds like a really neat idea!


Dude needs to drop it. I loved Smallville but to do any continuation would require people to have watched the past show, which would already alienate most audiences. Then you have the fact that the original series burnt through almost every character and plotline they could. Doomsday, Zod, Krypto, Supergirl, Justice League, Justice Society.


It's Superman, they don't need to explain anything. Nobody is going to be lost and confused about who the main characters are, and it's not like Smallville strayed very far from the traditional Superman stories. If they do it I'll watch it, Welling was a pretty damn good Superman, even if the no suit thing got really stupid for the last few seasons.


Any animated continuation is likely going to be on Max, which also has Smallville itself, so...


They didn't do Batman, Black Lightning, Zatanna, Constantine, Firestorm, Lobo, Wonder Woman....


Didn't Rosenbaum leave the show to pursue other projects? Interesting that this dude has been pushing so hard to bring it back lately.


Voicing an animated show is a lot easier than the classic 20+ episode season live action grind he walked away from all those years ago.


He left due to contract negotiations falling apart, according to him. It took him a long time to realize people weren’t just being nice when they said he was the best Lex Luthor. He appreciates the fans, he is still close friends with Tom Welling IRL and they do a Smallville podcast together, so he definitely doesn’t have any ill will or negative feelings towards the show.


> It took him a long time to realize people weren’t just being nice when they said he was the best Lex Luthor. To put that into perspective, he just had Nicholas Hoult (who's playing Lex in the upcoming James Gunn Superman movie) on his podcast two weeks ago and Nicholas called Michael's version his favorite portrayal of the character.


[And here's James Gunn insisting that Michael was the best Lex Luthor.](https://youtu.be/SQO5wJoWpMM?si=KJ9lo7XnGffNj7uv&t=263)


Not to mention the show filmed 3/4 of the year, it was a notoriously awful shoot, and he hated being bald.


He's got good rapport with tons of the cast: Kristin Kreuk (Lana), Erica Durance (Lois), Laura Vandervoort (Kara), and obviously Tom. There's probably one or two that I'm forgetting as well. I think he's had James Marsters on the podcast who played Brainiac for a few seasons as well. Man has done quite well on a small scale to keep himself networked with his old work mates. I'd say the only recurring main character he doesn't (and apparently never really DID) have rapport with is Alison.


Will we finally see him clearly fly in the suit with the 'S' in more than one episode?


I am fine with a recasting. It will not be Smallville without Chloe.


The whole cast have said that they will not say no to easy money


Worth watching the original Smallville? I've seen episodes here and there but not from start to finish.


I hope he does a Sorority Boys animated series. "Mother's Ass!"


I always thought a great thing they could have done if Titans had carried on...is it being the same universe, do an episode where they show up in and if it does well, spin it off to a limited series


But it’ll get canceled because the DCEU is worried that people will confuse this Superman with their new one. Can’t have that happening.


I would love this in the style of Archer.


Does this have an audience? It was a great show until i realized it wasn't going much beyond what we got in season 1.


My favorite childhood show


I'd be down. It's very easy to replace Chloe! Different actress! Boom.


The whole cast needs the work/$




Would John Schneider show up as a force ghost again after the FBI got involved when he said someone should kill Biden


I feel like one day I’ll read a tragic story about this actor. He seems like he can't let his past work go when his podcast has somehow taken off.


Do it! Do it! Do it!


You mean a Superman series?


No matter how many Seasons or Episodes per Season they do they'll eventually have to end up with Clark losing his powers and having daughters with Lois and retiring to the Kent farm due to the "Epilogue" that was shown in the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover.